Thursday 25 July
Another afternoon spent on a rocky foreshore watching the tide come in and letting an unforgiving sun burn my skin that little bit darker. Another afternoon wondering where the hell my next piece of fiction is coming from.
Nice to have that luxury, I hear you say. Maybe, but I’ve wasted enough years working for the man.
Anyway, current projects being shelved my thoughts are constantly returning to the Richard/Ruth saga and how to turn it into the novel, or series of novels, that it could have been.
There’d have to be changes. Richard’s ‘transmigration’ would need at least two extra chapters before she was let loose on the outside world as Ruth. And the conclusion to volume one would see Ruth and Kerrie travelling to Romania with a female Yvette de Monnier in an attempt to find Cathryn and Niamh. The fetishistic kuzkardesh gara stuff would have to be transferred from Yorkshire to eastern Europe.
None of which would be beyond me.
But they always say ‘never go back’, don’t they?
Tell me honestly, is this the worst idea I’ve had this year? Or is it just what I need to get the creative juices flowing again?
Can it be
Can it be any worse than spending 4-5 hours in the sun with no sunscreen and then wait the necessary 5 days for the skin to start peeling? Or the first 2-3 days waiting forthe skin to heal after being close to having second degree burns?
Worse is taking gasoline and placing it in a bottle, sealing the top, placed in direct sunlight and waiting for the gas to vaporize and then take a battery connected to the blasting cap to see how much of an explosion you could create.
Nah didn't think so.
What's Lunch Got To Do With it?
Well, I got a reply. One more than I thought I'd get.
Here's another sun-crazed idea. Take any popular song with the word 'love' in the title and change it to 'lunch'.
Stop! In The Name Of Lunch!
Crazy Little Thing Called Lunch
Can't Buy Me Lunch
What's Lunch Got To Do With It?
The sun beats down...
From ranch to town...
I wanna
I think I lunch you!
I Want You, I Need You, I Lunch You
A World Without Lunch.
All You Need Is Lunch.
Puppy Lunch.
Lunch Will Keep Us Together
Need I go on?
Lunch me.
Oh and then there's Stop! In the name of Lunch. Can't buy me Lunch and finally To Sir with Lunch.
Lunch Will Tear Us Apart
Lunch Is Like Oxygen - go on, name the band! It was 1978.
I'm Gonna Make You Lunch Me (yes I will, yes I will...)
Tainted Lunch
I'm Not In Lunch
Lunch Of The Common People
Lunch Is The Answer. Anyone can see that.
How is any of this going to help me carry on writing? Who gives a toss?
Is that now?
Is that now "I just tossed my lunch for you?"
I can hear Tina singing....
What's lunch but an afternoon collation?
What's lunch got to do with it (got to do with it)?
What good is a salad with no invitation?
Love, Andrea Lena
Do You Really Believe In Lunch?
OK Drea so you've raised the stakes with your posh font.
Silly Lunch
The Look Of Lunch
But do you really believe in lunch?
The Look of Lunch....
your fave; you don't want to be late....
The look of Lu-unch
Aromas calling you to come to sit and eat...
Okay; it's tuna salad, but still it's really neat....
Love, Andrea Lena
This Is For Lunch
Right, this is for lunch.
My favourite British band ever. The dark-haired girl sent me a Christmas card one year. Her name's Emma.
Beat that, purple font.
Groovy Kind of Lunch I'd Do
Groovy Kind of Lunch
I'd Do Anything for Lunch
The Game of Lunch
The purpose of a meal is of course nutrition
but you like to sit and eat it 'cause of how it tastes.
So come on Nicki it's time to dine, come on Nicki and dine
Your turkey wrap (WRAP) wrap (WRAP) Luh Luh Luh Luh Luh Lunch....
Love, Andrea Lena
Real Lunch Will Last Forever
Open up your eyes then you realise, here I stand with my everlasting lunch
Need you by my side, girl to be my bride
You'll never be denied, everlasting lunch
From the very start, open up your heart
Be a lasting part of everlasting lunch
Dylan Sings For Millions But I Just Sing For Free
Am I the only person who can't do their own fonts? Is everybody making them big but me?
Should I really answer that? :) I'm one sick puppy.
Nah, Nicki
Lot of us just can't be bothered.
"Dylan Sings For Millions But I Just Sing For Free"
Fair market value! ;-) (snerk!)
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Rewriting Stuff
Is almost always a bad idea. You'll cause a dissonance in people who have read the earlier work and your own state might be little better.
There's no reason, however, you couldn't use the same plot and create a larger work from it. If you take this path I would recommend changing everything so that there is little in common between the two stories: names, places and so on. This means that the second story would be able to stand on its own merits without comparison to the first.
Thanks for the advice, Penny.
Thanks for the advice, Penny. You're right, there are huge risks involved. The problem is, the original story left quite a few loose ends and a sequel wouldn't have had much of a tg element to it. What I may do is post a fairly detailed synopsis on this blog and invite opinions based on that.
Loose ends?
(Hollow laugh)
You obviously haven't read any of SEE. Currently it would make a mop-head look tidy.