Contributions to the Hatbox continue to be what keeps Piper and I able to keep this website and a dozen others used by the TG community active and running.
Angela Rasch's "Voices Carry Over Water" is now available to contributors to the Hatbox and we will soon have the revised version of "To Alleviate Suffering" there, too. Thanks very much, Angela. :)
I'm still trying to use the contributions to pay down the credit card debt I have built up over the last 14 years so any help is appreciated. With a new baby, things are particularly tight for Piper and I have been helping out as I can.
Any gifts are truly appreciated; you can use the Hatbox gift button in the right hand column or send a gift via Paypal to joyce @ PM me for a snail mail address if you prefer.
Thanks and hugs to all,
P.S. Currently the revised version of "To Alleviate Suffering" is still available in the regular listings of BCTS.
Tis odd...
but I still struggle to read, though it has picked up. This is more of a place where I have a lot of friends. People I would miss if this site went away.
Thank you.
I Just Finished Reading "Voices Carry Over Water"
I won't say too much about it for fear of "spoilers" but I urge you all to read it. It's a lovely story and....of course...extremely well written. It's so romantic that I cried most of the way through as I read it, and tears are still leaking down my cheeks as I write this. I will say that it has a happy ending and I wish I had a daughter like that. Maybe my grand-daughter will be like her. I can only hope.
A De Havilland Beaver plane plays a minor part in the story. I used to fly in them (as a passenger)from one side of the Snowy Mountains in Australia to the other during the 1960s and we got some really close views of trees, lots of trees! It means I can empathise with the protagonist.
So do yourselves and Erin and BCTS a favour and get in there and read it. I guarantee you won't be sorry. Thankyou Jill, for a delightful ride,
Thank You
Writers know how wonderful it is to receive a comment such as yours. However, since so few writers post stories in Hatbox they may not know that it is extremely rare when someone comments on them.
Thank you so much. I hope your rides in the De Havilland weren't too scary.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
They had to fly VFR (Visual Flight Rules) in the Snowy and there was one pass in the mountains where you would head up under the lowering clouds and wonder how you would get through. The pilot always assured me that the winds kept the cloud just above ground level at the crest of the pass....and he was always right! At least when I was on board.
I was young enough and stupid enough at the time to be more excited than terrified. I have since been in three light-plane crashes so these days I am much more scared and not at all excited. As a passage in Jill's story says "count the number of seats and if it's less than 30...get off,"
I have it open
along with "Chesterville," both of which I'm going to get to reading and either PM or commenting on as soon as I can!
Melanie E.
Hopefully my link should work.
Was going to
But I just lost my current job
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Joining Hat box
I joined Hatbox, far too long after I had posted a story there myself. I did a review on "Voices Carry Over Water" once I figure how to get back in I'll read some more. I will read my own Story "I, Actor" think more people should join or even spend a small amount just to read some of the stories you will not get the opportunity to read on Big Closet. I feel what I spent to join was well spent and I have just spent a bunch of money for GRS surgery and after care. BCTS is a home for me. I've been remiss in supporting it. I'm retired and have debts but I can budget money for a once a month donation. This way I know that my tiny corner of home will always be here. If each reader donated on dollar a month or one dollar for each story read there wouldn't have to be a small sideline box asking for donations. Yes, I am just as guilty. We as community need to unite and take care of ourselves instead of depending on the few. I am sure Erin's Pocketbook could use a break.
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Hatbox and "Voices Carry Over Water"
I have a terrible head cold and my mind is a bit fuzzy, but I really want to contribute to this conversation. I apologize if I'm not my usual witty, or at least coherent, self.
The Hatbox is a treasure chest of treats for BCTS readers, just waiting for you to get the key to unlock it! All you need to get that key is to make a contribution, whatever you can afford.
There is a new Hatbox Story! "Voices Carry Over Water", by Angela Rasch
I didn't start reading this with very great expectations, after all, what has Angela written, really? Well sure, there's Sky, and Peaches. And there were Miss Recudes and Ma Cherie Amour. And did I forget Shannon's Course, Leigh Wilde, Ninth Fold, and All Those Things You Always Pined For?
Hmm, I kind of put my foot in it there didn't I? She's written rather a lot of very good fiction, and all of those were contributed to the Hatbox!
You do realize what a sacrifice it is for a writer to contribute her story to the Hatbox rather than posting it to the site? There are quite a few blog posts where authors lament the paltry number of reads, kudos and comments that their stories receive. They debate the relative value of kudos vs. comments, and the read to kudo to comment ratio of their works.
But the author who contributes to the Hatbox, well, she foregoes all of this fun. She gets no kudos or comments for her stories in the Hatbox. We ungrateful readers rarely think to send her a PM telling her how much we enjoyed a story in the Hatbox. To her, the Hatbox must sometimes seem like a black hole of oblivion into which she pitches her babies.
Voices Carry Over Water certainly deserves better than being consigned to the pit. Angela's latest baby is up to her usually fine standards.
***Spoiler Alert***
I will endeavor to avoid spoilers in this post, but it's hard to discuss a story without at least a brief mention of the plot and characters.
\***Spoiler Alert***
This is the story of a single, widowed, father taking his almost-teen but going on adult daughter on the trip of a lifetime. For her, not him. When the float-plane deposits them at their campsite on a remote Canadian lake, a snafu results in the loss of an important item of luggage, and incompetence renders their shelter unusable. Much in need of a helping hand, or perhaps full-on rescue, their needs are met by the arrival of the lake's only full-time resident.
What follows is a voyage of self-discovery and love. Who will be rescued? What will they discover? How will lives be changed?
You will find well-developed characters that you care about. Since you're a denizen of this site I think you will want to be, or at least know, one or more of them.
The PDF version is 58 pages, so "novelette" length, something that can be read in a sitting if you set aside some quiet time for enjoyment. There are a couple of very brief references to sexual activity, but nothing explicit, nothing to offend even the most sensitive.
This is a fine romance. (Does anyone else hear singing? Or perhaps it's the cold medicine...)
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}