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One for the more esoteric verse on gender subjects but which doubtless some will enjoy.
Actually I didn't enjoy
This reminds me of the psycho babble put out by the whacked out hippies of the sixties and seventies trying to be "out there man". They had no idea what they were saying with their big words and neither did any of their readers but it all looked good.
Gender Queer was a moniker I particularly disliked as it was a self debasing tag used by the self righteous. The term keyed right in with the description by Harry Benjamin the transgender were mentally insane but not insanely dangerous to society. Thus we could allow them to have their "corrective surgery" if they jumped through all the hoops in our dog and pony show. All of which after they were embarrassed as no other human being. Having to do the drag act for a year, we would grant them our gift of medical letters allowing them to have their hormones and surgery.
No one understands the article any more than the author did while writing it. Yet they can all hold up their tea and discuss how great it was while everyone nods in agreement. To disagree would prove to the others how uneducated and uncivilized one was because one didn't understand any of it.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl