It's not what it looks like.


When things change in your life that are out of your control sometimes you just have to accept them not matter how great or differnet they are.
Slightly updated on Feb. 20th 2006


I am startled when the door to our bedroom opens and I see my wife standing in the doorway looking at me as I stand primping in front of our full length mirror in a skimpy pair of black panties and a sexy matching cami top with my long brown hair cascading down onto my soft shoulders.

"Becky, honey, you surprised me. I thought you wouldn't be home till sometime after six thirty."

"It is almost seven thirty. It looks like you lost track of time."

"It's not what it looks like." I whine softly as I bat my freshly mascaraed eye lashes.

"Oh, then, what is it David?
When I left for work this morning you were still bitter and depressed that life wasn't treating you fair and still totally morose that you weren't a man any longer.
You once again didn't want to talk about what all the doctors told us?
That they can't figure out why or how your body changed but only that it had changed from being a fully functioning male to being totally and completely female.
But lets get back to the state of things as I have found you now.
Please, do tell me what this all means then." She says as she gestures at my body encased in sexy black feminine lingerie.
"By the way, is that a new cami top? It doesn't look like any I own.
With how you are now dressed I can surmise that you have finally accepted what you have become due to the odd medical quirk in your own body. Because what I see before me is a beautiful woman which is ten times better than the depressed woman in men's clothes who spent the last three weeks mopping around our house bemoaning the loss of her precious manhood."

"Well, yes I do..., well I did miss my manhood. You would too if you woke up one day and found that it was gone and somehow you had become a woman."

"Sweetie, if you haven't noticed I have been a woman my whole life and I find it very pleasurable and rewarding.
And by the looks of things maybe you have finally come to terms with the changes that has occurred in your life too.
But please continue.
I would like to hear how my jockey short and sweat suit wearing girlish husband finally ended up in the proper under garments for her body. "

"Well as you said I have been depressed and holed up in our house for almost three weeks now since somehow or another I became the woman you see before you. Frankly I couldn't take it anymore. Our lovely home had become my personal prison.
None of my old male clothes fit my body properly any more. This morning after you left for work I finally admitted to myself that I have looked stupid in them as I have tried to continue to wear them. I was trying vainly to cling to my last few shreds of manhood.
But as you said a woman's body wears women's clothes, not men's.
So I thought I would finally try on some of yours, like you have been recommending to me, from the beginning.
So I decided if I was going to wear women's clothes that I would go for the full effect and not do it half assed. I would do everything just like a normal woman would do.
You know just like you do each and everyday when you get ready.
So one thing led to another." My face began to blush heavily as I continued my story.
"First I trimmed my pubic hair into a cute little heart shape, just like you used to do when we were first dating."

"David I didn't think you even noticed." She said with a blush equal to my crimson cheeks.

"How couldn't I have noticed it was very sexy and down right darling. I would have been blind and dumb not to notice."

"Honey did you just say darling?"

"Well, ummm...yes I did. Lately I have begun to notice more than just my body has changed. In the last week I have found myself thinking all sorts of things I never thought about before. Things a men would never think of or say. The weird thing is it happens even in my own head. I think different words than I used to when I was a man."

"Like what?" She asks as she sits down effortlessly on our bed smoothing her dress under her bottom as she crosses her legs and pats the spot next to her and motions for me to sit down too.

"You know how that I have been trying to stay busy by cleaning, doing chores around the house and cooking?"

"Yes, you have been doing a great job. The house has never been cleaner and the dinners you have made for us have been tremendous."

"Well, somehow it all just seemed to come to me naturally. In the beginning it took me most of the day to get everything done in time for you to get home from work, but after the first week I finished my chores rather quickly and had a lot of free time on my hands till you would get home.
This may sound silly, but I have been watching day time TV and reading through all of your fashion and woman's magazines that we have around the house.
My head slowly filled with girlish words like panties, bras, make up, and dresses. But over time my mind fill with more descriptive word like lingerie, bikini panties, french cut panties, thong panties, soft cup bras, push bras, underwire bras, pantyhose, stockings, full and half slips, silk blouses, skirts, knit dresses, cocktail dresses, pumps, sling backs, flats, tennies, kneehigh high heeled black leather boots, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, nighties, cute, darling, luscious, adorable and pretty now fill my head at each and every moment during the day.
When I used to think or say; under ware, dress shirts, ties, suits, pants, dress shoes, gym shoes, tough, and handsome.
I used to think I was handsome, before, when I was a man. Now I am curious if others will find me pretty and nice?
I also found myself thinking about clothes, make up and hair styles and what would look good on me.
What I found most disturbing at first was that I also found myself fantasizing sexually about various men in the shows I watched and not the women. I would look at them to learn from them, to see what they were wearing, how they did their make up and hair, and how they moved, acted or talked. I found it all so weird.
And now it is becoming to seem so natural."

"David honey, just look at you.
Your body is that of a beautiful woman and just like most women it is filled with female hormones. It is only natural that your brain is starting to think like the rest of us women too." She says as she takes my hand and slowly raises it to her mouth and kisses it softly.
"So what did you do next, my darling girl friend?"

"Well after my little trim I jumped into the shower, shaved my legs and underarms.
Honey you were right so right they feel so much better now.
The softness of my skin is so much nicer than my old rough male skin and it looks more naturally with out all the yucky hair on my legs and in my arm pits.
Next since I was in the shower I washed and conditioned my now longer hair with your hair care products.
As the conditioner was doing its work in my hair I used our luffa and your scented body wash all over my whole body. I don't see how you can manage not to stay in the shower all day, honey." I giggle as my cheeks blush anew.
"As I washed my breasts and private area I must have had 2 or 3 orgasms.
My knees got weak and I felt all warm and tingly inside."

"I know but when a girl has to get ready for work or for a night out you learn to deal with getting your business done in the shower and hope for some release from your man later in the day." She says as she giggles.
"Or you can take care of your self with one of the toys I have in the bottom drawer of my night stand." she says looking at me knowingly.
"Men can be somewhat fast at times and we woman sometimes need a little more to reach the climax our bodies need and want.
I will pull them out and show them to you later.
So now you are all clean and climaxed, so what happened next?"

"Well I turned off the shower and pulled back the curtain and......"

"Your nipples got hard from the little breeze from pulling the curtain back."

"How did you know?"

"Well if you hadn't noticed I have been showering in this house since we moved in and as a woman just like you I have all the same parts. So it is only natural that my nipples would harden up occasionally too from time to time from the little breeze from our shower curtain."

"Sorry, I forgot. This girl stuff is still all so new to me. And sometimes I think I am the only one to go through all this stuff. I keep forgetting that half of the world is female like me too.
Well after my little hardening moment. I patted myself dry with one of our big soft bath sheets and then used some of your dusting powder all over my body. It felt heavenly and it smelled even better.
Then I wrapped a fresh towel around my hair turban style like you used to when your hair was longer.
Which reminds me honey, why did you cut your hair?
It was so pretty and sexy when it was longer."

"Well, my cute husband, having long hair is hard to manage, especially when you have to get to work on time each and every morning. Which you shall learn as you continue to care for your new longer hair each day as you get ready.
So now you are standing naked in our bathroom with just a towel around your hair. What did you do next?"

"Well, I did what any other girl would do I put on some Secret deodorant, wrapped a towel around my body to cover my breasts and pub's before heading out to our bedroom to raid your wardrobe and get dressed.
I was a tinsy bit scared.
I was finally admitting to myself that I have changed sides from being a man in a woman's body to just being a woman. I was about to don clothes that only a woman would wear.
As I walked out of the bathroom and over to your lingerie dresser I could feel the new softness of my thighs as they rubbed lightly together without all that nasty hair that used to reside on them, and it brought a smile to my face.
Next I pulled open the panty drawer of your lingerie dresser and pulled out these lusciously yummy black panties that I am still wearing and dropped my towel to my feet as I proceeded to slip them up my legs and past my soft fleshy thighs, till they were nestle against my crotch and encased around my bottom. They fit so much better then the jockey short I had been clinging to in my vain attempt to hold on to my lost manhood.
As I turned and looked at my butt in the mirror, I liked what I saw. A full rounded woman's tush in a sexy black nylon panty. there was not a stray hair sticking out of place.
With my privates taken care of I now moved on to my jiggling chest which I now realized had been in desperate need of support ever since I woke up the first time as a woman over three weeks ago.
As I pulled open the bra drawer I spied your soft cup black t-shirt bra right on top.
It took my a few awkward moments till I remembered how you put your bra on every morning.
I then quickly did the hooks in the front right under my breasts, then I spun my bra around till the hooks were centered on my back.
Then I leaned just a little bit forward to settle my boobs into the soft and silky cups of my bra as I then slid the straps up on to my shoulders and then stood up as a little sigh escaped my lips as my breasts settled naturally into their new cups. They were supported fully for the very first time.
Let me tell you this girl has learned her lesson. No more going bra less all day any more for me.
Out of the corner of my eye I spot your make up vanity with all your make up spread all over the top and I remember an article I had read earlier in the week about sultry day time make up styles. I make a instantaneous decision and quickly scurry down stairs to retrieve the magazine from where I had left it. Never thinking about the fact I am running around our house in nothing more that a black bra, matching panties with a towel around my long damp hair.
As I reached for the magazine from the end table in the living room my towel unexpectedly fell off my head and landed at my feet. As I was bending down to pick up both the towel and the magazine, for some unknown reason I look up and out the front window and see a Fedex guy walking up our front walkway. Our eyes meet for just a second before I make a mad dash back up stairs to the safety of our bedroom.
My heart was beating a mile a minute.
Another man saw me in my pretty lingerie.
What would he think about seeing me, another man in nothing but a bra and panties.
That's when it fully hit me. He didn't see another man in woman's lingerie. He saw a woman, and women wear bras and panties everyday.
It felt like an hour went by in that minute before the door bell finally rang.
In that time I quickly pulled on the denim skirt and white knit top you wore after work yesterday and for some reason I hurriedly put on some lip stick too before going back down stairs to answering the door.

"Morning Miss, I am so sorry.
I just want to apologize and make sure you know that I didn't mean to see you in just your undies.
I just came to delivery this package." He says as he holds on to a package and his clip board.

I can feel his eyes look me over quickly from my toes to my damp hair.

"You know it always amazes me how quickly you girls can get dressed when you need too, but what really amazes me is how long it takes you women if there is a man waiting to go some where with you." He said as he started walking back toward his truck with the package still under his arm."

"Excuse me isn't that package for us?" I ask shyly.

He stops abruptly and turns around. He then said the cutest thing to me.

"I can't believe that I am so flustered by a pretty lady.
Can we start all this over again?
Miss, ah ....."

"Miss Davis." I say as I blush at his attention.

"Well Miss Davis.
My name is Todd Webster and I work for Fedex.
Could you please sign here for this package?" He says as he hands my his clip board to sign.
"It must be for your sister because it is addressed to a Mrs. Davis, and since you don't have a wedding band."

"You are a very observant man.
First you catch me in my lingerie, then you are checking to see if I am single woman.
Are you flirting with me Mr. Webster?" I say as I sign for the package and hand him the clip board back.
"I hardly have any make up on and my hair is a complete mess."

"Well in this man's opinion you are one beautiful lady. And you look very pretty today. Your damp hair has a certain healthy playful quality."

This compliment causes my cheeks to blush even more.

"See, even your cheeks have an inner glow that is naturally pretty." He says as he looks me deeply into my eyes.

As he continues to stare into my eyes I can feel a new warmth spreading through out my body starting at my very core and spreading out through out my body seemingly ending with my nipples hardening in their silky bra cups.
"You were somewhat correct Mister Webster, the package is for my sister in-law, and yes I am a single woman.
But I have to get going I have finish getting ready so I can go out to do some shopping.
Thanks for the package."

"Have a good day Miss Davis." He says as he turns and walks down the side walk towards his delivery truck.

I don't know what came over me, but I needed a little more attention from this man who arrived at my door step.
"Thanks Todd, you do the same too, and by the way you can call me Cheryll."

"Take care Cheryll, and I look forward to talking with you again some time soon." He said as he looked me over one last time from my cute little toes to my still damp hair. I noticed that he paused only briefly at my chest before smiling at me as he turned and walked the rest of the way to his truck.

I watched his cute masculine back side as he jumped into his truck waved to me as he drove away.
As I closed the front door and looked at myself in the hallway mirror I was started by what I saw. I reminded myself of one of those women from the Desperate Housewives TV show.
All could see in the mirror was a pretty woman in bare feet wearing a denim miniskirt and a white knit top. She had a sexy and fun look about her, but as I looked closer I could see my black bra clearly through my white knit top and nestled in the cups of my bra were my two large engorged nipples standing out for Todd and the world to see.
A man just found me pretty as a woman and I liked it.
No I loved it. In mind body and spirit.
And for some crazy reason I had christened my self Cheryll Davis.
So I now had a feminine name to go with my feminine body."

"That is a pretty name you have chosen for your self you little tart."

"Why are you calling me a tart?" I ask naively.

"Well you were prancing around the house so the UPS man would see you in your lingerie.
That is a new way to get the attention of the poor lowly males." She giggled.

"Its not like that.
I didn't plan on anyone seeing me in my lingerie.
And anyway Todd is nice and he works for Fedex, not UPS."

"Its alright honey.
It happens to all of us girls at one time or another.
That's one of the many reasons we buy and wear pretty lingerie."

"The other is it feels so nice on our bodies." We say together as we both break out giggling.

"So what happened next?"

"Well as you can see I managed to finish my make up and hair.
The make up took me a number of tries to get it just right but my hair just came out this way all on its own. After I finished my make up and hair I looked down at my fingers and toes and decided they needed some color. All that practice I had from painting your toes paid off. I easily painted my fingers and toes a lovely shade of passion red.
As I was waiting for the third coat of polish to dry I felt a little incomplete clothing wise. So I tried to remember what I might be missing that's when it hits me. I am missing pantyhose and a slip and maybe a camisole. I stand up, unzip my skirt and step out of it as I walk over and pull out a new pair of sheer black pantyhose from the dresser along with a cute silky short half slip, I thought briefly about a putting on a matching camisole to hide my assets but I no longer felt the need. Breasts are part of my new feminine body so why hide them?
I carefully slip the pantyhose up my soft and smooth legs savoring the wonderful feeling of the nylon as it encases my long legs. Next I pull on my slip and step back into my denim skirt and zip it back up. Having the zipper in the back was strange at first but looking at my reflection in the mirror I appreciated how things look cleaner with out it disrupting the lines of my skirt. My eye is drawn to my sparkling red toes encased in my sheer black nylons, I debate for a moment what foot wear to put on; opened toed pumps, sandals or boots.
Being that it is a fall day I decided on your darling black knee high leather boots with the three inch heels. The leather of the boots and my nylons felt scrumptious against my legs.
I just needed a few more things to complete my look.
So I put on a pair of your small gold earrings, a simple gold bracelet, dainty little gold watch and this darling necklace which looks so nice in the cleavage of my chest.
Since I already smelled of your favorite perfume from your clothes I decided to spritz myself behind my ears, knees, wrists and on the top of my boobs.
I know see why you love wearing perfume all the time. Having your body exude such a pretty smell is intoxicating and the best part is the scent is wonderfully pretty and ultra feminine.
I walked around the house relishing everything about how I was dressed, made up, smelled and felt.
Everything felt right for the first time in long time, but I still felt caged in and trapped.

"Darn it I am all dressed up with no place to go." I said aloud to myself as I stamped my foot on the hard wood floor with a audible click of me heel.
That's when I got a very girlish idea.
I quickly found your extra black shoulder purse.
It had your extra set of credit cards, checkbook and id's.
I added my cell phone along with car and house keys and went upstairs and put in some of the make up I had used, a brush and for some reason a couple of tampons.
Before I could change my mind I found myself walking down our front walk with my high heels of my black leather boots clicking on the pavement as my nylon clad thighs rubbed softly together as I walked leisurely with my bottom swishing to your little yellow Miata parked at the curb.
I took the keys out of my purse and unlocked the door. I looked at the open car door and then look down at my feminine clad body as I deftly got in smoothing my skirt under my bottom as I swung my legs into the car.
I adjusted the seat and the mirrors and for some reason I lowered my visor mirror and checked and fluffed my long auburn hair.
As I started the car I decided I would do a little clothes shopping for me and grocery shopping for us since we needed a few things for dinner tonight.
I slipped in one of Pink's older albums and started singing along with "Get this Party Started" as I drove.
My first stop was the mall on the northside of the city.
I was biting my lip as I nervously looked for a parking place.
Luckily I spotted a handsome man in a dashing three piece suit as he was walking towards his car. He smiled at me and waved to me as he pointed out his car.
I had to back up the car to get to the space and happily there were no other cars behind me, so it was a breeze.
I pulled into the spot and I turned off my car and started to open the door when I remembered I had been biting my lips.
So I opened up my purse and freshened my lip stick and the rest of my make up.
As a lark I added a touch of lip gloss so that my lips would shine a little bit more.
Just as I was putting away the last of my make up I remembered that I hadn't turned on my cell phone and thought you might worry if you didn't find me at home and needed to reach me so I turned it on and put it back in my purse and zipped it closed.
As I put my purse on my shoulder I opened the car door.
I smartly swung my legs out and slowly smoothed my short skirt as I stood up carefully on my high heels and walked towards the entrance.
As I was about half way there a little breeze swirled around my legs and up to my panties, which caused me to giggle ever so slightly."

"Doesn't it feel wonderful when a breeze caresses your nyloned legs and your heart shaped bush through your silky and soft panties?" She asked me knowingly as she squeezed my hand reassuringly.

"Honey, aren't you mad that I went out dressed as a woman?"

"No, I knew the time would come, but I thought I would be with you for all the firsts you went through alone today.
But that not important.
What is important is letting you finish the tale about your day.
So what were you saying before I interrupted you?
Oh yeah so how did things go at the mall?"

"Well, lets see I went for a bra and panty fitting at Fields and found out that I am a full cup 36 B and not the 36 C like you, but our panties are the same size." I say smiling broadly.

"I have bad news for you sweetie. Sometime our breasts change depending on our time of the month or when we eat too much junk food, or did you ever consider that you might not be done changing into the pretty lady you are becoming?"

"Well, either way I got a number of cute new bra's and matching panties in black, purples, peaches, pink and nude. I also bought a few nighties since there will be two woman in the house wearing them.
And while I was there I got this darling little sexy bustier top for special times when I want to dress up or for playful times in the bedroom." I say with a mischievous grin on my painted shiny lips.

"Next I found the cutest store called Rachel's Closet.
They had these wonderful little black clingy dresses.
I found one with a darling heart shaped neckline with long sleeves that came to my mid thigh. I tried it on and I hope you don't mind but I had to have it so I bought it along with a few other things."

"Like what? she asked with a knowing smile again.

"The sales girl recommended I wear a miracle bra with it since the dress had such a sexy plunging neck line.
So I ended up with the little black dress, a black miracle bra with a matching thong panty, a special little stretchy black half slip, two pairs of sheer black Hanes pantyhose, a little black clutch purse and a darling pair of three and a half inch strappy sandals."

"Your first day shopping and it sounds like you are a old pro.
How much did it cost?"

"You aren't going to be mad? I ask as I lower my head, since I had gotten mad on numerous occasions when I was a man and she had gone clothes shopping.

"How can I get mad at you for the same thing I did on my lunch hour today myself?
Except my dress is in darling royal blue."

"Well, with all my lingerie, the dress and the essentials I needed to go with it......."

"Come on. Out with it girl.
It not like I haven't been shopping for woman's clothes before."

"Well, that true.
Ok, I spent fifteen hundred dollars, but I also forgot that I bought my own black high heeled boots, two denim skirts, three cute blouses, 1 pink knit top, 1 purple knit dress, an aerobic leotard, tights and a sports bra and a pair of cute little purple tennies.
And chicken, a salad,some french bread, along with some of that white wine you love for dinner too!" I say proudly as I sit up and look at my wife eye to eye.

"Darling it seems since we both have new dresses and it would be a shame not to share them with the rest of the world.
And since from the high lights of your day you have no problem being out in the world we should save the dinner you bought for another night and go out for a little dinner between to special girlfriends in their new sexy little dresses."

"That sounds wonderful." I coo as I girlishly hug my wife.
"I can't think of anything I would rather do then have dinner with my best girlfriend in the whole wide world." I say as I softly kiss her on the cheek as I stand up and remove my bustier freeing my breasts for the first time since this morning when I put on my first bra.
"Is my make up too much for dinner?
Or do think I need to just touch it up a bit?" I ask as I sit down at the vanity in our bedroom and look into the mirror for any areas that need touching up.

"I think you look great.
Maybe just touch up your lip stick and eye make up and you will be good to go.
How about we leave in fifteen minutes?"

"Sounds good to me." I say as I freshen up my eye shadow, mascara, blush and lip stick and gloss.
I also reapply perfume to all the right places before donning my new lingerie, sheer black Hanes pantyhose, my stretchy new slip and sexy strappy sandals.

As I am standing looking at my reflection in the bedroom mirror my once wife says. "If I didn't know I would swear I just watched another woman get ready for a night out in my bedroom and not my husband." She said as she slowly removed her wedding and engagement rings from her ring finger and moved them over to her other hand.
"From now on we are two girl friends, best girlfriends and not husband and wife.
It makes the most sense since we both have all the same female plumbing, thoughts, desires and needs.
Here put these on." She says as she hands me another engagement and wedding band set.
"These were my mothers and now they are yours. Especially since you named yourself after her, which I think is very sweet. Both sets of bands will remind us of our past lives together as husband and wife and our new fuller relationship as girlfriends."

"I don't want to loose you." I say as I fight back the tears to no avail.

"We will never regain what we had but we also will never truly loose it either." She said as she touch her heart first and then mine.
But we have to move forward and face the facts. We are two pretty single women who at the moment share a house.
This morning you gave us a relationship that reflects who we both are now.
When you choose to introduce your self as my sister in-law Cheryll Davis, so that is who you will to me from now on."
"Sisters by marriage. Till death do us part." She says as she kisses my forehead gently.
"So quit your crying and fix your make up again.
It's Friday night and time for the Davis girls to head out."

Thirty minutes later we are checking our clutch bags one last time before we head out for the evening.

"Cheryll, just a word of warring and a little something extra to carry in your purse just in case." She says as she hands me a couple of condoms to put in my purse.
You my naive girlfriend have got a very sexy way about you.
Your walk in your heels will drive men crazy along with the added swish of your rounded bottom and the jiggle of your full little tittes in their bra cups will have men all over you.
As you know from past experience, most guys are pigs and will say anything to get to play with your boobs or get into your pretty little panties."

"I wasn't like that was I? I ask with my head down cast as I look through my mascaraed eyelashes.

"No you weren't, but you need to be aware of the sexual energy you exude as a woman.
Little gestures or looks like the one you just gave me can drive the men wild. And those actions seem to come to you my sweet girl friend surprisingly very naturally.
With that little look through your eyelashes that you just gave me you can hook you almost any man you want.
But that doesn't change the facts. Most of the other men in the world haven't changed like you have changed in the last week.
I don't know about you, but most men I know couldn't pull off that little black dress you are wearing let alone be able to walk in those spikey heels.
I just don't want you to get hurt by the first man who tries to sweet talk you just so he could get some action for the night. I want your first time to be special.
I want you to play hard to get for now and take things slow.
You will know when the time is right.
Just like I knew when it was right to sleep with you the first time."

"That was on our third date.
How could you already know for sure after only three dates?"

"I just did and so will you when the time is right.
So keep your guard up, keep the boys away from your assets but remember to have fun too."

"How am I supposed to do both?" I ask as I lock the front door to our house and drop the keys into my cute little clutch purse right next to my new condoms as I turn on my pointed high heel to join Becky as we walk down our front walk. Our strappy sandals clicking in harmony together on the pavement as we walk.

"That my girl is one of the joys and frustrations we face as modern women today. Hopefully with each passing day it will slowly become more natural for you as it is for me." She says as she squeezes my freshly manicured hand.

Just then another of those little breezes darts in and around our legs and all the way up to our panties. We both softly sigh as the breeze lovingly caresses are nyloned legs and bottoms.

"I think I am going to love this girl stuff if my first day is any indication." I say as I wiggle my matching pedicured toe nails in their nylon and strappy encasing.
"That little breeze made my, no both of our nipples hard and erect. and it made me a little weak in the knees to boot." I giggle as I let me self into the passenger seat my old Accord that Becky is now driving. I easily navigate the complexities of my much shorter dress, pantyhose and high heels with out exposing my panties as I get into the car and close the door."

"Honey that was pure feminine perfection." She says as she gently rubs my soft nyloned thigh. Just as I used to do to her when ever we went anywhere together and I was driving and she was in the passenger seat.

"How about we grab a lite salad and go dancing? She asks as she starts the car.

Sounds smashing to me after all it is Friday night and we both have pretty new dresses to show off on the dance floor.

More to come at a later date........


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