I got hit on at church today, or I think so.
There is this guy who is an extrovert type, who knows me at least a little, and today as I passed by, he placed a hand on the small of my back, and then tried to tickle me.
The good news is I didn't freak out, the bad news is I am not sure what my response should be next time I see him ...
The response is simple...
If you have any bruises from being hit, you should DEFINITELY file assault charges against your assailant.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
not hit, hit on
I think its at least possible that he was trying to show some affection toward me, that he didn't intend anything by beyond that.
What sort ....
of church do you go to?
Play it cool and make him realised your are not too comfortable with his behaviour. If you are uncertain of a 'correct response' then you must by definition be uncertain and thus uncomfortable. Tell him so in no uncertain terms.
Does he know your history? If he does, he might think you are a somehow available or 'up for it'
Some how or other, you must let him know how you feel about it and he has no right to ask why. Most decent men if they realise they have somehow unsettled or offended a woman are quick to apologise. If they don't they are a-------s.
What are your feelings?
If you can see yourself having a boyfriend then it will take some thought, if not then let him know nicely you have a significant other.
You are being treated like a woman. Guys usually instigate, while the girls decide whether they are interested or not. Like all stereotypes it breaks down frequently, but start from the point he may be interested in getting to know you and work from there.