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just something i put down at the spur of the moment. enjoy it no matter how bad it is

Somber and quiet it was as the words were said ," This has to be done,its now or never."
" May he be at peace and go with all the love and joy we can give . I knew him for a short time and have seen a fire that I thought could not be put out ...I was wrong." the man said
"Here we gather to say our last thoughts and such to James may he go where things are not so hard. May he go where things are not subjected to the whims of others" .
Tears were flowing as this was said some sniffles and a few sobs were heard.
"We cant know why this has happened but we accept it and hold it close to our hearts ".
" That fire I spoke of well ..... sniff sttill burns only much brighter.
" Thanks Daddy I needed that ",as I took his hand in mine, my nails long and pink. I took a long breath, we slowly turned with the rest of my family, my dress fluttering in the light breeze my head on my Dads shoulder as the box was buried in the back yard full of things i will no longer need.

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That is so nice

littlerocksilver's picture

I expected dark, but that wa not the case.
