I just got home from going to the doctors, and I have to share what happened. I've been fighting a cold the last couple of days, and even stayed home from work last night, so my mom insisted on me seeing the doc. So I go, and once I'm there this nice female doctor starts doing her thing, and after checking my breathing, and doing the "ahh" thing, she asks me some questions. The last question she asked me threw me though.
She asked "And how are your periods?"
I had to explain I dont have the right equipment for a period, and she said she had asked because I have more hair than most women do, and one thing that can cause body hair growth is problems with one's cycle.
But still, I must pass pretty good if she asked, dont you think?
its a nice feeling thats for sure
I was admitted to emerg once after 5 days without a bath or shave.
I did not pass. I had to demand a urinal to pee in instead of the bedpan. The nurse kept telling me women don't use urinals...those are for men. You could almost hear the 'you ditzy bitch...' added on the end.
To this day I do not know what I was doing 'right' but I doubt I passed all that well.
"right" and "passing"
To be honest I have been a watcher of people all my life.
You see i am not human but a strange being who has to watch people to know how to act around them. I have noticed when we stop thinking of ourselves as trans we relax and our inner selves shine through. So thats what you did "right" to allow you to "pass"
hugs allie
to hug is to be and to be is to be hugged
view the world through the eyes of a child and relearn the wonder and love
Allie elle loved and cared for and resident of the kids camp full time
Of course you pass
your light shines dear one. Always remember your true self. You are a very lovely woman. Just remember we all have those terrible moments we question ourselves. But you are that Shining Light Of Femininity. My love is shared and the Goddess Is with you.
Always sharing Love and Light with my SISTERS
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Yeah, It's Nice
I always have to say I'm trans when I get a breast X-ray and the tech asks 'how long ago was my last period'.
Your Dr. could have been wondering if you had polycystic ovarian disease. POD is apt to cause higher than usual androgen levels in the wimyn having it.
How about if you post another picture so we can see how you are passing so well?
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
With an A+ I think. After all, they are trained to be observational when it comes to the body and their patients.
Yay! ^_^
I agree with Renee. We need another picture of you, so we can appreciate your beauty. = )
I have beauty?
giggles. I cant promise, but I will see what I can do about a new pic.
Seen transgirl out on the street...
... couple of days ago. She looked quite OK. Quite nice breasts and hips... but... Blouse with high collar in very warm weather. Stable walk on her 3" heels, but long stamped strides. No facial hair and good skin but too much of foundation with no blush and too little of other colours on her face.
She looked mostly OK. You see GG's with more hair on their face, worse fashion sense, and no makeup skills. But somehow she managed to project "man in dress" by summ total...
Sorry... My point is that passing is not only how you look on photo or in the mirror. It's dynamics. It's passion.
If you have right dynamics in your conduct and have passion, you could look like Popeye the Sailor in scrubs, but people around will think that you are just a girl with strange hormonal imbalance.
As example, I've never tried to pass as female. But still have some kind of girly moments when strangers in the street or in the shops call me "miss" looking into my ushaved face :-)
of course yo pass you silly goose you ,what some just dontrealize is that if you are a woman why do you need to "pass" got to say ,all I ever saw was a woman in you my child.. HUGS &Warm snuggles
Reminds me of a time...
I was living in Milton, Florida, about 25 miles west of Pensacola. I was living full time, but didn't think I was passing. I had angina pains, and was taken to Sacred Heart Hospital in 'Cola. First question out of the doc's mouth was "When was your last period?" After explaining my situation, he turned white (not easy for an African-American), and asked his nurse to take over. She leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Welcome to the family, Sis! You look amazing. But you really broke my heart. I was about to ask you out to Emerald City (THE best LGBT club in Pensacola, everyone knows about it...) Saturday." Never had I felt better. I had the two things I needed most at that moment- Dilaudid, and self-confidence...
*Kisses Always*
Haylee V