We here in the Closet don't often give our editors the credit they deserve publicly, and that's something that I'm hoping to correct here, not only because I feel she deserves it, but also because I think that there are a few of you who might appreciate how her work has helped me.
See, I'm friends with one Angela Rasch (AKA Jill) here on the site, and for anything I've wanted to look half serious she's been my editor of choice for something like five years now. She's responsible for editing Dear John, and my published version of Josie's Con Stories (and etc.) and, with any luck, I'll be able to talk her into the same job for Phoenix Soars when I finish it, but none of those are the job I want to commend her for today.
A few of you might be aware of a story of mine I've got running on the site called Princess For Hire. I've been gearing up for putting it up on Amazon just like my other work, and as part of that I had shared both Book 1 and what I had for Book 2 with Angela to get her thoughts on them. I always know I can trust Angela to be honest with me about my work, and that's part of what I love about using her as my editor: she's never rude or cruel with what she says, but she IS honest, and won't hesitate to recommend a change or fix if it will improve the story, and that's what I want.
Book 2 of PFH is, obviously, not finished yet, and I was afraid that would put a damper on how much help she could give me. Oh, how wrong I was. Angela pointed something out to me that I hadn't even given the slightest bit of consideration, but it really is true, and as much as it might put a few people up in arms is a GOOD thing.
She pointed out that, with what I've already got down, I'm at a fine point to start wrapping the book up.
My mind was blown. Book 2 is barely over half-way through what I'd planned for it! Surely she can't be... but she was right. Including what I have finished that I haven't posted yet I'm only two to maybe three more parts away from having Princess For Hire completely finished.
And I hadn't even realized it.
You see, people, THIS is why editors are more than just a luxury, but a necessity. I had planned for a few more adventures and encounters for Beck before the end of the year, but looking at it now and thinking through it, it's all padding, every bit of it, and unnecessary. Another, maybe, 6k words and the story will have said everything it needs to, and I can get it up here for everyone to read to completion.
And you have Angela/Jill to thank for that.
Melanie E.
Melanie, you are so right she
Melanie, you are so right she gave me some suggestions for the first part of my latest story which I intend to incorporate, in my own words and style in a little bit. Thanks Angela, you have encouraged me to make a good story even better.
Oh My
If I'm responsible for one less Becky adventure there might be a public lynching.
Wrapping up the book is entirely your decision. Not every writer takes my advice. I was the one who told Matthew to put away the scrolls after his main character walked on water. After all, what else is there? Seen one miracle, seen them all.
You're tremendously sweet, but a good editor is only effective when combined with a receptive writer.
You proudly showed me your baby. I wrinkled my nose and pompously stated, "That's nice sweetie, but the next time you conceive of such a thing you might try. . .."
Anyone who edits for you is privileged. You show your sense of community every day. You're all about the accomplishment.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
They can salvage some atrocious writing and can put in a lot of hours, unpaid of course, to grind through all the changes. A writer and an editor complement each other.
I've extolled the virtues of editors. They really do help.
Angela/Jill has helped me before. So has Puddintane. Both women are great editors! Many thanks and hugs to both!
- Terry
Yes indeedy
I have been somewhat absent for some time, all sorts of reasons from personal to life kicking me about and a degree of disenchantment. I can be somewhat idiosyncratic and opinionated and perhaps even a touch standoffish. Hey go figure, I have issues as they say... imagine that.
I've scribbled a little here with very modest success and some mild recognition for skills of sorts perhaps. Angela (Jill) and I had a few little stoushes by comment over a period quite some time back... she can come across a little, umm, opinionated and standoffsih. Nah that's someone else. But I looked and reflected and decided that when I wasn't being all egotistical and wanting to toss out a little story, ramble thought style, that perhaps an editor might be a possibility worth considering.
Two of my mid length stories that I consider my best were given the eye. Both times suggestions were made and ideas expressed and even the odd grammatical error touched on. Imagine me making a typo or an actual mistake, Seriously.... cough. I looked at her thoughts and passed on some, but others...... Ideas I had not considered, small by lines ignored, POV thingies messed up. Plot lines left hanging. Hell I need a drink I'm all over the damn place. She made those stories better, no question, just a fact.
So if it matters to anyone at all, I will give a big thumbs up and second Melanies thoughts here. Cheers for a classy editor lady.
I have been somewhat absent for some time, all sorts of reasons from personal to life kicking me about and a degree of disenchantment. (The gentle reader doesn't want to hear about you . . . even though your reasons for being absent are valid they want action, action, action.) I can be somewhat idiosyncratic and opinionated and perhaps even a touch standoffish. Hey go figure, I have issues as they say... imagine that.
I've scribbled a little here with very modest success and some mild recognition for skills of sorts perhaps. Angela (Jill) and I had a few little stoushes by comment over a period quite some time back... she can come across a little, umm, opinionated and standoffsih. Nah that's someone else. (I'm certainly glad you straightened that out. Someone might think you and I aren't friends and I consider you a wonderful pal. Maybe a little opinionated, but I write that off as part of the overall package.) But I looked and reflected and decided that when I wasn't being all egotistical and wanting to toss out a little story, ramble thought style, that perhaps an editor might be a possibility worth considering. (I love your "ramble thought" style. You're one of the best at setting a scene and establishing a character through "rambling".)
Two of my mid length stories that I consider my best were given the eye. Both times suggestions were made and ideas expressed and even the odd grammatical error touched on. Imagine me making a typo or an actual mistake, Seriously.... cough. (Must have been a computer glitch. It happens when things from down under are brought "up over". Could have been a translation thing? What is your native language?) I looked at her thoughts and passed on some (Hmmmmm), but others...... Ideas I had not considered, small by lines ignored, POV thingies messed up. Plot lines left hanging. Hell I need a drink I'm all over the damn place. (If, in fact, I drove you to the bottle, I hope I stuck around to have a nip.) She made those stories better, no question, just a fact. (You made them better. All I did was act the classic "know-it-all". . . a role I've perfected.)
So if it matters to anyone at all, I will give a big thumbs up and second Melanies thoughts here. Cheers for a classy editor lady. (More cheers for for an extremely classy writer who makes me cry . . . a lot. Editing for me is the opportunity to put myself into the mind of the author and enjoy their thought process. In your case it's like settling into my Ekornes recliner.)
You need to write! - Jill
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)