One Long Summer [Chapter 3 - Secrets]

by Phantasi Boi

Intro: Here’s chapter 3 of my 1st attempt at a serial. As always I welcome comments be they praise or criticism. Please don’t be angry if I get any facts wrong regarding gender issues, it is only a story, besides the characters themselves could be getting it wrong rather than me. Feel free to point out any errors I make though.

“Jess whispered to her mum, “Lini’s asleep,” She joined her mum on the landing. Betty smiled at her, her smile faded when she saw an angry look in her daughter’s eyes.

“What’s wrong with you?” She hissed.

Chapter 3: Secrets

Robert Harris pulled on to the drive, his sister’s kids were here, He hadn’t seen them for a while, he certainly hadn’t seen them since Nicolas had become Nicola and he was looking forward to it. As he opened the front door, two beautiful blonde haired girls besieged him and his large arms enveloped his nieces. “Well I’ve never been welcomed home with such enthusiasm” He cried with delight.

“Hello Uncle Robert” Greeted Nadine

Niki greeted him with “Hi Uncle Robert,”

They both kissed his cheek and hugged him, he finally broke free from their embrace and looked at them, “Hello girls” he said, “Well, looks like your aunt is right, you look more like twins.” The girls both giggled, Robert smiled as they walked off to start getting ready for their evening out.

Presently Dozer appeared, “Hi dad,” He said.

“Hello Pete,” He said, then asked “How are things with you?”

“Good thanks, Want a cuppa?” He replied.


Lini had cried herself to sleep, Jess laid there holding her best friend and her mind offered the question. “Why didn’t anyone tell Lini about this? Yes, she could see where Lini’s anger and frustration came from and felt slightly peeved herself that her mum hadn’t confided in her. She would certainly have told Lini. Maybe that’s why they didn’t tell her.”

There was a knock on the door, Jess rose and went to it, knowing it would be her mum. Lini stirred momentarily and then settled back to her dreams or maybe nightmares, yes, definitely nightmares. She was stood in the middle of the school playground wearing a girl’s uniform. All the kids were playing ring a ring of roses round her, except they weren’t chanting the words to that rhyme and they were mocking her and she was all alone. Suddenly they stopped and Dozer walked into the middle and faced her. He sneered at her, “Well GIRLY-BOY your secret’s out now, we’re gonna do the operation for you, turn you into a real girl,” He pulled out a long knife, it didn’t look very clean, looked like it had blood dripping from it. Lini could hear the laughs even as she fainted.

“Jess whispered to her mum, “Lini’s asleep,” She joined her mum on the landing. Betty smiled at her, her smile faded when she saw an angry look in her daughter’s eyes.

“What’s wrong with you?” She hissed.

Jess gently closed the bedroom door and led her mum downstairs. They entered the kitchen and Jess shut that door too before she spoke again. “How could you all be so insensitive?” Jess growled at her mum, Betty stood there with her mouth hanging open. “That girl up there is frightened and angry; she’s been robbed of the most important years of her life. Why wasn’t she told when she was old enough to understand?”

“Now just wait a minute young la……” She couldn’t finish as Jess snapped. “Mum, shut the fuck up, I haven’t finished.” Betty’s eyes grew large in total shock, her daughter had never sworn at her before, ever. “I don’t think Lini is ever going to forgive any of you. How could you do this? How could they do this? For them to know all this time and not tell Lini is unforgivable, but they told you and dad too, what the fuck? You disgust me mother, you really do. We’re not coming to your ‘celebration’ and what’s that all about anyway? Celebrating what? The fact that they’ve lied to their daughter all her life about who she is?” Jess walked towards the kitchen door.

Betty grabbed her daughter’s arm. She looked at her mum angrily, Betty was fuming but she kept calm. “Don’t you ever speak to me like that again. What has happened might not have been right but it’s not for us to decide.” She sighed. “Please Jess, go and get yourself and Lini ready. We’ll talk about this later.” Jess scowled and went up to her room


“Hello love, had a good day?” Harry Rowland stood and smiled at his wife. “How have the girls taken the news about Lini?”

“Not too well honey. I think Lini is glad she’s a girl, but she wasn’t happy about being kept in the dark all these years. Jess is furious with us too, it’s hardly surprising either. She must feel like we’ve betrayed her. I know I feel like we have.”

Harry hugged his wife, “I know love, but we couldn’t really say anything, you know Jess would’ve told Lini. I can’t understand why Paul and Jen didn’t tell her a long time ago, but we couldn’t betray their trust. It’ll be ok, you’ll see.”


Lini looked up, expecting the knife to have cut her, instead she was astonished, her main tormentor over the years was standing protecting her, Jess was comforting her and there were two other girls there with them. They were backed against a wall, the rest of the kids had fled, but now the parents of all three of them we’re approaching menacingly, Jess was now calling her name, “Lini, Lini wake up, Lini please it’s important.”

She sat up, terrified, the look on Jess’ face didn’t help. She revealed the nightmare to Jess and then Jess told her of her encounter with her mum. They hugged.

”So Dozer actually protected you?” She eventually asked with a slight giggle.

“It was a nightmare Jess; it’s not the first time he’s stood up for me in my sleep. But it was still a nightmare, He is kinda cute though, but I guess he’d be the last person to protect me, he hates me.” Lini blushed as she related this. Jess was shocked. She stood up and went to her wardrobe.

“Right young lady; let’s see what we can find to wear. You’ve got underwear on, I know you’ll need more bras, if I’m not now grounded we’ll go into town tomorrow and get you some. Here, try this on.” Jess handed Lini a little black dress. “It’s what every girl should; have a LBD. Put these tights on too sis, they’ll look good on your legs, might as well make the most of it, you have gorgeous legs.”

“Here let me show you, do like you do with socks and pull them up gently, they ladder easy so you have to be careful, that’s it. There’s another pair of panties to go over the top, they’ll hold the tights up. My mum taught me that trick years ago, you’ve got a lot to learn but that’s what I’m here for, we’ll have you acting like a natural in no time.”

“It’s a bit tight sis,” moaned Lini about the dress.

“It’s supposed to be, it’s lycra, it hugs your figure, look in the mirror, wow, you have a nice figure already and you’re still developing Lini.”

“While you ogle yourself, I’ll do your hair, then there’s just your make up to do. Then I’ll have to get myself ready.”

“So tell me, why should I go to this ‘celebration’ or whatever they wanna call it?” Asked Lini “I hate my parents, I meant what I said. I’ll be leaving. I just need to sort a few things out first, especially now I’m gonna be a girl.

“Well, just promise me one thing sis,” Replied Jess, “Don’t go off on your own, please don’t forget that I’ll help you as much as I can, I don’t want you thinking you’re on your own. Besides, your parents have a lot of making up to do, you’re gonna need a whole new wardrobe. You could play them and get a lot out of it, revenge is sweet”

They giggled and Lini agreed, “Oh yes, revenge will be sweet.” A sadistic grin on her lips. “I think you’re right though, I’m gonna make them feel sooooo guilty. I’ll be able to get away with much more and get lots out of them. I’ll have to play it cool and not have a go at them, I feel so angry towards them though, it’s gonna be difficult.”

“I’ll be with you Lin, don’t worry. Just don’t go and do anything silly like running off.” Then she added, “You know I love you sis.” They hugged again.


Maureen cast her eyes over her nieces, “Fabulous, you two will knock them dead. You both look extremely pretty; it’s hard to tell you’re only 15 and 16, proper young ladies. Right ladies, let’s go and see if the boys are ready.”

They descended the stairs and Maureen led them into the living room where Robert and Dozer sat waiting patiently.

“Finally,” Complained Robert as his wife and nieces entered the room. “Wow, hey Pete, we’re the luckiest guys on earth, going out with three of the world’s most beautiful women.” Nadine and Niki blushed; Maureen was used to her husband’s compliments.

Dozer’s eyes were out on stalks as he saw the girls, Niki noticed and gave him an embarrassed smile and then glanced at his bulge. Unconsciously she licked her lips seductively, that was enough to send him over the edge.

“I need the toilet, I’ll meet you outside.” He rushed out and into the downstairs toilet.

“Don’t be long.” Robert shouted after him. “Right ladies, shall we?” They all left the house and went out to the silver Mercedes that sat on the drive. Robert pressed the button on his key and the doors unlocked.

They all got in and the women all sat in the back, leaving the front passenger seat for Dozer. “Where is he? We’re going to be late.” Robert was getting agitated; he started to get out the car.

“I’ll go.” Offered Niki getting out before her uncle.

“Thanks love.” He said, sitting back down. “Tell him to hurry up or we’ll go without him.”

Niki entered the house and went towards the toilet, she knocked gently, the door swung open, it was empty.

“Pete, where are you.” She shouted.

“I’m just coming.” He replied

Niki giggled and then slowly climbed the stairs. Dozer’s bedroom door was open and he was pulling his boxers up. “Oops,” Said Niki, making him spin round. She blushed but couldn’t help noticing something as he pulled them into place. Her eyes grew wide as she saw the size of his manhood and it wasn’t even hard.

“Erm, Niki, I was erm, oh hell.” Dozer blushed as red as Niki.

She smiled sweetly. “Uncle Robert says hurry up or we’re going without you.” She turned to leave.

Dozer called her back “Niki wait.” He bowed his head, “Look, I’m sorry but you’re one hot babe, I know you’re my cousin and all but erm, oh hell, Niki, tell the old man I’ll be 2 minutes.”

“Ok, big boy,” She winked at him and fled down the stairs giggling before he could say another word.

The journey to the restaurant was uneventful except Dozer had his sun visor down and kept gazing at Niki through the mirror on the back of it. She noticed and was flirting with him with her eyes and mouth.

Nadine noticed this after a while too and she smiled at her younger sister. “I’ll have to have a word with you little sis.” She thought.

They arrived at the restaurant, a lovely country pub that had a rather large conservatory at the back that was a dining area. Locally it was famous for its steaks and Robert had often taken his family there to dine.

As they entered, a short stocky man approached and shook Robert’s hand, “Good to see you Bob,” He greeted him warmly.

“Hello Geoff, glad you could fit us in, these two young ladies are my sisters kids from the midlands. Nadine and Niki, this is Geoff Hammond, he owns this place, he went to the same school as your mum and I.”

They shook his hand and said “Good evening”

“Well now, they certainly take after their mother, I haven’t seen her for, oh must be 20 years. How is she?”

“She’s done really well for herself, she’s a nurse in Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham, her husband is a solicitor also in the city. The girls have come to visit us for the summer, so we’ll most probably be here a few times.”

“Lovely,” Said Geoff, “Right well if you’ll follow me, I’ll show you to your table.” He directed them to a table laid out for five and pulled the chairs out for the girls.

Niki sat next to Dozer. She could see he looked a bit uncomfortable and giggled inside.

I think we should visit the little girls room before we start,” Recommended Nadine to her sister. Geoff showed them where it was and went to get the menus.

“What you playing at Nik?” Asked Nadine as they stood at the sinks checking their make-up.

“What do you mean sis?” Replied the younger sibling grinning.

“Hmmm, just be careful, I know what 18 year old guys are like. You keep flirting with our cousin, just remember, he is our cousin.”

“He’s not 18 till Friday Nades. He is a hunk though and he has a gorgeous arse and you should see the size of…” Her voice trailed off as she realised what she was saying.

Nadine looked at her astonished, “Niki, when have you seen that?”

“Seen what sis? I was merely saying he’s got big muscles” She blushed.

Nadine giggled knowingly, “Come on spill it, you’ve seen one muscle I haven’t by the sound of it.”

Niki told her about what happened before they all left and then when she went back after Dozer. “Oh my god!” Exclaimed Nadine. “You mean you actually caught him playing with himself?”

“No, he wasn’t doing that, he was changing his boxers, but I startled him and he hadn’t quite got them pulled up when he turned round.” Replied the younger sister, giggling.

“Hmmm,” Thought Nadine, “I wonder why he was changing his boxers.”

Laughing together they returned to the table, Nadine giving Dozer a knowing grin.


“Right Lin, remember, lay a guilt trip on them.” Jess reminded her friend as they walked through the back gate. “How are the heels? You seem to be walking in them ok.”

“They’re a bit strange, but I’ll have to get used to them, I do like them though. I can’t believe I’m stood here in a dress, does my bum look big in this?”

They giggled and Jess led her in shaking her head. “You sure you haven’t been secretly training to be a woman? You’ll certainly get into the party, no problem.”

They entered through the kitchen door; their parents were already seated at the dining room table, although there wasn’t any sign of a meal being prepared.

“Ah, just in time girls, the taxi will be here shortly” Said Paul, Lin’s dad.

“Taxi!” Lin exclaimed, “I thought, we were eating here. So not only do you lie to me for years, now you’re gonna put me on display without any practice. I don’t believe this, what the fuck have I done to deserve this.”

Lin ran up the stairs to her room sobbing and slammed the door behind her, “Why are they being like this?” She thought as she threw herself on her bed, the door opened and Jess walked in; sitting beside her she thought “Déjá  vu.”

“Hey come on sis, what happened there, I thought you were gonna play it cool?” Jess spoke softly to her.

Still sobbing between words, Lini looked up at her, “I’m sorry Jess, I just lost it, are they even the slightest bit interested in what I want? You know, I always thought my parents were the best in the world, but today, I’m not sure they have a clue.”

“Hmmm, not very sensitive at all,” Replied Jess, she stroked Lini’s hair and tried to think through what was happening. “It must be difficult for Jen and Paul too, but at least they’ve had sixteen years to prepare for this eventuality. Looking back, I think if I’d known the truth, I would’ve known that Lini was gonna be a girl and helped her live as one.”

There was a knock on the door, Jen popped her head round, she looked at Jess, “Is she ok Jess?”

Jess replied scowling, “What do you think Jen? If I told you that you were now a boy and I’d known for sixteen years that that may happen, how would you feel?”

Jen bit her bottom lip, “Jess, please don’t be angry, I, we didn’t know how to handle the situation, we really…”

Jess interrupted, “I’m sorry Jen, but it’s Lini you should be addressing, not me and it’s Lini who you will have to make it up to.”

Lini sat up, looked at her mum, “Just go away, I’ve got nothing to say to you or him.” She gestured over Jen’s shoulder as Paul appeared. “I thought you both loved me, but now I’m not sure, I’m not sure of anything.” She grabbed Jess’ hand and squeezed it tight. “Jess is the only person that’s always been there for me, she’s never let me down. Before today I could’ve included you two and Betty and Harry.” The tears started again as Lini clung to Jess, Jen started sobbing too as she realised what Lini was saying. Paul hugged his wife and then led her back downstairs before anything else was said to make the situation worse.

“Shhh, don’t worry sis, I’m here for you.” Whispered Jen softly. “This is gonna be one long summer.” She thought, hugging her friend tightly.


The meal was in full swing, the family enjoying each other’s company. The men had ordered the biggest steaks on the menu and the women had all ordered some sort of salad, the portions were very generous, possibly made larger because the place was owned by one of Robert’s long time friends. Geoff was in good form, he occasionally came over to make sure everything was fine and during the course of the evening had told one or two short stories of his and Robert’s exploits from school as well as Nadine and Niki’s mother.

Niki was certainly enjoying herself, taking every opportunity to flirt with her cousin Dozer; he spent all evening with a rather large lump in his trousers as she nonchalantly rubbed his leg with hers and occasionally touched him with her hand. At one point she even kissed his cheek after he paid her and Nadine a compliment. That made him turn bright red and brought on howls of laughter from his parents and her sister.

A good time was had by all, but all too soon it was time to head off home and they all got up to go to the car. Niki was surprised but very pleased when Dozer pulled her chair out for her so she could get up. Once again she kissed his cheek, this time no one else saw because they were lagging behind.

“I’ve had a great time tonight,” Confessed Niki as she grabbed his hand. “Hope you don’t mind Pete, I really like you.”

Dozer, for the umpteenth time, went bright red, he didn’t pull his hand away though, inside he was singing and dancing, but then he slapped himself for doing so. But on the outside he had a silly grin on his red face. He slipped his arm round his cousin’s shoulders and hugged her tight; she hugged him back and buried her head in his muscular chest.

“Its gonna be awkward Niki, I really like you too. But I can’t imagine our parents would be very happy if anything happened between us. Come on cus, let’s get to the car, I’ve already held everyone up once tonight.”

“Come on you two, oops, sorry, erm, I’ll tell them your coming.” Nadine saw them cuddling and blushing she ran off back to the car.”

Niki felt a lump pressing her stomach and decided she would help him get rid of it at the first opportunity. Then she slapped herself inside for being a slut. She laughed as she thought this and released herself from Dozer’s embrace, grabbing his hand once more she pulled him towards the door.

He wondered what she was laughing at but just assumed it was Nadine’s reaction to them and then holding the door for his younger cousin let her lead him to the car.


Jess wasn’t sure how long they’d been sat there, but the sun was setting so it must be round 8.30ish, the nights were still light but were gradually drawing in as the summer started the downward slope towards autumn. It was still July and very warm.

“How are you now Lini?”

“Feeling a bit better, sorry for wetting your lovely dress, maybe I should change into some of my clothes,” She sighed. “I don’t think I can do this being a girl thing. It’s all too much.”

“Don’t be silly Lin, you make a great girl. You need some fresh air and clear your head as well as a girls favourite pick me up.” Replied Jess, trying to snap Lini out of her depression.

“You mean chocolate don’t you?” Lini started to smile, “Sounds good to me. We can sneak out the front door.”

“I think we should tell the oldies, they might think we’ve run off, come on, let’s sort your make up out.” They made their way downstairs and through the dining room into the kitchen where their parents were sat drinking tea.

“We’re going to the shop to get some chocolate and then going to my room to sort some stuff out for Lin.” Announced Jess and then they left through the back door and went to her room to sort make-up out.

She grabbed her bag and found one for Lini to use. She slipped her mobile in it and her purse. Lini’s phone and wallet were in her jeans pockets which were folded up on Jess’ chair, so she accepted a small bag and dropped her phone in, Jess also leant her a purse so she transferred her money and debit card and slipped that in the bag as well.

They left Jess’ house and walked arm in arm to the shop. Lini knew she wasn’t beautiful, in fact her and Jess were pretty plain, but they were both obviously girls and the make-up made up for their lack of natural beauty. They did actually look very pretty.

They walked in silence for a while, then Lini realised she was actually out in public for the first time and stopped suddenly.

“Wassup Lin?” Asked Jess.

Lini looked round, the street was deserted, “I’ve just realised, I’m outside walking like this,” She gestured to the black lycra mini dress and heels. The girls giggled and Jess encouraged her to carry on walking which she did without much persuasion.


The Mercedes slowly glided down the street passing the little corner shop,

“Stop Bob.” Shouted Maureen and Robert slammed on the brakes wondering what was wrong with his wife. They all lunged forward; luckily they had seat belts on.

“I didn’t mean stop dead,” She scolded.

“I’m sorry love, but when someone yells stop, what do you expect.” Replied her husband, now confused.

“Sorry, I just remembered we need some milk, Peter, would you get some for me please love.”

“Sure mum, four pinta?”

“Better make it six pints, there’s five of us at the mo remember.”

“Ill come with you, I could do with a little walk after that lovely meal.” Volunteered Niki. “What about you sis?” She asked Nadine.

“Yeah sounds good, I need a couple of bits too.”

So the three of them got out and walked back a few yards to the shop.

“Sounds like we’re walking home then dad see you soon.”

Robert drove off, leaving the three of them to walk back the short distance home. He noticed the two young girls walking towards the shop giggling and linking arms, he recognised Jess but the other girl he hadn’t seen before. Maureen saw them too, she squinted and thought she recognised the other girl but maybe it was the street lights playing tricks on her,


“Well, it’s not like you weren’t expecting some kind of fallout.” Betty said to Jen and Paul. “Did you expect her to take this with a pinch of salt?”

“No Betty.” Replied Jen, “I just didn’t expect her to hate us though.”

Harry agreed with his wife, “Looks like you’ll have to get that credit card out of your wallet for once mate.” He teased Paul. “Let Jen give it a dust off, it’s not been used in a while.” He was trying to lighten their moods, unsuccessfully though.

“We knew we’d have to buy her a new wardrobe hun.” Paul said to his wife. “Maybe a bit of retail therapy will do the trick. I know what you women are like and I’m sure Jess will help teach Lin that pleasure of being female as you put it.”

“I can suggest it to them later; Lini will need Jess’ help more than ours I guess. Damn it, why didn’t we tell her years ago babe. I feel so guilty now; we’ve let her down badly.”

Paul put his arm round his wife. “We thought we knew best, in fact the doc suggested we wait till we know for sure. I do agree with you though. It’ll be a struggle, but I’m sure we can smooth it out.”

“I just hope so, I don’t want to lose her and I’ve waited so long for this moment. But I’ve messed up; I’ve missed having a daughter to teach girl things to.” Jen’s eyes started leaking. Paul kissed her forehead.

“We’ve messed up babe, not just you. It was a joint decision; we shoulda listened to you guys in the first place.” He stated, looking at Betty and Harry.


Lini opened the door and her heart stopped. At the counter stood her nemesis or should she say Linford’s nemesis. She stared open-mouthed as Dozer was paying for his milk and some chocolate he’d picked up.

“Come on Lini, let me in then,” Said Jess and then she stopped as she realised why Lini had stopped.

Dozer turned to look at them and he smiled as he recognised Jess, “Hi Jess, this your cousin then?” He didn’t seem to recognise Lini, or so she thought. “He’ll kill me if he finds out.”

Jess thought quickly, “Yes, this is my cousin Lynette; I call her Lini for short. I see your cousins are with you, both of them this time,” She added quickly trying to change the subject.

“Yes, we’ve been out for a meal. Hell of a coincidence isn’t it? Your cousin having the same name as your best mate and one’s male and the other one’s female.”

Lini didn’t know what to do, she was trapped and scared stiff, she ducked behind a display and bumped into Niki who was looking at hair accessories. “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there.”

“It’s ok, Wassup, don’t cry, are you ok?” Niki put her arm round the strange girl. Confusion on her face, “What are you scared of?”

Lini looked up as Dozer rounded the display. He looked at her closely. “Are you ok love?” He enquired. “Maybe you need to sit down and have a cuppa. Why don’t the two of you come back with us and we can cheer you up.?”

“Oh yes, that’ll be fun” Agreed Niki, “We can probably have a game of something and then tomorrow night have that pyjama party if you’re still up for it Jess.”

Jess put her arm round Lini and guided her to the rear of the store, “Are you ok sis?” She asked. Lini nodded, still looking scared.

“He’ll kill me, I don’t know if he recognised me or not.” She whispered. “What can we do? It would be good to have some fun, but if he recognises me, those girls will find out and it could be nasty.”

Dozer and the girls waited patiently by the door with their purchases.

“Let’s get some chocolate and see what happens, he’s not gonna do anything in front of his cousins, it wouldn’t look good would it?”

Lini agreed, so they got some supplies and met the others by the door. Lini still apprehensive but as Dozer didn’t seem to recognise her she thought she was safe.

It didn’t take long to walk back to the Harris house, they chatted and giggled and Lini started to feel more confident.

“Are you two coming in for a bit then?” Asked Nadine, “I’m sure Dozer has some board games we can play. It’ll be fun, maybe watch a movie, I’m sure I saw that Legally Blonde 2 is on sky, don’t know about anyone else but I haven’t seen that yet and I loved the first one.”

“A girly film!” Exclaimed Dozer, “If that’s what you’re gonna do I’ll go and put my pc on. Shame that, four hot chicks in my house and I’m in my bedroom alone.”

“That’s not very sociable Pete; I thought you were a gentleman, what games have you got, what do you like playing with?” Asked Niki, winking at him.

“I’ll have a look, we don’t play them very often, are you two ladies joining us then?”

Jess looked at Lini, she nodded and they agreed to go in. “Ok, but I’ll ring my mum and tell her, if she knows we’re still on our street she won’t worry too much, we can stay longer.”

She speed dialled her mum’s mobile. “Hi mum, just letting you know we’ll be at the Harris’, we bumped into Pete and his two girl cousins and we’re gonna play some games and hang out.”

“What time? Under the circumstances I think you should let us get home when we get home.”

“Ok, well you know where we are, so don’t worry.”

She turned to the others, “Ok that’s sorted; we can stay till you get fed up and kick us out.”

“Is that what she said Jess?” Lini was shocked.

“She didn’t have much choice. Come on then Dozy, lead the way.” The other girls laughed, even Dozer wasn’t too bothered, he was gonna have some fun.

“Well, girly-boy has a secret eh?” He thought “It might be awkward playing with Niki, but it’ll be more fun playing with Lynette. Besides, she makes a better girl than she does boy.”

He held the door open for the girls as they all trooped in.

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