So my life continues to change. I am far enough in my transition to finally accept what others have told me all along, I'm cute, I'm pretty. I'm no longer self conscious, I have friends and family who accept me. I get correctly gendered as I'm out and about. even in male clothing. I have so much going for me. I'm also however moving back home. Whether this is a good or bad thing I do not know. Money is an issue so I can no longer attempt to live on my own. Dad has agreed. So long as I present myself as "normal". He's the only one who's had a problem so far with me being transgendered. He doesn't want to see all the good it's done for me. Instead he just sees that....I'm a freak. It hurts, but I still move forward. I'm hoping when he sees how confident I am of myself now he'll relax and come to understand me. In the mean time, I'm still alive and kicking.
Good luck
I'm afraid your father's reluctance to accept you as you wish to be says more about his lack of security as male than yours. Hopefully he'll eventually understand that.
All The Luck in the World
I am really happy that you have found the real you - it's such a liberating feeling. I am very sad that your father cannot come to terms with the happier you. I hope in time he realises that you are happy, contented and fulfilled.
I hope things go well for you.
you could always tell him you are normal
a normal girl with a birth defect, that's all you all.
moving home
You should get a roomie instead of moving home.
Hell get two or three.
Moving home can be more destructive than you can imagine.
I tried but working part time
I tried but working part time and trying to remain afloat Is difficult. I was left with no choice.
Never be afraid to push yourself to new limits. While you might not see the path, you will be amazed at what you can achieve.