What's in a name?
Well, it turns out, a lot.
While doing some serious handholding in Montreal for someone who recently had her crack-up, one of the girls at the clinic made mention she had named her dilators. All the names she gave them were cutesy and, in my opinion, rather mundane. Thinking my friend would want to follow suit, I came up with of names she could pick from when it came time for her to name her dilators. Here are some of my recommendations based on my experience in those first few days of… Well, you know.
Ivan the Terrible Vlad the Impaler Ethelred the Unready Suleiman the Magnificent Henry V Louis the Intolerable Edward Longshanks
No doubt some you who have been there, done that, and have your very own set can think of a few other names.
HW Coyle
a.k.a. Nancy Cole
Henry V is living up to his name
Apologies for abusing one of Shakespeare's great speeches. But for something I have spent way too much time getting to know it seemed appropriate.
"Once more into the breach dear friends, once more...."
Non sum qualis eram
Thank God, I'm of an age;
Thank god I'm of an age when none of that is to be countenanced in the future. To follow of in a loose Shakespearean vein however.
Off; off damned ----s; shore up the breach with genital dead. Just a haircut and shave for me, I hope.