The Angry Mermaid 74 or Y Morforwyn Dicllom 74.

In this chapter, Drustina organises the rescue of the towns-folk of Honfleur by routing the Viking Garrison. Her shoulder is injured during the conflict and she is 'hors-de-combat' briefly while Hengis takes command. The young rape victim Symone proves to be a determined and committed asset for subterfuge and spy-work.

The Angry Mermaid 74.


Y Morforwyn Dicllon 74.

Chapter 74

Symone walked slowly with legs slightly parted so as to give her an awkward gait that suggested harm to her private parts. Drustina watched and felt a tightening in her gut as she realised Symone’s display was no fantasy display but a genuine walk born of brutal experience. She watched as the girl approached the guard who leered knowingly. Drustina couldn’t hear the words but she admired the way Symone moved around the guard and thus caused him to turn and face the door as she made a move to display her injuries while protesting her treatment. The guard bent down expectantly and Drustina seized her chance. She slipped out from behind the corner of the building across the road and ran barefoot across the cobbled road. The guard never heard or saw her coming and Drustina’s trusty knife was buried in his back ribs before he realised what was taking place.

For a moment he was too shocked to realise what had happened. The force of Drustina’s strike had felt more like a blow than a stab and she had already wrenched her knife out of his lower ribs before he recovered from the shock. He went to shout but found his wind had gone and he could not draw his breath to call the alarm. Drustina’s dagger was already entering his chest for a second time as he turned to retaliate. The second pain in his chest was infinitely more intense than the first because Drustina had struck his heart. The intensity of the searing pain virtually paralysed him and it hurt too much to raise his arm and draw his sword. He tried to shout but his voice degenerated into a desperate gargle as the blood bubbled up through his chords.

Despite this being his dying breath, he managed to get a hold of Drustina’s throat and started to squeeze. Symone watched in horror as his fingers closed on Drustina’s wind-pipe but Drustina was well versed in killing. Her third dagger strike slashed up into guardsman’s wrist and his nerveless fingers lost all function as his eyes bulged hopelessly. It took little more than a shove with her fourth thrust into his belly to force him to his knees. He sank with his hands supplicating frantically as he fought to draw breath. Symone was stunned at how quickly and silently the guard had been despatched.

By now, Drustina was unlatching the large warehouse door as her followers dashed silently from their hiding places and quickly entered the building. She turned to Symone as she took a firebrand off one of her men.

“Right girl, stay by me and hold this. You, Hengis and I will go for the leader, guide us to him.”

It happened so silently and quickly that Symone had no time to be afraid. She padded silently down the central alleyway and motioned towards a door that stood slightly ajar.

“He’s in there, on your right hand side.” She whispered.

Hengis and Drustina listened with satisfaction to the deep snoring within.

Drustina smiled as she and Hengis shared the same thought, ‘This was going to be too easy.

The pair slipped inside and within a few silent seconds they emerged wiping their swords.

“Job done.” Drustina whispered.

“Now for the next one. Where are the lieutenants normally housed kid?”

“There’ll only be one. He’ll be sleeping in that dormitory cos it overlooks the only bit of field in any direction.”

Hengis smirked.

“Probably likes it cos there are no decent fields in Norland; all rocks and snow and bloody fiords.”

Drustina stifled a giggle and whispered hoarsely.

“Stoppit you stupid bugger. You’ll start me laughing if you don’t shurrup!”

Symone’s eyes widened with disbelief as she gripped Drustina’s wrist.

“How can you jest at such a time?”

Drustina tensed then shrugged.

“Dunno! It relieves the tension I guess. These buggers have gone soft. I was expecting a fight but they’re all sleeping off the booze. Teach them to be bloody careless.”

With these words, Drustina moved suddenly through the door and promptly tripped over a rope tied from the bed to the table. She crashed to the floor and cursed as the Viking Lieutenant rolled from his bed sword in hand. He lunged towards the place where he estimated his attacker to be but Drustina was too quick-thinking to just lie stunned and immobile. Fortunately her womanly shape, smaller stature and different centre of gravity had caused her to fall differently from a man and she was not lying where the
lieutenant expected. She rolled sideways under the dark mass to her left and thanked the gods it was a large low space under the table. She cursed as her injured shoulder caught the table leg and the Viking roared victoriously as he presumed he had his unknown attacker at his mercy.

His hopes were dashed immediately as he felt Hengis’s blade slicing into his ribs from behind. His roar turned to a bellow before once again degenerating into a frothy gargle of blood and spittle; just as his watchman’s breath had done a few moments earlier. As the Viking crashed to the floor Hengis grabbed Symone’s torch and looked around.

“Where are you boss?”

“Under the table and my bloody shoulder hurts.”

Hengis bent down and reached under the table to hoist his leader who grunted as she rose up to stand by his side.

“I’m going to have to rest this bloody shoulder. It’s almost numb. I can hardly move my left arm.”

Hengis cursed and turned to Symone.

“Stay with her until I check that this part is finished.”

Symone went to sit with Drustina who had slumped onto the bed.

“Are you hurting badly?”

“Yes. I think I’ve torn the muscle. Is it bleeding?”

Symone peered under the jerkin and nodded.

“A bit, from the scar; but it’s not pumping out just leaking.”

“Huh, you’re a great comfort. Stay with me until Hengis gets back.”

They sat talking quietly until a commotion told them Hengis was returning. He confirmed that all the off-watch Vikings appeared to be dead and that one of the townsmen had gone to fetch the healer.

“Good,” remarked Drustina, “assemble the men and let me speak to them.”

Her companions crowded into the bedroom and Drustina explained that she was having great difficulty using her sword. Her shoulder was all but immobile.

“We will outnumber the other watch with the extra townsmen but we’ll still have to keep the element of surprise. They are hardened warriors.”

The group discussed different ploys to beat the remaining Vikings but they all hinged on surprise. Eventually Symone volunteered to be bait and lure a couple of the Vikings into a trap. Drustina was too far gone to object and consequently Hengis took command. He agreed to Symone’s ploy and the band slipped out of the warehouse to sneak towards the town square with a view to laying their trap. Soon Symone spotted a likely trio of Vikings coming out of the inn. She immediately pretended to be terrified and turned to limp slowly away like a wounded bird from the drunken group.

Her action immediately attracted their attention and they called out to her with slurred voices.

“Come here bitch! What are you doing out so early. The night curfew is not over yet!”

Symone swore at them and continued limping towards the base of the main gate. The Vikings decided to pursue the attractive girl and she limped away at a speed estimated to effect a perfect rendezvous at a point just around the corner of the alleyway where Hengis and the men were hiding.

Symone’s ploy worked ... just.

As she arrived at the corner ‘limping painfully’, the Vikings nearly caught her. Frantically she broke into a limping trot and just managed to allow the trio to get near her a few yards after she had rounded the bend. There she ducked into a pre-arranged alcove that seemed to be a dead end. She made pretence of despair then turned to spit and snarl like a cornered leopard.
Her behaviour amused the drunks who crowded into the alcove as she pulled out her newly bequeathed dagger. They roared with contemptuous laughter at the girl’s pathetic act of defiance and crowded together to take her. With their attention concentrated on the tender meat filling their lustful eyes, the Vikings failed to see the real enemy gather silently behind them. With swords already drawn Hengis and his band struck with deadly force. Swords were plunged into kidneys and ribs with such force that the three victims were scarce able to recover their breaths. The shock of such a blatant attack left the three both stunned and enraged at the audacity of what they immediately presumed to be an attack by the townsmen. Cruel enlightenment faced them as they staggered around to confront their attackers.

These were not desperate townsmen, traders and merchants; these were fully armed warriors and they meant business. The Viking’s faces turned grey with shock as realisation chilled their blood and more swords entered their drunken bodies. It was over so quickly that Symone didn’t even have to slip through the door that had been left ajar to permit her to dash away. She stood staring at the writhing trio as their death throes slowly subsided until the three lay still and dead. She was too stunned to move as she stared fascinated at the scene before her.

‘I should be feeling sick or something; shouldn’t I? She asked herself as she turned to stare into Hengis’s emotionless face.

“Just like that!” She remarked with surprise that she didn’t feel nauseous or revulsion.

“How else would you have liked it girl.” Hengis asked. "They’re dead. Were any of these amongst the ones who raped you?”

“I don’t think so ... I don’t know, there were so many and it was ...”

Symone lost her voice and choked back the tears as the memories came flooding back.

Hengis understood the distress and turned to Helios.

“Take her back to Dru, she’s done more than should ever have been asked of her. It’s a woman’s arms she needs to have around her now. Then come back immediately.”

Helios motioned his arm to lead Symone back to the warehouse and the two trotted away. Hengis watched them go then turned to speak with the townsmen.

“Where else are these vermin likely to be hanging out? Surely the won’t all be at the inn?”

The Harbourmaster shrugged.

“It’s the most likely place, unless they’ve taken to billeting themselves on the local people.”

Hengis wagged his head disbelievingly.

“Dammit! All together in one place? They’ve become sloppy! They’re supposed to be patrolling and enforcing the curfew. How many entrances has this inn got?”

“Three public doors, four if you count the kitchen door, it stands alone at the edge of the main square, there are no houses attached to it. You can enter it from three doors at the front and sides.”

Hengis smiled evilly as a plan formed.

“Call it four then, when the weapons begin to fly, some will inevitably make for the kitchen door at the rear. How many are we now?”

“Nineteen when your navigator comes back.”

“And by our estimation there should be about nine of them.”

The harbourmaster and another townsman nodded confidently. Hengis remarked.

“Seems the odds are good enough to simply just walk in there.”

The harbourmaster frowned.

“Would you do that? Just walk straight in and pick a fight?”

“A few years ago I might have done exactly that but I’ve learned a few tricks from the master, or should I say mistress. Are there likely to be any towns-folk in there?”

The harbourmaster wagged his head.

“I shouldn’t think so, everybody detests them. There might be some younger women being held bondage as playthings.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of. We’ll have to check the bedrooms somehow.”

“What are you planning to do?” The harbourmaster asked.

“Burn the bastards out. Get some canvas sheets from one of the warehouses.”

The harbourmaster looked puzzled but Hengis had little time to go into much detail.. He simply explained.

“Anybody trapped by the flames upstairs can jump into the canvas tarpaulin.”

“Does that actually work?” The harbour-master wondered.

“Yes, from three levels or less. I’ve been told.”

One of the townsmen stepped forward and added.

“If they have got girls in there, they’re likely to be in the bedrooms on that side. The other side is just a long meeting room.”

Hengis nodded with satisfaction and directed the teams with tarpaulins to get ready as he led his men in four teams, one team to each door.

“Just break open any doors or windows that you can, then fire the flame arrows inside as fast as you can. I’ll lead the main attack in through this door; it’s the widest and leads into the main hall. We’ll have room to use our numbers to advantage in there. Now has everybody still got one of those bright yellow flowers we picked in the swamp. They’ll continue to be our identity badges.”

The men grinned as they made comic effeminate affectations using the flowers as props. Hengis wagged his head despairingly.

“Let’s just get on with it aye. This not a bloody garden party!”

‘At least their moral must be high,’ he told himself. ‘Otherwise they’d be silent and nervous.’

As they formed their designated groups Helios returned with news of Drustina.

“She’s sleeping. The healer thinks she’ll be alright and her arm should recover.”

Hengis wagged his head.

“She’s indestructible that one. Stay with me, you didn’t hear our plan and you could mess it up. Put your flower on.”

Helios was already battle-wise enough to know what was afoot so he drew his sword and joined Hengis by the main door. Seconds later, all hell broke loose as Drustina’s crew attacked the inn from all four sides.

Hengis and several hefty men attacked the main door and found it to be unexpectedly flimsy as it almost fell in at their first blows. With shields raised they plunged forward pausing only to ensure they were not in danger from the fire arrows zipping in through the smashed window shutters. Inside they were satisfied to find that the fire arrows had already spread pandemonium and the Vikings were all cowering under their tables as they tried to makes sense of the unexpected attack. By a pre-arranged signal, the arrows stopped and some archers swapped their bows for swords to join their comrades inside. Most of the Vikings were not wearing their armour because they had been raping the girls upstairs and it was consequently an easy job to despatch them. Some had even left their swords in the bedrooms; so contemptuous were they of the girl’s willingness to fight back. Indeed the girls were terrified but Hengis and Helios could hear their screams above.

With the Vikings so utterly unprepared for battle it proved to be a relatively easy job to defeat them except for a couple of the more responsible ones who had stayed sober, and left their armour on. Hengis was almost reluctant to kill them because they had proven to be the most responsible and careful of the occupiers. Judging by their properly armed state, Hengis felt they probably hadn’t even used the girls like the rest of the dishevelled mob but Drustina’s orders were clear.

‘No prisoners to take the news across the estuary to the main Viking force occupying the Havre.'

With some reluctance, Hengis and his warriors surrounded the pair and quickly overwhelmed them. As Hengis administered the coup-de-grace he had the satisfaction of knowing that the pair had at least died fighting and so by their code, they would enter Valhalla.
By then, the flames were beginning to take hold but the girls screams were still to be heard above.

Helios shouted above the roar of the flames.

“Why the hell don’t they jump?”

“I don’t know, maybe the windows are locked or something. Dammit, I hadn’t planned for this.” Hengis replied.

Before he could even restrain the younger navigator, Helios had snatched up a Viking battle-axe and scampered up the stairs to disappear into the smoke. Hengis cursed and made to follow but the harbourmaster yelled at him.

“I’ll go! I’m familiar with the layout of the inn. You’ll get lost in the smoke.”

The man’s logic was impeccable and Hengis reluctantly agreed. Without hesitation the man rushed up the stairs calling Helios’s name. Hengis turned to his men and yelled.

Try and put some of these flames out. Give them a few more minutes.

His orders were futile but at least it gave his men some purpose now that the Vikings were presumed dead.

Upstairs in the chamber wing, the Harbourmaster had at last located Helios and between them, they started smashing down doors. Inside each chamber they learned that Hengis had been right. The girls were all tied to their beds and the windows were locked and shuttered. It took Helios’s axe to smash the windows open and then cut the girls free from the beds. Even then, some of the girls were reluctant to jump into the tarpaulins and the two men had to virtually throw them out of the windows.
Eventually, as the flames chased them along the alleyway, Helios shouted.

“Is that all of them!?”

“No! There’s another level, this way!”

They came to the last chamber at the top of a second staircase and the harbourmaster let out a bellow of joy as they smashed the door open.

“Chantelle! You’re alive!”

Helios realised that Chantelle was some sort of relative of the Harbourmaster and he attacked the girl’s fastenings with renewed vigour as the flames were already licking at the door behind them.

He was shocked to discover that Chantelle was chained to the bed. It delayed him several minutes as he chopped frantically at the wooden bed frame until eventually the iron lug came out of the wood. Eventually he had the girl free even as the other end of the inn collapsed with a roar. They realised they had little time and gasped with relief when the shutters where smashed free and they saw the tarpaulin crew prepared to catch them. This time however, the escapees were on the second floor. (Third floor to our cross-ponder friends.) Their impact would be heavier.

“You go first Chantelle!” The harbourmaster ordered. “You’re the lightest. I’ll go last, I’m the heaviest.”
Helios was about to argue for he was after all the warrior but the older man made sense.

Chantelle needed no encouragement and flung herself from the window to land on the tarpaulin. The tarpaulin team called to their colleagues for assistance because they all recognised the problem with the extra height from the second level window.

Helios waited nervously until several more men had grabbed the tarp then he threw caution to the wind and carefully hung from the window sill to reduce fall and subsequent impact. Then he pushed off from the wall and fell backwards into the waiting tarp. Even so, his ankle touched the cobbles through the tarpaulin and he bruised his heel.

As he scrambled off the tarpaulin he looked up thoughtfully. The harbourmaster was a much heavier, older man. They were going to need more men to hold the tarp higher.

This had already been foreseen by the tarpaulin teams and even as Helios hobbled to grab the tarp, more men came running to assist.
Desperately, the men held the tarpaulin as high as they could and eventually the Harbourmaster acknowledged their signal. He half fell and half pushed away to plunge into the tarpaulin with a violent thud. Men grunted with shock as the heavy cloth held at first then ripped as the older man landed on the cobbles with a painful cry. Fortunately the tarp had broken most of the man’s fall.

“Ow! Dammit! That hurt. I think my arm is gone!”

The team scrambled under the ripped tarpaulin and yelled with relief as the older man stood to his feet. There followed a mighty cheer for he was a popular fellow in the town and he had just rescued his own niece in addition to the other girls. As they stood around congratulating the harbourmaster and Helios, Hengis arrived to complete a head-count.

Helios was half expecting a row but Hengis was a good leader. Instead he congratulated him in front of the other heroes and quietly intimated he’d chat later. By this time, relatives of the girls were arriving and other town’s folk were bringing food and water.
Hengis had little time to indulge in the hospitality however. He had to report back to Drustina and then start the town’s evacuation. It would not do to be still around when the main Viking force came looking for retribution.

As he hurried back to the harbour warehouse he reflected ruefully on the responsibilities of leadership.

‘No wonder Dru became grumpy and reflective at times. Here he was, still busy with organising things while the rest of the band were celebrating.

He arrived to find Drustina and Symone asleep and cuddled up while the healer sat beside the bed watching over them.

“Is it okay to wake them? I’ve got good news. The Vikings are defeated.”

His arrival wakened Drustina who stirred and winced as she tried to lever Symone’s arm from her waist. The healer helped to separate them then eased Drustina into a sitting position. Hengis grinned and make a mock courtesy. “

“Are you fit now to receive your audience my lady.”

His smile betrayed his good news and Drustina grinned back.

“Get on with it you silly bugger.”

“The Vikings are defeated; all dead as far as we can discern. The town is free and the townsfolk are celebrating.”

Drustina’s grin turned to more serious thoughts.

“Not celebrating for too long I hope. We’ll have to evacuate the town before the Vikings in The Havre learn of this. Best if we evacuate the town tonight. The further away we are when they learn of this, the better for us all.”

“I don’t know if we have enough ships.”

“Then find out man. Don’t forget we’ve now got the Viking picket ship as well as the Mermaid; not to mention all the town’s fishing boats. Where’s the harbourmaster, he should have a good idea of what’s available?”

Hengis sighed.

“He’s being seen to by the healer. He hurt his arm when he jumped from the window. Give him an hour or so.”

“We don’t have that sort of time. Organise the townsfolk to prepare to leave tonight then have Helios bring the Mermaid from the creek to the dock. The sooner we have an inventory of ships and people, the sooner we can plan ... and act.”

Drustina grunted as she tried to turn and get comfortable. Her wounded arm failed her and she slumped sideways with a curse.

“Damn this shoulder. It’s taking a long time to heal!”

Hengis wagged his head.

“It was a bad wound my-lady. You must rest it.”

“Very well!” She snapped irritably. “But that’s no excuse for you to dawdle. Go and organise things.”

Hengis grinned ruefully to himself and left without saying another word. ‘When the lioness was in this sort of mood it was best to be elsewhere.’ He returned twice to Drustina’s sickbed to report on progress but she was asleep on both occasions so he left word with Symone. Later Helios arrived to report the arrival of The Mermaid at the dock but Drustina slept on. He left word with Symone then returned to the Mermaid to organise food for Gisela and the men who had guarded her. Fortunately by then, food was being stacked on the quay with a view to feeding the exodus. At the quayside he met with Hengis and discussed Drustina’s condition.

“She just sleeps all the time.”

“It’s obviously what she needs. The wound is clean and the healers say there is no infection. We’d best get these townsfolk to the ships.”

“Have we enough capacity?”

Hengis shrugged.

“Just; I think.”

By now a throng had gathered and the harbourmaster was organising the numbers while the townsmen were preparing the boats that had lain idle during the Viking occupation. As dusk fell the first groups of ships were making their way towards Britannia. Once again the mist served to mask their activities and the majority of the townsfolk were on their way to some sort of safety. Eventually only Drustina’s men and a score of the more able-bodied townsmen remained. Hengis turned to Helios.

“We’ll have to waken her now but she’s in no fit state. I’ll take the picket ship, you command the Mermaid. Just make the boss comfortable in the bow cuddy. Symone can attend her, they seem to have struck up quite a friendship.”

“What about the Viking girl?”

“Continue keeping her manacled to the mast. She seems as intransigent as ever in believing her countrymen are not brutes.”

Helios nodded resignedly.

“My country, right or wrong eh.”

Hengis returned the gesture.

“What do those newfangled priests say? ‘Give us the child, you can have the man.’

With that, the pair joined their respective commands and departed the deserted town.

Once Drustina was comfortably bedded down Symone joined Helios at the rudder. They looked back at the silent harbour and Symone sobbed.

“I’m going to miss it and yet, I’m glad to be leaving.”

“Try not to worry miss,” Helios replied. “You might even return if we defeat the Vikings.”

“D’you think so?” Symone sniffed. “Do I want to, I ask myself. There’s nothing left for me there. My brother’s dead and the rest of my family are on their way in the other ships. Where will I make my new home?”

Helios shrugged and nodded to the North West.

“You could do worse than Wessex in Britannia. The land is quite fertile. Maybe find a rich farmer or someone.”

“But I am soiled goods.” Symone thumped the rail angrily. “I might be with a bastard child even as we speak and through no fault of my own. Who would have me?”

Helios was at a loss for words. He was but twenty years himself and he had little wisdom to offer. He did know that in the new religion the girl was oft times blamed entirely for getting with child but in this case there was no doubt of the guilt. Several of the girls in the town had fallen prey to the cruelty of the north. Uncertain of his ground, Helios reassured her.

“I think it best if you speak to Drustina about having children and this new god thing. She’s got lots of experience and advice. Once we are back with our comrades in Solanta, you will learn a lot about Drustina that will reassure you.”

“She’s still asleep but I’ll check on her and that Viking girl.”

“Okay and can you get me something to eat, I can smell Edburg’s cooking.”

“My god, he even cooks in the dark.”

Some of us have not eaten since dawn. I’m starving.”

As if to reinforce his words, Helios’s stomach rumbled. Symone grinned and nodded.

“I’ll get you something now.”

As she picked her way to the bow cuddy she stopped to say something to Gisela. Helios did not discern their words but he saw Gisela nod and look aft. He presumed she needed a call of nature. Symone returned with some bread, a deep bowl of hot stew and a request from Gisela that confirmed Helios’s thoughts. Helios relinquished the rudder to one of the warriors and went to release the Viking princess from her manacle. He escorted her to the stern and invited her to relieve herself.

“You’re not watching!”

“I have no wish to watch, I want to eat my food before it gets cold. Symone can hold the other end of your chain. Now piss! I haven’t time for niceties.”

“What’s wrong with her?” Gisela demanded as she nodded towards the sleeping Drustina in the bow cuddy.

“That’s not your concern, just finish you business here and you can go back to your mast.”

He handed the end of the chain to Symone and turned to chat to the steersman while he ate his food. Several minutes later, Gisela emerged from behind the improvised canvas screen and glared at Helios. He ignored her and instead smiled at Symone.

“Best you get some food then sleep by Drustina in the bow. There’s blankets in the cuddy.”

Gisela raged.

“What about me? It’s bloody cold fastened to the mast!”

Helios shrugged.

“That depends on Drustina but I’m not releasing you. You can have an extra blanket. Anyway I thought you Vikings were used to the cold.”

Gisele fell silent; it was obvious she would get no change out of Helios. As the girls settled down for the night, Helios chatted quietly with the watchmen as they kept in touch with the light of the captured Viking picket ship commanded by Hengis.

Throughout the night the wind freshened and by dawn a strong breeze was pushing the Mermaid past Hengis’s longship. Helios took her close alongside so they could speak to each other. The first thing Hengis wanted to know was about Drustina.

“She’s still sleeping so I suppose that’s a good thing, though if this breeze increases any more she will be woken by the motion.”

“The moment she wakes, tell me please.”

“Will do. How are the townsfolk handling your ship?”

“Okay, most of them are fishermen anyway.”

They continued talking until Hengis’s lookout shouted down from the larger ship’s higher mast.

“Sail ahoy; it looks like the ships from Honfleur.”

Both captains altered course to join the refugees and by noon a fairly large fleet of assorted vessels were approaching the Solanta. Two ships that Helios and Hengis readily recognised as mermaid class vessels came out to meet them. Carl was in the lead vessel. When he learned of Drustina’s wound, he immediately oar-hopped across and checked for himself. His voice inadvertently roused Drustina from her healing slumber. She croaked huskily.

“Get me a drink of water please.”

Symone produced one as if by magic as she attended her rescuer. By now Hengis had joined them and they gathered around their wounded leader as information was swapped. It seemed the Saxon king of Wessex was hopelessly ill-prepared for an invasion but several of the Saxon lords and earls were made of sterner stuff. Orders had been despatched the length and breadth of Wessex calling loyal Saxons to the banner while Carl and Althred had been hammering the Saxon fleet into shape. The time had been well spent and the Wessex Saxons now had some idea of what forces they might be facing. The most serious unknown was the date that the Vikings might appear. Despite the Gauls of Honfleur having given them a good idea of the size of the Viking fleet, nobody could be sure of its state of readiness.

One act by Carl and Althred pleased Drustina immensely. They had sent calls out by merchant ships for all interested tribes to join with the Wessex Saxons to destroy the Viking threat once and for all. Carl explained.

“It would have been faster perhaps to send messages by mermaid ships but they are too valuable to let go. We needed every one we have because we had no idea of the Viking threat until you returned.”
Drustina nodded and asked.

“I don’t suppose any information has come back from the other tribes yet?”

“Too early my lady.” Althred added. They’ve only been gone a couple of days. You’ve only been gone five days.” However, they left with a fair northerly wind and if this South-westerly keeps up they’ll have a fair wind back.”

“With reinforcements I hope.” Drustina finished.

“We mentioned you by name,” Althred replied. “I’m told you’re related to the Celtic King Dryslwyn.”

Drustina nodded then sighed.

“I am his great niece by marriage but he remembers me as his great nephew.”

She watched Althred’s eyebrows shoot up as she continued.

“I’ll explain at a later time. You’ve done well; every sword and every arm that swings it, will help.”

“So are the rumours true then?” Althred persisted somewhat insensitively.

“Yes.” Drustina stated matter-of-factly. “So let’s not be hearing any more about me until this bloody war is over.”

Althred caught a warning glance from Carl and Hengis so he deemed it prudent to take Drustina’s advice. The meeting continued as the leaders debated what to do whilst also lamenting their lack of hard information. Eventually a vote was taken and a reluctant decision was taken to have a volunteer team go back to The Havre and send some spies ashore right into the Lion’s den.

Drustina was surprised and pleased that Symone was prepared to be part of the spy mission. She had half expected Heliox to volunteer; the lad was young and adventurous so Drustina’s expectations were not disappointed. In Symone’s case however, Drustina took the girl aside to check her motives.

“I know you’ve suffered gravely at the hands of the Vikings, are you sure this is not some sort of revenge suicide mission for you. The object of this mission is to bring back hard information; we need to know as much as possible about their intentions.”

“Don’t worry my-lady, I have become adept at hoodwinking these obsessive butchers. When they see me, all they see is tasty meat. I use their predatory preoccupations to pick my moments.”

She smiled with hard glittering eyes that betrayed the ripe inviting curves of her young body. Drustina was not deceived though, she readily saw the raging hurt that so motivated the girl — for girl she was with only fourteen years behind her. Then Drustina remembered the clever pretence of injury the girl had portrayed during the previous attack and she nodded her head with slow satisfaction.

‘Here was a girl cut out for spy work.’ But Drustina still wanted the kid back. She saw a real asset in the girl’s sharp intelligence and courage. That evening she took Heliox and Symone aside and explained.

“I must repeat again. The mission is about gathering information. I want you back! No stupid heroics, no dramatic gestures. Carl is experienced in getting people ashore under cover but he does not speak Gaul. You two do and Symone is a local girl. Your cover is as good as we can make it. Be careful! I wish I could come but my shoulder still plagues me.”

She tried to lift her arm and rotate it but the effort defeated her and she winced. Symone frowned.

“Is it going to get better?”

“The healers say yes, but I’ve rarely taken this long to recover before. The sword did some real damage to my tendons. They say they’re not cut but it hurts to lift my arm above my shoulder. Anyway, don’t worry about me, you just make sure you get back. You’ll have to arrange your rendezvous with Carl when you get there.”

Later that night as darkness shrouded their departure, Drustina watched from the cliff and cursed her shoulder injury. Althred stood beside her and sensed the Lioness’s frustration.

Gazette of Characters and other information.

Mabina.... The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan.... Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin.... The twin’s grandfather.
Giana.... The twin’s grandmother.
Caderyn.... The twin’s father.
Herenoie.... The twin’s wise and beautiful mother.
Morgaran.... The Twins oldest brother.
Aiofe.... The twin’s oldest sister. Famous for her beauty.
Tara.... The twin’s second oldest sister. Famous for her grace.
Feidlim.... Twins aunt (Caderyns’ beautiful sister.)
Mogantu.... Twins uncle (Married to Feidlim.) Chief of the Gangani tribe.
Brun.... Twins 2nd cousin and the Acaman clans’ blacksmith.
Feorin.... Twins second brother. Also training to be a blacksmith.
Rhun.... Feidlims’ son and Feorins’ favourite 1st Cousin. (Both red-heads.)
Arina.... Child of a Demetae fisherman, (rescued by Aiofe, Drustan and Mabina.)
Penderol.... Dumnonii Minor chief.
Udris.... Young Dumnonii warrior.
Dryslwyn.... High chief of the whole Celtic nation. Dwells in Brithony.
Bronlwyn.... Dryslwyn’s wife (and queen.)
Magab.... The moor who taught numbers.
Eric.... Saxon galley slave rescued from Corsair pirates.
Carl.... Another Saxon galley slave rescued by Drustan.
Torvel.... Celtic galley slave rescued from the same captured corsair ship
Arton.... Turdetani Chieftain Holder of Gibral Rock.
Carinia.... Arton’s wife.
Isobel... . Arton’s adopted daughter.
Appotel.... King of the Turdetani Tribe. (Southern Iberia.)
Bramana.... Queen. (Wife of Appotel)
Pilus.... King of the Capetani.
Shaleen.... Pilus’s queen and sister to Bramana.
Pedoro.... Lord Marshal of the Southern border region.
Lady Shulaar.... Lord Pedoro’s wife.
Taan.... The scullery maid.
Isaar.... Pedoro’s oldest son.
Ferdie.... Pedoro’s 2nd son
Sular.... Pedoro’s 3rd son
Gontala.... Pedoro’s youngest son.
Shenoa.... Pedoro’s only daughter.
Portega.... Tyrant King to the west.
Portua.... Portega’s grandson.
Jubail.... Old Fisherman.
Mutas.... Magab’s younger brother and usurper.
Walezia.... King of Malta.
Alviar.... Megalomaniacal bishop of Carthage. (Hates Drustina.)
Ethelia.... Female healer who treats Drustina during her pregnancy.
Seripatese.... Drustina’s faithful horse.
Astos & Amitor.... Minor royalty who govern Alexandria. King and Twin Queen.
Meronee.... Nubian Queen of Nobatia The northern Kingdom of the Nubians.
Horam.... The Egyptian master Boat builder.
Muraa.... King Astos’s male partner.
Tuk.... Makurian general.
Fantu.... Makurian Captain.
Irene.... Emperor Leon’s only child.
Leon.... Byzantine Emperor.
Zano.... Byzantine general who defeats the Bulgars with Drustina’s help.
Urthos.... The Gaul elected captain of the 4th ship. Ex Barbary galley slave.
Horus... . Horam the boat-builder’s son.
Sister Catherine.... Leader of the pirate nuns.
Guthrun.... Jarl of Bornholm.
Etheline.... Guthruns’ wife the countess of Bornholm.
Capenda.... Taras’ mare.
Athun.... Gay king of Dark Age Denmark.
Queen Elthorn.... King Athuns’ Consort.
Iselda... . Athun and Brendigan’s, younger (middle) sister.
Heingist or Hengis..... Drustina’s loyal Danish pilot who becomes her 1st Mate
Brendigan..... Athun’s older sister and consort queen of Svenland.
Bjorn.... . The captain of the Palace Guard. King Athun’s gay partner.
Morgan and Amethyst..... Drustina’s twin children.
Dalcimon..... Queen of West Friesia.
Andrar..... Prince of West Friesia (Dalcimon’s son.)
Jupus..... Carl’s stallion.
Heliox..... Drustina’s second mate and deputy navigator (Ex Belgiie fisherman)
Gisela..... Viking princess captured after the Battle of Godwin Sands.
“Althred..... Young Saxon Naval commander who allies his fleet with Drustina
Symone.... Young teenaged rape victim who join’s Drustina’s band.
Edburg.... The Angry mermaid’s cook.

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