
What a rough day! I had been feeling poorly all weekend but thought I could handle coming into work. I was wrong. As the day progressed I just felt worse and worse. In the end my boss came up to me and told me to go home.

I had just got back to my car when I heard an enormous explosion from a nearby factory!


Debris started raining down and I took refuge in my car. After a few minutes things seemed to settle, though the flames from where the building once stood were still burning out of control. Very quickly the fire brigade arrived and started their work.

As I stood there something on the ground caught my eye. At first I thought it was just a metal fragment, but as I looked closer it seemed to be in the shape of an insect.

Gingerly I gave it a nudge with my toe. It moved!


I gave it another nudge and a pair of metallic wings unfolded. But before I could react, it took to the air and latched itself onto my arm! In a panic I brushed it off and as it hit the floor I stamped on it and pounded it into the ground until there was nothing left but for a few fragments.

I looked at my arm where this... whatever it was, had landed and I could see a small puncture mark. I touched it and there was a curious tingling sensation.

By now some ambulances had arrived and I went over to the closest one and explained that I thought I had been bitten by a robot insect. The paramedic looked at me as though I was on something. But he did give the puncture mark a good look, which had by now all but disappeared.

I will admit, considering the chaos going on all around, I felt rather foolish making such a fuss. So I left my details with the police just in case they wanted a witness statement, and feeling a little bemused I made my way home.

By the time I got home I was totally exhausted. I just took off my coat, kicked off my shoes, flopped into my favourite chair and went spark out asleep.

The delivery system had worked perfectly.

As the host slept, the genetically modified virus began to expand from the initial contact area. It discovered that there was already a virus in the host which it absorbed and integrated into itself, changing its very nature.

With the qualities of the other virus now a part of its makeup, it rapidly permeated deep into the body of the host, binding itself to every cell. And then it started making connections to the brain...

When I finally awoke I was starving! As I made my way to the kitchen I realised I was actually feeling much better and decided to treat myself to a full English. Man am I hungry! With the kitchen now looking like a wreck, and with a big mug of tea in my hand, I plonked myself down at the table to eat.

I looked at my arm where that bite was but couldn't see anything. After clearing the plate, including an extra round of bread and butter I finally felt full.

There was a stirring of a consciousness within the hosts body. Not quite intelligence, but an awareness had been awoken. As the host consumed the food, it began to feed as well.. and it was growing stronger.

Time for my internet fix. I have never admitted it to anyone, but for years I have had a fascination with gender swapping stories. Today, a story caught my eye where the main characters were a married couple who by using a mystical medallion were able to exchange bodies.

I got to the part where the couple made love for the first time and how they each experienced the change. The descriptions were so well written that I could actually picture the scene, and as I got drawn further into the story I felt a familiar stirring down below.

The consciousness could feel the host's body change. As a moth to a flame, it was irresistibly drawn to these new sensations. Hungry for more it amplified the stimulation of the host's senses.

As I carried on reading, I could feel the tension building, but before I knew it I had an orgasm! What? This has never happened before! All I am doing is reading! I stood up and dropped my trousers expecting to have to clear up a mess, but everything was perfectly clean. I didn't think that was possible?

The consciousness was energised by what it had just experienced! The intense energy burst, the flush of hormones, endorphins and secretions that the host had just displayed. It absorbed it... it drew strength from it... it liked it... it craved it... it wanted more! Hungrily it then replayed the nerve firing that had originally caused this response.

The next thing I knew, I could feel myself becoming aroused again. But I am not doing anything? This can't be happening. And before I could work out what was going on another breathtaking orgasm shook my body!

And then it happened a third time!

Barely able to stand, I leant against the wall totally exhausted and thoroughly confused, wondering what on earth had just happened? In a daze I made my way back to the bedroom and just flopped onto the bed and immediately fell fast asleep.

The intense activity throughout the hosts body was having a profound effect. Like a storm cascading through the body, connections were being forged cell by cell. What was once small clusters of the virus were now interconnecting with astonishing speed, creating a growing web of connections throughout the host's body.

It was becoming a neural network.... a living brain!

Like waking from a dream, the consciousness was becoming increasingly aware... and an intelligence began to form.

The phone rang, waking me up.


"Hello?" I said sleepily.

"Matt? Is that you? Did I wake you up?"

It was my sister, Jessica. She is coming to visit for a couple of weeks and I was to pick her up at the train station.

"Actually sis, yes you did."

"Did you forget that you needed to pick me up from the station?"

"No I didn't forget. I was to expect you on Friday at ten p.m. and you were going to call me as you were pulling in."

"Well, I am pulling in."

"What do you mean? It's only Wednesday morning."

"Uhh, Matt, it's Friday evening and I am at the station waiting for you."

"What? You are kidding! Sorry Jess, I don't know what happened. I'll be there in 10 minutes."

Feeling totally washed out, I dashed to the station. As I drove up I saw her waiting for me.


After a big hug hello, "Hiya Jess, sorry for keeping you waiting. What? Just the one bag this time?"

She just gave me 'that' look and nodded to the three other bags tucked behind the pillar. I don't think my dear sister has even heard of the concept of travelling light.

"I thought you were staying for two weeks, you have brought enough clothes to last six months!"

She sighed, "You are just a man, you don't understand that a girl needs a change of clothes."

I shook my head and said, "Women! Don't understand 'em, but ya gotta love 'em". (Since we lost our parents we have been particularly close and are always ribbing each other.)

Once home, Jessica went to the spare bedroom and started to unpack her things while I made us both a drink. I sat on the bed and we chatted as outfit after outfit was put away. By the time she was finished I could barely talk I was so tired. So making my excuses I said we can catch up with things properly in the morning and went to bed. My head had hardly touched the pillow and I fell into an exhausted sleep.

The intelligence had been quietly listening and thinking. It could hear the hosts thoughts and it was learning, and learning fast. Now the host was sleeping it could probe the hosts mind more thoroughly.

First priority was survival and sustenance. But it didn't just want to sustain itself, it wanted to feast! What was it that it had experienced? Examining the hosts memories it realised that the host was reading a story and the ideas being described were what stimulated it so much to bring on an "orgasm".

What a strange concept? But whatever it was, it realised that any normal method of nourishment would never compare. Why nibble at scraps when you can feast!

As it delved further, it learned that the host's species had two distinct genders. Male and female, and that the host was male. But what's this? The orgasm of the female were supposedly even stronger than the male's that it had experienced?

It needed to bond to a female!

But it realised that was a problem. Having so thoroughly integrated with this host, it knew it could not survive the separation.

But it was now addicted to the energy of the orgasm and it wanted more, it would have to find a way to achieve a female level orgasm inside this host's body. It just had to work out how.

I was shocked awake by a scream! It was Jessica. I rushed to her bedroom to see her clutching her hand which was bleeding quite heavily.

"My makeup mirror is broken" she said, "I was just reaching in and I've sliced my hand on it."

Although there was quite a bit of blood, I could see the cut wasn't actually that deep. So I put some gentle pressure on the cut to reduce the bleeding and lead her into the bathroom and over to the tap to rinse out the cut. Then having dried it all off and the bleeding mostly stopped, I covered the cut with a sticky-plaster.

It was aware of another creature similar to the host. When they touched, it was able to absorb some of the blood from this new creature. Slowly and carefully it began to compare it with the host.

Over breakfast we decided to have a day out, get some shopping, a bit of lunch, and generally just enjoy the day. By the time we got back home and watched a bit of telly we were both rather tired and decided on an early night. Though I suspect finishing off that third bottle of wine might have had something to do with it too.

It had been busy.

Having analysed the blood, it discovered that it came from a female. And being a genetic match to the host, it could use it as a template for the changes it now had in mind. Soon an unlimited supply of it's needs could be possible! Tonight, it would let the host in on the plan.

As I slept I began to dream. I seemed to be in a very pink, very girly bedroom, and then noticed a young girl sitting on the bed.


Somehow I knew I was asleep, but was still very aware of what I was dreaming. But what kind of dream is this where I would imagine of all things a little girl in her bedroom?

"Come sit by me Matt. We need to talk."

Now my dream is talking to me? Well, better go along with it I suppose?

As I stepped towards to the bed, "Hello? So, umm, who are you?"

"Well..." she hesitated. "The closest definition I can find in your mind to describe me is a symbiote. Basically, I live inside you, and your body has to provide nourishment for both of us. Which is why you have been so hungry by the way."

"A symbiote? That's just a nice way to describe a parasite."

"Oh no, symbiote is definitely a more accurate definition. I may depend upon you for sustenance, but I actually provide you with some major benefits too. With me, you will never get sick, and will have a greatly extended life span. All I ask in return is nourishment."

Ok, now I know I have a good imagination, but this definitely not an ordinary dream. Hey, I wonder if that chicken I had earlier was on the turn?

As though hearing my thoughts, "What! You think I'm not real?" Tears started to well up in her eyes.

A little take aback by her reaction, "Look, I am sorry. But this is all just a bit too incredible to accept as real, especially as I know I am dreaming all this."

She shrugged my arm away. "It doesn't matter, you will get the proof you want soon enough. I think you should go now, I need to concentrate on changing your body. But know this, you can't get rid of me, we are an integral part of each other now."

As I awoke I thought, "That was definitely one of my weirder dreams."

I made my way to the bathroom and jumped into the shower. Is it my imagination or is my manhood smaller? Nah, must be a bit cold this morning, that's all. As I lathered myself up and rubbed across my chest it seemed to be rather puffy, and then I felt a sharp pain.


"Aww!" that hurt! Gingerly I poked myself in my chest and a pain like a deep bruise hit me again. Then as the pain subsided my nipples hardened (they have never been that big before) and there was a distinct blush spreading across my chest. (Now this really is weird.)

I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off. Being careful around my tender chest, I slipped on my robe I went see Jessica.

So, what brings you to my room in your bathrobe?"

"I was showering and my chest seems a little swollen and is really sore. Could you have a look at it please?"

Matt opened the top of his robe and exposed his chest. Jessica's eyes widened a little. There on Matt's chest were two small, but quite discernable breasts.

She reached out and slowly and lightly ran her fingers over Matt's chest. Instinctively he closed his eyes and took a gasp of breath. Jessica could see that he was getting aroused just by her touch. As she moved her hand towards a nipple she gave it a gentle tweak.

Matt let out a moan of pleasure and his legs gave out from under him and he crumpled to the floor. Shocked, Jessica watched helplessly as Matt lay there. His eyes clamped shut and his body shook until what seemed to be the spasms of an orgasm!

As he lay there his robe had fallen open and Jessica was stunned to see the beginnings of a decidedly feminine body taking form.

In Matt's mind, the battle had begun!
I found myself staring at an unbelievable view. I then noticed a woman. It was the girl from my previous dreams, though older now.


Gazing out over the water she said, "You have an amazing imagination Matt".

Then she turned and starting to walk towards me, "It would have been a lot easier if you had just believed me, you know? I was hoping to be able to work with you. But you have to understand that I need to do this."

Feeling a little nervous I said, "Need to do what?"

A column of water slowly rose up in front of me. As the vertical surface started to smooth out an image began to form. At first I thought it was a reflection, but as it became clearer I could see it was the image of a beautiful woman. For a moment I just stood there staring, but then as I moved she moved too. It was when I reached out to touch the surface I was hit by the stark realisation that I was looking at a reflection of me!


"What is going on?"

"This is what you will look like when I am finished. I will leave you in full control of the body. All I require is that you have an orgasm when I need you to, so that I can feed. If you resist, I can and will force you to have one."

I was starting to feel genuinely scared. This might not just be a dream after all?

With a wave of her hand, "Oh, don't act all surprised, I did try to tell you but you wouldn't believe me."

Whether this is real or not, I take great objection to being manipulated and threatened like this. I tried to grab the woman, but as I reached towards her she deftly sidestepped me, and launched me straight into the water.

The water wasn't especially deep, but the shock of the cold as I hit it took my breath away, and it was surprisingly difficult to pull myself out again. But each time I tried, she kept pushing me back in and I could feel myself getting weaker and weaker.

Eventually I just stood there. "Please let me out, I'm freeing and I am exhausted."

She looked at me with distain, "Of course you are. The more you resist me, the more fatigued you become and the more of your resistance to me ebbs away. I have told you, you can't win. The choice is yours, if you stop fighting me, I'll let you out. Otherwise, another dunking is in order and you will eventually become so weak you will be powerless to resist me anyway."

I nodded and said "Ok", and as she stood back I was finally able to pull myself back onto the shore.

"I would much prefer it if you would work with me," she said. "It takes too much energy to keep fighting you and we have a lot to do. I know your thoughts and you consider that a woman's orgasm is more powerful than a man's. Once you become fully female, we can see if that is true".

A cold look flashed across her eyes. "But understand this, you can't stop me. If you work with me, I can adjust your appearance to whatever you wish. If not, you will get the form and the life that I decide. I can take control of your body whenever I want to, and I will not hesitate to do so if you try to stop me."

Realising arguing with my own imagination wasn't going to get me anywhere I decided to keep quiet and play along.

She shook her head, "You still don't get it do you? But no matter, when you wake up you will. With the sample of your sister's DNA to work from I can now adjust your body to it's new form however we wish."

She smiled, "Right. Now, we have that sorted out, I think it's time I took a name, how does Celeste sound?"

By now I had given up trying to make any sense of this. "Ok, Celeste sounds good".

"Wake up now and get your proof. Once I get your body into its new form, I will be able to communicate with you while you are awake."
I awoke in bed with Jessica sitting there with a worried look on her face.


"Uhh, what's wrong sis?" I asked.

"How do you feel Matt?"

Still trying to wake up, "I don't know, a bit strange to be honest." As I lay there, it felt as though every part of my body was aching.

"You won't believe this Jess, but I've been having the craziest dreams lately. First there was a girl but now she is a young woman. She calls herself Celeste and says that she has attached herself to me like a symbiote or something, and needs energy from me to live. She actually said that the energy of an orgasm feeds her better than the nourishment she can get from my blood stream. And, since women's orgasms are more powerful than men's, she going to turn me into a girl!"

"Is that crazy or what?"

Jessica, didn't say a word and just pulled the bed covers down to my waist. As I looked down, sitting proudly on my chest were two perfectly formed breasts. When I saw them I almost passed out.

"I really need something to eat," I groaned.

"I'm not surprised. You've been out for over fifteen hours. Stay there and I'll get you something."

Jessica went to the kitchen and returned with a sandwich which I eagerly ate.

"So it wasn't just a dream? It's all real?"

As if in response, beneath the sheets I felt a very strange pulling sensation. It was a little like the beginnings of an erection, but going in not out. Even as reached down I felt the last of my manhood disappearing and a something else beginning to form, no prizes for guessing what.

My whole body seemed to be tingling, but eventually I could feel everything settle and I looked at Jessica and said, "I think it's finished". Shocked at hearing my new feminine voice, I sat bolt upright and clamped my hand over my mouth!


Of course Jessica wasn't the least surprised as she has stayed with me the whole time and seen my transformation. "How are you feeling? Are you ok?"

With my hand still covering my mouth, I just nodded.

Jessica has always been the more practical and pragmatic one. She gave me a smile and said, "You are covered in sweat, go and have a quick shower and I'll get you something to wear,"

I just sat there, unable to move.

Jessica moved up and sat beside me, "Come on, it will be ok".

I turned to her and she could see the anxiety in my face, and she leaned into me and hugged me.

I was shaking, "I am scared Jess, I don't know If I can handle this? Please help me?"

Kissing me on my forehead "Of course I will hun, of course it will. Now go and have a shower, it will make you feel better."

After the quickest shower I have ever had, I came back into Jessica's bedroom. She looked up and gave me a smile and said, "Right, my turn" and left for the bathroom. With me staring at the clothes she had laid out for me.

I couldn't bring myself to put any of it on, it just felt wrong. I know Jessica is only trying to help but this is moving too fast. I have only been female for five minutes and she already wants me in pretty girls underwear, and had actually laid out a dress for me to wear, not even a pair of jeans.

I found a spare bedsheet and pulled it around myself and dejectedly I sat on the floor. Instinctively I tucked my knees under my chin as I closed my eyes and tried to get a grip on all these changes.


Startled, I looked up to see who was there.


It was Celeste's voice. What? I am awake and can hear her?

"I told you, and as you can now see, it is very real."

"Looking like this, I can't argue that what you have done to me isn't real, but I don't have to like it."

"Oh, you will."

Not really listening I just sat there fuming. Then I felt a little tickle in the back of my mind, and I thought that perhaps being a girl wasn't the worst thing in the world? But before I could work out what just happened, Jessica came back in and sat down next to me.

"You didn't get very far did you?" Then with a comforting smile, "Don't worry I will help you, I know it's a lot to get used to. Let's go and get you sorted and tidy up that mop of hair you have on your head."

Of course, she wasn't going to be satisfied just combing my hair, she put me through the whole process that a woman goes through before facing the day. I really wasn't happy, but when she was done and I was finally allowed to look into the mirror. I was stunned at what I saw!


I was lost in the gaze of the beauty staring back at me when Jessica snapped me out of it, "I was thinking while I was having my shower, you are going to need a new name aren't you? How does Sophie sound to you?"

Still a little dazed I heard myself say, "Sure," Sophie sounds ok". But it wasn't ok. Or was it? Umm, what was I thinking?

I heard Celeste say, "I like that name."

I then realised what had just happened and was so angry! I shouted at Celeste, "How dare you change my thoughts like that! You can't just go fiddling with my mind whenever you feel like it!"

I couldn't help it as tears started to well up in my eyes. Jessica looked shocked at my outburst. (Of course, she hadn't heard Celeste.) But then she scootched up and placed her arm around my shoulder.

"Don't cry, we will face this together" she said.

Feeling comforted in her arms I started to feel calmer. My head was on Jessica's shoulder so I pulled back a little to look into her eyes and to say thank you....


But as their eye's met, it wasn't Sophie but Celeste who moved closer and gently kissed Jessica's mouth. Jessica was shocked, but then found herself returning the kiss with a growing sense of passion.

I shouted at Celeste, "Oh no you don't!" I had noticed that Celeste's first kiss released some saliva onto Jessica's lips.

"You can't stop me," Celeste calmly replied. "She has me in her system now. I've got you and her now! Just relax, sit back and enjoy the ride."

I screamed and tried to distract Celeste, but nothing worked.

Meanwhile, Jessica felt her body heat up with another kiss. Celeste began to caress her thighs, each stroke made Jessica hotter than before. She had never felt this aroused in her life and wanted more.


She felt the tension building, and then Jessica's whole world exploded in the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced!

As Jessica began to come down, Celeste continued to caress her and had her moving towards the next one so that she could absorb more of the energy she now craved.

Perhaps it was because she was distracted, but it was then I could hear what Celeste was planning. "You can't be serious?" I said to Celeste.

"Why not. I've got enough energy after that wonderful orgasm to fully integrate myself with Jessica the way I have with you. She will thank me for it."

I screamed, "No, I won't let you! She is my sister and you can't do this!"

I could hear the distain in Celeste's voice, "I think you need to go to sleep now".

As I felt myself slip into unconsciousness, I just had time to notice Celeste forming a small lump on her tongue and move some of herself into it, then as they continued to kiss she released it into Jessica's mouth.

It was some time later my mind begin to clear and I was back in control of myself. I was exhausted and very hungry. I went to the kitchen to sort myself something to eat. But I had barely managed to finish the meal when exhaustion overtook me and I fell asleep.

Once again, I found myself overlooking the lake and I could see Celeste standing near the water's edge.

This was my chance! Not waiting for her to notice me, I rammed into her with everything I had and sent her flying into the lake. By now I had realised that the lake wasn't just part of the landscape, it had something to do with her power over me.

She quickly recovered and tried to climb out, but I just pushed her back into the water. She kept trying, but each time she fell back in I felt a little stronger and I could see her start to struggle. Celeste soon caught onto what I was doing and stood up a little way from the waters edge.

"Ok, you have made your point, can I get out now?"

"If you promise not mess with my mind again."

Celeste thought about this for a minute. "Ok, I won't."

While she got out, I walked along the beach a little way, sat down and looked over the water. As Celeste came and sat next to me, I looked at her. "Tell me what you are planning to do to my sister?"


"I've seeded a part of myself into her. Once it's established I'll be able to absorb energy from her as well. She will get all the benefits that I've given you too, but under our control."

I paused to gather my thoughts, "I realise I am not going to be able to stop you, but I'll make you a deal. I will stop fighting you, but you have to stop messing with my mind and Jessica has to know the truth about what's happening. Otherwise, I will fight you every way I can, for as long as I can, and you can't afford that can you?

Celeste looked at me, "You have a point. Controlling your body while you were fighting me took a lot of effort. I'll agree to that, we have a deal"

Taking a deep breath, "I'll probably regret this, but ok, we have a deal."

I awoke with my mind feeling a lot clearer, but my body felt really tired.

I went to Jessica and she was still sleeping.

"Celeste, what should I do?"

"Just touch her, I will do the rest".

I sat on the bed next to Jessica, reached out and gently touched her neck. Once I made contact, I felt a tingling sensation shoot down my arm. "Celeste, what was that?" There was no reply. I called to her again, but silence.

Jessica's whole body started glowing! As I continued to watch it seemed to be focusing more around her forehead. And then suddenly her eyes shot open, and her hand went to where I had touched her. She looked around the room very confused, and then looked straight at me.


"I understand now Sophie. All of it".

Jessica took my hand and as we touched I was almost overwhelmed by a flood of images, emotions and thoughts. Then just as quickly it calmed down again and I could clearly hear Jessica's thoughts... and Celeste's.

Jessica looked right at me and with her mouth firmly shut I could hear her say, "Isn't this amazing? I can hear you thinking. and I can 'feel' you too. This is sooo cool!"

Then she tilted her head and looked puzzled, "But what I don't get is why you struggled with Celeste? What she is offering is incredible. We can change how we look and we'll never grow sick or old. How could you not want that?"

I could hardly believe what I was hearing. "What? You have to ask why I was upset when my body was invaded by a parasite, I was changed into a woman against my will, she interferes with my mind on a whim, and I loose control of my own body whenever she feel like taking over! Really?"

Jessica looked shocked at my outburst, "Perhaps we had better talk about this later when you have calmed down a bit. Celeste is staying here with me for a while, and seeing how upset you are perhaps that is a good thing. She says her old body will continue to work without her now. Just remember to feed it once a month, more if you want to change anything."

I caught that straight away. "I can change my body without her help?"

"Yes, whatever you want, just not back to being male. Even though you have been mean to her she wants you to enjoy being a woman."

I could feel myself clench my teeth, "Never."

Jessica let go of my hand, a little dismissively, "We'll see. Now while I am having some breakfast, you go and shower and get dressed. Then it's my turn. I feel the need for shopping."

I had a shower, but out of principle I slipped on a pair of sweats and a top, and made my way to the kitchen for some breakfast.

Jessica seemed to take ages to get herself ready. But when she came down I couldn't believe what I saw!


Is that really her? Now I look closer, I can see that it is still Jessica. But almost everything about her is a little different. Her skin is flawless, her features softer, and she has always had a good figure but now she looks stunning. And I have never seen her dressed like that, ever!

Now I am really worried. Seeing the changes she had made to herself and how she is dressed made me wonder if Celeste had taken over. "Are you ok Jess, or should I say Celeste?"

"Oh little sister, it is me Jessica. Celeste and I have had a long talk. She convinced me that I could get anything I wanted from this world. I could have the perfect body and any man I wanted. All I have to do was to work with her. Unlike you, I thought it was a great idea. So we made some changes and here I am, the new me. Oh, and I'm the one in control now and you are going to be the spare one, not me.

I stood there stunned! This couldn't be my sister. She was never callous like this. I knew that Celeste had influenced her somehow. I had to get through to Jessica and convince her.

As she gave herself a final preen in front of the mirror, "Oh, and you can have my clothes now, they are not my style anymore. I have a whole new look to create. I will see you when I get home". And with that, Jessica turned on her heels and left.

I flopped down onto the bed and started to cry. I felt totally helpless and not knowing what to do. I don't know how long I laid there, but eventually I was cried out and my head began to clear. Then I remembered Jessica saying something about my being able to make changes? So if I am going to be stuck like this, perhaps I might as well start working out what I can actually do with my new body?

Something simple and obvious. Concentrating on my breasts, I closed my eyes and imagined them a little larger. At first, nothing seemed to be happening, but then I felt the bra becoming tighter. When I opened my eyes again I could see that there had been a definite change.


My breasts were not much larger, but definitely fuller, and they now filled the bra beautifully.

A little unnerved at what I had just done, I paused for a moment. Am I actually enjoying being able to change myself? Could I be starting to accept this? But then again, if I am stuck as a woman, why shouldn't I make this body the way I want it?"

With those thoughts echoing around my mind I headed back to Jessica's bedroom. Opening the dresser, I just stared at the array of very feminine clothes. I still can't get my head around the idea that it will all fit me now. But just looking won't get me dressed, so I tried on a couple of outfits and found I was actually enjoying trying out different styles.

Looking in the mirror I then realised I was going to have to attend to my hair and sort some makeup. The idea of actually going out with a naked face didn't feel right somehow?

After pulling my hair back into a ponytail I laid out Jess's makeup. Which doesn't seem so intimidating now I have actually sat myself down to do it. And even styling my hair went well and I will admit I was rather pleased with my first attempt.

Feeling a lot more confident, now I need something to do for the day. Hmm... I know, I'll have a wander around town, grab a bite of lunch and I can check out some new outfits. "This should be fun." I took one final look at myself in the mirror, grabbed my keys and headed out the front door.

The trip into town was interesting, a little weird, but interesting. It felt like every guy was checking me out. At first I got a little buzz from the attention, but as it went on it was actually a little bit creepy.

After a general wander around the shops I stopped at a cafe for a sit and a coffee. I was idly thinking over the day when it finally dawned on me what I had been doing. Making my body more feminine? Expertly doing my hair and makeup? Going around shops looking for sexy outfits? Thinking about guys checking me out? What had Celeste done to me?

But all that paled into insignificance when I saw someone walking towards me.


Me! Standing right in front of me was my male self!

"I see you decided to come out then?" the copy of me said.


As I watched my body take a pose, "So, do you like it?"

I sat there in a daze and just couldn't think straight. "I don't get it. Why are you in my body?"

"Simple. People would ask too many embarrassing questions if you never showed up again. So Celeste and I came up with the idea that we could pose as you occasionally to deflect any suspicions. And for a laugh we thought we would give it a try.

This was too much! It was one thing to force me into being a woman, it was another thing to take over my life! With a building rage I leapt up and launched myself at uhh... me!

As I made contact, there was a blinding flash of light!

When my eyes cleared, I found myself standing by a now very familiar lake. Jessica and Celeste were lying unconscious near the waters edge. As fast as I could, I dashed over and picked up Celeste and flung her into the water. Her body hit with a huge splash!


I went over to Jessica and shook her awake.

"Where am I?" she groggily asked.

I was about to answer when I heard...

"You'll pay for that!" Celeste screamed in rage!

As I turned, I saw Celeste reaching for me. But she hadn't noticed Jessica stand up as she lunged at her and knocked Celeste off her feet. Then before she could react we grabbed her and tossed her back into the lake.

We stood there shoulder to shoulder. As Celeste attempted to climb out we pushed her back in again.

"Please stop, I can't fight two of you" she begged, as she attempted to climb out again.

Pushing her back in, "Never! We know being in the water weakens you, you will stay in there until we know you can't harm us again... Ever!"

Standing in the water, Celeste stared at us with fear in her eyes. Then, a strange look crossed her face. She gave a smile that sent a chill down my spine, and slowly she slipped under the water.


For a moment we just stood there bemused, but then we noticed that the water where Celeste's had been standing grew dark and started to shimmer. Then like a ripple across the water, a blackness began to spread wider and wider.

We looked at each other, then we turned and ran!

The ripple continued over the meadow and faster and faster it was catching up with us.

And then everything went black
I woke up feeling very disoriented. As my head started to clear I realised I was in the back of an ambulance. It was then I saw Jessica looking at me. Straight away I could see she was my Jess, not the one Celeste had created.

Then the realisation hit me. I was still a woman.

The paramedic who had been examining us said, "Everything seems to be ok, but I would still like to take you to the hospital to check the two of you over."

We looked at each other, and nervous at what they might find, we both said that we were fine and a trip to the hospital would be a waste of everybody's time. Then having promised we would go to the hospital if we have any symptoms, the ambulance left.

Neither of us felt up to the walk home so we got a taxi. As we settled into the back seat, dejectedly I put my head on Jessica's shoulder as she tried to console me.

When we got home, we were both too exhausted to talk so we went to bed. Time enough to figure out what happened tomorrow.

I awoke to the wonderful smell of cooking. I pulled on my robe and made my way to the kitchen and saw Jessica making breakfast.


Jessica heard me come into the kitchen and gave me a smile, "I know you like a cooked breakfast so I thought I would get some on the go."

"Thanks Jess, that's really thoughtful. I see you've made your hair longer?"

She gave a little smile, "Just experimenting, you know?"

"Umm... funny you should mention that, I tried to change myself last night. I could manage some small stuff but I couldn't turn myself back to being male."

Jessica kept quiet, she knew what the next question would be.

"Do you remember how to change yourself into me?"

"Yes, I think so."

"Do you think you could show me?"

Jessica paused for a moment. "Sorry love, no."

I half expected the answer, but hearing it out loud I felt devastated.

"I really wish I could. Celeste showed me how, but I can't explain it. It's more a feeling than a conscious thought."

"Why don't we touch hands and you can show me that way?" I asked.

"Celeste was the bridge. I tried to read your thoughts when we were in the taxi last night but I couldn't. I'm really sorry."

"So that's it, I am stuck?"

Jessica came and sat at the table. "Look, I have been thinking. You may not be able to be Matt again but you still have a life. What if I was to 'Come Out' as you and transition into a woman? I should only have to stand in for you a few times just to get everything in place, and then after a few months you can officially be you again, even if it is as Sophie.

"You would do that for me?"

"Of course. We are family, we take care of each other."

I was more than a little stunned. What a brilliant idea.

But then a look went across Jessica's face that got me worried.

"There is something else. With all that has been going on I have been rather distracted and I didn't realise that I am late. While you were sleeping I nipped out and got a pregnancy test kit. Though I didn't feel brave enough to actually do the test until you were up."

The concern on her face was now very obvious. I was just about to make a comment when I remembered the smile on Celeste's face and my blood ran cold. I went to hug her but she held up a tester and said, "I think you should check too."

I stood there in shock! Then slumped back into the chair. "But I have only been a girl for a few days and there is no way...."

The look on Jessica's face was enough to take the words right out of my mouth.

I don't know how long I sat there staring at the tester in my hand. Eventually Jessica put her hand on my shoulder and nodded towards the bathroom.

My legs were shaking so much I was having difficulty walking properly. As I got to the bathroom door I grasped the handle as though my life depended on it.

I looked to Jessica who gave me a weak smile and a little nod.

I swallowed hard and we went inside.

We read the instruction leaflet over and over just so we could delay it a little longer.

In the end we knew we couldn't put it off and ran the tests.

The instructions said it would take five minutes to give a result.


It was the longest five minutes of my life.....

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