My Mistake, Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Shopping Part 1
By Samantha Jenkins

Katie put the car in gear and backed out of the garage, as she was backing out I saw a couple of my friends that were on their way over, probably to see if I wanted to hang out with them. They looked at Jen and Katie, then at me, and continued to the front door of the house and rang the bell, of course no one answered because no one was there. It was at that moment that I realized that I had passed in front of my friends at a distance.

"Jen, I just passed in front of James and Shawn."

"So I saw. I told you that no one would recognize you." I didn't exactly remember her saying that, but I was so happy that I didn't argue.

"Katie can you turn the heat on back here, I'm getting kind of cold."

"Sure thing, sweetheart." she said reaching for the knob.

"Morgan, are you looking forward to your first shopping trip as a girl?" Jen asked me. Then it hit me: I hadn't asked where we were going.

"Yeah, but what mall are we going to?"

"Were going to Easton." Easton! I thought: I was bound to run into someone I knew there.

"Jen, Easton is where every one from school hangs out. Some one will recognize me up close."

"No they won't, Morgan, now quit whining." Jen Said.

"Besides, remember the play you were in last year, the one where you played the teen aged girl?" Katie asked

"Yeah, what about it" I said. That play is what had really gotten me into skirts and I never really looked back.

"I wouldn't have known that was you unless I read the program, which I did afterward because I wanted to see if you were in the play like you said you were. Think of this as a play with the whole world as your stage."

"I never thought of it that way." I said. Jen had worked with me for months on how to act like a girl just for that play, Me dressing as one for 3 months was going to be a cinch because I had done it for the play, I realized as Katie turned on the express way. I grinned.

"What are you grinning about?" Katie asked.

"This is just going to be a play with the whole world as my stage." I said looking at Katie.

"You know if you weren't a boy, I'd be a lesbian." Katie said

"Why's that?" I asked.

"Cause I'd still go out with you, you make one hot looking girl." She replied. I think I started blushing under the make-up Jen had put on me a little bit earlier. I was used to watching girls at the mall, but I was looking at what they were wearing. If I looked as hot as Katie said I did, then I would be getting hit on.

"Guys, what do I do if I get hit on?" I asked.

"Tell them that you're taken already" Katie said

"Ok, I'll tell them I'm you're my girlfriend” I grinned. She grinned back.

"So you're a lesbian?" Jen said to me.

"For now." I said smiling. Katie looked at me and grinned.

"We're here" Katie said pulling the Corolla into the parking spot. I hadn't been paying attention, but noticed when I got out of the car, that Katie had parked out in the middle of nowhere so I would have to walk into the mall. Right as I shut my door, I noticed that Katie had pushed the lock button trapping me out side the car. "Come on girlfriend, let's go shopping" I took her hand as we walked to the mall. Jen was just grinning.

"What are you grinning about?" I asked her smiling

"You two make a cute couple" she replied

"Ok," I said before giving Katie a kiss on the cheek. A mother that was walking by with her daughter gave us a disgusted look. I really didn't care, because the woman had no idea that I was really a boy dressed in his sister's skirts. I've always hated that fact that people who didn't even know you were making assumptions about you. For instance when I was cast in the play, every one thought I was gay because I had the role of a girl in the play. When in reality I'm straight as an arrow. We walked in the door.

"Where should we start?" Katie asked.

"Let's start at the Sears end and work our way back" Jen said. Looking at the map.

"Sounds like a plan to me. Sis can I have at least 1 pair of pants?"

"No, you're wearing skirts and dresses for 3 months, according to mom. And I'm going to tell her that you asked for a pair of pants." Jen replied. I knew at that point my punishment was going to get worse. Jen looked at me and grinned. "I just thought of what kind of panties we should get you." I just looked at her.

"What are you thinking, Jen?" Katie asked.

"Oh maybe a few thongs." Jen replied with one of those grins that told you she was planning more than that. "And I'm going to try to get mom to make this punishment happen while you're at school too."

"Jen, I would get kicked out for disrupting the learning of the other students" I replied. My basis for the statement was the fact that three school years ago a freshman's sister who was a senior dared him to wear a skirt, sweater, and a pair of three inch platforms in the middle of February with no tights on. He had worn a red and black pleated skirt and a black sweater. He had walked in the shoes like he had done it before. Just like me in the boots I had on. He had gotten sent home that day and when his mom picked him up he told her it was his idea, and that his sister just went along with it. His mom flipped and got him into see a psychologist. He was later diagnosed as being Gender Dysphoric, and after a long fought battle with the school board, and a few thousand dollars in attorney's fees, he was allowed to come to school in skirts and dresses. At first every one picked on him, but after about a month or every one kind of forgot that he was a genetic male and treated him as a female.

"Do you remember Alex Johnson" Jen said back to me. Of course I remembered her, I was just thinking about her.

"Yeah." I wondered where this was going.

"He was allowed to wear skirts to school." Before I could respond to the latest in this discussion, Jen's cell phone rang. "It's mom."

"Yeah, Ok, $1000? Oh, yeah: he asked if he could have a pair of pants, only one pair. That just got him another month and her ears pierced? Ok, hang on." She handed the phone to me. She wants to talk to you.

"Morgan, just for asking your sister for a single pair of pants, I've added a month to your punishment. I've also been in touch with Mrs. Cooper at the school about this becoming a full time thing. She has been in touch with the school board and the attorney's. Part of the Johnson case stated that they had to let stuff like this happen. Don't give me a reason to make it full time every where you go. Do you understand me?" I was stunned by what had happened just because I asked for a pair of pants.

"Morgan, you have to the count of three to answer me, or you will have an additional month added to your punishment. One, Two Three." I smiled inwardly at myself. Had adding two months been that easy?

"I'm here mommy." I said into the phone.

"Good," my mother replied. "I thought I was going to have to add another month."

"No mommy, five months are enough." I was taking to this punishment like a fish to water. "Let me talk to Jen

"Jen Mom wants to talk to you." I said handing her the phone.

"Hello." Jen said into the phone. "OK. We should be home around 7ish. Ok, Bye." We walked into the upper level of Sears, which is where the jewelry was located in the store. Jen browsed the selection for a while, and then came to where Katie and I were looking at cheep necklaces. I selected a simple necklace with a butterfly pendant, and after paying for it, I put it on.

Our next stop was J.C. Penny for more clothing. I decided to see if I could get my punishment made any worse for me by trying to slip a pair of pants into the rest of the clothing when Jen or Katie weren't looking. We walked into the Juniors department, and I cast my eye on the pair of pants, well overalls really, that I was going to slip into the cart. They were black, and had silver buttons. I decided to go and grab them now.

"Morgan, just what do you think your doing?" Jen asked.

"Getting a pair of overalls?" I replied just as her cell rang again.

"Oh Hi Mom," Jen Started. "Yes she is here, attempting to get a pair of overalls." Jen said into the phone. "Morgan, Mom wants to talk to you again." Katie came around the corner with her arms full of skirts, blouses, and dresses.

"Hello" I said into the phone

"Morgan, you just made your punishment full time. I hope you enjoy the next year at school." My jaw dropped, "Give me your sister back."

"Jen, Mom wants to talk to you." I said trying to hold back a smile. I turned my attention to my girlfriend who had what would become a quarter of my new wardrobe. Katie was nice enough to get me some skirts that were ankle and knee lengths. Jen looked at Katie and smiled.

"Ok, we'll see you in a bit. Bye" Jen said before closing the phone. "Tuesday is going to be interesting for you Morgan."

"Tuesday?" Katie asked. "What is going to happen Tuesday?"

"Morgan, why don't you tell your girlfriend?" Jen asked with a wicked smile.

"Mom made my punishment full time, because I wanted a pair of overalls" Katie's Eyes got really wide, and she had this huge grin on her face. She gave me a hug.

"Remember it's a play and don't let any one pick on you." She said before kissing me on the cheek. We all turned our attention back to the pile of clothing that Katie had brought over. Jen was sorting things out. When she was done all but two of the ankle length skirts and three of the knee length skirts, all ten of the one inch above the knee and shorter skirts remained.

"Mom said she is cleaning out your room, and you are sleeping in the guest bedroom for the weekend because she is redoing your room to match your new gender." Jen said to me as we picked up the stuff that was going back on the shelf. Katie carried all of the clothing that we were going to get as we made our way to the intimate apparel department.

"Do you have on a pair of my panties right now, Morgan?"

"Yes, Jen I do" I replied in a low voice.

"Which pair?" Jen asked me.

"A black bikini in satin"

"Are you wearing a bra?" Jen prompted

"Yes, the one that matches the panties"

"Ok, so we are going to buy you a lot of satin" and with that, Jen started toward the table that had all of the satin panties on it. She grabbed a handful; some were pastel, some neon, some white and black. Mostly they were bikini cut; however some were thongs with a piece of same colored ribbon for the back side. Jen smiled at me. "You are going to love the thongs" she said. I looked at Katie, and winked. What neither one of them knew was that I had tried on Jen's thongs before and kind of liked the way they felt. After our brief stop in the intimates, we headed toward the shoes. Katie and Jen sort of got into an argument because Jen wanted me to have platforms and or heels for every day wear and Katie insisted that I have a pair of tennis shoes, and a couple of pair of flats. They agreed on the majority of my shoes being at least two inches tall, and me having 3 pair of "flat" shoes. After getting the shoes, we made our way to the checkout the cashier started eyeing me, and it was making me uncomfortable.

"So who's getting a new wardrobe?" she asked. Katie took the bait and ran with it.

"My little brother is being punished." Katie said with a smile.

"Is this your little brother?" the cashier said looking at me.

"No this is my girlfriend"

"Your girlfriend?"

"Yes My girlfriend, is there a problem with that?"

"What if I do have a problem with that?" The cashier said. It was this time that I chose to kiss Katie. The cashier got a disgusted look on her face.

"Well then you'd better keep your comments to your self." Katie said, looking at a older man that had walked up behind the cashier whose name tag read "Doris"

"Is there a problem here ma'am?" he said addressing Katie.

“Well your employee,” Katie paused, reading the name tag on the cashier “Doris, here seems to think that my girlfriend is a boy and that there is a problem with me having a girlfriend”

“Ok,” he said glaring at Doris. “My office when you're done.” Then he turned to Katie.

“Ma'am here's a 10 percent off coupon for my employee's hassle” He handed her the coupon, and gave Doris a pissed off look, and walked back to his office. Doris looked pissed off herself as she continued ringing up the clothes. When she was done, she asked” Do you want to use your coupon now,” then under her breath, but not quite low enough “You little bitch.” She didn't realize that the manager who had given the coupon to Katie had walked out of his office and was now standing within earshot.

“Doris, My office, NOW!” he said then took over her register.

“I'm terribly sorry ma'am” he said to Katie. As he took twenty percent off of the total. Jen pulled the card out of her purse and paid. The total was $200. Which Jen put on the card, leaving $800 for more clothes and accessories. There were six bags, and we each took 2 bags. On the way out there were two guys standing by the door, one of them gave a wolf whistle. I turned and winked at them. I was getting into this role very easily. When we got to Katie's car I was getting cold because the temperature had dropped into the upper thirties, and I really felt sorry for any female that had to wear a skirt in this weather. As we were walking to the car, Jen handed the two bags she was carrying, to me then said,

“You don't have anything to sleep in. Katie, you guys get in the car and meet me back up at the door.”

“Ok,” Katie said. As Katie and I walked to the car, we started talking. “Are you having fun yet?” She asked smiling at me.

“Yeah, except for that cashier.”

“Yeah she was a bitch. So what are you gong to wear tomorrow?”

“Not sure. Why do you pick it out?” Katie grinned, and I figured that may have been a mistake

“Ok, just don't hate me because of it. Will you wear the boots again?” Katie asked.

“Yeah, for you” I said, placing the bags I was carrying in the trunk. Katie and I got in the car and made our way back up to the building to get Jen. Right as we pulled up, Jen walked out the door.

“Morgan, your going to love what I got for you to sleep in” She said lowering her self into the back seat of the car. Once the door was shut, and her seat belt was on, Jen pulled what she got me to sleep in out of the bag. It was a pink nightgown with matching pink panty, however from the breast down to the hem (which I guessed would be just below the panty) was a sheer nylon. I liked it, and then she pulled 2 more out of the bag, one in blue, and one in black. And with Katie grinning her approval, she put the car in gear and headed toward home.

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