I think it's finally happened. So I was sitting in the main hall of the CC building at my college, just sitting and chatting with Cici and Zach, two friends I've made. Though at this point I was still keeping my guard up. I was still a bit cautious of any fall out that could ever happen. Cheyenne and Amber come up and Cheyenne grabs me going "hey come with me" and just starts pulling me away from the Table, Cici following behind as our stuff gets left there for Zach to watch.
I asked Cheyenne what she was doing as she was pulling me. and she said "I need to get into my outfit for Speech and I want to talk." When we reach the girls restroom it has like a little lobby area with a mirror and couches and Cheyenne finally let me go. Amber and Cici follow in behind and Cici asks "What are you dressing up in?" Cheyenne starts stripping and the second I realize this I look away. Not because I was embarrassed about it, in fact it was another girls body. My friend's body who has a right to her privacy.
So I'm staring in Cici's general direction and we're still talking about what Cheyenne's dressing up as, and she's half way with getting a body suit when suddenly I see hands come into my field of vision. Now at this point my days of being a gamer who plays first person shooters comes into play and I jump as the hands grab my face and turns me to look at Cheyenne who's looking at me concerned and asking why I'm so tense. I manage to stammer out that I am trans and that I was only trying to give her privacy.
"You're not a boy. you're a girl. A girl with a growth but a girl none the less. You look like one you talk like one and you act like one. So relax." Cheyenne smiled and let me go. In that instant something inside me clicked. And all my fears and habits....they went away. From that point on, through out the entire day, it was as if the boy that I was never existed. So Cheyenne continued getting dressed and I joked with them and chatted until I had to go to class. All the while, watching Cheyenne transform from a humangirl into a drow elf.
I was chatting, joking, having fun. No reservations in my actions what so ever. It was the final piece I needed. I am content with myself. and one day that growth will be gone.
Honestly it's surprising how far I've come. I look back and shudder about that dark corner I used to sit in. How desperate I was to get out but feared to move. I had very few friends I could count on and fewer that were close.
Now I'm standing in the light, and I have many friends I can count on, those who take me for who I am. and I'm grateful for that.my life as a wall flower is over. I'm now an outgoing girl on her way to her future. and It couldn't be brighter.
I'm so pleased for you
it's about time you had something so positive happen. Good luck, girl.
More than a girl ....
It's great to be recognized as a girl but better still to be recognized as a person which your friends are doing, even if one is dressed as an elf.
Rhona McCloud
wow, that's wonderful
Words are hard to come by
to describe how you feel when the world recognizes what you alread knew.
Wonderful to hear
I'm glad things like that don't just happen in stories,
and so happy for you!