So, I have just been reading some Anne McCaffrey, and some A.G. Riddle on Kindle and having a relaxing time of it.
Authors here who are producing non-explicit books, I would like to read your books. Nothing against TG books, but after doing this for years, they grow boring to me, so if you do non-TG stories, I would like to know. May as well do business with my sisters. :)
I have read some of the books from folk here and really like them.
Those of us on Kindle are always grateful for reviews, of course. I have mixed feelings about McCaffrey, because while I came to her through Pern, the franchise seemed over-milked to me.
I am personally working on a non-fiction book, on cycle-touring.
Sci Fi Writers
I really like David Weber also, but when he ran out of Honor Harrington stories, the flame went dim.
"The World From Rough Stones" by Malcolm Macdonald. Was a lovely book about the beginning of the Industrial age in the UK.
The point is that there is a lot of talent here at BCTS and I believe that many of the authors here would make more money in the main stream if they are agressive enough.
Good luck with your cycle touring book.