Termites and Gun Shots

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It's termite swarm season here in Florida and guess whose house has got them. MINE. For some reason there was a roll of Toilet paper on the entertainment center and when I went to move it I noticed all these wings just laying around. Weird, I thought, the pixie's decided to hoof it. I went to move the toilet paper back to the toilet paper room (a.k.a. bathroom, a.k.a. danger zone). To my surprise, thousands (maybe less) of termites were crawling in and around the TP roll. So I threw the roll out and hopefully all the termites. Good news, I already have a terminator coming over on Monday because Felix brought some roaches with him and we haven't been able to get it under control.

But that isn't the bad news. The bad news is someone shot my house. That's right. My house has bullet wounds. They are fresh. Less than a month old. How do I know? Because that's when we fixed the roof on the porch and now it has bullet holes. I don't know what to do. IT kind of frightens me. Is this some idiot just shooting at the sky and that's where the bullets fell or is this a warning. Oh well, if I wind up dead, leave a review on Amazon, I'll check in heaven, promise.


your bugs

try the gel stuff they sell works good takes awhile

Roaches... easy. Termites, not so much.

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Controlling roaches is easy compared to termites. For roaches, a liberal sprinkling of Boric Acid behind appliances and under sink and under lower drawers takes care of them in a couple of weeks. See the Walgeens site.

I've never use the "specially packaged" product, but have always just bought a large bottle from the pharmacy. But I use it as described on that page.

Now, for termites, the exterminator is the way to go. They will probably want to fumigate the house, so that should take care of any other creepy-crawlies you have as well.

Good luck. If they want you to sign up for extended service to get the roaches, just use the Boric Acid. It's a lot cheaper and that's what they'll do anyway.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Termites and bullet holes..

I know what you mean KT, I've had both as well. The termites at my home have been beaten down with a product called 'Termador' which is what Orkin and Terminex use. They're still there but no longer swarm if I treat the house every summer. As to bullet holes in the roof, there is no way to predict where a bullet fired into the air will land so I wouldn't sweat being targeted unless it was a horizontal bullet hole in a wall or something. I went up on my roof a few years back and found a spent .22 bullet stuck in my shingles that some idiot had fired into the air at some point.

Check the impact direction on

Check the impact direction on the bullet holes. Even at a month old, the entrance holes will be deformed inwards, and the exit holes will deform outwards.

If it's through the roof itself, then it's almost certain that you ended up with bullets dropping downwards from the sky - and that doesn't happen deliberately. If it's _upwards_, then check the angle.

It's very unlikely to be a 'warning'. That would be through the walls or door.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

My brother brought roaches with him

Wendy Jean's picture

When he moved in. These were apartment roaches, immune or at lease resistant to a lot of poisons. I got geckos, they got all the roaches in short order. No good against termites though.

They can't really be immune

They can't really be immune to boric acid, because that's not a neurotoxin. It basically destroys them from the inside.


I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.