The Awakened-chapter 1

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It has just past 2am and today I awakened. Awakened is a relatively new concept for most after the government found a chemical to accelerate our genes.


This is my first time story post, so be nice. I'm bad at writing so I'll be trying to improve along the way.

Hasn't been edited, so sorry for any and many grammar mistakes.

All names are fiction as well as all characters, places are mostly real. Some names are Welsh so might sound strange.

Any other warning I've forgotten will be posted in next chapter. But I hope you enjoy :) (Next chapters to be around 5k with pic. next 2 1/2 chapters done)


It has just past 2am and today I awakened. Awakened is a relatively new concept for most after the government found a chemical to accelerate our genes. This only works on 1% who has certain genes to activate. But still the people who run many countries decided this could be the next big thing. Now most of the rich countries water supplies have this chemical in it, to produce a stronger breed of human. We have heard on the news that many have awakened with powers that were previously thought as science fiction. But all those legends out there throughout time are now looking very likely. Any way I might as well start from the beginning.

I had travelled back to my home city of Bangor in north Wales (tiny city in comparison to most). It is a small but picturesque city as it is situated in a valley near on the northern coast of wales. The reason for my trip back was that my older brother James had just turned 25 today and as a celebration we were going to have a pub crawl. We would start as a small group and get gradually bigger as we went on from pub to pub.

The blue bar is a standard university pub where most of the population is students who want the cheap shots and cheap beer. As I stood up to get the first round for our little group of five which included many amazing people like Sarah who had dwarfism but never let it get her down, Dave who was gay but you could never tell as he was a 6'3" and was one of the top in his field of martial art in the UK. Emily was 5' chubby but always cheerful and the life of the party. My brother was a skinny but tall guy who had shaggy hair and blue eyes. Then we had me Andrew Gwyn who had been forced to grow up quicker than he should have. Standing at 5’10" with blue/grey eyes and a mop of hair that was on the verge of going afro. I was a 22 year old outcast, but who was always made to feel welcome by this and the extended group of my brother’s friends.

I arrived at the bar and there was a lad I knew from school serving so I called him over.

I asked "Alright Eric how you doing???"

"Not bad mate, how about yourself ?"

"Not bad myself thanks. I was wondering if you do a top shelf???" (One of each spirit out of the optics and filled with WKD to finish off in a pint glass)

"Well not supposed to but as I know you I'll make an exception. So what’s the occasion?" Eric asked as he turned around with a pint glass and started to fill it.

"My brothers 25th, so what have you been up to?"

"25th......... seems like yesterday that we were all in school together. I'm working this job to pay for some of my university but it’s hard going, hope it will be worth it in the end" Eric said as he turned around with a pint glass two thirds full of spirits.

"This is going to be a killer Andy, so do you want just coke to top it up or the WKD ?) Eric asked

"Just coke should do ha.. I don't think it will make any difference"

"Ha..ha just make sure he downs it while I watch" Eric said as he placed the drink in front of me.

"sure will, could I have two pints of Peronei and a pitcher of sex on the beach please with two glasses" I said as I picked up the first glass and took it over to my brother.

"Hey James, down the first drink and I'll get you another now" I told my brother as I passed his drink to him.

As James took a mouth full he choked then looked at me "Shit, I'm going to be fucked aren’t I” He said as he started to chug the pint back

I Headed back to the bar to retrieve the other drinks with Dave. As we neared I heard a faint clapping and looked at Eric "How did you get him to down it ???"

"He knows what's going to happen after my 21st party last year, how much were the drinks?" I said after fishing in my pocket to find a few notes.

"twenty six pound, that’s a tenner for the top shelf" As Eric said this I looked at him in shock due to the amount of spirits that had gone into it.

"Thanks, What time do you finish up ?? as we will be out late if you want to join us ?" I said as I handed him thirty pound "Have keep the change" I said. I had worked out in my head that if I had bought each of those shots separately I would likely be paying thirty for just them.

"Thanks and I will be finishing work around one so probably too tired. Thanks any way. I will come over to your table when I see the glasses empty so you don’t have to cue all the time" Eric said as I picked up mine and Dave’s pint.

"You could always send the hot girl over to us. I will tip her ??" I joked as I started to walk away.

"Ha you couldn’t handle her any way so just keep walking." Eric laughing as I walked back to the table with the drinks.

After finishing the drinks a short and really hot waitress walked over to us and asked if we needed more drinks. "Yes please, tell Eric 3 beers and a pitcher. Thanks. So how did Eric get you to come over here ???" I asked

"You don't remember me Andrew?? It's Fflur I sat next to you near you in maths and science?" Fflur said giving me a great big smile as she sees my expression change. My thoughts were running wild as I remember Fflur in school who was about the fattest girl of our year and she had acne. We got along well for 5 years and I didn't even recognize her.

I stood up and enveloped her in a hug "You look great Fflur, I didn't even recognize you. Wow"

" Ye I guessed" Fflur stated with a sarcastic comment as she kissed quickly kissed me on the lips. I was so happy to see her looking so hot as she always struggled and as I was always alone to, we got to know each other quite well.

"Well you can come and give me a hand getting the drinks anyhow as I don't remember being a slave. Hmph........ " Fflur pouted as she turned around and walked away. I just got up and followed. Wow she looked so different but hadn't changed at all.
We had been to four pubs and were doubling back on our self’s to go back to the next lot but as a result we wound up in the blue bar one more time, as we had hundreds of steps to climb to get to the next bar, which was in the upper part of Bangor Called the Menai.

Bangor was situated in a valley so even though it was a city it was very narrow but long with the University being up on the cliff side that overlooked the shopping area.

The Blue bar was a squeeze as we all tried to fit in but as it was a Friday allot of our group were starting to talk about heading off due to work the next morning. We found ourselves soon with just the original group of five. I was a bit disappointed but as we had James who could barely walk now we were quite content.

"Hey Fflur what time do you finish???" I asked her after getting our drinks

"Well you were my last customer as I finish at 1am and it has just gone" Fflur said as a smile spread across my face.

"Do you want to come with us to the Menai??" I asked with hopefulness

"Yep let me go into the back and freshen up. Andy do you want to follow me into the back room" Fflur said as she blushed

"Lead the way" I said. I was so drunk I didn't get what was implied but soon found out. Passion soon over took us as we got carried away. After Fflur and I quickly refreshed our self’s with wet wipes that Fflur had with her we headed back to the table.

Everyone had gotten up and were looking for where I had gotten to ??. So now the six of us made our way to the next pub.

As we approached the steps, we heard arguing coming from the hedges that lined the steps either side. A young woman jumped out shouting as two lads were arguing. With laughter we all carried on.

There was an argument coming from behind me as I climbed the steps but now it sounded like two lads and Sarah?? I turned around and there were about thirteen lads having ago at Sarah about her height. As she hurried to the top and passed me she screamed and there standing in front of us was another group of lads of about thirteen but holding pieces of wood and metal bars.

I Advanced as Dave made sure everyone was OK behind me. The man leading this gang stepped forwards with a knuckle duster and said "so you giving our boys a hard time down there? Well we don't like you lot ganging up on us like that so time to teach you all a lesson about respect."

I saw this man running down the top steps at me. I instinctively blocked his punch and threw my own in. I had given the man 15-20 continuous punches, knocking him out when I looked up. All I had seen was a piece of steel then nothing.

I kicked up instinctively freeing a spot for me to get up as an onlooker from the gang took a tumble down the steps. I was disorientated and had a buzzing noise all-around me??? Confused I stumbled to the top of the steps to the car park where I noticed Dave fighting 3-4 people while James was lying on the floor with blood running down his head.

I looked at my phone and noticed the time as 2am I was going to ring the police but then I had seen a guy beating Fflur on the floor.

I charged in a mad rage, leaning down to pick up a discarded steel bar. Stretching back I put all my force into hitting the man attacking Fflur. Time slowed as the bar hit and the impact caused the man to jar then collapse.

Checking around to see if it was free of attackers for the moment I picked Fflur up under her arms then held her with one of my own arms while wielding the steel bar in the other. I looked around then headed over to Dave.

There was a fair amount of people near Dave who were keeping their distance and a few on the floor groaning nearby.

"Dave get James out of here, Emily and Sarah have made it away I think so find them and call the police" I said running on pure adrenalin. While I could feel Fflur hugging my side.

"Andy Em and Sarah made it away a while ago and called the police, I'll get James then we get out of here to ye." Dave said panting with blood running down his arm and head.

"HE'S DEAD, HE'S DEAD GET THE ONE WITH LONG HAIR HOLDING THE GIRL, HE DID IT !!!!" We heard as they regrouped coming towards us. I looked around noticing the guy who attacked Fflur was still motionless. Well I figured out quite quickly who they were after.

"Fflur follow Dave now" As I noticed Dave was carrying James and Fflur quickly stumbled after them. Poor Fflur she is nothing but kind and these people hurt her and my brother who couldn’t even stand now they blame us for defending our self’s.

I turned with pure rage and hatred for all these thugs coming towards me. Even with sheer determination I was still facing over twenty guys.

The concrete in the parking area began to ripple then I started to hear all these strangely clear voices in my head and feeling great emotions from rage and anger to fear. The sheer amount of rage I was feeling now suddenly was overwhelming. Darkness consumed me that was impossible to describe then my vision and mind just closed down.


I awoke to the sound of beeping and the smell of disinfectant. Assuming I was in a hospital I slowly opened my eyes to glance around. I was in a single white room that looked sterile and lacked of anything but my bed an IV drip pole that was attached to some sort of heart monitor and a lot of wires that were strung from me to the monitor. I felt as though my body had been devoured by a shark and spat back out.

Suddenly I started to hear a conversation so I tried to listen in "So you think that is Andrew Gwyn that is lying on the bed in there??"

Another voice spoke up "That’s impossible he must just be missing like the other boys who were there"

A third voice broke in "She had the same DNA and as we talk the body is mutating and becoming stronger. We have had readouts for the past 24hr stating that 100% that she is Andrew Gwyn, even if it isn’t 100% the same any more. It seems the more the body heals the quicker it changes which in turn cause it to heal more."

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. They were talking about me or arguing about me would be more accurate.

I glanced down my body that was covered in sheets and slowly lifted them up guessing what I would find. ??But besides hairless my moobs were still there from my misspent younger years that remained when I had lost all that weight. I was a bit skinnier but not a great deal different?. I decided to check my dick was still in one piece and yep it still was? Now after what I heard I'm confused. I thought they were trying to say I was a woman by calling me she all the time. I must have misheard.

A slight pressure emanated from my bladder alerting me that I needed to pee. So slowly I rose with little to no pain which was a surprise since I was in agony a few moments prior.

As I started for the door I noticed my body felt great but a little strange. “I wonder if they drugged me and what I have been given because I feel like I could run a marathon”. I was dragging my drip beeping machine behind me as I was reaching for the handle when suddenly the handle went down and the door swung open.

“What are you doing out of bed!” a fairly tall gruff old mad snapped at me “I don’t have time for your fooling around now get back into bed”

I suddenly got on the defensive as I always believed that people should treat others how they wished to be treated them self’s. “Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to!” I said in such a soft high pitch that it sounded like a kids. My hand shot up to my mouth to cover it after the shock of hearing that strange voice emanating from it. “What have you done to me” I demanded.

“You have some mouth on you young lady. Now hop up back into bed” The old doctor said with a grin.

I started to get annoyed when the walls and floor started to ripple then a flood of voices entered into my head. I looked at the doctor determined not to back down when I noticed the panicked look on his face.

“How dare you talk to me like some child and what the hell is that face for” I demanded as I stepped forward still seething.

“Please calm down and I’ll explain everything, I’m really sorry just please calm down” The doctor said in a frantic voice.

I started to calm down when two others wearing long white coats rushed through the door. “Andrew please calm down, before someone gets hurt” a young very tall doctor asked as he approached me slowly.

“What is going on here?? All I wanted to do was go to the toilet and this arrogant old guy barges in and starts to demand stuff of me. Now I demand some answers!” I said in a bit of anger and sheer confusion.

“I am not old or arrogant” The older doctor said with almost what could be described as a pout.

The young tall doctor pulled two chairs over and said “Please Take a seat Andrew and I’ll explain as much as we know and suspect. Does that fair?”

“Yes but first are we going to have some introductions?” I said to hopefully put names to faces.

“Of course, I am Doctor Jones and I’m responsible for you while you stay here” While doctor jones extends his hand to shake mine he raises his other pointing to the other man who entered the room with him “That is my brother who is also Doctor Jones, he is an expert in his field of people who have Awakened” I shook Dr. Jones 2’s hand and asked

“Awakened, wow.. I have read about it but never thought I might be one” I said sounding surprised even though I already had figured it out before hand, when it was said aloud it seemed to sink into my thick skull causing a degree of shock.

“Yes well we will talk about that in a minute but for the final introduction I want you to meet the hospitals administrator who was one of the top doctors here before his promotion. I introduce to you my father doctor jones.” Doctor Jones one said as he dragged out the introduction as much as possible. This leads me to think too he likes to be a joker.

“So Jones 1, 2 and 3 it will be then and thank you for dragging that part out now please someone explain what is going on with me please” I said with a slight pleading whiny voice even though it was not intentional.

Doctor Jones 2 (1’s brother) pushed forwards at this point and pulled a seat over and began “Ok from what we have observed you seem to be awakening but with a very odd side effect of changing your body’s structure to one of a teenage girl” He raised a hand to stop me from interrupting “You seem to change more when using your powers. But as you have a high rated healing from what we have witnessed, as you change more it causes you to need healing more and so the cycle started. At the end we believe you’ll be able to use your abilities to their maximum. You have been here for over 24hr where a team of researchers have been doing body scans and blood tests periodically. You now have fully functioning female organs and the bone structure of a 14 year old girl. I wish I had better news. We will all help as much as we can in this process” Dr. Jones 2 said with true emotion while I sat stunned for a second before I thought.

“But I still have my penis as I have seen and touched it before you came into the room” I said with an ounce of hope.

“Sorry but that would have just been excess skin that judging from your transformation will be absorbed by your body soon if not already after moving the concrete like you did earlier” he said as I quickly grabbed below to find he was right

I was so distraught about being made a girl and that I was 8 years younger than previously. That I barley heard what he was talking about. I started to replay the fact my entire life was messed up in my head and it started to spiral out of control, making things worse and worse until finally darkness consumed me and I passed out.


I awoke to find myself inside a concrete room. I really should stop passing out as I keep waking up in strange places.

I felt fantastic and my senses were heightened to the extent that I could feel everything around me, from the concrete of my room, all the stone that surrounded wherever I was to even the gravity everything produced. My mind could only detect 2 people in a half a kilometre radius and they were feeling anxious about me. They were scared about how I had reacted when I found out I was female to what I might possibly do to others around me and the fact there were people nearby who wanted to terminate me. Suddenly I felt a mental shove and I couldn’t hear their thoughts anymore and felt that I best not to Dr. Jones and Dr. Evans as they really only wanted to help me.

I took note of what I was like now. I had long brown hair so little change there; my skin was exceptionally soft with a few freckles but no other blemishes. I felt my face and it was shocking to feel how much it had changed, I now had thin eye brows instead of those exceptionally bushy things that turned into a mono brow unless kept in check, along with slightly puffier lips and a daintier nose. I then proceeded to feel my ears and wow they had now gone from overly large to slightly on the small side. Looking down at my chest made me laugh as it had actually gotten smaller at an A size but my nipples were puffed up a lot more. My hips flared out slightly but nothing shocking and with that I lifted the underwear out to see my new genetalia. I was surprised at how little was there; besides the slight puffy lips I had expected there wasn’t any hair. I felt slightly dizzy and as I sat down I heard noises coming from the corridor.

Dr. Jones walked in, well the one who specializes in the Awakened and then there was Dr. Evans who was a tall stunning blond woman that I just stared at speechless as my nipples hardened. I suddenly felt my face getting hotter as I noticed that all could see my excitement through the thin hospital gown.

With a smile Dr. Evans walked over to me where she proceeded to hold my hand the in a soft voice talk “Hi I’m Dr. Nia Evans and I believe you have already met Dr. Paul Jones”

I was still a bit slow but extended my hand as Dr. Evans took it and Dr. Jones just did a small wave which I returned with a nod

“Ok Now I’m a psychiatrist who as you might have figured out already, I’m also a powerful telepath so please refrain from trying to read my mind again. I know you are new to this and didn’t understand what you were doing but most telepaths try to not read the minds of others, OK” Dr. Evens stated with a smile while still holding my hand.

“Ok but what about the people nearby who want to kill me??” I said while looking directly into her eyes.

“Well they were unsure about you as with the amount of power that your believed to be able to wield just want some reassurance that you won’t wake up and go on a rampage across the country and kill people. They are just scared of new things like many people are but I promise you they won’t hurt you” I could feel Dr. Evans direct a lot of energy to her telepathy in a slight pause in our conversation.

“What are you doing Dr. Evans?” I asked out of curiosity

“Well I had to send an all ok signal to the people holding the trigger telling them you are relatively sane. Now please call me Nia and him Paul as we will be living together for a while and thinking of us as doctors and not guides will slow the process down” Nia said with a slight smile. Wow her smile is magnificent and she is only in her late twenties at most so I have a chance.

“So what will this guiding involve and when can I leave as I have a job and people to get back to” I said starting to think of my parents, grandmother and brother who I help out all the time.

“Ok well let’s take a step back as I don’t think you have quite grasped the situation have you”

“I know what’s going on but what has that got to do with anything?” I said a bit confused

Nia took hold of both my hands and Paul sat down beside me as Nia began to speak “Let’s take this in steps, first you are now a young girl of around eleven in appearance” I looked shocked

“I thought I was going to look fourteen?” I said as I felt tears start running down my face. It suddenly occurred to me the implications of what had happened.

Nia pulled me into a hug and rubbing my back out of some sort of maternal instinct cooing me as I rocked back and forth.

“I’m sure once you have adjusted you’ll see that all you have done is still there but a different path might be better. I have talked to your boss and he knows everything that has happened. He even offered your job back to you if after everything you still want to go back” Paul said, trying to reassure me.

I was happy that my boss said that but not surprised as the company was a small one where I had trained as a Joiner, then taken on as a tradesman once my training had been completed. With everyone in the company being more like a group of friends they would probably still have me back looking like a kid with a bit of heckling and general joking.

“What about my identity? I don’t look like an Andrew who is twenty two anymore do I” I said trying to make the best of the situation and move on with what a shambles of a life I had left.

“I’m glad you brought that up because you have a full new identity, all you have to do is pick a name” Paul said as Nia turned to him.

“Paul it might be best if I tell Andrew ……..”

I cut in knowing Paul would give me direct no nonsense answers I wanted “No Nia I need these answers directly and honestly so then I can figure out what I’ll do” I said trying to sound in charge but being a eleven year olds high squeaky voice sounded pathetic but still with a thoughtful look Nia nodded.

“Ok, but I don’t want you to freak out to much so if you are feeling at your limit at any time please tell us to stop” I looked at Nia

“Ok. Now please tell me what is going on Paul and doesn’t sugar coat it because even though I look like a child I’m not”

“Well Andrew have you thought of a name yet?” Paul asked

“I remember my first crush on a girl named Sam and I think that’s as good a name as any” Paul gave me an odd look

“Now will that be Samantha or just Sam and would you like a middle name” Paul said as he pulled out a small note book and started to write this down.

“Hmmm… Well yes to the Samantha but just use Sam and Emily as a second name as it is my grandmother’s name. What about a last name?” I said

“Well as your still your parent’s child I would have thought you wanted to stay a Gwyn?” Paul said giving me an odd look.

“Yes of course but I thought that you would be moving me somewhere that no one knew me” I said somewhat confused. I think after watching so many spy movies they had changed how I started to think. I was starting to see a bright side to all of this as I wouldn’t be getting moved. Hang on I’m 22 they can’t just move me any way it’s still a free country. As my mind was working overdrive trying to process everything I finally got a smile on my face when I realized this was meaning not as massive change as I had first thought.

I had been quiet for quite some time and I could see a concerned look on Paul and Nia’s faces so I decided to carry on talking “Sorry, I was just thinking. I might have watched too many spy films when I was younger but now realized I won’t have to change every aspect of my life”

“We were concerned that you were having a mental breakdown, so the next time you need to think just say and we will leave you for a while to get your thoughts organized. I don’t want to have a mental break down Ok” Nia said with a look that my mother used to give me when I had just been told off.

“Ok so what’s the story we tell everyone?” I asked, trying to get the ball rolling again

“Well you can tell all your friends and people who know you the truth but on official records for traveling and such you’ll be a twenty two year old girl. That is your mothers daughter and due to a genetic disorder you’ll grow at a different rate to everyone else” Paul said this I was shocked. I had expected to be put in an age category to go with how I looked.

“Ok so always carry ID to the pub, check” As I jokingly ticked an invisible note pad.

“Hmmm.. That brings another point up. Now your healing powers have exceeded what was previously the highest so if you go to the pub alcohol won’t affect you at all” Paul said. I was so shocked

“What but why” I said in such a pathetic manner that Paul started to laugh. While Nia just shot him a warning look and hugged me.

“Out of all the changes and shocks you have had that’s the one you get verbal about ha..” Nia slapped Paul across the head. I just started to laugh uncontrollably for a minute

“You are right Paul but out of everything I have been preparing myself for mentally that wasn’t one of them and just took me by surprise a bit. I guess I’ll be drinking everyone under the table then” I said laughing at the absurdity of it.

“So what other ability’s do I have and how strong. I never really cared about the ‘Awakened’ until now so you might have to explain what the ratings mean” I said as I started to think what ability I might have.

“Well most of the base ability is based on a standard soldier in the army. So for example he could lift say 200lb easily so that would be his strength rating of 1. So whatever you’re rating at you are that many times stronger. So if you were level 5 you could lift 1000lb easily, do you understand?” Paul said in a nice and simple way.

“Yes enough but what about the powers side? Like telepathy” I asked

“Well those abilities are rated from one and up, the rating only goes up another number when there’s a person who can prove new strength of that said ability. So for telepathy you will have-

level one who can feel emotion only.
Level two can hear some thoughts or feel emotion strongly.
Level three can communicate via their telepathy or can send their emotion out to others.
Level four send thoughts/emotion over a distance of ten meters.
Level five is as level four but at 50 meters
Level six is same as level four but at 100 meters
Level seven in same as level four but 150 meters
Level eight is same as lower levels with the ability to force your will on others or wipe minds.

This is all the ratings for telepathy and luckily only two people have ever been level ten but both died after turning evil. After attacking others minds these two ended up undoing their own and believed that humanity was below them and set out to destroy it”

I was a bit shocked to hear the last one but it sounded like a warning off Paul as a tale to frighten the children. “Ok Paul, so what levels am I?”

“I have a piece of paper in the other room with our reading from the ‘Hugagram’ which is a machine built buy a Dr. Hughes that invented it and so far has been reading people within one level of their abilities. I’ll just go and get the readout” with that he was on his feet and headed out of the door.

“So Nia you haven’t said much for a while, what’s up?”

“I was just gauging how you handled what’s been told and if needed I would have been there for you. I have to say you are doing remarkably. I had expected you to far less open to all of this. Now after hearing everything you have how do you feel?” Nia said after giving a quick squeeze to my hand.

“How about we talk about this tomorrow as I can hear Paul running back” As I was talking you heard the tell-tale noise of Paul’s shoes rapidly hitting the floor from just outside the door. When Paul entered he was panting slightly and holding a piece of paper.

“Found it…. Wow that was a distance” I couldn’t help but smile at how out of shape Paul was. I had worked out a great deal when I was younger to get fit and lose all my weight but once I had I felt better for it and kept fit.

Paul placed a piece of paper in front of me and it read:

After glancing at it I couldn’t believe what I had just read.

“Sam do you understand what all of those mean or do you want me to explain some of them?” Nia said, Without waiting for an answer she proceeded

“Ok you have about 150 IQ, high strength, durability is increased by the healing and elemental, great stamina helped by healing, speed is good, senses is helped by the time which will let you see things before they happen, healing is one of the highest recorded meaning you can lose multiple limbs and heal them quickly, you know telepathy, Elemental is your manipulation of earth, so you can do almost anything that you want with anything from rocks to steel, the telekinesis will allow you to lift around 200lb in weight and time which is quite rare will allow you to see things before they happen, up to 10 minutes” Nia finished explaining as she looked from the sheet to me

“Now with a high ability to heal you will age slowly of about one day to every month that passes, but besides that these are the most amazing results ever. There are people who might beat you individually in most areas but on average you are the strongest” Nia said with a hint of excitement that was also mirrored by Paul.

I was starting to regret asking for all the details upfront as now I'm starting to get a headache. I still needed to know one more thing before I asked for so R&R time "so how long will I have to stay here"

My question took them by surprise as evident on their faces but after a moment’s pause Nia answered "Not long at all, about a week unless you are a quick learner. I just need to teach you how to control your mind so that everyone nearby doesn’t bombard you with their thoughts"

"Fair enough, I thought that the government would try and control me, and this was but the first step" I said as Paul looked down in shame

"Well unfortunately they will try. Nia and I managed to get you out of their hands, until you had mentally recovered before they could even try and push anything on you. I'm sorry but they are persistent and like to recruit as many as possible. With you being a stronger class than most, don’t expect an easy time of it"

I was shocked. I was under the impression both Nia and Paul would be trying to push me towards the government but from what I just heard my belief in them had now solidified on an all-time high.

"Thank you both" I said as a single tear fell down my face. I was starting to feel a bit tired once again. Probably all the energy my body had consumed to create this new image.

"That’s Ok and I hope your life returns to normal as much as possible. I can't imagine how hard this has been but after we leave if you ever need anything I shall give you a contact number" Nia said as she stood up and gestured Paul out of the room.

"I can feel how tired you are now and we shall let you get a quick nap before lunch is ready. Sleep well Sam"

With that Nia closed the door and I lay down to get a fitful sleep, as my mind worked in overdrive to figure everything out.


Nia walked into my room lightly but my mind detected her and woke me immediately.

"Well now your awake, we can get you dressed" Nia said as she produced shorts style of underwear a small black bra and joking trousers with a black t-shirt. I quite liked the selection as it wasn’t anything girly just practical items.

"Thank you" I said as I took the items.

"You're welcome and after you get your clothes on I will begin to teach you, Ok. Then we shall have some food" Nia said as I was slipping the clothing on. I was surprised that the bra had no clip but just slipped on. Obviously these items weren’t tailored so some were tight and others slack but I was happy with the overall appearance. Hopefully I would see myself in a mirror later to judge what I looked like and see whether I could pass as a boy.

"Ok, if you are ready now I would like to link our minds so that everything I know that may help you will be telepathically shown. I'm a level 7 and have years of experience so you will learn everything I have but I would like your consent to do this. I hope this will clear some of your anxiety’s with your new gender as well" Nia said well holding my hands.

"You have my consent Nia"

I felt years older in mere seconds as everything that Nia had learnt had been shared with me and across the link I could show her how thankful I truly was. We felt and seen each other’s soles making a unbelievable connection. I knew Nia loved me in that instance but as a baby sister rather than a lover as I had hoped but I felt happy with that. As I would rather a friend than nothing and what we now had was deeply personal. I had seen what the government was capable of with the Awakened. I see that Nia only formed a link with me because she had lost her sister many years ago to the government and wouldn’t let that happen to me. Now with our link I knew how Nia suffered without her sister and I had helped her mend from her deep wounds.

I opened my eyes as the torrents of tears streamed out and enveloped Nia in a hug "Thank you for sharing that with me" I said between sobs

"I didn't mean for you to see so much but I'm glad you did. I felt how much you liked me to and how that changed to making me your older sister. Thank you for that" Nia said as she let some of the experience turn into words.

Once we had calmed down and walked out of the door both are faces had the largest smiles spread across them. I was only now understanding what Paul meant the other day as he talked about the distance to the next room.

Behind us was a tunnel that carried on a gradient down as far as the eye could see. Then in front there was about fifty meters until a wall with a ladder. As we got closer I noticed the door at the top of the ladder was a large steel door with a wheel to open and close.

"Are we in a bunker?" I asked Nia

"Of course, I thought you had seen where we are when we linked" Nia stated a little shocked

"I did but with many years of memories and experiences I would need a bit of time" I said with a grin as I remembered some of the embarrassing stuff from Nia's mind

"So when you going to ask Paul out any way" I said to Nia with an impish grin. I got a swat to my head for the effort.

"Things like that are between you and me Ok" Nia said with seriousness

"Yes I know but just remember Nia if you ever want to talk or ask advice I'm here for you as you have been there for me" I said deadly serious

"Thank you Sam. I will always be there for you to" Nia said with a smile and a tear before we ascended the ladder to the building above.

The building above is a stone built 3 bedroom house that would look like any farmers house. It was situated in a valley at the base of two large mountains. Nearby there was a small river of fresh water and surrounding the area were thousands of trees.

This house would be almost a fairy tale house if it wasn’t for the facts that it was so isolated not even a radio signal was in the area so no T.V., internet or even electric from a power line. The house had a few solar panels with a small wind turbine that was enough to power the lighting and nothing else.

Paul had collected wood earlier in the day to make a fire on the arguer that heated plates so we could cook food and boil water.

I felt like we were camping with a luxurious tent that had two floors. It was different but not a place to live in over a week or two. Being an abandoned storage bunker from early WWII it had housed some of the most precious art collections and crown jewels at one time. After the war it was left to rot until they started to use it as a bit of a rehab and was run by a few volunteers. Only the dangerous ones would be taken to places like this because the hospitals were too weak with too many possible casualties. Then if the Awakened was stable enough they would slowly be allowed outside but if there was no hope they flooded the chambers with deadly sleeping gas or water from the reservoirs nearby.

I had seen a lot of dark things in Nia's mind but the needs of the many outweighed the needs of the individual. I had agreed whole heartedly as I would hate to be responsible for killing a life and would gladly give mine up to protect another more worthy.


I had been staying in the house for two days now and most of the time was Paul teaching me the basics of Wing Chun (a type of martial arts) and meditation. Nia was just on hand to talk if need be but with all the knowledge she had given me she felt a bit bored and un-needed so had joined our little training sessions.

I had talked Paul into letting me go outside and practice by myself or with Nia if need be but I would hate to hurt her trying to figure out my new abilities. He readily accepted a few hours of peace so off I went.

I got my walking boots on that had been supplied with my standard outfit and borrowed Nia’s water proof coat and started out of the door.

I had only taken two steps into the fresh air when I stopped to take a nice breath of air in and admire my surroundings. Looking around there was only the small opening that the house was located in before a dense forest of varying trees surrounded me. I looked above the tree lines and on either side the trees climbed most of the way up the mountain until the rock faces were and only a few shrubs seemed to grow. The rocks were all broken up into smaller pieces making the tops of the valley many different shades of grey and green, likely due to the amount of slate in the area as well.

I decided to test this new stamina of mine and see how quick I could run through the trees. I was aiming for the rocky area in the distance and knew it would take a few hours for me to hike that before the change. With my goal set I looked up the valley to see where the cliffs were and planned a rout out before setting off.
I had started and wow was I quick. I was traveling quicker up hill on rocky ground than a Olympic athlete could on a flat track. I think I was partially propelling myself with telekinesis and the rocks seemed to change for an easier landing. The animals that noticed me seemed to run at a slower speed, it seemed my senses adapted to my speed and seemed to slow everything around me.
After fifteen minutes of running I was almost at the clearing and within a second of seeing it I was now there. I turned to look around and the view took my breath away. Our house seemed the size of a pin head from here. Off to my left in the distance you could see a large reservoir that seemed to supply the river in the valley with water. Where I stood was almost mirror imaged by the mountain adjacent and the ridges run into one another just beyond the lake. This was probably what a glacier had created millions of years ago and now I get to enjoy the great view it created.

After a few minutes taking in the area I decided this spot was a good as any to begin. I sat down in a lotus position and opened my mind to the area around. I felt at peace and safe as though the mountains them self’s would protect me from any harm. I wanted to start slow so tried to move a rock and found it a bit hard so relaxed. “Please just move” I said to myself as the rock moved easily to where I had intended. I was shocked and awfully surprised. I felt as though the area around me smiled and gave approval. In that instance I had felt a great presence but only for a fraction of a second.
I carried on moving the rock around but it never seemed hard or resistant now. So I considered trying to form a rock into another shape so trying to think of a shape and all of a sudden the rock was flicking from shape to shape as I tried to think of one.
I knew I was only thinking small and now wanted to push my limits. I remembered seeing some massive stone golems in a film and wondered if I could make a moving one. So asking for the stones around me I poured my thoughts and some energy into a five meter stone golem. I opened my eyes to see the rocks turned almost liquid, creating the shape in my mind. I could feel my energy drain quickly until the golem had finished.

I sat down feeling exhaustion almost overcome me. Upon sitting down I felt a presence inside the statue. I tried feeling what is was and then found myself staring at it in disbelief. What I had felt was a presence of my energy and a simple mind.

“Can you understand me?”

I asked this five meter tall golem. Slowly it turned to me and nodded as I stared up at it.

I had somehow created a stone monster that has only ever been seen in films. I reached into its mind and found a simple mind that purely wanted to serve me.

“Shit how am I going to explain this to Nia and Paul. I wonder how long before he runs out of energy”

I was talking to myself again when in my mind there was an answer

“Me no need any energy you give all that needed forever and me do not know who Nia or Paul is”

I looked at it and began to understand that somehow I now had a physic link to a large stone monster. But I now needed to get both of us back and for that I would need to make him smaller to fit under the trees. I concentrated on making him closer to 1.8 meters, so around the height I used to be. Slowly the stone flowed off the Golem and started to form a new bolder. I was quite impressed and with my senses reached out once again but noticed that he had a greater amount of power now and a bit more intelligence.

“Are you Ok”

“Yes, I feel good. I serve you” The golem said

“What do you want to be called, what’s your name? You can call me Sam” I said to my new creation

“Sam, I have no name. You name me you master”

“I name you Andy and I’m Mistress not Master” I said feeling depressed over my loss and happy I could pass my old name on to my own creation. Hmmm I wonder would you call Andy my child as I created it?.

“Yes mistress Sam I am Andy” Andy said with a feeling of pride.

I looked at him/it and even though all I could see was a statue, when he moved you could see the outline of the joints. Still with no face just a rough rocky surface he would need a lot of work to make him not freak people out too much.

“We must head back. I will run ahead and you go as fast as you can. Will you be able to follow me?” I asked with a slight concern in case he couldn’t make his way down the mountain without damaging himself.

“We linked me always find you and be there” Andy said with happiness

“Ok well when you get to the stone building, wait outside until I come and yet you Ok” As I considered how Nia and Paul would take to seeing Andy for the first time.

“Yes Mistress Sam”

With that I decided it was getting late as I could see the skies turn to a vibrant orange and red. I turned to the forest and made a quick sprint to the edge. Taking a quick look around I noticed Andy moved at a fast jogging pace and carried on.

After ten to twelve minutes of a fast pace downhill, sometimes even jumping from tree to tree I arrived at the house.

Upon Entering I noticed a angry looking Paul waiting.

“What took you so long? Nia and I were worried sick. We thought you might have gotten hurt or worse” Paul said as Nia walked around the corner and threw herself around me in a hug.

“Don’t do that to us again. I could sense you out there but there was another presence I couldn’t make out and I was scared in case it had harmed you” Nia said so quickly and without taking a breath while squeezing me tight. Luck I’m durable because any normal little girl would have choked to death by now.

When Nia let go I could see her face was stained with tears and felt some of her emotions seeping over to me. This in turn caused me to start getting emotional and beginning to cry.

“I’m so sorry I lost track of time. I was then exploring my powers and after a while made this statue but he talks and moves. I just got so preoccupied I’m sorry” I said still crying from feeling the emotion in the room mixed with mine. Never get an emotional strong telepath near another strong telepath that is also emotional because our sheer emotion had Paul curled up on the floor crying I’m sorry, over and over.

Once Nia and I had calmed down a bit and helped Paul out of our emotion we all went to the front room and sat down.

“Sam did you say you had made a statue move and talk?” Nia said as Paul was obviously interested in this topic as well.

“Well yes and you’ll get to meet him in about fifteen minutes. He’s still running down the mountain” I said as I thought Nia and Paul were out to catch some flies with their mouths open like they were.
“Nia can we link and I’ll show you what I mean because words don’t explain it to well” I said as Nia gave a quick nod and we linked.

“Wow… That presence that you felt was amazing. It makes you wonder if people were right about Gaia and the world being alive” Nia said in awe.

“I know, I wondered the same. Paul can I have permission to share this with you mentally because you are looking a bit left out” Paul nodded after his cheeks went a nice red colour.

“Wow that’s amazing. I have never felt anything like it” Paul said also in awe after feeling this great presence and what my new heightened senses felt like.

“Any way” Nia interrupted us to get back on track

“There’s a MOD (military of defence) executive coming by later who would like to speak to you Sam. I have tried to delay it but apparently he is quite height up and managed to force the meeting” Paul said and I understood what this would mean.

“That’s Ok, I knew someone would cone eventually. But first, there is someone outside I would like you to meet” I said as I felt Andy arriving in the yard. I told Andy to come in and where about to meet us.

The front room door swung open slowly as Andy stepped into the room.

Pauls face sort of contorted at this stone man walk into the room and give a little wave. Nia had a large smile on her face when she turned to me and said.

“I can talk to him, how’s that possible”

“Well I think it was a mixture of my powers that helped to create him not just the elemental aspect so it would make sense that he is telepathic” I said as I had already been trying to figure out how I had created him.

I decided to channel some more of my energy into Andy due to him running such a distance I wasn’t sure if he was running low. I closed my eyes and felt everything with in me and slowly built it up then allowing it to release towards Andy. I could feel that even the small amount of energy I had sent was too much and he couldn’t handle it.

“Sam, hello…… hello……. Are you OK” Paul said as I slowly opened my eyes.

“Yes I’m fine. I was just trying to give Andy a bit more energy but it looks like he was full even after the run” I said still a bit confused.

“Well I might be surprised to see it but I have heard about these golems before. It is said they are mentally slow and look as they are due to the lack of energy. As you know rocks can’t hold much energy so you have just reached the limit of what this construct can hold” Paul said in text book style almost as though I was a young child being told.

I was about to argue about the way he spoke with me when I had an idea.
“What if I added other minerals to his composition? It is said certain crystals can hold energy. I can try and find as many types as possible and experiment” I said causing Paul to stop with his stupid lecture tone.

“Well any way we should get ready for our VIP’s so I’m heading to my room to change I suggest you all do the same” Paul said as he turned around quickly and disappeared out of the room.

“Is it me or is he acting strange?” I asked Nia

“I agree, he hasn’t been acting normally since the phone call. I wouldn’t worry about it and go and change into a fresh set of clothes. Just wait until you leave this place we could go shopping and get you something more your style” Nia said but with the word shopping I suddenly started to hate myself again. I’m now a grown man in a little girl’s body, what a joke.

“Actually this is ok, I’m more into jogging clothes because they are light and comfy” I politely answered wanting to leave this conversation.

“I know that’s why I chose them. But I thought you might like some jeans and other clothes so you could pass for a boy?” Nia said with a big grin.

“How did you know?” I said in shock as that was what I wanted exactly.

“I’ve seen in your head. I know even in that little girl’s body you’re still a guy and still like women” Nia finished the sentence with a wink to remind me of the thoughts I had about her.

I blushed then started to make my way to the bedroom I was assigned. Just as I was about to leave the room I turned around and looked Nia over before giving her a sly grin at which she just shook her head. Andy just followed me after I left, like a young dependent child would with a parent.

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