Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 7

Chuck was checking his watch when the stranger approached him. “Those were a couple of nice looking ladies you had.”

“Thanks.” Chuck said while not looking at the guy but in the direction of the ladies room door. ‘Come on Hiromi, we got to get going or we’ll miss the boat.’

“If you’re done with them, would you mind giving me their number?”

Chuck immediately turned around. “What did you just say?”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Seven

Synopsis- Hiromi sees a fortune teller and goes to a casino in Macau, Gabrielle has a chat with Dr. Wagner and meets a close friend, Midori and Stewart Slater get very bad news, plus Operation Swan Song takes an unexpected turn.

Author’s note- Thank you to Stacy for her help. I must also say thank you to the creators and writers of the television show, Get Smart.


Gabrielle Tanaka watched as Hong Kong faded away from view, the FBI agent looking out a window on the Cathay Pacific flight she was a passenger on. In four hours Gabrielle would be physically back in Tokyo again.

As for Gabrielle’s heart, it was somewhere else. It was with Tom Slater, wherever the brave Army Captain was right then. Gabrielle fought hard to stifle a tear right then. The feelings she had for Tom were so strong right then.

‘Why didn’t you say yes last night? You may well never see Tom again and if you don’t Gabrielle Tanaka you may regret it.’ Gabrielle thought as she closed the window.

Gabrielle was feeling regrets. Not just because of her turn down to Tom’s request to get nekkid together, but because Gabrielle had let her friend go back to work as Hiromi Sato. The information passed along to Gabrielle about her two personas was deeply troubling the FBI agent.

Was Swan Song more important than Tom Slater’s life and maybe her sanity? Gabrielle was beginning to worry for her friend’s mental state. Not just her physical well being.

Swan Song had enough information to crack the Watanabe Yakuza wide open. Everyone likes a perfect case, but the financial data mined from Hiromi’s computers was solid 24 karat gold. There was enough in it to implicate almost every higher up in the Watanabe organization, including the Oyabun himself.

So why were Tom Slater and Tonichi Ogawa still sticking their neck out? There was something else at play with Swan Song, but hell if Gabrielle knew what it was.

Gabrielle was angry at the Swan Song committee’s cavalier attitude towards the lives of Ripley and Chrysanthemum but even angrier with herself. Tom wanted to be with her the previous night, and Gabrielle told him no.

Why? So she could do some fucking paperwork! What an ass Gabrielle had been to her friend. Tom needed someone and she was instead more worried about her job. If something happened to Tom, Gabrielle could have a tough time living with herself.

‘Priorities. What’s more important to you? Tom Slater or your job?’ Gabrielle asked herself as the pilot came on the plane’s public address system. It was the usual early flight message. Flight time to destination, weather at destination. Etc., etc.

Gabrielle had the importance of prioritizing drummed into her at an early age by her parents. From the time she started the first grade, education or school work always came first, after that came certain activities, usually those of the music variety. Gabrielle played the flute and piano and had been active in her school chorus.

Sports came next for Gabrielle. She playing lacrosse, golf, in addition to being a member of her high school’s cross country team. Whatever time was left after all these activities were concluded, usually a very minuscule amount, was allocated to a social life.

This didn’t change all that much when Gabrielle went to Cal Berkeley where studied and was a member of the Lady Bears golf team. Gabrielle attending the University of California at Berkeley thanks to a golf scholarship. In addition, Gabrielle worked part-time as a waitress.

So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Gabrielle was career driven today. Her social life was almost non-existent, and as to her family.....Gabrielle found very little time for them either. That had been mostly a matter of choice. Gabrielle didn’t want to hear further reminders of her poor career choice by her Mom and Dad or her sister Roxanne’s caustic commentary on how pathetic her life was.

No one had ever gotten into Gabrielle Tanaka’s heart. That was till Tom Slater that is. The two had hit it off in a way Gabrielle had done with no other person before, male or female. There was a chemistry, a meshing of personalities, physical attraction, and honest to goodness feelings for one another if not love.

Gabrielle’s sexuality was always a toss up. Probably leaning to the lesbian side of the equation. To her surprise, she found Tom Slater physically attractive. Which was rare in Gabrielle’s case with men, but it was true. That Tom was in touch with his emotions, however how subdued he kept them, made the Army Captain even more desirable. He was masculine without being macho.

The desire and love Gabrielle felt for Tom was very strong. She had known the man barely eight months, only a little over three of which they had contact with one another. Nonetheless Gabrielle was deeply attached to Tom. That didn’t change with Tom in her current female form. Gabrielle could love Tom in either gender, though she longed for him more as a man.

For Gabrielle wanted to have the man’s child one day. Something only possible if Tom got out of Swan Song alive and back to his correct gender. The trip to Hong Kong had shown Gabrielle that she had her priorities wrong in life. Tracking down criminals was never going to touch her the way Tom Slater could.

And Gabrielle told Tom no back at the McDonald’s. A tear began to trickle down Gabrielle’s face as she recalled Tom’s reaction. She was disappointed, and rightfully so. Gabrielle had put her work before helping Tom in her time of need.

Tom Slater was in an unenviable situation. On a dangerous assignment, that even if successful and gotten out of safely, could change Tom Slater for life. Gabrielle had spent over three months with Tom as she trained for Swan Song. During all that time, Tom/Midori/ acted like a woman outwardly, but Gabrielle always saw and felt the man inside.

Not anymore, Tom Slater was being emasculated. What was causing it? The female body he now resided in and the female hormones present in it? Her environment? The stress of her mission? Maybe even the DNA therapy was at fault. Whichever it was, Tom was losing any grip she had on her masculinity.

Gabrielle saw it. The breast implants weren’t the tip off. Gabrielle understood the reasoning behind why Tom got them. It was Tom seeking Gabrielle’s approval of how she looked now. The real Captain Slater wouldn’t have ever done this.

There were other signs. Tom’s body language, attention to what Gabrielle was wearing that day, maybe most importantly the way she talked of Chuck. Gabrielle expected her friend to be angry or upset at what she was having to do to maintain cover. Instead Gabrielle sensed Tom may have grown to enjoy it.

Tom had undergone psychological changes, ones Gabrielle would only be guessing as to their chances of being reversed. What Tom needed was a reminder of whom he really was. Gabrielle had the opportunity and declined.

‘I’m a real asshole.’

Gabrielle didn’t know what the next step was. Write up her observations and submit them to Swan Song. A whole lot of good that was likely to due Gabrielle concluded. Director Williamson was unlikely to be sympathetic. Tom Slater was expendable so far as most of the Swan Song committee was concerned.

Other alternatives- Contacting Hiromi again, with or without Swan Song’s permission. This in order to try saving Tom Slater masculinity and make up for Gabrielle’s poor decision in Hong Kong. If Tom wanted to be nekkid with her, Gabrielle would be delighted and available.

Meeting Tom was risky. Gabrielle would have to make direct contact or indirect through Chrysanthemum. Both were risky and could blow Tom Slater’s cover.

Gabrielle came to an important decision. From here on, Tom Slater would be the #1 priority in her life. First to get him safely, mentally and physically through Swan Song, then let what could happen between Tom and her happen. No holding back any more. Right now Gabrielle wanted to love Tom Slater till the day she died.


It was night-time in Albuquerque New Mexico and Simon Zebriskie was fast asleep after a hard day spent behind the wheel and caring for his family. Next to him in bed was his wife Susan.

Unlike her husband Susan was awake. Partly because she felt wound up, partly due to her mulling over some personal matters. It had been an exhausting day for her also. Traveling cross country with a toddler was hard work. More so when the child was ill and cranky because of it.

Shannon Zebriskie was just that. That was why the couple was in New Mexico then rather than at Altus already. Shannon was starting to feel a little better and this gave the couple hope they would reach Oklahoma the next day.

Something entirely different was on Susan’s mind at present. It was her menstrual cycle or the lack of one. As she lay in bed, Susan was calculating the last time her period arrived. Mothers have a great many things on their minds, so it’s easy to forget dates sometimes.

It took a minute or two of thinking for Susan to remember when her period last came. It was December 10th. She remembered the date because of an appointment she had to have her nails done that day. Susan remembering she had to change sanitary pads at the nails salon.

Just before leaving Mountain Home, Susan had balanced the family check book and remembered the check she wrote for her nail appointment. Today was January 20th and if her last period happened on December 10th.......

Susan and Simon hoped to have another child or two. The plan had been to wait another a year or two. So much for the best laid plans of mice and men or husbands and wives. In addition to her menstrual cycle being late, Susan’s breasts felt slightly heavier than normal. This early symptom of pregnancy occurred when she got pregnant with Shannon also.

‘Should I wake Simon and tell him my news?’ Susan asked herself. She quickly decided not to say anything yet. It had been a long day for the couple. If Simon heard his wife could possibly be pregnant, the father would insist on rushing out to get a HPT.

There was a long road ahead for Susan if she was pregnant. Getting all worked up now about another baby seemed like a waste of energy. So she decided to tell Simon once they got settled in Altus. Susan could go to the base clinic there and get a pregnancy test done for free.

Susan still wasn’t sleepy, so she decided to share her news with another family member. After taking her cell phone into the bathroom, Susan called her mother in Washington.

After explaining how the trip was going, Susan got right to the point. “Mom, my period is over a week late, I think I’m pregnant.”

Susan could hear the delight in her mother’s voice. “That’s wonderful. I’m so happy.”

“I’m happy too Mom.”


The day after her meeting with Gabrielle, Hiromi was shown around parts of Hong Kong by Chuck. It was Tom Slater’s first time to see the former British colony as a tourist.

Most of the day was spent making a visit to Lantau Island. To get there, Chuck and Hiromi took a ferry from Hong Kong’s central pier. The first place they visited on Lantau was the giant Buddha statue, located in the center of the island.

“How do you like it?”

“Interesting.” Hiromi replied back as she and Chuck walked around holding each other’s hand. “When was the first time you came here?”

“Back when I was 14. I came here with.....” Chuck began to say but suddenly stopped.

“Why didn’t you finish?”

Chuck was a little embarrassed. “All right. I brought my first girlfriend here. Her name was Bao-Yu. Zhen Bao-Yu.”

“You’re tall and handsome so you must have had lots of girlfriends.” Hiromi gently kidded her boyfriend.

“No not really. Want to know the honest total of girls I dated before you?”

“Yes, tell me.”

“Two. That’s all. Are you jealous?”

“No of course not.”

Chuck wrapped his right arm around Hiromi. “Bao-Yu is ancient history and I sincerely mean it my little sports car, when I say I never loved anyone more than you.”

After seeing the Buddha statue, Hiromi and Chuck were planning to walk some of the trails in the middle of the island. It was a beautiful January day, too good a one to be spent indoors.

Before that, Hiromi saw one of the fortune tellers who had a booth near the statue. She did this at Chuck’s prompting. Some Chinese put great faith in these predictors of the future.

Sometime long ago, Tom Slater had read the story of actor Bruce Lee. Bruce was planning to buy a home or apartment in Kowloon Tong and before doing so consulted a fortune teller.

The fortune teller advised Bruce it would be bad joss if he bought the home. Saying Bruce’s Chinese name meant small dragon, and a small dragon living in a home of nine dragons(Kowloon Tong) could not come to a good end. Bruce bought the home and died a year later. That was definitely a instance of bad joss.

Tom Slater thought fortune telling was poppycock, but went along with Chuck’s suggestion. The woman who saw Hiromi took her hand and began to examine it very closely.

“You are a successful woman.....I see you making lots of money......there are good friends.....one at least who is very close to you.”

Hiromi just humored the lady and Chuck. So far no great revelations or predictions had been made by the fortune teller. The woman could just as easily read Hiromi Sato’s current biography.

“This is interesting.”

“What’s that?”

“I see danger...and pain also but see here it ends.”

Was the fortune teller saying Tom’s Swan Song mission end in personal disaster? Like so many other times, Tom fought hard to forget the fears she had about her assignment.

“Your family line is strong.” Hiromi couldn’t help notice the fortune teller occasionally looking in the direction of Chuck. ‘Yes she’s telling me what she thinks I want to hear.’

“One day you will be happily married with children.”

The session with the fortune teller ended soon afterwards. Chuck and Hiromi walking back to the bus area.

“Where to next?” Hiromi asked Chuck. The visit to Lantau was proving to be a nice change of pace. Nowhere to go and all day to get there.


The Zebriskies got on the road at 6:30 Monday morning. Susan and Simon only having coffee before setting out on the drive. They planned to go an hour or two east on I-40 before stopping for breakfast.

I-40 east of Albuquerque goes through a very mountainous part of New Mexico. Stretches of the road going sharply uphill before doing the opposite. A driver had to be particularly attentive on this part of I-40.

Up till the day before, New Mexico had been having a warm spell. Monday had seen a drop off in temperatures by some twenty degrees. This resulted in fog along the stretches of I-40 the Zebriskies would be traveling.

Simon Zebriskie took extra care driving through the foggy stretches of interstate highway. If the family needed two more days to reach Altus, so be it. Safety was the father’s main goal. In the car Susan and Shannon were both asleep. Each dozing off not long after leaving the hotel parking lot.

If Simon was being careful, other drivers weren’t practicing similar caution. In one of the valleys along I-40, a small pile up took place. Four cars and a tractor trailer were involved. The last jackknifing in a way that blocked most of the interstate.

This happened about a minute before the Zebriskies reached the same stretch of road. There weren’t many cars out yet that morning. Those that followed the wreck all having to come to a stop.

“What’s going on?” Susan Zebriskie asked her husband. The car was slowing down, and this caused the mother to wake up. “Are we stopping for breakfast?”

“No an accident happened up ahead,” Simon said as he slowed the car down to an almost dead stop on the road’s shoulder. A eighteen wheeler, not the one that jackknifed, was ten to twenty feet in front of the Zebriskies. “I don’t know if we can go further. We’ll just have to patient.”

Another truck driver named Don Shelby was coming up behind the Zebriskies. At present Don was accelerating down the hill in preparation for the hard uphill climb that would follow. Because Don didn’t have his CB radio on, he didn’t know of the wreck that lay ahead of him.

When Don realized the road was blocked, he jammed on the breaks and swerved to the right barreling into cars parked along the side of I-40. This resulting in a massive chain reaction.

The Zebriskie family Toyota Tundra became part of the chain reaction. The SUV being propelled in the direction of the stopped 18-wheeler that lie ahead of them.

“Simon.....” Was Susan Zebriskie’s last word before impact.


As soon as Gabrielle arrived in Tokyo, she went right to work on finalizing a report on Captain Slater’s debriefing. A transcript of the three-hour meeting would be attached to the report.

Gabrielle kept many of her personal observations to herself. When the committee next met, Gabrielle may raise some of her concerns but not all of them.

In the mean-time, Gabrielle placed a phone call to Charlottesville Virginia. “May I speak to Dr. Wagner?”

“She’s on vacation right now and won’t be back till January 28th. May I take a message?” A receptionist at the University of Virginia asked.

“No, I will call back another time.” Gabrielle said as she hung up the phone.


Midori Slater had sensed something was wrong for almost half a day. The mother, wondering if Susan had done a pregnancy test, had tried calling her daughter beginning around 3 p.m. Monday afternoon. All Midori got was Susan’s voice mail and no return phone calls. This was so unlike Susan Zebriskie.

When two Darrington Washington policemen showed up at the Slater house early on Tuesday morning, the mother’s heart sank. Midori knew she was about to get very bad news.

“Mrs. Slater, can we come in?”

“Yes of course.” Midori said to the officers. She then showed them to seats in the living room. “Let me get my husband. He is out in the back yard.”

Stewart Slater was in the house two minutes later. He and Midori now sitting on a couch across from the officers.

“Mr. and Mrs. Slater I’m sorry to inform you your daughter Susan died in a New Mexico auto accident yesterday morning.”

Midori didn’t show any immediate grief. Instead she had a question to ask. “How about her husband Simon and our grandson Shannon?”

Officer Jim Roland hated this part of police work. “Simon Zebriskie also died in the same accident. As to your grandson Shannon, he is in a New Mexico hospital right now.....”


Thousands of miles away Tom Slater was oblivious to the latest Slater family tragedy. At present she was in one of Macau’s many casinos. After a good day at one of the dice tables, Hiromi decided to try the slots with some of her winnings.

The bank purchase Hiromi Sato had come to Hong Kong for had gone through with no last second glitches or delays. Actually the sale was completed ahead of time. Seeing everything was ready, Hiromi asked if the contracts could be signed on Monday afternoon rather than Tuesday morning. After a short delay by both bank’s lawyers to check that all the documents were present for the closing, the deal was completed.

It was shortly before 7 p.m. local time Monday that Hiromi Sato became the largest shareholder of China East Commerce Bank. After the deal was done, Hiromi went back to the Peninsula Hotel.

With Tuesday totally free, Hiromi and Chuck decided to visit Macau. They did so by taking an early morning hovercraft over to the former Portuguese colony.

“Do you want to visit the casinos?” Hiromi asked Chuck late on Monday night just moments after the Australian proposed the trip to Macau.

“Yes Kimi-chan, I would like to do that if it was all right with you. We can do some sightseeing if you want.”

“We’ll go to Macau then. You can go to the casino while I sight see or do some shopping.” Hiromi replied back after a few moments thought. She knew of Chuck’s love to gamble. The Australian enjoyed going to casinos and horse races.

Before he left to see the races at Happy Valley on Saturday, Hiromi had given Chuck 50,000 yen or a little under $500 US to gamble with. Chuck liked to bet, but small sums. He placed about $150 US dollars worth of bets at the track that day. The results were a small gain. Chuck finishing the day with 15-20% more money than he started.

Before meeting up with Chuck at the casino around 3 p.m, Hiromi did some sightseeing. The day was still young, and the last hovercraft didn’t depart for Hong Kong till 8:15 p.m. Therefore Hiromi decided to have some fun gambling at the casino too.

By 7 p.m. Hiromi had her fill of the slots and dice tables. Tom Slater was even less of a gambler than Chuck McBride. The Army Captain always felt there were wiser ways to spend his money.

“How did you do?” Chuck asked Hiromi in the casino lobby.

Reina was the one to answer. Chrysanthemum had made the trip to Macau too. Hiromi hadn’t been keeping track, so she had looked to Reina for an answer. “A little ahead.”

“Same here. Have a good time?”

“Yes, but its time to go back to Hong Kong.” Hiromi replied.

“Anything you want my little sports car. Let’s go to the cashier then.”

There were two people ahead of Chuck and Midori in the cashier’s line. While they waited, Chuck saw a friend just walking into the casino. “Kimi-chan, I want to go say hello to a friend. I’ll be right back.”

“No problem.”

Chuck’s friend was Doug Ross. Like Chuck, Doug was from Australia and had spent most of his youth in Hong Kong.

Doug and Chuck talked in the casino lobby for about five minutes before Hiromi walked up. “Who’s your friend?”

“Hiromi, this is Doug Ross. A mate of mine from when I lived in Hong Kong.”

Doug gently took Hiromi’s hand. “Nice to meet you Hiromi. A friend of Chuck is a friend of mine.”

“It is nice to meet you.” Hiromi replied back. She then talked with Doug for about a minute before saying something to Chuck. “I have to go to the ladies room. After I’m done, we better get going. The boat back to Hong Kong is leaving soon.”

Chuck looked at his watch. “You’re right Kimi-chan. I’ll be waiting right here when you’re done.”

Hiromi and Reina walked off to the nearby ladies room. While they did this, Doug checked his watch. “I got to get going too.”

“Good seeing you mate.”

“Same here. Next time you’re in Hong Kong, give me a call. Still got my number?”

“Of course.” Chuck replied back. The Australian noticed a man in his mid-thirties lingering close by. He had been directly behind Chuck and Hiromi in the cashier’s line.

Doug shook Chuck’s hand. “Good seeing you again. Bring Hiromi next time you’re in town Lauren would love to meet her I’m sure.”

“I will.” Chuck replied back. After saying a last goodbye, Doug went on his way.

Chuck was checking his watch when the stranger approached him. “Those were a couple of nice looking ladies you had.”

“Thanks.” Chuck said while not looking at the guy but in the direction of the ladies room door. ‘Come on Hiromi, we got to get going or we’ll miss the boat.’

“If you’re done with them, would you mind giving me their number?”

Chuck immediately turned around. “What did you just say?”


Hiromi was quite startled by the sight she saw on exiting the ladies room. Chuck McBride was being forcibly taken off the top of a man lying on the floor of the casino lobby. The Australian looking very agitated.

“What happened?” Hiromi asked her boyfriend

A Chinese gentleman was speaking very rapidly. Hiromi didn’t understand a word, but Chuck did. “Yes, I’m going. Kimi-chan, lets get out of here.”

As they exited the lobby, Hiromi tried asking about what just happened. “What went on back there?”

Chuck was still agitated. “Let’s talk about it later. I love you my little sports car.”

“Love you too.”

It was during the hovercraft ride back to Hong Kong, that Chuck took the time to explain to Hiromi what had happened in the casino lobby.

“That idiot back there asked me for your number.”

“My number?”

“He thought you were a hooker.”

Hiromi recalled the story of Chuck’s father and how he died. She didn’t blame her boyfriend for being angry, for that reason or that Chuck felt insulted by someone saying that about her “Forget about it. Please?”

Chuck then took a moment to kiss Hiromi. “I love you Kimi-chan.”

“Love you too.”

Hiromi and Chuck weren’t back to the Peninsula till almost 9:30. Their flight to Tokyo the next day would be leaving at 11 a.m. but Hiromi was tired and preferred not to go out any more that day. Chuck said they would order room service.

On the elevator ride upstairs, Hiromi noted how Chuck looked to be thinking. Was he still angry about what happened at the casino?

When they got to the twenty-third floor, Chuck spoke to Reina. Something he didn’t do very often. “Can you give me and your boss some privacy?”

“Of course.”

Hiromi wanted to say something but Chuck gave her no opportunity. As soon as they were alone in their room, Chuck began to passionately kiss Hiromi.

“What’s gotten into you?” Hiromi asked the first chance she got.


“Spit it out.”

“Hiromi......Oh forget it.”

“Are you all right?”

Chuck flashed Hiromi a big smile before kissing his girlfriend again. “Everything is quite all right.”

“Let’s order some room service then. I seem to remember you telling me ten times on the way over from Macau how hungry you were.”

“Yes let’s do that.” Chuck told Hiromi. If not for the lack of an engagement ring, Chuck would have asked Hiromi just moments ago to be his wife. As soon as the Australian got back to Japan and found some time, he’d buy that particular piece of jewelry.

What would be Tom Slater’s reaction be when Chuck popped the question?


Operation Swan Song went into a period of little activity after Ripley’s return to Tokyo. Hiromi still trying to gather as much intelligence as possible about the Watanabe Yakuza. Reina Shimizu at the same time perfecting her plan to gain access to Goro Watanabe’s work or personal computers.

Gabrielle Tanaka delivered her report on the debriefings of both Chrysanthemum and Ripley to the Swan Song committee Wednesday night Tokyo time. The report made no mention of Gabrielle’s mental evaluation of Captain Slater but it did however state both Ripley and Chrysanthemum were suffering from fatigue and increasing levels of stress from their mission.

“Thank you Agent Tanaka for your thorough report.” Deputy Director Williamson said after Gabrielle’s oral briefing. “We’ll give your opinions serious consideration.”

Later on and in private, Gabrielle’s concerns for Ripley and Chrysanthemum were dismissed. Swan Song was not yet deemed a success by the FBI and till it was, the two undercover agents would remain in place.

After the Swan Song meeting was over, Gabrielle had a private phone conversation with Grant Williamson. “Sir, I’d like to request some leave.”

“For how long?”

“Ten days. I need to see to some personal matters back home in the states.” Gabrielle told her boss. “My desk is almost clear right now, and I can have anything that remains done no later than Friday.”

Grant Williamson paused for a moment before replying. “Agent Tanaka you’re on leave for ten days effective this Saturday.”

“Thank you sir.” A few moments later Gabrielle hung up the phone.


Susan and Simon Zebriskie’s funeral took place exactly a week after the tragic accident that took the young married couple’s lives. The church service and burial both taking place in Washington State not far from where Stewart and Midori Slater lived.

Only some fifty or so people attended the funeral. One was Patricia Wetteland, Simon Zebriskie’s sister.

“As much as I’d like to, I can’t take Shannon.” Patricia told Midori and Stewart the night before the funeral. “I may be going through a divorce soon and I have my hands full with one child already.”

Simon and Susan Zebriskie had chosen Patricia to be guardian of their son if anything should happen to his parents. Patricia was thirty-three-years-old and worked in the United States Foreign Service. She was at present working at the US embassy in Yaounde Cameroon.

Patricia herself was a mother to a two-year-old boy named William. Her husband, also named William, worked for one of the many UN agencies with an office in Cameroon. For a long list of reasons, William and Patricia’s marriage was on the rocks. The couple was living in separate quarters at present.

“We understand.” Replied Midori Slater. The mother showing little outward appearance of the grief she felt over the loss of her oldest daughter. In private, when alone with her husband, Midori had let loose buckets of tears on multiple occasions.

“I think Simon and Susan if they were alive to tell us, would want you and Mr. Slater to care for Shannon.”

“Yes I think they would.” Stewart Slater said speaking up. Shannon Zebriskie had suffered only minor lacerations in the accident that killed his parents. The boy right then was asleep in the next door room. “We had better see this attorney in town on Tuesday. I think some documents will need to be drawn up.”

That night before going to bed, Midori Slater once again thought of her son Tom. Having lost two children already, the mother feared for her last remaining son more than ever. Midori prayed for Tom’s safety before crying herself to sleep that night.


On the same day as the Zebriskie funeral, Gabrielle Tanaka had an appointment to go to. She was meeting Dr. Wagner at the scientist’s office on the campus of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. The German scientist was tall, young, and as shapely as ever.

“Thank you Dr. Wagner for giving me some of your valuable time.”

“You’re welcome Fraulein. How may I help you?” Dr. Wagner asked as she leaned back in her chair at the same time crossing her legs.

Gabrielle spent ten minutes telling Dr. Wagner about the changes she noticed in Tom Slater. The German scientist for the most part listening quietly till the FBI agent was through talking. Dr. Wagner did however spend time fixing her makeup and lipstick and applied perfume while Gabrielle talked to her.

“What I’m trying to get at, is do patients who get the DNA therapy undergo mental changes?”

“Ya, some do. It depends on how long the person remains in their new body and the environment around them.”

“Are these changes permanent or can they be reversed?” Gabrielle asked. Dr. Wagner didn’t look a day over twenty-five years of age in Gabrielle’s opinion.

“My teams haven’t had the time to study this as much we had hoped. The men or women who have stayed in the opposite gender of that they were born for over two months I think with only a few exceptions have remained their new gender. I would have to check my records. Do you wish me to do that?”

Gabrielle didn’t say anything as she let this bit of information sink in. Was her friend too far gone to return to being a man? What did that mean for Gabrielle also? “No it isn’t necessary.”

“You are asking this because of the Captain?”

“Yes Dr. Wagner, I am.”

“He was a handsome man.” Dr. Wagner said with a broad smile.

“Yes I found Tom handsome also.”

Dr. Wagner’s phone rang right at that moment. The doctor excusing herself for a moment in order to answer it. When she was done, Dr. Wagner addressed Gabrielle again.

“I need to check on something,” Dr. Wagner said as she opened a desk drawer and took out a file. She then passed it to Gabrielle. “Feel free to read about one of my past patients. You may find it interesting.”

“No go ahead.” Gabrielle said before beginning to read the file. While she did this, Dr. Wagner left the office.

Dr. Wagner was back a little over ten minutes later. By that time Gabrielle was finished reading the file she was given.

“Did you find it interesting?”

“Yes, very much so.” Gabrielle replied as she closely eyed the German scientist.

“Hans Svenson was what is sometimes called a skirt chaser. You agree?”

“Yes.” Gabrielle replied back. The past patient of Dr. Wagner known as Hans Svenson had quite a history. Including five marriages, five divorces, all before the age of fifty-one. He had been accused of sexual harassment and other inappropriate sexual behavior on multiple occasions.

If not for the important work he did, Hans Svenson would have most certainly been fired by his employers. Now that was a thing of the past, Hans being an entirely different type of person.

“Now Hans likes to wear skirts and look pretty. He also liked to go out and meet men till she settled down.”

“Yes I saw that.”

“I’m sorry but that is likely to be Captain Slater when her mission is over. You love him?”

“Yes I do.”

“It is hard. If you want I can give you my DNA therapy too.”

“Make me a man you mean?”

“Ya, make you a man. Then you can be happy with the Captain.”

“I’ll think about it.” Gabrielle replied back. She had no desire to be a man.

Gabrielle and Dr. Wagner talked a few more minutes. Then the German scientist rose from her chair. “I really need to run. Feel free to call or email me if you have more questions.”

“Thank you doctor for your time,” Gabrielle said as she got up also. The FBI had an appointment that evening in Washington D.C. The drive from Charlottesville would take approximately two hours. “You’re going out tonight?”

“Ya, I’m meeting my fiancée Henry. His parents are coming to town, this is the first time I will meet them.”

“Good luck and have fun then.”

Gabrielle and Dr. Wagner walked to the office door together. Before exiting, Gabrielle had one last question. “That was you in the file I was given to read.”

Dr. Wagner smiled. “Yes I am Dr. Hans Svenson. Toodles.”


After her meeting with Dr. Wagner, Gabrielle returned to Washington D.C. What the scientist had told Gabrielle had shaken the FBI agent a bit. It was appearing certain now that Captain Tom Slater would never be himself again.

Did that matter? Gabrielle kept telling herself she loved Tom the person, not whether he was male or female. However the DNA therapy plus the Swan Song assignment had caused mental changes in the Army Captain. Did Gabrielle love the person Tom Slater was becoming?

There were a great many things for Gabrielle to mull over before Swan Song came to an end. In the meantime Gabrielle had a dinner date to go to with a college friend, Cassie Myers. They were to meet at the Four Seasons Hotel in downtown Washington at 7:30 that evening.

When Gabrielle got a mile from the hotel, traffic came to almost a grinding halt. Gabrielle had worked in DC for over two years and was well acquainted with the gridlock that city suffered from. Something however was different that night. There was a large police presence in the area.

Gabrielle made slow progress towards the hotel. Hopefully Cassie would forgive her friend for being late. Then again Cassie could well be stuck in traffic also Gabrielle thought to herself.

When she pulled alongside a police officer, Gabrielle asked a question but not before showing her FBI identification. “What is the problem?”

“Didn’t you know? Senator Obama is speaking at a banquet here tonight.”

The 2008 Presidential campaign was then in what some called its Potomac stage. A week from now, residents of Virginia, Maryland, and Washington DC would all be casting ballots for President.

Gabrielle had been so consumed by Swan Song, that she had forgotten this minor detail. While she was registered to vote, Gabrielle rarely cast a ballot. The last time she recalled doing it was at least three years in the past.

The Four Seasons parking lot was full of course. So Gabrielle had to find parking at a nearby garage. She then walked back to the hotel.

Cassie was late also, and Gabrielle waited in the hotel lobby for her friend. As she did, Gabrielle saw at least one interesting face in the crowd of people gathered to see Senator Obama that evening.

“Hi Gabby, long time no see.” Said the diminutive Cassie Myers. Born of a Filipino mother and a Jewish father, Cassie stood barely 5' tall. Cassie was one of Gabrielle’s two or three closest friends from Cal-Berkeley and the only person the FBI agent tolerated being called Gabby by. “I hope you weren’t waiting too long.”

“No, I’ve only been here a few minutes ago myself.”

“Good, I’m starved.”

Cassie had made reservations for dinner but that didn’t keep her and Gabrielle from waiting a half hour till a table was ready. When they were finally seated, the two Cal-Berkeley grads got caught up on old times.

“You just moved to Washington I hear?” Gabrielle asked.

“Yes I got a job working for the DNC.”

The DNC was the Democratic National Committee. Cassie Myers had been very politically active in college, dragging her friend Gabrielle to more than a few political rallies in now seemingly long ago days.

“So what have you been up to?”

“I’m still working for the Bureau.”

“Yes I heard that. Anything interesting of late?”

“Kind of but I can’t talk much about it. You?”

“The upcoming election but I guess you know that already.”

“That shit has been the last thing on my mind recently.”

Cassie laughed. “There must be someone in your life right now.”

“Sort of.”

“Want to talk?”

Gabrielle looked at the glass of wine in front of her. Would Tom Slater be part of her future? “Yes, I met this guy. His name is.....”

Cassie listened as Gabrielle told her about Captain Tom Slater. She was very surprised to hear her friend had fallen for an Army Officer of all things. Cassie, who had grown up in a very politically minded household with almost socialistic views to boot, had a very low opinion of members of the military. To her they were useful killers who had very little intelligence. If they were smart, they wouldn’t be serving in the military of a country that went to war for oil.

Of course Cassie would say none of this to Gabrielle. Gabrielle was smart, and this temporary infatuation of hers would pass. After all, how would Gabby mesh her career with someone who gets moved around the country or world every other year at most?

“Tom sounds nice.”

“Yes he is. Tom is half Japanese, Mrs. Slater was born in Japan.”

“Oh you met his parents already?” Cassie asked and Gabrielle said yes. “Things between you and Tom must be serious then.”

“I hope so.”

Cassie raised her glass of water in the air. With a impish grin, she said. “To you and Tom.”

“Thank you.” Gabrielle smiled back broadly. A few moments later a waiter stopped at the table to begin taking Gabrielle and Cassie’s orders for the evening.

‘Same old Cassie. You really are a jerk.’ Gabrielle thought as her friend kept the waiter impatiently waiting as she picked an appetizer out for the evening. All this politeness and feigned happiness over hearing Gabrielle had met a nice man was an act. Cassie still had those narrow minded simple opinions of hers, and the woman just never knew half the time how wrong they were.

Tom Slater was a man, an Army officer, but he was also most importantly a gentleman. Gabrielle knew Cassie would never understand. Men were considered dogs in her friend’s mind, and no amount of talk would change Cassie Myers’ opinion.

Back at Cal-Berkeley, Cassie and Gabrielle had been lovers for two years. It was Gabrielle who called an end to it. Her friend’s know it all, smart allecky, ‘I know what is best for you’ attitude had proven too much for the future law enforcement officer. As Cassie was heading to a graduate school in another part of California anyway, Gabrielle was able to end the relationship with few hard feelings.

In spite of all that, Gabrielle tried hard to have a pleasant evening out with Cassie. They talked about a lot of things, besides Tom Slater. It was a little after 10 p.m. when the two women finally left the hotel restaurant.

“It was good seeing you again Gabby.” Cassie said before giving Gabrielle a hug. “You take care.”

“I will.”

“When you get back to Washington again, look me up. Bring Tom along even.”

‘Yeah right.’ Gabrielle thought in reply to the Tom invitation. “Yes I’ll do that.”

Cassie gave Gabrielle one last hug before the two women broke up for the night. “I still owe you for that night in Chicago. If you ever need a favor, don’t hesitate. In the meantime, be safe my friend.”


Charles McBride had begun putting his own plans into motion. Two days after returning to Tokyo, Chuck went shopping for a engagement ring. It took visits to three different jewelers before the Australian found the one he was looking for. By putting down a small non-refundable deposit, Chuck was able to persuade the jeweler into holding the ring for him.

The next step Chuck had to take before proposing to Hiromi was trickier. Chuck needed to meet Keiji Watanabe without Hiromi finding out. It proved easier than Chuck could have ever hoped for.

Ever since she began ‘living’ with the retired Oyabun, Ai Toguchi liked to pay regular visits to Yokohama. This in order to engage in various types of shopping. Since the new year had begun, Keiji had begun making regular use of the suite across the way from his granddaughter’s.

Chuck wrote a letter to Keiji asking for a private meeting. A reply was quick in coming. The retired Oyabun would see Chuck the morning of February 9th.

It was a Saturday morning, and Hiromi had gone into Watanabe Trucking to catch up on some work. As soon as he was shown into the suite, Chuck shook Keiji’s hand and got right down to business.

“Thank you for seeing me Sir.”

“How may I help you Charles?”

“Sir, I’m in love with your granddaughter. I’m here to ask......”

Keiji raised his right hand as if to ask Charles to stop talking, which the Australian immediately did. “Charles, I am Hiromi’s grandfather and her closest living relative. You need not speak to me in this matter.”

“Sir, I was just trying to do the honorable thing. As a sign of respect.”

Keiji flashed a brief smile. “I know that. It is not necessary. You may ask Hiromi for her hand in marriage with my blessing.”

Chuck let loose a large sigh of relief. He never anticipated the meeting would go this smoothly. “Thank you sir.”

“I do have one wish Charles.”

“What is that sir?” Chuck asked and then listened quietly to what Keiji Watanabe had to say. “I’ll try my best.

“That is all I ask Charles.”

“If Hiromi says yes....”

“Knowing the two of you, my granddaughter will.” Keiji said at the same time permitting himself another rare smile. He loved Hiromi, doted on her, and regretted keeping his granddaughter distant for so long. However impossible it was, it would have brought pleasure for Keiji to have seen Hiromi more when she was a small child.

At the same time, Keiji felt he hadn’t been strict enough with Hiromi. In the aftermath of the 2001-02 Yakuza war with the Inagawa-kai, Keiji had given his granddaughter far too much Yakuza responsibility. She was brilliant so far as finance went and of sound judgment in Yakuza matters, she however was not fully Watanabe. The child of a shameful relationship Keiji’s son had nearly thirty years earlier.

More importantly so far as membership in the Yakuza goes was the fact that Hiromi was female. The Yakuza had limited use for women. Oyabuns going back generations strongly believed females should take care of the house and raise the family, in order to enable their husbands to do their work. A very small number of women, Ryuku Kinjoh for instance, were allowed membership in the Yakuza, but their roles were clearly defined.

Japan had become an industrial powerhouse since World War II. This had brought change to the country’s economy and way of life, but Japanese culture as well. Keiji believed strongly that Japanese culture was what made his country unique.

To maintain that culture Keiji believed every person had to stay in their assigned role. For chosen men, there was the chance to be members of the Yakuza. To join this society, entrants had to undergo certain rituals and pledge their loyalty to the family.

Keiji Watanabe had Hiromi do none of this before letting his granddaughter come to work for the Watanabe Yakuza. There was a reason and it was quite simple The retired Oyabun would never let his granddaughter become a full fledged member of the Yakuza.

This in order to protect his granddaughter but also because of Keiji’s own prejudices. A woman could never rule the Watanabe Yakuza because she would not be able to earn the respect needed to be Oyabun.

Hiromi Sato was no different than any other woman so far as her grandfather was concerned. Her relationship with this gaijin was another reason Keiji would never allow his granddaughter to rise no further in the Watanabe Yakuza. Her recent surgery was one of several others. How can a Oyabun command respect when they do such things to their body?

Keiji had allowed Hiromi too much influence within the Yakuza. Now Keiji would set things right again. With the help of this gaijin, so as to soften the blow for his granddaughter. Hiromi would be upset, and rightfully so, but would have to accept her grandfather’s decision.

Her marriage to Charles would allow Hiromi to step down in a face saving fashion. It would be said Hiromi wanted to focus on more important things in her life. As to the position of financial adviser to the Watanabes, Ryoji Ishii who was Hiromi’s chief assistant, was more than capable of doing the job.

To appease any shareigashiras who may grumble at the loss of their financial advisor, Keiji would still allow his granddaughter to manage their money through intermediaries. The shareigashiras would, like Hiromi, have to accept Keiji’s restructuring decisions.

“I hope you’re right sir. Your granddaughter is very head strong, which is something I love about her. Hiromi is also devoted to the work she does for you and Goro.”

“My granddaughter will do as I tell her when the time comes.” Keiji said in a tone of voice that left little doubt. He and Charles talked for a little while longer till Keiji signaled the meeting was over. He did this by getting up.

“When will you ask my granddaughter?”

“Shortly sir. I want to do it at just the right moment. A week from now maybe, but by month’s end for certain.”

“I wish you good luck.”

“Thank you.”

“A spring wedding would be nice.”

Chuck nodded. “I agree. Maybe in late May or the beginning of June. The weather is so pleasant then.”

“Yes it is.” Keiji replied back to Chuck McBride before showing him out of the apartment.


While Chuck was seeing her grandfather, Hiromi was enduring a very annoying day at Watanabe Trucking. Her office PC was operating slower than normal for some reason.

‘Damn Microsoft and their upgrades.’ Hiromi cursed under her breath as her computer froze up once again. The computer Hiromi used had Windows XP installed on it. If Hiromi had been paranoid, she may have reasoned Microsoft deliberately screwed up XP upgrades in order to coerce customers into upgrading to Microsoft Vista. Tom Slater, like many other people, considered Vista a downgrade rather than upgrade from XP.

When there were computer problems at Watanabe Trucking, the normal practice would be to call in ‘The Indian’. That was the last thing Tom Slater wanted to do. If Omar Rafique went to work on Hiromi’s computer, he may well end up finding the ghost program that had been installed on it for Operation Swan Song.

Hiromi’s frustration with the PC finally reached the breaking point. Getting up from her desk, she went into Watanabe Trucking’s outer offices. Because it was a weekend, the offices were almost entirely vacant.

“Is there something I can do for you Taro-san?” Asked Yuri, one of Hiromi’s bodyguards.

“No, I’m fine.” Hiromi said as she walked into the office of her assistant, Ryoji Ishii. As soon as she was in the room, Hiromi took a seat behind Ryoji’s desk.

It took a few minutes for the PC in the office to warm up. As soon as it did, a password screen appeared. As part of the working relationship they had with their boss, both Ryoji Ishii and Yuka Kawamura had given Hiromi their personal computer identifications and passwords.

Hiromi entered Ryoji’s password and was immediately given access to the accountant’s computer system. Hiromi would use this PC till her own computer got over the nervous breakdown it seemed to be having.

That’s how Hiromi thought of her computer at present. Hiromi herself was having her monthly visitor, Aunt Flo, and this was definitely affecting her mood. The use of contraceptives don’t make Flo’s visits disappear, but make them more erratic instead.

Ryoji’s computer had everything Hiromi needed in order to finish work that day. It was just a few minutes before Hiromi planned to call it quits, when she made an interesting discovery. A financial file even she didn’t know about.

Hiromi clicked on the computer icon. There was a file of the Office accounting program in the directory. That wasn’t the only thing to draw Hiromi’s attention. There was also a saved Microsoft Word document. Hiromi immediately opened it up and began to read.

Before Hiromi left the office that day, she paid a visit to the ladies room. There she went potty and changed her sanitary napkin.

The sanitary napkin change was a reminder Tom Slater now had a female biological clock. In the early days of Swan Song Tom longed for the day she would not have one. That day for the first time, Ripley worried if she was losing precious time biologically wise.

Hiromi asked herself if she should stop taking the birth control pills she was prescribed and let nature take its course. On the other hand, Hiromi and Chuck weren’t married, and having a baby before marriage didn’t seem right. Which some may consider illogical, because of Chuck and Hiromi having lived together for two years. They were married in a sense already. Being legally married wasn’t far off either. Hiromi not knowing how close Chuck was to popping her the question.

Tom Slater’s grasp on his masculinity had been a weakened a few more notches. In reality, Ripley was thinking of herself as a man in a woman’s body less and less with each passing day. The daydreams of a post Swan Song life with Chuck becoming stronger and the longing Tom Slater had for Gabrielle Tanaka fading in equal proportion.

When Chuck popped her the question, Hiromi was certain to say yes. Unless something was done to reverse the downward slide Tom Slater’s masculinity was on. Tom needing a reminder and soon of who he really was.

After finishing up in the bathroom, Hiromi left Watanabe Trucking for the day. One important Swan Song task had been accomplished that Saturday. Tom Slater could now tell the Swan Song committee the names of at least two of the people responsible for the murder of South Korean Judge Song.


Two days after arriving back in Tokyo, Gabrielle drew up a message for Ripley. This the FBI agent did without the knowledge of the Swan Song committee.

What Gabrielle was doing could endanger her career, but she felt she had no other choice Gabrielle had to meet Tom, and soon. At the meeting Gabrielle would lay out to Tom what could be happening to her and what the risks were.

Gabrielle didn’t want the Army Captain ending up like Dr. Hans Svenson. In Hiromi’s case, it would most likely result in her marrying the Australian Charles McBride. Or worse Tom starting to believe she was a real Yakuza, Hiromi Sato. From the talk they had together, Gabrielle saw both these scenarios as a definite possibility.

The message Gabrielle sent proposed a meeting in either Taipei or Singapore. The FBI agent also proposing actual dates and times, but leaving that choice to Ripley. Gabrielle then made the message drop

Now Gabrielle had to wait. Because of the security steps being taken to protect Chrysanthemum and Ripley, any message sent by Gabrielle was unlikely to be replied to in less than a week’s time.


Hiromi got Gabrielle’s message via Reina four days after the FBI agent sent it. It being so soon after her debriefing, the message puzzled Hiromi. Why was it necessary to have a meet again? Were Ripley and Chrysanthemum in some form of danger?

Whatever the reason for the meeting, Hiromi began to take the necessary steps to make it a reality. Singapore was the preferable location, Chuck had many friends there. Only a brief talk was needed for Hiromi and Chuck to agree on when to go to Singapore.

Reina would go on this trip like the one to Hong Kong in January. Roger Hyde did his usual grumbling about his boss going away without security but got over it.

Hiromi proposed the second Saturday in March for the meet. Reina then made her usual drop at Starbucks. In the meantime, Hiromi continued to concentrate on her Swan Song work.


While waiting for Hiromi’s reply, Gabrielle got an email from the Seattle FBI field office. The sender was Fred Collins, the agent who helped pick up Captain Slater at his parent’s home.

To [email protected]
From [email protected]
February 24, 2008 17:13:29

Subject: A news article you may want to read

I saw the following article in the Seattle Times. Thought it may be of interest.- SA Collins



Gabrielle clicked on the link. A few seconds later she was reading the opening paragraph.

“Oh my God!”

It wasn’t till the next morning Japan time, that Gabrielle called the Slaters. Stewart Slater was the one to answer the phone.


“Hello Mr. Slater, it is Gabrielle Tanaka.”

“Good afternoon Miss Tanaka. How may I help you?”

“Mr. Slater, I just heard about your daughter Susan and her husband. May I say how sorry I was to hear this news.”

“Thank you,” Stewart Slater said in an unemotional voice. “Would you like to talk to my wife?”

“Yes if I can.” Gabrielle had to wait a minute for Tom Slater’s mother to pick up the phone.

“Gabrielle it is good to hear from you. How are you?”

“I’m fine Mrs. Slater. How about you?”

“It has been difficult here.”

“Yes I heard about Susan and Simon just yesterday. I’m so sorry.”

“Thank you. How is Tom?”

“He is well. I met Tom just last month.”

“Is he still on mission?”

“Yes Mrs. Slater.”

“I have been praying for Tom.”

Gabrielle and Mrs. Slater talked about Tom some. The original purpose of Gabrielle’s call was just to express her condolences over the death of Tom Slater’s sister. That the phone conversation focused more on Tom came as no surprise to Gabrielle when thinking back about the phone conversation later in the day. Maybe her need to talk about the brave Army Captain was the reason for the call all along.

“If you see Tom again before mission is over, don’t tell him what happened to Susan. He has important job right now.”

“I will do as you wish Mrs. Slater.”

“Gabrielle, please call me Mom.”

“All right Mom.” Gabrielle said before pausing. “I love your son very much.”

“Gabrielle, my greatest hope is that you and Tom marry one day.”

“We’ll try Mom.” Gabrielle thought if she should tell the mother of the changes happening to her son. No, Gabrielle couldn’t do it. First because the FBI agent wasn’t 100% sure of her diagnosis, and secondly if it was dead on accurate, it was only likely to cause more grief for a family that had suffered so much already. “I got to go Mom.”

“I understand. You be well.”

“I will. Tell Mr...Dad hello and say again that I’m sorry about Susan.”

“Gabrielle I will do that.” A few moments later the phone conversation ended.

Later in the day, Gabrielle got Tom’s latest message. Yes she could do a meeting in Singapore. The Swan Song committee was soon asking why.

“I don’t really know,” Gabrielle told the committee via yet another teleconference call. “Maybe Ripley has a message or information she feels can only be passed in a face to face meeting.”

Grant Williamson didn’t answer immediately. When he did, the Deputy Director seemed to affirm Gabrielle’s opinion. “A meeting between Sniper and Ripley is then set for 1000 hours Saturday March 8th in Singapore. Is this time and date convenient, Agent Tanaka?”

“Yes sir, I have no problem with this.”

“I suggest the members of Swan Song prepare a list of any questions they may have for Ripley. Unless other business needs to be discussed, this committee will meet again March 4th at 0800 Eastern Standard Time. Are we in agreement?”

No objection was made. Grant Williamson then adjourned the meeting.


February 29th was a very busy day for Hiromi. Unexpected Watanabe Yakuza business plus a sudden meeting of the Kanagawa Bank’s board had Hiromi in the office till almost 8 p.m. that day.

Another reason Hiromi was so busy was Goro Watanabe being out of town. This time the Oyabun was traveling with his wife Keiko to Okinawa Japan. In Goro’s absence, Hiromi was again acting Oyabun.

Hiromi had gotten the message from Swan Song the night before. The meeting with Gabrielle was on for March 8th. Tom Slater was already looking forward to it. Maybe because of that vital information about Judge Song’s murder, Ripley and Chrysanthemum would be told their misions were concluded.

When work was finally done for the day, Hiromi grabbed her purse and exited her inner office. Hiromi was greatly surprised to see Chuck waiting for her outside.

“I thought you went home for the day?” Hiromi asked after a brief kiss.

“No Kimi-chan, I changed my mind. Want to go out for dinner tonight? It’s leap year.”

Hiromi laughed. “How romantic. Yes we can eat out. I’d love a good steak.”

“Steak sounds good to me.”

“Let me use the ladies room before we go. I’ll only be a few minutes.”

Chuck smiled. “I’ll be waiting right here my little sports car.”

Hiromi headed back to her office, and from there into her private bathroom. The first thing Hiromi did was use the toilet. After that was completed, and after washing her hands also, Hiromi began to prepare for her night out with Chuck.

Tom’s visit to the bathroom was in order to check on her appearance before going out with Chuck. She wanted to look her prettiest that night. Opening up her purse, Hiromi took out a lipstick, face powder, and a hair brush.

Hiromi’s first step was to re-apply her lipstick, after that she used the face powder. She used little makeup other than the excessive eye shadow habit carried over by the real Yakuza woman. The next thing Hiromi did was to brush her hair. By Tom Slater’s own admission, she was in need of a visit to the beauty parlor. She had one scheduled for the following morning.

After putting her hair brush down, Hiromi began to closely examine her appearance. Would it be pleasing to Chuck? Tom Slater would never say it out loud, but she was very insecure about her looks. She worried about Chuck. He was so handsome and charming and therefore able to pick of any eligible woman in Japan. This combined with her appearance, made Hiromi fear she could lose her boyfriend.

Turning sideways, Hiromi looked at her profile in the mirror. One thing she had was a very nice bust, thanks to the breast augmentation she had done three months earlier. Chuck repeatedly said her new breasts were magnificent, but Hiromi also remembered how her boyfriend once pushed her to go even larger. Had Hiromi made a mistake in not going for breasts bigger than DD three months ago? Would Chuck always be happy with the breasts his girlfriend had?

Hiromi left the bathroom after spending some ten minutes inside. Chuck had a big smile on his face for his girlfriend. “You look magnificent.”

Chuck’s affirmation of her appearance, made Hiromi feel more secure, if only for the short-term. “Thank you. Lets go to dinner now, I’m starving.”

Located about half way between Hiromi’s office and apartment was the Gardens restaurant. It was Yokohama’s finest steak and seafood restaurant. The place was packed, but Hiromi and Chuck were immediately shown to a table in the back of the establishment.

As soon as a waitress appeared, Chuck ordered a glass of wine for both himself and Hiromi. Till the wine arrived, Hiromi and Chuck made small talk. The waitress was back five minutes later with their drinks.

“To us.” Chuck said raising his wine glass.

“Yes to us.” Hiromi said as she clinked her glass against Chuck’s.

After sipping a small amount of wine, Chuck McBride got right down to business. “Hiromi, I love you very much.”

“I love you too.” Hiromi replied back.

“Hiromi, Kimi-chan, my little sports car. I want to.....” Chuck began saying.

Roger Hyde was approaching the table Hiromi and Chuck were seated at. A look of urgency or something being amiss was the impression Hiromi got from her bodyguard’s face. Before sitting down to dinner, Hiromi had told Roger she was not to be disturbed.

“Boss, we need you.”

Chuck stopped in mid-sentence. “Can’t this wait?”

“No I’m afraid not. Boss we got to go.”

Hiromi looked at Chuck and then at her bodyguard. She was hungry and hadn’t even ordered dinner yet. “Can’t this wait for an hour?”

“No boss, it can’t.”

“Give me five minutes.”

“Ok boss. We’ll be waiting outside for you.” Roger then gave his boss and Chuck their privacy back.

“I wonder what that was about.” Hiromi said as she noted the time on her watch.

Chuck could have cared less. He would be very glad when Hiromi’s gangster days were over with. “Kimi-chan, will you marry me?”


Ten minutes later Hiromi was in a SUV driven by Roger and on her way to some undisclosed Yokohama location. Looking out the car window, Tom Slater was thinking of what had just happened to her.

‘You’ve been proposed marriage to by a man and you actually said yes????’ One very small part of Tom Slater’s mind asked herself. The rest of her brain was incredibly happy and already picturing the wedding. Would it be western or Japanese? Where would it take place and when?

The thought had also occurred to Hiromi, what would happen after Swan Song was over. What would the reactions of The Committee, The Army, Gabrielle and Tom’s parents, e to Ripley’s engagement and wish to stay as she was. How would Chuck react when he found out his girlfriend was a undercover agent? All of this plus the future wedding that lay ahead for her, was causing Hiromi’s head to spin.

A large diamond ring now resided on Hiromi’s right ring finger. ‘It is incredible, it was beautiful, it is so fucking unreal.’

It was time to get back to business, Hiromi told herself. Something both unexpected and possibly troubling was going on. “Where are we headed?”

“You’ll see soon boss.” Roger Hyde answered back.

“Tell me!” Hiromi demanded but no reply came from Roger or the two other bodyguards in the car. Right then Hiromi began to get scared. Something was seriously wrong.

Hiromi soon discovered they were headed towards the warehouse district in the port area of Yokohama. Roger Hyde stopping the SUV in front of a warehouse with a badly faded sign.

‘Something is seriously wrong. I don’t like this.’ Tom thought to herself as Roger, Yuri, and Kimo ushered her into the building without a word being said. Hiromi following Roger with Kimo and Yuri trailing. Was Tom walking straight to her death?

Hiromi was shown into a large storage room. Roger Hyde holding the door open for his boss and following in after Hirom, Yuri, and Kimo had passed.

“What is going on here?” Hiromi asked moments after getting in the room. At least twenty people were present, that including Hiromi and her bodyguards.

Most of the people Hiromi recognized. Three were shareigashiras. Another half dozen were lower figures in the Watanabe Yakuza. Why were all these people present and for what reason had Hiromi been brought here?

Most of unnerving of all was the presence of Dai Hashimoto. The Saiko-komon had a grin on his face that scared the shit out of Tom Slater.

Two scantily clad and very scared looking women cowered in one corner of the room. Omar ‘The Indian’ Rafique was even there, which was odd. On the floor along the back wall were two large bundles. The setting had a surreal atmosphere to it.

No one had said a word yet. So Hiromi spoke again. “Will someone tell me what is going on here?”

One of the shareigashiras standing close to Dai began speaking. “There was an incident at one of the offices.”

Hiromi listened as the shareigashiras elaborated further. As she did, a pit fell to the bottom of Hiromi’s stomach. She knew where this story was headed.

The shareigashira pointed to the two women. “They were used to distract the bodyguard. While he was busy, the culprit broke into the office.”

Dai Hashimoto mumbled something about security needing to be tightened. It was the first words the Saiko-komon spoke since Hiromi entered the room.

“She may have gotten away with it except a cleaning person saw the door ajar. They immediately reported it to security. The guard supposed to be watching the office was found with the two prostitutes.”

Roger led Hiromi closer to one of the bundles. It was while she approached it, then Hiromi first saw blood seeping out from underneath it.

The covering was pulled back showing Hiromi a bloody and badly beaten man. He was groaning and looked to be trying to say something. However his mouth had been badly damaged by the beatings he had undergone and this rendered speech almost impossible.

Hiromi had never seen the man before that day. “What office was it that was broken into?”

“Goro Watanabe’s”

This gave Hiromi 100% confirmation of who the burglar was though she hadn’t seen them yet. Hiromi was trying very hard to keep her emotions in check.

“What were they doing in the office?”

Dai spoke up. “She was using Goro’s computer.”

“Do we know what for?”

It was Omar’s turn to speak. “No, not yet.”

“Then see to it you find out at once. Retrieve any data that is vital, ensure there are no computer infections, and then destroy the machine if you have to.” Omar bowed to Hiromi before exiting the room.

Dai then gestured to the two prostitutes. A couple of Watanabe Yakuza led these women from the room. Hiromi was only guessing, but she would be very surprised if the women were allowed to live. They would have to be disposed of, probably by being given a drug overdose and then dumped somewhere in Yokohama’s Red Light district. Two drug addicted hookers meeting a untimely end would hardly cause more than a routine investigation by the local police.

Now there were less than ten people present. If the room around her seemed emptier now, the world appeared even tinier to Hiromi. Not waiting for someone to do it for her, Hiromi uncovered the last ‘bundle’ in the room.

It came as no surprise to Hiromi to find her bodyguard Reina Shimizu, aka Agent Chrysanthemum, aka Tonichi Ogawa, underneath the sheet. She was beaten even worse than the security guard. Her face was a bloody pulp for the most part. Teeth knocked loose, her jaw broken, one eye totally swollen shut and the other just barely open.

Reina whimpered in pain. She was alive, but for how much longer? Tom Slater knew the answer and it was tearing her guts out.

Hiromi looked over at Dai Hashimoto. The Saiko-komon again wearing that grin of his. Like to say. ‘Your bodyguard failed you. Now what will YOU do with her?’

Three men entered the room. One carrying a suitcase, the second carrying a wooden stand, the third a folding table. These were all then set up with the suitcase’s contents placed on the table which was now set about two feet from the wooden stand.

Dai Hashimoto began to examine the objects on the table. He paid the most attention to a large sword like object After inspecting it, Dai gave one of those wicked smiles that always made Hiromi cringe.

The security guard was hauled up and brought over to the wooden stand. Being barely alive, he made no attempt at resistance

For some reason Hiromi asked a question. “What is his name?”

One of the sharegashiras gave Hiromi the answer. “Arihito Onishi.”

Arihito’s neck was laid on the wooden stand. As it was, Hiromi was made to move closer. As she did, fear struck deep in the heart of Tom Slater. Was she being shown the fate that awaited her?

Hiromi Sato was a Saiko-komon in Watanabe Yakuza, granddaughter of Keiji Watanabe and also acting Oyabun in Goro’s absence. That however did not keep her safe from death or execution. Did Reina talk when captured? So far little had been said. It was hard for Hiromi to keep herself from trembling right at that moment.

A bucket was placed on the floor underneath Arihito’s head. The man appeared not to be conscious any more. If he was, Hiromi could only imagine what the man would be thinking. Looking downward, someone in Arihito’s present position, would be gazing at the object soon to catch their head.

Once Arihito was in place and restrained, Dai wasted no further time. Swiftly swinging the blade in the air, Dai followed with a even quicker downward thrust. The result was an almost perfectly severed head in the basket. The rest of Arihito Onishi’s body quivered for maybe 10 seconds before coming lifeless.

Decapitating someone is a messy business. Blood from severed arteries sprayed the area around the stand. Some ending up on Hiromi’s dress.

Dai handed the blade to one of the men in the room. Then he said to Hiromi. “I take care of my people. Now you take care of yours.”

Hiromi could only breath a slight sigh of relief. She was safe, but Reina Shimizu was a goner. Hiromi would have no choice in the matter.

What she was being asked to do next, felt like a thousand pounds were being dropped on Hiromi. Hiromi recalling the conversation she had with Reina five months earlier.


“You don’t understand. I want to see my wife and son again.”

“Reina you will.”

“Promise me you will be more careful. Please.”

“I promise Reina to be more careful. I promise you’ll make it out of this alive. You’ll see your wife and son again, I promise.”


Now Hiromi was being faced with breaking that promise. Dai Hashimoto and all the other people in the room were expecting her to kill Reina Shimizu.

It was the Yakuza way. The punishment inflicted on those who broke the rules of Japanese organized crime. There was no judge, no jury, no jail time with possible parole and time off for good behavior. Instead there was one strict unbending policy.


Tom looked at the instruments of death on the table before him. A long needle, Dai’s blade, and a Glock handgun. Maybe the Glock 22, the same model Midori Sasaki had gotten a lesson in how to use it from the Marine Sergeant Major almost ten months ago. Hiromi picked up the gun.

Instead of killing Reina, maybe you should kill yourself. Tom tried telling himself. It wouldn’t save Reina, she was gone already. It would however save Tom Slater’s soul. It would be preferable to cold blooded murder.

By her last count there were seven people alive in the room, not counting Hiromi and Reina. Hiromi could turn her gun on them she told herself as she neared Reina. It wouldn’t work, someone would quickly gun down Hiromi. Instead of going to hell with one person’s life on her conscience there could be four or five.

Tom walked up to Reina. The bodyguard was conscious just barely. Hiromi cocked the gun and pointed it towards Reina’s head.

At the exact same moment Reina stared up at Hiromi. Somehow Chrysanthemum was able to make eye contact with her boss. This only making Tom’s next duty more difficult. Pushing her to the breaking point.

Again Tom remembered something Reina had once said to her.


“I miss Momoko and Raizo so much.”

“Reina, I promise you’ll see your wife and son next Christmas.”


Tom was now having to break her vow to Reina. By pulling the trigger, Tom Slater would also be breaking herself.

“Urigiri koto no kei desu ne, Reina-kun? Sayonara.” Hiromi Sato said before she pumping two bullets into the head of Reina Shimizu. In the process Hiromi was again splattered with blood.

Calmly and coldly Hiromi walked back over to the table. Dropping the gun there, not bothering to wipe her fingerprints off it.

“Moo manzoku desuka?”Hiromi asked Dai Hashimoto. The Saiko-komon just grunted in reply.

Hiromi exited the warehouse a few minutes later. Getting in the same SUV she arrived in. With Roger driving and Kimo seated in the front passenger seat.

“Where to boss?”

“The apartment.” Hiromi told Roger. She had left the Fairlady with Chuck at the Gardens restaurant. The Australian told to drive it home when finished there.

On the way back to the apartment, Hiromi gazed out the leftside passenger window. Yokohama at night passing her by.

The moment she pulled the trigger resulting in the death of Tonichi Ogawa, the Hiromi Sato persona had taken complete control of the body Tom Slater resided in. The Captain now buried deep underneath the scheming, psychopathic woman who had one goal in mind.

‘This will be all mine. I’m Hiromi Sato and one day I will be Oyabun of the Watanabe Yakuza. Anyone who tries to stop me, will die.’


To be continued in Part Eight

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