I happened to catch on the radio the story of Rehtaeh Parsons, a young woman in Nova Scotia who was raped and had pictures of her rape shown around her school, and how she has committed suicide.
I wish I could have talked with her. As a survivor of rape, I would have liked the opportunity to tell her she isnt alone, and that she could survive, and even thrive.
I hope they can punish the boys who raped her, but no matter what they do to them, she's gone, and will never have the chance to be able to say what I can:
I'm stronger, braver, more compassionate because I have taken this experience and used it to help me grow.
Because I'm not a victim anymore.
I'm a survivor.
Not an easy path...
...but a necessary path nonetheless. And the hardest part is not convincing others, but convincing ourselves that we indeed are no longer victims, but survivors. Good for you, dear heart!
Love, Andrea Lena
Rehtaeh Parsons
From the articles I've read, it was a gang rape that happened a couple of years ago. The prosecution decide that there was "insufficient evidence" to prosecute the rapists. Videos and pictures of the rape were INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE???? What kind of morons were they?
After the gang rape, she was bullied and harassed for almost two years with nobody doing a thing about it before she finally couldn't take it anymore and hung herself. Now, AFTER HER SUICIDE, they've decided to "reopen the investigation". Isn't THAT just great? It took her DEATH for the powers that be to say, "Oh, I think we might have screwed up." and start to do something.
There was nothing in the articles about who the alleged rapists and/or harassers were but, in my opinion, they were probably some of the "elite" of the neighborhood (i.e., parents with money/connections) that were pretty much untouchable, as is usually the case. I definitely will be following this story to see if it gets buried again or if justice finally gets doled out to those who raped and, in my mind, killed her.
Did you see the Ohio rape case?
In Ohio there was a rape of a 15 year old and the boys where football stars at the HS . The girl was passed out drunk 2 boys raped herand only got 1 year in juve hall with credit for time served . The boys will be registered sex affenders for life. CNN made a big deal about how the boys lives where ruined because of sex affender status.
That fact that they got only 1 years shocked me they also posted on twitter or some place like that & for that 1 of the boys got 1 extra year.
The boys didn't think it was rape because she didn't fight back ,she was past out & didn't know what happened till she saw the tweet all she knew the next morning was she was naked and sore
At least she got some justice and the help not to kill herself but she has that on her mind for life
She was the victum
There is a petition running around
It might interest some of us. A small action can bring some big reaction.
change,org and avaaz,org are two place that try to a difference in the world.
Justice for Rehtaeh: Demand an independent inquiry into the police investigation.
Peace and Love