Being Christina Chase | Chapter 14: The Chaperone

        The next day felt like housewife boot camp to Christina. Misha had expanded the morning's cooking lesson to include all manner of domestic activities. Misha knew of Christina's rocky relationship with her mother and concluded that it was now her responsibility to prepare her niece for married life. Christina spent a good portion of the day in an apron, learning the proper ways to cook, clean, and do laundry. The truth was, Christina didn't mind doing "women's work." In fact, everything her aunt taught her would come in handy back home. What she objected to was the implication that she would need the information to tend house for some man. Still, she did not want to insult her aunt, so she played along. Nina was by her side the entire time, waiting for Christina to broach the subject of her date with David.

        After a lesson in the kitchen, they moved to the backyard, where Misha instructed the girls in the proper technique to beat dirt out of a rug. The girls took turns practicing on an old rug that was hanging from the clothesline.

        "Aunt Misha," Christina began cautiously, "A boy wants to take Nina to the movies tonight."

        "Nonsense," Misha objected. "Nina is too young for boys."

        "But Aunt Misha, I had my first date when I was her age."

        Misha gave Christina a suspicious look.

        "It was perfectly innocent," Christina continued, "And Nina's starting high school in the fall. She'll have to deal with boys eventually."

        "Yes," Misha defended, "She will. You said that your boy did not take you out all alone, yes?"

        Christina nodded. She thought back to her first date with a girl, which had been a group affair.

        "Nina will not go out with some boy by herself," Misha said decisively.

        Nina stared at the ground, devastated.

        Christina noticed her cousin's expression and tried again. "If someone went with them," she pressed, "would that be okay?"

        Misha paused and looked at her niece. "Are you offering to be her chaperone?"

        "Me?" Christina stuttered, "I was thinking that maybe-"

        "If you will watch over Nina, she can go."

        Christina looked over at Nina's euphoric face and sighed, "Yes, of course ... I'll be Nina's chaperone."

        "Then it is settled," Misha decided. "Nina, go inside and call your little friend, and tell him that you can go."

        Nina skipped off joyously into the house.

        Misha continued to instruct her niece, observing, "Since you are so busy looking after Nina, perhaps I should look for a man for you."

        Christina blushed but didn't answer. She returned to beating the rug, vowing not to mention dating again.


        After Nina had called David, she rejoined Christina and her mother. Christina found it difficult to to concentrate on Misha's lessons. Every time the older woman turned her back, Nina whispered questions about boys and dating. When she wasn't busy seeking her older cousin's advice, she passed the time being unreasonably giddy. Though being Nina's chaperone wasn't exactly Christina's idea of fun, she found it hard to see Nina's ecstatic face and not be a little excited for her.

        When the clock rolled around to five, Christina and Nina retired from their domestic education. David had decided on a seven o'clock movie, so the two girls when immediately upstairs to get ready. Time was always tight when you were living in girl-time; two hours was barely long enough to get ready.

        Christina and Nina both took showers, then went to Nina's room. Christina took great care in fixing Nina's hair for her date. Having comfortably assumed the role of the older sister, Christina made all the decisions for Nina. She selected a cotton peasant style dress for her cousin. The long skirt flared from beneath Nina's chest, giving her beanpole figure the illusion of curves. Nina watched in the mirror as her older cousin tied her shoulder straps.

        "Can I wear your necklace again?" Nina asked. "I think it really works."

        Christina removed her gear necklace and clasped it around Nina's slender neck. Christina smiled at her cousin as she told her, "You look beautiful."

        Nina hugged Christina and whispered, "Thank you so much. Mom would never have let me go if it wasn't for you."

        Christina held Nina for a while before they went into Christina's room. Standing in front of her underwear drawer, Christina stripped down and rummaged for something to wear. She selected a pair of low rise panties, a bra, and a garter belt, then went to the full length mirror. She couldn't help but notice that after her last waxing, she had no hair on her body. When she was naked, she couldn't shake the feeling that it made her look as young as Nina. Pulling her panties up her legs, she felt the satin glide against her baby soft, bare skin. Next, she put on her bra, garter belt, and shimmied into her waist cincher.

        "Why do you always wear that?" Nina asked.

        "Because," Christina answered, looking at Nina through the mirror, " I'm older than you are, but you and I have the same figure."

        Sitting on the bed, Christina carefully rolled her nude colored stockings up her long legs before clipping them to her garter belt. Walking to her closet, she pulled out a black and frilly stretch lace dress and slipped into it. The dress had translucent flutter sleeves that ended at her elbows. The knee-length skirt was covered with rose lace embroidery. Reaching up, she tied the thin straps between her bosom into a bow.

        Nina could hardly contain herself. She paced the length of Christina's bedroom as her older cousin fixed her hair and makeup. When Christina finished, she stepped into her heels and dabbed a hint of perfume on Nina's neck and then used some on herself.

        The girls walked downstairs to meet the rest of the family for a quick dinner before the entire family retired to the living room to wait for Nina's date.

        Andrei sulked on the far end of the couch, tapping his foot nervously. The entire situation made him very uncomfortable. He had half a mind to go with them. He didn't approve of Nina going out with some strange boy, and even if he had, he felt he was much better suited to make sure nothing funny happened. Also, if he volunteered, he could take Christina to the movies. Still, he didn't say a word. He just sat there, stewing.

        Alek passed the time explaining the rules to his girls. " ... and," Alek continued. "You are to be home by ten o'clock." He looked at Christina and emphasized, "That goes for the both of you."

        Nina responded, "Yes, daddy," while Christina acknowledged, "Yes, sir."

        Christina did not like the fact that her uncle had imposed Nina's curfew on her, but she preferred getting the little girl treatment from her uncle to Misha's machinations to marry her off to the first eligible bachelor she could find.

        As soon as she heard the sound of tires on the gravel, Nina rushed to the window. When Boris started barking, and Alek commanded Andrei to take the dog upstairs. Christina stood behind her younger cousin and peered out the window. She could clearly see a silver Lexus convertible stop in front of the house.

        This didn't add up, Christina thought. Even if David were old enough to drive, there was no way that could be his car. Christina's heart raced when she saw two people get out of the convertible and walk towards the porch.

        Misha opened the door and greeted her guests. Christina watched in horror as David and Richard entered her home. Her uncle was saying something to Richard, but she couldn't seem to understand what he was saying. Her mind was swimming, trying to make some sort of rational sense of what was happening. She looked around for Andrei, but he'd already gone upstairs with Boris. Before she could come to her senses, Richard had taken her by the arm and led her out of the house behind Nina and David.

        "What are you doing here!" Christina demanded in a hushed tone.

        Richard chuckled and said, "Would you believe I'm David's older brother?"

        Christina gritted her teeth angrily and sneered, "No."

        "I'm a friend of the family. When I was helping David's father with a legal problem today, and heard David and Nina required chaperones, I naturally offered my services."

        "How convenient." Christina said, her voice laced with venom.

        Nina and David squeezed into the back of the convertible while Richard escorted Christina to the passenger side of the car.

        Christina pulled her arm free from Richard and said, "Okay, let's get something straight," as she pointed a finger at Richard. "Nina and David are on a date. You and I are not on a date. We're not on anything remotely resembling a date. My job is to watch Nina, understand?"

        Richard smiled nonchalantly and opened the door for Christina. "Miss Chase," he said playfully, "I assure you, I have no ulterior motives."

        Christina buckled herself in for what she was sure was going to be the longest night of her life. She watched Richard slide into the driver's seat and look her over from head to toe. A shiver ran down her spine as Richard's gaze lingered on her long, stockinged legs.

        Christina looked everywhere but at Richard as the convertible sped towards town. She'd never been in such an expensive car before. She was very impressed, but she refused to show it, so she spent the ride looking out the window to prevent Richard from making eye contact or starting a conversation. She focused on Nina and David chatting in the back. Nina was very nervous and shy, but the older boy kept things going with all manner of questions.

        Christina thought back to when she was shy and fifteen years old. She remembered how painful it felt to be so awkward and nervous about everything; especially dating. Christina sighed as she realized that she shouldn't cause a scene during Nina's very first date.

        Richard parked down the road from the cinemas and stepped out of the car. He pushed his seat forward allowing Nina and David to step out onto the sidewalk. Walking over to the other side of the car, Richard held Christina's door open. He offered his hand to her, but Christina turned her nose upward and helped herself out. Undaunted, Richard wrapped his strong arm around Christina's slender waist and escorted her down the sidewalk.

        "Nina!" Christina called to her cousin.

        David and Nina were holding hands several paces in front of her and Richard.

        "Let them be," Richard said with a twinkle in his eyes, "We're right here if anything gets out of hand."

        Christina fumed as Richard pulled her closer to him. She couldn't imagine what crime she must have committed in some former life to deserve this sort of treatment.

        David and Nina stood in front of the box office. David purchased two tickets to a scary movie. Christina and Richard waited until the children moved to the concession stand. Christina opened her purse but stopped short when Richard said, "Two of the same for me and the lady."

        Christina groaned as Richard pulled out his wallet and paid for the tickets. She felt Richard's hand return to her waist, and she was led into the theater.

        "Can I get you anything?" Richard asked.

        "No, thank you," Christina said, as she glared at the man. She yanked his arm off of her waist and insisted, "I need to keep an eye on Nina and David." Christina looked around, unable to find her cousin.

        "They must have already gone into the theater." Richard turned to face Christina. He looked deeply into her eyes and said, "You can't blame the boy for wanting some time alone with a beautiful girl."

        Christina started to tremble and stuttered, "On second thought, popcorn sounds great."

        After waiting in line, Richard and bought Christina the largest tub of popcorn that could be had. He carried it and escorted Christina into the darkened theater.

        The cinema was small and largely deserted. From the few silhouettes Christina could discern, she saw Nina and David in the middle. She pointed into the darkness and said, "There they are. We should sit right next to them."

        "Nonsense," Richard said as he led Christina to a seat four rows in back of the younger couple. "We're here to make sure nothing funny happens. We don't have to infringe on their privacy." Richard sat down and placed his hand on top of Christina's. He caught the girl in his hypnotic gaze and crooned, "We could use some privacy of our own, too."

        Christina yanked her hand out from underneath Richard's and fumbled, "That popcorn looks pretty tasty." She reached into the tub sitting on Richard's lap, shoved an entire hand full of popcorn in her mouth, and looked away. She swallowed it whole and tried to regroup. Turning back to Richard, Christina gave the man a smoldering scowl. "Look, I'm here to make sure David behaves himself, okay? I don't want to spend the entire night making sure that you do, too."

        "Of course," Richard conceded, "Forgive me. It's just not often that a beautiful, mysterious, girl comes to town."

        Christina rolled her eyes.

        "But you're right," Richard continued. "You should look out for your cousin. Make sure that David doesn't pull any of the standard tricks."

        "The standard tricks?" Christina asked.

        "Sure. You know ..." Richard made a mock yawn and draped his arms around Christina's shoulder. "The old reach around ..."

        Christina pressed her fingers between her eyes in an attempt to fight the tension headache that was rattling her skull.

        "Leaning in close," Richard said breathlessly and he approached Christina's cheek. "Whispering sweet nothings in the girl's ear?" Richard inhaled the sweet scent of Christina's perfume as his lips hovered beside the girl. He reached in further and planted several tiny kisses down the side of Christina's neck.

        At that, Christina sat straight up. This was getting out of hand, she thought, holding her breath as she felt the older man's lips work their way down her neck. Panicking, she pulled away and angrily whispered, "Cut it out!"

        Realizing that he was moving too fast for the girl, Richard leaned back into his seat, but once again held Christina's hand.

        As the house lights dimmed, Christina accepted his hand as the price to keep the man at bay. After the movie started, Christina grumbled, "I hate horror movies."

        Richard squeezed her hand and said gently, "Don't worry, I'm here."

        Christina found that sentiment anything but comforting. As the movie progressed and Richard relented, Christina focused less on her captor and more on Nina and David. She couldn't see much in the darkness, but she thought she saw David's arm around Nina's shoulder. Unable to tell what was going on with the Nina and David, Christina turned her attention to the movie. She saw that the main character was walking up a folding ladder into a dark attic. Removing her hand from underneath Richard's, she closed her eyes tightly and covered them. She grumbled, "I don't understand why people in these movies always do stupid things like this."

        "Don't worry," Richard said, "I'll tell you went it's safe to look."

        Christina nodded, her eyes still sealed.

        "Okay," Richard assured.

        Christina opened her eyes at the precise moment something horrible leapt out of the darkness. She let out a squeal and scrunched up. When she opened her eyes she found that Richard's arm was around her and that she was curled against his chest. Smacking the older man in the chest, she glared at him and sneered, "That was really mean!"

        "I'm sorry," the man apologized through his laughter, "I just couldn't resist."

        After forcefully removing Richard's arm from her shoulders, Christina sat straight up and stared forward. She was only pretending to watch the movie; she was really watching Richard from the corner of her eye. She had no intention of letter her guard down again.

        When the movie ended and everyone stood up, Richard again clutched Christina's waist possessively. He led her into the isle behind Nina and David.

        Christina could tell from the expression of bliss on Nina's face that the girl was having the best night of her life. Feeling the grip of the older man made Christina want to punch Richard, but she knew for Nina's sake, her best option was to play along.

        "Nina," Christina called to her cousin, "It's getting late, don't you think we should go home?"

        Nina turned to Christina with pleading eyes. Before she could respond, Richard interjected, "Nonsense. The night is still young."

        "No," Christina corrected, "the night is pretty darned old, and Nina has to be home by ten!"

        Richard simply smiled at Christina.

        "I have to be home by ten, too!" she protested.

        "That leaves plenty of time for ice cream."

        Nina and David agreed, and they walked briskly in front of Christina and Richard to the ice cream stand around the corner.

        Richard made sure Christina's pace left them quite some distance behind Nina and David, affording them privacy that worried Christina to no end.

        The ice cream stand was set up in a vacant lot on the end of a row of brick buildings. Brightly colored Christmas lights were strung between light poles and a small line of people were standing in front of a wooden shack where a young boy with curly red hair and freckles was manning the register. People sat outdoors in the warm Summer night in rows of picnic tables. Some of them were talking loudly while a few others were just sitting together and gazing up into the star filled sky.

        As Richard and Christina reached the lot, Richard indicated that they should sit at a picnic table across from the stand. He began to lean in a little too close to for Christina's comfort, and she croaked, "I think I'd like an ice cream cone." She waited for a moment then grimaced, "Please?"

        Richard smiled at his captive, then went to stand in line.

        Christina scanned the area. She saw a few faces she remembered from church, though she didn't know their names. Several of them smiled back in recognition. As she continued looking through the crowd, she noticed Lisa from the salon, sitting with a muscular man with a buzz cut. Eventually, she found Nina and David sitting by themselves in a far corner. Christina could tell from the way Nina's eyes never left David's, that she wasn't aware of anything else, least of all the torture Christina was enduring to facilitate her younger cousin's first date. Seeing Nina so happy almost made Christina feel as though her night of unspoken humiliation was worth it.

        For the first time that night, Christina finally had a clear view of her cousin and her date. She thought the two were adorable together; that was until she saw David's arm sliding slowly down Nina's back.

         Christina's eyes went wide as a soft serve vanilla cone, covered with sprinkles, filled her field of vision. Richard was standing directly between her and Nina. Christina angrily leaned around the man and looked at her cousin. David's arm was still around Nina's shoulder. Perhaps, Christina thought, she was imagining things.

        The night is almost over, Christina told herself as she took the ice cream cone. She opened her mouth and gave the cone a long lick.

        Richard watched with great interest as he sat down next to his date.

        From the look on Richard's face, Christina noticed that her innocent action came off as erotic to the older man. She groaned in frustration and held the ice cream cone by her side.

        "Why aren't you in Oak Grove more often?" Richard asked.

        "I live in the city. I have my own life there," Christina responded curtly. She turned away and added, under her breath, "It's a lot different than this one."

        "I wouldn't mind if you were around more often. Don't you like it here?"

        "Actually, I love it here." Christina answered truthfully. She felt Richard's hand come in contact with her knee and inch ever so slightly upward. She sat up straight and seethed, "Life here is perfect ... except for a few annoyances."

        "Maybe," Richard said as he leaned his mouth closer to Christina's, "If you stayed around longer, you'd find that those things that annoy you aren't so bad after all."

        Christina panicked as the man closed in on her lips. She raised her ice cream cone defensively and fed Richard a mouthful of vanilla.

        Richard laughed as he wiped his mouth.

        Christina could not believe that Richard was actually enjoying this! This was some sort of perverted mating ritual, she thought; like some bizarre scene in a documentary about strange fuzzy animals in Africa. Christina gulped as she recalled how all those shows ended for the female of the species. "Richard," she demanded, "I'm getting a headache. It's time for you to take us home." Christina stood up and tossed her ice cream cone into the trash as she walked over to Nina to inform her that the date was officially over.

        "Hey guys," Christina said as she came up behind Nina and David. They turned around and Christina said, "We really should call it a night." David looked slightly annoyed at the intrusion.

        "Do we have to go already?" Nina complained.

        "I'm sorry Nina, but you remember what your Dad said- ten o'clock."

        Nina was clearly unhappy, but she and David obediently followed Christina back to Richard's car.

        Richard came up beside Christina and motioned for her to let Nina and David walk ahead of them. For once, Richard let Christina walk beside him without holding or touching her. When they got to the car, he still made the gesture of holding Christina's door open.

        Christina wondered if she'd finally gotten through to the man.

        Nina had obviously come into her own as Richard drove back to the Levchenkos' home; she was now guiding her conversation with David. She asked about what high school was like, what teachers to watch out for, and whether or not David would try out for football again in the fall.

        David was progressing to what their second date would be as the convertible stopped in front of the house. As Richard got out of the car to let David and Nina out of the back seat, Christina quickly hopped out of the car as to not give Richard another chance to hold a door open for her.

        While David walked Nina to the front door, Christina started to storm past Richard, but he held her by the arm. Christina yanked her arm free from his grasp, but Richard cut her off before she had a chance to chastise him.

        "Let them have their moment," he insisted.

        Christina watched as Nina stood in front of her door with her hands folded behind her back.

        David leaned in and gave Nina her first kiss.

        Christina had to admit, it was very sweet.

        The two said their goodbyes and Nina disappeared into the house. As David turned and walked back to the convertible, Richard again took Christina in his arm.

        Christina jumped when she felt Richard's steely grip around her waist. She found herself escorted to the front door, and in the exact same position Nina had been in just a moment ago.

        "I had a wonderful time tonight," Richard said as he peered deeply into Christina's eyes.

        "Well I had a terrible time, so-"

        "That guarantees that you'll have a better time tomorrow night."

        "Tomorrow night?" Christina demanded incredulously.

        "I want to see you again; just you and me. So, how about tomorrow night?"

        "I'm leaving tomorrow," Christina stammered, "So I guess that won't happen."

        "Give me your phone number," Richard insisted, "I'll call you next time you're in town."

        "Oh well," Christina started sarcastically, "I don't know what makes you think I would ever, in a million years, go anywhere with-"

        Richard leaned in and playfully kissed Christina on the lips.

        Christina's eyes opened wide in shock. She could feel Richard's lips gently come into contact with hers. She felt the unmistakable scratch of stubble against her baby soft cheek.

        Richard pulled back and gave Christina the same controlling gaze. Smiling longingly, he repeated, "Give me your phone number."

        It took Christina a moment to realize what had just happened to her. She raised her finger and growled, "What the hell is wrong with you? You are NOT allowed to kiss me! You're never-"

        Richard circled the girl's waist with his left arm and spun her tightly against his body. His right hand cradled the back of Christina's head and tilted it up to meet his. As he moved in, his lips brushed against Christina's.

        She could feel his tongue tickle her upper lip, causing tingles to run over her face and down her scalp. She instinctively closed her eyes and opened her mouth slightly.

        Sensing the movement, Richard slid his tongue slowly into Christina's mouth and she accepted it.

        She mindlessly sucked on the invader as it probed her mouth. Dazed, she moved her own tongue to meet Richard's. Christina felt the strange tingles spread all the way down to her toes.

        Richard released Christina from his grip and pulled back. "Your phone number," he repeated.

        Christina exhaled slowly and dreamily opened her eyes. In a trance, she responded, "555-3045." Christina looked at the man in fear and covered her mouth with her hand. She was unable to explain what just happened.

        Richard smiled confidently and walked back to his car, leaving Christina standing on the front porch in shock, with her hand over her mouth.

        Christina jumped when she heard Boris' frantic barking from the other side of the front door. Free from Richard's spell, she quickly opened the door and leaped into the house as though her life depended on being safely behind its walls. She looked down and Boris, who was wagging his tail happily.

        Christina whispered to the dog, "That did NOT happen!"

        Boris tilted his head in confusion then trotted into the kitchen.

        Nina walked up to her cousin and wrapped her arms around her. "It was wonderful," Nina said, "And it all happened because of you."

        Christina held her younger cousin and sighed. "You know there's nothing I wouldn't do for you," she said. Taking Nina by the hand, Christina went upstairs.

        Nina looked up at her cousin and asked, "Did that man kiss you with his tongue?"

        Christina winced as they rounded the corner to Nina's door. "No," she lied. "It only looked that way."

        After the girls took off their makeup and said goodnight, Christina lay in her bed and stared at the canopy overhead. Being a girl is a dangerous business, she thought, especially where men are concerned. She was so happy to see everyone again, and to be sleeping in her room, but she was glad she was going home tomorrow. Touching her fingers to her lips, she reflected on what had happened to her. She'd been kissed by a man. She'd been French kissed by a man. She could still recall the feeling of his tongue probing between her lips. Of all the things that had happened to her since she had become Christina Chase, that was the one thing above all others she wished never occurred. She tried to put it out of her mind. Tomorrow, she promised herself, everything will be back to normal.

Edited into coherence by Holly H. Hart.
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