Being Christina Chase | Chapter 54: The Journey (Final)

"Who gives this woman away to be married to this man?" asked the minister, shaking Christina out of her admiration of Richard.

"I do," Alek answered. He looked at Christina who returned his gaze. He knew that his niece was a modern woman, and she didn't look upon the ceremony the same way that he did. For Christina, this was an opportunity to wear a pretty dress in front of the whole town and live out the fantasy wedding that she'd been dreaming of. For Alek, the traditional implication of the ceremony was all too clear. He was giving his precious child away to the care of another man, and he knew that things would never be the same again.

Being Christina Chase
Chapter 54 - The Journey
(Final Chapter)

by Admiral Krunch

Copyright © 2007,2013 Admiral Krunch
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 54

        Christina Chase stared at the round silver rimmed clock sitting on the desk. 2:50 PM. She stared at herself in the mirror that Lisa had found in one of the adjacent rooms and had propped up on top of the desk. Her face had been professionally made up from the exquisite pink of her lipstick to the blush on her cheekbones that had been so expertly blended that one couldn't see its edges. Her hair, which she'd been growing out, had been parted into a dramatic wave that flowed from the crown of her head, slightly obscuring the left side of her face as it cascaded into a river of curls. The right side of her blonde tresses was held back by a silvery white flower shaped hairpin attached just above her ear. Pinned back, her elegant pearl earring and her long slender neck were on full display. Her silver cross hung suspended by its delicate chain just above the strapless top of her gown.

        She poked at the hairpin nervously, though not with enough force to move it. It seemed to Christina that it was slightly lower than it was when they'd left the house, and though she wanted to test this theory, she was afraid that she might push it hard enough to dislodge it further than she'd suspected it had already drifted. She was certain that the pin was not precisely in the same place as it had been when Steph had attached it, and this thought caused her no end of distress.

        Christina surveyed every inch of herself in the mirror. Standing, she checked her white gown. The sweetheart neckline left her shoulders and arms completely exposed. It flowed down like an hourglass, intersected by a rose blush colored sash that was tied into a giant bow at her back, the tails of which fell to the ground, resting on top of the train of the dress. The skirt flowed from the waist just below the sash, progressing out to diameter almost as wide as her outstretched arms.

        The dress was sophisticated, iconic, even regal. That was nothing compared to the golden maned girl within. Christina's natural breasts filled out the bodice, and the gown hugged her well defined curves and her full bottom. She knew better than most people just how fast life could change. Even though it had taken almost an entire year, even she was surprised by how quickly her waifish figure had transmuted into the sculpted young woman in the mirror.

        Christina had been working through her past traumas and present day trials with her doctor. She'd also told her family and friends the truth of her condition: She'd been born and raised as a male, but her body was naturally resistant to male hormones. Boy or girl was not black or white where Christina Chase was concerned, and she'd needed some help to completely be the person they had come to know and love. Though it was awkward at first, It seemed that everyone else had an easier time accepting this truth than Christina had in understanding it. After all, it was Christina Chase who had to come to terms with who she really was, not her family.

        While hormone therapy had induced an unwelcome second puberty, it seemed that it only took the slightest push for Christina's body to blossom into its current state. In fact, Christina didn't look all that different from before. She had the same face, the same tall thin frame, the same voice. It was as though the process was more augmentation than transformation.

        Still, it had been a hard year. Between bouts of nausea, painful migraines, and on occasion, feeling as though she were bipolar, the changes in her body had come at a cost. She wondered how much higher that cost might have been if she hadn't had an endless well of love and support from the people in her life. It seemed that most of the time Christina spent with her doctor was not spent dealing with the changes in her body, but rather in learning to accept the bounty of love she'd been blessed with in her life.

        Christina again focused her attention on the hairpin, tapping it warily. She was positive it had moved since they'd left the house. Looking back at the clock on the desk, she saw that it was now 3:04 PM. For all the changes the universe had thrown at Christina Chase, the one thing that never seemed to change was that she was running out of time.

        "Where's Steph?" she shrieked as she turned around to face the women in the room. Nina and Lisa were wearing short chiffon rose blush colored dressed that exactly matched the long sash tied around Christina's waist. Their dresses also had sweetheart necklines, though they were partially obscured by a translucent sling that hung from their left shoulders. The dresses had black satin ribbon belts and the draped skirts landed at just above the knees. Each of them were as expertly coiffed as Christina.

        Misha was wearing a distinguished floor length charcoal colored dress. The shoulders, bust, and the quarter length sleeves were decorated by black lace. Though she did not have the same youthful glow as the girls, she looked distinguished and lovely.

        "She left with Andrei just after us," Lisa offered.

        Nina put up her hands almost defensively. "I'm sure she's in the church somewhere," the seventeen year old girl assured.

        "I can feel it sliding off my head," Christina complained nervously as she gingerly prodded the hairpin in her reflection. Turning back to Nina, she complained, "We have to get Steph to fix this!" She immediately went back to the mirror to fuss with her tresses.

        "Okay," the girl said, trying to calm her older cousin. "I'll go get her."

        "No," Christina said manically as she spun around. "I need you here." Nina was about to say something, but Christina quickly changed course, demanding, "Go get her, we have to fix this." Seeing Nina start for the door, she reversed her position again saying, "No, stay. You're my maid of honor."

        "Fine," Nina seethed. Nina had never been so thrilled as when Christina had asked her to be her maid of honor. What she didn't realize was that it meant it was her job to keep her older cousin's sanity intact, even if it was at the cost of her own. "Lisa," she commanded, "Find Steph!"

        The older girl instantly obeyed, leaving the room in search of her friend.

        "I look awful," Christina proclaimed nervously.

        "Tina, you are beautiful!" Misha gushed.

        Nina went to her cousin and held both of her hands. "Christina, you look incredible," she assured her cousin.

        Christina pleaded, "Really? You're not just saying that?"

        "I hope I look as good as you do on my wedding day," answered Nina.

        Christina took a deep breath and held it. Letting it go, she looked at the young woman who was holding her hands. Though Christina would always think of her as the little girl who brushed her hair the first day that they had met, she recognized that Nina had grown up.

        "What's the situation?" Steph asked as she burst into the room with Lisa in tow.

        "This!" Christina shouted, one finger pointing directly at the hairpin.

        Steph inspected her friend's hair. "What's the problem?" she asked, hoping for some guidance.

        "I can feel it falling off my head," Christina complained as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.

        Steph shot a raised eyebrow towards Nina then started examining the silver flower in her friend's hair. "It's fine," she pronounced.

        Christina trilled "It's not fine!"

        Steph turned Christina's head to the left so that Christina could no longer see herself in the mirror. She wiggled the clip a bit, but did not move it an inch. "You're right," Steph announced, "I put it back where it was."

        Christina looked back in the mirror and appraised herself. "Thank you," she exhaled, "It looks better now."

        Since she was there, Steph did an inspection of her own, making sure every strand of hair on Christina's head was positioned just so. While this was not her wedding, Christina Chase was very much an advertisement for her services, one that would soon be on display in front of the entire town. Steph wanted to make sure her friend's day was perfect, but she didn't mind showing off while she was at it.

        "Ugh," Christina grunted as she watched Steph work in the mirror. "Those dresses are awful."

        Steph, who was wearing the same dress as Nina and Lisa argued, "We look awesome, and we match your duds perfectly."

        Christina retorted, "I told you we should have gone with the green ones."

        Nina buried her face in her palm at the mention of the green dresses.

        "The neon green nightmares?" Steph mused as she fussed with her charge.

        "They were mint!" Raising her hands to her chest, Christina wriggled her fingers, adding, "And they had really pretty ruffles."

        "Radioactive mint," Steph elaborated. "And they made us look like parrots."

        "They did not!" Christina protested.

        "They kinda did," Nina agreed.

        "You woulda had to dress up the fellas as pirates." Steph quipped. "Make a theme of it."

        "They were really nice," the bride disagreed.

        Satisfied with her work, Steph said, "Just be glad you promised to let me pick out your bridesmaid dresses. You'll thank me in the years to come."

        Christina complained, "I still don't remember ever saying that."

        "I never forget, Blondie," Steph assured her.

        The women heard the door opening behind them, and turned to see Andrei, who looked somewhat uncomfortable in his black suit, poke his head in and announce, "Everyone is waiting."

        Nina, Steph, and Lisa all erupted at once.

        "You can't be in here!" Lisa fussed.

        Steph pushed her boyfriend out into the hallway and closed the door behind her.

        "I thought that was just the groom," Andrei apologized.

        "Look," Steph started, "It's just ... girl space." She said the last two words as though they rationally explained the reaction Andrei had provoked. "I'm not goin' out like that," Steph vowed, pointing at the door behind her.

        "Like what?" Andrei asked.

        "Weddings make people crazy," Steph responded. "You have to promise me that if we ever get married, we're gonna elope."

        Andrei pulled Steph to him with his tree trunk sized arms and gave her a goofy love struck smile. "What do you mean 'if' we get married?"

        Steph found that she was unable to prevent the same goofy smile from seizing her own face.

         "We have to get lined up," Lisa announced as she left the room.

        "Duty calls," Steph mused. She guided Andrei's face down to hers so she could give him a peck before following Lisa to the staging area.

         Back inside the room, Christina gave one last nervous look into the mirror.

        "You look great," Nina again assured her older cousin.

        "Tina," Misha said as she went to her girls, "You are lovely."

        Christina's shoulders sank as she sighed. "I just want everything to be perfect."

        "Come," Misha said to her children. She took Christina's hand in her left, and Nina's in her right. She motioned with her eyes for Nina and Christina to join hands, which they did. The circle formed, Misha explained, "Tina there is nothing you can do to make this day perfect, but if you just let it happen, it will be." Looking from one girl to the next, she said, "Let us take a moment, together." The woman closed her eyes and bowed her head. Taking the cue, the Christina and Nina did the same, and the Levchenko women shared an unspoken prayer for the future.

        Raising her head and opening her eyes, she asked her niece, "Are you ready?"

        Feeling more centered than she had in days, Christina nodded, saying, "Yes, Aunt Misha."

        "Then we must go," Misha insisted.

        "Yeah," Nina agreed as she escorted her mother and her cousin out of the room. Reaching the group of people assembled at the entrance to the sanctuary, Nina inserted her mother into the queue behind Richard's parents and took Christina all the way to the back of the line.

        "Thanks Nina," Christina said as her younger cousin was about to take her place in the line of bridesmaids.

        Nina responded, "For what?"

        "You know," Christina responded, "for being my maid of honor. And my best friend. And the sister I never knew I always needed."

        Nina hugged her older cousin, assuring her, "You're gonna be great, now get lined up with Dad."

        Christina watched as the young woman took her place behind Lisa and Steph. Christina Chase didn't have many bridesmaids, but she had more true friends than she could have ever hoped for.

        She saw that Alek was waiting for her at the end of the procession. Feeling her heart race, she went as quickly as she could in her flowing garment and threaded her arm around his.

        Hopping a little in her heels, she proclaimed, "This is really, really happening!"

        "You look so beautiful, Tina," the man said.

        "Do I?" she asked as she checked her gown. Christina Chase had long ago stopped playing the part of a little girl for her uncle, though that didn't mean she'd ever grown tired of his compliments. She looked at the man, who was dressed in a black suit with a white flower pinned to his left lapel. Unlike Andrei, who always gave the impression that there was an unruly little boy itching to escape his formal wear, her uncle wore the suit with a quiet dignity. While the suit was perfect, Christina saw the melancholy lurking just beneath the smile the man wore for her.

        "You must take this," Alek said as he handed the girl her bridal bouquet.

        "Thank you Uncle Alek," the bride answered quietly.

        And then it was time for their entrance. Christina had been focused on her uncle, not the event that was unfolding. Alek was all too aware that the time had come to walk his niece down the aisle and give her away. Not missing the cue, he stepped forward and escorted Christina Chase before the assembly.

        With no time to linger on her Uncle's distress, Christina faced the room as she entered. She was worried that she would stumble or make some error, but when she saw the sea of familiar faces, she was completely at ease. There was a contingent of older women, whom Christina recognized as regulars from the salon, and their husbands. She saw Harold from the florist sitting near Marge, alternately looking entranced and despondent. On the other side of the aisle, she recognized Doctor Redinger and the other doctors from the Dover Medical Group who had come to support Richard, their long time business partner.

        Saul, Richard's godfather, though he was technically with the groom, had escaped to the bride's side and was sitting next to Abigail. Though she wasn't sure, Christina thought the man seemed far too pleased with his seating choice. A few pews ahead, Christina saw Doctor Kline, who had taken a very long flight to make it to the wedding, and who looked very happy for her patient.

        As her uncle led her closer to the altar, Christina could see Steph and Lisa's parents sitting in a group with Oliver and James. James no longer seemed like the awkward kid Christina had forced to dance with her on New Year's Eve, though he still had the same mop of red hair on his head that made him stand out among the other well dressed men.

        As she neared the front row, she saw Misha waiting for her with the widest smile Christina had ever seen. Christina wondered how she could have come as far as she did without Misha as her mentor. Looking towards the altar, she saw the minister waiting, flanked by Nina, Steph, and Lisa on one side, and two of Richard's friends from college and a cousin who had come from out of town.

        Richard was standing, waiting for his bride to be, wearing a black suit. The jacket was open, displaying his white vest and his ascot tie, which Christina thought was too formal for the venue, though one of the Richard's quirks Christina had come to love was how her fiancé always dressed just slightly more dignified than any occasion ever called for.

        "Who gives this woman to be married to this man?" asked the minister, shaking Christina out of her admiration of Richard.

        "I do," Alek answered. He looked at Christina who returned his gaze. He knew that his niece was a modern woman, and she didn't look upon the ceremony the same way that he did. For Christina, this was an opportunity to wear a pretty dress in front of the whole town and live out the fantasy wedding that she'd been dreaming of. For Alek, the traditional implication of the ceremony was all too clear. He was giving his precious child away to the care of another man, and he knew that things would never be the same again.

        Christina melted as her uncle kissed her tenderly on the right cheek. He dutifully took his place beside his wife while Christina proceeded up the stairs to be with her attendants and her betrothed. She handed the bridal bouquet to Nina, then took her place in front of the altar.

        Richard drank in the sight before him. While he'd always referred to Christina as "Princess," that name never seemed more fitting than it did in that moment. She was the most beautiful girl that he'd ever seen. In his former life, the concept of settling for a single woman for the rest of his life would have been laughable. Now he couldn't even conceive of a life without the person who stood before him. He couldn't stop himself from grinning as the blushing girl raised her hand and gave him a greeting by dropping her fingers rapidly in succession. He's seen that very wave a thousand times, but he had yet to grow tired of it.

        The minister stepped forward and addressed the assembly. "Richard, Christina," he began, "today you are surrounded by your friends and family, all of whom have gathered here to witness your wedding and to share in the joy of this special occasion. As you join yourselves, there is a vast and unknown future stretching out before you. The possibilities and potentials of your life are great; and now falls upon your shoulders the task of making real your dreams. Through your commitment to each other, may you grow and nurture a love that makes both of you better people, a love that continues to give you great joy, and also a passion for living that provides you with energy and patience to face the responsibilities of life."

        When Christina had been a bridesmaid in Lisa's wedding, she could barely stay awake during the ceremony. It seemed that it was a never ending procession of speeches and proclamations. Though her own wedding was largely the same, Christina barely noticed. She was so overwhelmed by the dress, the people, and the emotions that she never wanted it to end. She couldn't wipe the love struck grin from her face and she didn't even care that it was on display for everyone to see. Unknown to most of the participants, the event was merely a ceremony. Christina's legal marriage to Richard would be in the future, though as far as Christina was concerned, this was the real event.

        Nina didn't mind the speeches and readings that followed. She was overcome with the romance of the event, and now that she was standing next to her cousin, she was far too excited at being part of it all. Steph and Lisa however did their best to remain still while the minister lectured the room about love, faith, and whatever else it was that he was talking about.

        Christina woke from her spell when the minister motioned for her and Richard to step closer together. She stepped closer to the groom, her eyes not leaving his as the minister invoked their vows.

        "Do you Richard," the minister incanted, "choose Christina to be your partner in life, to support and respect her in her successes and as well her failures, to care for her in sickness and in health, to nurture her, and to grow with her throughout the seasons of your life together?"

        The man looked down at his bride, and without hesitation, he answered, "I do."

        Christina lost herself in Richard's answer and took no notice when the minister continued, "Do you Christina, choose Richard to be your partner in life, to support and respect him in his successes and as well his failures, to care for him in sickness and in health, to nurture him, and to grow with him throughout the seasons of your life together?"

        The crowd waited for a response, though Christina was transfixed, gazing into Richard's eyes.

        Sensing that no answer was forthcoming, the minister loudly cleared his through.

        Looking back at the minister, Christina blurted, "Yeah ... I mean, I do." She should have felt ashamed for the error, though in her mind, the minister should have been the embarrassed one for intruding on her moment.

        The vows complete, the couple were presented with the rings. "The wedding ring is a symbol of eternity," the minister announced. "It is an outward sign of an inward and spiritual bond which unites two souls in endless love. And now, as a token of your love and of your deep desire to be forever united, you Richard, may place the ring on the finger of your bride."

        Richard took the ring and held Christina's hand. "I give you this ring," he promised, "as a symbol of our vows, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you," then slid the ring gently over Christina's delicate finger.

        The minister motioned to Christina, who took Richard's wedding band.

        "Richard," the girl beamed, "I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness to you." Taking Richard's hand, she slid the band over his ring finger.

        The couple joined hands at the minister's request, then the man placed his hand on top of theirs. "To the Richard and Christina," he said, "you have declared your consent and vows before God and this assembly. May God confirm your covenant and fill you both with grace."

        Addressing the congregation, the minister said, "Now that Richard and Christina have given themselves to each other by their sacred vows and the exchanging of rings, I proclaim to you that they are husband and wife. Those whom God has joined together, let no one put asunder. Amen."

        The man waited a moment, keeping the entire group on edge. Looking to Richard, he said, "Well go on, kiss her!" That was always his favorite part, and he loved toying with the congregation.

        Richard took his wife in his arms and kissed her as the crowd applauded.

        For the first time in her life, Christina, who had always been uncomfortable being the center of attention, did not mind at all as the assembly watched and cheered as she kissed her husband.

        She and Richard ended the kiss, and faced the crowd, holding hands. The standing congregation continued clapping as Christina and her husband walked down the aisle, followed by the bridesmaids and groomsmen. The bridal party arranged themselves in a line outside the church and greeted people as they left the building. Smiling, Christina thanked each and every single person for sharing her special day.

        After greeting all the attendees and lining up for what seemed like an endless combination of pictures, the bridal party left in limousines to go the reception. They'd booked the largest room in the Clairmont Inn, which was far and away the most expensive and impressive venue in the entire town.

        When they arrived, Christina and Richard lined up outside the entrance to the room, queued up behind the bridesmaids and their escorts.

        Looking at his bride, Richard exclaimed, "I can't believe how stunning you look."

        "Pfft," Christina joked. "This old thing?" she said as she picked up the skirt of her gown.

        He leaned down and kissed his wife while successive pairs of bridesmaids and groomsmen were announced and entered the hall. "Are you ready Mrs. Masters?" he asked.

        "I'm a missus now," Christina contemplated. "And you're a mister."

        "I've always been a mister," he sparred.

        "Yeah, that's kind of a rip-off for you," Christina teased, "But at least you get to be my mister."

        Hearing their names, Christina wrapped her arm around Richard's and they entered the hall as man and wife. Christina didn't mind the applause, the flashes of cameras, or all of the attention. She was living a dream she'd thought would never come true.

        "Presenting for the first time ever," the announcer proclaimed as they went to the middle of hall where the dances were to be held, "Mr. Richard Masters and Mrs. Christina Masters!"

        "Beyond the Sea," began to play as the couple reached the dance floor. It was an unusual choice for a wedding, but since it was the song that Christina and Richard had danced to on New Year's Eve, it seemed fitting as they danced for the room. Rather than doing a simple slow dance, the couple entertained the crowd, and Christina's heart skipped in time with her steps.

        When the song ended, the announcer said, "Now I'd like to invite Richard's mother and Christina's uncle to the dance floor."

        Richard's mother, who was remarkably striking for her age, wore a light blue sheath dress with a satin shrug over her shoulders. Christina couldn't shake the feeling from seeing her expression at their first meeting that Richard's mother never expected to be dancing with her son at his wedding in her lifetime.

        Seeing her husband and her mother-in-law start their dance, Christina spun around joyously to the tables, scanning the crowd for her uncle. Next to the wedding, this was the moment Christina had most been looking forward to. With the lights illuminating the dance floor shining in her eyes, Christina had difficulty discerning people in the crowd. She looked to where she was certain her aunt and uncle should be seated, but she couldn't find the man. Even though it was hard to see, Alek, even as a silhouette, was not easy to miss. "Uncle Alek?" she said, though it could not have been heard over the music.

        In the crowd, Steph walked hastily over to Nina asking, "Hey kid, where's your dad at?"

        "I don't know," Nina complained. She scanned the room and found no sign of either of her parents.

        "Where is he?" Lisa added as she joined the group.

        Nina said, "I don't see him anywhere."

        Steph pondered, "Maybe he got lost on the way over?"

        "I'll go look for him," Lisa offered.

        Nina, who took her duty as the maid of honor seriously, decided, "There's no time. Everyone is watching." She shimmied between people seated at the adjacent table and their own until she was next to her brother. "Andrei," she ordered, "Go up there and dance with Christina."

        "Where's Dad?" he asked as he lifted a glass of water to his lips.

        Nina took the glass from her brother and put it down on the table. "Get up now, and dance."

        Shocked, he answered, "Um, okay then. Sure." Andrei, who was much larger than his sister, faced much more resistance as he navigated the crowd as made his way to the dance floor while Nina went in search of their father.

        Christina saw a large man emerge from the crowd and her face glowed. When she saw that he man was not her uncle, her heart sank and her expression collapsed.

        "Andrei?" she asked as her cousin led her into a slow dance, "Where's Uncle Alek?"

        "I don't know," he apologized. "But I'm sure he'll be here soon. Just smile for now like nothing's weird."

        "What happened?" Christina asked "Where is he?"

        "Maybe he's running late?" Andrei hedged. "Nina went to find him. I'm sure he'll cut in before the song is over."

        Christina tried to scan the crowd the crowd as inconspicuously as she could manage as Andrei held her. She didn't see her uncle, but she did see Nina and her aunt talking near the back exit of the hall. Nina looked absolutely furious.

        Christina waited for the man to come, but when she heard the song end, she knew that it was too late.

        "Give them a big hand everyone!" the man with the microphone announced as the dances came to a close. Christina gave Andrei a peck on the cheek and waved to the crowd as though nothing were wrong. After the applause died down, Richard took Christina by the waist and led her back to their table.

        "He missed it," Christina said in disbelief.

        "I'm sorry Princess," Richard consoled. "I'm sure it wasn't intentional."

        "I know ... " she sniffed, "But, he missed it."

        The man gave her a reassuring squeeze and Christina put on her game face as they took their seats. Though she wanted nothing more than to find her uncle, she was the bride, and she was expected to listen to speeches and engage in other rituals of the night. She couldn't simply drop everything.

        There was a clanking of silverware on champagne glasses, and the best man was handed a microphone. He addressed the group, making sure to tell one compromising tale after another of his time with Richard at college. While the man pontificated, Nina returned to the table and took her seat next to Christina.

        "I'm sorry," Nina said. "Dad just went off by himself somewhere. Mom is furious."

        "He did what?" Christina asked in a hurt voice.

        "And I'm going to kill him," Nina added.

        Christina began to stand, but Nina grabbed her arm and pulled her cousin back down.

        "We'll find him after ..." she schemed as she recounted the events of the reception in her mind. "Look, I'll cover for you- after the speeches are over and they're serving dinner, I'll go around and greet people in your place and you can go find Dad."

        "Okay Nina." Christina agreed.

        "Actually, I should go so I can kill him," Nina insisted angrily.

        Christina decided, "I think maybe we should go with plan number one." Turning her attention back to the best man, Christina manufactured a delighted smile and held her champagne glass ready in her hand. The crowd certainly enjoyed the best man embarrassing Richard, though Christina's mind was elsewhere.

        After Richard's father and several other guests made their toasts, Christina took her opportunity to look for her uncle. As per the plan, Nina went with her cousin, and they greeted people as they were intercepted in their hunt.

        Seeing Misha lingering by the back door, Christina said to her younger cousin, "Take over, I'm going to talk to your mom."

        "Okay," Nina said. She went over to the table where Oliver and Steph's parents were seated and launched into a conversation.

        Christina had to graciously thank a few people and accept some kisses for the bride as she made her way across the hall. When she got to the edge of the room, she took her aunt by the hand and led her out through the kitchen then to an empty hallway.

        "What happened to Uncle Alek?" Christina asked.

        "I'm so sorry Tina," Misha said in a conciliatory and annoyed tone. "Your uncle can be a very difficult man."

        Christina asked, "Did I do something wrong?"

        "No Tina," Misha assured her, "You have done nothing, child."

        "Where did he go?"

        Misha motioned to the trees outside the window, explaining, "He took a bottle of wine and said he needed to be alone. I tried to stop him, but-"

        "Oh," Christina interrupted.

        Misha apologized, "I thought he would come back, but he is a stubborn man."

        "If anyone asks where I am," Christina said to her aunt, "tell them I'll be right back, okay?"

        Misha grasped Christina's arm to stop the girl. "Tina," she implored, "do not interrupt your perfect day because your uncle is-"

        "My day isn't perfect," Christina insisted. "Tell them I'll be right back." Without waiting for an acknowledgement, Christina went down the hallway until she found the door to the back of the building. She stepped out into the cool summer night, facing an open field surrounded by a thick wall of pine trees, in front of which were several ornate wooden benches. The girl held the front of her dress up as she walked through the field. She felt the tickle of grass on her ankles as she walked as quickly as she could manage in her high heels and ball gown.

        "Uncle Alek?" she called, but there was no answer. She reached the edge of the field and considered venturing off into the woods. Her uncle was a large man, much larger than she, and she reasoned that if he had gone into the woods, he would have taken some smaller branches with him. Seeing no evidence of any such incursion, she walked the edge of the field until she reached the other side.

        There was an opening in the trees and Christina saw that there was a path worn in the ground heading down a steep descent. Christina cast a glance back at the building before making her way down the hill. She glided downward under the star strewn night, her long blond hair and her large rose blush bow about her waist floating in the wind behind her. As she neared the end of the path, she heard the sound of running water.

        Reaching the bottom, she saw a small stream flickering in the moonlight as it trickled. On the bank there was a wooden bench, much like the ones that had been in the field on top of the hill. The one stark difference between this bench and the others was the hunched over form of her uncle.

        "Uncle Alek?" Christina called.

        The man sat up straight and looked at his niece. His enormous hand clutched a half empty wine bottle that he deposited on the ground. "Tina," he answered in a despondent voice. "You look so beautiful."

        "What are you doing here?" she asked. When the man did not answer, Christina went to him. She carefully smoothed out the skirt of her dress as she sat next to him. She had to arrange the skirt so that most of it flowed to her side so she could sit closer to her uncle. "What's wrong?" she asked in a worried tone.

        "Oh Tina," he apologized, "I have been such a fool."

        "Why would you say that?" Christina asked tenderly.

        "I ..." the man started sadly. "I did not wish to give you away," he said, referring to the ceremony. "But the truth is that you are a grown woman."

        "I don't understand," Christina said.

        "I did not see this," Alek continued, mildly inebriated. He took Christina's soft cheek in his giant rough hand, explaining, "I did not see this because I did not wish to see this. You have always been ... so grown up. From the first day I laid eyes on you." He let his hand drop and he let out a long mournful sigh. "If I had known," he continued. "When you were little ... When your father died, I would have come for you. You must know this. I would have come for you, but I did not know. But now, I see that I have missed my chance. I would have taken care of you Tina," he swore. "I would have kept you safe, but I did not know."

        "It's okay, Uncle Alek," Christina assured the man.

        "I did not wish to give you away because I was not yet ready to let you go," he said as he hung his head. "But I have been such a fool, and you were so grown up ... I see clearly now that you never needed me."

        "Oh, Uncle Alek," Christina said as her throat tensed. She took one of the man's large hands in both of hers. She asked, "How can you even say that? When I first came here, I was looking for maybe a couch to sleep on, but you took me in. You treated me like your own child. Like I mattered. Do you have any idea what that meant to me? You've been better to me than my parents ever were. Whenever I'm in trouble, you always come for me. I don't even have to ask. When I can't sleep at night, you stay up with me and tell me stories."

        The man shook his head but this did nothing to stop his niece.

        "I never had a home before," she continued. "I used to think it was because we used to move around so much, but that wasn't it. And for a while I thought maybe Oak Grove was home, but the thing is, wherever you are feels like home. When I was in the city, I could call you on the phone, and home was hearing your voice."

        "Tina," the man objected.

        "And," Christina added, "I was never able to love myself until you loved me first. I could never stop being scared and live my life until I knew you were there to catch me if I screwed up. 'Cause no matter what I seem to mess up, you always keep loving me anyway."

        "Of course I do," he assured her.

        "Uncle Alek," she promised, "there's never gonna be a time when I don't need you. I know you gave me away today, but the truth is I'm always gonna to belong to you."

        Alek faced at his niece who smiled at him lovingly through the tears that had formed in her eyes. "I guess," he started as his voice cracked, "that I have been a greater fool than I thought."

        Christina rubbed the man's hand as she said, "I know we haven't been able to spend a lot of time together lately. I've been so busy running the furniture business ... and going away for medical stuff ... and getting ready for the wedding."

        "These are all important things," the man dismissed.

        "I know, but now things are gonna slow down again. And I already had a talk with Andrei- I've almost got things set up so they can run without me, so I told him after I get back from the honeymoon, I'm going to take Fridays off so I can work with you in the store."

        Alek insisted, "Tina, you do not need to-"

        "I know," she interrupted, "I don't need to, but I want to. I want there to be a time just for us."

        "Are you certain?" the man asked.

        "Uncle Alek," Christina beamed, "you know I like it best when it's just you and me."

        The man inhaled deeply through his nose and cleared his throat. He sat up straight as though all his vigor had been restored. "You will work in the store every Friday," he repeated.

        "Yes," Christina promised.

        "And ..." he continued, "You are to sit with us in church."

        "Of course," Christina conceded.

        Raising a thick finger as though he were lecturing the girl, he dictated, "And you must come over for dinner every Sunday night."

        "Yes sir," Christina responded with a smile. "There is one thing though," she interjected.

        Alek asked, "What is that?"

        "I feel kinda bad even asking," Christina said. "I mean, you've done so much for me Uncle Alek. You gave me a home, and a family." Holding up her skirt in her hands she added, "And you bought me the most beautiful dress I've ever seen in my entire life. I feel so selfish asking for more."

        "Tell me, Tina," the man insisted.

        "Well, it's my wedding night, and it's almost been perfect," she said as she looked up into the man's eyes, "but the one thing I really want more than anything is ... I want to dance with my father."

        Alek looked down at his beautiful niece as a tear formed in his eye. He eventually leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. "Of course," he responded. Taking Christina's hand, he led her back up the hillside path through the starlight.

        Misha and Nina, who were seated at a table with James, Steph, and Andrei, made no attempt to scold Alek as he entered with Christina. They could tell by the look of unrestrained bliss on the girl's face that all had been forgiven.

        Christina took no notice of the song that was playing as she and her uncle stepped onto the dance floor. Moving close to the man, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and looked up into his eyes. Her uncle held her as they slow danced; it didn't matter that the dance didn't fit the music. Her perfect day finally complete, Christina rested her cheek on her uncle's chest and closed her eyes.


        Guests started to leave the hall as the night wore down. The bouquet had been thrown, the bride and groom had fed each other the wedding cake, and everyone had thoroughly enjoyed the wedding of Richard Masters and Christina Chase. Richard handed an envelope to the best man, instructing who he should tip and how much, while Christina thanked people as they left. Soon no one remained but the happy couple and Christina's family.

        Returning to his bride's side, he took her by the waist, asking, "Are you about ready to go home Princess?"

        "Home," Christina contemplated. "I guess that means your place?"

        "I think it's technically our place now," Richard clarified.

        "In that case," Christina teased, "I'm gonna start redecorating."

        Richard laughed at Christina's game. "Let's not go overboard," he said.

        "Don't tell me what to do in my own house," Christina jibed as she went with her husband to the few people left in the hall.

        "So now it's just your house?" the man asked.

        "I'll let you stay over sometimes," the girl joked.

        "Lisa!" Christina shouted as she came reached the group who was waiting for her. "Thank you for being my bridesmaid."

        "I sort of owe you, after you filled in at the last minute for me," she responded. "Oh, and I redid your chart- I was wrong, astrologically, today is a very auspicious day for a marriage."

        Shrugging, Christina said, "It must be because today was perfect." Moving to the tall man beside her friend, she shot a salute to Oliver. "Looking good, Ollie," she pronounced.

        "As are you," the man complimented has he gave the bride a peck on the cheek.

        Stepping over to Steph, Christina gushed, "Steph! I can't believe it! I'm actually married!"

        "Don't rub it in," Steph cracked. "I never thought I'd be the first one to get hitched, but I never figured on being the last." She dug her elbow playfully into Andrei's side.

        Running her fingers through the long hair at the back of her neck, Christina added, "And you did a great job. I don't think I've ever looked this good."

        "Well Stretch," Steph bragged, "I am dangerous, but I don't make the pretty, I set it free."

        Christina wrapped her arms around her friend and they held each other.

        "Andrei," she said as she moved on to Steph's date. "Listen to the words I'm saying very carefully. Do not burn down the warehouse while I'm gone."

        Andrei grimaced, knowing that Christina was referring to the new tools he'd acquired. He'd convinced his cousin that they should invest some of their profits in some metalworking tools so that Andrei could expand his palette. The arc welder and the blow torch specifically seemed to strike fear in the girl's heart, so much so that she refused to come down from the loft until these devices were turned off. "I'm not going to burn anything down," he insisted.

        "I mean it Andrei," Christina warned. She held up his large hand and started toying with his digits. "And I'm going to count all of your fingers when I get back to make sure you didn't cut anything off." Turning to Steph, she insisted, "And don't let him work late."

        Steph replied, "You got it, Blondie."

        "I'll be fine," Andrei said as he furrowed his brow.

        "You'd better be," Christina beamed. She pulled his head down and gave him a kiss on the side of his face. "Cause I'm gonna kick your butt if you're not."

        Andrei took Christina by the waist, lifting her off the ground as he hugged her.

        Moving to the next couple, Christina reached her hand up, fighting the urge to play with James' ginger curls. The boy flinched, causing Christina to relent. Instead she hugged the boy, saying, "I'm so glad you came."

        "I'm glad too," the boy admitted. James had always been slightly wary of the girl, though not because he didn't like her. Christina seemed to relish throwing him into the deep end just to see if he could swim. Granted, it usually made him stronger for the experience, but it was always frightening. He could still remember being yanked onto the dance floor on New Year's Eve.

        Having the boy in her arms, Christina devilishly ran her arm up is back until she'd seized his scalp. She mercilessly ruffled the mop of hair on his had as she giggled. "Oh," she exclaimed as she released the boy, "That so never gets old."

        James straightened his jacket. He was displeased, but he bore the girl no ill will.

        Christina's throat tensed when she stood before Nina. She had grown up so very much in the time that they'd known each other. As proud as she was of the confident young woman who stood before her, Christina wished that she'd had more time with the little girl she'd first met.

        "I am so jealous of you," Nina said as she threw her arms around her older cousin.

        "Nina," Christina assured the younger girl, "You're gonna get your chance to see the world. You just have to be a little patient."

        "But Paris!" the girl exclaimed. "That's so romantic!"

        "I know!" Christina gushed. The girls shared a collective squeal as they held hands. "I'm gonna take pictures of everything."

        "You'd better," Nina threatened. "I want to know all about it when you get back."

        "I will," Christina promised. Christina felt as though she were going to cry at the sight of Nina in her bridesmaid dress. "I love you so much," she choked. Pulling the younger girl to her, they hugged again.

        Alek and Misha were the last couple Christina had to say goodbye to. Seeing them, and the proud look on their faces, Christina was unable to hold back her happy tears. She held her arms as widely as she open as she could mange and attempted to hug both of them at the same time. "Thank you," she cried. "Thank you so much."

        Alek gave the girl a pat on the back, and Misha insisted, "You do not have to thank us, child."

        "Yeah, I do," Christina quivered as she released them. "Because you're the best mom and dad anyone could ever hope for, and no matter what, you never gave up on me."

        "We never will," Misha promised. She gave Christina another hug and her husband gave Christina a kiss on the cheek.

        Richard, who had been thanking the group in succession with his wife, caught up and greeted his in-laws. "Mrs. Levchenko," he said with his trademark charm, "thank you for gracing us with your loveliness this evening." He held the older woman's hand and kissed the back of it.

        Misha, who was not immune to the man's glamour, shushed him as she blushed.

        "Mr. Levchenko," Richard said as he focused on the very large man. "I'll take very good care of your Christina." He held his hand out, waiting for Alek to accept it.

        Christina, who was standing just behind her husband, pressed her hands together in front of her chest as though she were praying, mouthing, "Please, please, please."

        Alek grunted at the man's hand and his niece's pleading. Though he still did not care for Richard, nor had he wanted to give his niece away, he recognized that Richard did love Christina and that he would attend to her every need. Above all, he knew that he made her happy, and it was hard to completely hate anything that made his niece so happy. "I know," he said has he shook Richard's hand. The men weren't friends, but it was a start.

        Surprised, Richard let go of Alek's hand. Though it was a genuine gesture of good will, the fact that the older man had nearly crushed his hand was not lost on him. "I think," Richard said as he addressed the group, "that it's time for me and Christina to leave. We have a long drive and a flight to catch tomorrow."

        "Sure," Steph quipped. "That's the reason you want to split for your honeymoon. A good night's sleep."

        "Look at the time!" Christina squeaked as she blushed. She took her husband by the hand and pulled him into a hasty retreat. "We have to go," she covered. "Busy day tomorrow."

        Richard cast a genial wave to the group as his wife added, "I love you all so much! And we'll see you soon!"

        Christina exhaled as she and Richard left the hall and went towards the entrance. "We really did that," she exclaimed.

        "So we did," the man agreed as though the entire affair were some trivial feat.

        "Well, you're stuck with me now," Christina joked as Richard lead her to the Lexus waiting in the parking lot.

        Richard answered, "I think I have the better part of that deal," as he held the door open for his bride and helped her collect her dress in the passenger's seat.

        "No kidding," the girl teased. "You're pretty lucky when you think about it."

        "That I am," he agreed as he kissed the girl on the lips. He joined Christina in the car and started the engine. He found himself grinning at the adoring glances his partner shot him on the way home. When they arrived at their house, Richard quickly parked the car, and stepped out onto the driveway. Christina waited patiently as the man went to her side of the car and held her door open.

        Offering the man her hand, she carefully stepped out of the car in her flowing ball gown. Even though she knew this was a dress she'd only wear once, the idea of stepping on the skirt was unacceptable to her. Christina was surprised when her husband scooped her up in his arms and suspended her at chest height. "What are you doing?" the shocked girl asked.

        "I," the man huffed as he climbed the stairs to the front door, "am carrying my bride over the threshold."

        "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Christina asked as she put her arms around the man's shoulders. "I don't want you to get hurt."

        "Nonsense," he dismissed as he fumbled with the door knob. "Though in retrospect, opening the door first would have been a better plan."

        "Put me down," Christina laughed.

        "That's bad luck," Richard insisted as he let go of the arm that was supporting Christina's back so he could attempt to get the house key into the lock.

        Christina teased, "So is dropping the bride!"

        The man got the door open and stumbled into the living room, his bride intact.

        "Okay," Christina beamed. "You made your point. Put me down now."

        Complying, Richard placed the girl on to her feet, steadying her to ensure she didn't stumble on her heels. "Welcome home Mrs. Masters," he said.

        "Welcome home," she whispered to herself as she looked up at the impossibly high ceilings.

        Taking her by the hand, Richard led the girl up the stairs to the second floor and to the master bedroom.

        When the lights came on, Christina saw that the covers of the bed had been pulled to one side and the sheets had been covered with rose petals. Unlit candles adorned the windowsills and the tops of the chest of drawers and nightstands. "Wow," she said upon seeing the room.

        Richard took a long nosed lighter from on top of the chest of drawers, and began lighting each candle in succession. When all had been lit, the man turned off the bedroom lights and joined his bride in the middle of the room.

        "Heya," Christina blushed.

        "Hey," Richard answered.

        Christina watched as the man took off his jacket and tie then started unbuttoning his vest. While he did that, she dropped to her knees and unbuckled the man's belt. Slowly she pulled down the zipper of his pants and pulled them down around his ankles. When she hand the pants on the floor, she helped the man out of his shoes, then pulled the pants from his ankles. When she looked up at him, she saw that he had unbuttoned his shirt and let it drop to the ground. Christina went back to his waist, which was now covered only by a pair of boxer shorts.

        The girl pulled down his underwear, leaving nothing between her and the man's member. While she'd become acquainted with Richard's body over the last year, this night was going to take Christina farther than she'd ever gone before. Without waiting for any cues or instructions, Christina licked Richard, and took him into her mouth. She bobbed her head over his penis, trying to get him fully aroused as quickly as possible.

        She paused when she felt two hands on her tiny shoulders.

        "Christina," the man said. "Stand up."

        The girl let the very erect penis slide free from her mouth, then with the aid of her husband, rose to her feet."

        "There's no rush," he said as he brushed his hands through her hair.

        "I know," the girl blushed. "It's just that ... I know I'm not a ... regular ... girl, and I just want to make sure that I can please you."

        Richard pulled down the zipper on the back of Christina's wedding dress, saying, "You're not a regular girl. You're singular. And for once in your life, you should let someone else try to please you."

        Christina blushed again as the man helped her out of the dress. He laid it carefully over a chair in the corner then returned to the girl. She was standing in the middle of the room wearing a white bustier with matching panties, garter belt, stockings, and heels. Reaching up, she took the hairpin from her mane, and her long blonde hair fell, covering both her shoulders. She waited as the man unclasped the suspenders that held up her stockings and removed the garter belt. Richard slowly unclasped the hooks that kept the bustier closed. Christina felt flush as her husband unwrapped her. Feeling the garment pulled away, Christina stood there only in her panties, heels, and the white stockings that were sliding down her long smooth legs.

        Taking her hand, Richard guided Christina to the bed and had her sit on the edge. He kneeled before her and removed her high heeled shoes. Next he rolled the girl's stockings down her feet, one at a time, leaving electric sensations down her legs as his fingers worked.

        Christina began to breathe heavily as the man deposited the stockings and shoes by the nightstand. Standing, he reached under the girl's knees with one arm and behind her back with the other. He lifted Christina up and placed her down onto the bed.

        Richard, who was completely naked, and still very much aroused, joined his bride on the bed. He positioned his knees between Christina's legs, supporting himself with his outstretched arms, his hands planted just above the girl's shoulders.

        Christina looked up at the man suspended above her and reached up to feel the hair on his chest. She'd long been wondering what this final surrender might feel like, but in that moment she realized that it wasn't a surrender at all. There was no one expressing power over the other, just two people expressing their love for each other in taste and smell and touch.

        Richard slowly lowered himself onto the girl and they began kissing softly and passionately.

        Christina felt the warmth and the weight of the man on top of her as they kissed, and she felt the familiar tingle growing her tummy. Since starting hormone therapy, Christina had found that her sex drive had gone haywire. Some days it was heightened, and others it was simply gone. She hadn't been sure what to expect tonight, but now, she felt the spark of desire growing, and her husband was blowing on the embers. The man's hands traveled gently over her body, and she felt a warmth spreading inside her.

        When Richard broke off the kissing, he looked longingly down at the girl underneath him, saying, "You're so beautiful."

        Christina was unable to say a word. She was too lost in passion to know what say or think. She gasped as the man left a trail of kisses down her neck moving to her left breast. Her nipples became hard as the man gently alternated from one breast to another. The girl huffed and sighed as Richard expertly played with her body. Each time she felt she was at peak arousal and she thought the tingling could grow no stronger, she was pushed to a new plateau as the foreplay progressed.

        Richard expanded the play to the girl's belly, and then the inside of her thighs. He persisted teasing the girl for twenty minutes until her face was flush and her body jerked at merely being touched as it had become so sensitive.

        Christina felt her husband's hands travel up the outside of her legs to her waist. His thumbs hooked into the waistband of her panties and she felt them being slowly pulled down her legs. She pressed her legs together and held them up to make Richard's job easier. She saw the panties rise from the top of her feet then drop to the ground. She was now entirely naked, just as her husband was.

         Richard reached over to the nightstand to retrieve a bottle of lubricant. He placed his hands on Christina's feet and moved them forward, causing the girls knees to move towards her breasts. He then squirted some of the slick liquid on to his fingers. Touching his finger to the girl, he felt her twitch. It was less from fear than from her hypersensitivity resulting from the extended foreplay. He touched her again, and rather than attempt to enter her, he simply traced the outline of her opening.

        Christina felt the tingles from her stomach erupt over her entire body. She'd been preparing herself for penetration for months. On some primal level, she found the entire concept frightening, but there was noting scary about what was happening. "Go slow," she said breathlessly.

        Richard positioned a single finger at her entry and pressed slowly. "Do you trust me?" he asked.

        "Yes," the girl answered without reservation. She gasped as she felt the tip of the finger enter her. It was uncomfortable, but it didn't hurt. Richard advised her when to tense, when to relax, and when to breathe. He'd obviously done this sort of thing before, and Christina was receiving an education.

        Soon his whole finger had entered her. He let it linger, then he moved it gently up and down and side to side rather than in and out. Christina kept breathing while the finger probed her.

        "Is this okay?" the man asked.

        Christina responded, "Yeah." The tingles still bristled on the edge of Christina's skin, though her attention was now elsewhere.

        Richard slowly pulled the finger back, then pushed it in again. Christina kept breathing and found that even though she wasn't in control of the motion, that it wasn't anything she couldn't handle.

        "We're going to try more," Richard announced as he slowly removed his finger. He lubricated his digits again, and pressed two fingers into Christina. "Breathe," he reminded her.

        Christina nodded as she relaxed herself. She couldn't imagine where Richard found the patience, but he bided his time, pulsating the fingers, until Christina allowed them to enter. She felt herself relaxing and stretching to accommodate their girth. Her husband was in no rush, and the process was so gradual that Christina never felt anything more than discomfort as she was penetrated.

        "Does that hurt?" the man asked. Seeing the girl shake her head, he slowly removed the fingers. "Do you think you're ready for more?" he asked, resigned to the fact that as much as he may want her, he might not get to fully take his bride that night.

        Christina put her legs down so they were resting on Richard's hips. She reached her arms forward and Richard pulled her up so that she was nearly sitting upright in his lap. He assumed this is where their session would end. Christina looked longingly into the man's eyes. She grabbed the bottle of lubricant and squirted a generous portion on to her hands. Gripping Richard's member, she started stroking him with both hands as she kissed him. She continued this ritual for several moments, before answering, "I'm ready."

        Richard lowered the girl back onto the bed, pushed her knees to her chest, and positioned himself at her entrance. He was surprised when he again felt Christina's hand on his penis, guiding him to the proper position.

        "I'm ready," the girl repeated breathlessly.

        Fighting his natural instincts, Richard pushed forward as gently as he could, meeting immediate resistance. Just as he had with the fingers, he was patient, and coached the girl beneath him when to tense, when to relax, and always to breathe. It took nearly two minutes of gentle prodding until he was able to penetrate his wife.

        Christina exhaled when she felt the tip of her husband enter her. It was certainly much wider than a finger, and she froze for a moment as she involuntarily gripped it.

        "Breathe, Princess," Richard reminded her as he kept her focus on his eyes. When he felt her loosen, he made slight jutting motions until Christina had relaxed enough to take more of him.

        Christina felt strangely full as her husband mounted her. It wasn't like anything she'd felt before, and she was grateful that the sensation wasn't painful. She would have let Richard have her even if there was pain; it only seemed fair since he'd forsaken all others for her. But there was no pain, something she assumed was due to the older man's patience and proficiency.

        Richard was surprised that Christina was able to go this far, and while he wanted to press all the way into her, he didn't go any further. He was already mostly inside his bride, more than enough for his own pleasure, and he wanted to make sure that her first experience was a safe one. Now that he was inside, he lowered himself so that he was between Christina's legs and on top of her.

        "Kiss me," Christina plead.

        Richard leaned forward and kissed his wife as she got used to him being inside of her. As they kissed, Richard made the slightest pumping motion. He continued the motion as he broke off the kiss, asking, "How does that feel?"

        "Keep doing that," his wife answered. She found that while the physical sensation wasn't extremely exciting, all of her mental and emotional buttons were being pushed at once. Sweat formed at the base of her hairline as she received her husband's slow and deliberate thrusts. She didn't know she was capable of making love in this way, and she found the experience overwhelming.

        That was more than enough encouragement for Richard. He pressed in and out of the beautiful young blonde girl underneath him. He was a man with two conflicting urges. The first one was to ravage the girl, and the other was to protect her. The outcome was a measured pace he hoped Christina could handle.

        Christina began to make soft high pitched noises upon receiving each thrust. She could feel her whole body being pushed as she accepted them. She felt Richard increase the pace and she demanded, "Kiss me," again.

        Rather than kiss the girl on the lips, Richard kissed the girl just beneath her left ear, something he knew always set her off.

        Feeling the assault, Christina felt the tingles overwhelm her again. She cried out as the kisses traveled up and down her neck and the intensity of the thrusts increased. Then she felt the tingles well up in her tummy and her hips, shooting up her spine. It was as if she were a glass that was being overfilled, and sensation spilled out all over her body.

        "Oh God," she gasped as the feeling spread. Her entire body was humming; there was no one place to focus and it was almost too much to handle. "Richard," she pleaded as she reached her head forward and kissed him.

        Taking the hint, Richard kissed her back and guided her head back down onto the pillow. He alternated his pace and the depths of his thrusts.

        Overcome, Christina turned her head to the side and quivered, "Uhhhhh." This was unlike anything she'd ever experienced before. The first wave started as she felt her thighs convulse. Her legs didn't flail; they shook as every muscle in her legs seemed to misfire all at once. She was sure she was shaking Richard and the entire bed underneath her. There was nothing she could do to stop the sensation, she could only ride it.

        Just as the shaking had started, it stopped. But then a moment later, new tremors started in her hips. "Eeeeeh," she cried again as her hips vibrated. The tremors again seized her legs, and soon her entire lower body. Her breathing became erratic as the tidal wave of pleasure washed over her. She never knew her body was could feel anything like this.

        The second wave lasted longer, as Richard thrust in and out of her, grunting. Eventually it did subside, but there was less of a pause between the second and the third. The quivering attacked her entire body this time, and she felt herself tremble as her husband continued to make love to her. Her head thrashed from side to side, her long blonde hair becoming trapped in the beads of sweat on her brow.

        The vibrations and the sight of Christina in ecstasy was almost more than Richard could take.

        Christina looked up at her husband as the tremors began to relent. He looked like he was close to the edge, though she found it hard to believe that anything he might be feeling could be as intense as what she'd just experienced. Regaining her senses, the girl started moving her hips to meet his thrusts. That was all it took to send the man over the edge, and she felt the member inside her pulsate as Richard made several more almost involuntary pumps as he filled her with his seed.

        Completely spent, Richard lay on top of his wife, attempting to catch his breath.

        Christina wrapped her arms around his back and rubbed the sweaty man while planting tiny kisses on his face. A small aftershock took her, and her body again quivered for an instant.

        "That was ... kind of ... wow," she sighed.

        Richard propped him self up by resting his elbows, saying, "You weren't so bad yourself."

        "Not bad, huh?" Christina, her face completely flushed as she grinned.

        "You know," the sweaty man sparred. "For a beginner."

        "When can I play on the hard level?" she teased.

        The man kissed her on the lips, promising, "In time," as he returned Christina's playful smile. He began to pull out of her, but stopped when he felt her hand on his back.

        "Stay," she begged. "For a little bit anyway."

        "Anything, Princess," the man promised as he resumed kissing his bride.


        Christina was the first one to wake the next morning. Looking at the alarm clock, she saw that she had waked before the alarm had sounded. Rolling over, she studied Richard's face as it squashed his pillow. Staring at it, she decided it was a stupid face, and the way a little bit of saliva escaped the side of his mouth was particularly unattractive. Still, she loved that stupid face; adored it, even. She found that the idea of waking up next to that face every morning to be the most comforting thought she'd ever had.

        As quietly as she could, Christina pulled back the covers on her side of the bed and sneaked out. She went to the chest of drawers, which were covered with extinguished, half used candles. She took the white silk robe that matched the chemise she was wearing that was left there the previous night. Tying the robe around her slender frame, she went to the hallway and started down the staircase.

        She dragged her finger on the banister as she descended into the living room, taking note of the dust that accumulated. Things were going to change. Now that she was the woman of the house, things were going to be a little less man-cavey, she decided. That would mean a lot of cleaning, some new paint colors, and replacing some of the hyper-masculine furniture Richard had, such as the black leather sofa she passed as she went to the kitchen.

        Of course she'd have to rearrange the master bedroom so there would be room for her antique vanity. She also had designs on claiming three quarters of the walk-in closet. The girl schemed in her mind as she began preparing breakfast. She began rearranging the layout and locations of the cookware and other instruments as she worked. This was just one other place she would make her mark.

        Almost a half an hour later, a very well rested Richard entered the kitchen, wearing short boxer style pajamas. "It looks like you had an early start," he observed.

        "Well," Christina beamed as she turned off the stove and began setting one place at the small kitchen table, "I thought I'd treat you to a real breakfast. You have to be tired after last night."

        "I'm certainly not going to turn down to anything you've cooked," the man said as he took his seat at the table.

        Christina started piling far too much french toast, sausages, and scrambled eggs onto the single plate.

        Richard asked, "Aren't you going to set a place for yourself?"

        "I did," Christina purred as she abandoned her work on the kitchen island's marble counter top. She loosened the sash of her robe then sat in Richard's lap. "Hi," she flirted.

        "Good morning," the man laughed.

        Christina took the knife and fork and cut a syrup covered square from a slice of french toast and fed it to her husband.

        Richard swallowed the bite, asking, "Should I expect this sort of treatment every morning?"

        "No," Christina teased as though she were offended he'd even ask such a thing.

        He pressed, "Then, what have I done to deserve all this attention?"

        "I just wanted to say think you for my wedding gift," she answered.

        "Your wedding gift?" he asked as the girl in his lap fed him another bite of breakfast.

        "Yes," Christina teased. She wiggled her bottom in the man's lap repeating, "My wedding gift. I guess I like it, but you got the wrong size. This one is too big."

        Richard stared at the girl in amused disbelief. "What happened to the sweet, innocent girl I married who was scared to even talk about sex?"

        Christina scooped up a forkful of scrambled eggs, and ate it herself rather than giving it to Richard. "I guess last night happened." She shrugged as she continued eating breakfast.

        Richard looked up and guided the playful girl's face to his own so he could properly kiss her good morning.

        "You'd better eat fast though," Christina said as she resumed feeding her husband. "We have a long trip. I heard you were taking me somewhere fancy."

        "Paris?" Richard jabbed, "It's quite nice, but we'll have to buy a lot of postcards when we arrive."

        "Postcards," Christina balked. "I know you're a ton older than I am, but everyone just emails pictures now."

        "Yes," Richard continued in his courtroom voice, "But, to send pictures you have to actually go out and take them. I'm going to need postcards so I can show you the city of lights while never leaving our hotel room."

        "Oh," Christina laughed as she was caught off guard. "Well, that sounds like a real honeymoon to me."

        The couple continued to spar and plan their vacation as they shared breakfast. When they were finished, Christina rushed them upstairs so they could leave on time. She insisted on showering separately because she didn't want their preparations to morph into another round of lovemaking; there would be plenty of time for that later.

        As both Richard and Christina had packed their bags the before the wedding, it didn't take long for them to get ready. Normally Christina would have fussed for at least an hour on her appearance, but she was too excited to be taking her first trip to another country.

        She stepped out the front door wearing a long sleeved mid length floral print dress with a v-neck that exposed her silver cross. Walking to the car in her high heeled sandals, she waited as her husband hauled the bags behind her. Once she and the bags where loaded, Richard drove them toward Dover, where they were catching a small jet to a real airport before heading overseas.

        Christina stared out the window in her fashionable oversized sunglasses, watching the blur of trees as they passed. It had been a long year, and Christina had come a long way. She realized that some hurts run too deep, and some scars never really heal. She would always miss her father. She would always remember the abuse of her step-father and the neglect of her mother. It had taken many months of therapy to even admit that it was abuse, but even recognizing it as such didn't make it hurt less. Some traumas could never be forgotten, but they didn't have to determine her future, either.

        When the couple reached the small airfield, Richard parked the silver Lexus and arranged for two porters to take their bags. The couple made their way through check-in and security, and it wasn't long before they boarded a small jet with a handful of other passengers.

        The future wasn't certain either, Christina thought as she followed her husband to their seats. Even though she'd come so far, she was still figuring out who she was and her place in the world. She wasn't certain if she wanted to undergo sex reassignment surgery to transition more completely than she already had. On one hand, she felt compelled to have her body match her gender as completely as possible, but the truth was the thought of the surgery still frightened her. Her doctor assured her that it wasn't a decision she had to make until she was ready. Richard had made it clear that he would be by her side regardless of what she ultimately decided.

        Though she was content, the future would always be a mystery. She'd learned that no one could know the future, and no one could ever truly know themselves. The best anyone could do was to hope to discover who they were anew each and every day. Being Christina Chase wasn't an ending, it was a journey; one that she was still on.

        Taking her seat, Christina watched the man she loved. She saw that Richard had unbuttoned his crisp white shirt and was looking at the wing of the jet through the window. As the plane lurched backwards away from the gate, the man nervously buttoned his shirt, misaligning one of the buttons in the wrong hole.

        "You never told me you were afraid of flying," Christina said plainly.

        "Mrs. Masters," the man answered confidently, "what would lead you to believe that?"

        Christina shrugged. "I can tell."

        "You can," he said with a nonchalant grin.

        "Yep," the girl smiled. She reached over and unbuttoned his shirt. She deliberately put each button back in the proper hole as she explained, "Underneath your slick, smug, self-assured exterior is an ever so slightly less slick and less self-assured man waiting to burst out."

        "You forgot less smug," he sparred.

        "I most certainly did not," Christina countered as she affixed the second to last button.

        "In my defense," the man started as though he were quoting precedent, "there's clearly no rational way planes should fly."

        "I thought you were one of the model rocket kids!" Christina complained.

        "Yes," the man conceded, "but I never rode in one."

        Christina held out her hand as the jet got in line for takeoff and Richard held it. "Well," Christina reasoned, "the way I see it we have nothing to worry about. Either everything will be fine and we'll fly away with no problems, or something will go horribly wrong and the plane will crash and we'll both certainly die."

        "You realize that's the worst pep talk ever," Richard said. He held his wife's hand a bit tighter as the jet started accelerating. "Why exactly are those two outcomes equally acceptable in your mind?"

        "Well," Christina said with a sly grin, "either way, you get to spend the rest of your life with me, so it can't be that bad."

        Richard laughed in spite of his trepidation. "What more could I ask for?" he agreed as he leaned over and kissed his wife as the jet left the ground.

        Christina felt herself press into her seat as the jet climbed into the sky. All the while she held Richard's hand and returned his gaze. She was no longer haunted by the past, and she faced the future with an open heart, free of fear. And though she was still struggling to find her way in the world, it was a journey she no longer had to take alone.

Edited into coherence by Holly H. Hart.
Thanks to Sephrena Miller for taking an early read.
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