I think I understand Lady Gaga just a little better than I did.
Now, don't get ahead of me, I'm going somewhere with this.
The reaction I got on Sunday to my speech, the applause, the people coming up to me afterward telling me it moved them, it was an amazing rush.
And then I had to go back to my regular life.
A life without applause.
And I'm finding it less easy than I thought I would.
I'm finding that applause is addictive, and so I understand those who get so addicted they would do anything to keep the applause going.
So that's why I understand Lady Gaga better.
On A Lesser Scale
Getting kudos and comments means a lot to the writers here. The elation created from getting a nice kudos is great. By the way, kudos is singular.
Stop me!
I've learnt that although I get no "rush" from giving talks it is safest to have somebody with a watch to tell me "wind it up to a finish" or I'll talk for hours....
Rhona McCloud