Carla's Journey - Part 3 Chapter 7

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Carla's Journey

by Roo

Part Three - Chapter Seven

Our American friends arrive

Editing by Bronwen


The flight was due in at eleven o'clock, so off we went to the main Brisbane airport to pick up our American friends.

Saturday 21/2/74

We put the twins in their safety seats with Jamie sitting in the middle to entertain them and set off. I let Ricky drive since he is more used to Brisbane traffic and is a more pushy driver than me. The big four wheel drive with the large bull bar on the front looks quite intimating to other drivers.

We arrived just as the plane was taxiing into its position in front of the terminal and let the twins see the planes through the big glass observation area. Their eyes got really big and both said. “Da-Da Mama's pwane?”

Daddy replied, “She wishes.” and gave me a wink. What is it with people winking at me? They have always done it ever since I was a little girl.

Jamie was used to seeing the big jets so it was old hat to her and she was more interested in the duty-free shop. Anyway we had quite a wait before our friends emerged from the Customs and out to the carousel that transports the luggage from the plane and that is where I spotted the two newcomers.

John was holding Jenny's hand and I walked up and said, “G'day you two.”

Jennifer recognised me straight away and gave me a bone crushing hug and said, “Oh 'wow' Mrs Smith I'm so glad to be on the ground.”

I replied “Jenny, it's good to see you, but you can call me Aunty Carla if you like.”

“Oh that would great Aunty Carla.”

The twins were both restless by now and Jenny knelt down to talk to them and said, “Hi you two!! Aren’t you the pretty ones?” and the girls being the outgoing little ladies, both twirled around and said, “Pweety ones.”

John then shook Ricky's hand and said, “You must be Carla's husband, it's nice to meet you.”

Ricky said, “Likewise I'm sure.”

I then got a kiss on the cheek from John who said, “It's good of you to do this for us Carla”

I replied in the Aussie way and said, “No worries mate.”

Jenny asked, “Aunty Carla, where is Jamie?”

Just then Jamie reappeared with a koala teddy bear to give to Jenny.

Jamie wasted no time in welcoming Jenny and said, “G'day, I'm Jamie and this is for you.” and she proceeded to give Jenny a hug with the bear being squashed between them. The twins then decide they needed a bear each as well and grabbed Jamie by the hand and both at the same time said, “We get bear too?”

Ricky saw what was going on and pulled out his wallet and gave Jamie a ten dollar note and said, “Jamie why don’t you and Jenny take the little ones and get them a koala each? It will keep them happy on the trip home.”

Once the luggage was collected and we rounded up four girls we could make our way out of the main airport building and to where the four wheel drive was parked. The twins were happy being looked after by Jamie and Jenny and hugging their koalas.

John asked Ricky, “Do you fly as well as Carla?”

Ricky replied, “I do about thirty hours doing charter flights a week. Carla would only fly a couple of times a week especially now that her business partner Jamie's mum flies as well.”

John replied, “Is it that isolated in Quilpie that a vet has to fly to attend their patients?” I chipped in and explained that it was only for the more outlying properties that it was necessary to use the planes; anything within driving distance was done by vehicle. I think people think we live in the desert but really it comes down to living in a large country and the vast distance between towns and sheep stations can be hundreds of miles apart. It's called “the outback”.

We climbed aboard the car and made our way through the traffic. Jenny was amazed at how large the city of Brisbane is and said, “Wow!!! I saw the flood coverage on our telly but it looks much bigger in real life and the traffic is just crazy.”

Jamie replied, “Yeah that's why we live in good old Quilpie where you can drive from one end of town to the other in about five minutes.”

Both the twins had to join in and said in an almost sing song voice, “Yeah ody Qwipee” My girls are a constant source of amusement with their double speak.

Forty minutes later we finally arrived at the unit in West End. Once we got up to the apartment the two Americans just wanted to have a shower and lay down for a sleep so I said, “John, there are sandwiches in the fridge so once you have had a shower why don't you and Jenny have a bite to eat and have a rest. The rest of us will go out for a while to give you some peace”

He replied, “Thanks Carla, that sounds good.”

Jamie said, “Aunty Carla we haven't had any lunch.”

Ricky also said, “Yeah we haven't had any lunch either.” The twins who were supposed to be having a nap as well but for some reason were holding on to Jamie's hand saying, “JY JY we hungry too.” Amazing isn’t it how the little ones are tuned in to what the adults are saying. They sound cute when they double speak but I think it is going to be a problem when they get older and start playing tricks on us or worse still driving their teachers crazy with both saying the same things most of the time.

I'm glad I keep a double stroller here in Brisbane as well, it makes it a bit easier to just put the girls in them to get around. Mind you they would much rather walk and get into mischief and keep me and Ricky on our toes.

Ricky said, “Ok girls what are we going to have for lunch? It's almost two in the afternoon and I am getting pretty hungry.”

I replied, “How about we go to that burger shop around the corner?”

Jamie said, “Yes please,” looking at her uncle with that big brown eyed smile.

Ricky replied, “Sweetheart ,you don’t have to twist my arm with that smile, I'm in.”

The twins put their two cents worth in with, “We in we in.” in parrot fashion.

I just shook my head and said, “The vote is in then?”

No-one answered because we were in the burger shop by then and Ricky was already ordering three burgers and some small rolls for the twins. I won't allow my girls to eat junk food; it's bad enough that I was having a burger because whatever I eat these days goes straight to my backside.

The twins were making a bit of a mess and Jamie was fussing over them, so I left her to it and enjoyed my bit of naughty food.

Ricky sat there smiling, looking at the three girls and whispered to me, “God I love my kids honey.”

My reply was, “More than me?”

He said, “I still love you as much as the first day we met and you saved me from drowning darling.”

I replied, “Right answer.“ and for once I did the winking.

By the time we got back to the apartment our guests were up and looking refreshed and full of questions about flying out to Quilpie in our chopper.

“Can we all fit into the helicopter?” asked John.

Jenny looked on with interest as Ricky explained that our chopper has been modified to be able to be used in rescues and carry different things, soit seats seven people. When we take the twins there are special seats we put them in. It all had to be approved by the controlling air safety department.

Jenny said to Jamie, “I found a lot of things in the fridge and I can cook really well. Do you think I would be allowed to cook our evening meal?”

Jamie's reply was, “Jenny, I can cook really well too and we can do it together.”

They both looked at me and Jamie said, “Aunty Carla?”

I said, “The kitchen is yours girls I'm going to put the twins down for a nap and try to have one myself.”

Ricky and John decided to watch something on the telly, so I took the twins in to the bedroom, read them a story and fell asleep when they did. When there was a knock on the door I couldn't work out where I was for a few seconds till Ricky opened up the door and said, “Have a good sleep honey?”

I looked beside me and the twins weren’t on the bed.

Ricky said, “Jean got into my head and said to get the girls and leave you sleep.”

He then sat on the bed and gave me a very passionate kiss and said, “I love you sweetheart.”

My response was, “Wait till I get you home to Quilpie darling, just as well I’m on the pill.”

Ricky's reply was “I can't wait to see you pregnant.”

“Not yet dear.”

The girls cooked a lovely meal, while I was asleep. Ricky went out and bought some fresh salmon so we had that with white sauce, potatoes in their jackets and some greens as well. I was impressed with what the girls had done and decided to take them to the flea market the next day. West End always has a huge market on Sundays. We had planned to fly home but that could wait until Monday morning because Jamie didn't start school again till the next week and I really wanted to go to the markets as well.

Sunday morning 22 /2/74

The men said they would look after the twins while I and two very excited girls went to see what the market had to offer. The markets are held in a park just down the road from our apartment so it's just a short walk and you're there.

I told the little ones to be good for their Daddy and they both replied, “Mama, we be good.”

I said, “Ricky ,no bribing them ice cream or sweets.”

“No dear, yes dear,” was his reply.

John looked on with amusement but kept quiet and gave Jenny some money so she could buy something at the market.

He hugged her and said, “Have a good time sweetheart.”

She replied Thanks Daddy, I miss Mummy and wish she could have been here with us.”

Jamie then grabbed her by the hand and said, “I still miss my Daddy too, Jenny.”

I thought that we had better get going or there would be tears and said, “Come on girls, we have to go or we will miss all the good bargains.”

We spent about four hours at the markets. The girls went off by themselves and came back to a designated spot every half an hour to show me what hey had bought, I myself looked for some clothes for my sister Jenny and her little boy Josh, and also for Chrissie and Sandy. Rita was too hard to buy for so those days I didn’t bother.

When four hours was up I decide to round up Jamie and Jenny to have something to eat and make our way back home. I had bought something for everyone, even the men, and some fluffy toys for the twins. Jamie and Jenny were happy with their purchases and did not object to calling it a day. I think they were worn out. So home we went to show the men and the little ones what we had bought. The rest of the day was spent relaxing and getting things ready for Monday and the flight home.



To be continued. Please leave a comment.

Carla Bay

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Carla Jourey

Another great chapter, Thanks Carla


The girls are cute

Renee_Heart2's picture

It can't be easy for either of them but Carla has a good HUGE heart 2 darling twin girls & a Loving family too boot.

I'm glad that that the 3 girls did get to go shopping & that she can find something for everyone but Rita but as Carla said hard to shop for... I hope Jenny likes Australia & has time enough to relax for a while & enjoy her self.

Great Story Roo Look forward to the NEXT installment of Carla.

Love Samantha Renee Heart

Thank you Roo,

Thanks Carla,love your little story and the Outback children,so different to city kids.