My Mistake, Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
By Samantha Jenkins

I walked around to the drivers side and sat in the drivers seat, after opening the passenger side door for Katie. I put the car into gear and backed out of the parking spot. I drove in the direction that Katie pointed. I stopped at the light and managed to stall the car.

"Restart it, Morgan, before the light changes." Katie said with a grin. I turned the key and started the car again.

"I know." I said, and as the light changed, I put the Corolla in gear and made a left turn, toward the local pizza joint. As we drove, we started talking.

"I like this dress and the way it holds me tight. I can't really forget that I have it on, but at the same time I can't take it off either." I said to Katie as I stopped at a red light, with out stalling the car this time. I glanced over at her. she looked at me and blushed, and then looked away. I saw that the light had changed, and put the car in first gear and edged ever closer to the pizza shop. I turned the car into the parking lot of the pizza shop and backed the car into a parking spot. I turned the car off and looked over at Katie. Katie had glanced my direction when I turned off the car and then when I looked over at her, and she turned her head away again, blushing.

"What's up with you?" I asked her, she turned toward me again, with a smile.

"In you I have the best of both worlds, I have another girl to dress up in my 'special' outfits, and I have a boyfriend that I've been trying to get for a while." She said, a tear rolling down her cheek. I reached up and brushed it away.

"Does that mean that we are going out now?" I asked with a grin. Katie looked at me and smiled. "How long have you been wanting to get me?" I asked. Katie blushed and turned away. "It's ok, you can tell me." I said, placing my right hand on the top of her left hand.

"Yes, I guess you could say that we're going out now, and I've only been throwing signals your way for a year or so. I'm hungry. Lets go eat and discuss this inside." She glanced at the front door of the pizza shop. I got out and walked around to her side of the car and opened Katie's door for her.

“Thank you.” Katie said, with a little curtsy, as well as she could do in an ankle length dress with a built in corset. I took her hand as we walked into the pizza shop. We walked in and sat at a table. I looked around and saw some people that Katie knew from school. I knew that Katie knew them, because I knew them too. This was the first group of people that I had run into that I might have known while dressed in a skirt. After they watched Katie and I come into the pizza shop, one of the girls of the group approached us. I watched her approach the table that we had been sat at, walking pretty damn sure of her self on a pair of three or so inch heels. She was wearing a red turtleneck sweater and a short black and red plaid miniskirt. When she got to the table, I recognized her as Kristen, one of Katie’s friends from school.

“Hey Katie,” Kristen said as she sat at the table next to Katie.

"Hey Kristen, I didn't expect to see you here" Katie said, smiling. I watched as Katie winked at me, causing me to blush ever so slightly, but not enough for Kristen to notice.

"I didn't expect to see you come in either, I was just wondering who your friend was, because I've never seen her before." I looked at Kristen. I shared a math class and an english class with her, sitting right next to her in the English class.

"Kristen, Meet Morgan, she is Josh and Jen's cousin, and she will be staying with them for a while, Josh went to their house to help build something." Katie said.

“I can’t really see Josh helping with any type of construction, he has always struck me as girlish, but I could be wrong.” I felt my cheeks get warm when all of the blood flowed there because I was blushing. Katie shot me a look that appeared to say ‘sorry.’

“Actually, Josh has been working with my dad on designing the new shed that we are building.” I said trying to defend my self with out giving my self away. This took Kristen by surprise.

“Ah.” Kristen said, and looked back at the table she had gotten up from. “I’m going to go back over and sit with Mark, It was nice meeting you Morgan, and I’ll see you on Monday Katie.” Katie and I both nodded and watched as she went back to sit with her boyfriend. Katie and I looked at each other.

“Good save, Morgan.” Katie said. I smiled at her. “I would have never thought of anything like that. I’ve seen some of the stuff that you draw, you could be an architect.” When we moved into the house that we were living in, after measuring out my bedroom, I had drawn up a basic set of blueprints to figure out how to place stuff in the room to maximize the space that I had at my disposal. I had actually done a project in which some of the other students accused me of paying an architect to draw up the floor plans to the building that housed the project. The teacher called my mom and she had verified that I had in fact done the drawings, and had not payed for them to be done for me. I took my laptop to school the next day and showed the teacher, who said that I should look into architecture as a career. I had looked into it and was seriously considering doing it.

“I have actually designed a shed for Julie’s mom and dad to hold all of their stuff. I drew it up and they built it exactly as I had drawn and the thing ended up surviving a flood.” I paused and took a drink of the glass of water I had got when we had sat down. “I’m probably going to end up spending the rest of my life doing it, It’s something that I enjoy.” I motioned to the clothes that I had on, “Kind of like this.” Katie smiled.

“That’s basically what I do when it comes to modifying the clothes so that I can put locks on every thing.” Katie said, tugging on one of the locks of her dress. I saw Katie look over my shoulder and give a little smirk. I glanced over and saw that our pizza was coming toward us, being carried by a server. Now one thing that I have to tell you, dear reader, is that Katie normally doesn’t eat pizza.

After we had eaten the pizza, Katie looked at me, and had a grin appear on her face. It was one of those looks like she was thinking about something.

“What?” I asked her, knowing the look that she was giving. I watched as she reached up and played with the simple gold stud that she had in each of her ear lobes. Katie had only had her ears pierced for just over a year, her mother refusing to have them done until she turned fifteen. I had worn clip on earrings for the play because my character had worn some dangly earrings, and if I had gotten my ears pierced just for the play, I couldn’t have worn the ear rings that my character wore because the holes would not have heeled to the point where I could. Katie looked at me sand smiled.

“We should get your ears pierced.” Kate said, after taking a drink of her Sprite that was sitting next to her. I thought about it, knowing that at the moment no part of my punishment was leaving permanent marks on any part of my body. I looked at Katie.

“I’d want to discuss it with mom first.” I said. Jen had her ears pierced at ten so I didn’t think that mom would mind, but I also knew that it would be my responsibility to maintain my newly pierced ears, and I also knew that I would be stuck with them until the holes heeled enough to take the studs out without then holes closing. Katie smiled at me.

“Ok, can I pick the ear rings that you get?” She asked, practically bouncing off of the wall.

“Mom gets to approve it, but, yes you can pick out my new ear rings.” I watched one of those grins that told me that I had just made a mistake. I seemed to be doing that a lot in the last few days, making mistakes. I took a drink of my water and then looked at Katie. “What are you thinking?” I asked. Katie smiled. I didn’t get an anwser as Katie paid for the pizza . Katie handed me the keys to the car.

“You’re driving” she said as we walked out the door and got into the car. where I got in and stated driving home. the entire ride was in silence . I caught her looking at me and when I looked at her, she looked away, smiling.
I backed the car into the driveway and set the parking brake. I shut the car off and got out and walked around to Katie's side and opened her door for her.

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Very Interesting

Will things heat up between them now? Does she she him as a boy or a girl?
May Your Light Forever Shine

May Your Light Forever Shine

I 'tink you missed the crucial sentences

First question, ...
No Idea. /shrug
Second question was already answered.

"In you I have the best of both worlds, I have another girl to dress up in my 'special' outfits, and I have a boyfriend that I've been trying to get for a while."

I think the more appropriate

I think the more appropriate question would be, What doesn't Katie see Morgan as?

Katie seeing Morgan

I think Katie sees Morgan as the best of both worlds, and I'm still not even sure what that means in this regard...