Sometimes, I wish I was a better writer. I have good ideas, but not as good at getting them out. For example, I made a series of stories about an organization called "Vision Spring", that appears to the outside world to be a charity that helps Gay, lesbian and trans people, but is in fact a group of people who have magical control over one of the traditional elements - Earth, Water, Fire, Nature, Light, Darkness, and the Air. They have gathered together to protect the world from an area of chaos where all the myths and dreams of men and women have become real, and some of those are very dangerous ....
I think its a good series, but it could have been something amazing in the hands of a better writer.
Ah, well.
Don't sell yourself short here.
Greg Makes a Switch (hope that's right) was brilliant. You would do justice to the story you mentioned here, I'm sure.
If you want to read the series for yourself, Maggie.
here is a link:
Catch 22
Dorothy that is the catch 22 of story telling. Unless you practice at the craft and become proficient at it you don't learn. You don't learn if you don't share. And most are scared to want to try for fear of the ridicule they will receive when they do post something. That is why so many authors give up quickly because of someones comment about not being good enough.
The real art of storytelling is not trying to be a successful writer but to convey what you want your audience to read. There are many great writers who aim for one type of audience: small children, young adults and so on. Their not trying to be literary hounds but trying to entertain the ones who read their stories. You cannot please all the people because there is to much diversification between us.
By saying that your story would have been better off in the hands of a different writer would be like having Shakespeare hand off his work to Mark Twain. The story may have been better but it would have been Mark Twain's and not Shakespeare's. The same could be said of your story. You may have had the idea but the new writer would put it in their context and not yours. It would not have your ideas but the ideas of another.
Don't give up, keep trying and press on. If there is negativity from someone then chose to ignore it or if it does have some useful information take hold of it and apply it if need be. There will always be those that will criticize for the sake of an argument because that is who they are. Find someone to look at your story for a useful critic before you post it. Then when your satisfied share it and be ready for those that don't like it but take pleasure in the ones who do.
All in all don't give up. Keep writing and keep pushing yourself to do better.
Oh and one other thing. Take comfort in the knowledge that you did something that others have not. You took the first step to writing a story that was inside of you.
I was going to offer much the same advice, but there's no way I could have put it more eloquently than this.
Catch 22 (and a half)
ib12us has nailed it so far as I am concerned. I am just a wannabe writer who does good just to do something original in the comments, and for that reason I try to leave a Kudo for each thing I read in BCTS. All the stories are so good, and so well written that I keep coming back for more.
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm
I was once horrible
I passed high school English by the grace of the teacher. Some of the creative writing then and just after were very poor, i e junk. But I persevered. and continue to write. When I put some stories on line I received some good feedback and some not so good feedback. I listened (Deuteronomy 6:4, R. Sachs translation) to the negative feedback on technique and eventually perceived (Isaiah 6:9) what to do. These comments helped me.
So did my editors who occasionally saw difficulties.
I also learned to wait before posting. I continually looked at the story, saw the flaws and corrected them. After I was satisfied, I again waited and did something else, often life. It took weeks before I again looked at the story and saw it with fresh eyes and often corrected mistakes, some minor, some major. This response is an example.
I am also a poor speller and have occasional bad grammar. I had about a dozen misspelled words that were corrected writing this piece, but I will not change a correct "her" to and incorrect "she" as many "professional" writers do.
Also when I quote or paraphrase I give my source.
I still make mistakes.
I hope these suggestions help.
What are you talking about ?
You are always putting yourself down. STOP DOING THAT . The very fact that you are creative enough to writing & the guts to post, makes you a GREAT writer. That being said you are very good have you checked your KUDOS count??? I rest my case HUGS & KISSES GIRLFRIEND -- RICHIE2 :-)
I read that series and
I read that series and enjoyed every story. They were well thought out and well written. Even the best authors do not make a masterpiece of every work they have ever written. They must practice and learn that is why they improve.
I have some very good ideas for stories but I always get stuck when I try writing them. At least can write yours and get them completed.
Take heart, for you can always find someone better and someone worse than yourself.
Enjoy your success. :)
Mark <3
Ideas for stories
"I have some very good ideas for stories but I always get stuck when I try writing them. At least can write yours and get them completed." - Mark of Wis
Mark has stated my problem with writing very well in this quote from him.
And Mark of Wis seems to be someone named Mark, who is from Wisconsin. After reading his comments, I am more convinced that Mark of Wis is short for Mark of Wisdom...He expresses his thought very good.
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm
That is the number of kudo's you presently have. Only someone who is not afraid to write and actually can write manages to get that many kudo's.
I hope...
...that you take these comments to heart, okay? We grow and we get better with every keystroke or press of the pen against paper. I could come up with reasons why you're wrong in your assessment about your talent, but I think these folks said it better and in number, aye? Go Dottie!!!!
Love, Andrea Lena