A Ghost Of A Chance. Book 2. Chapter 11

 © February 2013

Part Eleven of 13+

Chapter Eleven: Let’s Go Shopping...!

    “I can’t let you buy me this dress Valarie.” Stacy said as she looked at herself in the mirror of the shop they were in.

    They had been wandering around the shopping centre for an hour, and already had a number of bags with items in that Chloe had liked. Stacy was now wearing a dress she’d fallen in love with, and just had to try it on. Valarie had thought Stacy looked to good in it, so she’d said she would buy it for her as a gift, and this is why Stacy was now trying to stop her.

     “Don’t be silly, you look perfect in that dress, and I’m going to buy Chloe that one she’s wearing.” Valarie argued as she looked at Chloe doing twirls in front of the mirror with a big grin spread across her face.

    Stacy looked at herself in the mirror again, and the more she looked, the more she found it hard to say no and argue with Valarie. “I do love it, but I’m not sure mother would be happy if I accepted it.”

     “Leave your mother to me, but you’re having that dress.” Valarie said with a note of finality in her voice.

     “Thank you.” Stacy grinned as she ran over and threw her arms around Valarie’s waist.

    Chloe had never been shopping with a friend before, and she was having a lot of fun trying things on while she laughed and danced around with Stacy.

    Stacy had been shopping with Tracy when they were friends, but she’d never had as much fun as she was having now with Chloe. Stacy had been shopping with Stephanie her sister lots of times as well. Stacy knew that Chloe was new to all this kind of stuff, so she helped her to understand things she wasn’t too sure on, but Stacy never once made fun of Chloe when she picked something up that didn’t suit her.

     “That’s a little too young for you.” Stacy would say when Chloe did pick something up that was for a younger person to wear.

     “But it’s really pretty.” Chloe pouted a couple of times.

    They walked in and out of every clothes shop that catered to the two girl’s age group, and they soon had a number of bags with clothes in. What Stacy didn’t know was that Valarie had been buying some other dresses and shoes she’d seen Stacy trying on. Stacy just thought they were more things for Chloe, due to Valarie buying the things in with items she was already buying for Chloe.

    Chloe and Stacy were stood looking in a jewellery shop window when Valarie returned from the restroom, so she walked over and saw that they were looking at some necklaces in the window that had jewelled alphabet letters on them.

     “They look pretty don’t they?” Valarie said as she looked over the girls shoulders. “Let’s go in and take a closer look.” Valarie added as she picked up some of the bags, while letting Chloe and Stacy split the rest of them between the two of them.

    Valarie was already talking to the woman behind the counter when Chloe and Stacy got into the jewellery shop, and the woman was soon pulling out a tray with the necklaces on.

     “What are you doing mummy?” Chloe asked as she made her way over to the counter where Valarie was stood.

     “I need the two of you to pick a colour that you like with your initial on.” Valarie grinned as she stepped to the side, so Chloe and Stacy could take a better look at the necklaces.

    Chloe started grinning as she picked up a chain with the letter ‘C’ on it. The C was filled with little pink stones that looked like diamonds, but were just pink coloured glass. Chloe thought it still looked pretty though.

     “Which colour do you like Stace?” Chloe asked as she looked at her pink letter C.

     “I can’t let your mother buy me one as well Chloe.” Stacy said as she stepped back.

     “I want the two of you to have a little gift, so you both remember this little shopping trip we had.” Valarie said in a hurt tone. “Please don’t feel bad about it Stacy and hurt my feelings.” She pleaded.

    Stacy looked to be thinking it over, and she looked to be having a little battle with herself, but she finally stepped forward and picked up a ‘S’ with the same pink stones in it as Chloe’s ‘C’. “I like this colour, just like you do Chloe.” Stacy grinned as she held up her new necklace.

     “Do you want them wrapping?” The woman behind the counter asked.

    Before Valarie could ask the girls that question, Chloe was already undoing the clasp on hers and getting Stacy to put it on her, then Stacy did the same, so Chloe could put the S around Stacy’s neck for her.

     “I think they’re going to be wearing them.” Valarie giggled as she got out her credit card to pay for them.

    Once Valarie had paid for the necklaces, they left the jewellery store and carried on wandering around the shops. It was getting late by the time they had done all the shops, so they made their way back to the car, so Valarie could get Stacy home, but not before they stopped for some dinner.

     “Where do you want to eat this evening?” Valarie asked as they were driving out of the city towards their home town.

     “Can we get pizza?” Chloe asked with a grin as she looked over at Stacy to make sure she’d be happy with pizza.

     “That sounds really good.” Stacy said in agreement with Chloe’s choice. “I should call my mother and let her know I’m eating out though.” Stacy added.

     “I told her when I sorted all this out, that I’d be treating you to dinner as well.” Valarie said. ”So pizza it is then.” Valarie smiled her agreement.

    Valarie punched in the question on her sat nav, and she was soon following directions to a local pizza restaurant. The place looked busy, but they were soon seated at a table, and Valarie let the girls pick what they wanted on their pizza, while she had a pasta dish.

     “Did you both have fun this evening?” Valarie asked while they waited for the food to arrive.

     “Yes, thank you so much mummy.” Chloe grinned. “I’m sorry I spent so much of your money though.” Chloe added as she thought about the car trunk full of shopping bags.

     “Yes I had a wonderful time, and thank you for the dress and the necklace.” Stacy grinned as she held up her new necklace with the pink diamonds in the shape of a S.

     “I’m glad you both had a good time, I know I did.” Valarie grinned. “And please don’t worry about the money I spent, I can afford it, and it was worth every penny to see the two of you looking so happy.” Valarie added just before their food arrived.

    The food was really good and Valarie even treated the two girls to an ice cream Sunday for desert. Chloe and Stacy looked a little puzzled when they saw Valarie order another pizza to take away with them.

     “Your Aunty Ash won’t be very happy if I don’t get her something to eat.” Valarie said in a tone that said the two of them should have known this already.

     “True, but why have you ordered such a large pizza for her?” Chloe asked.

     “I thought we could have a piece with her, or we can put it in the fridge and just microwave it tomorrow.” Valarie grinned.

     “MMM, that sounds like a good idea.” Chloe grinned back.

     “I do have the odd one here and there.” Valarie pouted, just before she started to giggle while pulling Chloe into a hug with her. Stacy didn’t escape because Valarie pulled her into it as well just for laughing at her.

    Once they had the pizza, they all made their way out to the car and headed for Stacy’s home so they could drop her off before taking Ashley her dinner.

     “I’ll send the dress over with Chloe in the morning, I can’t be bothered to go routing through the trunk now, and I need to get this pizza home before it gets cold.” Valarie explained when she pulled up outside Stacy’s house.

     “I understand, and thank you again for such a wonderful evening, and the necklace and dress you brought me.” Stacy said as she gave Valarie a hug. Valarie had gotten out the car so she could walk Stacy to her front door.

    Dorothy had come to the door as Valarie, Chloe and Stacy made their way to it. “I hope she wasn’t too much trouble?” Dorothy asked as she pulled Stacy into a hug to let her know how much she’d missed her.

     “She was the perfect little angel.” Valarie smiled as she cupped Stacy’s cheek in her hand and watched Stacy blush.

     “I find that hard to believe.” Dorothy giggled. “Are you sure you took my youngest daughter out with you?” Dorothy teased as she lifted Stacy’s face up to check that it was her daughter they were talking about.

     “Mummy...” Stacy whined as she playfully started slapping her mother’s arm while pouting at her.

     “Thank you for including her in your trip out.” Dorothy laughed as she pulled Stacy back into a hug to stop her play slapping.

     “She bought me a really pretty necklace as well mummy.” Stacy said as she held up the S with the pink stones in it for her mother to see.

     “Oh wow, that is pretty.” Dorothy said as she looked more closely at it. “You must let me give you some money; it must have cost you a small fortune to take the two of them out.” Dorothy added.

     “Don’t be silly.” Valarie said as she waved off Dorothy’s offer. “You put up with my little monster for two days, so it’s the least I could do.” Valarie added.

     “Chloe’s welcome to come and stop here anytime, she was a little angel to look after, not that she takes much looking after.” Dorothy said proudly.

     “I also bought Stacy some other bits, but I’ll send them over with Ashley in the morning when she comes to pick Stacy up for school.” Valarie started to explain. “It’s getting late, and I have a pizza in the car for Ashley’s dinner, and I don’t want it to get cold.”

     “You really didn’t have to do that Val, but we will talk about it more some other time.” Dorothy said in a scolding tone. “We better let you get home with Ashley’s dinner.” Dorothy added with a giggle to let Valarie know she wasn’t really mad with her.

    Chloe and Valarie were soon back in the car, but only after the two of them got a hug from Stacy to thank them both for a wonderful evening.


    Ashley was looking in the fridge when she heard the front door open and the sound of giggling making its way towards the kitchen.

     “I hope you’ve not eaten yet sis.” Valarie said as she entered the kitchen with the pizza box balanced on one hand.

     “No, but I’m starving.” Ashley said as she closed the fridge door and made her way over to her sister and took the pizza box off her. “This smells so good...!” Ashley groaned as she put it on the kitchen table and lifted the lid before taking in a deep breath through her nose to enjoy the aroma even more.

     “Chloe and I have already eaten, so eat as much as you want.” Valarie said as she watched Ashley take a seat at the table and start on the first slice.

     “Good, because I could eat a horse right now.” Ashley said just before she took a large bite.

     “Aunty Ash...!” Chloe said looking shocked. “Be happy with the pizza, and leave my horse alone.” She added with a pout.

    Ashley just giggled as she remembered that Chloe had a horse now. “I think the pizza tastes better anyway.” She mumbled around another mouthful.

     “Good...!” Chloe giggled as she slapped her aunt on the arm.

     “Come on missy, you can help me bring the bags in now your aunt is eating her dinner.” Valarie said as she pulled Chloe to her feet and led her out the kitchen.

    Ashley was eating her pizza and watching Chloe and her sister wander back and forth as they brought all the bags in out the car.

     “Maybe I should save some of this pizza for dinner tomorrow night, as I doubt we have any money left to buy food with.” Ashley joked when Valarie and Chloe finally finished.

     “We didn’t spend that much and it was good fun.” Valarie said as she stuck her tongue out at Ashley.

     “I think you might need a bigger wardrobe though.” Ashley said as she looked at Chloe.

     “It’s not all for me.” Chloe grinned. “Mummy bought Stacy some items that we both liked.” Chloe added.

    Valarie had told Chloe on the drive back from Stacy’s that she’d treated Stacy to some items she’d liked while they were shopping.

     “Why do we have them then, and not Stacy?” Ashley asked looking puzzled.

     “Stacy doesn’t know that I bought them for her yet, and we wanted to get your dinner home before it was stone cold, so I said that you’d drop the items off in the morning.” Valarie explained.

     “Won’t Stacy be a little shocked when we turn up with it all tomorrow?” Ashley asked.

     “A little, but she already knows about one of the dresses, just not all the other stuff.” Valarie grinned like she was a teenager again; she’d had that much fun taking the two girls shopping and then dinner after.

     “I knew it was a mistake to let you take the two of them shopping.” Ashley said with a shake of her head, but she was smirking as she did it, so Valarie knew she wasn’t being serious.

     “Like you would have been any different than I was, if it was you taking them out.” Valarie argued.

     “True, chances are I’d have been worse.” Ashley admitted with a giggle just before she stuffed the last of the slice of pizza in her mouth and she picked up another piece.

     “I’m going to start taking my things up stairs.” Chloe informed the two of them as she picked up a couple of bags and left the kitchen.


    Chloe was just placing the last of her shopping bags on the bed when she felt Spirit appear, so she turned around to greet her properly.

     “Hi sis...!” Chloe grinned as she threw her arms around Spirit and hugged her. “I’ve missed having you around today.” Chloe added with a pout.

     “I’m sorry, but I was having way to much fun haunting Jane.” Spirit said in a spooky sounding voice as she wiggled her fingers in Chloe’s face.

     “I saw some of your results at lunchtime.” Chloe informed her. “I actually felt sorry for Jane.” Chloe added with a sigh.

     “That’s because you’re a good person sis.” Spirit said as she pulled Chloe into another hug. “Just remember the reason for all this, and the fact Heather will never get to enjoy all the things a teenage girl should.”

     “I did, and my feeling sorry for her soon passed.” Chloe frowned. “How long do you think it will be before she admits to what she did to Heather?” Chloe asked.

     “Not sure, but Sammi says I need to speed things up because Heather needs to be moved onto the other side.” Spirit explained.

     “How can you speed things up?” Chloe asked looking worried at just how bad things could get for Jane.

     “Better you don’t know sis.” Spirit warned.

     “Okay...” Chloe said nervously. “I’ve wanted to have a word with you about something that happened at school today.” Chloe added as she remembered the boy she’d bumped into that morning.

     “What was that?” Spirit asked as she sat down on the edge of the bed, and soon found her lap being turned into a bed for two kittens.

     “I bumped into a boy.” Chloe started to explain.

     “You should look where you’re going.” Spirit interrupted with a grin.

     “I’m being serious.” Chloe frowned. “I said sorry to him, but then I saw two students walk right through him, but he didn’t feel like a ghost to me.” Chloe tried to explain.

     “Did Brut not turn up to deal with him either?” Spirit asked looking confused herself now.

     “No, and I’ve not seen the boy again since this morning either.”

     “I know that there are a lot of ghosts at the school, but I never felt anything this morning to indicate you bumped into one of them.” Spirit said looking troubled.

     “Maybe you were pretending to be Heather and that was stopping you from picking up on it.” Chloe shrugged.

     “No, that would never happen.” Spirit said. “I’d know right away if any ghost touched you.” She added.

     “Maybe the boy isn’t a ghost then.” Chloe suggested.

     “I need to have a word with Sammi, and see if she’s got any thoughts on it.” Spirit said looking thoughtful.

     “Do you have to go now?” Chloe asked as she watched Spirit start to lift the two kittens off her knee.

     “Not if you don’t want me to.” Spirit grinned as she saw the pleading in Chloe’s eyes for her to stop.

     “I’ve missed having you around today, and I felt a little jealous when I saw you and Heather hanging out together while you haunted Jane.” Chloe pouted as she fell onto the bed next to Spirit and was soon being pounced on by Smokey. The kitten purred as he curled up on Chloe’s knee and was soon fast asleep, while Angel was already asleep on Spirit’s knee.

     “Jane didn’t look happy to see me.” Sprit pouted back just before she started to giggle.

     “How’s Heather doing?” Chloe asked with worry in her voice.

     “She’s not as angry now, and she finds it fun to see Jane keep freaking out whenever I appear as her.” Spirit grinned.

     “I think Heather’s not the only one getting a kick out of it.” Chloe grinned back as she rested her head on Spirit’s shoulder.

     “It feels good to be helping Heather find peace so she can move on to her next life.” Spirit said with a smile in her voice.

     “Do you know what she’ll be in her next life?” Chloe asked as she lifted her head up to look Spirit in the eyes.

     “No, that’s well above my pay grade.”

     “I hope she gets to live a much longer life the next time around.” Chloe said with hope in her voice.

     “I’m sure she will.” Spirit smiled. “You got a better life, and you never really had to die to get it.” She added with a grin as she looked over her shoulder at the shopping bags on the bed behind them. “Did you have fun shopping with Stacy and mother?”

     “Yes, it was a lot of fun playing around and trying things on with Stacy.” Chloe giggled. “I’ve always wanted to do that, but never could as James.” She added with a thoughtful look on her face.

     “Mother looks much happier now she has her daughter back.” Spirit said as she hugged Chloe again.

     “I think she sees it as having two daughters now, not just me replacing you.” Chloe pointed out as she enjoyed the hug. “I wish I had you as a real sister; that would have been so cool.” Chloe added.

     “What can be cooler than an angel for a sister?” Spirit asked with hurt in her voice, but she was soon giggling as she started to tickle Chloe.

    The two kittens ran for cover as Chloe and Spirit started rolling around on the bed in a fit of giggles as they tried to tickle each other. They finally stopped when Chloe was gasping for breath, Spirit was fine due to her being an angel now, and she never got tired or worn out like Chloe did.

     “Dr Kaufman says he can make me look more like a girl down there until I can finally have the surgery to make me a real girl that is.” Chloe said as they lay on the bed looking up at the ceiling.

     “I know, I was listening in with Sammi.” Spirit admitted.

     “Why didn’t I feel you there?” Chloe asked.

     “Sammi was masking us both from you.” Spirit explained. “Sammi likes to keep an eye on you.” Spirit added with a grin.

     “I really like Sammi.” Chloe smiled. “I’m not sure what it is about her, but I just feel like I’ve known her all my life. Do you think that weird?” Chloe asked as she looked at Spirit with a confused look on her face.

     “I think that’s just one of Sammie’s many charms, due to her being an angel.” Spirit thought out loud.

     “But you’re an angel, and I don’t have the same feeling about you.” Chloe said before she realised what she was saying.

     “Hey...! I’m not that bad to be around.” Spirit whined as she slapped Chloe on the arm.

     “I’m sorry sis; I didn’t mean it like it came out.” Chloe said through giggles as she tried to defend herself from Spirit’s slaps. “It’s just that...” Chloe trailed off due to her not being able to explain the way she felt around Samantha.

    Spirit was just about to say something else when she felt something and sat up to look across the room. Chloe was quickly sat up beside her and looking in the same spot as they both saw Heather appear in the room looking a little puzzled as to where she was.

     “How did I get here, and where is here?” Heather asked sounding nervous as she looked around the room.

     “You’re in Chloe’s bedroom.” Spirit said with a smile as she got up off the bed and walked over to where Heather was stood. “You’re able to travel to where ever Chloe is due to the fact you’ve touched her.” Spirit explained.

     “I’m sorry for imposing on you then Chloe, but I was just sat up on the roof of the school thinking how nice it was to be able to touch and hug someone, and the next thing I know, I was here in your bedroom.” Heather said nervously.

     “Don’t worry about it Heather, I’m happy to see you.” Chloe said as she stepped over to where Heather was stood and she pulled her into a hug.

     “This feels so good.” Heather sighed as she let Chloe hug her.

     “Do you want to hang out with us for a little while?” Chloe asked.

     “Are you sure it will be alright?” Heather asked with wide eyes.

     “Yes, silly.” Chloe smiled as she gave Heather another hug.

     “You give really good hugs Chloe, do you know that?” Heather said as she enjoyed it.

     “You’re just saying that because you can’t get them from anyone else.” Chloe giggled.

     “No... I mean it Chloe.” Heather said sounding serious. “I can’t put it into words, but it feels like heaven.” Heather tried to explain.

     “Chloe’s just special like that.” Spirit said with pride for her adopted sister. “I think you should put on a fashion show for us now, so we can see what you conned mother into buying for you.” Spirit teased as she pushed Chloe towards the shopping bags scattered all over the bed.

     “I don’t think I should Sis.” Chloe said looking nervous herself now as she looked at Spirit and then Heather. Chloe was worried about how Heather would react if she knew her secret.

     “I already know you’re not the real Chloe.” Heather said when she saw the worried look in Chloe’s eyes.

     “So you also know that I’m not a girl either then?” Chloe asked with a sad sigh.

     “I know that you are having some problems Chloe, but I still think you’re a girl, just like Spirit and I, well you know what I mean.” Heather giggled when she realised that her and Spirit were both dead and Chloe wasn’t.

     “And it doesn’t bother you that I’m different?” Chloe asked.

     “No...!” Heather snapped. “I wish I’d known you while I was still alive. I think you were robbed at birth being mistaken for a boy, you were born to be a girl.” Heather grinned as she threw her arms around Chloe to get another hug and let Chloe know that she wasn’t bothered by her little secret.

     “It’s a good job that being dead isn’t a problem for me either then.” Chloe giggled as she hugged Heather back.

     “I would like to hear more about how you came to be able to see ghosts, and touch them.” Heather said when they broke the hug.

     “Has Spirit not told you?” Chloe looked shocked to find out Spirit had kept most of what happened from Heather.

    Chloe helped Heather to find a place to sit, and she was soon giggling when she found that the two kittens could see her and they started playing around and diving through her hands.

     “You’re like cat nip to them.” Spirit laughed as she watched the two kittens playing around with Heather.

    Heather let the two kittens continue to play around while she sat and listened to Chloe and Spirit tell her the story of how the two of them came to be like sisters, and Chloe now being able to see and touch the dead. Neither of them left out any details, and Chloe found herself being hugged by a sobbing Heather at some parts of the story.

     “I’m glad you were able to help each other.” Heather said as she gave Chloe another hug at the end of the story. “And I don’t mean just because you’re helping me.” She added.

     “I’m glad that I am able to help you find some peace, Heather, I just wish I didn’t need to, and we could be real friends at school.” Chloe said with a sad smile. “Is there anything you miss not being able to do, now that you’re a ghost?” Chloe asked, wanting to try and help Heather have a little fun while she was in her bedroom and away from the school.

     “I miss being able to read books.” Heather said with a pleading in her voice. “I see all these new books coming out, and I can’t pick them up or even turn the pages.” She added as she tried to pick up the novel Chloe was trying to read that belonged to her mother, and was sat on the bedside table.

     “Would it help if I offered to turn the pages for you?” Chloe asked.

     “Would you really do that for me?” Heather looked excited now she would be able to read some books again.

    Heather was soon lying on the floor in the middle of the bedroom on her belly with a book open in front of her, and she would ask Chloe or spirit to turn the page every minute or so, while she looked up from time to time to look at the new item of clothing Chloe was modelling for them.

    Chloe had just finished putting away her new clothes and getting ready for bed when she heard a car pulling up in front of the house. She then heard the door bell and the faint voice of Valarie talking to someone. Chloe looked down to the floor where Spirit was lying down next to Heather turning pages on the book Heather was still reading.

     “Who do you think that might be sis?” Chloe asked with a worried look.

     “I can go and find out for you.” Spirit grinned, just before she vanished. She was soon back, but she didn’t look as happy now though.

     “Who is it?” Chloe asked looking even more worried now.

     “It’s Jennifer, and she’s asking mother what she knows about Jane being haunted by a ghost.” Spirit explained what little bit of information she’d been able to pick up in the short time she was downstairs.

    Chloe opened her mouth to say something, but closed it again when she heard Valarie call her down stairs. Chloe threw on her dressing gown and left the bedroom to go and find out what her mother wanted, even though she already knew, and she wasn’t looking forward to giving them the answer.

     “Yes Mother?” Chloe asked as she entered the kitchen. Good evening Miss Scott.” Chloe added when she saw Jennifer sat at the kitchen table with Valarie, while Ashley pottered around making a pot of tea.

     “What can you tell me about some girl called Jane Bridgeport being haunted by a ghost?” Valarie asked in a calm voice, but Chloe could see that she looked anything but calm.

     “I’m not sure what you’re getting at mother.” Chloe tried to bluff, but she could tell that it wasn’t working.

     “Jennifer was just telling me that you’ve been having trouble with this girl, and now she’s acting all weird, like she’s being bullied by a ghost.” Valarie snapped. “Spirit...! Get your butt in here right now...!” Valarie added as she looked around the kitchen.

    Spirit was soon stood next to Chloe, looking just as guilty as Chloe did. “Hello mother.” Spirit said with a nervous smile.

     “Don’t hello mother me young lady.” Valarie growled. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” She snapped.

     “We better tell them the truth sis.” Chloe said before Spirit dug an even deeper hole for Chloe to get out of.

     “And what truth is that?” Valarie asked.

     “Spirit is haunting Jane, but she’s only helping another girl to find some peace, so she can move on to her next life.” Chloe started to explain.

     “And what does this have to do with Jane?” Jennifer asked.

     “I think this will work faster if we get Heather down here.” Spirit said just before she vanished, she was soon back though, but she had Heather with her this time. Spirit was holding Heather’s hand, so all the others could see her without needing Chloe’s help.

     “Heather...?” Jennifer gasped as she put a hand over her mouth and jumped to her feet looking shocked, even though she already knew about ghosts. “Why did you feel the need to kill yourself? You could have come to me.” Jennifer added in a pleading tone.

     “I didn’t kill myself.” Heather snapped back angrily. “I was murdered by Jane. She pushed me off the roof because I found out she was having a romance with another girl at the school.” Heather explained in a much calmer tone of voice, thanks to Spirit using some of her special gifts on her.

     “No, that can’t be.” Jennifer said in disbelief. “I know Jane is a bitch, but murder...?”

     “Trust me, I was there.” Heather said, heavy with sarcasm.

     “So you’re haunting this girl to get some sort of revenge on her?” Valarie asked, still not happy with Spirit’s part in all this.

     “No, not revenge mother. Heather needs Jane to admit to what she did, so Heather’s parents can find peace in the knowledge their daughter didn’t take her own life.” Spirit explained.

     “Will that work?” Valarie asked as she looked at Jennifer.

     “Yes, but she would need to do it in front of a large number of students, or her father will just bury it like he always does.” Jennifer said with some anger in her voice. “We will need to keep Chloe away from all this as well, the last thing we need is Jane’s father looking more closely into Chloe’s past and finding out her secrets.”

     “Can you do all that without getting Chloe involved Spirit?” Valarie asked.

     “Yes mother, Heather and I have been doing it all so far without getting Chloe involved.”

     “Do you think you can push Jane over the edge during morning assembly?” Jennifer asked as she started to form a plan to help Spirit and Heather.

    The school has a morning assembly once a week to fill in all the students on important matters, and it was always on a Friday morning.

     “I think we can make her snap then, but Heather and I will need to do some serious haunting tonight.” Spirit grinned.

     “What do you have in mind Jenny?” Valarie asked when she saw the look of mischief in Jennifer’s eyes. The same look she use to get just before she did something crazy when they were Chloe’s age.

     “I always read out the school activities at the assembly, and a lot of the students film it on their phones, and I was thinking that if Jane suddenly confesses to what she did while being filmed, it will make it almost imposable for her father to bury it.” Jennifer grinned.

     “She’s scary when she grins like that.” Heather whispered to Spirit and Chloe. “I’m glad she’s on my side.” Heather added with a nervous smile when Jennifer looked in her direction, having heard her comment.

     “We will set the record straight Heather, and I will make sure your parents find out the truth.” Jennifer promised. “And we need you to keep as far away from Jane while all this happens.” Jennifer warned as she looked at Chloe.

     “Yes Miss Scott.” Chloe answered.

     “Heather and I better get back to the school, so we can make a start on Jane’s really bad night of no sleep.” Spirit giggled as she took hold of Heather’s hand and the two of them vanished.

     “I’m not very happy with you Chloe.” Valarie said as she turned her frustration in Chloe’s direction. “This matter was too important to be kept to yourself.” She added.

     “I’m sorry mother, but we didn’t have any proof, and we thought it best to let you find out the truth when everyone else did.” Chloe said as she looked down at her slippers, to worried to look Valarie in the eyes.

     “You need to stop acting like you’re in this on your own sweetie.” Valarie said as she let her anger wash away. “I know you spent a long time looking out for yourself, but you’re not that person anymore.” She added as she pulled Chloe into a hug to let her know she still loved her.

     “I’m sorry mummy.” Chloe mumbled, due to her face being buried in Valarie’s chest.

     “I’ll let you off with a warning this time, but if you do something behind my back again, you will find your horse riding privileges stopped for a week.” Valarie warned as she lifted Chloe’s chin and looked her in the eyes to show she wasn’t joking.

    Chloe just nodded that she understood, while she gulped down hard as to what it would mean to not be able to ride Shadow for a whole week. Even though she’d not had Shadow very long, she still loved to ride him and spend time with him whenever she could.

     “I’m sorry about all this Jennifer, I’m sure you’ve got better things to do than come over here in the evening.” Valarie apologised to her friend.

     “I don’t mind now I have all the facts.” Jennifer said as she waved off Valarie’s worries. “I’d rather work with Chloe to get that murdering bitch out of my school.” She added with anger in her voice.

     “Jennifer...!” Valarie said looking shocked as she put her hands over Chloe’s ears, trying to stop her hearing Jennifer’s outburst. Not that it did much good, as Chloe was already giggling over the way Jennifer had just spoken about Jane.

     “I’m sorry, but you’d see what I mean if you met her.” Jenifer said in her own defence.

     “She is a nasty person to be around mummy.” Chloe agreed as she looked up at Valarie from where she was still enjoying her hug.

     “I’m sure she is, but I want you to keep away from her, just like Jenny told you.” Valarie said as she lifted Chloe’s chin until they were looking each other in the eyes.

     “Yes mummy.” Chloe promised.

     “Okay then, it’s getting late, so you better see about getting off to bed then.” Valarie kissed Chloe on the forehead and gave her another hug.

    Chloe smiled as she enjoyed the hug, then she got hugs from Ashley and Jennifer before she left the kitchen and returned to her bedroom to get some sleep. Chloe was really tired, due to all the shopping she’d done, but she was happy that she’d managed to fulfil one of her dreams to go out shopping with a friend as a girl, and she already knew she would get to do it a lot more in the future. She was soon curled up in bed with her two kittens cuddled up close to her under the covers as she let sleep overtake her, and she enjoyed pleasant dreams filled with her and Stacy laughing as they did more shopping.



To Be Continued Next Tuesday ...... maybe  GRIN


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you.

    This is the last chapter that I have for this story, Sara has two more written (hence the 13+ at the top) but I haven’t seen them yet. Real life is keeping Sara very busy at the mo and the last time we spoke (over a week ago) she didn’t have anymore chapters ready to send me. Rest assured as soon I’ve seen/proofed them I’ll get them posted. Huggles Sammi

    UPDATE 01/05/2013, I've received Ch.12 from Sara so that will be posted next week as normal, plus Sara has said she has time to write again :D. Huggles Sammi

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