I'm just thinking. My apartment has bars on the window, and to get in you have to go through three locked doors. Some are very worried about Muslims killing me, but none have tried, and I don't think they will. There is no cigarette or pot smoke drifting through here. There is no yelling or fighting here. I feel protected. The only thing missing is that there are no chains and I can get out if I want to.
Good people, bad people
are everywhere. The good outnumber the bad. This is as true of people of the Islam faith as anyone. Several Muslims are at my workplace, they are very good people who are afraid the crazies will impose Shari Law. They are not crazy.
The essence of Sharia law
Is already in our constitution and bill of rights. We had the good sense to exclude amputations and stonings. I am still a very good shot and will fight Sharia with my last breath.
Title really
described this one yesterday but after getting a few hours of sleep Much Better, Of Course Mistress Staying home from work today made it even nicer.
Have a new rule from Mistress Jas, NO reading comments after being up for more than 48 hours and still chasing deadlines.
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Fear breeds hatred
Fear breeds hatred; hatred breeds violence; violence breeds fear.
Break the circle; move somewhere else - geographically or within your own mind.