Fashion Star

 ¬Fashion Star


Paula Dillon

Robert Wilson was a teenage tailor who loved to help his mom sew dresses.

Monique Lawson stood behind the cosmetic counter in her store at Honey Brook Mall and looked out towards the concourse of the mall. It was a Saturday, early in September and she was watching a person sitting on the bench in front of her shop. She owned ‘Monique’s Chalet’, a large, high end, non-chain fashion store, which sold women’s clothing for everything from Casual Chic, Club Wear for the most sophisticated clubs, business wear for the top corporate board rooms, bridal fashion and high society fashion, all in her four thousand square foot, two story store.

She thought about the person, because she couldn’t frame in her mind whether it was a very nicely dressed casual young male, or a female. The person was midland in height, to tall, depending on the person’s sex; the person had long hair, in a low pony tail and was dressed in a long sleeve white shirt, a vest done in an embroidered Manhattan city skyline (prior to 9-11), with a gray satin back, slim fitting black slacks, a scarf, plain black cowboy boots with a stacked heel, Gucci glasses and an off white fedora with a black band. Whatever this person was, she thought they were good looking.

The person sat on the bench, with an art pad and red leather messenger bag purse, which contained their supplies. This person would often stop drawing for a few seconds, to glance up at the store front displays, before resuming their drawing. This person had been there for nearly two hours.

“Anna, I am thirsty. I think I am going to get an Amaretto Cappuccino.”

“Get one for me too Boss, if you can get your mind off of that boy out front.”

“Is it a boy?” Monique asked.

“I believe so, but I wouldn’t swear to it on a stack of bibles. If that’s a girl, she sure wasn’t visited by the titty fairy.”

“Still… I will be back in a couple.” Monique said, as she stepped from behind the counter and headed to the Mall’s Starbuck’s.

She glanced over her shoulder at this person, now that she was closer, decided that Anna was right; this person was a male. Starbuck’s was just five shops away from her store. Monique went in and ordered two medium Amaretto Cappuccinos. As she headed back to her store, she came up behind the person of interest and looked over their shoulder.

She was amazed at what she saw. This person was drawing a very nice rendition of one of the store’s mannequins. It was as good as any concept drawing she had seen when she had worked for one of New York’s top fashion houses. She was almost mesmerized, as she sat down next to this person and watched them add the finishing touches, to the drawing.

Unconsciously, she tapped the person on the shoulder and handed the person a cappuccino, “May I look at your drawings, please?.”

Robert was startled by the woman’s sudden appearance, and her beauty. She had to be the prettiest lady he had ever seen. He mechanically accepted the drink from her, as he handed her his pad. He had been so intent on what he was doing that he didn’t realize that he was thirsty himself. He took a careful sip, tasting the drink, and was immediately in love with it. He also tasted a touch of lipstick and looked at his cup. Sure enough, the cup bore the lady’s lip print, but he didn’t care.

“These drawings are very good, are you an art student?”

“No, but I have taken some art classes. I really want to be a fashion designer, so I spend my time studying ladies fashion.”

“Are you taking fashion classes at college?”

“College, no I am just a junior at high school.”

Monique looked up in surprise into this person’s incredible sapphire blue eyes. “These drawings aren’t just good, they’re great!”

Monique’s eyes lingered on this person’s face. He/she had a pretty heart shaped face for a girl, or a very feminine one, if it was a guy. Their lashes were longer than average and full. The person’s skin was a clear and clean, peaches and cream, but their lips were a little thin, if they were a girl’s. Their ears sported ten millimeter gold ball studs. This person also had some gorgeous, below the shoulder, blond hair.

When Monique realized that she was staring, she startled and said, “Oh, forgive me for staring. Hello my name is Monique Lawson.”

“Hello Mrs. Lawson. I am Robert Wilson.”

“Its Ms. but you may call me Monique, if I may call you Robert?”

“Ok, Monique,” Robert said, giggling.

“I have seen you out here since this morning drawing and I just had to come out and see what you were doing. I own this store.”

Robert looked shocked and a little afraid, “I am sorry, I wasn’t trying to steal any designs or anything. I was just practicing my design work. I need to know what women are wearing, if I am going to design clothes for them.”

“Don’t worry. Although the fashions are up to date, there are already knock-offs of these designs on the way. Anyway, I don’t design clothes, I just sell them. I was just curious… What kind of fashion are you interested in, Robert?”

“All kinds of fashion. I want to be like Michael Kors, Gianni Versace, or Jean Paul Gaultier.”

“Those are very admirable role models, if you want to get into fashion. Why don’t we go to my office, so we can talk?”

Robert was hesitant, “I would really like too, but…” His stomach, audibly growling, told the story.

“Let me call my store and tell them that I am going out for a late lunch,” Monique said, pulling out her cell phone. “Anna, I am going out for lunch. I will be back in a couple of hours.” When she rang off, she turned to Robert, “I am going to buy the next Versace a lunch and I am not going to take NO for an answer. So gather up your things.”

Monique stood, as Robert put his colored pencils away, in his messenger bag. It really was a purse, after all. Robert slung the bag over and across his shoulder like some girls carry their purses and stood up. Monique guessed that he was about five foot nine and with his boots, he stood nearly six feet. He was very slender for a boy, maybe a four, or a six, if he wore ladies’ fashion items. She took his hand firmly and emphatically, but not crushingly.

“So how long have you been interested in fashion, Robert?”

“Since I was young,” Robert said. “My Mom is a dress maker and I always loved the things she would make. I thought she was a magician.”

“Oh, is she a name in fashion?”

“Nah, she is just a humble dress maker. She does a lot of dresses for women with problem figures, which are hard to fit off the rack. Don’t get me wrong she is very good at what she does. She taught me everything I know.”

“I know exactly what you mean. A good fifty percent of the female population find it hard to get a good fit, off the racks. That is why we hire seamstresses, to give them a good fit for that exceptional look.”

Monique led them to the escalators and went up to the third floor. Robert’s eyes got really big when he saw where she was leading him. He had never eaten there, but he knew one could easily spend a hundred dollars, there.

“I can’t afford that place, Monique.”

“I can, so just be a good boy and come along,”

Monique could be more than a little domineering at times. It was one side of her personality that she really took pleasure in. She wasn’t overbearing or cruel, but she rarely took no for an answer, especially on something trivial as lunch.

Carlos Luigi’s was the restaurant at Honey Brook Mall. It wasn’t a four star restaurant, but it was close, they were just one great review away. As they entered the restaurant Robert started to take off his hat, but Monique stopped him. The Maá®tre’d snapped to attention as he saw them.

“What can I do for you two ladies?”

Robert just blushed; this wasn’t the first time he had been mistaken for a girl. Monique smiled and ordered an intimate booth for two. The Maá®tre’d led them to a table in the back where many power lunches and liaisons take place. Their booth faced a flower garden and fountain, and really was intimate.

The waiter pulled the table away from the curved seat and the two of them sat side by side, with Robert on the right. He then handed them their menus and took their drink orders.

“Do you mind if I order for you Robert, I am sure you have no idea about what is good on the menu?”


Monique smiled and asked, “Do you like seafood, beef, pork or chicken?”

“I love seafood.”

“That is good, Robert.”

When the waiter arrived, Monique ordered a seafood platter for herself and a grilled tuna steak for Robert.

“So let me see what you know about fashion Robert.”

For the next two hours they sat and talked about the latest in New York, Paris and Milan. Robert could recall who showed what, where and when. Monique was amazed, but what surprised her more was when Robert pulled out Elle, Vogue and Allure from his portfolio bag and began showing her what he liked and what he thought was not so good.

Over dessert, Monique asked to see his portfolio again. She inspected each drawing closely. One thing she noted was how Robert accessorized each outfit. It was slightly different from her own displays and it was clear to her, that he was very good at choosing things to go with each outfit.

“So have you ever sewn any of your own creations?” Monique asked, as she paged through the drawings.

“A few. I’ve even sewn my own clothes, like what I am wearing now,” Robert said.

He then pointed out some of things he had sewn; that were in his portfolio. Robert showed her a silver mid-thigh sheath dress, which would be in-style at Studio 54, or any other sophisticated night spot.

“Did you wear this?” Monique teased.

“No, I did that for a friend at high school. She needed a dress for the Junior Prom and didn’t have the money to buy a dress like you sell. I just charged her forty dollars for the material.” Robert reached into his messenger bag and pulled out his smart phone. He opened his gallery and panned to the picture. “That is Laura West and that is the dress. I took that after the final fitting, so she isn’t made up and her hair isn’t done.”

Monique looked at the picture. Even though she was not quite ready for the night life, the girl looked very nice. The dress looked exquisite on the girl. “If the dress is well sewn, you may have a career in fashion in your future. She is very chic.”

“I saw her at the dance, she looked like a dream come true, she had her hair done in an up do and her makeup was phenomenal,” Robert said, with a touch of longing in his voice. “I would have had her makeup done a little differently.”

“Did you go with your girlfriend?”

“No, I went with a ‘Girl Friend’ not a girlfriend. I have lots of ‘Girl Friends’, but not any real girlfriends right now.”

“So, you are a junior this year, why did you go to the junior prom?”

“A friend of mine, Debra Langston, her date canceled the day of the dance.”

Robert took his phone back and panned to a picture of the two of them together. Debra looked nice, but she wasn’t a “dream come true” kind of girl. She was a little overweight and her hair really needed a lot of work, but even in his suit and tie, Robert’s appearance was ambiguous at best, but quite cute.

“He asked her out and had planned to stand her up from the start. He already had his real date lined up.”

“I would have cut his heart out and served it to him on a platter. There isn’t anything wrong with this Debra.”

“Except that she is smarter than ninety-nine point eight percent of the students at our school.”

“What about you? How smart are you?”

“I have a three point six five average.”

“Not bad.”

“Debra is a four-oh senior, student taking all AP classes, this year. She should be Valedictorian this year, if she isn’t screwed out of it.”

Monique smiled at Robert, as she thought about what she was going to say next, “So you want to learn fashion. I think that you’re well on your way. How would you like to work fifteen hours a week, in the back, at my store? You would work in shipping and receiving, help in designing my store fronts and dressing my mannequins. The storefront mannequins are dressed where they are standing. The in-store mannequins are dressed in the back and wheeled out to where they are displayed. We change our in-store displays, twice a week and our store front displays, every ten days to two weeks. You would get to see the latest fashion and inspect how they are sewn.”

Robert’s brow creased, as he sat thoughtfully thinking. He really wanted to and was about to accept.

“Before you answer, why don’t you ask your mom and dad?”

“No dad; just my mom. Mom didn’t get married. While Dad wasn’t a one night stand, he ran after he got her pregnant.”

“Does she know what you want to do?”

“Yes and she is encouraging me. I couldn’t do this without her.”

“Give her a call.”

Robert punched the icon picture of his mother on his smart phone and held the phone up to his ear. After several seconds he began to speak, “Mom, do you know Monique’s Chalet… Yes that’s the place. Monique Lawson is offering me a job there for fifteen hours a week… In the back, doing shipping and receiving, dressing mannequins and such… Didn’t ask, probably minimum wage.” Robert then turned to Monique. “Here, she wants to talk with you.”

“What’s her name?”

“Caroline Wilson.”

“Hello, Ms. Wilson, I am Monique Lawson… Yes I own Monique’s Chalet. No he didn’t… I just saw him drawing and sat down to talk with him. He is quite talented… Yes I have seen his portfolio. He is quite the artist. I have no doubt that he will make it in the business if he can create what he draws. He just needs the right contacts. Oh, none of my girls make minimum wage, neither would he. I would probably start him at eight and a quarter. No, he would be near the dressing rooms, although he might work with my seamstress in fitting. Let’s go eat at Guido’s somtime… Tonight… Yes I can come by in two hours, I will bring Robert with me… Thank you, here he is.”

Robert’s Mom confirmed what she had told Monique, “Ok Mom, See you in a couple.”

“Let’s head back to my office and fill out some paperwork.”


Monique observed Robert as he filled out his employment form. He wrote with a neat precise script, which was easily readable. She also took a closer look at the boy. She just had to reach out and touch his white button up dress shirt. It was made of a really nice cotton silk blend. It was made for a man, as it buttoned left over right, but the collar was a little larger, the points were a little longer, and there were no chest pockets. The stitching appeared to be excellent.

“You sewed that shirt too, didn’t you?”

“Yes, it was a sewing project for me.”

“Did you use a pattern?”

“Yes, but I made my own. A fashion mogul doesn’t start out with a pattern. They make their own. I didn’t use a pattern at all on Laura’s dress. I just cut and pinned it to a dress form. I made it work and then I finished it on my sewing machine. Mom taught me how to create.”

Monique was really impressed now, “You have your own sewing machine.”

“Yes, I have a Janome Memory Craft 6300. Mom has a better machine. I also use it to do machine embroidery, of designs I create on my computer. I embroidered a twenty inch macaw on a pair of girl’s jeans,” Robert said showing her the picture on his tablet. “I made two hundred dollars doing that design.”

Monique couldn’t stand it anymore, she had an itch. She picked up a phone and made a call, “Rachel, hi. Could you bring me one of those new Jackets we got in… yes, that one, in a size 6 tall… yes, in black. Yes, bring it to my office if you would please. Thank you.”

“Always be nice to your people, Robert. I have worked for tyrants and saints. I am somewhere in between, probably closer to tyrant, but when I talk with my people, I treat them with courtesy, even when I am seething inside. I can hire and fire with a smile on my face. Please don’t be a tyrant.”

Monique saw Rachel heading her way. “Robert, don’t take this the wrong way, but I would dearly like to see you in something, please would you try it on?”

Rachael knocked on the door and was waved in. “Yes Rachael, would you help Robert on with that jacket.”

Robert was a little hesitant, but he stood and Rachael helped him with the black velvet jacket. The sleeves were a little puffed at the shoulder and fitted to the wrist. Rachael turned Robert and buttoned it. It was a little snug at the waist, but it surprisingly fit and looked good on him. Monique fiddled with it a bit and pulled the shirt collar over top of the jacket. It just needed a broach on the left lapel and have Hana do his makeup, but Monique wasn’t going to press it. It didn’t scream feminine, but looked quite chic. A woman could look quite fetching in it at the market, and in the Hamptons, wearing this jacket.

“Thank you Rachel. That looks good on you. Please wear it for me. You are such a dear.”

Robert turned to a mirror stand, in Monique’s office. He wanted to take the jacket off, he didn’t want Monique to think he was a puff, but she was right; it did look good on him. He stood there and planned how he would accessorize a girl wearing what he wore and how her makeup should look; or was it fantasizing what he should look like. He didn’t know.

“It looks good, I just wish it came in a man’s cut.”

“That jacket will be part of your uniform. You have to look good, if you are going to sell good clothes. Are you still in?”

He would be there out front from time to time and everyone he saw working for Monique, were dressed very nicely, “Well if you put it that way, I guess you’re right, yes, I am still in.”

“Good, we will get you two more jackets on Monday. You will need to keep them immaculate and fresh. I will pay you an allowance to keep them in A1 condition. How are you with shirts like this and black pants? Oh, I like those boots, can you wear the pants leg on the outside?”

“Yes I can,” Robert said, sitting down. He then pulled his pant legs up and over his boots. “I have two pair of black pants, including this pair and three white shirts, like this one,” she got his sizes and made a note. She smiled when she realized just how close she was. She would get him a pair of high heeled boots, with the chunky heels, ladies boots that is.

“I will get you another pair of pants then, and you are ok with the shirts then? This will be your uniform.”

He had to admit that even though he looked feminine, he looked good.

“Now I will give you the nickel tour and then we will go pick your mom up.”

Robert picked up his things and shouldered his bag.

Monique took Robert around and showed him where things were and introduced him to her girls. She did have a few males working there; Robert would be number nine, out of eighty three employees. Monique knew everyone’s first name and introduced him to all of the department heads. Something she rarely did. HR usually did that task. It was left unsaid, but implicit that this was her hire. She did asked Velma, who was in charge of the art department, and Carmen at the loading docks and inventory, to teach him the ropes. She really did want him to work, but he was also to be given time to look the clothes over closely. She would later tell her shipping and receiving supervisor, that she wanted him to handle some of every type of clothing. Carmen just smiled and giggled.


When they got to Robert’s house, they were met at the doorstep by Carol Wilson. Her eyes got really big, as she saw her son and her eyes started to mist over a bit. She was glad to have a son and wouldn’t trade him for a million bucks, but she had always longed for a girl, to teach her how to be a woman. She would love him, if he was three hundred pounds and had warts. She didn’t try making him this way or that, but he slowly moved himself that way. In the fashion industry, that is mostly alright. There are totally straight men doing fashion and more than just a few men, who had all kinds of… orientations. She was glad that he totally despised the macho lifestyle other teenage males lived. Seeing her cute son come up the walk, sent her heart fluttering.

Monique reached out her hand towards the lady and said, “Hello, you must be Ms. Wilson?”

“Please call me Carol, everyone except Robert does. Robert, is that your jacket? I don’t remember it.”

“No, it’s my new uniform at Monique’s Chalet. This will be what I have to wear,” Robert said, striking a very feminine pose, turning a quarter, pointing a toe, elbows in, shoulder towards his mom and patting his hair.

Carol reached out and felt the lapel, inspecting what she could see, “It really is a nice jacket and it looks good on you. Make sure you take good care of it. I would hate to have to buy another. Well I guess we should go.”

“Just let me drop off my portfolio,” Robert said, as he just stepped inside their home.

Monique was a little surprised, when he just opened his messenger bag, took out several boxes of colored pencils and came out carrying the bag over his left shoulder.

“Do you often carry a shoulder bag, Robert?” Monique asked.

“I like this messenger bag better than a backpack. I need something to carry all my art stuff. I also have my tablet, my smart phone, my keys and my wallet in it, as you have seen. Mom suggested this messenger bag. It was made for my smart phone, tablet and had room for the other things.”

“Do you carry it to school?”

“Yes, and I do get kidded about it, but hey, I like it and my real friends are ok with it. The school comes down hard on anything more than a little teasing.”

Monique and Carol talked on the way to Guido’s. To Robert it was just all small talk about nothing that was earth shattering. The two women were just letting their hair down, reducing their stress level from the day. At least till the conversation turned to Robert.

“Oh, Robert told me he sewed his own shirt and that cute vest he has on.”

“He sewed every stitch by himself, I am so proud of him. He also helps me when things get really busy.”

“What, at prom time, holidays and such?”

“Oh yes, I would be lost without his assistance. He hasn’t done any fitting, but he knows how to do it, but you know, most women don’t want a man fitting them for a dress, unless the man is openly gay or something. I don’t think Robert is gay; although it wouldn’t matter to me if he was.”

They then shifted gears again and talked about other things. Robert was amazed at how girls jumped from one topic to another. Sometimes, it seemed like Monique was talking about one thing and his Mom about another thing.

Still what his mom had said, was comforting, but still a little unsettling at the same time. He really liked girls. He thought of himself as straight and hoped to find a girl someday. He also liked the things they got to wear and he appreciated a good looking woman. Guys, for the most part, were just yucky slobs, who didn’t care how they looked, unless they wanted something. Robert liked to look nice. He just didn’t know where that would leave him.


At Guido’s, Robert again kept his hat on. He knew that it only served to announce himself as a girl, to the people there. Monique wanted him too and now his Mom gave her silent approval. Men don’t wear hats inside, especially inside a restaurant. Waiters appeared at their table to assist the women, there was even one that helped Robert take a seat. Monique just smiled, when he didn’t say anything.

They talked fashion, for the next half hour, as they ate. Carol was in heaven, to actually sit down and talk with another woman, who wasn’t in for a fitting and it had been weeks since she had been out like this. It is so easy to just get locked into a routine.

After they finished eating, Monique had to catch herself, and not ask Robert if he wanted to go to the ladies room, with her and his mom. Robert could have gone to the men’s room, he needed to go, but not badly enough to go into one dressed as he was now. He could hold it for another hour. After all, the people here probably thought he was a girl.

When they finally got home, Robert did hurry to the bathroom. Monique came in with Carol.

“Monique, while Robert is out of earshot, what are your intentions. I will scratch your eyes out if you hurt him.”

“Nothing prurient, if that is what is worrying you. I see genius in Robert. I also see a guy who would look like one hell of a girl. I won’t force anything on him, except for his uniform, which will always be black pants, white shirt, with no tie, one of my jackets and black dress shoes or boots. If he wants, on the other hand, to try more on, I will assist him, as long as it is voluntary.”

“That has been my attitude, to let him wear what he wants. Hell, he sews most of his own clothes right now. I never told him what to sew. He could sew a dress that would fit himself; if he wanted. I just want him to be happy.”

“There is just one thing I want you to know Carol, I am domineering, without being overbearing. I expect to get my way, but I am never cruel. I let my presence speak for me. I won’t make Robert into something he is not, but working for me may change him. If he feels he has to leave, for whatever reason, I won’t be vindictive.”

“I can live with that.”

Robert came back and his Mom made him give Monique a tour of their work areas. The dress shop portion of the house, was the largest part of their home. There were dress forms, sewing machines and a raised pedestal, to mark hems. The sewing machines indeed, were professional quality, Monique noted, better than she had used at the fashion house. Robert had spoken the truth. He showed off his pictures of the many things he had sewn and handed her a few examples of his work for her to inspect. Monique critically inspected what she saw. It was very good, but he still needed work and that came with time. Robert was still young, but going places.

After an hour or so, Monique made her excuses and hugged the two of them, kissing their cheeks. On Robert, she left her lip print.

“Monday after school, 4:00pm, don’t be late Robert.”


Monday had been a strange day at school. He had worn the black jacket to school and was definitely noticed. He took some jeers, mostly from guys. A girl asked if he knew that that was a ladies jacket. He told her it was part of his work uniform for Monique’s Chalet. Her eyes got kind of dreamy, as she told him that she just loved their clothes and asked if he could get her a discount. He didn’t know whether he got one or not, and told her probably not, as he was just a part time employee. She also teased him about working in the lingerie department, but he told her he was working in shipping and receiving and in the art departments. He hung the jacket in his locker, but the word had spread. Not just a few girls asked about discounts.

After the last bell, a teacher almost made him late, she had stopped him to tell him about what a good job he had done on a report. It didn’t pay to be rude to a teacher who gave you good grades.

He got to HR with five minutes to spare and spent a half hour reading and signing paperwork. He then had to sign for and put on a pin that was essentially a large broach. It was one and a half by two and a quarter inches. It consisted of the stylized initials MC decorated with the initials in pink CZ’s on a background of sapphire blue cut stones. He hadn’t noticed before but all office people and sales people wore them. It was valued at two hundred-fifty dollars if it wasn’t returned at termination. Candace Walters did the honors of pinning Robert. She was about fifty, but she was very pretty for her age.

“Gee, does this mean that we are going steady?” Robert teased.

“I will have to ask my husband first, but if you are available we may be able to work things out,” she teased back. “But that is enough sexual harassment for today.”

From HR’s office, he was sent to shipping and handling to meet Carmen Baraga the supervisor there. Carmen had to go over the safety rules there. Then he was taken to the art department to see Velma Davis, who explained all of his duties there.

Velma first checked his appearance and smiled in approval. She then got down to business. First she taught him how to assemble and disassemble the mannequins, how to dress and undress the mannequins, how to move them and she showed him the thirty day plan for the fashions they were going to display on a dry erase board. They had twenty in-store display points and four window displays that he saw. She already had several racks with clothes on them, tagged with the dates they were to be displayed, where they went and how long they were to be displayed. There was also a list of suggested accessories to adorn the mannequins with.

Velma then had Robert dress the next four mannequins. She arched her eyebrow in surprise at how adept the boy was and also at how much attention he paid to details. Finally, she went with him to deliver the mannequins. She was going to help him set them up, but he just handled it, double checking his work to see that they were optimally positioned. Velma knew then that they had a good employee and that he wasn’t here just as a friend of the boss. After they got all the mannequins back, Robert undressed them, neatly hung the clothes and took care of their work station.

At seven he left the store and caught the bus home. His mom had dinner ready for him. They talked about their day as they sat and ate. Carol admired the broach on his jacket.

“Yes, all employees that work in the offices and on the sales floor wear them, except for the janitorial staff. I have to keep up with it Mom, it’s worth two hundred fifty dollars.”

“I can see. It is very nice. It looks good on your lapel, too,” she said, as she admired it.


Tuesday he wore his jacket to school, but kept his pin in his coat pocket and again he hung it in his locker. He received a little more teasing but the halls were filled with teachers and volunteer parents. The school had taken a hard line on harassment, since all the school violence lately and after an openly gay student was injured on campus. The school was sued and four teachers lost their jobs when they didn’t react fast enough. One football coach watched the boy get hurt for over a minute before moving in to break things up.

At work, he was fitted with two more jackets, a wool three button jacket in royal blue, and a scarlet red brushed stretched twill jacket. The blue jacket had padded shoulders and a larger lapel, and the red jacket was longer, had a narrow lapel that went down to the single button at the belt line. Both jackets were more feminine than his black jacket. He also received a pair of ladies slacks size eight tall, which had been altered to fit him, he guessed. At least the fabric was good and the zipper was in the front.

He worked in shipping and receiving today. He was tasked with randomly selecting garments from a shipping crate and giving them a close inspection for quality control. The store received three pallets of lingerie and he was expected to closely inspect three percent of the incoming merchandise. Carmen showed him what to look for and set him to work.

Robert made his selections and then sat down at a large table and began his inspection. He didn’t handle the clothes like most guys would, but like someone who had a job to do, without consideration for what the garment was. He even used a magnifying glass to inspect some of the seams. It really looked like he knew what he was doing. Carmen was surprised at how quickly he went through the stacks. He inspected the insides and outsides of the garments and placed them in two piles, a large acceptable pile and a smaller rejected pile. Carmen was alarmed about the size of the rejected pile. She worried about his being overly critical.

When he finished, he brought Carmen the smaller pile, it contained several expensive bustiers, several handfuls of panties, and bras, along with other lingerie, for her to see. They had crooked or pinched seams, missed stitches, or small kinks in the fabric, and several other defects he thought shouldn’t be there. One pair of panties even had a hole in the back, where the gusset was sewn in. The sewing machine had apparently cut the thin material of the panty. All of the garments he brought her had legitimate reasons to be rejected. Carmen brought in more employees to inspect a larger percent of the shipment. She also notified Monique, who personally came down, looked at the rejects, and inspected some herself. When she saw the growing pile of rejects, she furiously rushed out to call the manufacturer to give them a piece of her mind. She ordered that lot set aside, as it contained a full seven percent of defects.

At the end of the shift, Monique called Carmen and Robert into her office.

“I want to thank you Carmen and Robert. The defects would eventually have been found, but it was good that they were found by you two, rather than by our customers. I can’t express just how important that was. You two have protected the reputation of my store. Monique’s Chalet isn’t some bargain basement seconds store, after all. I am awarding the both of you two hundred dollars of in-store credit. Robert, I am sure your mom or girlfriend will be happy to collect.”

“Thank you,” Carmen and Robert said.

“Carmen, this maybe too much to ask, but can you Give Robert a lift home? He has two suit bags to carry.”

“I would be happy to, Monique.”


Robert was off on Wednesday and Thursday, after school on those days, he spent the extra time working with his mother. They had some bridesmaid dresses that had to be finish by Friday. Robert was tasked to sew the hems that his mom had marked for him. There were five dresses, with seven feet of hems each, while his mom put the final touches on the bride’s gown. He also used this time to get ahead in his studies.


Friday, after school, found him working again in shipping and receiving. The pallet that had held the lingerie was now gone and in its place were three hanger trollies, filled with fall fashions hanging on them. After they were inventoried, thank god for bar code scanners, Carmen and Robert went through the entire shipment and were both satisfied with what they saw. Robert was good at rehanging and straightening the garments. Carmen could hardly tell which garments Robert had already inspected.

Carmen had fun teasing Robert. She would hold a dress up to him, or tuck one edge of the dress beneath the blue jackets lapel, she would then comment on how the dress looked. Robert took it with a smile on his face and did the same to her. Unfortunately, the fashions were too young, too short and too small for Carmen, but she would smile, giggle, or blush, especially when he teased her about one mini-dress with an impossibly short skirt.

Carmen exclaimed in Spanish and then in English, “Oh my, I would get arrested if I wore that one outside. It is suited for one younger like you.”

“Fraid it ain’t my style either. I could just hear the guys in the locker room talk if I wore that one to school. I would need an army to get out alive.”

Robert then used the back way and service elevators, to deliver the product to the appropriate departments. The department supervisors signed off on receiving the shipments.

Just before he left, Velma Davis came in and said, “Oh Robert, good thing I caught you. Be here bright and early at 7:45 tomorrow morning. We are doing the first floor store front displays. We have from eight to nine forty-five and we open the doors at ten. Look sharp, we will be there for the whole world to see.”

“Yes Ma’am. I will be here on time looking good.”

“Just come to the shipping door, the guard will let you in there.”


Saturday, Robert appeared at the shipping door at seven-forty. The guard looked him over for a few moments and checked his id card, before letting him in. Velma was talking to Rosalyn, another girl who worked in the art department. She smiled and waved Robert over.

“Hurry, we have a lot to do. Rosalyn, you will clothe the left store front and Robert, you have the right store front, I will do the decoration and final inspection. So let’s get cracking, we’re burning daylight girls,” she said, as she hurriedly led the way.

They found trolleys that were already loaded. They just needed to get the jewelry sorted out. Robert loaded his jacket pockets, on his red jacket, with some, but as they started to fill he just put on several necklaces and more than a few bangles found his right wrist.

Once they got all their things together they headed out. As they walked to the store front pushing their trolleys, Velma noted, “Ooh those necklaces go well with that red jacket Robert.”

Robert looked down and saw that it did, “Yes, but I am just wearing it till I get the mannequins dressed, then it goes on them.”

“I know, we all do the same thing,” Rosalyn said, lifting up her necklace that she was wearing. “Still they do go well with your outfit.”

They got to their store fronts and hurriedly got busy. Velma did the backgrounds and foregrounds, while Robert and Rosalyn were busy undressing and redressing the mannequins. Velma had responsibilities in both store fronts, but she kept a closer watch on Robert for a few minutes, till she was sure he was doing alright. Then she got really busy. Robert got all his mannequins dressed and accessorized, and then stepped back. All three of them gave both displays one last check before they cleaned up and left, twelve minutes before the store opening at ten.

Robert had gotten so comfortable, that he didn’t realize that he still wore a beaded necklace and a large wooden bangle, as they headed back. Monique met them at the art department as they returned. She smiled as gave air kisses to the three of them as they returned.

“I checked the monitors and I like what you three have done. Splendid job girls. I would like you three to circulate separately through all the departments and come up with some ideas for October’s designs. Come to my office after lunch and we will talk,” Monique said.

They dropped off their trolleys and that was when Robert heard his wrist jangle. He looked down and saw the bangles and the necklace, he still wore and started to take them off.

Rosalyn noticed and said. “Oh leave them on. The boss already saw you and didn’t say anything. They look good on you and everything we are about is image. You give us a good image.”

Robert got his messenger bag and started in on the first floor. The store was beginning to fill up with shoppers, as he came in the doors. He took out his tablet to make notes on what he saw. The makeup counters were at the front and on both sides of the mall side entrance. One makeup technician saw him and offered him a free makeover. He smiled but turned her down. There were four major brand name companies. He talked to a technician and found that their own companies were responsible for their artwork, subject to Monique’s approval.

Behind the central makeup counter was the jewelry counter, to the left was the teen fashion and to the right was the club fashion. Across from the jewelry counter, was a large casual chic section. Upstairs was the bridal and evening gowns, young professional, business, lingerie and salon. Robert slowly trolled the isles looking like a shopper. He would stop and check out the racks, pulling this or that out, to take a look at things, just like the hundred odd shoppers around him. Nobody took any notice of him, except the occasional shopper, who would ask a store employee a question. The lapel pin was easily recognizable, by the female shoppers in the store. He would smile and answer their questions, or point them to someone who could answer them.

The salon manager Janice smiled when he came in. She took him on a tour and when they got towards the back, she told him emphatically to take a seat.

“But…but… I ah…”

“I know, but I think your hair needs a touch up. Don’t worry, I’m not going to turn you into a Jennifer Lopez.”

She took the small black band out of his hair and threw it away, “Don’t use those things. They grab your hair and tend to pull it out. If you have to use something use a scrunchie, they treat your hair a lot better.”

She combed his hair out, parting it in the middle. She then trimmed off the few split ends he had. She then gathered his hair and used a baby blue scrunchie to give him a high ponytail. She so wanted to do his makeup, he was so cute he would be a real babe, but she restrained herself.

He took the longest time in bridal and evening gown section, looking at many of the dresses there, noting the little things that made each gown unique. He got roped in, by a bride to be, for about twenty minutes. She wanted to know his opinion about this dress or another. Robert gave her his honest opinions and shooed her away from several lovely dresses, which simply would not flatter her. He took several dresses out by himself to offer for her perusal. He gracefully passed her off, once she had found a couple of dresses she liked, to one of the ladies, who worked in that section to help her find her most flattering size.


He went to lunch at one, and at one forty-five he reported to Monique’s office, as requested. Monique’s EA sent him on into her office. He was the first there besides Monique. Velma and Rosalyn arrived just as he sat down on the couch. They sat next to him, while Monique sat in a comfortable armchair.

Monique asked them to critique their own work and then she gave her critique. For the most part, her feedback was positive, with a few minor details, which could be improved on. They then began discussing their ideas for October. The store would begin their fall look on the first of the month and Halloween wouldn’t come in till the twentieth. They each gave Monique their ideas for the store. The Boss thought they all had good ideas and told them to work together and come up with some concept plans by next Saturday.

As they were leaving, Monique asked Robert to stay for a couple of minutes.

“Robert, you have impressed me this week. If I didn’t know better, I would say that you have been here for at least three months. I watched you today, I have cameras throughout the store and I like how you helped my customers. Thank you for your hard work. Also, I like this whole look you have right now. Save the red jacket, necklace and bangles for the weekend look, if it doesn’t embarrass you too much. I will take the cost of those things out of your store credit. You really do look good.”

“Yes Ma’am, I don’t mind, I guess.”


Robert then went straight home. He met his mom just inside the door; she had been waiting for him.

“Hi Robert, you look nice. How was your day dear?”

“Ok, Mom. I really like working there. All the people are so nice and… you were right Mom. I think they want to feminize me.”

“I kind of figured that from my talk with Monique. How do you feel about that?”

“Alright, I guess. I have always been so jealous of what girls can wear. I also love looking at all the dresses and things they have. As long as they don’t try to chop my Johnson off, try to feed me hormones, or try to pimp me out, I can take what they dish out. Oh, Monique wants me to wear this red jacket and jewelry on the Saturdays I work there. It’s kinda cool. I can hang with it and blame it on her, if some kids, tease me about it.”

“Will you do me a favor Robert?”

“What, may I ask?”

“Put on one pair of your breast forms, let me do a little makeup on you, and let’s go get a bite to eat.”

Robert had three sets of breast forms, an almost an A cup set, a B+ set and a small D cup set. He wore them with a bra, when he helped his mom hem a dress and the girl was unavailable. It had been his idea; he knew it really made a difference in the hem. He had also worn a corset before to get a better shape, but he had never worn makeup before and they had never gone out before. He could now see that it was almost inevitable, that he would indeed wear makeup, because of his job. Why not see how it would look now.

“Ok, I will wear my almost an A cup set, no bra, my black three inch pumps and not quite an evening glamour makeup look, with what I have on. Just let me take my MC broach off and we go somewhere farther from home.”


Robert just opened his shirt and attached his A cup breasts with adhesive pads. The pads weren’t strong enough to hold the B cup or the D cup forms without a bra, but it was more than enough for the A cup breast forms. He then took off Monique’s broach. He also took off his pants and put on a heavily padded brief over his panties, to give him some hips.

He had worn panties and a gaff for years, he just loved panties, the gaff not so much, but he felt it was necessary. He wore panties at school, on days that he didn’t have PE. His mom finally contacted a doctor who wrote him an excuse to remove him from PE totally. She was afraid he would slip up one day.

He had pumps in three, four and five inch heels. He knew they made a tremendous difference in getting the hem straight and looking professional. He could walk quite well in them, although he had never worn them out.

He sewed his own clothes, so he could wear all his enhancements. Well he couldn’t wear the B and D cup breast forms with his boy shirts, but he did have some blouses he had sewn for those. The D cup breast forms and corset, had their own blouse, which even his Mom hadn’t seen. It was very tailored to fit his enhanced body. He loved the combination, but was afraid to show it off.

He wondered just what he could get out of Monique. He liked his own designs, but he also liked some others, only time will tell. He would let her give him the store, if it floated her boat.

He took one last look before he went to his mom’s room. The breast forms looked great beneath the jacket. It draped much better now, now that he had something pressing out at the bust. He also loved the way the heels made his legs look longer. He lifted the jacket and looked at his butt, wishing that his own hips were wider and his tush rounder, like they were now.

Dressed, he went to his Mom’s room. He didn’t have his own makeup. He liked girls wearing it and he kind of wanted it, but it would be another step he wasn’t sure about. Would he become a boy who wore makeup every day? It wouldn’t end his life; it might just forever change it. He felt it was inevitable, but still it was a big step.

Carol had fun making him up and her enthusiasm was contagious. She went with a straight evening look, not quite ready for the red carpet, but further than Robert had intended. Carol had trimmed his eyebrows and plucked a few stray hairs, but left the shape alone. She then gave his eyes that smoky look; at least she hadn’t gone trashy, like some of the girls’ at school every day look. He also wore foundation, powder, blusher, lipstick and press on nails that matched his lipstick.

“Well, what do you think, Robert?”

“That you better not call me Robert looking like this Mom. I look fantastic.”

This was the first time he had gone whole hog. He now had the whole package on, that is with pants, instead of a skirt or dress. He wasn’t ready for a skirt or dress yet. He looked not just good, he looked better than half the good looking girls at school. He had height over them and height can make a tremendous difference in how girls look. The woman in the mirror just needed more help in the breast department, but then, he knew forty year old moms that had the same size breasts. His mom handed him a smaller handbag. He could just carry his wallet, phone, keys and a little makeup, his mom gave him to carry, lipstick, mascara, powder and blusher. He almost didn’t have room for the phone.

“So what shall we call you?”

“I was thinking about Robbie, but that might be too close to my own name, but what about McKenzie Wilson, mom?”

“I think that would be wonderful McKenzie.”

“I might legally change my name to that, what would you think of that.”

“I would love McKenzie, just like I love Robert.”

His mom did a few more things before they left. She unbuttoned his top two buttons and changed his jewelry from stud earrings to some jeweled drop earrings, his necklace to a matching necklace with a drop pendant, a lady’s watch and his bangles into a silver cuff bracelet. She also pinned a jeweled butterfly on his jacket’s lapel.


They did go out that night. McKenzie’s mom drove them across the state line and down to Atlantic City. McKenzie had started out kind of nervous as they drove. He looked at himself in the makeup mirror in the visor, as his mother drove, and in his heart he knew that he could do this.

At the same time, he worried about being caught. He knew that that was a possibility. There was more to being a girl than just clothes. Girls and guys just acted differently, but his looks would never betray him. Luckily for him, his voice was close enough in pitch; he would only need to adjust how he talked and how he said things. He never developed that deep resonate voice. He was often mistaken on the phone for a girl. If he acted just a little like his mom and the girls he knew, he should be ok.

In Atlantic City, nobody knew him. While Atlantic City wasn’t known as a Mecca for gays, lesbians and the transgendered, it wouldn’t matter if someone stood up and shouted pervert, he wouldn’t do anything to get arrested. He would be gone and nobody would care the next day.

They stopped at a fairly nice restaurant and went in. They were seated, and again he had a waiter assist him and his mom take their seats. They order their drinks and scanned the menus.

“So where is all this going, McKenzie?”

“How should I know Momma? It seems the whole world wants me in skirts and makeup. I just want to sew them,” McKenzie giggled.

“I didn’t have to twist your arm dear. I didn’t make you come home from work, looking like a professional business woman.”

“I know. It’s not so bad Momma. It’s almost fate, kismet or a giant conspiracy that has gotten me this far.”

“If I ever push too hard, please tell me. I don’t ever want you to hate me.”

“I will never hate you mother. You mean too much to me. I wonder how long it will take Monique to try to get me into a skirt or a dress.”

“No longer than Halloween, most likely.”

“If not sooner. I didn’t tell you. but I have almost two hundred dollars in, in store credit, from where I found all that defective lingerie, Mom.”

“She should have done that. You helped save her stores reputation. Those kinds of things are important to women. If you are going to be some big shot designer, you need to be mindful of the quality of your garments. Quality is more important than Quantity.”

“I know, I almost thought she had set me up, till I saw how pissed she was. She was genuinely glad that we found all those defects.”

“Just don’t use people and at the same time, don’t let yourself be used.”

“I won’t Momma, I promise you that.”

McKenzie was surprised when his mom then took him into a Casino, after they finished eating. Considering New Jersey has a twenty one year old age restriction, McKenzie was surprised when he wasn’t carded. Still he just watched his mom play black jack for an hour; using dollar chips and was down about two hundred fifty dollars. She then stuffed another fifty dollars into a slot machine; on the last pull she hit a jackpot worth several thousand dollars.

“You are my lucky charm McKenzie. I have played slots for ten years and never won more than twenty-five dollars before.”

They went from there to a Wally’s world to buy two sets of clothes each, two sleep shirts and fresh clothes for the next day. Carol bought a bra, panties, a pair of slacks and a floral print blouse.

He whispered to his mom, “I guess that if I am going to end up in skirts, I might as well do it, when I choose.”

“I couldn’t agree with you more, dear.”

McKenzie bought a bra, some panties, a waist nipper, a white, long sleeved, ruffled poet’s blouse, pantyhose and a gray mini-skirt, along with some jewelry that teens go crazy over. He did try on the skirt and blouse inside the store. The nipples of his breast forms, really stood out and the dark circles could easily be seen through the blouse. Carol insisted that McKenzie also buy a lace camisole, after seeing him in that skirt and blouse.

Carol bought makeup for the two of them, some Paul Mitchell shampoo and conditioner, some hair rollers, a scarf, a package of ladies razors and some deodorant. They also found some perfumes they each liked. McKenzie also picked up another shoulder bag.

She checked the two of them into a nice motel. In their room, McKenzie took his bath, he first shaved his arm pits, legs and his pubes, leaving just a narrow strip. He then washed and conditioned his hair. He then washed his panties, padded briefs and gaff, hanging them to dry. When he came out, Carol rolled her new daughter’s hair.

Sunday they got up bright and early. After putting on his bra, gaff, panties and padded briefs, he worked the pantyhose up his legs. This was a first for him; if his Johnson wasn’t so restricted, he knew that he would have sported one heck of a woody. The feel of the hose gliding up his freshly shaven legs, was intoxicating. He put on his skirt, blouse and heels.

Carol then unrolled McKenzie’s hair, styled it, and set it with a heavy dose of hairspray. If McKenzie looked feminine the day before, she shouted girl today. She felt that she could go to school like this and not be recognized by ninety eight percent of the students she knew. There would be a few that would recognize him as Robert in a skirt. He wondered how many would really care.

After Carol got dressed, she found Robert still checking himself out, “You look marvelous, dear. Nobody will notice.”

That interrupted McKenzie’s train of thought, “Ohh… I wasn’t worried about that. I was just wondering who would care at school.”

“You’re not seriously considering going to school like that are you?”

“No not really, no matter how good I look, there would be some Neanderthal or Cro-Magnon there who would love to kill me. They give me a hard time as it is. This would just give them an excuse to go ahead and do it.”

“You don’t want to become a girl do you?”

“No Mom, being a guy is alright, but to me, looking like this is alright too.”

“Well you could certainly fit in, in the fashion industry. There are a couple of she males already in high fashion. On top of that, there are quite a few models too.”

They went to a local I-Hop and had breakfast. McKenzie handled the short skirt, as she sat at the table and appeared at ease, but he still had some turmoil over the situation. The main thing was that he didn’t do anything to give himself away. In fact, he had actually started to enjoy his deception. They enjoyed a breakfast of pancakes, bacon, eggs and coffee.

She even went to the ladies room, after eating with his mom. After she took care of business, she washed her hands, powdered her nose and put on some fresh lipstick.

Carol then drove them back to New York. Carol had to hurry as she had a one o’clock appointment. They got back in time, but the client was early. Mrs. Wilma Burlington didn’t recognize Robert and Carol introduced McKenzie Wilson to Wilma as a niece.

“McKenzie, would you take Mrs. Burlington back into the studio and keep her entertained for a few minutes. I need to go to my room for a few minutes.”

“I would be happy to Aunt Carol. When do you expect Robert to be back?”

“He won’t be back till late, I suspect. You know how boys can be when they are having fun.”

McKenzie led Mrs. Burlington back into the shop.

“Would you like some coffee, Mrs. Burlington?”

“Can you make me a cup of tea?”

“I think Aunt Carol has some Earl Grey, will that do?”

“That will be fine, thank you. I have to say you are such a pretty girl.”

“I think it runs in the family.”

McKenzie went to the kitchen and prepared a tray and a pot of tea. He carried it back to the shop and saw his mom sitting with Wilma talking. He poured three cups of tea, served the guest, his mom and took his own and sat down.

“So what are you doing in town, McKenzie,” Mrs. Burlington asked.

“I came down to visit some friends at NYU. I think I may transfer there next fall.”

“Oh, are you a junior.”

“No I am just a freshman, at Hudson Valley. It’s not bad, but I really want to go to NYU.”

“I am sure that you will love NYU,” Wilma said.

“Well, let’s get started Wilma,” Carol said. “I have another client coming in at two for a fitting. McKenzie would you like to assist me?”

“Sure, Aunt Carol, if Mrs. Burlington doesn’t mind?”

“We’re all girls here and I don’t mind.”

This was Mrs. Burlington’s first fitting and the dress was basically basted together. Carol pinned while McKenzie kept her in pins. Mrs. Burlington was quite matronly, but still wanted the dress fitted. Carol had to work her magic and come up with a formal where the bodice was fitted and yet still look stylish on the lady. Not impossible, just a lot of work. Carol had McKenzie watch her very closely as she checked each area to see if it needed altering.

“Are you into sewing too, McKenzie?”

“No ma’am, Mrs. Burlington, but my Aunt is trying to get me into the business, with her and her son. Me, I am all thumbs when it comes to sewing.”

“Don’t believe her, Wilma. She just needs more practice.”

“Well your Aunt can do magic with a needle and thread, and I have seen what her son can do to. If you take after him, I can see you making it big. Carol why didn’t you ever try to become a fashion designer?”

“I couldn’t travel with a young son. On top of that, designers are under constant time pressure. They have to come up with new designs every quarter. They have to perform constantly and consistently; a single dry spell, and the show can all be over. It isn’t as good a life as TV makes it out to be.”

“I see they have to be a super alpha type personality,” Wilma said.

“Not really, but that would certainly help.”

Carol had McKenzie help Wilma out of the pin filled dress. It would be quite easy to get stuck a couple of dozen times, taking that dress off, but McKenzie got the dress off of Wilma without spilling a drop of blood. She didn’t even yelp from a stick.

After Mrs. Bloomington left, they both got down to sewing. Carol worked on the dress they just pinned and McKenzie was working with a needle and thread doing hemming on another dress.

McKenzie found it different sewing with the press on nails and it took a little while to get a rhythm going. He couldn’t use a thimble over the nails, but after about twenty minutes or so he was working faster. There was also another distraction that slowed him down, the dang pantyhose, as he crossed and uncrossed his legs as he worked, they distracted him to no ends. He liked the feel too much.

McKenzie finally gave up and changed out of the skirt and hose to a pair of black pants, putting the heels she had been wearing, back on. The pants had an embroidered scarlet macaw, on the left leg. Her mother hadn’t seen them yet. When he came back in the shop, she saw the pants and made her model them for her. McKenzie stepped up on the platform. Carol noticed that they were hemmed for wearing heels. She would be walking on the cuffs of these pants if she had been in flats. Also, the seat fit her perfectly with the padded brief she was wearing.

“Excellent work, McKenzie, when did you find the time to do that embroidery?”

“Believe it or not, it is machine embroidery. I just programed the design on my computer and transferred it to my sewing machine.”

“I believe you. That design would have taken months to do by hand, on your schedule.”

“It still took a while. I worked one color at a time.”

“Why did you change clothes?”

“The pantyhose were getting to be too big a distraction.”

“I see, well let’s get back to work.”

They worked till dinner time and Carol made carne asada, refried beans, rice, guacamole and a seven layer Mexican salad.

After dinner Robert had to wash his hair and blow dried it straight that night, to get the all the curls out. His mom gave him a pair of ice blue silk hostess pajamas. Dressing in them, he had to smile, they weren’t his mother’s size and she already had them. Carol was a size ten, these pajamas was a size four and they would hardly pull over her hips, but because of the draw string waist, they slipped over his hips and fit his waist.

They cuddled in front of the TV together. They talked about where this was all going. Carol asked again what Robert really wanted to do.

“I don’t know Momma, but I am going to keep going in the direction I choose. I suppose that I just like the way I look. It may be reckless, but… I don’t know.”

“I like this you, I love you Robert, don’t get me wrong, but McKenzie can be so much fun for me. However, what is important to me, it is whatever you want. Don’t let yourself be forced into a mold you don’t fit.”

“I won’t Momma.”


During the week things settled down, Robert was still kidded pretty heavily by the schools malcontents, but they used words only. The girls of the school seemed split sixty/forty, they teased, rued or avoided him; or they seemed more relaxed, talkative and friendly towards him. It didn’t matter to Robert, except he liked to talk to people. He also got to listen to their discussions.

When they talked fashion, he was all ears. He paid attention to what they had to say. He cemented the label gay on him, when he began expressing himself about fashion. The girls were surprised to have an intelligent discussion about current fashion, one that cited many of their favorite magazines, when he talked. He moved up in their eyes, when he began to give honest advice on fashion to the girls. That was a hard pill for some to swallow for some, but he wasn’t catty, like some girls, about giving his advice and sought to build up their esteem rather than tear it down.

Wednesday he even opened his portfolio up and showed the girls his drawings at lunch. The pack of girls started out at six, but by the time the bell rang, there was close to twenty girls looking at and passing his drawings around. Robert was worried that he wouldn’t get them all back, but the girls rounded them all up for him.


Friday working in shipping and receiving, Monique’s Chalet received a large shipment of high end corsets from a couple of the best ready-made corsetieres. Carmine asked Robert to inspect each one very closely, as they were each over four hundred dollars. She sat down with Robert and inspected the first three with him.

“Tell me what you notice and what each of these corsets have in common, Robert.”

Robert looked closely at the three corsets, one was a below the bust corset, one was a cupped corset and the last was an over the bust corset, that didn’t have cups per se. It was made to flatten and push up the breasts. They each appeared to be totally different in fabric, accents and styling. He then began to look for similarities.

“Well, they are made from superior fabrics, they are heavily boned, so they have the ability to shape the body more, they are well constructed, they are beautiful, each is a piece of artwork, a refined woman could wear them without looking slutty, or trashy and they feel good to the hands. Tell me Carmen, aren’t they uncomfortable, do real women actually wear these corsets?”

“Corsetry was at its heyday in the Victorian days. I would hazard a guess that thirty to forty percent of women, over 12 years old, wore one on a daily basis. The corsets back then, were a lot more restrictive than these are. Corset use fell in the early twentieth century, but began a slow return to use, in the late 1980’s till today. I would say five to ten percent of women today have worn one, and one to two percent, wear one on a semi-regular basis, and less than one percent, wear one several times a week. Today, that one percent is a huge number of women. Considering their cost and our retail price, they produce a significant profit. There are many women today who wear them over their blouses, or as outer wear by themselves.”

“They can’t be comfortable to wear. I can’t believe women would actually wear them,” Robert said. He actually knew what it was like wearing one. When he helped his mom, he often had to wear one to get into the dresses his mom was sewing. He also liked what he was looking at; these were better than the ones he had worn.

“How would you like to try one on, take your jacket off Robert.”

Robert stood and took off his jacket. Carmine took several minutes to carefully take his measurements. She then dug through one crate till she found what she was looking for, a shiny golden brown, quilted, under the bust corset. Robert thought it was beautiful, it didn’t shout girly girl, but rather it had that refined quality about it. Carmine then gave Robert a tutorial on how to dress in a corset. She wrapped this corset over his white shirt and hooked the busk up. She positioned the corset above the waistband of his pants and beneath his nonexistent bust before turning him around. She measured his waist over the corset and began tightening it in several passes. She worked it till she had taken two inches off his waist.

“Tell me how does that feel Robert?”

“It is very restrictive. I can’t bend as easily in it, it is tight, but it isn’t that uncomfortable.”

“It will feel better in a few minutes. I would retighten it on my daughter but you can forgo that. Put your jacket back on and finish inspecting the corsets. I will be back in an hour to help you take it off.”

Robert put his jacket on as Carmine left. He supposed that she was going to call Monique and report to her. He then got back to work. It was a little harder doing his job, but he quickly began to adapt to wearing the corset. It actually felt and fit better than the one his mom had him in.

Carmine did report to Monique and tell her that Robert was now wearing a corset. Monique thought for a few minutes.

“Carmen, after he wears that corset for a few hours, it will adapt to his figure. It won’t adapt to a buyers figure as easily after that. Just let him keep it. I can’t require him to wear it though, but it is alright if he does. Let him know, that it is his. Also let him know just how expensive that corset was. Oh Carmen, in the future, check with me before we spend seven hundred plus dollars like this. I will probably approve it for Robert, but I would like to know beforehand.”

The store’s cost on that corset was one hundred forty dollars and with a 400 percent markup it retailed for five hundred sixty dollars. It really was a high-end corset after all.

Robert was almost finished inspecting the corsets, when Carmen returned.

“I haven’t found a single corset that has any flaws in them. Whoever sewed them was good, very good Carmen.”

“That’s good, they are very good and for the price they better be. I did a bad thing, Robert. I shouldn’t have left you in that corset. The stays are made of steel and they bend to adjust to the shape they are constricting. That is alright if you were the buyer, but you aren’t. I told Monique and she told me to give that corset to you. You see, the stays have adjusted to your shape. A lady might have a higher waist than yours so the corset might try to force them into an unnatural configuration. We don’t want our customers to be displeased with what they buy from us.”

“You can take the cost out of my store credit Carmen. I will just keep it, although I don’t know when I would have need to wear one.”

“No need for that Robert, it wasn’t your fault. It was my fault. Monique wasn’t upset, she just wanted to make sure we didn’t put it out for sale. She also said that it is up to you, whether you wear it or not.”

“Then would you mind tightening it a bit more? I want to see what girls go through wearing one. It might help me in designing fashions they might wear with one.”

“I won’t help you tighten it, but I will show you how to do it. Stand up and take your jacket off.”

Carmen made Robert take the corset off and then instructed him on how to put it on and tighten it himself. Roberts’s mom had tightened him in the corsets he had worn for her, so this was a real lesson for him. He first measured the waist before he loosened the corset. He took it off and stretched it out before redressing in it. It was fairly easy to tighten, till he got to the last round. After he finished, they measured his waist and found that it was one and a quarter inches smaller than this morning and three and a quarter inches smaller than before he had come to work.

He took a couple of minutes to get used to it and then put his jacket on and made the deliveries to the bridal and lingerie departments. Gemma Carter, the department head for the store’s lingerie department, signed for her portion of the shipment and saw what Robert was wearing.

“Robert, is that one of our new line of corsets?”

“Yes it is. I mistakenly tried one on. I learned that that is a no-no, because it alters the shape of the corset.”

“That’s right. The ladies who try them on here can’t tighten them, because the stays change shape to accommodate the wearer. If one lady tried one on and tightened it, it might not fit the next lady. May I take a look at it?”

“Sure, let me take my jacket off,” Robert said.

Robert took off his jacket and Gemma gave him a close inspection.

“I like the fabric, the detailing and the feel, Robert. How does it feel to you?”

“It’s very tight right now. This is the first corset that I have ever worn. I am three inches and some change smaller at the waist. It is fairly comfortable, all things considered,” Robert giggled and then said, “I know that I am standing and sitting straighter.”

What Robert didn’t say was, that it was more comfortable than the ones his mom had put on him and his waist was smaller than they took him down to.

“It looks good on you. I see that you have three more inches or so that you can take off with this corset. It looks just about right for you. Talk to me if you would like to buy some more corsets. Guys use to wear them all the time also. I think that men wearing corsets is a good idea.”

“Ok, I need to deliver six dozen white corsets to Angela in bridal.”

“She out sells me on corsets twelve to one.”

“Do you wear corsets, Gemma?”

“A couple of times a week, if I am going to sell them, I will wear them. I almost have two different wardrobes, one that the corsets go with and another for without corsets.”


Robert wore the corset home after work. His mom just had to take a good look at the corset. He explained to his mom how he got it.

“Do you think they did it on purpose?”

“I don’t think so mom. Not this time. I think Carmen really did make a mistake.”

“Well I like this mistake. Go put on your embroidered jeans and your cowboy boots let’s go out to eat.”

“I have to work tomorrow.”

“We will be home by eleven.”

Robert changed his pants, put on his boots, a black vest and his fedora. His pants fit a little better, he noted. He put on a little mascara and lipstick that his mom bought him and grabbed his purse.

They drove a few extra miles away from town to an all-day diner. His mom reminded him to order smaller portions, because of the corset, so a double burger and double fries was out of the question. He had a grilled chicken Caesar salad for dinner. He left about a quarter of the salad in the bowl.


Saturday Carol had to drive Robert to the store as he had slept late and missed the seven o’clock bus. At least he made it to the store ten minutes early for work. He had dressed in a camisole with the corset on top of it, his white shirt, black ladies slacks he got from the store, his boots, the jewelry and his blue jacket.

He had put his hair up in a high ponytail and even though he was tempted to use a little makeup, he didn’t. He looked like a girl without breasts rather than a boy in women’s clothing. He would have to decide soon how he was going to present himself. He would have to go to male or all the way fem. It was hard going back and forth. He just liked the fem him, too much.

At eight ten they headed out to do store front on the second floor. He again wore several necklaces and bracelets as he pushed his cart. Velma and Rosalyn had a lot to say about Robert’s appearance, they drooled over him as they got their carts loaded. A hand to the back confirmed to Velma that Robert wore a corset. She had to check, with the way he was standing so straight. Velma was proud of the way he looked.

They took an hour and half to get the new store fronts set up. Robert thought that they had done a good job. Monique met them in the back and complimented them on their job. She again invited them to her office after lunch and had them wander about the store.

Robert got his purse and was wandering through the store making notes on his I pad. He was in the business section, when he saw a heather gray skirted suit, on display, on a mannequin, with a stain on the skirt. He squatted down to check it out. It was wet and very sticky. He figured that some child had a lollipop that they had been eating and stuck it on the skirt. He called Velma and she told him to go into the back and dress a replacement for it. He informed the department head and went into the back. He checked the art board and selected the next outfit and dressed the mannequin. Velma met him as he was leaving.

“You have a good eye Robert, it isn’t good to have dirty clothes out on display.”

“What do I do with the suit when I get back?”

“Set it aside, Monique will have us dry clean it and sell it to one of the girls that work here, for pennies on the dollar. A lot of our sales displays are disposed of in that manner. You wouldn’t believe what people do to our displays. One lady cut a swatch of fabric off the mannequin’s dress, so she could match it. Some people will slightly damage garments and then try to buy them cheaply.”

He changed out the displays and was heading back to the back, when he saw a girl he knew from high school. He didn’t think, but said, “Hello Madison,” to the girl.

Madison Munford looked up and over at Robert. Her eyes got really big when she saw him. She almost said, “Hello Robert,” but what came out was, “Hey girl, you’re looking good.” They were standing in an area crowded by women.

Robert realized just how deep the smelly stuff was he just stepped in, but he didn’t let it show, “Thank you. The store likes us to dress nicely.”

“So this is how you dress for work,” Madison said, looking Robert up and down. He looked sexy in a feminine way. She thought with even some small boobs he would look as good as any girl at school.

“Although I don’t have as much contact with our customers as some of the other ladies that work here, it is advantageous for me to look like this.”

“When do you get off?”

“Five, but I need to get home. I have to help my Mom.”

“What do you do at home?”

“I am a tailor. My Mom is a very good dressmaker and I help here finish the garments she makes. I really have to get back to work Madison, but it has been good seeing you.”

Madison gave Robert a hug and said, “Ok, see you later,” and then in a whisper she said, “Girl.” She was giggling as she walked away.

Roger watched Madison walk away; she had a cute wiggle to her butt. Robert felt a stirring in his loins, but he knew the gaff he wore daily was more than up to the task. He then turned and pushed the cart through the door to the back.

Madison’s heart was in a flutter. She had seen the feminine boy before, but seeing him, no her today almost gave her a case of vapors. Her whole body was tingling and she could feel the moisture in her panties. She hurried to the ladies room to put a panty liner in her panties.

Madison hadn’t considered Robert to be a romantic heart throb, but she did like guys who took good care of their appearance. While she wasn’t especially vain, she took care of how she looked. She found the way that Robert looked today, especially intriguing. He looked nicer in many ways than she did today. On top of the very nice clothes she could see, she knew that he had on a corset underneath.

Madison wondered about how Robert would look with a little makeup on and wearing a really hot dress. She couldn’t explain it, but there was something about a boy wearing some really pretty clothes that she really liked. Not every boy could do it and look good, but Robert could.


Robert reported to Monique’s office after lunch. He was five minutes early, but he was also the last person to show up. After everyone had their coffee or tea they all sat down for Monique’s critique.

“You have done a very nice job on the store fronts. I don’t think I have seen any better displays, at my store or at the mall. Good Job.”

“Yes, I have to work twice as hard to keep up with our newest acquisition Monique. Robert is a godsend. When we talk, the wonderful ideas just flow out,” Velma said. “Actually Robert should be called Velma and I should be Scooby Doo.”

“No you are definitely Velma, you don’t have enough fur to be Scooby,” Robert said.

Monique and Rosalyn were having conniption fits giggling and Velma was blushing crimson at some private joke. The double entendre went right over Robert’s head and it took more than a few seconds for him to catch the point.

Red faced and with an indignant look to her face, Velma had to drive the point home when she complained, “I’ll have you know, that I don’t go in for a full Brazilian wax job, but I do have a nice landing strip. Want to see it Robert?”

Robert was red as a beet when he caught on, “That would make me Shaggy, as he was always sticking his foot in his mouth.”

“Ok that is enough of that girls,” Monique said, “Robert didn’t intend what he said to be taken in a sexual manner and I don’t want to put all of us on report for sexual harassment. Whatever else girls, you all did a great job.”

“Now on to October. The Mall management announced they are having a couple of contests. First the stores are competing with each other in three groups, Small stores, Large stores, and Massive stores. The prizes are display space in the concourses for November and December. We are going to win the massive store contest. Secondly they are having a costume contest for best store employee costumes male and female. The best male and female employee wins five thousand dollars. Both the store contest and the costume contest will be reported in the local paper and on local TV networks. The major cost of any costume, has to come from products purchased from or on loan from stores in the mall, receipts will be required,”

“Girls, the display space they are offering, could mean extra dollars in sales for us, or for any store lucky enough to win. I expect us to win and you girls will have Cart Blanche. So scrap what you have done so far. Robert, you are working solely for Velma, till the end of October.”

“We will meet on Wednesdays and Saturdays to discuss our progress. So change all our store fronts on the 29 th of September and then our contest display and store dressings will change on Friday after the store closes on the 12 th of October.”

“The costume contest will be on the 27 th of October. It will begin with a parade around the lower floor of the mall at eleven and end outside the food court in the pavilion, where judging will take place. I really want us to take best massive store, and the best female costume, so get cracking, girls.”


Robert got off and decided to take a lap around the Mall to try to get an inspiration for the contest. He had just made the turn by Sears when he ran into Madison again. She had seen Robert and snuck up behind him. She made him jump as she tickled his neck.

“Well Robert, I thought you told me you had to go home to help your mother. Are you making her wait or was that just to get rid of me.”

Robert took a few seconds to regain his composure, “I do have to get home to help my mother. I also was given an assignment for work. The Mall is having a big Halloween contest and the boss told me, Velma and Rosalyn that we are going to win it. She doesn’t take failure well I am told. There is also a store employee costume contests she wants one of our girls to win. The prize is five thousand dollars.”

“That sounds like a good excuse, you are forgiven. So what are you going to do?”

Robert shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t know yet. I came out here to get inspiration.”

Madison smiled, she took hold of one of Robert’s hand and asked, “Do you mind if I tag along with you for a bit?”

Robert was a little uncomfortable with Madison holding onto his hand, especially since he still looked a lot like a girl, but said, “No, I don’t mind.”

Madison almost took over and got them slowly moving, “So what are thinking? What kind of theme are you going to suggest?”

Robert’s mind was blank right now. “I don’t want to do the usual witch, ghost, goblin, vampire, or Frankenstein thing. Too many stores would probably go with that theme. So what do you think, Madison. I need a really smash up idea.”

Madison had a really big smile on her face. No boy had ever asked her opinion about a project before the project was started. Boys usually do something and then ask what she thought about what they had done.

“I agree, the ghost and goblin thing is a worn out cliché for a Halloween theme. I still think it should be fantastic though.”

Madison and Robert talked about the possible sci-fi or fantasy themes, as they covered one and a half arms of the mall. Madison still held onto Robert’s hand , they were both comfortable with that arrangement. She was almost jerked off her feet, as Robert saw two life size cutouts of Tolkien characters. Robert knew just who they were. One was Galadriel and the other was her husband Celeborn. Galadriel was wearing the beautiful gown she had worn when Frodo met her at the mirror of Galadriel. The detail of the gown on the cutout was phenomenal and was so gorgeous.

“Oh my, let’s sit here; I need to draw that gown.”

Robert let go of her hand and hurried to a bench that gave him a good line of sight on the cutouts. They were outside the store Fantasy Worlds Collectables, a store that sold collectable items from different fantasy worlds. They sold stuff like copies of Harry Potter’s or Hermione Granger’s wands, Dart Vader and Luke Skywalker’s light sabers and items from other memorable movies and books.

He got out his supplies and started on a pencil drawing of the gown. He had forgotten all about Madison, who just sat down beside him and watched him work. She was surprised to watch the speed with which he had roughed out Galadriel and the gown before he began to add detail to bring the picture alive.

“That is a great idea, Robert. I understand that they are getting ready to release the movie, ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’ this year.”

“Yes, sometime in December, I understand. Want to go see it.”

“Wow, that is the first time I have been asked out on a date, three months in advance,” Madison giggled.

Robert looked up in shock, “A date,” he squeaked out.

“Good, it’s a date then.”

Robert was blushing, but he got back to work. In forty minutes, he was adding the small details that made the costume drawing come to life.

Madison was awestruck, “Robbie, that is a wonderful drawing.”

“Yes it is,” a third voice, which startled both Madison and Robert. “I would dare say, it is the best piece of artwork I have seen on Galadriel. I am David Hampton by the way. I own Fantasy Worlds Collectables.”

David Hampton stood about six feet tall and had long, straight blond hair, which was not unlike the picture of Celeborn in the cutout next to Galadriel’s.

“Hello, I am Madison Munford and this is my friend Robbie Wilson.”

David held out his hand and said, “it’s good meeting you Madison and Robbie. I really love your work.”

Robert was embarrassed, but took David’s hand, even though it was being offered as a man offers his hand to a woman.

“Thank You, Mr. Hampton. I was just trying to get an idea for the costume contest.”

“I can see that much. You work for Monique’s Chalet, don’t you,”

“Yes sir. I do.”

“Well, if you are going to do Galadriel, maybe you can help me out. I always wanted to do Celeborn. Come inside, let me show you something.”

Madison and Robert stood and followed David into Fantasy Worlds Collectables. Robert leaned over and whispered to Madison, “He thinks I am a girl, Madison. What am I going to do?”

“I don’t know, but just go along with him. We can always just disappear later,” she whispered back to Robert.

David led them back to a region of the store that dealt with Tolkien Memorabilia, “Just stand there and let me get my prizes,” David told the two of them. He set three ring boxes on the counter and two hand woven wire crowns or something. “This is Celeborn’s Coronet from the Lord of the Rings and this is Galadriel’s Coronet. The three ring boxes contain ‘Narya’, ‘Nenya’ and last but not lest ‘Vilya’ or the three rings of the elves.

“ Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne,
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie,” Robert quoted.

“Exactly, it is good seeing people who still know the poem of the rings. So talk to me. Tell me what you are up to.”

“I work in the art department for Monique’s Chalet and Monique tasked us with not just competing in the store art contest, but also the costume contest. I am a dress maker, as is my mom. When I saw your cutouts. I knew I had to make that dress.”

David pondered things for a few seconds and then smiled, “Is Monique still in her office?”

“I don’t know, but I think she might be.”

“Call her and see if she can come down here for a second, if she is still here that is. I have a call to make.”

Robert felt that he was in deep doo-doo, but made the call. Monique was still in and his call was passed right on back to her, “Hello Monique this is Robert, I am at Fantasy Worlds Collectables and David Hampton would like you to come over if you could.”

“Whatever for Robert?”

“Well he saw me drawing Galadriel’s gown in a store cutout. It is so beautiful, I thought some girl at the store could wear it for a costume. He also has some things that would make the costume a real winner. He also has an idea, but didn’t quite share it with me.”

“Well, let me talk to him.”

“He is busy on the phone right now.”

“Alright, I will be there in five minutes.”

David came back after making his phone call and after Robert told him that Monique would be here in five minutes. He smiled. At least it was a warm smile and not a devious smile, Robert thought. Two men came in. David introduced them as Jason and Timothy Ford.

Monique smiled warmly as she saw the men, Jason, Timothy and David it is so good seeing you. Now what is going on. My employee hasn’t been bothering you has…” Monique looked at Robert and wheels began to turn. Quick on her feet she came out with a gender neutral word, “have they.”

“Not in the least,” David said, “In fact she gave me an idea. Come on back into my office and let’s talk.”

David picked up all the things he had set out and led the troupe back to his office. After they all set down he began to explain things.

“I was walking in the mall and I saw Robbie drawing, Galadriel’s gown. She told me she was getting an idea for a costume she was going to wear. That is when I hit on a really big Idea. Monique your store falls into a massive store category. Jason your bookstore falls into a large store category and my store falls into a small store category. I was thinking that maybe we can work together and help each other win.”

Jason and Monique both wore thousand watt smiles.

“December twelfth, there is to be a release of ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’. So I was thinking.”

David spent a half hour telling them of his idea, “This is where you come in Monique. Jason and I can help supply us with Tolkien type things, but we don’t have an art department. You have an art department and this wonderful artist who just happens to be a seamstress. We can get together and do a Tolkien Halloween. Also Robbie might be able to do costumes for Jason, Timothy, Madison and me and maybe one or two others. She could win the girls costume award in her Galadriel costume. I could be Celeborn, Jason could be Gandalf and Timothy could be Aragorn and Madison could be Arwen.”

“I’m not an employee here at the mall,” Madison said.

“You’re not, how would you like a job, Madison,” David said.

Madison thought about that for a few minutes. Her Mom had been making strong suggestions about her getting a part time job. Not that they needed the money, or anything like that, but she thought it would teach her some responsibility. Something she sorely needed but had yet to see. Still she could just picture herself as Arwen with a dreamy Aragorn. Too bad Robert wouldn’t make a dreamy Aragorn, but she knew he would be a fantastic Lady Galadriel.

“Ok, I guess, as long as my grades don’t drop. My Mom has this strange idea about me going to Bryn Mawr. I would have to check with her.”

“Good do that.”

“I am sorry, but I need to get home to help my mother. She has a lot of dresses we need to work on. Would you mind if I go home.”

“No, Robbie,” Monique said. “You mustn’t keep your Mom waiting. David, Jason and I can work out the details. I love their ideas. Do you two need a ride home?”

“No I can give Robbie a ride and Mr. Hampton I will call you after I had a chance to talk to my mom.”

“That is great.”


As Madison drove Robert home, he asked, “Why are you taking an interest in me?”

Madison shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t know, you get my juices flowing. I had my fill of the shallow jock types, the ‘Me Caveman, You My Woman’ types. You don’t give a hassle to anybody and you don’t look down on people.”

“I am not exactly a big catch. Are you willing to accept guilt by association? To be honest to you, I will probably be wearing skirts and dresses soon. Can you accept that?”

“Are you gay?”

“Would it bother you if I was?”

“No, I can always use a new friend, but I don’t think you are gay. You might be feminine, but gay, I don’t see it. Are you really a seamstress?”

“A male that makes clothes is usually called a tailor. I guess I like wearing what I make and I really like making dresses. I want to be a Michael Kors or a Jean Paul Gualtier and also wear my fashions. And to answer your question… no I’m not gay. I may have to act more than a little feminine, but I like girls.”

“So, are you going to wear Galadriel’s dress?”

“While there are a lot of pretty girls working for Monique’s Chalet, I have tried picturing any of them in that dress. A girl who wears that dress would have to be tall and thin. We have tall girls and thin girls, we don’t have any tall and thin girls. The way I see Galadriel, even you Madison, wouldn’t make a good Galadriel. You will make a great Arwen. Galadriel and Arwen are both beautiful. Galadriel is pale and blond like me and Arwen is not quite olive skin and brunet like you.”

“I agree. So tell me, do you want to be my friend Robert and we can see where things go from there?”

“We can give it a go, at being friends first and maybe more later.”

As Madison pulled up to Robert’s home, he said, “Come on inside and meet my Mom, I also want to take your measurements for your Arwen dress.”

Robert opens his front door and lets Madison on in, “MOM! I’m home and I have a friend along with me.”

The teens heard an alto voice reply, “Bring her on back to the shop, Robert.”

Madison followed Robert as he headed back to the back of the house. Her eyes got really big as they entered a large room. There were two large cutting tables, several sewing machines, racks that held bolts of fabric and lace, a half dozen dressmaker mannequins and a pedestal with two steps. Caroline sat at the larger sewing machine and was sewing the side seam on a bridesmaid dress.

“You weren’t lying about being a tailor were you,” Madison stated.

“No I wasn’t. Just step behind that dressing screen and strip down to your bra and panties. There are some robes back there on a hanger bar,” Robert said, as he gave his mom a hug.

Caroline’s eyes got big, as she heard her son give this pretty girl those directions, “How was your day at work dear?”

“Wonderful Mom, I may also have about a dozen Halloween costumes to sew between now and the 27 th of October.”

“Tell me about it.”

Robert showed her the picture he drew, explained about the store decoration contest and the costume contest. Caroline looked at the drawing as her son explained.

“Oh, my. Who gets to wear this confection, Robert?” Caroline said. She loved the drawing and in her heart she kind of knew that this was to be McKenzie’s costume.

“I think that Monique wants me to wear this one. I am the only employee that has the right combination of height, slimness, skin tone, hair color and boss to wind up in it.”

Madison came out from behind the screen tentively, “Mom pull up a size page on the computer,” Robert said, as he picked up a cloth measuring tape. “Madison, take the robe off and set it on the chair.”

Robert smiled a smile that only he could see. He then began to measure Madison.

“What costume is Madison wearing?”

“She is going to be Arwen. That would be the daughter of Elrond and the wife of King Aragorn. I will also have to do Gandalf, Aragorn, Celeborn and I don’t know how many other costumes. I will find out Monday and start getting measurements,” he said, as he also called out Madison’s measurements.

“Who is paying for all of this?”

“It had better be the stores that want these costumes.”

“I can agree to that. Your Galadriel costume might have two or three hundred dollars of lace at our cost.”

The doorbell rang, as Robert was measuring Madison’s trunk. He had just held the metal tab on top of her shoulder and dropped the tape behind her. Caroline said that she would get the door. Robert reached between Madison’s legs, careful not to bump her and drew the tape forward.

He had just completed the measurement, when he heard Caroline say, “Its Monique, get decent if you want, Madison.”

“We’re all just girls and dressmakers back here, bring her on back,” Madison said.

Robert had Madison step up on the platform as Monique came back with his mom. He then began to measure her legs and caught his Mom up on the measurements. The one time he did touch Madison, was when he measured her inseam.

“Monique, you can step behind that divider and strip down to your bra and panties. There are robes on the hanger bar. I’ll measure you next. If I am going to wear that costume, I will most definitely have something for you to wear also.”

Everybody’s eyes almost popped out of their heads when he said that, especially when Monique stepped behind the divider to change out of her clothes.

“What size shoe do you wear Madison?”

“A six and a half.”

Robert went over to a rack that had about twenty open toe sandals and selected a size seven with a four inch heel. He told his Mom the heel size and re-measured Madison’s inseam.

“I am going to sew the dress with heels in mind Madison. So I need to measure you in heels. How many inches off the floor, Mom?”

“Just get the floor measurement and top of the ankle. We will figure that out later, Robert.”

“Ok, Madison you really need to get some more bras. Your band is too tight and you’ll have spillage from your cups,” Robert said. He stepped behind her and checked the tab on the bra. It said it was a 32B. He did a mental calculation and said, “You are wearing a 32B, I think you should be wearing a 34C bra, but you will want to get that checked out professionally.”

“You are right on the spot, Robert,” Caroline said.

Robert then went to one closet, selected a dress and handed it to Madison, “You wanted to see how well I sew, Madison. Step behind the screen and try this dress on. It should fit you pretty well. Your turn Monique, you can set your robe on that chair over there.”

Robert then began to measure Monique. She was a little red faced, she hadn’t expected to be measured by anybody today. As she took off her robe, Robert could see that Monique wore a demi-cup bra, that left her nipples and areolas exposed, a black lace garter belt, a wisp of a black lace thong that hid nothing, sheer black stockings and black pumps, with a four inch heel. To her credit, she took it like a woman. To Robert’s credit, he measured her like a professional, even when he had to get intimate.

He then checked the dress that Madison put on. The dress basically was a fully lined, pink stretch, jersey bandage dress. It showed off Madison’s curves well. It came to just below the knee, but Robert showed where it could be hemmed to fit whatever the client wanted, by removing one or more bands. Monique even had to check the dress. It almost looked like it was made for her, rather than a dress pulled off a store rack.

“What do you think about the dress, Madison?” Robert asked.

“I love it. How much is it?”

Robert turned to his Mom and asked, “Mom,”

“You made it, you price it.”

“Two hundred and fifty dollars.”

“That is a discount price. I think it is well worth the price,” Monique said.

“I will have to check with Mom, first. She might go for it, when she sees me in it. Here take my phone and photograph me in it. I want to text my mom.”

Robert checked the dresses fit a bit more, photographed her in it and then helped Madison take it off.

After he finished Caroline said, “Now it is your turn Robert. If you would do the honors Monique.”

“I will assist Madison in measuring Robert, Carol.”

Monique only put on the robe as Robert got undressed. He had Madison help him remove the corset. Monique and Madison were surprised to see that Robert wore panties and more surprised to not see a bulge.

“Are you wearing a gaff, Robert?” Monique asked.

“Everyday, bloody tight buggers they are, but I like the look when I am wearing one.”

“If we are going to fit you for a dress Robert, we need you to put on this bra with the breast forms in the cups,” Caroline said, as she handed him his 34B bra and B+ breast forms.

Madison and Monique were fascinated to see him dress in the bra. He did that very easily.

“Robert sometimes helps me and you girls know a dress is made to go over breasts. So we have these available.”

Monique taught Madison how to take measurements. She would tell the girls what measurements to take and how to take them. Madison wasn’t as professional as she measured his trunk and inseam measurements. They even had him put on a pair of pumps in a nine, with four inch heels. When they finished, he had Madison help him put the corset back on and left the bra on. He opened a drawer and pulled out a tank and shorts, which he dressed in.

“Ok Monique, what is the damage going to come to? How many costumes did you guys decide on?”

“Eight, David and Jason wanted to go crazy. They wanted to have a half dozen standard bearers, hobbits and an entourage. We settled on you as Galadriel, Madison as Arwen, David as Celeborn, Timothy as Elrond, Jason as Gandalf and Wes Green as Aragorn. Wes wasn’t at our meeting. Lastly, we settled on two banner carriers. I was tasked with checking with you, on whether all this is possible in six weeks.”

“Mom, do we have time to get it done.”

“No problem, unless we get a half dozen weddings come in at the last moment.”

“Who is paying for all of the costumes. Mine might cost six or seven hundred. Madison’s might cost four and a half. Yours, Monique will be on me. Also you might want to start getting corset trained.”

“Can you get six done for two thousand, the two standard bearers can be off the shelf stuff and some dressings added.”

“It will be close, twenty three-hundred will be better.

“Deal, I will get the cost out of the other stores for their costumes. Check with me if it costs more than that. I will probably say yes, but… try to keep it there.”

Madison’s phone rang, her mother wanted to know where she was and she wanted to know about the dress. Madison started to hand the phone to Robert, but he passed it off to his mom.

“Well, I need to be going,” Monique said. “I can’t wait to see what you do for me.”

“Expect to take your waist down to twenty-three. I am sure that is where Mom will want my waist for this dress,” Robert said. “I need to start training my waist down too. I have farther to go.”

“See Gemma, Monday after work. Tell her what you need, it’s on me.”

After Monique left, Caroline said, “Mrs. Munford is coming over. Madison, put that dress back on and fix your face. She will be here in twenty minutes.”

Robert hurriedly made himself masculine again, even as Madison made herself more feminine. Rita Munford loved the dress and was greatly surprised when Madison told her that Robert had sewn it. She took time to take the dress off her daughter and check it closely. She was pleased with what she found.

“That dress could sell in Neiman’s or Saks’, it’s hard to believe a boy sewed it, but I will take your word on it. I will buy it and I may get a dress for myself for the Christmas party circuit. Thank you.”


Sunday, Robert became McKenzie before breakfast. McKenzie had her mom tighten her down in a corset. She dressed in her white blouse, pantyhose and gray mini skirt, with black pumps, with three in heels. McKenzie then spent the rest of the day drawing her costume concept drawings. She first did some research on the internet on Arwen Evenstar. Many of the pictures of Arwen showed a lot of bare chest.

“Mom, look at these drawings, I like the forest green though, maybe in a velvet, with cutouts filled with a white velvet insert and some machine embroidering all over the dress.”

“Yes, very nice drawings dear, I would make Arwen’s gown with a fuller skirt.”

McKenzie looked at the drawing and visualized Madison wearing the gown, he was glad that he was wearing the gaff. His interests in her were just a little prurient; I think you’re right Mom. He sat down and began making adjustments.

By dinner time McKenzie had a stack of concept drawings. The three most elaborate costumes were Galadriel, Arwen and Aragorn’s. Aragorn’s costume would be worthy of a coronation, but without the mail and were surprisingly intricate. If McKenzie did them like the drawing, Aragorn’s costume would cost almost as much as Galadriel’s. She also had two Gandalf costume drawings, Gandalf the gray and Gandalf the white. She really hoped that they would choose Gandalf the White. Arwen’s gown was simply beautiful; it would only be out shown by Galadriel’s gown. Words couldn’t express how fabulous Galadriel’s gown was.


Monday, Robert carried the lot to school, on top of already wearing his uniform. His uniform had already become a non-issue with most of the students, most of them just figured that he was a little flakey and treated him with a little indifference. There was a core group of girls who were fashion conscious, that really liked his new looks. They treated him as one of them.

After school, Robert headed to work. He punched his time card and headed to the restroom. He took his hair out of the ponytail, brushed it out and styled it a bit with his brush. He used a bit of foundation and powder, used a touch of clear mascara on his lashes and a lip balm that had a little gloss, but no color to it, on his lips.

When he left the restroom, he received a lot of compliments on his looks, as he headed to Monique’s office. As he arrived at her office, Brenda, Monique’s assistant, sent him on in. She whistled after the door closed.

Monique gave Robert the head to toe look, catching the whole picture of this boy, “Hello Robert, you are looking good. How are you today?” She asked unconsciously licking her lips.

Robert gave his boss a coy smile, “I am doing very well today, and how are you doing?”

“Good, do you have the preliminary costume designs for me?”

“Yes Ma’am,” Robert said, as he headed over to the conference table, opened his portfolio and setting them out face down.

“Let me call the others and get them here.”


Thirty minutes later; Madison, David, Jason, Timothy and Wes were all present. Robert presented the drawings for the costumes, one at a time. Starting with David who was Celeborn, Timothy, who was Elrond and Jason, who was Gandalf, Robert revealed his designs. They talked about the minor costumes for a bit, they all knew that the last three were the major pieces. Everyone was flushed with excitement about the costumes. They looked as if they came directly off the screen of the movie. Jason liked Gandalf the white costume the best and David said that he could come up with Gandalf’s white staff.

Robert then introduced the group to Wes Green’s Aragorn costume. Everyone was speechless, as they saw this costume.

“Wes, as Aragorn, you will wear plain black, tight, form fitting leggings and boots, with this coat,” Robert said. “I will make the leggings and the coat.”

“Didn’t Aragorn wear plate mail at his coronation?” David asked.

“Yes but my metal working skills aren’t up to par, and making that would take more than the five weeks, I wouldn’t even have the time to make it. This coat is made of dark green velvet, with cutouts, with white velvet sewn into them and is embroidered with vines and leaves of the White tree of Gondor.”

“That is very nice, Robbie,” Wes said. “Can you actually do this?”

“You bet your bottom dollar I can. Now for you Madison,” Robert then slowly revealed Madison’s costume. “Your costume is similar to Aragorn’s, dark green and white velvet, cutouts and embroidery. You’ll have to wear three, maybe four, crinolines to hold your skirt out.”

Madison and the guys were practically drooling, as they saw her costume. Monique even shared a smile with Robert, and asked several questions about the design. Madison groaned, when Robert told her that she would have to be corseted down to twenty three inches.

“My god, I will have to start wearing a corset, today; Robbie, I hate you?” Madison said, with a smile to show that she wasn’t really serious about hating him.

“Go see Gemma, in lingerie, Madison. I will clear it with her. You will have whatever you need,” Monique told the girl.

“Well, that is it, people,” Robert said, taking a seat.

Monique smiled, and said, “Don’t you have one more costume to show us, Robbie?”

“Oh, that one,” Robert said, pointing at the one remaining drawing turned over on drawing board. “I guess I do. It isn’t much, just one I pulled out of the top of my head.”

Robert turned the drawing over. He had done a lot of work refining the drawing since they had last seen it. Robert heard gasps, as the collective people present saw the design.

“If that doesn’t win the contest, I will shoot the judges, myself,” David said.

“That could be a wedding gown.” Madison said.

Robert smiled and told them, “No it’s not a wedding gown; it is Galadriel’s Mirror gown.”

“Only better,” Monique gasped.

“I have Madison and my measurements, I need to measure the rest of you. Monique if you will assist me.”

“I will be happy too.”


After Robert clocked out at seven, he went in the back and visited Gemma in lingerie. He showed her the pictures of his, Madison’s and Monique’s costumes and talked about corsetry and crinolines. Madison, Monique and myself, would all need corsets, while Madison also needed crinolines. Gemma had asked how wide the skirt would be on Madison’s dress. After they discussed it, they settled on two or three, so they ordered four.

Gemma asked, “Robert, so what is your waist going to have to be and what is going to be your bust size?”

“I need to get my waist down to 22 to 23 inches and my bra size will be a 36D.”

“Take off your coat and shirt, let me measure you, Robert.”

Robert took off his coat and shirt
“You are going to need a taller corset, Robert. Your back is too long for the corset you’re wearing. Let me check my stock.”

Gemma came back a few minutes later and said, “Robert, let’s just dress you back in this corset. I have put in an order for three corsets that will fit better. Come see me on Friday.” She tightened him down till he was twenty five inches, in the waist.

Robert was silent for several minutes, trying to get used to the corset. It was a good thing the pants he wore were low rise. The pants would be bunched up, if he had to tighten up his belt. As it is, he is going to start wearing the ladies’ slacks he had made.

“How much will all this cost me?”

Gemma pulled out a memo that she had been sent and showed it to Robert, “Since this is for the contest, Monique has given you carte blanche; she wants to win at all cost. You also need to see Janice, she needs to see what hair and makeup will best go with Madison and your costumes. She, as well as myself are also itching to see what costume you are getting the boss into.”

“Promise me you won’t say a word to Monique, unless you have too, to save your job?”

Gemma was almost giddy, as she thought about this costume contest, “It is going to be fun pulling off that look on the boss. She won’t fire us, sweetie. I can’t wait to get her in a corset. In fact, I am headed to her office after you leave. You know that this will cost you, Monique isn’t vengeful, but she gives as good as she gets.”

Robert leaned closer to Gemma’s ear and in a soft conspiratorial voice said. “I know, between you and me, I am coming in on Saturday in a skirt and a blouse. I need to get used to wearing feminine finery; if I am going to be able to win this costume contest. Call me McKenzie when you see me Saturday.”

Gemma smiled and whispered back, “I look forward to seeing McKenzie.”

In the salon he sat down with Janice and discussed makeup for the costumes. Janice was even more excited about this than Gemma had been. She was even more surprised when Robert asked her to give him a makeover and sell him a set of makeup a girl of seventeen would use.

She had him sit in her chair. First she took a good look at his face. She cleaned up his eyebrows a bit, trimming them and plucking a few stray hairs, before brushing in a light brown filler. She used a concealer and kept his foundation as natural as possible. She curled his lashes and used a clear mascara, but no eyeliner. She finished this with a teeny bit of a matte finish, mauve lipstick, which gave his lips just a hint of color. Janice then filed his nails, used a hardener and a clear satin topcoat nail polish.

“How do you like your look, Robert?” Janice asked tentatively.

Robert looked into the mirror. On the scale of androgyny, he was feminine and way past being metro sexual. He was a little more femme than he wanted at this stage, but he liked what he saw.

“I like it, it’s a little more than I wanted, but this is the way I am headed. Go ahead and give me a complete makeup setup.”

Janice first put the things she had just used in a makeup bag and had him put that in his purse. She then took a free makeup case, they gave to ladies who purchased over two hundred dollars, and filled it with makeup, makeup freebies, a set of fine makeup brushes, a makeup DVD, a gift size fragrance, fingernail polishes and a nail care kit. Retail, he had almost six hundred dollars in cosmetics, but he was charged just a little over three hundred dollars, after his employee discount. That didn’t include almost a hundred and fifty dollars of things Janice just threw into the deal.

Being almost nine when she finished, Janice let her assistant close for her and she gave Robert a ride home.

Caroline noticed her son’s look when he got home, “You look nice dear, be sure to clean your face off before you go to bed. Did you get any makeup remover?”

“I don’t know what all I have. I asked for a complete set.” Robert said, as he handed his Mom his makeup case. “I need to learn how to use this stuff.”

Caroline shook her head, “You are going to be one busy girl till after Halloween. Don’t over tax yourself dear.”

“Your right and I won’t. It would be taxing if I didn’t love what I was doing. I might be very busy, but I am having fun in all of this. I will take it easier in November.”

“It is never easier in Retail. After Halloween comes Thanksgiving and Christmas. Don’t burn yourself out.”


Robert wore his A+ breast forms, no bra, spandex t shirt, white blouse, gaff, panty, pantyhose, trouser socks, ladies slacks, a loose fit sweater and a loose jacket, with no makeup. He switched from his messenger bag to a larger shopper purse. If someone looked close enough they could tell that he looked quite a bit more feminine, but he was just in bounds of being gender neutral. Several teachers and a handful of students noticed the difference. Others just thought he was taking better care of his appearance.

Madison gave him a ride from school to the mall. At her car, he took off his guy jacket and sweater and put on his work jacket. As Madison drove they talked and he took off his shoes and socks and put on a pair of pumps with a three inch heel. He then took the scrunchie out of his hair and finger brushed his hair.

“So what is going on with you, Robert?”

“I am going femme, Madison.”

“Does that mean that you want to be a girl?”

“I don’t think so, at least not all the way, but I don’t know. I just like where I am headed so far. Does that bother you?”

“I don’t know, but I like the way you look. I do want to see where we are going, though.”

“How do you like your corset, Madison?”

“Robert, I really hate you right now, but I know that you are going to be laced tighter than me. Turn your back to me and let me get at your hair.”

Madison quickly did something to his hair, after they got to the mall, to make it look a bit more feminine.

The ladies at work treated Robert as naturally as possible, except they gave him suggestions on how to act feminine. Velma and Rosalyn grilled him about why and he told them while they were working, that he always liked the look and feel of women’s clothing. He often helped with his mom’s sewing and occasionally wound up dressed for her. The first time he had dressed he was hooked, he told them and that it helped foster his love of sewing.

Later that day, Robert stopped by HR. Candace raised an eyebrow, as she smiled at Robert and invited him to have a seat. He told her that he was going to transition and wouldn’t be presenting himself as male at work anymore. After some discussion, she asked for his feminine name and made him a new name tag.


Saturday was almost a non-issue as McKenzie wore her B+ breast forms, over the bust corset, stockings, padded brief, necklace, chandelier earrings and pink walking shoes with a red knee length straight skirt. Caroline helped her new daughter with her makeup, hair and press on pink fingernails. Of course she had to take a couple of dozen photographs of McKenzie.

Velma and Rosalyn had to check McKenzie out closely, after giving her a hug. They had to hurry to get the store fronts done. They worked quickly, this wasn’t a big change, but they still had a certain level of quality to achieve, in dressing the displays and scenery. McKenzie found working in a skirt was a little harder, as she handled the mannequins. She also found the chandelier earrings a little distracting, but she also liked the way they brushed her cheeks.

Monique noticed the changes, as she glanced at McKenzie in her security monitors and approved of the look. She looked in on her girls as they finished up their work, to see how well the displays came out.

After they finished their work and McKenzie had pushed her cart into the back, she changed to her heels and picked up her purse before she did her slow walk through the store as it opened. She stopped and talked to several coworkers and interacted with a few customers.

Monique had a short meeting with the three of them, as the girls gave her the updates and showed her the concept drawings of the store design. She asked a few questions, made a few suggestions and signed off on their work. The girls then hurried back to the art department to make it happen.


The store closed at ten and then it was all hands on Deck. The store was busier than Hobbiton, on market day, as they began their assault on the store’s decor. Associates were scrambling everywhere changing the overall look of the store, as they turned their department into as much of a look-alike as possible, of Hobbiton. The morning shift employees left at 1 am and the evening shift stayed another three hours.

The art department workers, including McKenzie, found themselves working and supervising their co-workers. At four-fifteen in the morning, they gave the store one last walk around before heading home. McKenzie was driven home by Monique, for three hours of sleep.

She had to be back at eight, so they could do the work on the concourse. Their work would be judged at noon, but the results would not be made known till the Halloween parade and the store would have to keep their decoration up till after Halloween.


Saturday McKenzie dressed in clothes she had designed and sewn. First, she dress in a B cup bra, corset, gaff, panty, sheer off black pantyhose, her own Charmeuse long sleeve blouse, that buttoned up the back, her own knee length red suit skirt to go with her red jacket and a pair of ladies walking shoes. She would carry her sling back black stilettoes with her.

She combed out her hair, moistened it a bit and rolled it up on a curling iron. Carol helped by adding the finishing touches to her daughter’s hair and sprayed it down with hair spray.

She did her face in a glamorous daytime fashionista look, not unlike many of the store’s employees. With her mother’s assistance, she did her eyes were a little heavier than a normal daytime look, but not as over the top as a nighttime glamour look and her lipstick was a little redder than she had ever worn.

Finally, McKenzie packed her red messenger bag purse and Carol drove her daughter to the mall, instead of letting her take the bus. McKenzie gave her mom a quick peck on her cheek, before heading in for work.

There were about a dozen workers there that morning, they all looked a little shocked by McKenzie and mobbed her in hugs. That didn’t last long, as they had to assault the concourse on the first floor.

McKenzie and Velma supervised and assisted the workers in creating a fantasy entrance to the store. They used hot glue and double sided tape, to attach a façade of Hobbiton to the entranceway to the store. They completed their work about ten minutes after ten.

After they finished, McKenzie retrieved her purse and did her walk through. She received a call from Monique, who told her to be ready to check all the displays in the mall. Monique wanted her to be waiting with Velma and Rosalyn at the cosmetics counter in five minutes.

Monique gave everyone hugs and kisses before they set out to troll the mall. She didn’t say a thing about the way McKenzie dressed, but said the girl’s all looked so nice. Monique handed McKenzie her high dollar Cannon Digital camera. First they took in their own store front, which consisted of a replica of the city of Hobbiton. McKenzie took lots of pictures. They then strolled around the Mall for the next two hours. About a third of the stores were participating, none looked anywhere near as nice as the three stores that were allied.

They picked up Madison, who made a bee line to McKenzie for a hug, David from Fantasy World Collectibles, and Wes and Jason from the bookstore. Most of the stores participating did follow conventional Halloween motifs. One store that would give Dave a run for his money was a lingerie shop, and they were doing a Macbeth weird sisters look. Monique put her money on David. His store looked like Bilbo’s hobbit hole in Hobbiton. It was a much nicer façade.

Finally Monique took them all to lunch, at the same nice restaurant that Robert had first been to with her. Everyone wormed details about how their costumes were coming along, except Monique. McKenzie would say nothing about her costume.


McKenzie, with Monique’s blessings, took off the rest of Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, to finish up the costumes. On Wednesday, the guys would be over to try on their costumes and on Thursday the girls would try on their costumes.

McKenzie was in full girl mode in a pink mini skirt, white blouse, makeup and heels, before David, Timothy, Jason and Wes all came over to try on their costumes. They all loved their costumes, especially David and Wes. Wes was a Society nut and came dressed in a hunting outfit that looked right on Aragorn, especially with his trimmed beard. His wedding outfit consisted of leggings, poets shirt, tunic, the elaborately designed coat and three inch wide belt, upon which a sword, an elaborate scabbard, and a jeweled dirk, were attached. He had a pair of period soft kid boots, into which two boot daggers were inserted.

“My, you look dangerous,” McKenzie said, a little flirtatiously.

Wes gave McKenzie a warm smile and said, “Well, Aragorn was a Nobel man, but he was also very dangerous. I love what you have done and I may be commissioning many more period outfits, if you are available. I will have to change my usual bad boy image to a genteel man, at Society get togethers.”

McKenzie then flirted with David; she wrapped her arm around his bicep and kissed his cheek, “Well my husband Celeborn, you look handsome and fit today.”

“My Lady Galadriel, I am but a thorn compared to the beauty of your rose.”

McKenzie then gave Jason a little curtsey and a nod of her head, “Gandalf, you look well too. How fare the rest of the wizards?”

“Radagast the brown, sends his regrets. Saruman, I fear, has gone over to the dark side of the force,” Jason said, mixing up his allusions.

McKenzie had to laugh and give Gandalf a hug. He had the dignity to blush and smile at her.

Finally to Timothy, she gave a little nod as equals, “My Lord Elrond, how do things fare in Rivendale and how is your fair daughter?”

“Rivendale fares well, although Sauron’s evil has reached even the borders of my realm. We fight the Orcs and goblins, even as the ring bearer heads to Mount Doom, to destroy the one ring… I have yet to see my fair daughter and eagerly await to see how well adorned she will be.”

The guys changed back to the street clothes and McKenzie and Carol safely stowed the clothes away.

“I will bring the clothes to Monique’s Chalet on Friday. Monique said we will need to get together then and talk about Saturday,” McKenzie told the guys.

They each kissed her cheek, causing her to blush as they left.

“You’re really getting into this, are you happy about the way things are going?” Carol asked her son, come daughter.

“Mom, I have loved everything I have done since I started working at Monique’s Chalet. I even engineered some of the things that have happened to me. I even wished that these breasts were real.”

“Do you still like girls? You were flirting so outrageously with those guys tonight.”

“It felt natural to flirt with them. I still like girls, but I may also like guys too. When I get married though, I will do everything I can to remain faithful. I don’t think I could sleep around with a bunch of people, but a little teasing doesn’t hurt does it?”

“Flirting is important in the fashion industry, but you have to be careful, there are people who will try to take what they want. What about Madison?”

“I think I could spend my life with her, but time will tell, Mom. I am certainly going to give her my best efforts.”


Thursday, Carol and McKenzie found their home inundated by women. McKenzie had on her corset tightened all the way down to twenty one inches. She had her bra with her big breast forms on, gaff, panties, stockings and heels, over which she had a short pink flowery kimono robe on. Madison showed up first with her Mom, followed by Monique, Gemma and Janice.

They all oohed at McKenzie. Gemma helped Monique with her clothes while Carol assisted Madison, since her mom was there.

First they worked on Madison. After bra, corset, stockings and heels, there came three crinolines. Three women helped raise the dress and start it down Madison’s body. It was a wonderful dress, in white greens and browns, with extensive embroidery and twelve buttons up the back. She was then topped off with a coronet from Gondor, made from silver vines and white leaves. It took thirty minutes to get her outfitted, but she looked like a million bucks, after the jewelry was added. The dress was perfectly fitted to her body and hung a half an inch off of the floor.

“I love this dress McKenzie,” Madison said, “Mom; it makes me look like an elven princess.”

“You are a princess. A Princess from the Realm of Gondor and Rivendale,” McKenzie said.

Gemma used Monique’s camera and took about three dozen pictures of Madison up on the platform.

“Me next, Galadriel,” Monique said.

“I have debated springing this one on you on Saturday. Mom convinced me to do it tonight, under the threat that she would tan my hide. I believe her… So shall we get it on? I have a Jessica Rabbit dress for you, my dear Boss.”

McKenzie turned to pull out the dress in red sequins. It was simply marvelous. Monique dropped her robe and approached the dress. Gemma and Janice lifted it up and helped her to get into it. It was a strapless number. The cups of the dress were pointed up at the highest point and the bodice fit tightly to the top of the hips. They carefully zipped her up. Monique was shocked to find a slit all the way to the waist. McKenzie smiled at this and showed her the four buttons she could close to bring the slit to mid hip. Either way, she would need a red thong for the dress. The back, on the right, was all the way to her heels, but the left came down to the left knee and then curve almost to the right heel.

Gemma added some jewelry and other bits and turned Monique to the mirror. A moan escaped her lips as she saw herself.

“I have a second costume if that is too racy for you?” McKenzie said.

“No, that won’t be necessary McKenzie. Gemma, Janice do you think this could be R rated enough for the store?”

“It’s Halloween Monique and as long as you keep those four buttons on the side buttoned, you would be presentable.”

“Do we have red sequined heels my size?”

“We just happened to have a pair in your size, special order from Prada.”

Monique took her place on the pedestal and Gemma took a couple of dozen pictures of her.

“You have done exceptionally well McKenzie. The lining feels divine, I love the way it fits, the seam work is excellent and I like the sliver sequins at the hem and the edges of the split. I would put a value of three to five thousand dollars on this gown.”

Monique gave McKenzie a kiss to her cheek, “I won’t fire you this week at least, but I will get even for this, my girl. Now it is your turn,” she said putting on her robe.

McKenzie just let the women work around her. She knew her gown was fabulous; she had made it and even had worn it twice, while her mom checked the fit and did some pinning. First she went from three inch heels to white five inch heels. One layer of crinolines was added and then she held up her arms for her dress. She felt her arms caressed by the sleeves, as the dress began to float down over her body. Her senses were in overdrive, if her Johnson were not restrained, she would have a big problem right now. There were twenty three pearl buttons, that would close up the back encasing her in her cocoon of silk. Lastly, a cloak was draped on her and pinned at her throat, with a silver leaf pin. She wasn’t allowed to see herself yet, as Monique, Gemma, Janice and Carol got their heads together to talk about what she would need on Saturday.

The gown was gorgeous; it had a high neck that came just below the chin, five layers of silk chiffon, a layer of tulle, with lace covering every inch, in an off white instead of a bride’s pure white. Seed pearls were sewn in a careful pattern over the whole dress, except for the sleeves, which were just chiffon. The cape was made of white silk brocade, trimmed in white faux fur.

Monique then turned McKenzie towards the mirror, “Girl, you have outdone yourself on that dress. My dress is worth three to five thousand dollars; Madison’s is worth over five. Yours, I would sell for ten thousand. It really is a masterpiece. We need to make sure we keep it as clean as possible, Saturday. I would like to schedule a photo shoot of you, me and Madison next week. I have a friend at Elle magazine; I am more than sure that she will want to see our dresses. To show you how serious I am,” Monique said, as she grabbed her purse and took out her checkbook. She scribbled and signed a check. “I have this for you.” She handed McKenzie a check for eighteen thousand dollars. “That is on top of the twenty three hundred for the rest of the costumes, but I get to keep the dresses.”

McKenzie’s heart fell, it was hard giving her dress away, but Monique was paying the bills, “Deal.” Instead of shaking hands, McKenzie gave Monique a big hug.

Madison was so excited for her friend, she wanted to leap into her arms, but the dress she wore wouldn’t let her. She did give her a kiss to end all kisses, before she realized her Mom was still here, “Mom, if you are wondering, this is my boyfriend.”

Gemma then had the three girls pose in their costumes separately and together.

“Carol already told me. I don’t care. Anybody as talented as she is, is alright by me. This might make it easier for him in Fashion. I see he will be going places. Just promise me, that he will wear a Tux when he marries you.”

It took an hour to get everyone undressed, dressed in regular clothes and the fine dresses put away safely. McKenzie dressed in a flirty black chiffon mini, blouse and heels. The welts of her stockings couldn’t be concealed. Madison and Monique got dressed in the clothes they wore there. They gathered in the kitchen to drink coffee and talk.

“Ok, Gemma and Janice what will we need to do on Saturday and how much time will we need to get ready? The parade of costumes is at eleven,” Monique stated.

“I will need five hours to get the three of you ready with two of my girls and myself. That is if you want to win the costume contest.”

“Ok, then we need to get there at five am. I will authorize the overtime for the girls, get volunteers. I don’t want anybody forced to be there at five except us.”

“I think my whole staff will want to help, just so that they can get their hands on you and McKenzie.”


Friday McKenzie and her mom brought all the costumes to Monique’s Chalet and secured them in her office. They then met with Madison and the guys to plan things out. The girls would come in at five am to begin getting ready, and the guys would come in at nine and use the large art room to get ready.

Janice came in and took molds of the four elves’ ears and talked make up with everyone. David told everyone what jewelry he was bringing in for everyone. He had the three rings, all the coronets, Gandalf’s staff, and some necklaces for both Madison and McKenzie. Wes had two society members, brothers, who dressed as elves for events for Elrond’s banner and Galadriel’s banner, and a shield bearer for Aragorn’s shield. Thank goodness they had their own costumes.

Monique told them to come to the back entrance of the store and they would be met there. The guys were to use the art department to get ready and the girls would get ready in the salon.


McKenzie got up at three in the morning. She attached her D cup breast forms with a long term adhesive. She could wear the breasts for two weeks, but they could be taken off with the solvent they had. Carol also attached some silicone pads to McKenzie’s hips and tush, to give her a more natural look. McKenzie then pushed her balls up into her body cavity and her penis went to the back, she was taped up and superglued. Her scrotum provided her an almost natural appearing vulva. No gaff today, yay. Carol then shaved McKenzie’s pubic hair into a small strip.

McKenzie put on her bra and was then laced down in her corset, till she had the required twenty-two inch waist. Her mom helped her with her stockings and panties. She stepped into her red pumps and her red suit skirt, before donning her white blouse. She did her makeup, using just a minimal amount of makeup, lipstick, mascara and a touch of blush.

Carol prepared a bag with a lot of small nibbles, a couple of water bottles and they headed out, stopping to get a breakfast burrito each. McKenzie ate about two thirds of hers, she could usually down about three of them.

Monique met McKenzie and Carol on the loading dock. The three of them talked for about five minutes before the guard met them and opened the back door. Madison and her mom arrived just a minute later, just in front of Janice, Gemma and two thirds of the salon staff.

“I tried to limit it to two girls, but…” Janice said.

“Don’t worry about it, let them all clock in.”

The troop all headed up to the salon. Once there Janice told them all to strip to their panties and put the robes she had drape over three chairs. “Shelley, you work on Madison and Della, you have McKenzie’s hair. Monique, I have a wig cap and a wig for you.”

The three girls looked at each other, just shrugged, and started undressing there in front of each other. One girl, or the other, took care of their clothes. McKenzie got down to her skivvies and was about to put on her robe, Della stopped her and had her turn around.

“This won’t do, the breast forms and silicone pad’s don’t match your skin tone.”

“I won’t have much skin showing, Della.”

“No, it’s no good. Come with me back into the back.”

McKenzie shook her head and followed Della.

“I am going to do a full body spray foundation on you. You are the fair Galadriel. I have a very fair spray dye that will last about a week of baths and showers. You will almost be glowing when I’m finished with you.”

She put McKenzie’s hair into a bonnet and had her take off her panties. Her eyes got big as nothing fell, like expected for a boy.

“I have taped up and glued myself back.”

Della inspected the work and smiled, “good job, I will have to remember to do that with my boyfriend,” she giggled.

Thirty minutes later, McKenzie did indeed glow; she was totally fair, except for her nipples, which Della did in an almost a chocolate brown. She looked at her nude form and couldn’t see where she ended and the attachments began. She put on her robe and followed Della to her station.

“How into the ‘girly thing’ are you, McKenzie? Can I do a permanent, or a curl and set?”

McKenzie knew a perm would give the best results, but would last for months.

“Madison, would you still like me all girly?”

“Go for it girl. You could always get it cut.”

“Heavens forbid that,” McKenzie replied, “Alright, give me a perm and I will go whole hog for the girly thing.”

Three girls began working on McKenzie. Della was doing the roll up, Cindy was working on her toes and Roberta was adding individual lashes to her eyes. Roberta almost doubled the thickness of the lashes and the new lashes were a good quarter of an inch longer. When she finished with the lashes, McKenzie was put under a dryer, while Cindy worked on her fingernails giving them inch long silk wraps. Roberta gave her brows a very feminine arch, gluing bits in place to make a more radical elvish arch.

The other girls were being worked on too. Madison was being treated much like McKenzie, while Monique was getting her usual treatment, without getting a set, or perm done. Her hair had already been tucked into a wig cap.

After her perm, McKenzie was given a golden blonde dye job and then it was back under the dryer.

At about nine, the salon staff was all finished with McKenzie; she had long spiral curls all around head. She wore seven falls, mixed in with her own hair. Her skin was finished with an iridescent powder, with a light pink blush to her cheeks. Her lips were full and pink. Her eyes had been lined in brown/black giving her a cat’s eye look; her eyelids were light gray and pink. Her finger and toenails were an iridescent pink and she sported two inch pointy elven ears.

Madison was given a hair wave, a dark brown dye job, her eyebrows were arched, her ears added and her makeup done. Her complexion was now closer to olive, her lips and nails were a luscious warm red. She too sprouted two inch pointy ears. She giggled as she saw them.

Monique was absolutely gorgeous, with a very long, copper red wig. Her lips were full and inviting and her eyes were smoky, sensuous and dark. There was liable to be many heart attacks today.

They were taken into the back to dress, so the guys could come in and get their makeup done. Gandalf had to age; Celeborn and Elrond needed their ears and a touch of makeup.

McKenzie was frustrated at how long things were taking and asked Monique, “Is this how it is when a girl gets married?”

“Oh, it is much worse on a wedding day, especially for a fancy wedding. It can be a seven, to eight, hour day, to get ready for an hour long wedding.”

“She isn’t lying, McKenzie. My sister was a maid of honor and I was a bridesmaid at a wedding. It was like a zoo, which started at eight that morning for a four-thirty wedding. The bride was frantic that we wouldn’t be finished on time. We were of course, with a half hour to collect ourselves before the wedding.”

Finally at ten thirty, the guys met the girls. First Arwen came in and walked up to Aragorn.

“How do I look Your Majesty?”

Wes as Aragorn said, “I would marry you today for real, if you were ten years older, my Lady Arwen. I can’t believe anybody could look more lovely.”

“You haven’t seen Galadriel yet, my Lord.”

That was cue for McKenzie to enter. As she came in, she could hear a gush of wind coming from those present.

“My Lord Celeborn, How do you fare today?”

“I think I died and am in the presence of a Maiar, my dear.”

Monique came out and leaned against the door frame. She hadn’t button up the side slit yet and stretched out her sheer to the waist encased leg, with the four inch red sequined stiletto heels. Gandalf broke out in a fit of coughs.

“Why don’t you come up and see me some time, Gandalf. I can do something for your staff, which you can’t do.”

After Gandalf was given CPR, she finally then did the four buttons up, standing right there. David got out his things and added finishing touches to everyone. Gandalf wore the ring Narya, Galadriel wore Nenya, and Elrond wore Vilya. The ladies were helped with their necklaces, earrings and coronets. Gandalf placed Aragon’s crown on his brow.

A professional photographer came and took everyone’s picture, individually and in groups. He also took many shots of Monique, with and without the slit buttoned.

The troop managed to get downstairs by the cosmetic counter, five minutes before the parade Marshall came by the store. Aragorn, with Arwen by his side, were led by the shield bearer. The shield was black and bore the white tree of Gondor’s image. Elrond and Galadriel flanked Gandalf, and had their banner carriers behind, while Celeborn followed behind his lady.

They fell in behind the Parade Marshall. McKenzie cursed herself for wearing the five inch stilettos. It was a long march around the first floor, as they snaked around picking up people from other stores and passing the judges for the costume judging. They walked about three fourths of a mile that day.

The costumes McKenzie had made were far superior than any of the other costumes. The best other lady, in her judgment, was a Lady Macbeth costume, she looked good, but her clothes weren’t truly period. None of the men looked as good as Aragorn. It would be between Galadriel and Arwen.

The parade ended in the pavilion by the food court, for the judging. The judges pulled the five best males and the five best females. Of the males Gandalf and Aragorn were in the finals, and Galadriel and Arwen were in the finals. The ten people stood side by side on the stage; as the mall manager came to the mike.

“First, I would like to do something unusual. First, I would like to make a new award for a cohesive group of costumes.” She motioned for Celeborn and Elrond to come on stage, with their banner carriers and shield bearers. “Never have we had such outstanding costumes, as the group from Middle Earth. I have been informed that one girl was responsible for ninety five percent of the costuming. McKenzie Wilson you deserve a round of applause and each of you will receive a one hundred dollar gift certificate. Now, on for the best costumes. Third place male, goes to Zorro. Second place male, goes to Gandalf the White, Third place ladies costume, goes to Lady Macbeth, second place, goes to Lady Arwen. Now for the winners. First Place male, and the winner of five thousand dollars is… of course there is no doubt, Aragorn of Arathorn, and the first place lady, and the winner of five thousand dollars, is the Lady of Lorien, Guardian of Lorien, The White Lady, the Lady Galadriel. Boy is that a mouthful.”

One female voice in the distance could be heard shouting, “But he ain’t no Lady.”

The Mall manager smiled and pointed her manicured nail at the offender and said, “She is more of a lady than you are. The decisions are final.”

After some commotion, the prizes were awarded to the top three male and female winners, with pictures taken.

Lady Macbeth, who hadn’t taken her eyes off of Galadriel finally asked, “Are you really a guy?”

“Fraid so, does that bother you?”

“Only that you look so fine girl, you put me to shame.” Lady Macbeth said, “How about you?” She asked pointing to Madison.

“Nope, I am all girl. She is my boyfriend.”

“Oh my, and you really did all the sewing yourself?”

“I had a little help on my gown. My mom helped me fit the dress, but I sewed every stitch myself.”

“Oh my, my, you should be a dress designer.”

“I am and I will have my own label someday.”

Lady Macbeth gave Galadriel a hug. Afterwards jokingly, Galadriel checked her back for any daggers.

The contestants joined the crowds for the store awards. McKenzie was mobbed by Carmen, Rosalyn, Velma and the other girls she worked with.

“Ok, on with the store awards, boy is this going to sound like a broken record. Best Small business award goes to Celeborn, AKA David Hampton of Fantasy Worlds Collectibles, for their Hobbit Hole Design. I always wanted to say AKA, I just never had the opportunity before now.” Celeborn came on stage and was handed a plaque.

Best large store design goes to Gandalf, AKA Jason Ford of Ford’s bookstore, for their Bree Tavern Store front. Gandalf came on stage waving his wand and received his plaque.

Best Massive store was actually closer, but Jessica Rabbit, AKA Monique Lawson of Monique’s Chalet, Beat out Sears, for the prize with their Hobbiton Design. Jessica nearly started a riot, when she came up to accept the Award. There were many wolf whistles and shouting as she ascended up the stairs. She stood on the stage; feet spread and blew a kiss to the crowd, before taking a pose with the side slit facing the crowd.

“Oh and ladies,” the mall manager said. “McKenzie Wilson, AKA Galadriel sewed this gown also, I am told. You might want to see her about your next special occasion dress. I know I am.”


Monique took them all out to eat at a first floor restaurant. McKenzie was on pins and needles worried that she would get a stain on her gown, but she was careful. She sat opposite of Monique next to Madison who held her hand. As they were eating, a lady came in and sat down next to Monique.

“Hello Eleanor, I am so glad you came,” Monique said.

“I wouldn’t have missed this for one minute. I just loved the pictures you sent me of those costumes.”

“I thought you would. This lady is McKenzie Wilson; she was the genius that came up with all those designs.”

“Hello McKenzie, I am Eleanor Black, I write for Elle magazine,” She said, holding out her hand.

“Hi and this is my girlfriend Madison Munford.”

“You both look so elegant. Is it true that you are a male?”

“Not when I am dressed like this, but yes, I am.”

“Well, I must say how gorgeous you are,”

For the next hour, Eleanor interviewed McKenzie, asking the usual and not so usual questions. McKenzie told the lady why she was dressed thus and what her hopes and aspirations were. All the while their pictures were being taken by a staff photographer. They all returned to Monique’s Chalet and had their pictures taken there also. Eleanor even went with them to the salon and into the back, as they got out of their costumes. She even helped McKenzie with her gown.

Carol helped her daughter get dressed in her street clothes. Eleanor inspected the gowns. She even got permission to inspect the clothes sewn for the men; after she told them she was doing an article on McKenzie. After they were all dressed, the men came into the back.

“McKenzie, I am really impressed by your work. You designed and made all of these costumes in six weeks?”

“With my Mom’s help, she is a dress maker too.”

“Yes, I am, but McKenzie will far outshine me,” Carol said.

“Does it bother you that he wears dresses and skirts?”

“Not in the least. Whatever makes him, or her, happy, is fine by me.”

“Now that all of you are here, I would like to ask you all to dress up again for a photo shoot next Saturday. I may get a four page article out of this.”

The guys heartily agreed, but the girls groaned, at the thought of being corseted again, but they too agreed.

After Eleanor and the guys left, McKenzie had a worried look on her face.

“Oh my, I guess I am going to school en femme, if I have to do this again.”

“We could switch you to you’re a cup forms,” Carol said. “Or no forms.”

“No my B cup forms. I have gotten used to these things now. I wish they were real.”

“Real B cup or real D cup.”

“Real D cup, my frame can handle the larger breasts.”

Monique was still there and said, “I will go with you Monday and explain it is for business. Many schools have learned it can be bad, dealing harshly with transgender people.”

“I’m not transgendered.”

“There are more flavors of transgendered, besides boys who fully become girls. You are transgendered.”

“She is right McKenzie. I knew it years ago. I just had to wait till you discovered it.”


Monique and Carol both went to school Monday with McKenzie. She wore a black suit skirt, her MC jacket, with the pendant attached and heels. She had her B cup forms on and was fully made up.

The school already had their suspicions that this was happening and had discussed the problem already. They still had problems about rest rooms, but they did have four Handicap access restrooms, she could use these, till she had her SRS surgery, they told her. She found it inconvenient, but it would have to do.

The photo shoot with Elle went well. They had gone to a studio with a set design reminiscent of Lothlorien. Monique wasn’t in those shots, but she was with them on a white background set, with all the slit buttons open, as she really vamped it up.

After the shoot, Gandalf took Jessica Rabbit out to eat, breaking Roger Rabbits heart.


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