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Bobbi's story continues, as her friends stand by her side as she recovers in the hospital from her injuries.
Bobbi’s Run ch. 10
Paula Dillon
Bobby woke early Friday morning. She was so bored being bed ridden, but the doctor’s told her it would probably be one more day before she could get out of bed. On top of that Bobby really wanted to take a bath, or a shower. Bobby looked over and saw Tracey sleeping, she didn’t look comfortable at all in the chair. She was snoring lightly and looked so cute to Bobby. She finally cracked one eye open and looked like she didn’t know where she was.
“Morning, Tracey. How are you today?”
“Oh, morning Bobby, They sure don’t make these chairs for comfortable sleeping,” Tracey said, trying to stretch out her cramped body.
“I’ll trade you.”
“I bet you would, and if I were able I would Bobby. I hate to see any child hurt.”
“I wouldn’t wish this on anybody Tracey. I still have one more day before I can get out of bed and get these tubes off and out of me. I won’t even get much to eat till I can use the restroom.”
“It really sucks I know. I was in once for an ectopic pregnancy, along with several other complications. I had to go in for an emergency hysterectomy, they nearly lost me. I was bed ridden for a couple of weeks.”
“I am sorry Tracey; I know I am a lot better off than I could have been.”
“It’s not your problem Bobby, I survived and I still have Sandra. I consider myself lucky.”
“You are lucky.”
Tracey and Bobby continued to chat for several minutes till Liz showed up.
“Morning Mom.”
“Well good morning Bobby, Tracey how are you two today.”
“We’re good, Liz. You’re looking better now that you have gotten some rest.”
“Yes, it was nice.”
“How were the girls?”
“They were great, they are in school today.”
“I wish I was too, Mom.”
“I know dear, but it doesn’t look like you will, for the rest of this year.”
“Tracey, thank you for everything. Why don’t you go on home?”
“Your welcome Liz, I really enjoyed talking with Bobby, but these chairs don’t compare to my own bed.”
The two mothers hugged and Tracey kissed Bobby on the head.
“You take care Bobby, I will see you later kid.”
“Thank you Tracey.”
After Tracey had left Liz sat down next to Bobby and took his free hand. “How did you sleep last night?”
“Ok Mom, but I am really starting to stink. I could use a shower, but they won’t let me get out of bed yet.”
“I know. They will probably give you a sponge bath today. I brought you some clothes to change into later today.”
“A sponge bath, oh that sounds glorious,” Bobby said with a touch of sarcasm in his voice.
“Yes, but it will be better than stinking dear. Here are two bags of clothes. You choose how you want to look.”
Bobby looked into the bags. The first held some of his regular clothes. He opened the second bag and his breath caught as he looked in. Inside were some very pretty girls lounging clothes.
“Momma, is it ok with you?”
“Yes, it is ok, your sisters and Sandra helped pick out those clothes for you. You don’t have to be a boy, unless you want to.”
Tears started to form in Bobby’s eyes, “I am sorry Mom. I guess I never really felt like a boy. I have always wanted to be like Darla and Amy.”
“Bobby, I love you whoever you are. I don’t mind having another daughter,” Liz said as she gave Bobby a big hug.
Bobby sorted through the second bag. Inside she found a lavender sleep shirt, two panties, a bra, a soft terry robe in pink and a box that contained a set of breast forms. He checked out the brand name, they were high quality prosthetic breasts and had an adhesive that held them on for up to two weeks at a time.
“Mom, these are expensive, I should know I have priced them on the Internet. You shouldn’t have.”
“Bobby if you are going to look like a girl, we need you to do it right. Till you get your own breasts, wear these.”
Liz contacted one of the nurses and arranged to have Bobby get a sponge bath after the doctors checked her out today.
“Well Bobby do you have a name picked out. Are you Leslie Blair or something else?”
“Leslie was just so I could hide Mom and still be something you would recognize. I like Bobbi and want to keep it, so I guess I would like to be named Bobbi Agnes McCrea. I can’t stand to carry Dad’s last name.”
“Bobbi Agnes, you took my first name for your middle name.”
“Yes, Mom. I know it doesn’t sound too modern but I would love to have it as my middle name.”
“Well, we shall see what Nancy says Bobbi, and then we will go from there.”
“Ok Mom.”
Dr. Brosnan came in and looked at Bobbi’s leg. Becky, her nurse, changed the dressing. She then removed much of the tubing, except for the Foley catheter and had Bobbi shifted to a gurney to be taken to x-ray. Bobbi felt good just getting out of the room.
Two x-rays were shot; one from the front and the other a side view. Bobbi had to wait on the cold table while the technician developed the pictures and was sure that they were adequate.
Dr. Brosnan came in as Bobbi was being shifted back to the gurney.
“Bobbi I have checked your x-rays and I am satisfied with your healing. We are going to leave all the tubes off after you get back. Later today you may get out of bed only with the assistance of a nurse. If I catch you out of bed by yourself, I will have you glued to the mattress, do you understand?”
“Yes Ma’am.”
“Ok take care.”
Becky went back to the room and helped Bobbi shift back into bed and told Liz what the Doctor had said. Liz had to chuckle when she heard the bit about glue.
Another nurse came in the room she removed the Foley and gave Bobbi a sponge bath. She then asked about clothes.
“Do you have any clothes you want to wear or shall I dress you in hospital garb.”
Nervously, Bobbi handed her the bag with the things she wanted to wear. The nurse smiled as she removed the contents and sat them aside. She had Bobby lay down and cleaned and dried her chest. She then spread the adhesive that came with the breast forms,
“These are nice, I am sure you will be happy with them,” she said as she carefully applied one and then the other, making sure she had them placed perfectly. “Hold them in place for five minutes, while I finish dressing you.”
The breast forms looked huge on Bobbi’s chest and were much heavier than the forms she had made for herself. She couldn’t believe how realistic they felt. She wished though they had feeling in them but she was happy to see them on her.
The nurse then helped Bobbi with her panties she lifted one leg at a time and carefully pulled the panties up. Bobbi was able to shift her hips so they could be pulled up all the way. She then helped with her bra and nightgown.
“Now you be a good girl, if you need to get out of bed to go to the bathroom, be sure to call a nurse. You are not to get out of bed alone, or you will answer to me,” the nurse said as she shifted Bobbi into more of a sitting position. The nurse actually kissed Bobbi’s cheek before she left.
The bra’s straps tugged heavily at Bobbi’s shoulders, when the nurse shifted the bed up. Bobbi looked down at her chest smiling and cupped her breasts in her hands and felt their weight.
“What size am I, Mom? I forgot to check.”
“A 34B Bobbi. I think that is just about right size for my fourteen year old daughter.”
Liz set a purse on the hospital table. She rolled the table in front of Bobbi, popping out the enclosed mirror. “Fix your hair and face dear.”
Bobbi brushed her hair. It wasn’t as clean as she would like it to be, but she felt good about being able to take care of it. She brushed it and put it into a ponytail, using a scrunchie. Bobbi then went about fixing her face. She cleaned her face good and used an astringent on it. Then she used a little moisturizer. She skipped the foundation, but used a little mascara and eyeliner before penciling her brows. She then added lipstick, blotting her lips with a tissue. She smiled at the girl in the mirror and then looked to her Mom.
“Not bad dear, in fact you did pretty good. How long have you been doing this?”
“Probably since I was twelve Mom. I wasn’t this good at it till the last few months though. I hate to say it, but I have been pinching Darla and Amy’s cosmetics. I took them when they were low and had bought some new stuff to replace the old, or if they left them way out of where they should be. Like I found an almost new mascara once, stuck beneath the cushions of the couch once.”
“Bobbi I am ashamed of you, taking their things like that. I have them on a budget, for any cosmetics and expendables, like pantyhose, they buy.”
“I know Momma, I am sorry and I will apologize to them when I see them next.”
Dr. Sullivan came in while Bobbi and her Mom were talking. She looked at Bobbi and smiled as she took in her appearance.
“Hello Bobbi, I like what you have done to yourself dear.”
“Thank you. Mom brought me some clothes, and I was finally given a bath of sorts. The really nice nurse helped me dress.”
“Well excuse me girls, while I get some coffee. It really is quite horrid Nancy, but also addictive.”
“Yeah I think they add something to it, so that their sale of coffee doesn’t slip,” Nancy said giggling.
After Liz left, Nancy sat down next to Bobbi and checked her notes.
“Bobbi did you choose to look this way, or was it suggested to you.”
“No Mom brought two bags of clothes. One had some of my boy clothes and the other had these clothes Nancy. Mom said I could choose. So here I am.”
“And you like these better?”
“Yes Ma’am, I do.”
“If I may ask, what are you wearing?”
“Bra, panties and a nightshirt, and oh, Mom bought me some really nice breast forms. The nurse helped glue them on.”
“Really, it didn’t shock her?”
“No, she just smiled at me when she saw the clothes and just helped me get dressed. I liked her. She even gave me a kiss on my cheek when she left.”
“How do you feel, dressed like this and made up.”
“Nancy, it is hard to describe, but it feels so right, if you know what I mean.”
“I know what you mean. Now, we last talked about your first day as Leslie. You just checked into a motel, continue from there.”
Bobby picked up her story. She had lain down to rest in her room, as she felt a little weak from throwing up and nervous from her first day going out dressed as a girl. She told her, of her going to eat and meeting Caitlin, the waitress. She then told her, of her call to her mom’s cell phone, the restaurant, dress shop and the nail shop.
“How did it feel to go into the dress shop and nail shop dressed as a girl?”
“At first I was scared. At one point I nearly jumped out of my skin when a sales lady approached me, but she treated me like, I would imagine, she treated any other customer. I got to try on all sorts of cool things there, Nancy. The nail shop girl was really nice too, she made me really relax and I had my first extended conversation as a girl, with a girl there. I don’t think they realized that I wasn’t a real girl. I think that stopping at those two places changed things for me. It was sorta like I was playing a game at first, but the dress shop and the nail shop, made things more real for me. It wasn’t a game anymore; I realized it was what I should’ve been all the time.”
“Ok continue with your story.”
Bobbi told Nancy that she headed back to the motel. She reported seeing Sandra, Tracey, Becky and what had to be Becky’s families, being escorted to the motel. In fact they were put into rooms just a little down from where her room was.
Bobbi then continued on to the next day and heading to college. Her face really brightened, as she told about meeting Trina and the day they shared together. She told Nancy she couldn’t believe it, when Trina asked if she was a transgendered. Bobbi related what had allowed Trina to figure it out and about the test she gave Bobbi.
“She came over to where I sat in her room, dressed in just her panties and a bra. I was a little uncomfortable; she is a very pretty girl after all, but I didn’t let it bother me too much. We just continued talking.”
“That is amazing Bobbi, what happened next.”
She continued to talk about how Trina helped her dress in some of her clothes and taking her out to eat, to thank her for the work she did on her power point presentation.
“You seem to like her a lot?”
“Yes, she is a good friend, I think. She has even visited me here twice, I understand. The first time I was out of it and didn’t see her, but she talked to Mom. The second time, yesterday, we talked about an hour. I had to tell her who I was and how old I really was. She didn’t really seem to mind that I was just a kid.”
Bobbi then told about what happened the next day, up to a point. She was kinda fuzzy about what happened, at the time in the diner, till she woke up to see her mom in the hospital.
“Well Doc, am I certifiably crazy,” Bobbi teased, smiling at Nancy.
“Yep, I am afraid so. We gonna put you in a padded room and throw away the key,” Nancy teased back. “What do you want to happen now, about this dressing thing Bobbi?”
Bobbi looked thoughtful for several minutes, before answering. “Nancy I really believe I want to be a girl. Even considering that I have broken my leg, and that I have been half scared out of my life by all that has happened around me, the last few days have been great. I have gone outside dressed as a girl and have succeeded in fooling most of the people I have been around.”
“How much do you know about transgenderism Bobbi?”
Bobbi began reeling off what she knew, from Harry Benjamin and the standards of care, to different forms of transgenderism, transgendered support groups and chat rooms and such.
“Wow you have done your homework, girl.”
Bobbi had a huge smile on her face from hearing Nancy refer to her as a girl.
“You know what comes next then don’t you Bobbi? We have a lot of work to do, you and me. You know what I mean?”
“Yes Ma’am, I have to convince you that this is right for me.”
“That’s right. I will also help you transition, if we feel it is right. Looking at you now, you are entering into early puberty for a male. I can’t recommend HRT or SRS for you yet, but I can recommend an anti-androgen. It will keep you from developing further masculine traits. It will make transitioning easier later. I have already consulted with an endocrinologist and she has already run some tests. She will talk to you and your mom later. Are you going to continue dressing as a girl?”
“Till I’m made to stop, and I don’t think mom is going to make me.”
“What does your family and friends think?”
“My Mom and sisters already know and are cool with it. My friends Sandra, Becky and their families now know. Sandra and her mom are cool with it, I don’t know about Becky and her family. Trina is cool about it too. Right now that is all I need.”
“Well if that is what you want; I reckon that you ought to keep on keeping on. You seem to have a good support base right now,” Nancy said smiling. “I have other patients to see girl. I will leave word for the hospital staff, that you are to be treated as a girl. For the most part this hospital is pretty good about that kind of thing.”
“Yes they are. Not all of em are, but most are ok with it.”
“Oh? If anybody here treats you poorly, just tell me. I will see that you are treated right.”
“I wasn’t treated poorly, but one showed she didn’t agree with the way I looked when I arrived. She did her job ok though.”
Nancy gave Bobbi a hug and then left. At the nurse’s station she made some notes.
Bobby appeared as an attractive young girl when I arrived. She had on a bra, panties, a girl's nightie, breast forms attached and had on minimal makeup for a teenager. She was quite feminine in her actions, her voice and appearance. Although she is only fourteen, I feel she is a good candidate at this time for transitioning, when she reaches eighteen and can make an informed decision on the matter. I look forward to having a long-term patient relationship with her. She can be quite delightful.
Nancy continued on with more notes on her observations of her patient. She made some notes in her patient’s hospital chart and left a note for the nurses to treat her as a teenage girl, in their interactions with the patient. Finished, she saw Liz in the hall and they talked for several minutes.
“Liz, although I wouldn’t have started her dressing as a girl so soon, I see no reason why she shouldn’t continue doing it. I feel that she will transition, when she reaches eighteen, but we shall see. Just keep doing what you’re doing right now. She really loves you and her sisters. I want to continue seeing her once, or twice, a month for a long while, if that is okay with you.”
“Ok Nancy, that sounds good. I’m sorry I jumped the gun on you. I see no problem with it at home, she won’t be going back to school this semester and I may have her change schools this fall, but we shall see.”
“She is a good kid Liz, and you appear to be a wonderful mother. If you have any problems and want to talk it over, call me anytime. I mean it Liz, anytime.”
Det. Tara Collins and ADA Bob Mason were tied up in the grand jury all day long. Tara testified for five hours herself, going step by step on how they had brought the bad cop drug ring down, like a house of cards and how they had identified the various participants. They had been able to work around having Bobby McDonald coming in to authenticate the videotape, using the confession of her ex-partner and his authentication of those early events. Bob then walked her through presenting the confiscated evidence and how it linked the various other cops.
Finally she broke free, as the forensic accountants were called in to testify. She really wanted a chance to talk to Bobby herself. She walked out of the courthouse and fifteen minutes later she pulled into the hospital. She located the room and entered after knocking.
Seeing a very pretty teenage girl, she stopped and checked the door. The nameplate said Bobbi McDonald. Looking back into the room she saw Elisabeth McCrea. “Is this the right room Liz?”
“Yes this is the right room Det. Collins. Tara this is Bobby Ray McDonald soon to be legally Bobbi Agnes McCrea. Bobbi, this is Detective Tara Collins.”
“Hello Bobby.”
“Hello Det. Collins.”
“I must say it’s a shock to see such a pretty girl here in the hospital, when I expected to see a boy.”
“Thank you Det. Collins, you’re not so bad looking yourself.”
That cracked Liz and Tara up. Bobbi just had a confused look on her face.
“I haven’t been called pretty in a while Bobby, thank you. I am here to take your official statement and to tell you that we won’t need you to appear in court, at least for the foreseeable future at least.”
Bobbi smiled and looked relieved not to have to go to court.
“Don’t smile yet; I’m also here to chastise you for producing and using a bogus ID. That is against the law kiddo, but under the circumstance, I don’t think the DA is going to press charges. I would bet a years salary on that. Now do you want a lawyer present or will your mother suffice?”
“I think my Mom will suffice Det. Collins. What do you think Mom?”
“I think I can advise you on any legal matters Bobbi.”
“Ok Shall we start at the beginning then.”
Bobbi told her story from the time she left the mall with Sandra and Becky. She reported what actions she had taken and what she knew. Det. Collins took copious notes. Tara would stop Bobbi at times and ask questions. She asked quite a few about the fake ID program and such. Bobbi took her through to the diner on that last fateful day. She reported that her recollections of the events at the diner were quite fuzzy. This account Bobbi left out a lot of her interactions with people covering just what Tara needed for the case.
When she finished and Tara had no more questions for Bobbi, they just sat and talked.
“Bobbi I just can’t get over how cute and pretty you are. If I hadn’t known you were a guy, I would have never been able to tell. I also want to compliment you and tell you how brave you are. I have several officers that want to put you up for an award and Bob, he doesn’t want me to tell you this, but he has put you up for a finder’s fee for leading us to drug monies that we have confiscated. I think it is only right that you should know, since your injuries were caused by a bad cop.”
“How much?” Liz asked.
“Seven percent.”
Liz’s eyes arched high in surprise, “Of how much?”
“Not sure Liz, so far we have rounded up about forty million. I’m not sure if all of that will be qualified under the program, but she should get between oh say two and a half, to three and a half million, somewhere in that ball park.”
You could have heard a pin drop after Tara said that. Both Liz and Bobbi’s jaws were hanging slack and both stared at Tara.
“On top of that, I’m sure a good lawyer should be able to get some damages from the city, for her injuries, although, I hope she doesn’t push too hard. But Bobbi does deserve some recompense. The city may settle out of court for say another half a mil. But you didn’t hear that from me. I’m sure that Bob Mason will push the city attorney to settle for that.”
“Oh Tara, I think that would be more than fair. I don’t think Bobbi’s lawyer would push too hard, if the city made that kind of offer in settlement,” Liz hinted.
“Well let me say this, I’m sorry you had to go through this Bobbi. I’m surprised that you have come out of this so well and I want you to know you have made many friends. If anybody gives you any shit, their lives are going to be hell. You just tell your Auntie Tara, Ok.”
Bobbi smiled and held her arms open to Tara, “Ok Auntie Tara, I need a hug on that.”
Tara saw this and couldn’t help herself. She leaned down and hugged Bobbi. Bobbi held on to her with an iron grip and cried on her shoulder for several minutes.
Liz looked upon her daughter and her new aunt, smiling. There had been a lot happening in their lives and many changes to come in the future she thought. Her reverie was broken by a knock on the door.
“Come in,” Liz said.
The door opened and Officer Watson entered with a large pot of flowers.
“Is this the right place?”
“Yes Officer Watson, come in,” Tara said.
“I got these flowers for Bobby,” Tim said, as his eyes grew as big as saucers when he saw Tara and a teenage girl.
“Tim, this is Bobbi, and yes she is a girl now,” Tara said, trying to gauge Tim’s reaction. She knew, that he knew Bobby was a boy; she wanted to know if he could accept her as a girl.
Tim just smiled and held out the flowers to Bobbi.
“Set them over here Tim, you don’t expect a girl to just hold a pot of flowers that big do you,” Liz asked.
Tim turned towards Liz. He had a big puppy dog expression on his face, as he saw her, “No of course not sorry.” Tim set the flowers on the table next to Bobbi and turned towards Liz.
Tara looked at Tim and at Liz, then at Bobbi who was looking at her. The two girls just giggled softly.
“I would say that your mom may have a new beau,” Tara said softly to Bobbi. “He is a good guy.”
“I think you are right. Mom looks a little hooked too.”
Tim and Liz were talking, when the door to the room opened and Sandra, Tracey, Becky, Darla and Amy entered the room. The girls were ecstatic to see Bobbi and mobbed her. Even Becky seemed to accept her.
“Girls, keep to the right of Bobbi. Remember it is her left leg that is hurt,” Liz said.
Liz introduced Tracey to Tara and Tim. The adults then separated and started talking in a group. Liz decided to be frank with all the adults here and so openly talked about Bobbi. They all seemed interested and listened closely, as she explained about why Bobby was now Bobbi. Even Tim smiled.
Bobbi told the girls why she was dressed as a girl, of the group, Becky knew the least about what was going on and listened closely.
“So it’s going to be Bobbi Agnes now, no more Bobby Ray, right?” Becky asked.
“Fraid so, I’m sorry Becky, Sandra, I just couldn’t tell you two when I wasn’t certain. I like you both dearly and Bobby Ray would have loved to have had either of you as his girlfriends, but Bobbi Agnes still wants you two to be her friends.”
“So Bobbi, do you like boys or girls?” Becky inquired.
“As friends, yes I like both, anything else I’m not sure. I just need all the friends I can get right now.”
“You can count on me,” Becky said
“Me too,” Sandra said with a wink.
“Yes, it’s great having another sister,” Darla and Amy agreed.
“I need you guys to teach me so much,” Bobbi said with tears pouring from her eyes.
“Group hug,” Amy said.
All the girls mobbed Bobbi in a hug.
“Are we having a party, girls?” Came a new voice to the room.
Everyone looked to the door and Bobbi called out, “Hey Trina come on in. Trina this is Darla and Amy my sisters. These two are my friends Becky and Sandra. Gang this is Trina, a friend I made this week. Over there, you know my Mom and Tracey, the other lady is Det. Tara Collins and the guy, stuck in the middle, is Officer Tim Watson.”
Trina made the rounds, giving greetings. Bobbi was happier than she could ever remember, seeing all her friends together at the same time.
A nurse entered and was shocked to see all the people there, “Ok People, listen up, no more than four visitors at a time. Some of ya’ll need to go to the lobby and rotate in and out.”
Tara made her excuses and left. Liz and Tracey started heading out with Tim in tow.
“Darla you come with me and you can switch out with Amy.” Liz said taking count of the people.
“Ok Mom,” Darla said, sneaking in a hug before she left.
That left Amy, Sandra, Becky and Trina in the room. The nurse took Bobbi’s temperature, pulse and blood pressure, logging them in her chart before leaving.
Trina gave the other girls a rundown on how she met Bobbi. She left nothing out and even mentioned how she’d come out in just her undies in front of Bobbi. This caused the girls to giggle and Bobbi to blush deeply.
“Bobbi, you’re really quite lovely. I know you’re going to make a good girl. Seeing you with your friends is good.”
“Thank you, Trina you’re one of my friends too. I need all of you.”
“You can count on me. I won’t let you slip away. I’m going to head on out and send your sister Darla in now,” Trina said giving Bobbi a hug.
For the next hour, people came in and out and talked with Bobbi. She just bubbled with joy. Finally everybody left, but Liz.
“Well that was exciting Bobbi.”
“Yes it was Mom.”
“You are officially out now, you know that.”
“Yes and I couldn’t be happier. I know it won’t be easy, or as joyful as this Mom. I also know that this had to happen sooner or later. I just wasn’t happy as a boy.”
“I can see that. You have made a lot of new friends now. We will always be there for you.”
(the end and the beginning)
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An engrossing story
I hadn't seen this before. I started reading it and shortly myself at the end. I don’t think I voted for all the early chapters, but I certainly should have.
You created an interesting character for Bobbi. A few short days of the story developed a real character and enveloped him in an interesting plot. It was a fun read.
Great Story!!
It was one of those stories that I just *had* to read through non-stop.
Thank you for sharing your talent with those of us who can't do it.
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
A wonderful story
Thank you Paula, I love your writing and have enjoyed your other stories too. Thanks for reposting this.
Definitely... entertaining story which I must have missed the first time around. Some really sharp kids here, and of course plenty of heartwarming developments once events take their course.
The initial reaction(s) to the event puzzled me. Not letting anyone know you were there might make sense, though not telling your family seems to be taking it to an extreme; running and/or hiding might make sense, if you think you were spotted and that the killer might believe that you can identify him. But doing both seems sort of inconsistent to me, especially in Bobby's case when it leaves his new girlfriends in the spotlight -- by disappearing, he makes it seem that they do have dangerous information. (Once Bobby realizes that he has photographic evidence that he can distribute, then it makes more sense. But I don't believe that's the case when he formulates his plan.) Just to clarify my point, I'm not saying that Bobby and his friends were wrong; I'm just saying that I didn't understand their initial decisions.
(And as a couple of the original comments noted, for events to take place as they did after Sam was captured, the all-night diner should have been on the motel premises rather than around the corner.)
Minor complaints, though. I enjoyed the story.
Another fun old story,
I just wish it would have had the sequel that Paula hinted at.
Is there going to be an Epilogue?
I enjoyed reading Bobbi's Run and was drawn into ALL the twists and turns the story had in it! Will you entertain us readers with another chapter telling us how Bobbi and friends have moved on in life.
Nice read thank you
I would like to thank you letting me read this story -- The story was a good read for me and I enjoyed it. It is a shame that there has never been a series to this story. I think it would be nice to continue on but the story stands well on it own. Again thank you :)
Bobbi's run
Another 5 Star stories in my book.. Thank You john ? jonie
Third time I read it
This is the third time I've read this exciting and lovely story beginning to end and I enjoyed it as much as the first time.
- Moni
A thousand thanks to all
A thousand thanks to all responsible for this tale being re-posted, and another thousand to Paula for having written it to begin with. I cannot praise this story enough. Brilliant !
Just loved your story
You wrote a darling story and the characters were very life like and wonderful, except for the bad guys, who weren't wonderful at all.
It would be fun to see a continuing of the story so we could see how Bobbi progresses in her new life and with all her family and friends. Please consider doing continuation.
TA and Hugs for now, Janice Lynn Miller
Yeah, me too. I want to add
Yeah, me too. I want to add my 'great story' to all the others' comments. I seem to be reading all of Paula's work together and being quite pleased with the read. Yeah, 'great story'. Now, let's see... which story next...
I am a grain of sand on a near beach; a nova in the sky, distant and long.
In my footprints wash the sea; from my hands flow our universe.
Fact and fiction sing a legendary song.
Trickster/Creator are its divine verse.
--Old Man CoyotePuma
I am a grain of sand on a near beach; a nova in the sky, distant and long.
In my footprints wash the sea; from my hands flow our universe.
Fact and fiction sing a legendary song.
Trickster/Creator are its divine verse.
--Old Man CoyotePuma
Bobbi's Run
I read the whole series in one evening because I found it so exciting and endearing. Being a physician there was one "tiny weeny faux pas". The shin bone mentioned as the one Bobbi broke, is really the tibia bone of the lower leg. The fibula which you stated as the one that was fractured is the smaller, thinner bone along the lateral side of the leg and is not the main support of the leg. Oh well, only a nerdy type A ortho doc (me)(giggle-giggle) would mention this as a comment to an otherwise wonderful and thrilling story. Hugs, Jackie
Great Story
great interactions between characters, with excellent entertainment value. Thank you for all these wonderful stories
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Great series...
...of exciting chapters in this story. Will you have a new chapter telling us what happens next with Bobbi and her friends? Hopefully everything woks out for the best.
and again and again
Paula, my definition of a good author is one who you come back and read the stories again and again. This happens to me every time you write a new story. After I have read the new story, I am reminded of an old favourite. Please continue writing as you are so good at it. Thank you for lots of entertainment, again and again.
bobbi's run
very nice story. good to see some excitement in it, just glad all turned out so well.
late to the party
Wow comments all the way back to 2006 I really missed this story when it came out. This tale is gripping and I did have to keep coming back to it again and again though I was constantly interrupted still I was able to finish it it one day. Like the completeness of this part but it would be great if there was a part two. Anyway I really like this story and highly recommend it to all and sundry visiting this site. Also I took a look at your other stories and I will be taking a look at them all. What fun to find a new author I like!
Hugs, Kristi
Kristi Lynne Fitzpatrick
Bobbi's Run
Another great story. I loved the plot; it was certainly different that it was 'baddies' who precipitated Bobby's transition. The finale was carefully and thoughtfully built and I liked the interaction between the characters.
Very well done!
Bobbi,s run
I have read this story twice now about eighteen months apart and enjoyed it both times.For me the story just flowed and the characters had depth,all in all a good read.Thank you.
A very good story and I
A very good story and I would expect that Bobbi will return to her own school, with her sisters and two best friends and be able to take on the problems that might face her there. She has a very good support group started with several people in it that can certainly help her. I do hope a follow up to this story might come out later so we can all see how Bobbi's journey plays out. Janice Lynn
I didn't
Thank Sephrena for re-posting. She works hard on this site.
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: DuneI
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune
Very nice read! Great closer!
Paula dear;
Wonderful closer chapter. Very nice tying up loose ends in the story. Then on top of all that, it's a great read too boot!
Most definately looking forward to more of your writing! I am most unanimus in that!
Not a kid anymore
Excellent story, Paula, although I didn't expect it to end; I thought there would be a bad cop they hadn't got or maybe dad (couldn't remember whether he was still alive somewhere or not) to throw a wrench (or would that be wench :-) into the works. I certainly would like to see Book II, as I do think that while it won't be hard for Bobbi to be a woman, it might be hard for her to still be a 14 year old. I would like to see her go back to her old school, a proud young woman and face down any bullies, even taking on a leadership role, as that seems her maturity level. Anyway, again, CONGRATS !!
"All the world really is a stage, darlings, so strut your stuff, have fun, and give the public a good show!" Miss Jezzi Belle at the end of each show
BE a lady!
Bobbi's Run 10
Hi Paula,
Well done on a great conclusion to an action packed serial. It was nice to see a serial draw to an end and hope to see some of your others complete.
Just loved the story!
All in all a very good story with excitement and sweetness in it. Like Jezzi I would love to read a sequel: Bobbie in School perhaps? I just hope that if You do continue can You keep it on the sweetside? I am a real sucker for sweet stories!
Sissy Baby Paula and Snowball (my toy puppy)
Loved Your Story!
Paula you have a real talent! You can pull me into your story and make me care! All of your stories do this, not just this one. You are the 5th author I have come across that does this repeatedly without fail for me. I am quite sad this story has ended but maybe at some point you might write about Bobbi's transition. I hope you do! Please continue your marvelous talent at writing and never stop!
Sephrena Miller