Surgery Again

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This past April I had a accident at home (yes with a ladder) and broke my ankle almost ripping my foot off (it was close) now this Wednesday I will have the third surgery to repair my foot . The Doctor is breaking my foot to construct a new arch . I will need 1 more surgery to complete the repairs, but they can't do all the work as it is too much trauma to the body . The broken bones from April still have not healed completely OUCH
This at least will be out patient and only 8 to 10 weeks in a cast double OUCH.
The funny thing is I never broke a bone as a kid . The first break was a collar bone at 35 no big deal , then a fell and broke 5 Ribs when I was about 50 didn't even know it went to work as normal just worked thru the pain (it's a guy thing) now I have broken something each year since 2010 and it's every April ( maybe it has something to do with the paying taxes )

I will let my Big Closet family know I am Ok on Thursday , till then I love this cyber family (better than my real relatives)


Oh dear!

Take care of yourself darlin, you don't want to be in worse shape or anything. Anyway I'll keep you in my prayers and hope you heal from your surgery with a swift recovery :D

I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D

Hopefully, the doctors will

Hopefully, the doctors will be able to get you put back together once and for all. Following that, sounds like you need a 'sit-down' with your bad self and say 'self, how about we stop breaking our bones'? Ribs are a toughie, as there is not really anything that can be done for them, unless it is found that one or more have punctured something internally or broken out through the skin. Long time ago, they used to wrap them, but unless they do it different where you live, not so much these days. A small prayer for you. "May the new year 2015 bring only good things into your life, and may 2014 leave YOU feeling so much better." Hugs, Janice Lynn

I too never broke a bone as a kid

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I was 58 when I fell off a ladder while doing some work at my church and broke my knee (a table break) it took 6 months to heal. 58 years to break my first bone, I intend to wait another 58 to break the next one.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Good luck

Angharad's picture

with the surgery, I hope it all goes well.


Thanks for the warning

So next April, we write you so many messages you don't have time to break anything (unless it's a nail, and you break it on your keyboard)
Wishing you as little pain and itching as possible.