BC Server Status - Update 3

Hey Everyone,

So yesterday, I spent 6+ hours in our new datacenter, racking, and configuring equipment.

Nothing is actually "online" at the moment, but things are configured so I can do most the work to get them online remotely, and I can do the rest when I deliver more equipment in the coming weeks.

While I had hoped to spend today working on getting things ready to move over to our new infrastructure, my body has decided to go on strike.

Between the pain from over-exertion and body-aches, nausea, fever and other symptoms from this Virus I seem to have picked up at a child's birthday party, I just don't think I'm going to be of much, if any, use to anyone today.

I'm sorry for for yet another delay folks, as soon as I'm able I'll get back to work and work on getting BigCloset to a new level of stability and speed.

-Piper, Erin, Cat and the other BigCloset Elves.

Update 1
Buttercup is at the "SSH" stage I spoke of below. I'm currently working on configuring her for our needs. I'm still sick, Still spiking fever, but I'm too bored not doing anything.


Update 2
Welcome to Buttercup!


Update 3
Bubbles is online and taking her share of the load.
