Thoughts of energy-ch1.Cavemen dictating to geniuses

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I have been beaten, burnt and betrayed by Morgan Edison. His wealth and all the force of oil company s attacking me is just to much.

This is purley fiction.
They are fabricated journals from my imagination.
The only truth in this is the man Nikola Tesla and how far ahead of his time he was. A man who had his theorys laughed at by scientists, but many years (60ish) later those theorys were found to be true. He was said to have traveled in time? With some of the stuff it turns out he developed you never know?


journal entry 3005
After my final big defeat, I give up. Through out my life and career I have developed hundreds of revolutionary ideas but few are used publicly.
I have been beaten, burnt and betrayed by Morgan Edison. His wealth and all the force of oil company s attacking me is just to much.
So from here on out I shall endeavour to create my ideas in hopes my friends will bring them to light in the future. But I shall patent many and carry on my hopeless struggle to help humanity.

journal entry 80078
I knew all of this and more after the successful attempt with that time machine. Such a shame it will be over 80 years from now when finally my successor will find my research. But alas peoples greed blinds them.

If you are reading this then my sight of being poisoned came to pass.

I have built prototypes for all my ideas and have catalogued them here in my journals. The time machine was destroyed to build a rejuvenating machine. Shame I never had the time to use it but you'll excel and help build a better world. But this is how it must be.

The owner of these buildings is my friends great granddaughter, you must show her the book now.

Hello Gwen

Your father told you many storeys as a child and now you will see that your great grandfather and I were like brothers. Alas I must also thank you for never selling the land even when times were hard.

We created three keys that you must find before being able to access the underground labs.
1-will be in the mechanical workings of power.
2-will be in my ashes as your great grandfather promised.
3-is in a story sung for young children when the knight arrives.

The two of you must work together, once you retrieve the three assemble where you stand now.

God speed
Nikola Tesla.

I stood up and walked away in the knowledge that my life has helped many and my tales will inspire more even with history altered for the victor.

I was in my hotel, waiting until my visit with the president about a new energy supply. My food had just been served and with great hesitancy, I ate.
I tear ran down my face as I lay slowly back on the bed. My fears that have been haunting me, gone with the knowledge that my end was here.

"07/10/1856 -01/07/1943 Nikola Tesla"

I was lying on my bed sobbing uncontrollably. My life seamed like a big joke and every time I though things couldn’t get any worse, they got worse. You see I'm an unattractive 22 year old woman, with dark brown curly/frizzy hair, blue eyes and just dropped out of uni because of finances. Now I can live with that as it happens to many, but I lost my father, found out I'm infertile and had my boyfriend leave me.

I'm a nothing, going nowhere and can't see any point in carrying on. I have suffered with depression and self harm half my life but I just don't want to carry on. All I have is a bit of land and a run down block of flats that my father left me. But even that is never to be sold and kept in the family.
What family, I can't have children any way and if I did the debt I'm in we would all be living on the street. Once my dad died the government wanted their inheritance tax and for the size of our building it was a lot. No chance of paying it without selling up and in my fathers will it says to never sell the building so I'm stuffed.
Every option seems like a wrong choice but suicide.

I stand up with my vision blurred as I slowly make my way to the roof. I just think of how greedy the government always are and how their greed must have lead to so many people in my position now.
Half way up the staircase I collapse in tears against the wall.

I can't even kill myself right, as my body is just to unfit to get to the top of a building. I punch the railings as hard as I could with only a result of more pain. But I persist and drag myself the rest of the way.

I had made it to the roof and with blurred vision from all the tears I couldn't even see the beautiful view. I staggered over near to the edge when I heard.

"Excuse me" a deep male voice said

I turned around to see an older man in his 60s with most of his face twisted in scaring. It was hard not to flinch but I managed it. I had known Mr. Jones most of my life but rarely saw him as he was a bit of a hermit. My father always spoke highly of him but I couldn't talk to him without staring so mostly just avoided him as he did everyone.

"Yes, how may I help you Mr. Jones" I said as he limped slowly towards me.

I was minding my business, tinkering with my toys when I hears the sounds of crying. I dismissed it until I heard a slight bang with consistent sobbing, I grew concerned so slowly made my way to the door. My bod punished me for my movements but I persisted.
Opening the doors I saw young Gwen slowly walking up the stairs. Me and her father had talked about her depression in the past. I grew quite concerned with the direction she was headed and followed as quickly as possible. I would have shouted but my voice is strained at normal speech levels.

Upon reaching the roof I said "Excuse me" in a soft but firm voice as I slowly made my way over to her.

Young Gwen turned "Yes, how may I help you Mr. Jones" she said but I could hear the hurt and pain behind the words.

"Gwen could you be a dear and help me back down to my apartment please. My body is aching all over and I think we could have a chat over a nice cup of tea whilst sitting down, what do you think" I said

With a small smile of sadness Gwen took my arm as we made our way over to the stairwell.

With all the pain I felt in my body I could see pain lurking behind Gwen s eyes, every time she turned to smile, as she guided me down the stairs.

Upon entering my flat I was in sheer agony but turned around quickly when Gwen gasped.
"What’s wrong my dear" I asked with concern, as I followed her stare to my toys.

"They are beautiful but you must waste so many batteries operating them" I smiled as her mood seemed to lift at the spectacle of all my magnetic powered toys swirling and spinning around.

"No batteries just magnets, most are toys except for that one over their I made into a generator for my power" I said pointing to what looked like an electric motor with lots of wires running to a mound of boxes.

"But it can't, I know you have always paid my dad for electric" Gwen said giving me a accusing look. I felt like laughing at the way the topic had changed and me being accused but I was happy that her mood had lightened.

"I'll explain all. But could you make the tea while I get some pain medication please" I said as my pain was becoming unbearable

"Oh of course" Gwen said as she quickly disappeared into the kitchen and I sat down and retrieved the medication out of a draw.

5 minutes later Gwen returned with two cups of tea. Placing one on the side next to me she said “I made you a milk no sugar, but if you want it changing just say”

“Thank you Gwen that is great” I said but as I was about to approach the subject of her emotional well-being she spoke first.

“So why do you pay for electric if you make your own?” Gwen said as she took a great curiosity in my little generator.

“Well part of my payments form the MOD are to help towards my accommodation, so naturally I wanted to give a large chunk of that to your father. He was always struggling to keep this place and would never take any sort of loan encase they tried to posses the property.” I said as the long talks we used to have played through my head.

“I miss him so much....... I don't know what to do any more..........” Gwen said as she burst into tears. I knew loss and was so envious of people who could display, I had lost so many men over my 30 years serving sometimes I wish I could let others see. I have walked into my friends homes to tell their family that they would never see their brother, son or husband again. But never would I show emotion and over time it eats you up.
Gwen wrapped her arms around me as she lost herself in grief, so I wrapped my arms around her and would wait.

Gwen cried until sleep claimed her and my shirt was soaked. I lay her slowly on the sofa, ignoring the pain from my body as I tried to be gentle.
Once she was positioned comfortably I went to retrieve a blanket.

I lay the blanket on Gwen and then returned to a seat across the way. She had gone from looking like a young woman to a fragile child in such a short time. I was starting to worry about her health and knew that besides her boyfriend, she had no one now so would have to look out for her.


This is just a small start (My last attempt of writing a virus wiped out my computer so now I won't be writing ahead by 30k but just post around 6k)

Nikola Tesla is a real person and the start of the book is theorys only. A little history about the man =

That site is good if you are into renewable power that you want to build yourself as well.

Now TG related themes will be about 8-10k in so please be patient.

I'm awfull at spelling and grammer so please don't point out every little detail wrong.

Thank you

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Increased Knowledge

It's not often this ol' fart can claim to have gained demonstrable knowledge on this site but today was the day. Thanks for writing!