Hey Everyone,
So yesterday, I spent 6+ hours in our new datacenter, racking, and configuring equipment.
Nothing is actually "online" at the moment, but things are configured so I can do most the work to get them online remotely, and I can do the rest when I deliver more equipment in the coming weeks.
While I had hoped to spend today working on getting things ready to move over to our new infrastructure, my body has decided to go on strike.
Between the pain from over-exertion and body-aches, nausea, fever and other symptoms from this Virus I seem to have picked up at a child's birthday party, I just don't think I'm going to be of much, if any, use to anyone today.
I'm sorry for for yet another delay folks, as soon as I'm able I'll get back to work and work on getting BigCloset to a new level of stability and speed.
-Piper, Erin, Cat and the other BigCloset Elves.
Update 1
Buttercup is at the "SSH" stage I spoke of below. I'm currently working on configuring her for our needs. I'm still sick, Still spiking fever, but I'm too bored not doing anything.
Update 2
Welcome to Buttercup!
Update 3
Bubbles is online and taking her share of the load.
Polonius to Laertes
"To thine own self be true" Which in this case means, to me anyway, get yourself well before trying to work on suff that will wait. Any complaints about BC not working as well as someone WANTS it to work are NOT worth making yourself sicker or prolonging a miserable health situation.
Just my opinion here, but that is the way I see it.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
You guys work at the pace you need to. You're doing good.
Take care
You do so much for this community! It is much more important that you "survive to fight an other day" than it is for you to sacrifice your mind and body on the altar of immediacy.
Take care of yourself, and take the time to recover fully. The equipment will still be there, and as long as we have even minimal functionality we are in good shape. Sending good thoughts!
To be honest, we have waited as you gals (and guys) work behind the scenes to fix the problem. If it wasn't for your message I wouldn't have even known. I think we can suffer a bit longer as 1.) You take care of yourself, 2.) We wait until you have everything in place and working before you throw the switch.
So get well, take care of yourself and thanks for all your hard work.
And that goes for all the others also who work behind the scenes.
Whenever I got a fever, I drink bottles of isotonic drinks. It always let up after a day. I've worked for two years under 18 hours workhour and the only time I ever missed work was when I got scratched by a god-damned spectre that thought simple pranks won't chase me out of the house I was renting. That bloody creature made two long gashes on my left arm that got infected almost immediately. That god-damned spectre ended up being my housekeeper after failing to chase me out. I could leave my door open while going to work and nobody dared to come in and stole anything. My neighbours even said they heard screams of terror from my house while I was at work.
For those who don't understand, I used to live in a haunted house. After I left, the landlord rented the house to another group of tenants, but they left after a week. The landlord asked me if I wanted to rent it again after they ran off. Actually I've never seen the spectre, but I got the scratches to prove it and it terrorized the hell out of my former housemates.
The connection between a haunted house and a fever? Nothing, I was just saying that isotonic drink works, unless if the cause is supernatural.
Get well soon
I hope you recover soon, the new equipment is secondary to your health.
We've patiently stuck around and tolerated various server wobbles over the past year or so, somehow I very much doubt another week or two of intermittent instability will bother us that much :)
Let your body recover to full strength, then and only then fire up ssh and get busy configuring the new servers and migrating data from old to new. Even then, set an alarm timer to encourage you to take regular screen breaks (and the occasional breath of fresh air!) so you remain in tip top health.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
IPMI 2.0
I WISH we were at the SSH stage. We're at the IPMI + KVM/IP Stage :P
Stay safe ...
Stay safe and stay sane by looking after yourself.
Take care, y'all doing a great job.
Piper, You do what you have
You do what you have to do to get your body well and healthy once more. YOU are a much more important "computer" than the servers and all the peripheral equipment and issues surrounding them.
Many hugs of "warm love" to get you started.
Janice Lynn
New server up!?
Didn't keep track of all the names. So I'm guessing only that "Welcome to Buttercup" means BC is on the new equipment? Will this still go offline every 15 minutes to backup?
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
This is the new server
We named three of the new ones after the Powerpuff girls. :)
And so far this is stable and has not had any runaways necessitating shutting off apache to let the system recover. We actually only went down twice a day for backups and will probably continue doing that.
We have more optimizations to do then setting things up so we are served from two servers instead of one, then from three instead of two. All of that will probably get us through another year or two of growth here at BC.
Piper deserves a big hand for this and a little financial help wouldn't hurt since she does this stuff for us instead of going out there looking for other technical work.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Are we still running a two
Are we still running a two server setup, or is butternut handling all the load?
Buttercup is running alone at the moment
Just as Eva has since Zsazsa got sick. We will have one of her sisters up sharing the load in a few days, probably.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Buiild me up, buttercup
I hope that you are warmed and a little bit gratified by our undying admiration and eternal thanks?
Please add my humble thanks and best wishes to all the others
Dear Piper,
May I please add my humble thanks to you and add my advice to all the others asking you to take it easy and get well before you finish the work on getting this wonderful website running as smooth as it used to again ?
We tend to overlook the people who make it all work, when we express our thanks to the many Authors who entertain us all so well, but we all owe special thanks to you and your team, because without you there would be no BCTS. The wee irritations of recent weeks have done us good because they remind us not to take you all for granted in future.
A special thank you to you, Piper, but please don't hurt your self lifting too heavy objects - let the men with their extra muscles do that kind of thing for you !
Take it easy and get properly well real soon,
Take your time Piper
As someone who knows exactly the job you are doing and is also suffering some form of lurgi that just won't go away I can sympathise. 'Been there, done that got the T-shirt'.
Do what you can to stave off boredom but don't be too surprised if you have to re-do a lot of it at a later date. If your mind can't focus properly mistakes will happen. Just go with it and don't let it get you down.
The light at the end of the tunel is not an oncoming train, it is the birth of the new BC servers.
She' s got the lurgi!
> As someone who knows exactly the job you are doing and is also suffering some form of lurgi that just won't go away
...Have you tried playing in a brass band?
Think you Piper I'm sorry your sick hun but you worked hard to get this going even while sick. Thank you for your and EVERYONE'S hard work
Love Samantha Renee Heart
BC has been such a part of my everyday life over the past years. I have read so many stories. Laugh, cried, but really astounded by all the wonderful stories I have read.
What a wonderful platform for authors. What you all have done and still do in your free time and with such passion to keep this place working. Its remarkable, and without a doubt shows your love for what you too, believe in.
Thanks to all of you. Hugs Jackie Anna