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LISA’S DREAM -4- (Conclusion)
By Susan Heywood
Robert Pemberton answers an advertisement in a contact magazine. The resulting changes to his life are the stuff of dreams.
Part 4
“Now you may be thinking that there’s nothing particularly unusual in what you’ve heard so far, but there is one small detail that I have yet to tell you. -- Jennifer was once my brother.”
Chapter Seven
I could hear a faint voice. Gradually it came closer until it was directly above me. Someone was crying. Slowly I opened my eyes. Harriet bent over me, administering first aid.
Jenny sat with her head in her hands, sobbing and repeating over and over, “My dearest darling Lisa, I’ve hurt you so much, I’m so sorry!”
“Wh....where am I? Wh....what happened?”
Harriet motioned for me to be still. “You fainted. It seems that our little family secret was too much for you. Just lay there while I fetch you a blanket.”
Ignoring Jenny, who was still sobbing uncontrollably, Harriet left the room.
Gathering my thoughts, I looked at Jenny. “Darling Jenny, don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re still the same person that I’ve been in love with since the day I arrived; and your revelations haven’t changed my mind. I do need to know more about you. So far all I know is the beautiful woman that I see before me. I still can’t understand how you can in any way be male, although this may solve the mystery of why I love you as I do.”
A few moments later Harriet returned, helped me to a sitting position and wrapped a blanket around my still trembling shoulders. She sent Jenny off to dress and prepare some food. Her ability to command the situation had not deserted her.
~Perhaps she knows that if Jenny stayed, she would bring us all down with her misery ~
It was quite late in the morning and none of us had eaten since last night. Whether or not we had an appetite was another matter entirely, but at least it kept Jenny occupied for a while.
Harriet sat down alongside me and took my hand. “It must be all of fifteen years since I’ve seen Jennifer in anything remotely resembling male clothes. I’ve almost forgotten what ‘he’ once looked like. She has been dressing as often as possible, since she was about eight years old. When she couldn’t dress as a girl, her clothes were androgynous. She played with nothing but dolls, nurse’s outfits, toy kitchens, and so on. I had Sindy, Barbie, you name it, all the girlie toys I pretended were for me. Whenever Christmas or birthdays arrived, Jennifer and I would retire upstairs, giggle a lot, swap presents, often swap clothes and have a great time. Being two years older and female made me about the same size as Jennifer during our childhood, although I am now a few inches taller.
“It didn’t bother me in the slightest that she preferred girls’ clothes, as I preferred boys’ clothes - and you’ve probably already worked out that I’m a lesbian. What I found difficult to understand at first is that, although Jennifer adores dressing and living as a woman, with a woman’s hobbies and so on, she would never have anything to do with boys and has always been on the lookout for some sympathetic female who could be a ‘wife’ to her. I suppose that, as she suffered ‘the childhood from hell’ I shouldn’t find that so surprising.
“Finally, she has found her special someone in you, but feels that you would no longer want her when faced with the truth. She told me that when she saw you in that white dress on your first night with us. She fell head over heels in love with you! Even though she knows that you were born a male, she cannot think of you now as anything other than female and is absolutely mad about you.”
I was speechless. ~All these months of anxiety over my feelings for Jenny. What a thrill to hear that Jenny feels the same way about me after all. BUT WAIT A MINUTE! How on earth am I to be a ‘wife’ to Jenny? Both of us were born male and no amount of breast enhancement, fine clothing and make-up can change that inescapable fact.~ My bright new world seemed to become tarnished before my very eyes and I looked downcast at this latest obstacle to my happiness.
In Harriet’s eyes, however, I saw a deep and genuine sisterly love.
~If there is a way of resolving this dilemma, then Harriet Armitage will be the person to find it.~
Chapter Eight
“Please, ma’am.” ~I can’t bring myself to call Harriet by her first name despite having been asked to do so on several occasions this morning.~ “I do love you both very much and will always want to work for you and do my best to please you. You’ve been so very kind to me and have treated me like one of the family. I will always be grateful for that kindness.
“I am puzzled though. I just can’t believe Jenny is in any way male; it just doesn’t seem possible. Anyway, if she is male, how can she want me for a partner? I also have male bits and I’ve never been attracted to males. And what would happen to us if we were to get together? How could we continue to live and work here with you?”
“My dear Lisa,” Harriet said gently, “you have brought joy and light to the lives of both my sister and me. Let me explain a few more details that I hope will answer your questions without raising new ones.
“Jennifer is indeed male and has a full set of functioning male bits. One of the reasons we wanted a person who was seeking feminization was so that you wouldn’t find her too odd, if you found her out.”
~I’d always wondered ~
“She also has breasts --thanks to silicone implants -- lovely skin, and a gorgeous figure, which owes itself mainly to tight lacing from as early an age as she could get away with it. Like I said, she has been hoping for a companion who would be an equal partner in an unusual relationship. Also, she simply loves all housework and would wish to continue that aspect of life as a woman whether or not she were to have a partner. Again, she is very much in love with you. You know, don’t you, what the medication that you have been taking these past months is doing to your body?”
“Well. . . .” I hesitated. I had meant to have a talk with Jenny about the effects of the medication but hadn’t plucked up the courage to do so. Still, I did have a fair idea.
“You are being chemically castrated. Your genitals have shrunk to a small insignificant appendage and no longer give you any feelings, do they?”
“That’s right,” I hesitantly replied. “And my body is changing shape, my skin has become softer, and my clothes fit much better.”
“This chemical castration,” Harriet explained, “can be partly, and sometimes completely reversed, simply by stopping the medication. If you wish to continue and go the whole way it involves an operation to exchange your male bits for a set of female-looking ones. The operation is complicated and expensive . . . and you would have to undergo assessment. You will have no trouble convincing the consultant psychiatrists and surgeon of your suitability as a candidate for the operation. Jennifer and I will be with you every step of the way to love and support you.”
My memory flashed back to my childhood and the sensationalized newspaper headlines about someone who had just such an operation. I also remembered my research at the local library. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes and hardly took in what Harriet was saying. I could see one huge, frustrating obstacle. “But that operation is so expensive, I couldn’t possibly afford it.”
“Sssh, my pet,” Harriet said gently. “I’m going to let you into another little secret. You’d better sit down as what I am about to tell you could cause a repeat performance of this morning’s ‘Nine o’clock Show’.” Harriet gave a little laugh, obviously hoping that the humorous reference to my earlier fainting spell would lighten my mood a little.
It didn’t work but I did sit down.
Harriet continued. “Over the past months you’ve worked very hard, you do not have extravagant tastes and have spent very little on your occasional outings with Jennifer. Had you been any other employee I’d have had to pay you a salary, which would have also involved me in overheads such as National Insurance and Income Tax.
“I don’t pay you a salary — and you were probably so engrossed in all the other things going on in your life that you never gave the subject of a salary any thought, did you? In fact, the document that you signed when you joined us isn’t a contract of employment at all. It’s a statement on your part that you are merely a guest in this house. As such, you will expect no remuneration whatsoever, apart from your board and lodging. If I’d given you a chance to read that document, my dear, it might have opened your eyes a little. But we couldn’t have you fretting about all our ideas and plans, could we?”
I gasped.
~ What IS going on? ~
Harriet smiled. “Anyway, enough of this prattling. What I’m trying to tell you is that, although you are not receiving a regular income from your work, a sum of money in lieu of a year’s gross salary is in a high yield account, in your name, with the Central Building Society. Business has been good as many of my friends are willing to pay top dollar for a woman to do their accounting. The balance of your account today stands at, give or take a few pence, thirty thousand pounds, enough to complete all the treatment you’ll need, when you need it. So, what do you think of that, Miss Lisa Janice Pemberton?”
I staggered in my chair, if that is possible.
~Thirty thousand pounds? Not only can I have the operation that I have all my life desired, but also it would be fully paid for ~
Gradually a smile started to spread across my face and then I leapt at Harriet. Losing all inhibition and forgetting my previous reticence when dealing with my mistress, I flung my arms around her neck and started kissing her. “Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! I can hardly believe it; I’m going to be a woman. I’m going to be a woman! Oh, how wond. . . .”
My joyous chanting tailed off as I caught sight of Jenny, standing by the front door and wearing a dark grey skirt suit over a white satin blouse. Over her right arm she held a long, black, fur-trimmed coat. In her left hand were her black gloves and a handbag. By her feet was a suitcase.
“Wh.. .where are you going,” I asked, in a very small voice.
“Now that you are to have your anatomy sorted out you won’t want me so I’m leaving,” Jenny said tearfully, as she turned to go.
Chapter Nine
“No! No!” I wailed. I quickly unwound myself from Harriet’s neck and ran towards the door. “How can you leave me now? Don’t you love me anymore?”
“Its better this way,” Jenny said slowly, “You’ll soon forget me when you have found a real man to love, someone who will treat you as you have always wanted.”
At this, I realized that my whole world was about to collapse around me: I squeezed past Jenny, and then stood between her and the front door. Drawing myself up, I looked her in the eyes. “All right then, tell me that you don’t love me and I will let you go. I just cannot believe that you would walk out on me . . . unless you no longer love me.”
“I’m right, you know,” Jenny cried. “You would quickly find me an embarrassment and a liability, someone who would hold you back. You’re very beautiful and deserve more than I could ever give you.”
“Tell me that you don’t love me!” I repeated, this time more firmly.
“I’m right and I. . .I. .. .” She broke down in a torrent of tears.
“No, my darling Jenny,” I said softly, “I know what and who I want and it is you, and has been you since my first day here. Remember when you kissed me? I had no idea what to do because I had never been kissed, really kissed by anyone before. But you held me, and I knew then that I would never want to let you go. But if you can honestly tell me that you don’t love me then you may leave.” I then held out my arms to her and with a huge effort of will, smiled at her.
Jenny’s resolve crumbled. She dropped her coat, gloves and handbag and moved towards me.
I grabbed her and hugged her so tightly that she must have been in fear of bodily injury.
Both of us were crying, but very soon our lips met and silence, accompanied by a slightly audible, sensual moaning, took over.
After a few minutes there was a polite cough and we found Harriet standing in the drawing room doorway. “I’m sorry to interrupt this little battle, but I’m famished. Is there the slightest danger of something to eat around here?”
Jenny was the first to recover, her training and sense of duty bringing her round. “Yes, ma’am,” she sniffed, but it sounded more like “I suppose so, if you must.” Reluctantly she let go of me.
I stood breathless after such sensual kissing.
Jenny took off her jacket and turned towards the kitchen.
Harriet took my arm. “Phew, that was close! You’d better do something to ensure that Jennifer doesn’t have second thoughts about going. I don’t think that I could cope with a repeat of that little episode.”
A short time later, Jenny carried the lunch into the drawing room and set it down on a little table.
I stood at the bottom of the stairs where neither of them could see me.
“Where’s Lisa?” Jenny asked.
“Gone upstairs for a few minutes,” Harriet said. A mild argument soon ensued about whose fault the morning’s revelations had been.
I laughed at their antics and they both turned towards me, their collective eyes nearly popping out of their collective sockets.
My dress, which neither of them had seen, was a stunning hyacinth blue, with a flattering lace-trimmed scoop neckline and short sleeves, it had an all-over floral pattern in a slightly lighter shade of the same colour and a mid-calf length crinkle pleat skirt that swirled sensuously as I walked. My legs were encased in sheer silk stockings and on my feet were white ankle strap sandals with the highest heels that I could find. My now shoulder-length curly auburn hair shone and my luscious glossy full lips held a little smile, which was aimed straight at Jenny’s heart. I know that I looked a knockout and the other two were completely lost for words.
I was first to break the silence. My eyes flirted with Jenny’s. “Well! Now I’ve got your attention would you please pour me some coffee?”
Jenny did so, although her hand shook so much that there was little chance of all the coffee going into the cup.
Very slowly, I went over, sat on her lap and proceeded to shower her with kisses. Turning to Harriet, I winked. “Would you please excuse us for a while? Jennifer and I have some unfinished er. . .um. . .conversation to attend to.”
Harriet stood at once. “I can take a hint. I’ll be in the study. There’s enough work to keep me busy for at least a couple of hours.” She picked up her lunch, stuck her nose in the air, sniffed haughtily and walked out.
“What was all that about?” Jenny asked.
“It’s simple,” I said with a smile. “You and I have a decision to make, but before we do that, there’s something I need to tell you. Unzip me, please.” I turned my back to her and bent down.
Her hands shaking slightly, Jenny slid down the zip of my dress and it dropped to the floor, revealing a little white satin slip which showed off my developing breasts.
I got off her lap. “Now, stand up.”
“Stand up.”
Seemingly puzzled as to what I had in mind, Jenny stood facing me. I slowly knelt down in front of her, put my hands behind her waist and unfastened her skirt.
“Please don’t. . . .” Jenny said without much conviction, offering nothing in the way of resistance.
I gently lifted her pretty, lace petticoat and saw matching panties and a basque, the suspenders of which were clipped to the tops of barely-black stockings. Pulling down her panties, I found that everything which Harriet had described that morning was completely true. My mouth formed an ‘O’ as I saw for the first time the sign of my lover’s true sex.
Jenny started to breathe a little more quickly.
For what seemed like minutes but was, in fact, only seconds, I was motionless - mesmerized. I knew that I had at last found my true love. Then, as though someone had suddenly turned on a switch and flooded my mind with light, I knew that I must have her.
~ One day I’ll be truly fulfilled as a woman, but for now I know what I must do ~
Jenny made no sound.
Moaning slightly, I made love to her in the only way I could; my actions sent delicious tingles shooting through me from head to toe. What it did to Jenny I could only imagine.
She shook slightly as I became more confident -- my whole body at a pitch of heightened tingling sensitivity.
I sent her wild with my attentions.
“I love you, my darling Lisa, I love you, I love you. Oh yes! I long for the day when I can truly possess you. Oh yes, that’s fantastic! Oh, yes, yes, yes, YES!”
It was blissfully over. I rested my head against her corseted tummy, closed my eyes and let out a slow sigh of contentment.
We remained like that for several minutes, locked in embrace, one standing and one kneeling, lost in the afterglow and our deep love for one another.
I pulled Jenny down on top of me and snuggled gratefully into the warmth of her arms. We gently kissed breasts, lips, cheeks, throats, necks, hair; anything that we could reach without letting go of each other. Eventually, though, we both ran out of energy and just stretched out in utter contentment.
“Dearest darling, did you have something to tell me?” Jenny asked
I giggled. “Did you not receive my message?”
She sighed contentedly. “Yes, my love, I did.”
Some time later Harriet poked put her head round the door of the drawing room. Jenny, wearing nothing but her basque, stockings and a very self-satisfied smile, was fast asleep on one of the sofas. I was almost wearing my white satin slip and was enfolded in her arms with my cheek resting upon her left breast.
Harriet gently lowered herself into a vacant chair and sat gazing lovingly at us.
“At last,” I said quietly so as not to disturb my love, “we are really together, united in a plan so bizarre that only someone who loves us both so very, very much could possibly have conceived it.”
Harriet nodded and she and I smiled at one another as I closed my eyes.
My grateful thanks, as usual, go to Angela Rasch for her advice and her editing.
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WOW!! Lisa's Dream
Is a wonderful love story. Susan, you have penned a romance that is sweet/sentimental.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Great job on this.
You are completely ignoring some imagined boundaries in the genre, and I just love it!
Really liked the Lisa story, one question however :)
At the end of the story, is Jenny fully functional as a male, did she not take hormones and just have implants and corset training?
Very nice tale regardless...
Lisa's Dream
Yes, they did live happily ever after; I am, when all is said and done, an incurable romantic.
I know what happened to everyone but leaving it up to your imaginations leaves me the option of a follow-up story.
Thank you all for reading and commenting.
I love a good romance. What started as a fairly standard fem-dom tale grew into something more lovely and wonderful!
Not my usual cup of tea but
Not my usual cup of tea but well told nonetheless. Thank you for sharing your talent with we who have none.
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
your story
Very touching and sweet. Thank you.
"She was born for all the wrong reasons but she grew up for all the right ones." Ti dio benedice! 'drea
Love, Andrea Lena
Wow such a awsome and
Wow such a awsome and powerful love story i enjoyed it very much thank you :)
I an incurable romantic...
...and this tale was certainly wonderful.
just a dream........
..... but a very engaging one! Thank you, Susan! Any plans for a follow-up with the same characters? Hope so. Ginger x