Give Me an A: Part 1

Authors Note: I fully do intend to get back to my story Merlin’s Curse. Though, at this time I have had an idea for another story that has just not left me alone. This is unlike anything I've ever written before it is something that could actually happen in real life. I have always stuck with stories that have either a fantasy or SCI-Fi connection. I do not know where this story will take me and I think that is half the fun.

Another big thing is I am adding gymnastics into the story as well as cheerleading obviously. I have no experience in either I am looking information up online to understand it better. So if there is anything completely wrong in the story please tell me kindly and I will be more than happy to change it. Also if it is that big of a deal I will be more than happy to send you a copy of my story before posting it so you can tell me when I get things wrong and I can change that before going up on the site.

A big thank you to djkauf for editing.

Give Me An A
Sakura Strife

Chapter One: Orientation And Last Weekend

"I would like to welcome the freshman class of 2013," said the principal from the stage in the auditorium at the freshman assembly. "It is our mission here at South High School to prepare you for the world outside. Now while you're here at South High School I would like to point out there is more to school than academics. We as a school have many wonderful opportunities available for those who wish to partake. We have no less than thirty academic teams, as well as at least twenty athletic teams; we have many of them here today to talk to you. This freshman orientation is designed so that you can get your schedule and get a feel for our wonderful high school. I know that some of you already are signed up for some of our athletic teams. After all, the football team has been practicing since July. And with that I will have you all go to the room indicated on the list that you will see upon exiting the auditorium, to get your schedule. You will also see a mentor at the bottom of it. Many of our sophomores have volunteered to assist you today. This is very nice of them since it will give you a better understanding of our school, since this time last year they were in your shoes. May you enjoy today and may you be a positive addition to South High School."

I made my way out of my aisle following the horde of my fellow freshman. I looked up my last name on the list and see that I had to go to room 202. So following the mass of students upstairs I made my way to room 202. There were about 20 - 26 students in the room when I got there. I could tell that about half of them were freshman like me and the other half were sophomore. I did see about thirteen desks with name tags propped up on the desk. On each of the desks was a single sheet of paper placed upside down. All of the sophomores were standing next to a desk as well. With the way that they were standing it was obvious that they were standing next to the person that they were going to be a mentor to. I looked down the rows and saw Mason Jones, that's me.

Standing next to the desk with my name on it was my sister Sarah Jones. My sister is the middle child of three, yes that makes me the baby of the family. My sister is in a word, beautiful, she stands about 5'5" which sadly is more than four inches taller than me, like most of the females in her family she has about a big A cup to a small B cup bust. She is all lean muscle which she emphasizes by the fact that she is currently wearing her school cheerleading uniform. By the way our school colors are a dark purple and black. She has piercing green eyes and long brunette hair.

Well, since I told you about my sister, I feel it is about time I talked about myself. My name, as I said earlier is Mason Jones. I am fourteen years old and 5'1" tall, okay 5 foot 1/2 inch tall but who cares about a half-inch. Both my 17-year-old brother and father are over 6 foot tall so there's hope for me yet. Though my mother is 5 foot nothing. Well back to describing myself unfortunately I have yet to enter puberty. Though, on the bright side my brother had not entered puberty until 14, which is how old I am, so I am not worried. I had a muscle structure closer to my sister though, since I have been taking gymnastics with her since I was five. I have blonde hair which falls to about my shoulder blades that I normally keep in a loose pony tail at the nape of my neck.

Though, to the ever loving hatred of my gymnastics instructor I refuse to compete. Though, that is mostly because I have more fun doing things that are typically considered "female discipline" in the sport. Such as the floor routines that I like doing would score high for female competition but would get me laughed at in a male competition. Also I cannot do the still rings to save my life though I love the uneven bars. Though I have been told by my instructor and many others that it would hurt me and be almost impossible to move from bar to bar. The only thing that they are able to attribute that to is the fact that I have not entered puberty.

I picked up the sheet of paper that was sitting on the desk with my name on it flipping it over to see my class schedule which read:

1: Honors Algebra     202   Evans
2: Honors Biology I     130   Bram
3: Art I     150     Farenger
4: Honors English Literature     315     Novela
5: Lunch     Caf.
6: Choir     101   Hughes
7: Honors World History     225   Young
8: Gym     Gym1   Burtis

Mentor: Sarah Jones

My sister held out her hand for me to give her my schedule so that she can look at it. I handed over my schedule with much trepidation. She looked down the schedule and just shook her head.

"You got lucky, midget," she said with a slight smirk. "All the teachers are fair that I see on your schedule. Do not get it wrong some of them are hard as hell but that's what you get with honors classes."

Have I told you yet that I simply hate being shorter than my sister? She motioned for me to follow her and so we went to each of my classrooms other than gym and lunch since the teacher for gym was busy coaching the football practice outside. The impression that I got from her about all of my teachers other than my English teacher, was that they loved using comedy as a teaching aid. Of course all my classes are honors classes and they decided to use today to fill out all the index cards with information about us for their personal records. That way next Monday when classes start we could get right into learning. Yes, that is right, our school was evil having freshman orientation be the last Friday in summer vacation.

One of the nice things about the freshman orientation was that from noon to one was the time to get to know the other organizations. Since I do not plan on joining additional activities after school I decided to track down my friends Emma, Susan, Lara, and Madelyn
(but we just call her Maddy). Yes, that is right, I am best friends with four girls. You see Emma is my best friend, we have been in gymnastics together from the start. Emma unlike me competes in gymnastics and does very well. She is also one of the new members of the cheerleading team this year. So I got the privilege of seeing her in a cheerleading uniform as well. We ended up meeting in the gym while watching some of the cheerleaders practice some of their routine. This being an optional practice, due to the fact at least five members of the squad are either mentors or freshman.

Well I get the feeling that you would like to know about Emma now. Okay, Emma is 5'3" tall, she has muscle going for her. Now being a guy like I am I do have to mention the bust again. She is a solid B cup. She has natural red hair that is currently braided in a single braid. We each exchanged our schedules without having to say anything. Luckily I had first, second, fourth, fifth, and seventh period with her. Though she had gym at the same time but there is no coed gym and wonderful South High School. So yes we didn't actually see each other during the tour but we were actually looking for each other and as is such were too busy with her mentors.

Next I will tell you about Lara. I met her or him through Emma, for you see she was in a class in elementary school with Emma and Susan. She is 5'4" tall with brunette hair that falls to the small of her back that she always keeps in a single braid. She would sooner kill somebody than permit herself to wear a skirt. The sad fact is she could pull it off since she has been in martial arts since she was five. I am sad to say she is more masculine than me. Oh and she has the biggest bust of our entire group at a small C cup. She is also the only one not a cheerleader other than me in our group. That is due to the fact that she spends all of her free time when she's not with us practicing martial arts so she does not have the background needed to be a cheerleader.

Then there is Susan; she is by far the most girly girl of the group. I actually lost it as to whether or not she had pants in her wardrobe they don't exist there. She makes me feel good about myself at 5'0" tall she is the only one that I am taller than. Though, I never get to enjoy that fact due to the fact that she's never in flat shoes. Oh and unfortunately she only has A cup.

And last we have Madelyn better known as Maddy. She is really down to earth and fun to hang with though not as much as Emma. She has raven black hair that falls to the middle of her back styled in a flowing hairstyle making her hair kind of look like all wavy and she has a small B cup.

"Awesome," Emma said. "This year it's so going to rock, Mason. And here I thought it was good news for all the crew who wanted to be cheerleaders making the cheerleading team."

My sister simply giggled then said, "Like we would ever let somebody who got a gold medal in state gymnastics floor competition not join the cheerleading team. After all our competitions is nothing more than a team floor competition. As for the other members of the crew they are not too bad themselves."

"Then why isn't your brother a cheerleader? After all if he could compete against me in the floor competition he would kick my ass!"

"Because he chose not to be in it," my sister replied hotly. "Trust me if I could talk my little, emphasis on little, brother into joining the squad he would be on the squad and not that bitch Stacy. I mean; do not get me wrong Stacy is decent but with the way that she performs I predict that we are going to be screwed due to an error on her part. She just does not seem to have the drive to really get better. See there she is."

I looked over at the said cheerleader named Stacy and looked at her technique. I could tell that she was one of the cheerleaders that only practiced cheerleading. I can normally tell the cheerleaders that were also in gymnastics or dance classes. I could tell that she did not know the correct way to land or even take off with her partner that was throwing her. What makes it even worse is I can only see her getting thrown once every minute or so and the rest she’s fooling around with her partner.

"That and she bitches all the time we tell her how to fix what she's doing wrong.”

"Oh," I replied to Maddy. “Man, she doesn't even take advice on how to get better."

They all nodded in unison.

"Why is the guy she working with putting up with it?"

"Well you know we try and have at least five male members at all times. After all the boys are so much better at throwing us up so that we can get some good air. With Stacy’s build we have been trying to get her better at being thrown. Unfortunately she spends all of her time flirting with the guy who happens to be her boyfriend and is the base.”

"Bummer," I said. "So why not just kick her out of the squad?"

"We can't," my sister responded. "Some of our flashier routines for use for competition require the number of people that we currently have since they require it and there is no one else at a level needed to perform the routine, so we’re stuck with her."

"So Mason," Emma said. "If you would join us everyone would be safer."

All the girls that were cheerleader is in the group nodded their heads at that. I shot an evil glare at them and said, "You know as well as I do where I stand on joining the squad. Do not get me wrong; I enjoy gymnastics but I do not plan on joining the cheerleading team. Why are you so adamant that Lara not join you?"

Emma said, "You know why: she does not have a gymnastics background or a cheerleading background. So she could not keep up with the routines and of course none of us are dumb enough to force her into a skirt. I have an idea; how about if Stacy gets injured you agree to join us. That way if we can get the bitch to start taking the cheerleading squad seriously the chances of her getting injured will go down and if she keeps up her current activity we have a secret weapon."

"I said it once, and I'll say it again. NO!"

At this point both my sister and all of the gang that were cheerleaders started to play dirty they used the puppy dog look on me you know the one the one that looks like you kicked it up and down the street about fifty times. I do not know any male that can withstand that look, crap, I know very few females that can withstand that looked at that intensity.

"I know that I am going to regret this with all of my being. If this person gets injured in the natural scheme of practice I agree to step in and assist the cheerleading squad until such a time as she is able to return to the squad. That means if I have reason to believe you four had anything to do with injuring her so that I would assist the cheerleading squad, I will not do so."

Luckily at that point one o'clock rolled around so we were all dismissed to go home. My sister and I made our way out to the student parking lot to where we could see my brother Jason talking to some of his football pals next to his car. Now a little bit about my brother Jason or JJ as he's called. He is 6'2" tall of solid muscle. He is the football quarterback as well as captain. My brother is the glory child for football in this area, I was in Little League football for one season; my brother has been playing since he was five. Last year he led the team to their first state championship in ten years he led the state in both passing as well as rushing yards. I have been told by Emma that he is a capital H Hunk. His close cropped blond hair with clear blue eyes, though if you are going to make a blonde joke don't waste your time he is the class valedictorian at this point and time. He has scholarships for athletics as well as academics.

We own got into the car my brother, sister, Emma, and myself and headed home. Since after all Emma lives right next door to me. Which is another big reason that me and her had been friends since we were both five. It took about five minutes for us to get to our house. We all filed out of my brother's vehicle with Emma waving goodbye as she went to her house. She had to get her house ready for the rest of her friends coming over for a slumber party tonight that was leading into a day of shopping tomorrow. Followed by another slumber party Saturday night.

"Mason," my mother yelled from the kitchen. "Come on in the kitchen, we need to talk."

I in my infinite wisdom I bowed to my mother's request. I'd made my way into our kitchen. We even have a pool as well as a pool house that doubles as a game room with a ping-pong table, old pinball machines as well as all the modern video games with a pool table. I guess some could say that our house was big since we had five bedrooms and six bathrooms, a living room and a den as well as a kitchen and dining room. So thanks to how big our house is I never had to fight for the bathroom in the morning even with having an older sister.

"So how was it," my mother inquired.

I handed over my schedule my mother to see while I said, "It was okay I liked the teachers that I spoke with and it seems like it will be a good year."

"That's good to hear," my mother replied.

I will now take the time to describe my mother. For you see my mother is a very stunning woman. As I said before she is 5'0" tall; she is softer than my sister though she is still very beautiful. She has a small C cup bust and on the whole is a very stylish woman. When she was younger she was in gymnastics as well as cheerleading. She has long brunette hair just like my sister as well as piercing green eyes. They are the type of eyes that you can tell miss nothing. She has been lucky to be able to be a stay-at-home mother and not have to work.

Now since I'm talking about my mother I figure I should tell you about my father. My father is a software developer. He brings home about $250,000 a year give or take. He is 6'4" tall; yes that is 16 inches taller than my mother. He has blonde hair which he keeps cropped short. He also has blue eyes. He was in football when he was younger and he still keeps in shape. Yes I am the black sheep of the family so to speak. I am the only male in my entire extended family even to not be in football.

My mother and I spent an enjoyable ten to fifteen minutes talking about what went on at my freshman orientation. After which I made my way up to my bedroom and played on my PlayStation 3 until it was time for supper. I'm not going to bore you with supper conversation. It is not like you really need to know what is going on at my dad's work and things of that nature. I turned in around ten o'clock at night getting woken up at bright at nine o'clock a.m.


I was woken up at the crack of dawn which is nine o'clock by my cell phone ringing. Though I will say I love technology and love the fact that cell phones exist, but sometimes I just want to shoot all cell phones.

"Hello," I said groggily into the phone.

"Hello," said my loving neighbor Emma. "Hello my best friend in all the world. I know you absolutely adore me."

"What do you want, Emma? I would like to get back to sleep sometime today after all I'm not the one that set up a weekend long party that equals getting up early on the last Saturday in summer vacation."

"Well, the girls and I were talking and we decided in our infinite wisdom that you need to come with us."

"And why in your infinite wisdom would you think that I would wish to go to the mall with four teenage girls three of which make most shop owners wish they could shut their doors when they see you?"

"That hurts, Mason. The reason being that we want to spend time with our best friend Mason. That and someone needs to be there with Lara to help her survive."

"Well she could just come over and go swimming today. That way both me and her get out of going to the mall. See that's a win-win."

"That is not a win-win that is a win-lose situation. For you see we need our trusted friends to help carry the bags."

"What is in it for me? And do not say you get to spend time with you girls."

"Well we really were going to go swimming before. But if you agree to help us by carrying the bags we could agree to go swimming in our bikinis."

I will say this in my defense, I am a male. All my friends including Lara are hot as hell that agreement is like nirvana for me. Though I must also point out that as scary as it was for me to notice myself I find that I am also attracted to other males. Not that I have ever told anyone that let alone my father and brother.

"Okay, I will be over in ten minutes.”


I was over at Emma's house within fifteen minutes. We all got into Emma's mother's van and made our way to the mall upon entering the mall parking lot while hundreds of sirens and lights went off with jets flying overhead and tanks coming onto the parking lot's. Reinforced steel shutters went down over all the entrances to the mall. The squadron of Marines took up residence in front of each entrance to the mall with assault rifles pointing at our van.

Okay, I was just kidding nothing of that nature happened though I seriously think the mall wishes they could do that. What followed was one and a half hour of pure hell in which the girls, excluding Lara, went from store to store trying on skirts and dresses of all kinds. Luckily Lara and I did not enter those stores and we talked outside waiting for the others. Though my luck ended when we went into one of the many stores that also had clothing that Lara liked.

It was all going all well and fine until a sales associate saw that Lara was not trying on anything but pants. The sales associate then came over and said, "And why are you two lovely ladies not trying on any of the lovely dresses as well?"

I then looked around at her group to see if I could find another girl. Since the only one besides me of our party was not trying on dresses was Lara.

While I was doing the slight visible check Maddy took control and got rid of the sales associate.

"Yes, Mason and Lara, why keep trying on dresses?"

"Well, Maddy, there is the whole fact that I'm a guy. And then the fact that it has to be a freezing cold day in hell before Lara will submit to wear a skirt or dress."

"Well Lara," replied Maddy. "How about you try on a dress and get a dress and wearing the rest of the shopping trip. And since the sales associate thinks you're a girl anyway, Mason, you should get one as well I will pay for both."

I will say that what I said next in retrospect was a complete and moronic thing to say but I said it anyway. "I will if Lara agrees."

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