'Feminine Fit'

‘Feminine Fit’
By Julie D Cole

‘How did it go today Sam? Any better?’
‘No it was worse. It was like I was being undressed as I was on the stepper and same when I was on the running machine. It’s weird. I just don’t know what’s happening?’
‘ Never mind just focus on your exercise since you’ve got to admit this new workout plan that Marie set up for you has had a dramatic effect.”
“Yes but I need a new wardrobe. My clothes just drop off me now but it’s strange. In some places I lost weight but in other places I seem to have gained.”
“Well Sam you look fine to me and I’m quite jealous. Look at me I’ve put weight on. Seems like the exercise programme I’m on has increased my body bulk and but not all over. Look how slim my butt is now. It’s great to have to keep tightening my belt. I’ve used a pair of your old jeans around the house these last few days and at least they feel comfortable. I’m going to have to look on the bargain rack in the men’s section this weekend and at least I’ll not have to raid your wardrobe. “
Sam looked in the mirror with his wife looking over his shoulder. “Don’t you find it strange that we both changed shape around the hips and butt? And look at my chest. I should be doing more arms and chest exercises because I’ve gone flabby and my shoulders seem to have narrowed.”
“Well hon don’t worry about it. Let’s just call Marie at the weekend and ask her opinion since I’m sure she knows what she’s doing. Sometimes progress can be slow. Maybe her programme suits women better than men. “

“ That’s as maybe but surely the extra running and step routines I’m doing should reduce the sixe of my thighs and buttocks but they’re getting bigger.”

“Ho she came highly recommended. Anyway look at me I feel great these days but I’m sorry if this is a problem for you. I don’t really want to change trainers or reduce my exercises. I’m happy with my routine. If anything I’d like to increase the programme and go to the gym every day. “

“But I can’t make it every day, you know that so I’m relying on these boosters to speed up the process or it’s difficult to see progress. “

‘The extra work outs are helping me and so are the boosters. I increased the dose as Marie said. Look at my arms. I’ve seen girls with biceps on TV but I’m already the biggest in the classes at the gym. The other girls are way behind me in exercises and lifts. I’m almost as strong as the men who hang around admiring their bodies. You know who I mean that blond haired guy and his mates. Him with the fake suntan and the blue eyes. ‘

“You mean Antone and his friends. They are always parading around the dressing rooms without clothes. They may be big in the muscle department but they are not exactly stallions. “

“Oh you’ve been looking then “

“I have not. But I can’t help but notice since they are only a few yards away and I can’t just keep looking at my feet. These days they keep blowing me kisses if I make eye contact so I try not to look. “

“Well let’s give it longer and who knows you can parade around too. You’re half way there anyway since you’ve reduced a lot in size down there since we were married. Let me look.”

“No please don’t it’s embarrassing. “

“I won’t touch it. Look your sacks are almost empty. What happened. Maybe you need a stronger dose I’ll talk to Marie today and see what she thinks.”

“I feel like your pet the way you treat me. I don’t need boosters and help from Marie.”

“well I’ve made the decision and that’s my final word. She’s good. I feel strong enough to lift a car these days. I couldn’t even lift the wash basket a few months ago and you had to lift it for me. “

“Well you should try again instead of letting the wash baskets fill.”

“It takes two hon. You can always take over if you think you are better. In fact we ought to have a review of who does what around the house. I don’t have time for chores these days and if you get home first what’s to stop you doing more around the house. Either that or we hire a maid.”

“We can’t afford a maid and you know we can’t.”

“That’s it then we share the load. I want to focus on my strength exercises. I need a motivation plan. I’m thinking of competing in a muscle competition next time there’s one in town. I reckon I’m as fit as the girls you were fancying at the last competition. You never seemed to take your eyes off them and you were always fond of the ladies down at the gym. Especially the ones with nice butts. HaHa ‘Now you know what it feels like to be leered at. Maybe if I can bulk up a little more I could send in some snapshots and see if I qualify. “

I tried to ignore her and went back to the mirror pushing her aside as best I could. “Stop looking at your muscles and preening please and let me see what I look like. Just look at these jeans. They are baggy and won’t stay up. They are useless. I look like I’ve been to the Oxfam shop and taken any old pair off the rack. I’ve nothing else to wear that fits me that is presentable for the office.”

“Well there is one solution if you don’t mind me giving you some advice. Why don’t you try a pair that’s a more feminine cut? There are some old size 12’s in the store cupboard waiting to go to the charity shop. I’ll get them if you like. “

“You must be joking. Me in female jeans? I’d be the laughing stock. Anyway they’d be far too small and I am bigger than you.”

“Used to be dear. But you aren’t the same these days and neither am I. Anyway who’d notice? Jeans are jeans. ‘
“Yes but the zipper is opposite hand with women’s jeans and trousers and there is not much room around the crutch. ‘
“Well as you already said it’s not like you’re overly big in the bread basket. So what’s the problem?
“Thanks’ a bunch. None of this is doing my confidence any good. I seem to have shrunk all over and it’s not like I have much to fill out my jock strap with my sacks almost empty. What’s happened? I’ve seen women at the gym with more up front than me if you know what I mean. “
“Well funnily enough I do notice much more these days and there is one girl in the shower who is awesome. I thought she was a guy. You can’t believe what I saw. She was obviously enjoying every moment with her soap on a rope. As for the other younger girls I have noticed myself how well shaped they are and found myself staring. “
“You should be careful or they’ll report you.”

“Can’t help it since there are some pretty hot chicks with skinny shorts and I’ve had to look away several times in the showers before they caught me staring. They do make me feel very horny sometimes. Well not exactly horny like a man but having said that I’m a lot more prominent myself these days. Sometimes it’s like a small penis so I’ve had to let my bush grow a bit to hide it. Not that you’d have noticed of course. If I sleep in the nude do you think you might be attracted more? “
“No thanks. Not whilst I’m feeling like this. I can’t work it out. I’ve wondered if it was to do with pills we got. I think I might drop to half dose and still no change back. Do you think yours had an affect too?”
“Funny because I feel sure the pills have affected me too. My shape is definitely better and I don’t have a fear of anything these days. My opinion ? What’s the problem? “
“It’s me with the problem. I know it is. It upsets me. I seem to be a lot slimmer and smaller down below and it’s hard to get hard even first thing in the morning. I worry in case you come looking for some sex. You get a bit restless in your sleep and keep wrapping yourself around me. So don’t expect much since I’m not sure I can at the moment. As well as the lack of response and it shrivelling up my nipples have been sore as well and I feel so emotional. I burst into tears at work yesterday when my boss shouted at me.”
“Don’t worry even though I’m horny I’m not so interested in the old sex thing at the moment. I don’t think I want to lay and stare at the ceiling waiting for you to find ways to get hard. Having said that if you keep developing up top as you have done I'm not guaranteeing to keep my hands off you.”
“Sandy please. You’re making things worse. I hate myself at the moment. I can’t face anybody, especially in the gym and I’ve lost my confidence at work. I keep making bad mistakes and now I’m not trusted to take on a job. I have to be an assistant for a while and do the running around. It’s demeaning. I think I ought to have a couple of days off work because it’s upsetting me so much.”
“Why don’t you then. It’s not like you ever take time off and you could just chill and maybe just do a few tidy up jobs to give us more time for training. It’s getting to be a pain looking after you and as we agreed it’s time you did your share around the house. “

“That’s it then? Is that discussion over.”

“Well it is as far as I’m concerned. I’ll have to leave you to decide for yourself and better you follow my instructions I think and we can talk more later.”
So that was it I made a decision for once. I followed instruction.

The next morning Sandy left for her exercises that she always liked to do before work and I called in sick. It was the first time ever so it wasn’t like I was swinging the lead. I took a long bath and relaxed. “
As I soaped myself my chest was flabbier than ever and I found myself cupping each of my ‘breasts’ in turn. I’d been with lots of girls with less up top in my younger days and still had the knack of massaging the nipple between my second and third fingers. This time it was me that was responding. I was worried for a moment. What if these were real boobs full time. How can a man develop a bust? Surely not.

I’d already taken to wearing a vest recently to keep it as flat as possible and almost resorted to taping like I seen in films where girls tried to have boy chests. Strange I’d suffered this problem but I didn’t want to be a boy I was a boy. I had no choice but to do something since a colleague Jo who worked alongside me had been staring before I took action and I guess a white shirt and a shower on my way back from lunch had caused everything to show. I remember her standing up and coming over to my desk peering straight down my open shirt. I was embarrassed and tried to cover up.

She’d giggled and held my hand whilst she unfastened the second button ‘Wow you’re bigger than me, where did they come from?’ I tried to make her speak more softly since you could hear a pin drop. She giggled and said I shouldn’t be embarrassed just flaunt them a bit more in front of our boss and I might get a raise. “We both burst out laughing because our boss, Joanne, was known to like the girls rather than the boys. The giggling carried on all afternoon.

I did like Jo and we get along great although it wasn’t a good idea to say much about her in front of Sandy since she was getting very jealous since she saw Jo and I at lunch one day about 6 months ago and I got hell that evening. She’d threatened to castrate me if I didn’t behave myself but I hadn’t done anything to regret. We were just having fun and we had the same sense of humour.

I moved through to the bedroom and took out a few things from my wardrobe. I couldn’t find much to fit so sat on the bed and my eyes filled with tears. Here I go again. What on earth is the matter with me? Why cry over something so stupid. It wasn’t as if I couldn’t afford to buy new clothes in a smaller size that fitted me. I decided to look at some of the things Sandy had discarded since there were bound to be some sexually neutral items. I could then either go to the Mall or go on-line and order some on express delivery.

As I wiped my eyes using a tissue at the side of the bed I glanced at a magazine that Sandy had been reading. On the front was a picture of a model who was famous for modelling both men’s and women’s clothes. She/He looked better as a woman and not really very masculine at all. I read the article with great interest because he seemed gender neutral and I wondered how he’d managed to cope. She/He was having a great time and she/he was making lots of money and seemed to have friends of both sexes.

I sat and thought about what I would have done if I looked so feminine. I wasn’t exactly macho man but right now I wasn’t far away from having this problem If my hair was a bit longer I reckoned I’d have a job to convince anybody I was a man. I looked across at the mirror. I was even sitting in a strange way and I forced myself to uncross my legs. Then I crossed them again. I had very shapely calves that made Sandy a bit angry sometimes since her legs were like tree trunks as far as she was concerned. She was wrong of course and I suppose that was one of the reason she’d joined the gym.

I was a bid fed up with myself and all I had to look forward to was the list of chores Sandy asked be to carry out. It was a bit annoying since I was supposed to be sick. I decided to pop back under the duvee for a while before I made the bed and I picked up the magazine again and settled down to read it. I switched on the TV to watch the morning show at the same time. Some parents were on the show with their children who all felt they wanted to live as the opposite sex. Strange that I take a day off and I was surrounded by information related to people with dual gender roles and wanting to change sex.

I’d missed the first part that was an interview with the same model from the magazine but once the TV adverts had finished she came back on for the discussion. I say she because she was beautiful and she’d decided to spend most of her time dressed as a woman because it was easier for her. She also used the ladies bathrooms and rarely dressed in male clothes. However she’d had relationships with women but was now in a relationship with a male model. I don’t know if he was gay or not but he’d had lots of girlfriends and he treated her like any other woman.

I kept reading the magazine during the boring bits and even the letters were from women having difficulty with their partners who were not performing. So maybe I wasn’t a freak and perhaps I ought to take advantage of the situation so I decided to make the bed and look through the boxes of clothes to see if anything fitted.

The first box was mainly filled with underwear with a few skirts and some trousers and jeans on top. I looked at the jeans that seemed the right size but before I tried them I pulled out most of the underwear and spread it across the bed. I couldn’t stop myself from trying a few items. They were much nicer than things I was used to wearing and I even placed a bra over my man boobs that matched a pair of briefs I thought I could wear under the jeans that might be more appropriate than boxer shorts.

The briefs were a bit tight but they looked ok. They pulled me almost flat at the front so I thought they’d be better the skimpy ones. They didn’t look comfortable at all even though I wasn’t so big these days. The briefs actually fit me fitted better than my boxer shorts or my underpants. Maybe they were boys fit girls pants or was it because of the size? I paraded around a bit. There wasn’t much sign of my manhood or any real manly features these days. A lot of guys might like to be so slim but not with these things appearing on their chests. Definitely I was going to insist on more chest and arm exercise next weekend.

I tried on the jeans. My God it was a struggle and I had to lay horizontal to get them on. I remembered how Sandy used to do it and I used to laugh at her. I stood up. The zipper stuck half way but with a bit of gentle persuasion I got it right up even with my left hand. Are all women left handed I wandered?

I tilted the mirror and turned peering back over my shoulder.

Wow. Wow. I was gobsmacked. What a fit!! What had happened? I couldn’t ever remember Sandy had with such a shape.

Sandy was right. But how can a man have a butt like a woman?

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