A Ghost Of A Chance. Book 2. Chapter 7

 © February 2013

Part Seven of 13+

Chapter Seven: Looking for dead people

    Chloe had gone back to her house after school and gotten changed out of her uniform before she let her Aunty Ashley drive her and Stacy to Stacy’s house so they could do their maths homework and then go for a ride on their horses. Sophie and jade wouldn’t be joining them today, due to the two of them having their first fencing lesson. Chloe was glad it would just be her and Stacy because she wanted to ask Stacy about Heather Porter and what she knew about the accident that killed her.

     “Stacy, what do you know about the girl that fell off the roof at school?” Chloe asked as they rode their horses through the woods.

     “Do you mean Heather Porter?” Stacy asked.

     “Yes, can you be sure she just fell off the roof?” Chloe asked sounding nervous.

     “The police said she’d been drinking, and she slipped off the roof after losing her footing, but some of the other students said she’d been depressed over something and she might have killed herself.” Stacy explained what she’d heard. “You heard what Jade said earlier.”

     “Do you think she might have been pushed?”

     “I guess she could have, but as far as I know she was up there on her own.” Stacy said. “Have you seen her around the school?” Stacy asked looking excited.

     “Yes, I saw her today, first in the dining room, she was stood behind Jane. Then I saw her at the place she fell to her death, but she said she was pushed, but she never said who pushed her.”

     “Heather was never part of Jane’s group, but Jane did bully her a little, and I heard that Heather had been doing some of Jane’s homework for her as well.” Stacy said looking shocked. “Do you think Jane might have pushed her off the roof for not doing her homework right?”

     “I don’t know, but I do need to speak with Spirit about it all to see what she knows.” Chloe said as she rubbed her forehead.

     “You called for me sis?” Spirit grinned as she appeared behind her on Shadow.

     “Hey sis, I need to ask you about a ghost I saw today while at school.” Chloe said as she looked over her shoulder at Spirit.

     “Do you mean the ghost of Heather Porter?” Spirit asked.

     “Yes, that’s her.” Chloe said sounding excited. “What happened to her, and why is she haunting Jane Bridgeport?”

     “If she’s haunting Jane then it’s because she had something to do with her death.” Spirit said.

     “Don’t you know if she had anything to do with it or not?” Stacy asked.

     “I know that I can do some pretty amazing things now, but I don’t see what happened to everyone, and I can’t just find a ghost with a click of my fingers.” Spirit frowned. “It would be cool if I could.” She added with a grin.

     “Then how do we find out what happened?” Chloe asked.

     “You need to open a line of communication with this Heather and find out what you can do to help her move on.” Spirit explained.

     “And what if I don’t want to help Jane get rid of her ghost.” Chloe asked sounding like she didn’t want to do anything to help Jane.

     “Heather will become unstable and then she will start to hurt people, not just Jane, but anyone she comes close too.” Spirit warned.

     “Do you mean like a poltergeist?” Stacy asked, understanding what Spirit was saying better than Chloe was.

     “Yes, just like a poltergeist.” Spirit said pointed a finger towards Stacy.

     “Why will that happen to this Heather when it didn’t happen to Mary in the Library?” Chloe asked looking confused.

     “Mary died while looking for two children, so she is at peace, but feels the need to still find the two children, where as Heather died a violent death, and her killer is still free, so she needs some form of vengeance before she can find peace.

     “What happens if she can’t find peace?” Chloe asked. “Will she just keep haunting Jane?”

     “No, she’ll finally become a vengeful ghost that will need to be taken care of by a grim like Brut.” Spirit said with a sigh.

     “That doesn’t seem fair.” Chloe said sounding sad about it all. “So I either help Jane sort things out with this Heather, or I have to call on Brut to force Heather onto the other side?”

     “Sadly, yes that is what needs to happen.” Spirit didn’t look any happier about any of this than Chloe did.

     “But how am I to get Jane to tell the truth about what happened that night up on the roof?” Chloe asked. “She’s kind of a bitch, and probably enjoyed pushing Heather off the roof.” Chloe added.

     “Not to mention the fact she doesn’t like you very much.” Stacy pointed out.

     “I never said this job was going to be easy sis.” Spirit shrugged.

     “It’s okay for you, you’re already dead, but I’m the one that has to try and talk an evil bitch into admitting she had something to do with another girl’s death.” Chloe said angrily. “And oh yes, her father is in the government.”

     “I won’t let Jane hurt you sis.” Spirit said as she wrapped her arms around Chloe and sent some calming energy into her.

     “She’s just such an evil bitch though sis.” Chloe whined. “Is there no other way to sort this out that doesn’t involve me?”

     “I’m sorry sis, I wish there was.” Spirit hugged Chloe a little tighter as she said it.

     “Great...” Chloe sighed. “I’ll need some time to come up with a plan.” She added with a note of finality in her voice.

     “Heather is still focused on Jane, and is unable to cause to much harm to her just yet, but Sammi wants us to get this dealt with as quick as we can.” Spirit said.

     “If Samantha wants it dealt with that fast, then why doesn’t she come down here and do it herself?” Chloe growled.

     “She’d just say that’s what she’s got us for.” Spirit giggled.

     “I don’t remember signing up for crap like this.” Chloe snapped, not seeing the funny side of it all.

     “I know that sis, and I’m sorry.” Spirit said, all humour gone from her voice now.

     “No, I’m the one that’s sorry sis.” Chloe said as she pulled on the rains and made Shadow stop walking. “It’s just a lot to deal with.” Chloe added as she leaned her head against Spirit’s and let out a heavy sigh.

    Chloe closed her eyes and let Spirit fill her with calm while she listened to the birds singing around her and she could feel Shadow breathing beneath her.

     “Can you ask Samantha to come and see me later this evening?” Chloe asked after a couple of minutes.

     “Sure, but what do you have in mind?” Spirit asked looking puzzled.

     “I have an idea, but I need to set out some ground rules with Samantha to make sure you don’t get in trouble for anything that might happen.” Chloe grinned.

     “Why do I get the feeling this is going to be fun?” Spirit grinned back at her.

     “You two are really freaking me out now.” Stacy said looking worried as she looked at Chloe and Spirit grinning evilly at each other.

     “Don’t worry Stacy, if my idea works, you’ll get a kick out of it, and Jane won’t be a problem at school anymore.” Chloe said.

     “I’ll let you finish your ride, and I’ll go and have a word with Sammi for you.” Spirit said as she hugged Chloe again.

     “Okay, but can you make sure she doesn’t come to see me until after I’ve called Stephi and told her about my first two days at school.” Chloe smiled.

     “Not a problem.” Spirit grinned just before she vanished.

     “I’m not sure what your plan is Chloe, but I must warn you that Jane isn’t the sort of girl that will see the error of her ways and become good like Sophie did.” Stacy said in a warning tone. “I’m not even sure she has a heart.”

     “I’ve already worked that much out, and if I can get the okay from Samantha, my plan won’t need me to try and settle things between Jane and Heather.” Chloe said sounding cryptic.

     “If it will finally get Jane out of the school, count me in.” Stacy grinned the same evil grin she’d seen Chloe and Spirit use just minutes before.

    The two girls finished their ride and then got the horses settled for the night before Chloe said her goodbyes and went home with Ashley when she arrived to pick her up.


    Chloe had gotten home and shown her mother her homework so she knew she’d done it, and then she told her about her day, but she left out the part to do with Susan and Jane. Chloe didn’t want either her mother or aunt trying to help, or worse trying to stop her.

    Once Chloe had finished helping her Aunty Ash do the dishes, she went up to her room and grabbed her cell phone and called Stephanie. Chloe was worried that she’d just get Stephanie’s voicemail again, but Stephanie answered after the second ring.

     “Hi Chloe, sorry about missing your call last night.” Stephanie’s musical voice said on the other end of Chloe’s phone.

     “Hi Stephi, I got your text when I woke this morning, so I understand your reason for not answering last night.” Chloe said excitedly as she spoke to her adopted big sister.

     “That’s good then.” Stephanie said with a smile in her voice. “I knew it was too late to call you last night, that’s why I sent you a text. So how do you like school as a girl?” Stephanie asked.

     “It’s amazing, and feels so right.” Chloe giggled excitedly.

     “Had any boys speak to you yet?” Stephanie asked with a giggle of her own.

     “Have you been speaking to Stacy?” Chloe asked with suspicion in her voice.

     “Yes, I spoke to her earlier this evening.” Stephanie admitted. “He sounds like a nice guy though.” She added sounding more serious. “Just be careful how far you lead him on Chloe.”

     “I’m confused about my feelings for boys though Stephi.” Chloe said sounding worried.

     “I know how you feel baby sister, and it’s just the false programming making you feel that way.”

     “False programming...?” Chloe asked.

     “Yes, you’ve been trying to fit in with the males around you for the last twelve years, so your brain is wired to see the fact that now you’re being yourself as being wrong.” Stephanie tried to explain.

     “Did you feel this way when you first started dressing?” Chloe asked with hope in her voice.

     “Yes I was a real mess over it all.” Stephanie admitted with a sigh. “I’d sit and sob in my mother’s arms over the way I felt.”

     “So the fact I find Finlay kind of cute but really annoying at the same time, is normal?” Chloe asked nervously.

     “Completely normal.” Stephanie giggled. “What can you tell me about this Finlay’s friend Paul?” Stephanie asked, playing the protective big sister.

     “Paul is nice, doesn’t say much, but he’s gentle and looks to be taking a real liking to Stacy.” Chloe grinned.

     “That’s good.” Stephanie sighed. “I hear you’ve made a new friend in Jane Bridgeport?” She added with a giggle.

     “Oh yes, I’m thinking of asking her to join Stacy and I for a sleepover.” Chloe said sarcastically.

     “Can I join in and smother her with a pillow?” Stephanie asked excitedly.

     “You may need to get in line for that job.” Chloe giggled.

     “Stacy was telling me about the other things you’ve found out about Jane, and I want to warn you to be careful around her, she’s a psycho, and what you think she did just proves it.” Stephanie said sounding worried.

     “You don’t need to tell me.” Chloe frowned. “If Spirit hadn’t warned me today, the bitch would have pushed me down some steps and killed me.”

     “I’m glad you’ve got Spirit to watch your back baby sister.” Stephanie sighed. “How do you plan to sort out this ghost problem with Jane then?”

     “I need to have a word with Samantha before I can work out a proper plan, but I’m hoping she will let me use Spirit to impersonate this girl Heather, and force Jane to admit to her part in Heather’s death.” Chloe explained.

     “I trust she will admit to this in front of others, and not just you?” Stephanie asked with doubt in her voice over Chloe’s plan.

     “I’m hoping to have her admit to it in front of so many people, that not even her father will have enough pull to make it go away.” Chloe smiled.

     “Do you know what happened to this Heather?”

     “No, not yet, but I’m hoping to speak with her and find out the full story, so Spirit and I can use it to catch Jane in a lie.” Chloe explained her idea.

     “As much as I’d like to see Jane pay for all the hurt she caused Stacy and the other kids at school, I’d much rather you keep away from her, she’s bad news on an epic scale.” Stephanie warned.

     “You know I can’t do that, not now there’s a ghost involved, and if Jane did push Heather to her death, then I have to let others know the truth so Heather can find peace.”

     “You’ve got my number if you need my help with anything.” Stephanie said with a sigh as she realised Chloe was right, and it was her duty to help this ghost find peace.

     “Thanks big sister.” Chloe smiled, happy to have someone like Stephanie to talk to about everything.

     “Okay then, tell me all about this Finlay, and what you’ve found out about him so far?” Stephanie said, putting an end to the supernatural talk and acting like her normal big sister again.

    Chloe spent the next twenty minutes telling Stephanie how she’d first met Finlay and Paul, and how he’d kept bugging her until she finally gave in and started speaking to him. Chloe then told her about Sophie setting up the meeting in the woods, and how he’d brought a large bag of mints to bribe Shadow into liking him.

     “He sounds like a keeper to me.” Stephanie giggled at the end of Chloe’s story.

     “I’m sure I’m just something new to him, and he’ll soon find some other girl to chase after.” Chloe said in return.

     “Is that what you want him to do deep down?” Stephanie asked, not believing Chloe for a second.

     “A small part of me does, but at the same time I want to get to know him even better.” Chloe said sounding confused over her feelings.

     “The small part of you that doesn’t want to know Fin any better is the male programming, which would be your brain, but the larger part that wants to know him even better is your fully female heart that is telling you to fall in love and marry the boy.” Stephanie swooned on the other end of the phone.

     “Marry him...!” Chloe squeaked out due to her voice jumping in pitch to the point it could almost break glass. All Chloe could hear for a couple of minutes on the other end of the phone after that was laughing, as she imagined Stephanie rolling around on her bed in a fit of giggles.

     “I’m sorry Chloe, but you sounded so funny just now.” An out of breath and still fighting off the giggles Stephanie finally came back on the phone and said. “I’m just teasing you baby sister.” She added with more giggles.

     “Do you tease Stacy like this?” Chloe said with a pout in her voice.

     “Yes, and I was just saying the same thing to her about Paul.” Stephanie giggled, sounding just like a teenager. “She seemed to like the idea of marrying Paul though.” She added with worry in her voice. “Is he really that cute?” Stephanie asked.

     “I’m probably not the best person to be asking that question to.” Chloe answered.

     “How is he on the looks scale compared to Fin?” Stephanie asked.

     “I think fin is the better looking, but Paul’s not ugly by a long shot.” Chloe answered after giving it some thought.

     “So you think Fin is really cute then...?” Stephanie giggled on the other end of the phone.

     “Hey...! That was a trick to get me to say how I felt about Finlay’s looks.” Chloe whined. “You can be so mean big sister.” Chloe added with a pout.

     “I’m just helping you to let out your girly side a little more.” Stephanie said in her own defence. “Feels good to relax and just be you doesn’t it?” Stephanie asked.

     “Yes it does actually.” Chloe giggled. “So there’s nothing wrong with having feelings for Finlay then?” Chloe asked sounding serious again.

     “No, not at all, but just remember to be careful about going too far with him.” Stephanie warned. “I had the same feeling about a boy at your age, and look what happened when he found out about my secret.”

     “I think that’s one of the things that’s worrying me about letting Finlay get to close to me, and what if he never finds out and things get more serious later?” Chloe asked, like Stephanie would have the answers for her. “I’ll never be able to give him children.” Chloe added with a sigh.

     “You’ve given this a lot of thought haven’t you?” Stephanie said with shock in her voice over just how much Chloe had thought about all this boy stuff and how it would affect her future with any boy she fell in love with.

     “Were you any different at my age?” Chloe asked.

     “Yes I was, but maybe if I’d thought about things a little more, then I never would have been beaten half to death by a boy I had a crush on.”

     “I’ve tried telling Finlay that I just want to be friends, but it’s hard to look at it that way when he’s so nice to me.” Chloe said with pain in her voice.

     “You could take things further than being friends, but tell him you’re not going to sleep with a boy until you’re married.” Stephanie suggested.

     “Isn’t that a little old fashioned these days?”

     “Yes, but it’s better than letting him get carried away and then finding out you’re not quite what he thought you were.” Stephanie reminded her.

     “That’s a good point.” Chloe frowned and then she shuddered at the thought of Finlay finding out she wasn’t fully female yet.

     “Finlay is just the first boy to show an interest in you, so don’t read too much into it.” Stephanie sighed on the other end of the phone.

     “Did you date many boys while you were at school?” Chloe asked.

     “Not really, but it was more to do with me being beaten up than anything else.” Stephanie explained. “I got asked out a lot, and I even went out with some of the boys and had a good time while being treated as a girl.” She added with a grin in her voice.

     “I never gave much thought to me dating boys, or any of them taking a liking to me.” Chloe admitted. “I was so hung up on getting to be a girl at school that I never thought that a boy would want to ask me out.”

     “If you don’t feel ready to deal with boys yet Chloe; then tell him so, and if he’s as good as you say, he should back off and give you some time to become ready.”

     “Part of me is worried he’ll find someone else and I’d have made a big mistake.” Chloe said sounding confused with herself and her feelings.

     “I don’t think you’re going to get rid of Finlay that easily baby sister.” Stephanie laughed down the phone at her. “I think he’ll be happy to be your friend until you can settle into the role you’ve found yourself in.”

     “Do you really think so?” Chloe asked sounding hopeful.

     “I know so, and if he doesn’t, then he’s not the stand up guy you’re looking for.” Stephanie said sounding sure of herself.

     “He’s not like any of the boys that used to chase James around and beat him up.” Chloe said, referring to her male self in the third person to stop any slips.

     “Boys are just the same as men, you get all different sorts.” Stephanie started to explain. “Fin is different, just like mine and Stacy’s father is different to your stepfather, or Dr Kaufman.”

    Chloe understood what Stephanie was saying, and she was right. Tim and Dr Kaufman were both really nice, and even though they knew her secret, they still treated her like a girl and she loved them both for that.

     “I think your dad is amazing.” Chloe grinned.

     “He is really special, and he never once showed any rejection of me, but he did tell me off for my part in getting beaten up.” Stephanie admitted.

     “You were so lucky to have such wonderful parent Stephi.” Chloe said sounding jealous.

     “You’re not doing so bad yourself baby sister and you have the world’s coolest big sister now as well.” She said with pride in her voice.

     “I didn’t know you and Stacy had another sister, when do I get to meet her?” Chloe asked, but was finding it hard to keep a laugh out of her voice.

     “Hey...! I was talking about me being the coolest big sister ever.” Stephanie whined.

     “I know that.” Chloe started giggling.

     “I’m going to make you pay for that the next time I see you.” Stephanie warned just before she also started giggling.

     “Thanks for talking to me about all this stuff big sister.” Chloe said once they had both calmed down again.

     “I should be the one thanking you for being such a good friend to Stacy. She’s her old self again now.” Stephanie said sounding happy about that.

     “I saw this Tracy that used to be her friend. I have to admit I find it hard to believe her and Stacy were ever friends.” Chloe admitted.

     “I never did like her, but she seemed to have Stacy brainwashed until she told Jane my secret and the whole school found out after that, and Tracy became one of Jane’s little gang and Stacy became an outcast.” Stephanie explained with anger in her voice.

     “She’s not an outcast anymore,” Chloe grinned. “I think she’s amazing, and my best friend.” Chloe added with pride.

     “Stacy said the same thing about you earlier.” Stephanie giggled.

    The two of them spoke for another ten minutes before Stephanie said she needed to do some studying for her classes the next day, and Chloe needed to see if Spirit had been able to get Samantha to come see her.


     Chloe had just finished in the bathroom after speaking to Stephanie when she felt Spirit enter the room, so Chloe turned and wrapped her arms around her sister and hugged her.

     “Hi sis.” Chloe grinned. “Were you able to talk Samantha into coming to see me?” She asked looking hopeful.

     “You only need call my name, and I’ll come running my sweet child.” Samantha said as she stepped through a crack of light in the middle of Chloe’s bedroom.

    Samantha was wearing her trademark white suit and her red hair was waving around like it had a life of its own. Chloe was always left feeling like she wanted to hug this Angel she had protecting her.

     “Thank you for that Samantha, but I always feel bad calling your name as I’m not sure what is and is not important enough to call you here.” Chloe admitted.

     “You will never be in trouble for calling on me Chloe.” Samantha smiled as she closed the gap between them and raised a hand to Chloe’s cheek. “I am always here to offer advice and help keep you safe.” She added. “Now what is it you needed to speak to me about?”

     “I’ve seen the ghost of a girl at my school, and she said she was pushed to her death, and I need to know what I should do about righting this wrong?” Chloe asked.

     “Finding justice is not what we do Chloe, we are tasked with moving ghosts onto the other side.” Samantha explained.

     “So I’m just supposed to let someone get away with murder?” Chloe asked looking angry. “How is this ghost to find peace knowing that the person who killed them is getting away with it?”

     “If the person isn’t willing to admit to their crime, then I see that there is little we can do about it.” Samantha shrugged like it wasn’t her problem.

     “What if I had an idea of how we could make this person admit to what they did.” Chloe asked looking nervous about her idea now.

     “And just what do you have in mind little one?” Samantha asked with a raised eyebrow.

     “I’ll need Spirit’s help, but I want your word that she won’t get in trouble for doing it.” Chloe frowned as she pointed a finger at Samantha.

     “I’ll need to hear your plan before I can make any promises.” Samantha answered Chloe’s threat as she tried not to smirk.

     “I know that Spirit can take on the form of other people, and I want her to impersonate the dead girl so the girl that killed her thinks she’s being haunted.” Chloe explained.

     “And you hope that seeing the dead girl will make this other girl admit her guilt?” Samantha finished saying for Chloe.

     “Yes, that’s what I think will happen.” Chloe said looking nervous.

     “And if I say no to this plan, what will you do then?” Samantha asked in a tone that said she wouldn’t like the answer, even before Chloe said it.

     “I’ll just have to try and get her to admit it another way, that could be even more dangerous for me.” Chloe answered in a tone that sounded a little smug, like Chloe knew that Samantha wouldn’t want Chloe to put herself in that much danger.

     “And I guess that you’d jump in and help your new sister no matter what I tell you?” Samantha asked as she turned to look at Spirit who was sat on the bed playing with the two kittens.

     “Yes I would Sammi. Chloe is my sister, and I’ll do anything to keep her safe.” Spirit said, not even bothering to lie about it.

     “Very well then.” Samantha sighed. “I give you permission to haunt this girl, but I want you to speak with the dead girl first, and find out what happened.” Samantha said in a warning tone. “Spirit will need to link with the girl to do a proper haunting anyway.”

    Chloe looked a little shocked that Samantha would agree to her plan so easily after what she’d just said about it not being her problem that humans got away with murder. Chloe then noticed that Spirit was grinning about something, like she knew something Chloe didn’t.

     “What am I missing?” Chloe asked as she turned back to look at Samantha and saw a look of pride on her face. “Why do I get the feeling I’ve just passed another test.

     “Because you have.” Samantha beamed with pride. “You’ve accepted the job of a ghost whisper.” She added as she pulled Chloe into a hug.

     “But I thought I already had when I helped Dr Kaufman and then Sophie?” Chloe asked sounding confused.

     “That was only part of the job we need you to do, but what you plan to do with Heather is another part, a very important part.” Samantha started to explain. “Most ghosts that stop behind when they die, do so because of something that happened to them.”

     “You mean because they were killed by someone?” Chloe asked.

     “Yes, or they see something like Spirit did, but they aren’t lucky enough to find a host to come back with like she did with you.” Samantha frowned.

     “Why didn’t you just ask me to do this sort of thing then?” Chloe asked as she pulled away from Samantha and looked up at her.

     “This type of thing isn’t something that you can be asked to do; you need to want to help people move on.” Samantha smiled. “And you didn’t let me down.”

     “Have you got any advice on how I should go about haunting Jane?” Chloe asked Samantha.

     “I’ve given Spirit some pointers as it will be her doing the haunting while you try and make her admit to what she did, but you need to find out what happened from Heather first.” Samantha warned.

     “It won’t be easy talking to Heather with all the other kids running around.” Chloe said looking deep in thought.

     “I could bring her to you at lunchtime, but you need to find some way to keep Sophie and Jade away.” Spirit said trying to help.

     “Couldn’t you bring her to me here at home?” Chloe asked looking hopeful.

     “Sadly Heather is bound to the school due to that being the place she died and where Jane is at the minute.” Samantha explained.

     “So Heather is tied to Jane like James’ stepfather was tied to me?” Chloe asked to make sure she understood correctly.

     “Yes, but Heather is also tied to the place she died as well as Jane, that is why you will be able to find her at the spot she fell to her death.” Samantha nodded.

     “So I should be able to find her up on the roof then?” Chloe said looking excited.

     “Yes you should.” Samantha agreed.

     “I’ll find a way to get up onto the roof then tomorrow, and find out what happened to her.” Chloe said sounding confident she now had a working plan to get her started.

     “I’ll leave you and Spirit to talk, but I’ll be keeping an eye on you, just to be sure you’re safe. Samantha said as she gave Chloe another hug before she stepped back through the crack of light like it was a curtain.

     “Are you sure you’re up for this sis?” Chloe asked as she went and sat next to Spirit on the bed where she was still playing with the kittens.

     “I’ll be fine, but I’m more worried about you.” Spirit said sounding worried for Chloe and what she was planning to do.

     “I’ll be okay; I’ve got you to protect me.” Chloe grinned as she threw her arms around Spirit and hugged her.

     “I think you have to much faith in me sis.” Spirit frowned, but she was soon grinning when she saw how worried it made Chloe.

     “Can you tell me more about the woman I saw in the library today?” Chloe asked.

     “Do you mean the maid, Mary?” Spirit asked.

     “Yes, she said something about some missing children.” Chloe remembered.

     “Mary died one cold winter’s night while looking for a young boy and girl in her care.” Spirit started to explain. “The children were never found, so Mary can’t find peace until they are.” Spirit added looking sad for Mary.

     “Can’t you locate them?” Chloe asked.

     “No, because their bones haven’t been laid to rest.” Spirit tried to explain.

     “I thought the soul left the body at the point of death?” Chloe asked with a confused look.

     “Only if the person knows they're dead, and even then they won’t pass over if they feel the need to do something on this side.” Spirit sighed heavily.

     “How do you know they are even on the school grounds then?”

     “Students have reported hearing children crying at various parts of the school grounds, but when they go looking for the child, there’s nothing there.” Spirit said in a spooky voice. “A couple of student’s have reported being possessed by young children, or that is what their friends said.” Spirit added.

     “How do you know all this?”

     “Mary told me when I met her for the first time.” Spirit said in a matter of fact way. “She knows all the gossip that’s going around the school.”

     “What makes you think I’ll have more luck than anyone else finding them?”

     “We’re hoping that the children will be drawn to you.” Spirit said looking hopeful.

     “Drawn to me?” Chloe said looking worried. “I hope they don’t turn up while I’m in the middle off a lesson, and what happens if they end up possessing me?” Chloe voiced her worries.

     “They will have no more luck doing that than I did of passing through you before I got promoted to junior angel.” Spirit grinned.

     “What will happen if they touch me though? Brut will scare them to death.” Chloe said. “Or he’ll scare them.” She corrected herself when she realised they were already dead.

     “I know what you mean, and Brut will only come when you call him on this one.” Spirit explained.

     “I hope we can help them pass over.” Chloe said with pain in her voice as she thought of the two children being ghosts and on their own, not even realising they are dead.

     “You might want to have a word with Jennifer, and warn her what you need to do.” Spirit suggested.

     “Do you mean about looking for the children, or do you mean about the thing with Heather and Jane?” Chloe asked, not sure as to which thing she should tell the Headmistress.

     “I mean about the children.” Spirit said. “I don’t think it’s wise to say anything to anyone else about the thing with Heather until we know the truth. Ghosts can get confused when they die, and once you’ve had a word with Heather, she may remember things more clearly.

     “You mean Jane might not have pushed her off the roof?”

     “Maybe, Jane’s an easy person to hate, and Heather might have been getting picked on, so she has the most hate for Jane.” Spirit tried to explain.

     “This all seems very confusing.” Chloe sighed as she felt a headache coming on.

     “I know it seems that way sis, but you will soon learn to find out all the details before you act on things.” Spirit promised. “I think you should see about getting an early night, you’re going to have a busy day tomorrow.” Spirit added as she clicked her fingers and was suddenly wearing a nightshirt just like Chloe was wearing.

    Chloe smiled as she jumped into bed and Spirit got in next to her. They were joined by two purring kittens and they all cuddled up together and fell asleep. Spirit focused on Chloe’s dreams and stopped her from having any bad ones again.



To Be Continued Next Tuesday  GRIN


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

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