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"Mr. Tyler, your resume is very impressive," Robert Marotte, chief recruitment officer for Soixante-Trois airlines, said to the young American man sitting opposite him. "Two years working for Belman airways in America, fluent in English, French & German, conversational in Russian and Arabic, you could choose any airline you want. Why do you want to work for Soixante-Trois?"
"I love the whole concept of the service Soixante-Trois offers," Jesse Tyler responded in his clipped Baltimore accent. "My prior employers were budget airlines, Soixante-Trois evokes memories of, appropriately, 1963's Pan Am airways, a true boutique airline, making mass transit into an experience rather than a chore. Someone's holiday can begin the minute they set foot in the airport rather than when they arrive at their destination."
"And I assume that you are aware of the 'conditions' involved in working for Soixante-Trois?" M Marotte continued carefully, maintaining eye contact with his interviewee to ensure his point was conveyed.
"I am, yes," Jesse continued with a smile. "I will be honest and say that that was another reason I wished to work for Soixante-Trois." M Marotte simply smirked tiredly.
"You will be expected to follow the dress code and conditions of behaviour detailed in your welcome pack from the very start of your employment," the French interviewer stated firmly. "I trust that this will not be a problem?"
"It won't," Jesse said, trying to control his excited shaking as the interview neared its conclusion.
"Then I am very happy to offer you a position with our organisation," M Marotte said with a warm smile, standing and extending his hand to his new employee.
"Thank you, thank- obviously, I accept!" Jesse said excitedly, rising and shaking his new employer's hand.
"Welcome to Soixante-Trois airlines," M Marotte said, pausing for effect, "Mademoiselle Tyler."
Jesse took a deep breath as he dragged his travel suitcase up the front stairs of the plain, yet still somehow classic, Parisian apartment building. Taking a deep breath, he pushed the plain metal button labelled '9'.
"Bonjour?" A very feminine, very French voice answered over the intercom. "Qu'est-ce?"
"Je suis Jesse Tyler," Jesse replied in fluent but heavily-accented French.
"Oh, our new American best friend," the French woman said excitedly. "Please, come on up!" With a wide smile on his face, Jesse picked up his suitcase and entered the building, climbing the stairs, only to be greeted halfway up by a vision of pure beauty.
"Hallo," the woman, who had a German accent instead of a French one, addressed Jesse. "You must be Jesse. I'm Elsa, Elsa Krause." Elsa extended her hand, which Jesse happily shook, his jaw dropping at the sight of the young woman.
She was at least 5' 11"- or would have been if she'd been wearing flats instead of 3" wedges- and had the kind of long, silky blonde hair normally only seen in very expensive fashion magazines. Flawless make-up accentuated her slight (but not overly) tanned skin, and she was slim. Skinny, even. Her pink tank top accentuated her small, yet perfectly formed breasts, and her black miniskirt exposed what seemed like miles of smooth, toned legs.
"H-hi," Jesse said, momentarily taken aback by the vision in front of him. "Yes, I'm Jesse Tyler, please to meet you."
"Come on," Elsa said with a smirk, grabbing Jesse's hand. "I'll introduce you to the others!"
"Okay," Jesse said, his nerves calmed by Elsa's seemingly unconditional friendliness. "Are there many others?"
"Three others," Elsa explained as the two of them quickly skipped up the stairs. "Two of them also work for Soixante-Trois, three if you include me. The other will be starting there next year after she finishes college."
"...And..." Jesse began hesitatingly, causing Elsa to stop momentarily.
"...And?" Elsa asked, hoping to tease the rest of Jesse's sentence out of him.
"Are they all, you know, 'girls'?" Jesse asked, emphasising the final word of his sentence.
"'Girls'?" Elsa asked with a raised eyebrow. "Yes. Do they all have vaginas? Not quite." Jesse breathed a sigh of relief as he and his new friend reached the door to their apartment and opened it. Immediately, Jesse was overwhelmed by the strong, sweet scent of the multitude of perfumes the apartment contained. Jesse had never set foot in a place as unashamedly feminine as his new home, and his heart began to race at the prospect of his new life there.
"Girls, meet Jesse Tyler," Elsa announced to the three other women in the apartment, placing her hands on the young American's shoulders.
"He's okay, I guess," one of the women, a young English girl in black leggings and a clingy t-shirt dress said dismissively. "I really want to meet the real HER, though." Jesse grinned coyly as he realised that for the first time in his life, he was in a place where not only would he be accepted for who he really wanted to be, but who he really wanted to be was actively encouraged.
"Yeah," one of the other women, the same Frenchwoman he spoke to over the intercom, concurred. "The apartment is FILLES SEULEMENT."
"I hope you have something sexy and slinky in that suitcase," Elsa said to a Jesse, whose grin had turned into nervous laughter. "It looks like you're getting your make-over now!"
"I'm sure I can find something," Jesse said, softening his voice to sound convincingly feminine, much to the delight of his four new flat mates. Elsa clapped and giggled with glee, before grabbing Jesse's hand and leading him up to her room.
"Okay," Elsa said, shutting the door and sitting on the edge of her bed. "Off with those nasty BOY clothes. Now."
"Umm," Jesse hesitated, "are you sure-"
"It's nothing I haven't seen before," Elsa said reassuringly. "Including attached to my own body." Jesse breathed a sigh of relief at Elsa's revelation, and carefully began stripping off his clothes until he was left in only his jockey shorts.
"Good good," Elsa said, staring at Jesse's slender, almost androgynous frame. "Not a single trace of body hair anywhere, I love it when all the hard work's been already done. Those too," Elsa continued, referring to Jesse's shorts. Blushing slightly, Jesse pulled them off and tossed them on the pile of his discarded clothes. Nodding, Elsa presented Jesse with a stretchy piece of skin-coloured fabric.
"This will keep you 'under control'," Elsa said, motioning to Jesse to step into it as he would a pair of panties. Jesse obliged, giggling a little as the thin thong-like strap of the garment nestled between his buttocks. His giggles soon turned to winces, though, as Elsa began tightening straps either side of the garment.
"I know, I know, it sucks at first," Elsa comforted Jesse as she made the final adjustments to the garment. "The prices we girls pay for beauty, eh?"
"Is this-" Jesse began, carefully, "is this brand new?"
"Of course," Elsa said warmly. "All yours, courtesy of Soixante-Trois airlines. You'll be issued a few more on your first day so you'll always have a clean one for work. And play, if you so choose. Now, pick me out your sexiest lingerie!" Smiling widely, Jesse reached into his suitcase and withdrew a clean, lace-edged black bra and thong set. Elsa chuckled as Jesse held the garments up in front of him before carefully stepping into the thong, pulling it tight against his new flattened crotch, and pulled the bra on, clipping it behind him with obvious practised ease. Elsa gave a playful wolf whistle as Jesse reached into his bag for a pair of breast forms, securely inserting them into the bra cups.
"I believe you Americans say 'hubba-hubba'?" Elsa teased as she reached into her dresser for a tape measure.
"Thanks," Jesse said, raising his arms and allowing Elsa to measure his waist. "It's so good, finally meeting a group of people I can, you know, 'express myself' with."
"74cm," Elsa said with regret in her voice. "That's going to have to come down, I'm afraid."
"I'm already dieting and exercising," Jesse said, but to no avail as Elsa reached into the top of her chest of drawers.
"I mean it's going to have to come down now," Elsa clarified, holding out a black waist cincher which Jesse, mock sighing, stepped into.
"The price we girls pay for beauty, eh?" Jesse smirked, echoing Elsa's earlier words as he fastened the garment up at the front.
"You said it sister," the German girl replied, tightening the cincher's laces despite Jesse's gasps. When she was done, Jesse sat himself down on Elsa's bed to reach into his suitcase, impressing himself with how feminine his mannerisms had already become.
"Reaching into there for a pair of sexy stockings, I hope?" Elsa teased the transforming young American.
"Of course," Jesse said, dangling said sheer black nylons in front of him before sliding them up his legs, clipping them to the garters dangling from the bottom of his corset.
"Make-up time!" Elsa said enthusiastically, directing Jesse into the seat in front of her dresser's tall mirrors. Almost immediately, the bubbly German woman set about Jesse's face with concealer, foundation, mascara, eyeliner, blush and numerous subtle eye shadows. When she came to apply his lipstick, though, Jesse suddenly put up a hand to stop her.
"You- you do know red lipstick is part of the dress code, right?" Elsa asked, confused by her new friend's sudden change of heart.
"I know, it's just-" Jesse began shyly, "I always, kinda, put it on last. Kinda like a symbolic thing, you know?" Elsa beamed warmly at Jesse's confession, putting the lipstick back in its tube and reaching into her closet.
"Last it is," Elsa said, withdrawing a tightly-woven hairnet and long, blonde wig from her closet. "You'll be expected to wear wigs and hairnets until your own hair grows out long enough," she explained as she fitted the hairpiece to Jesse.
"I know," Jesse said, admiring his increasingly-girly look in Elsa's mirror.
"AND red nail polish," Elsa said playfully as she pulled a small, deep red bottle out of her dresser drawer. Grinning, Jesse held out his hands, fingers splayed to make Elsa's job all the easier.
"So," Elsa said as she coloured Jesse's fingernails with the same red shade that was on her own, "what made you want to come to Soixante-Trois? Or is that an obvious answer, given that I'm currently painting your nails?"
"Mostly this," Jesse confessed. "I'd worked for an American airline for a couple of years and just dreamed of going into work one day wearing a female uniform. I mean, it's the same job, who'd care, right? And then I read about Soixante-Trois and the whole EU Supreme Court thing, and it was just like it was meant to be."
"Have you been dressing long?" Elsa said, finishing her work on Jesse's left hand and moving onto his right.
"Since I was a teenager," Jesse confessed. "I think when I hit puberty a switch in me flipped the wrong way, I found myself obsessed with girls but I was obsessed with being one of them, rather than being with one of them, if you get what I mean."
"Sounds to me like that switch flipped exactly the right way," Elsa said with a smirk as she gently laid Jesse's fingers in front of a warm-feeling light to dry.
"How about yourself?" Jesse asked boldly. "If you don't mind me asking, of course."
"Not at all," Elsa said, fussing with Jesse's wig a little more. "I've known I was born the wrong gender for as long as I can remember. I used to work as a drag queen or burlesque performer in Berlin, then I applied for the job with Soixante-Trois. Under the new EU regulations they couldn't refuse me on the grounds of my birth gender, so here I am!"
"Ooh," Jesse smiled, "does this mean I have you to thank for my new job?"
"You have a bunch of socialists in Brussels to thank," Elsa clarified with a warm smile as she checked the dryness of Jesse's nails, and finding them to be to her satisfaction, standing him up and leading him back to his suitcase. "Now, I believe you promised me 'sexy and slinky'?"
"You demanded it, if I recall rightly," Jesse said with a smirk as he reached into his suitcase and withdrew a short, black satin cocktail dress.
"Wow," Elsa mouthed approvingly. "Such a shame you're 10cm shorter than me, what a friendship we could have had swapping clothes!" Jesse simply smiled as he stepped into the dress, holding his new hair away from his back as Elsa zipped the garment closed.
"Just long enough to cover the stocking tops," Elsa observed. "I most definitely approve!" Jesse grinned as he withdrew a pair of black, patent leather pumps from his suitcase and slipped them on his feet, smiling at the feel of the 4" stiletto heels combining with his corset to radically alter his posture. After clipping a gold bracelet around his wrist, pulling on a dainty silver necklace and spraying on his favourite perfume, Jesse pulled a small, dark blue tube out of a side pocket of his case and grinned widely at his new German friend.
"Always save the best for last," Jesse said, sitting in front of Elsa's mirror and liberally coating and recoating his lips with the deep red shade contained within the tube. When he was satisfied that his look was complete, he stood up, turned to face Elsa and extended his hand.
"Pleased to meet you," the grinning American woman said. "My name is Jessica Tyler."
"You knew her as Jesse Tyler, plain American boy," Elsa announced in her best movie trailer voice. "Now prepare yourself to meet the newest, hottest stewardess for Soixante-Trois airline... Miss! Jessica! Tyler!"
With one hand on her constrained waist, Jessica purposefully strode down the stairs into the apartment's living room, earning herself gasps of awe and approving whistles from her three new flat mates.
"Hi," Jessica said in her well-practised feminine voice, "I'm Jessica, and if you'll have me, I'd like to be your new flat mate!" The Frenchwoman who greeted Jesse earlier stepped forward with a huge smile on her face and air kissed the young American woman.
"Bienvenue," the woman said, ushering Jessica to the sofa and pouring her and her flat mates a glass of wine each.
"Salut!" Jessica said, clinking her glass against those of her 4 new friends.
"Allow me to introduce everyone," the French woman said as the women all sat themselves down on the flat's sofas. "My name is Marie Renou and I've worked for Soixante-Trois for three years! You've already met Elsa, who'll be helping you during your orientation week. This young lady to my left," Marie gestured toward the Englishwoman, still wearing her t-shirt dress and leggings, "is Natalie Briggs. She-"
"Can speak for herself," Natalie said, interrupting cheekily whilst sipping her wine. "I'm 21, I'm from England and I've worked for Soixante-Trois pour six mots. I'm also the one with whom you'll be sharing a room!"
"And, um," Jessica said cautiously, "you're okay with my, um, 'status'?"
"Given that we both share the same 'status', I should hope so," Natalie replied. "And yes, you may compliment me on not being able to tell."
"I will," Jessica retorted, "provided that the feeling's mutual!" Natalie simply beamed a smile at her new room-mate as Marie continued her introduction.
"And this young lady," Marie said, gesturing at the youngest member of the group, "is my little sister Zoe."
"One of these days, she'll stop using the word 'little'," Zoe told Jessica in her refined Nice accent. "I'm 19, and when I turn 20 in 3 months I'll be starting with Soixante-Trois too!"
"It's so lovely to meet you all," Jessica said with genuine feeling in her voice. "I guess I should properly introduce myself too. I'm 22, I'm originally from Baltimore, and the thrill of working for Soixante-Trois was just too much for me to pass up. So, here I am!"
The five girls chatted away into the small hours, sharing stories about their pasts and their hopes for the future. It was almost 12:30am when Natalie escorted Jessica up to their room, both girls almost collapsing on their beds the second they closed the door.
"Thanks for bringing the rest of my cases in," Jessica said to her new room-mate as she took off her shoes, dress and corset and placed them beside the two large suitcases, both of which were packed with feminine items of clothing.
"You're welcome," Natalie responded, stripping off her dress and leggings and diving underneath her sheets in just her bra and panties. "Don't be too long, I have to be up at 6 tomorrow to fly to Glasgow."
"You, um, usually get by on five hours sleep?" Jessica asked her new friend incredulously as she carefully removed her wig and hairnet, placing both on the mannequin head Elsa had generously provided.
"Oh relax," Natalie commanded sleepily, "it's not like I'm flying the plane."
"Okay, I'll not be too long," Jessica reassured her new friend, pulling on a plain cotton nightie and stripping off her lingerie. "Guess I'd better get used to having these on all day," Jessica commented whilst cupping her new breasts.
"Yeah, well I wouldn't recommend sleeping in the cache sex," Natalie joked as she watched her new friend dive underneath the covers of her new bed. "It really doesn't react well with early morning stiffness."
"Thanks for the heads up," Jessica grinned as she flicked off her nightlight. "Good night, Natalie."
"Good night, Jessica," the Englishwoman replied in her best Waltons-esque voice. "And Jessica?"
"Yeah?" the American woman asked her new friend.
"It is good to have you here," Natalie said sincerely. "And not just because between you, me and Elsa, we outnumber the cis girls 3-2, and not just because you're from a country where the first language is sort-of English, and not just because you're probably going to be working the same routes as me. It's good to have someone who'll, you know, be a real best friend."
"I'm looking forward to it too," Jessica confessed with a smile.
"G'night, Jessica," Natalie said as she clicked off her light.
Jessica slept soundly in her bed, her previous flight attendant experience eliminating any jetlag so that she was fully refreshed when Natalie gently shook her awake just before 7am.
"Jess!" Natalie whispered to her slowly waking friend. "You don't mind being called 'Jess', do you?"
"Only if you don't mind being called 'Nat'," Jessica quipped as she rubbed her eyes awake. "Are you going- whoa," Jessica said as she took in the view before her. Gone was 'casual Natalie', with her t-shirt dress, leggings and modest make-up, replaced by a vision of beauty Jessica thought impossible from a person who was genetically male. Her shoulder-length brown curls had been tied into a formal, yet playful French pleat. Her eyes looked out from behind smokey eye make-up and her plump lips and long fingernails were as red as Jessica had ever been able to make her own. A formal, knee-length black dress covered her figure, which had obviously been taken in several inches by a waist cincher, and her legs were encased in barely-black stockings with a very straight vertical seam running up their rear. 4" stiletto heels completed her look. The young Englishwoman would undoubtedly turn the heads of every man she walked past that day, including, much to Jessica's surprise, hers.
"Glad you approve," Natalie said with a wide, red grin. "And this isn't even the uniform, this is just what we have to wear getting to and from work. Regretting your career choice yet?"
"Not a chance," Jessica said with a smile as Natalie slowly twirled, showing off her full look.
"Good," Natalie said with a smile. "I'm heading out now, just wanted to say bye before I left. And yes, you can borrow this dress any time you want!" Jessica grinned as Natalie closed the bedroom door behind her, leaving the American woman to excitedly reflect on her upcoming first day at work.
Jessica only slept another hour before Elsa let herself into her room and playfully shook her new American friend awake.
"Come on, sleepyhead!" Elsa said with a wide grin on her face. "Only two days before the big day, we need to get your wardrobe complete!"
"Do you not see the two massive suitcases at the foot of my bed?" Jessica asked, trying to stretch herself awake for the second time in as many hours.
"Your WORK wardrobe," Elsa said with a tinge of smugness in her voice. "Soixante-Trois dictate our uniform right down to the underwear, and you need some!"
"Thank god for the clothing budget," Jessica said as she swung her smooth, bare legs out of bed and, grabbing her cosmetics bag, followed Elsa to the apartment's bathroom. Fifteen minutes later, Jessica stepped out of the bathroom with one towel covering her hair and one tied under her armpits, covering her entire torso down to her thighs. Her soft, hairless skin was glistening from its much-needed shower, and her face was made up to the high standard it had been the previous night- with the notable exception of her lips.
"Still 'saving the best for last', huh?" Elsa joked as Jessica skipped back into her room to get dressed. "In case you're wondering, Natalie and Marie both have flights so they've gone out early, and Zoe's a teenager so she won't be up until about 3 in the afternoon, so you've got me to yourself for the whole day!"
"I heard that!" Zoe indignantly cried from her room as Elsa and Jessica giggled at the teenager's expense. "You think you could go shopping without me?"
"You don't have any money," Elsa reminded the young French student.
"Then you're buying!" Zoe cheekily retorted as she emerged from her room, wearing a plain cotton nightie and running her hands through her short, black pixie-like hair, not even remotely phased at the sight of the semi-naked Jessica in front of her.
"Guess we're a trio today then," Elsa said resignedly as Zoe skipped up the stairs into the freshly-vacated bathroom.
"I don't mind," Jessica called as she shut the door to her bedroom and began to get dressed. "Gives me a chance to get to know her better." Jessica took a deep breath as she pulled the cache sex up her legs, wincing as she tightened it as tight as Elsa had the previous night.
"She's good kid really," Elsa said as Jessica pulled on a fresh bra and panty set, making sure her breast forms were secure and invisible inside the bra. "Just a bit too eager to join the company at times."
"Can you lace me in?" Jessica called to Elsa as she fastened the waist cincher around her torso. "If I'm going to be wearing this day in, day out, I may as well get used to it."
"Sure," Elsa said, entering Jessica's room and pulling the laces of the foundation garment tight. "You want a hand with your cache sex too?"
"Already done," Jessica said proudly. "Can't rely on 'mom' dressing me for the rest of my life, right?"
"Aww, I'm a mommy now!" Elsa said with mock pride in her voice as she tied Jessica's laces into a bow, allowing the young American woman to pick out her outfit for the day. Elsa nodded approvingly as Jessica picked a black, ruffled miniskirt and off-white tank top out of her still-packed suitcase.
"Very sexy," Elsa said approvingly, slightly jealous that her own choice of a light blue sundress would be overshadowed by the newcomer. "No hose?"
"No, I really wanted to wear these-" Jessica withdrew a strappy pair of 4"-heeled wedge sandals from her suitcase- "today."
"You will be in the dreams of every Parisian man tonight!" Elsa stated confidently as Jessica strapped the sandals onto her ankles. After helping her with her wig, Elsa took the lipstick that Jessica had worn the previous night and handed it to her in a mock-ceremonious fashion.
"Saving the best for last," Elsa said as Jessica pulled the top of the lipstick, grinning as the wet, red cylinder spiralled out of its housing.
"If there's anything better than lipstick," Jessica said as she applied layer after layer of the cosmetic to her mouth, "I don't want to know about it!" After checking that the red nail polish on her finger- and toenails was blemish-free, and grabbing her favourite handbag, Jessica presented herself to her new friend for inspection.
"Ready whenever you are!" Jessica said with a twinge of nerves in her voice, only to be interrupted by the sound of a toilet flushing. "Whenever Zoe is, then." Both Elsa and Jessica giggled as they exited the American woman's room just in time to see Zoe emerge from the bathroom, towels wrapped around her in the exact same manner as Jessica's had been just a few minutes earlier. Rolling her eyes, Zoe retreated into her room, emerging a few minutes later wearing a very short, tight pair of black hot pants and a light blue short-sleeved shirt.
"Ready?" Elsa asked Zoe, who nodded her agreement whilst beaming a wide, happy smile at her two friends and soon-to-be colleagues. Before the trio left the apartment, however, Jessica's phone bleeped to inform its owner of a new text message.
"It's from Natalie," Jessica said with mock exasperation as she looked at the text message and sighed in frustration. "It- it can't be right to be this desperate to go to work, right?" The young American woman asked as she showed her phone to her colleagues, on which was a selfie of Natalie posing, one hand on hip, in her full uniform- a tight, royal blue pencil skirt under which Jessica could just make up the faintest of suspender bumps, a shiny black satin blouse underneath a closely-fitted jacket the same shade of blue as the skirt, 4" stiletto heels in the same colour as the skirt & jacket, a blue necktie covering up what little Adams Apple the Englishwoman had, and last, but definitely not least, a royal blue pillbox hat completing her vintage stewardess look. In her two years of working alongside flight attendants, Jessica had never seen any of them look as stunning as Natalie did in that one photograph.
"Just wait a couple of weeks and that'll be you," Elsa told Jessica with reassuring confidence.
"Then you can send photos to me to make me jealous," Zoe said whilst secretly checking her own phone for any messages.
"That can be arranged!" Jessica retorted as Elsa led the three of them out of the apartment and into the many boutiques of the French capital.
The shopping trip lasted several hours, and all three women were exhausted when they returned to the apartment, several shopping bags on each arm. In addition to the several lacey bras and thongs Jessica would be expected to wear for work, she also picked up several sexy formal outfits- similar to the one Natalie had worn when she woke Jessica that morning- for the commute to work, along with numerous different cosmetics perfumes to add to her quickly-growing collection. Jessica's clothing budget of 750 euros had quickly vanished, with Jessica dipping into her limited savings and credit cards for her final few purchases. Elsa and Zoe hadn't exactly been slouches whilst shopping, either- both of them picked up at least one set of lingerie, clothing, cosmetics and perfumes each as well.
The three women had just finished a light supper when they were interrupted by Natalie's return.
"Hi honeys, I'm home!" The English stewardess announced as she stepped into the apartment, kicking off her heels and emphatically crashing on the sofa between Jessica and Zoe. Jessica was amazed by how fresh Natalie seemed, despite the fact that she'd been on the go for almost 12 hours in the late August heat. She was wearing the same figure-hugging black dress she was when she'd left the apartment that morning, but as far as Jessica (or anyone else) could tell, it may just as well have been fresh on. Her stockings still shone with the look of a brand-new pair- even the seams were still perfectly straight- and her make-up and nails were still perfectly immaculate.
"Welcome back from bonny Scotland," Jessica congratulated her room-mate, pouring them both a glass of wine.
"I hope my photos sent you into a jealous rage," Natalie said candidly as she sipped her wine. "I don't mind you having a shopping trip whilst some of us have to work for a living, really I don't."
"If it's any consolation," Elsa began with a giggle, "she'll be working her little butt off for the next few months!"
"Oh yes," Natalie teased with a wicked grin on her scarlet lips, "one more day of freedom then it's off to probation! Excited yet?"
"Am I?" Jessica breathed ecstatically. "Already got my outfits picked out for the first five days!" Natalie smiled a proud smile at her new friend's enthusiasm.
"Well don't forget," Natalie advised, "underneath those outfits you'll be wearing ridiculously sexist- and, yes, ridiculously sexy- bits of lace that barely qualify as lingerie, let alone underwear, so make sure you have on at least SOMETHING comfortable. Speaking of which, if I don't get into something comfortable in the next 30 seconds I think my legs will fall off."
"Is it really that bad?" Jessica asked, slightly worried by Natalie's theatrics.
"You saw the lingerie you'll be- for want of a better word- wearing all day," Zoe reminded Jessica with a knowing smile.
"Natalie likes to exaggerate," Elsa reassured the young American woman as she poured another glass of wine. "You get used to it very quickly, at least if you get a sensible amount of sleep!"
"I heard that," Natalie yelled from her room before emerging wearing a glittery, clingy white t-shirt and a flared pink tartan mini-skirt. Her once-tight French Plait was gone, her curls loosely falling over her head and her gold studs replaced by long, dangly silver earrings that Jessica couldn't help but notice.
"Love the earrings," Jessica said as Natalie grinned widely, once again parking herself between Jessica and Zoe before tucking her smooth, bare legs underneath her.
"Thanks," Natalie beamed, playfully tossing her hair back to give her fellow flat mates a better view of her extravagant jewellery. "I do have a confession to make," the young Englishwoman said, pausing for effect, "I really, really love dangly earrings!"
"What is it with some T-girls and 'things'?" Zoe mused aloud to mild disapproving stares from her housemates. "I mean, you have your earrings, you have your lipstick, Marie tells me works with a T-girl who always wears leotards."
"Earrings, lipstick and leotards are all cute, sexy and feminine," Jessica explained to her young French friend.
"Care to weigh in on this, Elsa?" Natalie teased, making a point of playing with her earrings. "What's your 'thing'?"
"Very, very well-endowed boys," Elsa said with a wicked smile on her scarlet lips as her housemates giggled approvingly.
"You at work tomorrow?" Jessica asked Natalie as the English woman helped her put away her new lingerie.
"Yep, Glasgow again," Natalie faux-sighed as she held one of Jessica's new black lace bra and thong sets against her body. "Ready for 16 hours straight in this?"
"Given that it's what I've literally dreamed about since I was 12, I'd say so, yeah!" Jessica excitedly replied as she took the dainty undergarments from Natalie and put it away in her drawers.
"I know the feeling," Natalie confessed as Jessica packed away the last of her new purchases. "The first few weeks I worked for Soixante-Trois my heart literally fluttered every time I pulled on the lingerie and the uniform. Actually made it hard to do my job at times, I was that excited."
"...And what happened afterwards?" Jessica asked with slight concern in her voice.
"It started to become normal," Natalie explained. "Everyday, almost mundane. I mean yes, it was still sexy, it was still so enjoyable to have the lace and the satin against my body, but it was almost like I was wearing boy clothes at times."
"You kind-of sound like you needed a holiday," Jessica said softly, sitting on the edge of her bed as Natalie stripped off her clothes and pulled on a plain pink nightie. "Not just from work, but from being a girl."
"That's what I did," the Englishwoman explained, climbing underneath her bedcovers. "I took a week off, went back to Manchester, back to being Matthew, didn't even wear so much as any foundation for a whole seven days."
"...And?" Jessica asked, enthralled by Natalie's story.
"By the end of the seven days I'd have happily gnawed both of my legs off to be able to wear a thong again," Natalie said with a wide grin on her face. Jessica giggled as Natalie cuddled her bedclothes close to her supple body. "This life is a dream, Jessica, a dream come true. I mean yeah, it's hard work, but it's worth it. So worth it."
"You're kinda preaching to the choir here," Jessica chuckled as she stripped off her own top and skirt, pulling on a short, pale nightie and climbing into her own bed.
"I know," Natalie said with a smile. "But there's every chance you'll have an 'episode' like I did. If you do, I'll be here for you. So will Elsa and the girls. And if you're really good, we'll even be here for Jesse!"
"Jesse has gone on a long, long vacation and won't be back for a very, very long time," Jessica explained as she snapped off her nightlight. "G'night, Natalie."
"Night, Jessica," Natalie said with a warm smile, snapping off her own nightlight.
"This dress is far too sexy for one woman," Natalie said loudly, waking Jessica from her slumber. When the American woman opened her eyes, she breathed deeply at the sight of her English friend in her commuting attire, especially as said attire was Jessica's own clothes.
"You do know I'll make a point of wearing one of your skirts to the salon today, right?" Jessica asked Natalie as the Englishwoman did a twirl for her, showing off the slinky, tight, thin-strapped knee-length black garment. Natalie's hair and make-up was as expertly sculpted as it was the previous day, and Jessica was almost in awe at the amount of credible-looking cleavage Natalie was happily displaying out of the top of the dress.
"I would expect nothing less," Natalie said, turning to leave the room, showing off the arrow-straight seams on the back of her stockings.
"And I expect you to tell me how you made such convincing cleavage," Jessica demanded.
"It's like you Americans say," Natalie explained with a knowing smirk, "duct tape, duct tape and more duct tape. ALL of which is coming off the second I get into my uniform." Jessica grinned as Natalie departed. In less than 24 hours, she'd be donning her own smart, sexy outfit and travelling to her first day of work in exactly the same manner as Natalie.
Jessica was still awake 45 minutes later when Elsa, wearing a loose, short sundress, entered her room to get her up and ready for the day ahead.
"Last day of freedom!" Elsa giggled as Jessica swung her soft, smooth legs out from underneath her bedclothes.
"You'd think I was getting married or something," Jessica quipped as she padded into the apartment's bathroom to get herself ready for the day ahead.
"Nah," Elsa said with a soft snort, "husbands aren't nearly as much fun as this job! Don't forget- minimal make-up. Let the beauticians do their thing."
"I haven't forgotten," Jessica shouted from underneath a warm shower. "Did you say the company owns this salon?"
"This one, another one in Berlin and I think at least one more somewhere else in France," Elsa confirmed. "As well as sports centres, hotels, nightclubs, bars... Antoine Masson didn't get a four billion euro fortune by sitting on his ass all day."
"I'm surprised he hasn't expanded into America yet," Jessica mused aloud.
"Maybe sometime soon," Elsa replied as Jessica finished her shower and headed into her bedroom. After applying a light foundation and pulling on her cache sex, wig, breast forms and (on Elsa's recommendation) a pale blue bikini, Jessica pulled a floaty, translucent white short-sleeved blouse out of her wardrobe and buttoned it around her svelte frame, before deliberately reaching into Natalie's wardrobe and pulling out a tight black miniskirt, grinning wickedly as she slid the clingy garment up her hips. After slipping on a pair of 3" heeled black stilettos, Jessica sat down in front of her mirror and liberally applied her favourite red lipstick, despite Elsa's orders not to. Ready to face the world, Jessica grabbed her handbag and exited her room to be immediately greeted by Elsa rolling her eyes.
"What did I say about the make-up?" Elsa sighed before smiling at her new American friend. "In all seriousness though, you look DAMNED sexy. Work would approve if you went in looking like that, in fact. Well, if you were fully made-up and wearing hose, anyway."
"Really?" Jessica asked. "The skirt isn't too short?"
"Maybe a little," Elsa conceded. "But the point is that they want their girls looking smart and sexy on the way into work, so that EVERYBODY knows you're a Soixante-Trois stewardess. You hit that look perfectly." Jessica grinned as Elsa beckoned her out of the apartment.
"Are we not waiting for Marie or Zoe?" Jessica asked as the two of them headed out of the apartment block to the nearest tram stop, attracting the attention of virtually every man along the way.
"Marie's just back from a long night flight," Elsa explained. "You'll have to get used to that- the first night we were all there as we were all desperate to say hi to our new best friend! But with different shift patterns... That's not always gonna happen."
"And let me guess, Zoe's a teenager so doesn't get up before 1pm most days?" Jessica joked, making Elsa giggle.
"Yes, but believe it or not she actually has a job to go to this afternoon," Elsa explained. "Our little Zoe is in fact a classically trained ballerina and teaches dance to pre-teens five nights a week." Jessica nodded at the information, impressed by the information.
"If she's that good at it why does she want to work for Soixante-Trois?" Jessica asked bluntly.
"Because for most productions she auditioned for there were about thirty girls going for one part," Elsa answered equally bluntly. "She gets more money from teaching anyway, and unless you're one of the very top prima ballerinas in France, you're not going to earn as much money as you do with Soixante-Trois."
Upon their arrival at the beauty salon, Elsa and Jessica were immediately ushered into private spa rooms where every pore of their bikini-clad bodies was drenched in cleansing spring water. Jessica had felt particularly self-conscious about removing her breast forms in front of the spa worker, but Elsa had reassured her that Soixante-Trois employees regularly used the salon for treatments, and as such Jessica wasn't even close to the first T-girl they'd had through their doors. The revelation that at least one of the beauty therapists who would be treating Jessica was also a T-girl- but Jessica would almost certainly not be able to tell which- succeeded in completely easing the young American woman's mind.
After the spa, both women were treated to soothing Swedish massages, followed by an American-style bikini wax. After a light lunch, the girls were both treated to full facials, followed by eyebrow shaping and expert make-up application. A professional manicure and pedicure was the last item on the list, a full five hours after both women had arrived at the salon. Once her nails had dried, Jessica was ushered in front of a full-length mirror by both Elsa and their beauty therapists.
"So," Elsa teased as Jessica admired the view in the mirror, "how do you like the new-look you?" Jessica beamed a wide smile as she futilely inspected her look for even the tiniest blemish.
"When can I book my next appointment?" She asked to Elsa and the beauticians’ delight.
The girls arrived home just after 5pm, just in time to pass Zoe as she was heading out.
"And now you're going to the spa without me," Zoe sighed. "I expect to be treated like a princess when I start in November!"
"Don't worry, you will be," Elsa promised as Jessica greeted the teenager with a brief hug.
"I would ask why you're wearing pink tights when it's still boiling hot outside," Jessica teased, "but fortunately I've already been informed about your 'side job'." Zoe rolled her eyes in mock-frustration at her new friend.
"It's just easier this way," Zoe explained, "rather than change at the studio all I have to do it take my dress off and I'm ready to begin."
"Oh, I get that," Jessica said, worried slightly that she'd offended the young Frenchwoman. "It's just that... Any chance you could give me a lesson some time?" Zoe chuckled warmly at Jessica's question.
"Buy yourself a leotard and a pair of pink tights, then we'll talk," Zoe said with a grin. "We still on for the club tonight?" Zoe asked Elsa, who nodded in response.
"Though it was supposed to be a surprise for Jessica here, remember?" Elsa replied, causing Zoe to grimace with embarrassment.
"Sorry," Zoe said, gripping her dance bag tighter.
"It's okay," Jessica said, before turning to Elsa. "I'm being treated to a night out as well, then?"
"It was meant to be a surprise," Elsa said apologetically. "Marie's idea, actually- she thought it'd be fun to show you what she gets up to most evenings." Jessica's curiosity was piqued, but Elsa refused to answer any further questions until the girls had had the opportunity to change for the night.
Later that evening, after dinner, Jessica grinned as she stared in the mirror at the sexy woman staring back at her. Her professionally-applied nails and make-up were still immaculate and her wig was indistinguishable from real hair. Remembering Natalie's trick from earlier, Jessica had tightly duct-taped her chest to create- with the aid of her falsies- realistic cleavage, poking out from the top of her slinky, short black dress. A waist cincher had taken her waist in and given her a figure any woman would die for, and sheer black stockings combined with 5" stiletto pumps enhanced her legs and ensured that whatever club the girls went into, all the eyes would be on her. Jessica was all ready to hit the town, but one thing was missing. The young American smiled as she heard the front door of the apartment slam closed- the missing element had arrived.
"I'm here, I'm here," Natalie breathlessly panted as she skipped into the bedroom, taking off her heels and dress and untying her hair. The hurried Englishwoman grinned as Jessica handed her the hair straighteners that had been warming up on the dresser for the past 30 minutes.
"Thank you," Natalie whispered as she quickly set about straightening her naturally-curly locks. "You are an absolute lifesaver!"
"I don't get why you're straightening your hair," Jessica mused as she observed her room-mate prepare herself for the night's fun.
"It's naturally curly," Natalie explained as she methodically pressed her hair straight. "Call me a stereotypical T-girl but I associate 'artificial' with 'sexy', so straight it goes!" Jessica watched, almost awestruck, as Natalie finished treating her hair and immediately set about enhancing her 'professional' make-up to sexy new heights. Natalie's eyes were enhanced by thick eyeliner and dark eye shadow, and topped off with ludicrously thick fake eyelashes. She then proceeded to apply her darkest red lipstick and reapply a coat of dark crimson polish to her fingernails, before giggling excitedly as she put a ludicrously long, dangly earring in each lobe. After swapping her sheer black stockings for a pair of nude fishnet stockings, Natalie enhanced her cleavage just as Jessica had earlier, before pulling on a tight strapless bra and a slinky black halter neck mini-dress, finishing off her look with a pair of black sling back heels just as high as Jessica's.
"NOW I'm ready," the Englishwoman said to her new friend, grinning confidently as she picked up her handbag.
"You are GORGEOUS," Jessica enthused as the two women exited their bedroom, to be greeted by an equally dolled-up Elsa.
"You sound surprised," Natalie retorted, childishly playing with her hair and earrings as they waited for the final member of their 'gang'.
"It's not that, it's just-" Jessica began, making sure to choose her words carefully. "I always thought you were, you know, more of a 'T-tomboy'." Natalie laughed out loud at Jessica's suggestion before quickly clamping a hand over her agape mouth.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Natalie said, quickly giving her friend a quick hug to ease any hurt feelings the American girl may have had. "I just don't know what could have given you that idea. I mean yes, I don't dress up all the time, but on a night out like this? Even if I'm not going to let any of them near me, it doesn't mean I don't want every guy's eyes on me tonight!"
"AND girl's eyes," Zoe joked as she descended the stairs into the lounge. Like Elsa, Jessica and Natalie, she had dressed up especially for the night. Her strapless black dress accentuated her flawless figure, and her long, slender legs were enhanced by a pair of shiny nude tights and the 5" stiletto pumps attached to her feet. Her tight ballerina's bun had been left tied, but loosened into a less severe, more playful updo, and her make-up and black nail polish completed a look that all three of her flat mates agreed was a match for any fashion model.
"So you say the company owns this club as well?" Jessica asked as bouncers ushered the four women into the loud, energy-filled building.
"As well as three others in Paris alone!" Elsa yelled.
"Filles!" The four women heard a familiar French voice call from the bar.
"Marie!" Jessica said, hurrying over to her new friend as fast as her heels could carry her. "I didn't know you'd be here too!"
"It's a double celebration!" Elsa explained. "We're not just celebrating your new job, but also Soixante-Trois's newest supervisor!" Jessica gasped at the news.
"You never told me you were a supervisor!" Jessica said. "Does this mean that you'll be bossing me around, then?"
"No, no no," Marie said, blushing from the unexpected attention. "You'll be on blue route: I'll be working black route and grey route only."
"Wait," Jessica said, silencing the other girls before they could explain. "I know this- black is north-east Europe, Moscow and surrounding, grey is the Middle-East, Dubai and Qatar, right?"
"Somebody's been doing her homework!" Marie said with a grin.
"Swot!" Natalie joked, giving Jessica a playful cuddle from behind. "So are we going to get any drinks in or what?"
"Sounds like a plan!" Elsa beamed. "Miss Tyler here can test-drive her new employee discount!" As the other girls cheered, Jessica rolled her eyes, removing her credit card from her purse and ordering the first round of drinks.
Jessica woke up on the morning of her first day with her nerves jangling. She wouldn't be doing any ACTUAL work for a week- until after her orientation was complete- but it was still her first day in her new job, and that was a situation that was stressful for anyone. After quietly showering and applying her make-up, Jessica headed back into her room- careful not to disturb the still-sleeping Natalie- and changed into her outfit for the morning. Soixante-Trois had a strict dress code even for employees commuting to and from their place of work, and even on her first day, Jessica was expected to follow it to the letter.
After pulling on her wig, cache sex, a brand-new bra and thong set, a waist cincher and a pair of dark, seamed stockings, Jessica reached into her suitcase and withdrew a frilly white sleeveless blouse, fastening it around her svelte form, and stepped into a below-the-knee black pencil skirt, finishing her look with a pair of 4" heeled stiletto pumps- and of course, her favourite scarlet lipstick!
"Hey," Jessica said with an evil smirk as she poked her slumbering English room-mate. "Hey, Nat, wake up!"
"Urgh, what?" Natalie asked, her eyes slowly crawling over Jessica's form. "...Wow."
"Thanks," Jessica said smugly. "Pity I don't get to wear it for more than an hour!"
"Oh don't worry," Natalie laughed tiredly. "The uniform will more than make up for that. See you later, Jess."
"See you tonight, Nat!" Jessica said, doing a twirl for Natalie before departing the bedroom.
"Swit swoo!" Elsa exclaimed as Jessica stepped into the apartment's lounge.
"And you too!" Jessica enthused as she caught sight of the German girl in her formal little black dress, stockings and skyscraper heels. "Do you really need such high heels? You're already taller than most boys..."
"I need the BOYS to know who's in charge," Elsa laughed. "And besides, I don't date anyone shorter than 6' 3". They just don't have what I need!" Jessica giggled as Elsa led the two of them onto a nearby tram and to the busy international airport that would soon become her second home. Upon arrival at the airport, Elsa quickly guided Jessica into the spacious employee lounge, where they located the American girl's locker.
"Good, it's all here," Elsa said with a smile. "You'll only be working blue route for now, but as part of your probation period you'll be expected to sit on one flight of every colour route, so you've had all four uniforms provided for you."
"Even grey route?" Jessica asked, inspecting the uniforms. "I thought because they were Muslim countries..."
"Istanbul is covered in grey route," Elsa explained with a smile. "Turkey's a member of the council of Europe, so you've got a day of sweating in the Turkish heat whilst wearing an ankle-length hobble skirt, tight bodysuit and knee-high boots ahead of you!" A wide grin crept over Jessica's lips at the mention of the uniform.
"Bring it on!" Jessica said, withdrawing a uniform from the locker that was identical to the one she'd seen in Natalie's text message two days earlier.
"Ooh, someone's been doing their reading," Elsa laughed as she withdrew her own blue uniform.
"The blue uniform is the default one," Jessica recited from the employee handbook. "To be worn at all times when not flying on any other route or when undertaking learning or development activities, including probation."
"Looks like someone's after a fast track to a promotion!" Elsa teased as Jessica stripped off her blouse, skirt and shoes and replaced them with the black satin blouse, extra-tight pencil skirt, royal blue stilettos and fitted blazer that made up the Soixante-Trois uniform.
"I want to work for this company as long as possible," Jessica sighed. "Every second I'm in these clothes is a dream come true. God knows if I did this in some states in the US I'd be lynched..."
"It's hardly any better in Europe," Elsa sighed as she and Jessica tied each other's neck scarves. "Thank god those in charge of the EU saw some sense."
"Is it true that management deliberately made the uniform as sexist as possible to DETER transgendered people from applying for the stewardess role?" Jessica asked.
"It is!" Elsa laughed. "After that Thai airline started hiring transsexual stewardesses in 2011- and because Soixante-Trois only hire female flight attendants- the managers thought that if they clamped down and made the dress code as strict as possible, and introduced the commuting dress code too, it'd actually prevent genetic males from applying. Have a guess what percentage of applicants nowadays are T-girls?"
"Umm... 30%?" Jessica guessed, to which Elsa happily shook her head.
"Try 82%," Elsa said proudly. "We're the future, Jessica!"
"I just wish people would look past genetics once in a while and see us for the girls we really are..." Jessica mused.
"I hear you there," Elsa sighed as she pulled on her classic pillbox hat. "'Fraid you'll have to wait a bit longer for this!" Elsa joked, pointing at her headwear.
"I've waited long enough for this amazing opportunity," Jessica laughed. "I can wait another week." Giggling as she fixed her hat, Elsa grabbed Jessica's hand and led her back out into the employee lounge, which was already heaving with glamorous stewardesses.
After having her photographs taken for her company ID, Jessica followed Elsa into the large seminar room, where she sat down in one of the plush seats, smirking a little at how something as simple as sitting suddenly became a whole different prospect due to the tightness of her skirt and the restriction her corset was putting on her waist.
"One of these days, we'll get uniforms that are actually PRACTICAL," Elsa quipped as she lowered herself into the chair next to Jessica, smoothing her own tight skirt with obvious practised ease. Jessica chuckled briefly before scanning the room, taking in the view of her new colleagues, each dressed in the same blue uniform as her. There were thirty women- no doubt fifteen new recruits and fifteen mentors- of all ethnicities sat behind the room's clean, expensive desks. It was only when Jessica glanced behind her, however, that her eyes began to widen.
Jessica had no idea how she hadn't seen the woman earlier but was sure she hadn't, as there was no way she would have been able to forget such an image of beauty. Her skin was pale, almost porcelain white, contrasting starkly with her dark eye make-up and crimson lips, and making her jet-black bobbed hair stand out all the more. Her face was slender, all her features from her nose to her forehead almost classically feminine. Her hands were long and slim, the red tips on her fingers exaggerating their daintiness. And- almost to put a punctuation mark on her beauty- her eyes were dramatically different colours, the emerald green of her right eye contrasting sharply with the sapphire blue of her left. Jessica found herself both deeply attracted to and deeply envious of the woman, and immediately made a mental note to seek her out at the end of the seminar.
What Jessica had no idea of knowing was that the woman she found herself enthralled by was equally as obsessed with her.
"Good morning, bonjour, gutten morgen," the Frenchwoman- who Jessica estimated to be in her early 30s- said from the front of the room. "On behalf of Soixante-Trois airlines, I'd like to welcome you, our newest family members, to the best job you will ever have! Over the course of this week, you will get an idea of what it means to be a Soixante-Trois stewardess, what will be expected of you, and all the benefits on offer to you whilst working for this great company."
Jessica listened intently throughout the whole lecture as Clarice- the manager- explained the history of the company, the basic standards of behaviour, and the vast employee benefits available to Jessica and her new colleagues. About forty minutes into the lecture, however, Clarice's demeanour noticeably changed.
"As I'm sure many of you are aware," the manager explained, "two years ago Soixante-Trois was forced by the European supreme court to start allowing transgendered stewardesses- those who had been born male- to serve on our airlines. As such, it should come as no surprise to you some of the new employees hired today were born male. There are additional standards of behaviour that apply to the male-born stewardesses, so they- and their mentors- will need to stay for the next twenty minutes. The rest of you are free to leave, but be back here promptly after lunch."
Jessica felt self-conscious as she remained in her seat, but Elsa's comforting presence on her left reassured her- and she was far from the only new hire still seated in the seminar hall. Jessica did become startled, however, when she heard a light gasp come from behind her. Cautiously turning around, Jessica stared into the shocked face of the dark-haired girl who had enthralled her earlier- and she, just like Jessica, was still sat in her chair.
"You're kidding," Jessica and the dark-haired girl simultaneously breathed.
Paige Robertson stared at the blonde-haired girl in shock. This amazing girl, this goddess, was a T-girl, like her? Paige had to double-check that the woman wasn't wearing the uniform's hat and was indeed one of the new recruits, so convinced was she that the girl was a genetic female. Her hair was a classic platinum blonde, her eyes were the most beautiful shade of blue and her features- whilst androgynous- had all the hallmarks of a classic model or movie star. Paige was even sure she'd earlier heard the girl speak in an American accent. If Paige had been asked to describe the perfect woman, it would have looked a lot like the blonde girl, so when Paige found out that the perfect woman was born a man... Her mind was blown.
Neither girl was able to fully concentrate during the remainder of the briefing, which mostly covered etiquette and the importance of maintaining a female persona at all times whilst at work or travelling to and from work- things both girls knew perfectly well anyway. After the seminar was over, Jessica and Paige immediately sought each other out in the employee lounge.
"Hi," the American girl said, sitting down next to the raven-haired beauty. "Hi, um, I'm Jessica, Jessica Tyler." Jessica exchanged an uneasy handshake with her new colleague.
"Paige," the dark-haired girl replied in a soft Scottish accent. "Paige Robertson."
"Th-that's a beautiful accent," Jessica said, desperately trying to not let her nerves get the better of her. "What part of Scotland are you from?"
"Dumbarton," Paige replied, also trying desperately to get her own nerves under control. "A-are you American?" Jessica giggled goofily at Paige's question.
"Guilty as charged!" Jessica exclaimed. "I'm from Baltimore, Maryland." An awkward silence fell between the two girls as they desperately tried to think of something to say to the other.
"I can't believe how tight these skirts are," Paige complained.
"Yeah," Jessica said. Twenty seconds of awkward silence passed before the new stewardesses were interrupted by the return of their mentors.
"Hey Paige!" Stacey, Paige's English mentor, called. "Time to go back in, no rest for the wicked!"
"Aye," Paige said, relieved to be free of the awkward tension between herself and Jessica, but at the same time, disappointed that she wouldn't get to know the blonde girl any better.
"You seemed to be getting on well with Jessica," Stacey teased.
"Well... I dunno," Paige mumbled.
"Oh come on," Stacey sighed. "You're clearly into her, and she's clearly into you! You wouldn't be the first workplace romance in this place, believe me!" Paige remained silent, but what Stacey said resonated with her. She DID fancy Jessica, and a lot, but she was a T-girl, like Paige- and that greatly confused the Scottish girl.
"Did I see you chatting to the wee Scottish girl?" Elsa teased Jessica as they headed back to the seminar room.
"Maybe a bit," Jessica muttered.
"Oh come on," Elsa laughed. "I've only known you two days and already I can tell you've got a crush on her!"
"No I haven't," Jessica retorted, but deep down, she knew that it wasn't true- she DID fancy Paige. In fact, Paige was probably the most beautiful woman Jessica had ever seen- which made it all the more confusing when she found out that she was a T-girl, just like her. Jessica preferred to identify as female for the majority of her life, but when it came to sex, she considered herself 100% male, and preferred the company of anatomic girls. And yet, here she was, obsessed with a T-girl just like herself.
The rest of the day passed in a haze for both Jessica and Paige. Both girls had hoped to avoid any further awkward encounters before leaving, but fate would have other ideas. After Jessica had hung up her uniform and changed back into her commuting outfit, she waited patiently outside the public toilet for Elsa when Paige walked up, stopping dead in her tracks at the sight of the American girl. Jessica could barely suppress a gasp when she saw Paige in her civilian clothes- in her short grey dress, black pantyhose and stiletto heels, she was every bit as beautiful and feminine as she had been in her stewardess uniform. For Paige, the sight of Jessica's sexy body in her blouse and slender pencil skirt made her heart flutter.
"Hey," Paige said to Jessica as stoically as she could.
"Hi," Jessica said. "I like your dress."
"Thanks," Paige muttered. Fifteen awkward seconds passed before Jessica took a deep breath and steadied her nerves, before asking the question that would change her life.
"My housemates are throwing me a party on Saturday night," Jessica said. "Would-would you like to come?" Paige inwardly gasped as the woman she'd been unable to get out of her mind invited HER to a party.
"Umm, sure, sure!" Paige enthused. "Can I have your, um, address please?"
"Of course!" Jessica said, making a note of her address on the Scottish girl's smartphone. "I'll see you on Saturday, Paige."
"See you then, Jessica!" Paige stammered, wandering off, desperately trying to catch her breath.
Jessica remained quiet on the tram ride back to her apartment as she tried to process everything that had happened that day. Under normal circumstances, all the info she'd had dumped on her by her employer would be a lot to take in, but Jessica found herself unable to go 45 seconds without thinking about Paige. It was a huge relief to Jessica when she finally arrived home and crashed on the sofa next to Natalie, who was dressed casually in a loose tank top and denim hot pants.
"Before you make any more 'T-tomboy' remarks," Natalie warned, "I remind you that it's my day off, I can wear what I want, AND I had my nails done this afternoon." Jessica giggled as Natalie showed her her freshly-manicured and polished fingernails.
"Very pretty," Jessica cooed. "But... It's not that."
"Information overload on your first day?" Natalie asked. "Been there, done that, got the pencil skirt. It'll sink in, trust me."
"Excuse me?" Jessica said with mock hurt. "I've been a stewardess- well, okay, a steward- for 2 years now, I know what I'm doing. It's... I met a girl during orientation."
"Ooh," Natalie cooed happily. "The company does pride itself on hiring the sexiest girls- and boys! I hope she knows already that you're trans, right?"
"Yeah," Jessica sighed.
"Good," Natalie replied. "That's the sort of thing you don't-"
"...And so is she," Jessica interrupted.
"Okay," Natalie said, nodding. "Didn't realise that was your thing, but if it makes you go doo-lally with desire, you go for it!"
"That's the point, it's not 'my thing'," Jessica sighed. "I've only been attracted to cis girls in the past. And yet... There's something about Paige that just drives me crazy."
"What does it matter if she's cis or trans?" Natalie asked, laughing at Jessica's predicament. "You're sat there, someone who society says should be a red-blooded All-American boy, dressed in a pencil skirt, stockings and stiletto heels. If you really like this girl, it shouldn't matter if she's genetically female or not."
"I know, it's just-" Jessica sighed, before Natalie cut her off with a wave.
"It's just nothing," Natalie laughed. "It's just you trying to rationalise in your brain whether or not you can fancy someone who your conscious brain seems to think you shouldn't. If she's really THAT hot, just go for it. Who knows? She might ultimately transition, then if you want to be like husband and wife, you can be that too!"
"You're right," Jessica sighed.
"...And for the record, she'd leave you less breathless if you took off that damned corset!" Natalie laughed.
"And say goodbye to this figure?" Jessica joked. "I don't think so, girlfriend!" Natalie and Jessica shared a girlish giggle as they whiled away the night gossiping with each other and, when they returned home, their other flat mates.
The next few days passed for Jessica in a daze. As an experienced flight attendant, she had most of the knowledge she was being taught by her supervisors and by Elsa, but she immersed herself in the learning so as to take her mind off of Paige, who was sat in every single seminar in the same seat she had been on that first day, directly behind Jessica, where the American girl could feel her eyes on the back of her neck.
Soon enough, Saturday came, bringing with it the party Elsa had insisted on throwing for Jessica. The American stewardess had made a special effort for the party, wearing her slinkiest black cocktail dress and shiniest hold-up stockings. her waist was taken in by a new, tighter waist cincher she'd bought earlier that day, and her cleavage was enhanced to its fullest using Natalie's tried and tested duct tape trick. With 5" stiletto heels on her feet and her blonde wig secured in place, Jessica looked and felt like a goddess, but she knew she'd turn to jelly as soon as she saw Paige.
Meanwhile, in her own apartment, Paige was riddled with anxiety and nerves over the upcoming party. She was dressed in a tiny black minidress with long lacy sleeves over dark pantyhose and her own 5" stiletto heels, and like Jessica, she'd enhanced her figure and cleavage with shapewear and other tricks, but unlike Jessica, she was terrified.
"I'm not going to tell you that you need to do this," Hiromi, Paige's room-mate, told her, "but you always regret the things you DON'T do more than the things you DO do."
"I know," Paige sighed. "I just- I just don't want to be this damned confused any more..."
"Then go for it!" Hiromi laughed in her light Japanese accent. "When I first arrived in Paris I never thought I could be with another T-girl, or another boy for that matter, but I took the plunge, and it's the best decision I ever made! The only way you'll know if it's right for you is if you TRY."
"Okay," Paige said with fake confidence. "I'll go along for a couple of drinks, if something happens, it happens, if it doesn't, it doesn't. Let's do this."
"That's my girl!" Hiromi laughed, grabbing Paige's hand and leading the reluctant girl out of the apartment.
After hearing the doorbell ring, Natalie- dressed in her own colourful dress, sheer black pantyhose, stiletto heels and of course, ostentatious earrings- answered the door to two cheerful young women, one unmistakably Japanese, the other deathly pale-skinned despite her raven black hair. Immediately- and not just because of her strikingly mismatched eyes- Natalie recognised the Caucasian girl as being the same girl Jessica hadn't shut up about throughout the week.
"You must be here for young Miss Tyler," Natalie teased. "Please, come on in!"
"Thanks," Hiromi said giddily, making her way to the drinks table.
"Good to hear another Brit," Paige said with a nervous smile. "Even if you are English!"
"Aye, that be true," Natalie laughed in an unconvincing Scottish accent. "Glasgow, right?"
"Aye," Paige said proudly. "Well, Dumbarton, so close enough. Manchester, right?"
"Yep," Natalie said with equal pride.
Jessica watched with envy as Natalie chatted to the woman shed been obsessed with for the past week. Whilst she trusted that Natalie wouldn't 'make a move' until Jessica had had a chance to at least try, it still made her uneasy. Jessica actually breathed a sigh of relief when Natalie headed away from Paige and towards her.
"I like that girl!" Natalie teased. "I can see why you're so hung up on her, she passes almost as well as you do!" Jessica- lacking the energy to deal with Natalie's usual sense of humour- laughed an insincere laugh and strode confidently toward Paige.
"Hi," Jessica said happily. "Glad you could make it!"
"Yeah," Paige said nervously, awed by Jessica's enhanced beauty. "I love your place!"
"Thanks," Jessica said, desperately searching for a conversation topic as another awkward silence fell between the two girls.
"Is- is there somewhere private we could go to talk?" Paige asked, making Jessica heart race.
"Su-sure, we can go into my bedroom," Jessica said, immediately grimacing at how 'forward' she sounded. "I didn't- I didn't mean it like-"
"That's okay," Paige said, interrupting. "Bedroom sounds good." Inwardly, Paige grimaced at how 'easy' she was making herself sound in front of the girl she couldn't get out of her mind.
Once both girls were in the tiny bedroom- both praying that they hadn’t been spotted- the two sat down on Jessica's bed, their bodies mere inches away from each other. An awkward silence filled the room for almost a minute, before both girls spoke at once.
"I th-" Jessica began.
"Jess-" Paige said simultaneously, before both girls broke down in a fit of giggles.
"You first," Paige said with a warm smile.
"No, you go," Jessica said, her heart fluttering at the sight of the Scottish girl's grin.
"No, really," Paige said. "All I was going to say was your name, I didn't actually have any idea how to finish that sent-"
"I like you," Jessica said, stopping Paige's sentence dead in its tracks. "I think you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. There, I've said it. I don't expect you to feel the same way, but I had to say it because-"
"I think you're gorgeous," Paige interrupted Jessica's ramble. "You're like a classic Hollywood movie star, in any decade you would be one of the most beautiful women in the world, it's just... I don't normally go with T-girls..."
"Me either," Jessica said, her emotions scrambled by Paige's confession. "I mean, I know we are both women, both inside and outside, but..."
"There's always going to be a part of you that says 'there's something not right about this'," Paige said.
"Exactly," Jessica whispered with a twinge of sadness in her voice. "I mean, I'm not even out to my parents yet, this would never work..."
"Me either," Paige moaned. Gingerly, Paige inched her expertly-manicured fingers toward Jessica's and intertwined them, looking deeply into the American girl's eyes.
"You have such amazing eyes," Jessica said, making Paige blush and turn her head away.
"Nah, they look stupid," Paige replied.
"No, they look exotic," Jessica said, gently turning the Scottish girl's head to look into her eyes. A brief pause fell over the room as Jessica and Paige gazed into each other's eyes, before they both leaned forward at the same time, gently pressing their lips together. The kiss only lasted for a brief second but it sent both girls' minds into a frenzy and their hearts into overdrive.
"I-" Jessica stuttered.
"We-" Paige said in a quivering voice. Both girls looked into each other's eyes again, before launching themselves at each other, kissing each other as deeply as either girl had ever been kissed. The second kiss lasted mere seconds, but for both Jessica and Paige, it felt like time had stopped as they felt each other's taste enter their mouths, their tongues touching and their saliva intermingling.
"God, I wish I wasn't wearing this cache sex," Jessica complained, eliciting giggles from Paige.
"We could always, you know, take it off?" Paige said with a devilish twinkle in her eyes.
"I'm... Not the kind of girl who does that on a first date," Jessica giggled.
"So, then?" Paige asked.
"So... What?" Jessica replied.
"Do you want, maybe, go out on a date with me?" Paige asked, her heart fluttering with every word.
"I'd love that," Jessica replied, before kissing Paige deeply one more time.
"You know, they're gonna realise we're in here," Paige sighed. "Reckon we should go out there one at a time?"
"I've got a date with the most gorgeous girl in Paris," Jessica said, making Paige laugh with embarrassment. "I don't want to keep that a secret!" Paige and Jessica both grinned devilish grin as they stood up, hand in hand, and exited the bedroom to the awed gasps of the other partygoers...
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New story!
Hi everyone!
This is the new story I've been teasing in my comments for a while now, I've wanted to write an 'ensemble' story for AGES, and I wanted to set it around a career other than modelling where my 'boys' could be sexy girls, and with the exception of 'Playboy Bunny', nothing's sexier than a stewardess, and I loved the (sadly-cancelled) show Pan Am so much, I couldn't NOT write this! The show is set in the same 'universe' as Jamie-Lee's and Nikki's stories, so there will be some interaction between the characters, but not for a long while, not until I get the Soixante-Trois girls established first. Rest assured these stewardesses' adventures are far from over!
Debs xxxx
Mon Dieu!
Voler les cieux amicaux ?
Love, Andrea Lena
A very nice and interesting story. I am definitely old enough to know all about Pan-AM; plus a few other excellent airlines that have all gone the way of the DoDo bird. I actually flew on the last Champagne flight that Pan-Am had (1966) into Tan Son Nhut AB, Vietnam. Stangely, we flew out of San Francisco, CA rather than Travis AFB, CA where I was stationed at that time.
A question if I may. I realize the story plot is about an airlines trying to copy all the exquisite flying benefits of flying on the Pan-Am flights in the eras of the 60's, 70's and very early 80's. Is this the reason for calling all the women "Stewardess" rather than the present name of "Flight Attended"? Janice Lynn
Yep, 63 pride themselves on being very old-fashioned and are, as you'll see as the story goes on, very resistant to political correctness. Don't worry, Jessica and co will force a few attitude adjustments along the way... :-)
Enjoyable Opening...
Though I usually have trouble sitting still through long fashion and beauty descriptions, somehow I didn't have a problem with this one. Through it all, things moved forward reasonably well.
Seemed a shame not to give us more details on the Blue Route, though, since all the characters know it already. We do know that it covers Glasgow and by extension presumably the rest of the United Kingdom and Ireland. But we don't know how it and the fourth color divide up the rest of Europe (other than the northeastern part), or whether 63Air crosses the Atlantic or the Asian continent, or heads to central or southern Africa for that matter. (I guess I should include Australia for completeness.)
Looking forward to more.
I didn't want to bog down the story with too many 'factual' details to begin with- and we will encounter all four routes (and maybe a few others) throughout the course of the story, but as you're asking... :-)
Blue route: core routes, France, Germany (63 also has a small hub in Berlin), UK, Ireland, Switzerland, Benelux
Black route: northern countries, Russia, Poland, Scandinavia
Red route: Mediterranean countries, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece
Grey route: Middle East countries, turkey, UAE, Qatar
Hope this clears a few things up :-)
Soixante-trois and not soixante-neuf?
Cheeky! :-)
Cheeky! :-)
It's meant to be a play on this-
63 Airlines... cool..
I like the story. If the airline ever flew into the USA, a nice international airport would be Bradley-Hartford International.
TGSine --958
Thanks- that information may
Thanks- that information may be useful for future chapters, you never know... ;-)
Debs xxxx
10000 reads!
Thanks everyone! Watch this space for a new chapter from the fly girls soon!
Debs xxxx
im a new gurl on this site
im a new gurl on this site and i love it
your story is wonderful and its going to take me simply ages to read all the chapters, but im soooo looking forward to the adventure.
wonderful story darling
thank you so much