Here's an interesting chart, prepared by a friend of mine. It takes some sophistication, perhaps, in reading scientific percentile graphs to understand since my engineer brother was baffled by it but it is interesting and relevant.
Should I be happy I made it
Should I be happy I made it into the 50% in the 5 months my books were for sale?
Its like
The joke I make about graduating in the top 95% of my class. I somewhat understand the charts. Those authors at the twenty fifth percentile earning X dollars while those at the top or hundredth percentile earning a lot more.
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune
Gotta Like That Top Outlier...
$13,000,000 for between 25 and 50 self-published books, edited by a freelancer.
Anyone know who fits that description?
Real Numbers
I'm having a very hard time believing those numbers.
About a decade ago I read a figure that about 23 million people in the world were trying to write fiction for profit. At that time it was said that about 2,500 of them actually made a living doing it.
I'll go with those dreary, but realistic numbers until proven wrong.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
The numbers are from a website where authors self-report their earnings. Valid numbers but the accuracy can be questioned. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Hey, thanks for the link
Hey, thanks for the link love.
I'm actually more heartened by the cases of writers like Lori Witt (L.A. Witt aka Lauren Gallagher), who, if you read between the lines in the post linked below, are making ~4 times their old day job income on writing. In her case, most of her works are queer fiction (mostly M/M).
There really are spaces for lots of different kinds of writers out there, kinds of writers that there's never been a publisher organized around.