Transgender Seal

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This is a very interesting story, and no surprises to me.

It is actually an American story, but for one reason or another, American servers appear to be excluding it. So, this very macho appearing guy goes on 13 missions in very dangerous situations, and when he retires, becomes a woman. Just lots of T folk follow the same pattern, going from a very macho life to one of lace and silk. I did the same, but make no mistake, I am NOT comparing my life with that of a Seal.

In the Story, "She" knew she was a girl at age 3. Lots of us know very early. So, then why do so many of us abandon who we are to become men who can chew nails? I understand my case very well. I had to or be killed.

Is that what happens to most of us? If not due to threat to our lives, is there something much less violent but just as compelling that happens to make us abandon the idea of being a woman. It is my belief that soon, very soon, Doctors will know that brain sex is most important, and the presence of the wrong sex organs can be dealt with at an early age.

The issue has so many facets that they are perhaps unnumbered.


Testosterone is not a solution

In the past, Doctors seemed to think that puberty would resolve transgender issues, but now many of us know that it just muddies the water. In retrospect, I can see that the addition of testosterone in my own life was a sort of intoxicant, making expression of my true self almost impossible, and that the reduction of testosterone levels because of aging allows our true selves to once again surface.

So, perhaps in generations far in the future, we will be mindful of early gender expressions in pre-pubescent children. One Doctor in Boston, has a program for us where his earliest patients are now in their 20's and they are doing very well.

nice person too

Kristin is an acquaintance/friend of mine. She is really a nice person, a little intense when under a deadline, and trying to finish an autobiography. Of course, there are a lot of stories she can't tell and don't try to guess what missions she was on because it can lead to death if you're right. She has a special on CNN this week, Lady Valor. I highly recommend it.

Oh, don't buy warrior princess, she doesn't see a dime from that book.

Katie Leone (

Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life

Yes that is what she said to me also

She made a very poor deal with her first book and is being rooked.

And yes I second that she is a very nice person though a bit gung ho :)

She is the jump in with both feet kinda gal. I met her at Fantasia Fair last year and she participated in everything as well as gave presentation. She was gracious enough to sign the book for me but I felt bad after she explained the difficulties she is having with the deal she made for the book.

I've Struggled With This

Certainly, any one who wants to can change genders, and certainly anyone who wants to can wear a skirt. For a long time I've had a very narrow idea of what makes a woman, and reading this article and the subsequent interchanges I've had with others has made me realize that the term "Transgender" is really broad. To any I have offended, I apologize.

I've always felt that when I moved through all the surgeries, the hormones, and the counseling that in the end I would be a woman. Many of us are quite content to be Transgender, or simply a cross dresser. The term is very broad indeed.