Hey Everyone.
We did some essential software updates (Core and Modules) and things seem to be running a tad bit more efficiently.
IF you notice anything having weird behavior/not acting like it used to, please let us know.
On a 2nd note, We are currently about 90% operational at the new datacenter.
BigCloset is spread across 3 servers as planned and each of the 3 new servers are FASTER and have more than TWICE as much memory as our previous server had. We have constantly running replication that should ensure no more data-loss issues due to hardware failure, and take database snapshots to store off-site every 6 hours.
We are still experiencing SOME code somewhere in Drupal which LOVES to hang our database server and shoots the load up, but we are hoping to figure out what's going on and fix it soon.
In the last couple months, we have put in a LOT of work, and Money to get things working at optimum rates. I myself have made two trips to the datacenter which is 2hrs away each way, plus the MANY hours of work we've all done remotely.
I want to personally thank everyone that has contributed in any way they can. Either with $ or Stories, or even by commenting and encouraging authors to keep posting here at BigCloset.
We have some very interesting ideas percolating that we hope to be able to share with our family here at BigCloset as things start to slow down on and the site stabilizes.
So again, THANK YOU, because this site would not be what it is without every one of our users, readers, bloggers, authors, moderators, editors and administrators.
-Piper, Erin, Cat and the BigCloset Staff.
Thank You All
Thank you all for all that you do!
Thank You!
Thankyou thankyou, thnanyou!
Lots of...
Love, Respect and Hugs to our BC Crew!!!
You are so awesome!
~And so it goes...
The BC crew has definitely made a major capital investment
They have put a lot of faith that we will support them with financial support. Please do not let them down.
Honestly BC should remind the readership of that fact more often since there are a lot of new members I bet who need to be reminded of it on a regular basis. Heck, it should be mentioned as part of the REGISTRATION process to become a BC member.
It is we who are indebted to you for your dedication to us and the site.
Small Glitch
I'm only bringing it up because you asked.
I'm told I have (1 new) message and have looked diligently for it and am convinced it does not exists. Otherwise the message function works as it should for me. I have a "new message" indicator every time I log in.
Thanks for all you do. I can certainly live with this, but thought you'd like to know.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
How long?
How long have you had the new message for? Since the previous drive/data loss or since this last upgrade?
The Problem
The problem I am seeing is that where it said "Who's Online",It is telling me there are 0 online user's.I just had to log on an seen it so I thought I'd tell u all
The worst case scenario in any venture isn't if you were wrong. If it fails the mess cleans itself up and it all goes away. The staff did well so you can't quit now! Some of it is really thankless too. BC is THE place done right! It's a lot of reasons but when the hardware isn't up it's just not live day after day. Being an IT person I know how it doesn't work. It's clearly a huge job doing this upgrade! Throwing some cash in the kitty is the very least anyone else here can do! A little bit from everyone adds up to real money. Members should understand what it takes to keep a class act like this one going. The staff has given above and beyond!
I'm glad things are coming together!
The only issue I've noticed is the recent comments list seems to have disappeared from the front page, at least for me. Is this part of restructuring site features, or a glitch on my end?
Melanie E.
Recent Comments
If you click "My Account" in the right hand column, then click the "Edit" tab and scroll down, you will find a section called "Block Configuration". We had to disable one version of Recent Comments and replace it with another, due to performance issues (it was slowing down the front page load times WAY too much). Just make sure you have "Recent comments" Checked instead of "View: Recent comments" and everything should return to normal.
There are some slight differences with this version of "Recent Comments". Specifically it does NOT show you who wrote the comment.
-Piper, Erin, Cat and the BigCloset Band.
Comment authors
The names of the commenters no longer appear with the comments they wrote.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Comment Authors
As Noted....
As of right now, we have no real way to remedy this situation, but are working on ideas when time permits.
Hello Piper, Just make sure
Hello Piper,
I find that if I have only 'Recent Comments' selected and not 'View: Recent Comments', I can see 'Recent Comments', but if I select only 'View: Recent Comments' I do not see 'Recent Comments'! If both are selected, then 'Recent Comments' are still visible.
Thank you so much for all the work you put into this site especially recently
Yesterday I decided to change my user icon but was told the sizing program was missing so you would do it personally. Today I find I have my new icon but 4x the size of that of anyone else! Huge though my ego undoubtably is in some dimensions writing is not one of them so I assume this is a glitch of the sort you want reported.
Another change I see is that there are no names attributed to the lower comment list on the LHS of the home page
Rhona McCloud
Avatar and Comments
Hi Rhona, If fixed the ImageMagick stuff, and I re-sized your avatar. As for the "Recent Comments" list, I refer you to the above comments which explain why there is no longer an author listed with the comments.
Japanese knot weed of an avatar
It seems Piper that despite the attempt to prune my unruly avatar it has sprung back in its overblown form
On the comments column when you have time (sorry I'd missed your explanation when I first posted) a "more" option will be needed
A little later......
Sorted!! Thank you again Piper
Rhona McCloud
You need ...
You need Digital Paraquat my gardening friend. LOLOL