Their Worst Nightmare - My Dream Come True Part 2


Stuart/shorty finds a new name, and meets up with some of his/her school friends. Everything seems to be going well, or is it?


Their Worst Nightmare — My Dream Come True

Part 2

By Allison M

I came round in the hospital bed feeling a little worse than the day before, thoughts of what happened crossed through my mind as I came to remember what had bought me to this point. Still feeling a little groggy I looked around the room; it was just me, alone again. The realisation that I may now be what I always wanted bought a certain clarity, and I reached down to see if the lumps were now gone for good. A jingling sound and the sudden discovery that I couldn’t move my hands very much forced me to look down; each wrist wore a leather cuff which was chained to the side of the bed.
A moment of panic followed by violent tugging at the chains to get the cuffs off me bought a nurse running in to the room, I looked up to see that it was Karen.

“Karen, get these damn things off of me! Why am I chained down like this?” I screamed still tugging frantically at my bonds.

“Calm down and I’ll explain it, but you need to calm down first. All this jerking about could just injure you more, so calm down, OK?” she said while grabbing onto my arms as what looked like another nurse walked in to see if she needed help.

I soon figured all the tugging was getting me nowhere, so tried to calm myself down a bit. In any case my wrists were starting to hurt and the other nurse was now holding a syringe.

“It’s OK Beth, I don’t think she’ll need it,” Karen told the other nurse.

I froze when she spoke, and looked up at Karen slowly, “she?” I asked as a faint smile crept across my face.

Karen looked back at me, it was hard to tell if she was smiling or frowning. “Yes, she. It’s not like you gave Mr Whittaker much choice after what you did, is it?”

“You mean?”

“Yes, but that doesn’t make your actions acceptable, understand?”

“Yeah, is that why I’m, ah...?” I paused to give a brief tug on the restraints.

Karen gave me a faint scowl and a nod before answering. “Yes, we don’t want you harming yourself anymore, or doing anything else stupid. So you’re stuck like that for a while.”

I flashed her a cheeky grin, “I s’pose a pen to write to Julie is out of the question then?”

She rolled her eyes at me, “Just behave; I’ll let her know you said hi. You’ll be getting some visitors later, but in the meantime be good.”

“I will.” I said, smiling impishly. “So who’s coming to see me?”

“A few doctors, Mr Whittaker, the usual fans of yours.”

“I s’pose I’m not exactly in everyone’s good books at the moment am I?”

“Well, let’s just say we weren’t overly impressed with your behaviour.”

“What about my mum?”

Karen gave me a worried smile as she answered, “I think you have an idea how she took it.”

“What did you tell her?”

“We just told her exactly what happened.”



A few hours later Mr Whittaker came in to see me, along with a couple of others I hadn’t met before. I switched off the TV which Karen had turned on before leaving this morning; I could at least use the remote in my present situation.

“Ah, well Stuart how are you feeling today? Not as good as last time we met I’d say.”

“Not really, a bit washed out feeling and there’s a few more aches than there was, but I think I’m OK.” I said shyly before looking him straight in the eye and with a faint smile breaking out asking, “Is it true?”

A half chuckle/silent grunt sort of sound came out of him as he looked down at my nether regions. He looked back at me and with a quick nod said “Yes, I just hope you’re a little kinder on our work this time." My smile grew at that, he continued "This is Mr Maddocks; he’s the reconstructive surgeon who assisted with your vaginoplasty.” He pointed out a lanky balding man with calming brown eyes that he had come in with; we acknowledged each other with a brief nod. “And this is Dr Eliza Watson, she’s a psychiatrist and is here to help you adjust, and generally make sure you won’t do anything like the other day.” He frowned at me as he spoke those last words.

“Hello Stuart.” Eliza greeted me with a soft smile highlighting her delicate yet well lived features; I answered with a brief “hi” and returned the smile.

Mr Whittaker then proceeded to explain things to me in a way that no 13 year old could ever hope to understand, before he and Mr Maddocks headed south to inspect their work.

Eliza, as she insisted I call her, did her best to distract me from the surgeons’ prodding and poking as they discussed my more intimate parts. I learnt from her that I’d slept through yet another day, and we had a bit of a chat about nothing in particular it seemed.

The surgeons soon pronounced themselves satisfied, and felt I would heal OK. Apparently after the swelling had gone down and some hair had appeared I would look just like any other girl, which was certainly pleasing to hear. They left with Mr Whittaker letting me know he’d be back tomorrow; I thanked them and was relieved to get back into a more comfortable position.

Eliza stayed and we talked more, it became clear that her main concern was my actions which had lead to this most recent surgery, and that she wanted to be sure I wouldn’t do any further harm to myself. I stretched my arms and wrists when she removed the restraints, although she was quick to tell me they may be replaced before she left. I was a little disappointed at that, but told her I guess I could understand. She seemed more interested in my reaction than my response though. As we continued with the discussion the topic shifted to various subjects, the accident, the surgery, how I felt about my body “great now,” mum and dad (eak), my friends, and all manner of other things which seemed irrelevant.

Karen came in just as Eliza was getting ready to leave, they had a quick discussion before Eliza left; I wasn’t to be given any potentially dangerous objects, but could keep the restraints off at least. Karen came over and handed me a plastic cup of water, as she settled a jug on the table beside me. “The cuffs can stay off for now,” she said while doing her usual checks, “but any playing up and they’ll be straight back on, OK?”

“I said I’d be good”

“Well just make sure you mean it! Now, we have another problem we need to sort out for you.”


She gave a little smile before saying, “She seems content staying away for the moment, so you can deal with that when she decides to show up again. No, the problem is on your chart.”

“My chart? What’s wrong with my chart?”

“Have a look,” she said as she grabbed a clipboard from the end of the bed being sure to remove the attached pen before handing it to me. Then pointing towards the top she continued, “Just here, we should change this, it’s hardly suited to a young lady is it?”
I looked curiously at the board to where she was pointing, and giggled lightly when I saw what was written in the box;

Name: Stuart John Marsden

I looked away from the board with a grin, and stiffling a giggle said “I need a new name don’t I?”

“Well you could keep it the same, but it doesn’t sound right,” she chuckled back at me, “and shorty isn’t a particularly good option either! I thought you might have some ideas though.”

“I’ve never really thought about it.” It was a blatant lie, when I was 10 I’d found a book in the local library, Katherine’s Diary had taught me more than all the years of school and church put together. I learnt about me, and had chosen the name in her honour.

Karen was looking at me with one eyebrow raised; she didn’t believe a word of it. “Well?”

“OK, you got me. Katherine, with a K.”

“Excellent, Katie it is.”

“No!” I snapped back at her, “Kate, but not Katie.”

“Alright then, Kate. What about a middle name?”

I looked straight through her, I had no idea, the thought of a middle name had never crossed my mind. “I…I don’t know”

Karen had that look again.

“Really, I never even thought of it. A middle name…”

“That’s OK; we don’t need it right away. I’ll see if we can get your chart changed to Katherine, it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.”

“Thanks,” I whispered as I gave her a weak smile and stifled a yawn.

“You get some sleep sweetie, I’ll see you later.”

I didn’t argue, it was late afternoon and I’d had a fairly busy day. Rolling my head to the side I drifted off.


I woke to the early morning sunshine trickling in through the window, someone was fiddling about at the foot of my bed, she popped her head up and saw me watching her. “Hello dear, sleep well?”

“Yes thanks nurse Jones.” I said as I stretched my arms out pushing the tiredness away.

“You’ve had a busy few days, so I’m not surprised; it’s good for you to get some rest. Well you don’t get to see much of me today, I’m just about to head home, nurse Shephard will be along soon enough.”

“Thanks, you have a nice day nurse Jones.”

“Thank you dear I will, and you take it easy and get some rest. You’ll be fit as a fiddle in no time, just you see.”

I never did get that saying, but I gave her a polite smile as she left the room, and then reached for the TV remote to help pass the time. About an hour later Eliza dropped in for a quick chat, I told her of my new name; she was impressed that I was getting along so well. She didn’t stay long; maybe 20 minutes, just long enough to make sure I was OK, and that I would be safe in my own company! When she left I went back to the TV not that there was much to watch, but it did pass the time a little quicker.

Karen stopped in on her rounds after a half hour or so “Hi Kate,” she said with a big grin, then handed me my chart, I stared at it in awe, sure enough it read Katherine Marsden.

“Hello? Kate?” A hand was waving in front of my face.

I shook my head to clear it, “Sorry, I ah…”

“First time you’ve seen it in writing huh?”

“Yeah, I kind of floated off for moment there, sorry.”

She waved me off, “It’s OK. Have you thought of a middle name yet?”

I thought about that for a moment; the first time I actually had, “No, not yet. I haven’t really had time to think about it.”

“Well I might send someone round later who could help you with that, depending on how things go.”

“Really? Who?”

“Oh just another one of you fans,” she smiled lightly as she spoke, “speaking of which, Mr Whittaker should be by soon to inflict some pain.”

I wasn’t sure what she meant by that, and it must have shown by the confused look on my face as she continued, “Oh don’t worry, It’s nothing serious and you’ll feel better when he’s finished.”

“Thanks, I think.”

She was busy fiddling with one of the drips above my head, I watched her for a moment before asking if she could get me something to read.

“Sure sweetie, what would like?”

“A book, some magazines, anything?”

“I’ll see what I can find OK? But don’t expect anything much.”

“Thanks Karen.”

“That’s alright, I’ll be back a little later, and you try and get some more rest before Mr Whittaker comes by OK?”

I gave her a nod but didn’t really feel like sleeping, as she left I settled back to think of a middle name. I really didn’t have a clue at first, in fact at one point I wondered if I needed one at all, but after a bit of thought I’d come up with a few options.

Mr Whittaker came in about mid morning with Karen and yet another nurse I hadn’t seen before.

“Ah my dear, how are you feeling today then?”

“Better than yesterday, not so foggy and the aches aren’t too bad. Karen said you’d be dropping by to inflict some pain so I’m not sure how long that’s going to last now.”

He stifled a grin before responding, “Ah yes, well I’m going to have another look at you, and I should be able to remove the packing today if all is healing well, it shouldn’t be too uncomfortable.”


“Yes, well there’s a lot of gauze inside you, I should be able to remove that and hopefully the drains today.”

An image of the wire gauze on the rainwater tank at home passed through my mind, as I imagined him pulling lumps of stainless steel wire out of me, I was most certainly not looking forward to this. He must have seen something of what I was thinking in the look on my face as he continued, “Don’t worry too much, it’s all just soft cotton really, it’s mostly the bruising which makes it uncomfortable.”

I still wasn’t sure of it all, but the idea of less tubes coming out of me seemed pleasant enough to continue. I raised the knee of the one leg that wasn’t in a cast so that my right foot was now flat on the bed, as he started at his work with the assistance of the unknown nurse. Karen dropped the head of the bed down a bit to help me get a bit more comfortable as I felt what seemed like miles of barbed wire being pulled out of me. I groaned at the feeling and I don't think I screamed while Karen did her best to comfort me, it didn’t last too long then I felt some equalling long lengths of tubing being removed, they seemed reasonably smooth, at least when compared with the gauze.

When he had finished pulling things out of me he made a short inspection of his work to ensure I was healing well.

“Well I won’t remove the catheter just yet as I don’t think you’ll be ready to get out of bed for another day or 2; it will also give the urinary tract a little more time to heal before putting any pressure on it. How are you feeling now? I know it’s not the best of experiences when the gauze is being removed but it should be a little better now I’d say.”

I was totally stuffed from the events of the last half hour or so, with tired eyes I gave a gentle nod in agreement.

“Ah well, we’ll let you rest for a bit then once we’ve put a light bandage on. Nurse Shephard?” he looked over at Karen who responded in kind, “you’ll let me know if there are any problems?”

“Of course.” She answered.


After yet more sleep I awoke mid afternoon, seeing that Karen had found something for me to read I reached for one of the magazines she’d left by the bedside. I couldn’t help but smile as I turned the cover on the latest issue of Girlfriend, I’d found an issue earlier in the year at school, but to have a copy of my own given to me left a lovely warm feeling as I flicked through the pages.

“Hey shorty!”

Startled, I looked to the door of my room to see a familiar face smiling back, “Julie! Hey you’re up, what’s doin?”

She wheeled her way into the room, both legs sticking out in front of her in casts. “Yeah, they helped me into this this arvo’. I can have a couple of hours out of bed a day if I feel up to it, and I figured I’d come see what you’re up to. You’re reading girlfriend?” She looked at the magazine in my hands then back at me with a ‘please explain’ look.

“Well I asked Karen if she could get me something to read, and this is what she got me. Why? It’s a good mag’ isn’t it?”

“Yeah, but… Oh I don’t know. So you got Karen too? She’s just the best hey. The closest there is to normal in this place, like hey, you and me are here that says it all. Did you get my note? I thought you’d have written back.”

“Yes, Karen’s cool, and yes I got your note. Didn’t she tell you I’d read it?”

“Well yeah, but I thought you’d write me one back, slacker.”

“Hey it’s not my fault they wouldn’t give me a pen!” Oops.

“They wouldn’t give you a pen? Why?”

“Oh, well, they didn’t have one they could give me.”

Julie just glared at me with ‘that look.’

“OK, OK…” and I proceeded to tell her the story; I swear this girl could get a deaf mute to talk! I think I actually had her speechless for once as she looked at me with her jaw in her lap.

“No way.”

“Way!” I rolled my eyes at her and pointed to the end of the bed, “Take a look at my chart, go on!”

She wheeled her way to the foot of the bed and picked up the clipboard, “What about…? Oh my god, Katherine Marsden, sex; Female.” She looked back at me before continuing, “You’re serious? Like…” she hinted in the region of my newly formed vagina — my vagina, I like that.

I smiled at her and gave a brief nod, “Ah huh, all the way.”

“No! Really?”

I kept the nod going.

“Cool, I thought it would happen sooner or later, just not this soon!”


“Oh come on,” she rolled her eyes at me, “It’s me, you’ve always been more of a girlfriend really when you weren’t trying to be all boyish, and you can’t hide anything from me you know.”

I had to laugh, the way she said it was just too matter of fact to keep a straight face. Maybe laughing really is infectious as the two of us giggled away long after the joke had been lost. Finding some composure I bought up the subject of my (nonexistent) middle name, after some consideration and a few giggles at some of the ideas I settled on a female version of my boy middle name, and so it was that Katherine Joanne Marsden was here to stay. The Hospital and the registrar had offered to issue me a new birth certificate displaying my new name and sex; now that I had the name settled I could let them know so that it could be made official as soon as possible. I guess this was made somewhat easier for them because I had been born in this hospital, I guess not everyone gets born twice in the same hospital. I had a slight giggle at that, and of course Julie wanted to share in the joke.

The conversation eventually turned to our more usual subjects, plus a few other topics I hadn’t been privy to as a boy. Karen dropped by a couple of times to check on us, and basically tell us to keep quiet; hey put 2 teenage girls in room and what do you expect?!

Julie eventually declared herself ready to collapse and headed back to her room and bed for a rest. I figured that was a good idea and settled down for a nap myself. After a light dinner I had a bit of a look through the Girlfriend magazine Karen had got for me before going to sleep for the night.


The next few days were pretty much a repeat of the last, Eliza and Mr Whittaker coming by to check on me in the mornings, and Karen trying to keep Julie and I quiet in the afternoons. After a couple of days Mr Whittaker removed my catheter and I was finally able to get out of bed, with my left leg still in a cast I had to waddle about on crutches and couldn’t get far without tiring myself out, but at least I could go to the toilet in a more dignified manner than that catheter bag thingy had allowed. He also removed the stitches from some of the deeper cuts in my body, so all in all things were improving.

Chantelle came to the hospital for a visit one afternoon while Julie and I where gabbing away in my room, so I repeated my story for Channy “well you were always weird, but at least you’re not a boy anymore.” She had said with her usual sense of humour showing itself. After a few giggles, a flying pillow, and Karen telling us once again to be quiet we settled in to our usual discussion over everything and nothing, Channy filled Julie and I in on what had been going at school; just the usual, which meant not much at all really.

I still hadn’t seen mum, or any of my family for that matter, which I s’pose is probably a good thing really, even though I was certain mum would show up to preach at me sooner or later. Mr and Mrs Watermann, Julie’s parents, had dropped by to say hello a couple of times. I don’t really think it was to see me though as either I was in Julie’s room or she was in mine. We told them my story, which didn’t seem to bother them; actually I think Julie might have already told them as even for open minded people like them they accepted it a bit too easily I thought. They really were nice people, especially for parents, and even bought me a book of crosswords on one of their visits. It took a bit of work, but I managed to convince Eliza to let me have a pencil to do the crosswords with, it wasn’t particularly hard to see how happy I’ve been lately so I guess she figured there wouldn’t be a repeat of the last time I had a pen in my room. I was certain there wouldn’t, my body finally fit me and I was damned sure I was going to take care of it from now on.

About a week after the surgery I was sitting in bed after breakfast doing one of the crosswords in the book Julie’s parents had got me when mum walked in, the look she gave me could have frozen a dragon’s breath it was so cold.

“Read that, STUART!” She commanded through clenched teeth as she threw a folder in my lap.


“Don’t try it!” she growled back at me before I’d even started, then pointing at the folder she continued, “that is all about what you’ve done, once you know the facts of your disgusting little stunt I’ll come and talk some sense in to you.” She then turned and marched out the door without so much as a goodbye.


I have a few more chapters planned and half written, how many will depend on how it all fits together. Let me know what you think, as your comments are most appreciated.

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