M I A But not dead yet.
I will be a bit sparse around the story fire circle here until I can find out what happened to my clear wire internet provider. Sprint bought the company and now I have had my first totally down space in 5 years of using the service.
So for what ever time I will be running between oasis to oasis for internet connections grabbing stories and posting things.
Please forgive my posting blunders as I will not be able to fiddle with the corrections.
On deck is a new story line from my own universe. There will be some a creature introduces and my system of magic's. I just hope it is not to far out.
Havens Salvation.
Next is the third portion to WE Half To Talk
You want me to do what.
Then the next installment to Shift Happens The Climb-2
Ambitious yes crazy may be but that's the way I like it
Clear !
I've got Clear, but it is wireless, but it is pretty skanky. I have been expecting it to implode. Lately, I am getting lots of spam popups.
Its good to let people know.
Some of us panic a bit when someone is suddenly absent.
Or at least worry.
That is why.
I used an opportunity being at a hot spot to log in and let people know. My kids ask if this board is a part of our family, I had to say yes, yes it is.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book