A Ghost Of A Chance. Book 2. Chapter 13

 © February 2013

Part Thirteen of 13+

Chapter Thirteen: Horse Rides and First Dates

     “What was I thinking yesterday...? Why did I agree to go on a date with a boy?” Chloe screamed as she looked in her wardrobe, trying to find something to wear on her date with Finlay.

     “You’re over thinking this sis.” Spirit giggled from the bed where she was entertaining the two kittens. “Just dress as if you were going to the movies with Stephi and Stacy, or doing something with your other friends.”

     “But I’m not doing any of that stuff though.” Chloe whined as she jumped up and down on the spot acting like a much younger child.

    Spirit was beginning to feel sorry for Chloe, so she slipped off the bed and walked over to join her at the wardrobe. “Let me help you pick something out then, but I don’t want any arguments from you about what I pick.” Spirit said sounding very bossy and in charge. Spirit was soon holding up a pale pink summer dress for Chloe to place on one side ready for after she’d had her morning horse ride with Stacy and the others. Spirit then added some white ballet flats for her to wear as well. “And this pink hoody will look nice over the top of it.” Spirit added as she placed the hoody on the chair that Chloe had draped the dress over.

     “Are you sure I’ll look alright in those?” Chloe asked nervously.

     “Yes...!” Spirit frowned. “He’s only a boy sis, so relax and just act like your friends to start with, and see where it goes from there.” Spirit added in a calmer tone as she stepped over and pulled Chloe into a hug.

     “I’ve not had much practice on the friend’s front before, remember.” Chloe pointed out with a nervous chuckle.

     “You’re not nervous around Stacy and the others, and they’re your friends, so just treat Finlay the same way.”

    Chloe was just about to argue that that was different, but she saw them put a picture of Heather up on the TV in her bedroom just before cutting away to a man and a woman talking to reporters.

     “Are those Heather’s parents?” Chloe asked as she broke the hug with Spirit and let her turn to look at the TV.

     “Yes that’s them.” Spirit answered in a whisper filled with sadness.

     “Has Heather moved over now she’s let everyone know how she died?” Chloe asked; she’d not seen anything of Heather since Jane’s outburst in the assembly the day before.

     “No, not yet.” Spirit answered. “She’s visiting with her parents to make sure they’re coping alright.”

     “I thought you said she’d pass over once she’d made Jane tell the truth about what happened?” Chloe sounded shocked to find out Heather was still around.

     “We were kind of hoping she would.” Spirit said sounding nervous now.

     “Who is this ‘we’?” Chloe asked as she placed her hands on her hips looking angry, because she had a feeling Spirit was keeping something from her.

     “Sammi and I both thought Heather would be ready to move on once her name was cleared, but it seems that something is keeping her here still.” Spirit laughed nervously like she knew more but wasn’t saying.

     “What aren’t you telling me sis?” Chloe frowned.

     “Sammi thinks that Heather needs to speak with her parents before she can finally find peace.” Spirit said with a pained look on her face as she looked at Chloe to see how she was going to react to it.

    Chloe looked to be thinking about what Spirit had just said, and she didn’t look bothered by it to begin with, but then Chloe’s face changed to one of shock as it finally sunk in and she realised that it would mean she had to go and see Heather’s parents.

     “I can’t go and see them sis...!” Chloe snapped. “Mother’s warned me to keep away from them and Jane because of what we’re doing.” Chloe added in an angry whisper.

     “I know it’s a little risky, but we knew this was going to be part of the job you signed up for when you became a ghost whisperer.” Spirit shrugged.

     “I never signed up remember.” Chloe grumbled. “I was drafted, and this is more than a little risky sis.” Chloe pointed out.

     “No more risky than you making friends with Susan behind mother’s back.” Spirit smirked.

     “These are two totally different things and you know it.” Chloe snapped.

     “I wonder if mother would see it that way if I told her about your little horse ride today.” Spirit said in a matter of fact way.

     “You wouldn’t, would you?” Chloe asked with hurt in her voice. “You know that mother said I wouldn’t be able to ride for a week if I kept any more secrets from her.” Chloe said in a pleading tone.

     “No I’d never do anything like that, but I was trying to make a point that you are already taking big risks, and this one will help Heather find peace.” Spirit said as she stepped closer to Chloe and gave her a hug to say sorry for scaring her.

     “You can be so mean sis.” Chloe said with a pout as she slapped Spirit on the arm after they broke the hug.

     “I’m sorry, but I still think you’re making a big mistake not telling mum about your friendship with Susan.” Spirit said as she let Chloe slap her a couple more times to get the anger out of her system.

     “I’ll deal with that when the subject comes up.” Chloe said in a dismissive tone as she waved off Spirit’s worries about it. “Do you have any great ideas on how I get to meet Heather’s parents then spirit guide?” Chloe asked, heavy with sarcasm.

     “I was thinking you could ask Stephi to take you and Stacy to meet them, that way you can just pretend you’re friends of Heather’s from school.” Spirit smirked when she saw the shocked look on Chloe’s face. “You didn’t think I’d have a plan did you?”

     “Yes...! Well no not really.” Chloe admitted. “And when do I need to do this?” Chloe asked as she saw her date with Finlay going out the window.

     “I was thinking you could do it tomorrow, I won’t ask you to cancel your big date, and you still need to help Danny anyway.” Spirit reminded her.

     “No rest for the wicked.” Chloe said with a fake smile.

     “No rest for the best, sis.” Spirit grinned. “If you were wicked, you wouldn’t have a super cool angel like me watching your back.” Spirit added as she struck a sexy pinup model pose.

     “Don’t forget super modest as well.” Chloe giggled. “I’ll try and have a word with Stephi later, but you might have to have a word if I can’t get her alone.” Chloe warned.

     “That’s the least I can do to help you out.” Spirit agreed as she gave Chloe another hug. “I better let you finish getting ready for your ride.” Spirit added just before she vanished.

    Chloe finished getting dressed and then went down stairs to find Valarie and Ashley sat at the kitchen table talking about the trouble at school the day before.

     “Are you ready to go over to Stacy’s?” Ashley asked when she saw Chloe enter the kitchen.

     “Yes I am.” Chloe smiled. “Are you sure you don’t mind giving me a lift over there?” Chloe asked.

     “Not at all.” Ashley said as she got up from the table and grabbed her car keys off the side. “Your mother has some things to get sorted so she’s free this afternoon, and I want to have a word with Stacy’s mother anyway.” Ashley explained.

     “Okay then.” Chloe smiled again, happy that she wasn’t forcing Ashley to drive her. “I’ll see you at one o’clock then mummy.” Chloe added as she stepped over and give Valarie a hug, and got a kiss on the forehead.

     “Have a good ride, and remember to be careful.” Valarie said before she watched the two of them leave the house.


    Chloe found Stacy and Stephanie out at the stables when she got to their house. Sophie and Jade were there as well getting the horses ready for their ride.

     “Hi everyone.” Chloe smiled happily. “Is Susan not here yet?” She asked when she couldn’t see her anywhere.

     “Suzy called me and said that she was running a little late, but she would be here for her lesson.” Stacy grinned.

     “We’re going to let her ride Bluebell; she’s an older horse that will be more suited to a first time rider.” Stephanie said as she placed a saddle on a horse that Chloe had helped to clean out a couple of times, but she’d never seen anyone riding her before. This didn’t stop the horse taking a liking to Chloe and moving closer to her looking for a mint or two.

     “Do you want a mint?” Chloe asked as she pulled a couple out of her pocket. Chloe had grabbed a handful and placed them in her pocket as she made her way across the courtyard to the others.

     “Stacy...! Your friends here...!” Dorothy shouted as she walked into the courtyard with Susan walking next to her. Susan’s father was walking beside her looking around like he’d never seen a stable before.

     “Hi Suzy...! Hello Mr Smith.” Stacy said as she ran over to meet them half way.

     “Hello Stacy, please call me David while we’re not at school.” Susan’s father smiled. “I wanted to come and thank you all for inviting Susan to join you; she has trouble making friends due to me being a teacher at the school.” He explained.

     “Dad...!” Susan groaned as she blushed.

     “I’m sorry kiddo.” David chuckled. “I’ll leave you to have fun with your friends, just give me a call when you’re ready to come home.” He added.

     “Chloe and Stace are going out this afternoon, and I was thinking of treating Sophie and Jade to a trip into the city for a spot of window shopping and I was wondering if Susan might like to join us?” Stephanie asked him.

     “And you are?” David asked, having not been introduced to Stacy’s sister yet.

     “I’m sorry.” Stephanie said as she slapped herself on the forehead. “I’m Stacy’s sister, Stephanie.” She said as she held out her hand to shake David’s.

     “You’re Stacy’s sister?” David asked looking shocked for a second or two. “But I thought you were...” David trailed off without finishing his sentence.

     “Transgendered...?” Stephanie finished for him. “I am; will that be a problem?” Stephanie asked as she got ready for an outburst of anger like she normally got when people met her for the first time and worked out who she was, not that she got much of it these days, just when she met people connected to Stacy’s school like now.

     “No, not a problem at all, I just wasn’t expecting such a beautiful woman to be stood here talking to me.” David was the one blushing now. “Do you want to join Stephanie and your other two friends for some shopping this afternoon?” David asked, as he tried to recover from his shock of meeting Stephanie.

     “I’d like to, but I don’t have a change of clothes with me.” Susan said looking nervous.

     “You can borrow some of mine Suzy.” Stacy said ending any argument Susan could think of.

     “Okay then, that sounds like fun.” Susan forced a smile. Chloe and Stacy could see that Susan seemed interested in getting to know Stephanie a little better anyway, and Chloe had a feeling that Stephanie knew a little more about Susan than she should, but Chloe would have to wait until she could get Stacy alone to find out whether or not Stacy had said anything to her sister.

     “That’s wonderful.” Stephanie grinned as she pulled Susan into a hug. “I’ll drop her back at your home for you when we’ve finished in the city.” Stephanie promised.

     “I better give you some money to buy yourself something if you find anything you like.” David said as he pulled out his wallet and handed Susan some notes.

     “Thanks dad.” Susan smiled as she went to place the money in her jeans pocket.

     “Do you want me to hold onto that until you get back from your ride sweetie?” Dorothy asked as she held out her hand.

     “Yes please.” Susan smiled as she handed Dorothy the money. Susan then gave her father a hug and watched him walk away with Stacy’s mother.

     “You ready to give horse riding a go then Suzy?” Stephanie asked as she brought over Bluebell.

    Susan was soon on the horse, Stephanie started to lead her around until she got the hang of it, and then she let Susan ride her alone in a training field they had while she finished getting her own horse ready, and Chloe saddled up Shadow.

    Once they were all ready to leave, Stephanie led the way with Susan at her side due to Stephanie having the most experience with horses. Sophie and Jade followed just behind, which left Chloe and Stacy to bring up the rear. Chloe pulled back far enough so she could talk to Stacy without being overheard by Sophie and Jade.

     “How much have you told Stephi about Susan?” Chloe whispered.

    Stacy looked nervous, and she was taking some time to give Chloe an answer, but she finally did. “I told her everything, I’m sorry, but I thought she could help us, and she would be the best one to make friends with Susan.” Stacy explained her reason for bringing her sister in on the secret.

     “Will she keep the secret from your parents as well?” Chloe asked.

     “Yes, but she’s not happy with you for keeping this new friendship from your mum.” Stacy whispered back.

     “Her and everyone else.” Chloe grumbled as she thought about what Spirit had said earlier. “It’s a little late now though; I can’t ask her to stop being my friend can I?” Chloe asked.

     “No, not really, but you could sit and explain it to your mum.” Stacy suggested. “She may be a little upset with you, but I’m sure she will understand the reason for you helping Susan come out of her shell.”

     “I’d like to think so, but mother said I would lose my riding privilege for a week if she found out I was keeping things from her again.” Chloe looked worried as she said it.

     “Ouch.” Stacy winced as she thought of not being able to ride her horse for a week. “She’s going to find out sooner or later, and coming from you sooner would be easier than her finding out later from someone else.” Stacy offered her advice.

     “Why do you have to be so damn smart on stuff like this?” Chloe frowned as she knew that Stacy made a good point.

     “I promise to tell her at some point next week.” Chloe sighed. “I’d like to get a couple more days of riding under my belt before I get grounded.” Chloe added as she rolled her eyes, already knowing she would be punished for not talking to Valarie right away when she first started talking to Susan in the library.

    Stephanie was soon shouting them to catch up, so they stopped talking and joined the rest of them for their ride.

    Susan got the hang of riding a horse pretty quick, and she found she enjoyed it a lot, and she liked hanging around with everyone. Susan showed an interest in Stephanie’s past, and Stephanie was happy to answer all of Susan’s questions for her.

    The ride seemed to be over far too fast, and Chloe and Stacy were soon leaving the others to head back and sort out their horses so they could get ready for their dates with Finlay and Paul.

    Stacy was going to get ready and then they would go back to Chloe’s, so she could take a shower and get ready. Stacy helped Chloe put the horses in the field to cool off and run around, and then she went into the house, leaving Chloe to finish up with the feeding.

    Chloe had just finished up when she saw Stephanie and the others returning. She helped Susan dismount, and then she showed her what she needed to do.

     “Did you have fun Suzy?” Chloe asked as they worked side by side.

     “Yes, I never realised just how alive it can make you feel with the wind blowing through your hair while riding on the back of such a beautiful creature.” Susan was grinning as she spoke and brushed down Bluebell.

     “So you’ll come riding with us again then?” Chloe asked, but could already see the answer was going to be yes, just from the silly grin on Susan’s face.

     “I’d love to come riding again, when ever you’ll let me.” Susan beamed.

     “You’re welcome to join us anytime.” Chloe grinned back.

    The conversation was cut short when they saw Stacy walk back into the stables looking a lot smarter than she had the last time they both saw her.

     “I’ve laid out some clothes on my bed” Stacy started to explain. “There are a couple of things to choose from.”

     “I’ll leave you here to get cleaned up, while I run Chloe and Stacy over to Chloe’s house, and I drop these two trouble makers off at their dorm so they can get cleaned up.” Stephanie said as she poked Sophie and Jade playfully.

     “Follow me and I’ll show you up to my room.” Stacy said as she took hold of Susan’s hand and started dragging her towards the house.

    Chloe, Sophie and Jade were all sat in the back of Stephanie’s car when Stacy got back out the house. She’d left Susan to take a shower and then pick what she wanted out of her clothes. Stacy was wearing the dress Chloe’s mum had bought her the other day.

     “Is that a new dress sis?” Stephanie asked as she watched Stacy get into the front passenger seat and brushed the skirt of the dress under her as she did so.

     “Yes, Chloe’s mum bought it for me.” Stacy grinned.

     “I hear she bought you a whole new wardrobe.” Stephanie grinned back.

     “Yes she did, but I never asked for any of it.” Stacy said it like Stephanie was accusing her of begging Chloe’s mum to buy her all the clothes she now had.

     “I know you’d never do that baby sister.” Stephanie smiled. “I think you look really pretty in that dress, and I’d love to see all the other stuff Chloe’s mum bought you.” She added.

     “I’d like that sis.” Stacy giggled with excitement.

    Stephanie was soon pulling into the large gravel driveway at Chloe’s, and Chloe and Stacy got out.

     “Have fun on your date girl’s.” Stephanie grinned. Sophie and Jade were sat in the back of the car giggling as they watched Stephanie tease her sister.

     “We plan too.” Stacy blushed as she closed the door and ran off to catch up with Chloe, who was already opening the front door of the house.


     “I’ve never seen you look this nervous before Chloe.” Stacy said as they were waiting in the hallway, while Valarie sorted herself out so they could leave the house.

    Chloe kept looking in the hallway mirror to make sure she looked alright, and she was also worried about Finlay’s hands getting a little to adventures and finding the secret between her legs.

     “I’ll be alright, I’m just nervous about helping Danny get back into his body.” Chloe lied with a nervous giggle. The truth was Chloe wasn’t worried about helping Danny at all, but the going on a date with Finlay had her scared to death.

     “Shall we get going then?” Valarie asked as she placed a hand on Chloe’s back, making her jump and let out a little squeal. “You alright sweetie?” Valarie asked with a smirk. “First date jitters?” She asked.

     “Do you think it’s too late to cancel?” Chloe asked looking hopeful.

     “Yes it is, and besides, you still need to go and help this boy called Danny.” Valarie said as she led the two girls out of the house and then locked the door. Ashley hadn’t returned after dropping Chloe off for her ride that morning. She’d sent Valarie a text saying that she was going for a drink with a friend.

    Finlay and Paul were both stood outside the main school building when Valarie pulled up outside. Chloe was sat in the front of the car with Valarie, so Finlay and Paul got in the back on each side of Stacy.

     “Good afternoon Miss Ashcroft, thank you for offering to drive us.” Finlay said sounding very polite. “Hi Chloe, you’re looking great. He added as he looked between the seats and smiled at her.

     “Hi Fin, thanks, you look nice yourself.” Chloe said sounding nervous.

     “It’s my pleasure Finlay.” Valarie smiled. “I’d like to come and visit with this friend of yours anyway, and I wasn’t doing anything special this afternoon.” Valarie said as she looked in the rear view mirror to make sure they had all put their seatbelts on before she pulled away from the school.

     “Danny will be so gutted when he finally wakes up, and he finds out you came to visit and he slept through the whole thing.” Finlay joked.

     “Is he a fan of my writing as well then?” Valarie asked.

     “It was Danny who got me into reading your books in the first place.” Finlay admitted. “I’d never been a big book reader before that, but I found it hard to put your books down once I started reading.” He grinned.

     “I didn’t think you’d find the adventures of a group of girls that exciting.” Valarie said.

     “You kind of forget that you’re reading about a group of girls, and you just start to enjoy the fantasy of them being able to use magic as they help people with their problems.” Finlay said as he thought about the things that he liked about Valarie’s books. “I know that you’re good friends with the headmistress, but I was wondering if any of the girls and adventures in your books come from real life adventures you might have had.” Finlay asked.

     “We can’t do magic, if that is what you’re asking.” Valarie laughed.

     “I know that.” Finlay laughed. “I was talking about the adventures based around normal things the girls get up to in your stories.” He explained.

     “Maybe, but your headmistress wouldn’t be happy with me if I told you which ones.” Valarie smirked. “I could find myself in detention for telling such things.” Valarie added looking shocked.

    Chloe found herself laughing as much as Finlay, Paul and Stacy were in the back, as she looked at her new mother and thought how cool she was, and really funny to spend time with. They were soon in the city and Valarie was parking up in the hospital car park. Chloe felt more relaxed about being with Finlay, mainly thanks to her mother keeping them all laughing on the drive over.

    Finlay led the way into the hospital with Chloe at his side. Chloe didn’t flinch away when Finlay reached over and took hold of her hand. She was still amazed at just how much bigger his hand felt as it wrapped around hers. Chloe felt even more like a girl with her hand trapped in his.

    Chloe looked over her shoulder as they walked around a corner, and she saw that Paul was holding Stacy’s hand, and both of them were grinning like idiots. Valarie was following just behind, and she was smirking at them all, and she even gave Chloe a little wink to let her know she was doing just fine.

     “Hello Finlay, Paul.” A nurse said as they entered a hallway with a reception desk half way down. “I’m sorry, but there’s still no change in Danny.” She said with a sad smile.

     “The lazy git will have to wake up at some point, right.” Finlay joked to hide the pain he felt over his friend being stuck in a place like this day in and day out.

     “That he will.” The nurse agreed with a giggle. “You know where to find him.” She added just before answering the phone that had starting ringing.

    Finlay took hold of Chloe’s hand again as he led them all down to a door at the far end. Chloe let out a gasp when she saw Danny lying in a bed, but it wasn’t the same Danny she’s been speaking to at school, no this Danny looked much thinner and very ill. He had pipes and tubes going in and out of him under the covers.

     “Hey Danny, I’ve brought you some visitors.” Finlay said to the boy in the bed. “This is Chloe Ashcroft, and her mother Valarie Ashcroft.” He said as he looked first at Chloe and then her mother. “Yes she is the writer; I know that’s what you were going to ask.” He chuckled.

     “Do you think he can hear you?” Chloe asked as she stepped over to the bed and looked more closely at Danny. Chloe thought it looked like he was just sleeping, and he might open his eyes any minute.

     “The doctors say he can, so Paul and I keep him up to date on all the latest news.” Finlay said with hope in his voice.

     “Hello Danny, it’s nice to meet you.” Chloe said as she took hold of his hand and smiled down at the sleeping body.

     “It’s nice to meet you too.” Danny said as he appeared on the other side of the bed stood next to Paul and Stacy.

     “I hope I get to meet you for real one day soon.” Chloe said.

     “I can’t believe that you’re the daughter of Valarie Ashcroft.” Danny said as he walked through the bed and was now stood looking right at Chloe’s mother with a silly grin on his face.

    Chloe couldn’t help letting a little giggle escape, but she slapped her hand over her mouth and mumbled out a sorry.

     “Don’t worry about it.” Finlay chuckled. “Danny was always able to make Paul and me laugh; it’s nice to know he can still do it, even if he’s in a coma.” Finlay added with a sigh.

    Paul wandered off and returned with some more chairs for them all to sit on, and Finlay and Paul were soon filling Danny in on the news about Jane being arrested for the murder of Heather Porter, and the fact Jane was a lesbian. Paul said he wasn’t shocked to find that out, but he was still confused about all the trouble Jane had caused when Finlay showed an interest in Chloe.

     “I think you find she’s Bi.” Valarie said.

     “Bi...?” Paul asked looking confused. “What does that mean?” He asked.

     “She likes boys and girls.” Valarie whispered. “You’d be classed as Bi if you liked Finlay as much as you liked Stacy.” She explained.

     “I’m not Bi...!” Paul said in a manly way, which just made the others laugh.

     “I’m sure you’re not Paul, but there is nothing wrong with people that are.” Valarie said in a motherly way.

    They all sat there for some time, and Chloe was beginning to wonder how she was going to help Danny get back in his body when Finlay and Paul never left. The problem was solved when a cute looking nurse entered the room. Chloe looked at the nurse and thought she looked like someone she knew, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. The nurse grinned at Chloe and also winked at her that was when Chloe realised it was Spirit pretending to be a nurse for some reason.

     “I’m sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you too strong looking boys could help me move a table?” The nurse asked in a sexy voice.

    Finlay and Paul were soon up on their feet following the nurse out the room to where ever the table was that needed moving.

     “That was lucky.” Valarie whispered once the boys were gone. “I was beginning to worry that you wouldn’t be left alone long enough to help Danny get back in his body.”

     “That wasn’t luck mummy, it was Spirit.” Chloe giggled as she got to her feet and made her way over to the bed.

     “Spirit made that nurse come in and ask the boys to help her?” Valarie asked, not understanding what Chloe was getting at.

     “No, the nurse was Spirit.” Chloe explained.

     “I thought I knew her from somewhere.” Valarie said in a matter of fact way, like it was normal to see her dead daughter wandering around pretending to be a much older looking woman dressed as a nurse. “So what do you need to do then to help Danny get back in his body?” Valarie asked.

     “I’m not sure, Sammi just said I need to link the two of them back together and act as a bridge.” Chloe shrugged.

     “Is Danny here in the room with us now?” Stacy asked nervously as she looked around like she might be able to see him if she looked hard enough.

     “Yes, he’s been here since just after we arrived.” Chloe said as she looked in Danny’s direction. “Are you ready to do this then? Chloe asked Danny.

     “Yes, more than anything.” Danny said with a pleading in his voice. “I know what you said about me not remembering any of this, so I just want to thank you for what you’re about to do.” Danny added as he leaned in and kissed Chloe on the cheek.

     “What’s wrong?” Stacy asked looking worried. “You’ve just turned as red as a beetroot.”

     “Danny just kissed me.” Chloe blushed even more.

     “Why did he do that?” Stacy looked confused.

     “He was thanking me for helping him.” Chloe said defensively as she recovered herself and took hold of Danny’s real hand, and then she reached out and took hold of his ghostly hand with her free one.

     “Do you know what you’re doing sweetie?” Valarie asked with worry in her voice.

     “No, not really.” Chloe admitted, but she could feel a strange tingling in her hands, and then she watched as the ghostly version of Danny faded away, and she felt a rush of warmth wash through her body from that side and out of her other hand into Danny’s sleeping form in the bed.

     “Did it not work?” Valarie asked when she saw Chloe let go of Danny’s hand and then clench a fist a couple of times like she was trying to wake up a sleeping hand.

     “Yes I think it worked.” Chloe said. “I saw him vanish, and something passed through me and into his body.” Chloe added as she looked at Danny’s body in the bed, but there was no sign of life in it yet.

     “Why isn’t he moving then?” Stacy asked.

     “Sammi said it would take a couple of days for Danny to wake after I did it.” Chloe shrugged, not really having an answer for whether she had done it right or not.

    Chloe was glad to see Spirit appear in the room at that minute, but she did wonder where Finlay and Paul were, as they had left to help Spirit move a table.

     “Did you do it sis?” Spirit asked with a grin.

     “I think so, but where are Fin and Paul?” Chloe asked.

     “I left them waiting for me to return on the floor above us.” Spirit giggled. “I don’t think they’ll be very pleased with me when I don’t return.” Spirit placed a hand on Danny’s forehead before closing her eyes and looking to be focusing on something.

     “Is he back in there?” Chloe asked nervously.

     “Yes, he’s already beginning to gain control of his body again.” Spirit said with pride in her voice for what Chloe had managed to do. “He should be awake sometime tomorrow if he carries on like this.” Spirit added.

     “Was that really you pretending to be that nurse just now?” Valarie asked Spirit.

     “Yes it was mummy. What did you think?” Spirit grinned.

     “I thought you looked very pretty.” Valarie smiled. “I just wish you could have grown up to be her for real sweetie.” Valarie added with tears in her eyes.

     “You will get to see me grow older mummy, I’ll grow at the same rate as Chloe.” Spirit smiled back as she let Valarie place a hand on her cheek. “I better go; Finlay and Paul are on their way back.” Spirit said just before she was gone, leaving Valarie with her hand held up in mid air.

    They had all just taken their seats again when Finlay and Paul entered the room moaning to each other.

     “Is everything alright?” Chloe asked.

     “No...!” Finlay snapped. “We just got told off for trying to steal a table.” Finlay added as he fell into the chair next to Chloe.

     “The other staff didn’t believe us when we told them that a nurse came and asked us to help her move it.” Paul added as he sat down next to Stacy.

     “Then she just ran off and left us waiting for her in an empty room on the floor above for another nurse to find.” Finlay grumbled some more.

     “Did you explain all this to the nurse that found you?” Chloe asked, as she tried not to giggle at the flustered look on Finlay’s face.

     “Yes, but she just said there wasn’t a nurse on this floor, or any other that looked like the one Paul and I described.” Finlay sighed.

     “Does this mean you’re in trouble?” Chloe asked.

     “No, the nurse that caught us said it sounded like someone playing a trick on us, but we’re not to do it again.” Finlay grinned at that part. “She was a cute looking fake nurse though.” Finlay added as he looked at Paul to see if he agreed.

     “Cuter than me and Stacy?” Chloe asked before she realised what she was saying. ‘Where did that come from?’ Chloe thought to herself as she now had a worried looking Finlay looking at her as he tried to work out how to answer that question.

     “No, she was a more mature cute, where as you and Stacy are normal cute.” Finlay blurted out with a nervous laugh at the end.

     “Fin...?” Paul said. “Shut up before you really put your foot in it.” He added.

     “Okay.” Finlay laughed nervously again. “You’re way cuter in every way.” He added.

     “Good answer. “Chloe grinned as she let him place an arm around her shoulders.

    They stopped for another twenty minutes while Paul and Finlay filled Danny in on their little adventure with the fake nurse that wanted them to help her steal a table. Then they left with Valarie leading the way as she followed the signs for the parking area where her car was.

     “Thanks for coming with us today; I know Danny enjoyed your visit, even if he didn’t show it.” Finlay said as they sat in the car at the barrier while Chloe’s mum placed her ticket in the machine to let them out of the car park.

     “Think nothing of it, we had fun, even the part where you and Paul aided and abetted a criminal mastermind disguised as a nurse.” Chloe giggled. She knew Spirit would get a kick out of being called a criminal mastermind.

    Finlay just frowned at Chloe like he didn’t find her comment very funny, but he was soon grinning and then it broke into a laugh as he to saw the funny side of it. “Paul and I are both suckers for a pretty face.” He admitted.

     “Speak for yourself; I was just going because you were.” Paul argued.

     “But you were the first one to stand up when she asked for your help.” Stacy pointed out.

     “I thought you were on my side.” Paul whined as he looked at Stacy sat between him and Fin in the back of Valarie’s car. Chloe was sat in the front again.

     “I wasn’t aware there were sides in this conversation.” Stacy shrugged.

     “Well I thought it was very kind of you two to offer your help, even if she did trick the pair of you.” Valarie said with pride in her voice. This made Finlay and Paul feel better about being tricked, so it was soon forgotten.


     “Call me when you think you’ll be ready to come home, and I’ll pick you all up here.” Valarie said as she pulled up at the curb side outside the shopping centre that had a food court and a large multi screen cinema. “You will need to allow me some time to get over here, so if you’re planning to have something to eat, call me while you’re eating.” Valarie added.

     “Okay mummy, thanks for the lift.” Chloe said as she leaned over and gave her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.

     “You’re welcome sweetie, now go and have a good time.” Valarie ordered as she playfully pushed Chloe out the car.

    Stacy, Finlay and Paul all thanked Valarie for the lift, and then they all stood and waved as she drove away. Chloe and Stacy let Finlay and Paul take their hand, so they could lead them into the shopping centre and up to where the cinema was located on the top level.

    The boys let Chloe and Stacy pick the film, but they were happy when they picked an action comedy, and not a chick flick, like Finlay had been willing to sit through when he first mentioned them going out.

     “What are you doing?” Finlay asked when he saw Chloe getting her money out to get her cinema ticket.

     “I’m going to buy my ticket for the movie.” Chloe said with a puzzled look that questioned why Finlay was asking.

     “Well put it away again, Paul and I are treating the two of you this afternoon.” Finlay said as he made Chloe place her money back in her little wallet and then back in the pocket of her hoody.

     “Are you sure you don’t mind?” Chloe asked.

     “It wouldn’t be much of a date if we let you pay your own way.” Paul agreed with what Finlay had just said.

    Before Chloe and Stacy could argue the point with them, Finlay had already told the woman behind the counter that he wanted four tickets for the film Chloe and Stacy picked out, and then Paul paid for the drinks and sweets they all wanted.

    Finlay and Paul were playing the perfect gentlemen as they carried the drinks and the popcorn the girls had asked for, they even opened all the doors that led to the screen their film was in. Chloe and Stacy let the boys pick the seats they wanted to sit in, and were shocked when they didn’t want to sit right at the back in the darkest part of the screen. Finlay found them some seat half way back, and right in the middle of the centre set of seats.

     “Is this alright for the two of you?” Finlay asked before he sat down.

     “Yes, this is perfect.” Chloe said, and then she looked at Stacy to make sure she was happy to sit here, and she was already being helped to sit down by Paul, so she took that as a yes and let Finlay help her take her seat.

    Finlay and Paul were sat on the outside with Chloe and Stacy sat next to them and each other in the middle. Chloe and Stacy would take it in turns swapping the large drink and the popcorn between them, and they would feed their dates popcorn and then offer them a drink every once in a while. As the film went on, Chloe let Finlay wrap his arm around her, and she found herself relaxing into him, and by the end of the movie, she was sad to be breaking the embrace she found herself enjoying.

     “Did you enjoy that?” Finlay asked Chloe and Stacy once they were out in the foyer.

     “Yes, that was a really good movie, and I loved the fact I was cuddled up next to you while I watched it.” Chloe grinned. “Thank you.” Chloe added just before she went up on tiptoe and kissed Finlay right on the lips.

     “You’re welcome.” Finlay grinned back at her looking like an idiot after the kiss.

     “I’m sorry...” Chloe started to say when she realised what she’d just done, but before she could say anymore, Finlay placed a finger on her lips just before he leaned in and kissed her back, but he kept his lips on hers for much longer than she’d done with him.

     “You’ve got nothing to be sorry about.” Finlay said sounding out of breath when they broke the kiss.

    Chloe was blushing, and she was out of breath as well, but she still took a quick look over at Stacy to see what sort of a look she might be giving her for kissing Finlay, but she smiled when she saw that Paul was kissing Stacy, just like Finlay had been kissing her a minute ago. Chloe had never felt more like a girl than she did right at that moment, and she was soon letting Finlay kiss her again while he stroked her back with one hand, and the other was holding the back of her head.

     “Thank you.” Finlay said in a breathy whisper when he stopped kissing Chloe and rested his forehead against hers as he looked into her eyes. “You have the most beautiful eyes.” He added like he’d never really noticed them before this second.

     “So do you.” Chloe said as she looked back into his eyes.

     “Do you want to go grab something to eat?” Finlay asked once he was recovered from all the kissing.

     “Yes please.” Chloe answered, not wanting this date to ever end.

    Stacy and Paul had also stopped kissing, so they left the cinema and made their way down to the food court. They all decided on pizza, so Finlay and Paul asked what they wanted on it, and smiled when both Chloe and Stacy wanted sea food.

     “Girl’s after our own hearts.” Finlay said. “Paul and I like sea food pizza the best as well.” He answered the question in Chloe and Stacy’s eyes.

    The four of them were soon sat sharing a large pizza that Paul and Finlay had bought between them, they still wouldn’t let Chloe or Stacy buy anything. They had even bought the girls a drink each as well.

     “Hadn’t you better call your mum and let her know the movie ended?” Finlay said with a sad tone to his voice.

     “I was thinking of calling her a little later, so we could take a wander around the shopping centre and maybe look in some of the record shops.” Chloe said looking hopeful that Finlay would think it a good idea. She got her answer when she saw the grin spread across his face. “Is that okay with you two?” Chloe asked as she looked at Paul and Stacy feeding each other pizza.

     “Sounds good to me.” Paul mumbled around a mouth full of pizza.

    Stacy just nodded while grinning. Chloe already knew that Stacy would jump at the chance to spread out the date a little longer.

    Once the pizza and the drinks were all gone, they visited the restrooms and then they started walking around. Finlay was holding hands with Chloe, and Paul was doing the same with Stacy at their side.

    Chloe and Stacy avoided going in any of the clothes shops, they didn’t want to bore either boy, even though Paul did stop and comment on some items he thought each of the girls would look good in.

     “It’s the curse of having a mother who’s a fashion designer.” He joked after they stopped at one window display.

     “You do realise that you’ve just talked yourself into coming on a shopping trip with us now.” Stacy warned.

     “Does that mean I get to take you on a second date?” Paul grinned.

     “I hope you want to take me out on a second date?” Stacy pouted.

     “I’d love to.” Paul answered back very quickly.

     “Will you let me take you out on a second date as well Chloe?” Finlay asked sounding a little nervous.

     “Yes, I’d like that very much.” Chloe smiled as she stepped in closer and then she giggled because she felt so girlie with Finlay’s arm wrapped around her shoulders while they carried on wandering around the shops.

    Chloe finally made the call to her mother, and Valarie said she’d be there in twenty minutes. Chloe owned up to having already eaten, and they were now having a look around the shops. Valarie was okay with this, and Chloe felt better knowing she’d told the truth.

    Valarie picked them up where she’d dropped them off, and she didn’t need to ask Chloe if she had a good time, she could already see that from the smile on her daughters face, and the way she kept looking over at Finlay in the back of the car smiling back at her.

     “Thank you for the lift Miss Ashcroft.” Finlay and Paul said when Valarie dropped them off back at their dorm building on the school grounds. Valarie had been stopped by security and asked to show ID, even though she had four children in the car, and none of them looked like reports pretending to be children.

    Jennifer had hired some security to keep the reporters away from the school after Jane admitted to killing Heather, and the media found out about it, now all the news paper and news stations wanted the story, and they were trying anything to get it. Matters weren’t being helped by Jane’s father being in town trying to talk the police into letting his daughter go because they had no proof that she’d done it. Jane’s father wasn’t buying the fact she’d admitted to killing Heather as valid proof.

    Chloe and Stacy waved to the two boys as Valarie drove them away. They didn’t have as much trouble getting back out of the school grounds again, and they were soon heading for Stacy’s house.

     “I take it the date was a big hit then?” Valarie asked as she drove along the country lane towards Stacy’s house.

     “Yes it was totally amazing.” Chloe said getting very animated with her hands.

     “So you’ll be going out again then?” Valarie grinned.

     “Yes, he’s already asked me if I’d let him take me out again.” Chloe grinned back.

     “She kissed him.” Stacy suddenly blurted out from the back seat just before she started giggling.

     “He kissed you?” Valarie looked shocked.

     “No, she kissed him.” Stacy corrected with more giggles as she saw the frown on Chloe’s face as she turned to look at Stacy in the back of the car.

     “I can go off people you know.” Chloe growled, but this just made Stacy giggle even more, which seemed to make Chloe want to giggle along with her. “You kissed Paul.” She added, trying to get back at Stacy.

     “No, Paul kissed me after he saw Fin take you in his arms and kiss you back.” Stacy said sounding all breathy as she mimicked kissing someone in her arms.

     “How did it feel to kiss a boy?” Valarie asked as she kept taking quick looks at Chloe before returning her eyes to the road.

     “It was really nice mummy.” Chloe mumbled, getting all shy all of a sudden.

     “It was what?” Valarie asked with a smirk on her face as she realised that Chloe was embarrassed about it all.

     “It felt really good to have him kiss me.” Chloe said much louder as she crossed her arms and slumped down in the seat looking angry at being teased.

     “Did it feel like you had a chest full of butterflies, and you could just float away?” Valarie asked, taking no notice of Chloe’s mood.

     “Yes it did...!” Chloe answered, snapping out of her mood as quick as she fell into it.

     “That shows me that you’re a normal teenage girl, falling in love for the first time.” Valarie said in a reassuring tone as she reached over and took hold of Chloe’s hand. “Finlay’s a nice boy, you’re very lucky to have him as your first boyfriend.” Valarie added, but she was soon giggling when she saw the look on Chloe’s face.

     “Boyfriend...!” Chloe squealed, making Valarie and Stacy wince at just how high Chloe’s voice went when she was panicking about something.

     “You kissed him, and now you’re going to get all upset because I called him your boyfriend?” Valarie frowned.

     “No, but calling him my boyfriend just makes it sound so...” Chloe couldn’t think of the right word to describe it.

     “Official...?” Valarie tried to help.

     “I guess so.” Chloe agreed. “I can’t help feeling like I’m lying to him though.” Chloe added with a sigh.

     “You just feel wrong in the body you have right now sweetie.” Valarie tried to reassure her. “You will be just like Stephanie one day, and then you will feel just like every other girl who’s in love with the boy of their dreams.”

     “I can’t see that far ahead.” Chloe sighed again.

     “And you don’t need to, just enjoy being a young girl, you will have plenty of time for all the serious stuff later.” Valarie said in a dismissive tone that made Chloe giggle.

    Valarie changed the subject and started to ask them about the movie they went to see, and what they had for their dinner. Valarie did complain about the pair of them starting to look like a pizza, and she had a dig about them both gaining weight, not that it would be a problem for Chloe, because she still needed to gain some weight after living rough on the streets for some months and not eating right.

     “Here you go Stacy, safe and sound back home again.” Valarie smiled as she pulled up outside Stacy’s home.

     “Thanks Valarie.” Stacy smiled as she got out the car. “Will I see you tomorrow?” Stacy asked Chloe while they hugged each other. Chloe had got out the car so she could say goodbye to her best friend properly.

     “Yes, but I’ll call you later to explain.” Chloe whispered in Stacy’s ear so her mother wouldn’t hear.

    Stacy gave Chloe a puzzled look, but didn’t say anymore, as she understood that Chloe didn’t want the parental unit finding out.

     “I’ll see you tomorrow...!” Chloe shouted once she was back in the car, and she’d wound down the window so she could wave to Stacy as they drove away.

    Chloe sat quietly looking out the window as Valarie drove them back to the house, but she was soon asking her mother what was wrong when she saw her looking over and smirking.

     “What...?” Chloe asked.

     “Nothing.” Valarie smirked some more as she turned her eyes back to the road.

     “If nothing is wrong, then why are you laughing at me?” Chloe asked with hurt in her voice.

     “I’m not laughing at you, I’m smirking.” Valarie corrected her.

     “Okay then, why are you smirking at me?” Chloe frowned in frustration.

     “I’m just glad you had a good time with Finlay today.” Valarie admitted. “He’s a really nice boy, and I can see he has feelings for you.” She added as she reached over and took hold of Chloe’s hand. “Not to mention I’ve never seen you looking this happy before either.” Valarie grinned.

     “It was just so perfect mummy.” Chloe sighed happily as she thought about the kisses she’d shared with Finlay after the movie.

     “So you don’t feel weird about any of it now?” Valarie asked.

     “A little part of me feels like I should be freaking out about it all, but most of me feels like this is all just so right.”

     “I’m really happy for you sweetie.” Valarie smiled. “But remember to be careful, and not get carried away.” She warned.

     “I won’t mummy, and I don’t think Finlay is that forward, it was me that kissed him first remember.” Chloe blushed.

     “Yes it was, but now you’ve kissed for the first time, he may let his male hormones do some of the thinking for him.” Valarie sounded worried for Chloe.

     “He still won’t find anything though, not once Dr Kaufman’s done that little trick with my thingy.” Chloe said excitedly.

     “I still want you to be careful. Just because you will have something that looks like a girls privates, doesn’t mean you can use it, and I don’t want you to either, not at your age.” Valarie sounded shocked, and almost drove off the road as she spoke. “We will talk about this more once we get home.” Valarie frowned as she turned her focus back to the road without saying another word.

    Chloe didn’t want to end up in a car accident, so she was happy to sit quietly and let her mother drive the car. They were soon pulling into the driveway back at the house and they both got out. Chloe looked worried over her comment in the car that almost caused them to crash, but she smiled as she felt Valarie wrap an arm around her. Chloe looked up and saw her mother smiling back down at her.

     “I’m sorry mummy.” Chloe said with tears in her eyes.

     “I’m the one that’s sorry sweetie. I never should have snapped at you like I did.” Valarie said as she pulled Chloe into a hug after she crouched down so they were at the same eye level.

     “I don’t mind you telling me off when I say something stupid.” Chloe admitted as she enjoyed the hug, happy to know her new mother didn’t hate her.

     “You’re a teenager; stupid is just a way of life for you.” Valarie teased as they made their way into the house.

    Chloe was pounced on by Ashley the minute she walked through the door. Chloe giggled as she was lifted off the ground and spun around by an overly excited aunt.

     “How was the date?” Ashley grinned just before she kissed Chloe on the cheek and placed her back on the floor again. Ashley then danced off back to the kitchen before Chloe could answer her question.

     “Who was that, and what have they done with my aunt?” Chloe asked with a puzzled look as she looked up at Valarie.

     “I’ve got no idea.” Valarie said shaking her head from side to side. “She’s been like that since she got home earlier.” Valarie added. “All she would tell me is she met some guy, and he’s just so dreamy.” Valarie said doing an impression of what Chloe took to be her aunt.

     “Has she told you anything about him?” Chloe asked.

     “Nope, she says she doesn’t want to jinx it by saying to much at the minute.” Valarie shrugged.

     “I’m going up to my room.” Chloe said as she heard Ashley singing in the kitchen. “Aunty Ash is acting a little weird for me at the minute.” Chloe giggled.

     “I think I want to join you as well.” Valarie pouted.

     “She’s your sister; you have to spend time with her.” Chloe pointed out as she headed towards the stairs.

     “That’s not fair.” Valarie whined playfully.

     “I’m just a teenager; we’re stupid, not fair...!” Chloe shouted back as she went up to her room.

    Valarie didn’t have an answer to that, so she just laughed as she turned and carried on making her way into the kitchen where she could hear her sister singing very badly.


    Chloe had gotten changed out of her clothes and slipped into her night clothes ready for bed when she felt Spirit appear in the room. Chloe was lying on the bed playing with the kittens, and Sprit jumped on a clear spot next to her.

    Hi sis.” Spirit grinned. “I hear you had a good time with Fin.” Spirit added as she too started playing with the kittens.

     “Were you watching me?” Chloe asked nervously as she carried on stroking Smokey, while Angel had gone to get some fuss from Spirit.

     “No, Stacy was just telling me.” Spirit grinned even more. “I just called in on Stephi, and Stacy was in her room filling her in on all the details.”

     “How much did Stacy say?” Chloe looked even more nervous now.

     “Enough...” Spirit smirked.

     “She told you about me kissing him didn’t she?” Chloe grumbled as she let her head fall into the pillow.

     “Yes she did, but I’m glad you felt ready to do that.” Spirit said as she rubbed Chloe’s back to let her know she wasn’t going to tease her about it.

     “I don’t know what came over me, I just felt so happy that I kissed him.” Chloe blushed some more.

     “Stace said he kissed you back, was he any good?” Spirit asked, eager to find out more.

     “Yes, really good, not that I have any experience with kissing boys, or girls for that matter.” Chloe shrugged. “Will Stephi come with me tomorrow?” Chloe asked when she remembered the reason for Spirit going to see her, and she was eager to change the subject.

     “Yes, Stephi said she’d do anything to help you. I said you would sort out the details tomorrow morning while you have your ride.”

     “I still need to tell mum what I have to do, but I don’t think she’s going to like it.” Chloe frowned.

     “I’d leave it until tomorrow morning, and I’ll explain it to her with you.” Spirit offered.

     “That would be good, I’m too tired to even bother going down stairs tonight.” Chloe said with a yawn. “In fact I plan to get into bed and just watch a little TV.” Chloe added as she pulled back the covers and got into bed.

    The two kittens were soon under the covers curled up next to her, and Spirit clicked her fingers and was soon wearing a night shirt, and she got in next to Chloe. Chloe found a funny home video show to watch, and she laughed at the funny things people did until sleep over took her and she was dreaming of kissing Fin.



To Be Continued Next Tuesday  GRIN


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

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