Bikini Beach: The Runaway, Part 1/3

Bikini Beach: The Runaway Part 1

A young boy has run away from home. Breaking into Bikini Beach in search of food, he is caught trespassing in the morning and given a week's worth of community service. Why did he run away in the first place? Something has prevented Grandmother and Anya from seeing his past. Maybe a detective who is the great grandson of someone from Grandmothers past can help unravel the mystery.

This author is grateful for the help, ideas and editing done by ElrodW. Without his help and support, this story may not have been possible. Though the story may seem a little harsh, it's real life, and as such, a perfectly valid theme to be exploring.

I have had the pleasure of working with the author in taking a concept through to an edited story. It's been a journey for both of us - dealing with subjects that are not exactly pleasant, but do happen and overshadow some people's lives, and doing so in a setting that I created, but hasn't yet seriously touched these issues. I applaud the author for being brave enough to come face-to-face with some harsh realities in the story, knowing that they may dredge up unpleasant memories for some. I look at the work as a further exploration of the human condition, flawed as we all are, and possibly an opportunity to give people who've had to face situations like the main character a chance for an emotional release, a recognition that others understand your pain and that you are not alone. I want to thank the author for working with me to make sure that Bikini Beach guidelines weren't violated, and that the characterization of the side players was accurate to my vision. I hope you find something that touches you in the story.



Bikini Beach: The Runaway Part 1

This story is copyright by the author. It is protected by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


As he sat across from the young woman at the kitchen table, Brad listened as she presented him with the one-day pass. She noted the husky-built boy's discomfort, and reiterated. "It's only for a few hours Brad, nothing more."

Visibly uneasy, Brad accepted the proffered card and examined it closely. Sure enough, the pass had been dated for that upcoming Sunday, along with it being validated for just one day. The only difference, he noted, from the last one he purchased, was his name had been printed on it. "Why my name?"

"Think of it as a gift card, Brad, only good for the recipient whose name appears on it. It's to prevent others from misusing it."

Brad placed the pass onto the table before him as he didn't even want to really touch it.

As he contemplated what she was asking of him, Brad had to admit both he and Melody had enjoyed their time together at the park. That was, up until it was time to leave and things turned ugly. "I don't know Mrs. Covington. You were there when we had the fight. I said some pretty mean things to her."

When she heard the doubt in his voice, she had to agree with him. "Yes, you did, but you have to understand, Brad, she had to make decisions no one her age should have had to."

She pressed the issue further as she watched his hand move back towards the pass. "This may be your only chance to hear why she did it. Anya doesn't allow outsiders to attend these meetings. Not even me, and I'm her mother.

As she prepared to leave, Lisa picked up her purse before standing. "Brad, this is just between me and you. Melody doesn't even know I'm doing this." When she saw his surprised expression, she continued, "Brad, please understand, I love her just as much as she loves you."

Confused, Brad had to wonder, "Why do you want me to come? You were the one who told me to never contact her again. What changed your mind?"

"This wasn't easy for me, Brad, nor did I come to it lightly." She exhaled as she remembered a time past, "She'd been through so much I didn't want to see her hurt again. Only now, it's worse Brad. I can see the pain it's causing and I want my little girl to be happy. You really don't know how much you mean to her."

"Miss Covington, if … if I do decide to come, how will I get there? Mom doesn't seem to want to go near that place."

Knowing his interest had been piqued, Lisa smiled inwardly as she let herself out. "There's a number on the back, Brad. Call it and someone will pick you up."

As she went to let herself out, she couldn't help but take notice of him picking up the pass and place it inside his pocket. "Oh, and Brad? Be prepared for what you hear. It's not pleasant." She hoped that she wouldn't scare him off with her warning.


Melody felt her face flush as she overheard a few girls, woman actually, talk about their latest exploits with their boyfriends. Being one of their newest and youngest members, she had yet to experience her first kiss, let alone the pleasures of how good sex could be - definitely not in the explicit detail those girls were talking.

As she left the refreshment table with her drinks, Melody looked around for her escort.

Her mom still considered her too young to travel alone, even the short distant at night to the park. When asked, Vicky had graciously accepted to bring her to one of the monthly meetings.

With a hand wave, a cheery voice called out, "Over here Mel," as Vicky sought to catch Melody's attention.

With two drinks balanced in her hands, Mel walked over to Vicky, avoiding several other women, and offered her a soda, before taking her own seat. "Here you go Vicky, one diet Coke."

Vicky took the offered soda as she watched Mel smooth out her dress before sitting down. "Thanks. How are you doing?"

"Ok I guess." When she saw Vicky's questioning look, Mel knew what she was asking. She explained further as she fingered her dress. "It's not as bad as I thought it would be. Just not something I'm used to wearing." Considered by most to being a tomboy, she preferred jeans, shorts and t-shirts over skirts, blouses and pretty dresses.

Vicky had been pleasantly surprised when she arrived at Mel's home and found her waiting in a pink and black pleated short sleeve dress. With its scooped neck adorned with small beads, Mel showed off a little cleavage that she usually kept covered up.

Mel was still embarrassed at needing Vicky's help to bring her to the park. "I'm sorry for having to take you away from Rob, but Mom had to leave unexpectedly. She said it had something to do with the school and she didn't want me walking here alone."

Vicky nodded her understanding. "It's ok, Mel, Rob doesn't mind. He's a really sweet guy and he's very understanding," she said as she thought of her friend. "Still, how are you really doing?"

Mel sipped a little of her own soda. It was a question that most of her older friends asked her upfront, as they knew of her uneasiness at being a girl. "I'm coping, really. Mom's been very patient and understanding with me." She quieted down when Anya passed by and gave Mel a surprised smile.

Anya faced the crowd of women; her voice rose just enough to grab their attention. "Ladies, if you please, let's go ahead and start our meeting."

The chattering quieted down as those still standing took to their seats. Looking around at the large group of women, Mel noticed a few latecomers quickly taking seats near the back.

"Thanks again for coming," Anya continued. "As you know we're starting a little earlier than we usually do, but it seems one of our members has school tomorrow and needs to be home soon." She was looking at Mel, or at least it seemed so.

As Mel slid down in her chair to avoid the unwanted attention which had been drawn to her, a voice rang out. "That's okay girl, it just gives me a little more party time with my man." Her comment started a round of laughter, which made Mel feel even more uncomfortable.

Vicky patted Melody's hand to help ease the young girl's discomfort. "Relax, Mel. They're just teasing you. We never start on time, anyway."

The meeting moved along quickly, and several women provided updates on how they were faring with their own unique situations, along with their future plans.

As she sat there listening to them, Mel tried to imagine how they coped with being college students, young mothers, and even a father who endured the humiliation of being a model of lingerie as he offset his meager income to help support his family. A part of Mel wondered if her life really was so turbulent compared to hearing the others stories. Ever since she had become a girl, her mother endured Mel's frustration at having chosen the life of a teenage girl.

Mel would hear Lisa express her own frustration, wishing that Mel were a few years older and past the effectual fourteen-year-old stage of defiance. Hormones, mood swings, and growing up as a boy didn't help. Mel sighed inwardly. Life as a girl was just so confusing to her as she tried to figure out the do's and don'ts of fashions, along with how to wear cosmetics and fix her hair. Then there was dealing with other teenagers, especially the boys, at school.

Vicky gently nudged Mel, who seemed to be pre-occupied in a world of her own. "Mel, it's your turn. Are you ready?

Startled back to reality, butterflies seemed to fill Mel's stomach when she stood up. With Vicky leading her to the front, Mel seemed to question herself. 'Why am I doing this? Why'd I even agree to come? It was stupid of me to agree. I don't even know these people.'

As the two approached, Anya stood facing the other women. It was easy to see the fear in Mel's face as she approached the front.

With Vicky standing behind her, Anya moved to the other side as Vicky took the lead and did the honors of introducing the nervous girl. "Ladies this is Melody, or Mel as she prefers to go by."

Nervously Mel raised her hand a few inches, and, in a timid yet scared voice greeted the unfamiliar faces before her, "Uh… Hi?"

Trying to ease Mel's tension, Vicky continued, "Ladies, and I use that term loosely for some," which brought out several giggles and laughter, "Holly and I badgered this poor girl for weeks trying to persuade her to attend one of our meetings."

Having heard her name mentioned, Holly called out from somewhere in the back, "The girl's a little too stubborn for her own good, it seems." This caused more laughter all around.

When she heard the friendly banter between her two co-workers and close friends, Mel started to relax a little. She gathered herself up. "Uh, yeah, I guess I can be."

In reply, Holly simply stated, "Major understatement girl."

Melody just couldn't resist the sudden urge to stick her tongue out at the offending girl, bringing a few more giggles.

One of the women encouraged her to continue. "Go ahead, Mel, whenever you're ready."

Unsure of herself, Mel stammered, "Uh, yeah, my name's Melody- now." When she saw several more nods of encouragement, she continued. "Before … well last summer, really, to me anyway, my name was David, David Montgomery. I was twelve, almost thirteen, when I became a girl… permanently." With a tinge of sadness, she added, "It was the hardest decision I ever had to make."

As Mel started her story, she glanced over at Vicky, "Like a few others, I snuck inside the park, only I was trying to run away from someone."

*******Wednesday Night******

The parking lot was empty. Long gone were the patrons who had come to enjoy the parks cool waters as an escape from the summer heat. The brutal sun had been replaced by the inky night, with a cool breeze, which tried to cool what the sun had scorched during the day. The sun had long set, leaving only a few overhead lights to try and illuminate the vast parking lot. Around the perimeter, randomly timed security lights blinked on, illuminating an area, only to fade out moments later. The pattern served to discourage those who shouldn't be in the area this late at night.

Suddenly, the calm of the night was shattered by the sound of running feet, scuffling through the dirt and grass, and then slapping unevenly on the asphalt. The owner, a wisp of a boy about thirteen years of age, darted across the parking lot, watching the lights with intelligence, heading toward those that had just gone out. He knew that he had only a few moments of darkness to hide before the lights came back on, and he used that to his advantage. The boy's gait was uneven; the sound of his running not rhythmic, like one leg was injured or sore. Still, with his weaving and dodging the lights, and his injury, he pressed on, not wanting to slow, as if he were running from something.

Further behind the boy, the sound of many pairs of shoes could be heard, giving chase to the fleeing boy. "I think he went this way," a gruff voice called through the night.

Without looking back, the boy tried to maintain the distance between himself and his pursuers, as he scanned the end of the parking lot, looking for another way out. With bushes and vegetation lining in what appeared to be a large fence before him, his only recourse was to try to find a place to hide.

Spotting an area where the security lights had just dimmed, David ran towards the now darkened area. Scrambling his way underneath thick shrubs, David sustained a few cuts as sharp branches scraped across his skin, as he burrowed like a rabbit into the brush.

After situating himself between both the fence and bushes, David laid down facing the parking lot and listened for the sound of those chasing him.

David drew several deep breaths as he tried to maintain control of his labored breathing. Not only was his leg hurting, but the throbbing of his heart felt as if it was trying to burst forth from his chest. Through the brush, the sound of running footsteps caught his attention as they drew closer to his location.

Soon, the sound diminished to almost nothing as he had been forced to take slow, steady breaths. He listened, motionless, as the gruff voice questioned, "Did you see which way he went?"

The other voice, grasping to catch his own breath, uttered in a slight Asian accent, “No, but he couldn't have gotten far. The fence is at least twenty feet high and there's no way he could climb it so-"

As David heard the sound of bushes being pushed aside, gruff voice returned, "You take the left while I search the right."

David's already rapid beating heart seemed to race faster as the sound of shifting branches drew closer and closer. Suppressing the urge to run, David hoped that the darkness along with the thick bushes would be enough to hide him from his pursuers' prying eyes.

With bated breath, David glimpsed hands moving overhead yet never stopping as they moved further away from him.

Nervously, he waited as the search continued further away from his location. He could barely make out the distant conversation. "-o back and check the surveillance tape. -ut an APB with - description."

"- don't care about theft. - just find - boy." The voices faded to nothing as the figures walked further and further away.

After waiting several minutes making sure no one was coming back, David finally pulled out the prize they were chasing him for. Crumbled, yet still edible inside its plastic wrap, the Pop-Tarts were the first morsel of food he'd have since the day before. He carefully opened the package to prevent spilling its precious contents. Having selected several large pieces, he ravenously stuffed them in his mouth. Greedily, he chewed the welcome nourishment, not noticing that smaller bits had fallen from his lips to the ground. Trying not to rush the urge to eat, David could barely control himself as he fought not to swallow his food whole. He rechecked the plastic wrapper to ensure that nothing remained of its contents, before he crawled his way back out from his hiding place.

After brushing off excess dirt and branch needles, David shuffled in the opposite direction from which both the police officer and clerk had gone. He stayed close to the bushes in case he needed to hide again. David knew the pain radiating from his left leg would remain with him till morning.

At the edge of the tall privacy fence, a smaller chain link fence continued the barrier. He peered through the fence, and in the faint light, was able to make out mounds of dirt scattered though out the area. Several bulldozers, scrapers, ditch diggers and dump trucks sat idle, dark phantoms in the night.

Despite the snack of Pop-Tarts, his stomach still rumbled, and the thought of finding more food, even leftovers in the trucks, overtook his need to get further from the store. As David tugged on the bottom of the fence, he realized that it was more of a deterrent than a permanent structure. He pushed the bottom inward enough to allow his body to slide underneath.

He climbed eagerly onto the frame of one truck, only to discover that the doors were locked. He checked several other vehicles, and found, to his dismay, that they too, were secured.

Frustrated as he stood on the steps of one of the trucks, he saw light emanate from what appeared to be the opening of a distant door. It suddenly occurred to him security guards would be around to watch over the equipment.

He scrambled down from the truck and worked his way back towards the privacy fence, trying to avoid falling into ditches or tripping over pipes and wires that lay strewn across the ground.

Having spotted what appeared to be an opening in the wall, David made his way over. He saw that a makeshift junction box had been placed several feet away, with thick cables snaking their way through the fence itself. Boards had been placed over them to prevent anyone from entering the park, but the boards were loose enough to allow more cables through if needed.

David peered inside. In the faint illumination from walk lights, he could see water glistening. If nothing else, he realized that it would give him a much-needed opportunity to clean himself before leaving. He didn't know when he'd obtain another chance to clean up.

As David walked through the park, nearly forgotten memories returned when he and his family traveled to beaches or amusement parks. David couldn't recall a time when he'd ever been to a water park, especially one this size. As he followed the trails, the dim lights contributed to the eeriness of the place, which kept him on edge.

He located one concession stand, and discovered, to his dismay, that everything had been put away. Not only that, but the trashcans had been emptied for the day, taking away hope of even finding scraps of food in the garbage.

David didn't like to steal; he remembered how he had been punished once for taking a candy bar without asking. Now, though, having managed to run away from home, it seemed he had no choice in the matter if he wanted to survive.

He followed a path leading past several more rides before it ended at the front of the park. He could see several buildings, and he breathed a sigh of relief when none of the lights appeared to be on. He tried the door on one of the smaller ones, only to discover that the door was locked.

The other building, larger than the other on, had a maze-like entrance that blocked the direct view inside. Having no door, he was able to walk right in. For some reason, when he read the word "Towels" on a nearby box, he pulled one out before going inside. If nothing else, a towel could be a handy pillow or blanket, he reasoned.

Fearful of someone seeing a light, David resisted the urge to turn them on. With skylights, and smaller windows just over the locker walls, there was enough illumination - barely - for him to find his way over to what he realized were showers.

David hastily began stripping off his dingy clothes. Seated on a small bench, David pulled off his worn sneakers. With a sigh of relief, David appreciated how the cool air felt refreshing to his feet after they'd been confined for several days. He shimmied out of the worn jeans and quickly pulled off his grungy underwear. He didn't need to be reminded how long he'd been wearing them. As he lifted his shirt over his head, a chain snagged on one of the few buttons remaining. Carefully untangling the chain, David allowed it to drop back down, along with the attached pendant.

He felt his way through the dim light into a shower, and inside, he found the control knob. He gave it a twist and steeled himself for the expected cold water he knew was sure to come. As water shot forth, though, he relaxed considerably when he found the water stream to be comfortably warm.

He began to rub the warm water into his body, and noticed the body wash dispenser. He squirted some of the lather into his filthy hands, and began to clean himself. The properties of the water began to relax his sore muscles. Even as he washed, though, he took extra care on his left leg. He could feel the lumps where bones had not knitted correctly after his leg had been shattered following a show of defiance by him.

Not having weighted no more than fifty five pounds when he stepped into the shower, David's emaciated body began to grow. Body fat formed around his much neglected frame, and his muscles strengthened in both his arms and legs. Slowly, the outline of his body changed. Body fat increased around his derriere where there had hardly been any, and slowly his waist began to form into that of a young girl in the throes of puberty.

Having cleaned what he could of his body in the dark; David used more of the body soap to wash his oily, stringy hair. As he scrubbed his scalp, his already long hair started to grow several inches longer.

He turned off the water and grabbed the towel to dry. The effects on his body went unnoticed in the dark. After the shower, he felt more revived than he had in days.

When he grabbed his underwear, he stopped. The thought of putting on such filthy clothing didn't appeal to him. He realized that his socks were just as grungy. David grabbed the dirty clothing, and, after wrapping the towel around his waist, he found a nearby sink to rinse them out.

After a quick wash, he twisted and squeezed out as much water as possible, and then he went back to put on his clothes. As he pulled the damp underwear back on, he couldn't help noticing the tightness in the rear. Nothing he tried seemed to loosen them. When he pulled up his socks , he felt as if they didn't reach high enough. His pants felt snugger in the rear, and his shirt felt just as snug above the waist. His shoes seemed to be the only things that seemed to fit properly.

As he finished dressing, the day's events finally caught up with David, and he staggered wearily out of the shower room, not noticing, in his fatigue, that his body and clothes were continuing to change.

David yawned as he proceeded back the way he had come, and the need for sleep began to overtake him. Feeling too tired to move on; he noticed several lounge chairs that seemed to beckon him to rest. David pulled one over to the side of an outlying restroom and tried to conceal himself as best as he could for the night. He grabbed more towels, rolling up two to use as a pillow, while he used more to wrap his body in to give him warmth for the night.

Within moments of his head touching the towels, the exhausted boy was fast asleep, and he had no idea what the morning would bring.

*******Thursday Morning******

Across town Officer Jozef Donovan arrived earlier than usual for his morning shift. Since he had just transferred from the east coast, most other officers thought he was trying to earn brownie points so he could get a promotion.

Having printed off several old cases to look through, he began to methodically separate them into different stacks. As he flipped through one file, the case itself began to intrigue him. Since barely two years had passed, the information should still be fresh in peoples mind, and not clouded by the passage of time.

Without giving it a second thought, he put the file away as if it no longer mattered. Then, something made him pull it back and relook through the folder in more detail. It seemed odd, as if it wasn't the same file he'd been looking at just a few moments ago. Intrigued, he grabbed the now-cold cup of coffee and started reading the file with more interest.


As he dreamt, David couldn't shake the image of a shadowy figure that was trying to overtake him as he tried to run away. No matter which way he went, the presence of what appeared to be a man's shadow pushed him on. With the sudden feeling of something touching his shoulder, David awoke with a start, staring at a face he'd never seen before.

He let out a loud shriek and recoiled away from the offending hand, which caused the lawn chair to tip sideways and spill him unceremoniously onto the ground. He scooted as far backwards as possible, while staring wide eyed at the young woman before him.

She was dressed in red shorts along with a grease-stained pink T-shirt, with her wavy long red hair held back in a ponytail. She looked just as startled as David was. Having seen his frightened reaction, she kept her distance. The girl gently asked him, "Are you okay honey?"

David looked around frantically, ignoring the question. There was only one thing on his mind, and that was to find a way to run away from the unknown people - only there was no place for him to go.

Concerned for his welfare, the girl offered her hand to try to reassure the frightened child. "I'm not going to hurt you. Are you lost? Hurt?"

Seemingly out of nowhere, another voice said in a soothing tone, "He's scared, Jenny."

Turning towards the approaching voice, Jenny looked annoyed. "You think I don't know that, Anya?" Realization crossed her face as the male pronoun had been used. With a worried look, she turned back to David. "You didn't touch anything, did you, honey? You didn't try to turn something on?" She remembered all too vividly the damage that had been caused the last time trespassers had been in the park at night."

Vigorously shaking his head, David squeaked out "No."

Jenny visibly relaxed at his answer.

The second girl came into view beside Jenny. Her appearance was much neater than Jenny's. She stepped forward, leaning down towards David. "Relax David. She's just concerned about the equipment, that’s all."

Realizing he could be in more trouble, David stammered, "I didn't touch anything, I swear."

With a reassuring smile, the second girl said, "I believe you David. You aren’t that type of person. She knew he was a frightened boy, and she knew she had to help him remain calm. Anya pointed to the girl as Jenny righted the overturned chair. "As you heard, she's Jenny, I'm Anya." As Jenny lifted the towels, a small purse fell to the ground.

When he saw it fall, David felt a surge of panic. He knew that they would think he had stolen it.

Anya sensed his discomfort, "No, David, I know you didn't steal it." Anya picked up the purse, and then helped David up. "Why don't we head over to main office so we can let Jenny finish getting the park ready, okay?

For some reason, Anya's soothing voice calmed him as they both headed back towards the main entrance. As he walked, David noticed he wasn't limping as he usually did. He did feel a sort of wiggle in his rear when he walked though. Without thinking, he grabbed his butt, as if to see why it felt odd. The sound of Anya's giggle gave him pause. He stopped, and looked down. The tattered shirt that he had worn the night before was now blue, with the first few buttons open from his open collar. He could see two small mounds of flesh pressing out from the shirt. He pulled the collar out, and inside, he could see his pendant nestled in between the two small breasts he now sported.

"What happened to…" he started to say, and stopped when the sound of his voice finally registered. His voice sounded higher in pitch, more alto than before. "What's happening to me?"

Anya's voice was calm and soothing to the panic-stricken boy, as they started walking again. "Well David, it's already happened. You're a girl. I know you have questions so let's discuss it in the office."

Feeling skittish, David couldn't help fidgeting under the gaze of a matronly, older woman, who was seated behind her desk in the office. David guessed that she was either the manager, or the owner, of the park. Unlike Anya, the older woman's demeanor was more stern, but at the same time, he could tell that she was worried about him. "You understand the severity of what could have happened to you, David? Wandering around my park in the middle of the night? What if you'd had an accident?"

"Probably would have been better off I guess," David muttered under his breath. With the drumming of the old woman's finger on the table, David kept his head low, as if afraid to look at her.

"David I know you've been through a lot," the old woman continued.

In a moment of defiance, he dared to look-up at her. His sharp answer had a wave of bitterness, with a little audacity, "You think? I'm a girl." Quickly, though, the defiance passed and he cowered under her gaze once again.

The old woman decided that she needed to take a stern stance with David. "As my granddaughter Anya would say 'Here's the situation.' I've already notified the police." She pointed at the young girl. "You, Melody Kay Montgomery, will be charged with breaking and entering, along with trespassing, which will be considered a misdemeanor." She made sure to heavily emphasize the name. She watched the thought of having the police involved. She continued, "I'll forgo those charges, though, David, in exchange for a week of community service here at the park."

David mulled over the offer, and realized that he really didn't have any choice in the matter. "What will I be doing?"

"Picking up trash, emptying waste cans, and other light chores that a young girl your age can handle."

Horrified at hearing the news, David cried out, "You mean I have to stay a girl? No way!"

The old woman was firm with David. "David, or should I say Melody as you now are, this is a water park for women, young and old. I made it so they could come and enjoy themselves without being gawked and leered at by men. I know you may not fully understand, but I won't make exceptions. Besides, do you really think you could do the work the way you were before?"

David felt miserable at the prospect, but even he had to admit he couldn't handle the punishment as a boy in his previous emaciated, nearly-crippled state. Reluctantly, he had no real choice, but to accept her offer of punishment. "No ma'am, I understand."

Her tone lightened at his response. "Now, since you'll be working for me for a bit, you may call me 'Grandmother', or 'Boss'."

David couldn't see calling the elderly woman his boss. "Yes, Grandmother."

"Good. Now that we have that settled, there's the matter of notifying your mother of your whereabouts," Grandmother said as she moved the conversation to another matter of importance.

Anya entered the office, with a phone to her ear. She exchanged a knowing glance with Grandmother, which David noticed. "No, we both agree that she should be punished," Anya said into the phone.

"Yes ma'am, I can assure you that she will be looked after till this afternoon. It would be best, as they'll be sending an officer over later today to conduct the interview."

She paused momentarily, "No ma'am, your presence won't be needed, as it will be just a formality for their records."

When she finished, Anya handed the cell phone over to David. "Melody, your mom wants to talk with you." Again, there was heavy emphasis on the female name.

Caught by surprise, David didn't know what to do. Knowing he was expected to respond, he cautiously took the cell phone, before stammering a response of, "Hel... hell… hello?"

A woman's voice that sounded very concerned answered. "Melody? Melody, baby, are you alright? What were you thinking, running away like that?"

When he heard her voice, David knew something was wrong. "Mom? I… I don't… I don't know what's…"

Still concerned, her tone started to change from concern to mild anger, once his mother realized her daughter was safe, "God, when I think of what could have happened to you. Do you have any idea how worried I was? Notifying the police; searching all over town in the middle of the night looking for you?"

David shifted his gaze from Anya to Grandmother, still not believing who he was hearing. It wasn't possible, but that _was_ her voice.

Ashen faced and feeling stricken, David tried to take in all the changes, even as his mother continued to give voice to her concerns and worries. Faint images and ghosts of memories flitted into his mind. His hand shook, and David watched the phone fall from his hand to the floor as his overloaded mind couldn't take any more. His body swayed, as the room began to spin around him. The last thing he remembered was Anya's horrified look, and Grandmother racing toward him, before blackness overcame him.


The overpowering smell of ammonia caused David to flinch, and he shook his head as he tried to move his nose away from the offending odor. With feeble hand motions, he coughed as he tried to clear the irritating stench away. Slowly, he opened his eyes, seeing both Grandmother and Anya peering at him. Both had looks of concern on their faces.

Another young woman seemed to relax as his eyes opened and he struggled to focus on her. She was kneeling over him, and wearing an orange T-shirt with a medical symbol on her sleeve. She gave him a reassuring smile. "How you feeling Melody?"

Not thinking, David responded, "My name's David, not Melody,” as he tried to straighten up. Weak from fainting, he barely resisted when he was gently pushed back down on the couch. "What happened?"

Concerned, the doctor reached into her medical bag and pulled out a pen light. She waved it so it shone in his eyes. "That's a good question. I'm Dr. Chastity the parks doctor." She held up her hand, one finger extended, in front of his face. "Now follow my finger as best you can."

After a few movements, during which she watched his eyes tracking the finger, she nodded and lowered her hand. "Good, good. Now tell me what you remember?" While she said this, she took his wrist to measure his pulse.

David thought as Dr. Chastity continued her exam. "I was with… Grandmother in the other room when Miss Anya came in. She was talking on the phone and…," he tried to remember clearly, "and then... and then she said it was my mother… and she was upset and then… I'm out her talking with you." David trembled slightly. "Was I really talking to my mother?"

Dr. Chastity seemed to be taken by surprise at his question, but she answered calmly, "Yes, David, that was her." Finished with her examination Dr. Chastity stood and gestured to Grandmother and Anya. The three moved as far away as possible to talk privately. They kept their voices low, and David could only catch snippets of the conversation.

Anya said, in a low, upset tone that David could barely hear. "He shouldn't even be able to say his own name."

David had the impression something had happened that neither Grandmother nor Anya understood. As he raised himself up to a more normal sitting position, David subconsciously brushed the hair from his face, and then straightened his blouse. As he buttoned the blouse to conceal his breasts, he didn't seem to notice that the buttons were on the opposite side of what he was used to.


With a smile, Anya had given David a bright red single piece swimsuit. She expected him to change into it.

As he stood in front of the ladies mirror, David tugged at the shoulders, whining, "Why do I need to wear one? It's not like I'll be going swimming."

Anya helped him adjust the straps to a more natural position on his shoulders. "Who do you think gets to go into the wading pool to clean up the little tykes' mistakes? Hmm?"

David grimaced. "Eww, gross."

Anya shrugged. "Well, Melody, that's going to be part of your job. Besides I think you look cute in it."

Finally comfortable, David placed his pendant inside the neckline without even thinking.

Transformed, David stood just over five feet tall. His auburn hair, which came just below his shoulders, was a shade darker than the freckles sporting his face. Several dotted his small turned up nose. He applied some Chap Stick, and was surprised that it was cherry flavored. He noticed that his lips seemed a little puffier than he had been used to.

Anya noticed how he repeatedly tried to pull down the sides of the swimsuit in a futile attempt to cover more of his hips and rear. She did a quick incantation and produced some additional clothing, which she handed to David.

With a look of relief, David took the clothes, and slipped on a pair of pink shorts, then pulled on a pink T-shirt with the name "Melody" embroidered on it. He slipped his feet into a pair of pink, non-slip tennis shoes to complete his outfit. David felt better as he looked in the mirror. "Thank-you. Why is everything pink Miss Anya.”

"All our uniforms are pink Melody, and since you’re considered part of the staff, it’s a requirement for you also." As she examined him, Anya put a finger to her lips as if she was contemplating something. Out of nowhere, a pink cap appeared in her hand. The cap was embroidered with two multicolored B's; one had the image of a skimpy bikini next to it, while the other had a sandy island with a small palm tree protruding from it. Beneath the letters, the word Staff was similarly embroidered. Anya placed the cap on his head, "This will shield those freckles from the sun. And please just call me Anya."

David refused to budge, as his parents had taught him how to address his elders. "Yes, Miss Anya."

Anya sensed she wasn't going to win the argument, and she let it drop. "Come on. Let's introduce you to the rest of the staff."


Earlier, David had been told by Anya he wouldn't be allowed to leave the park. He took it as a personal challenge to prove her wrong. When Anya had been called back to the office to deal with a minor issue, David saw his chance to leave. As he walked towards the entrance, though, David found himself turning around and headed back towards the showers. After two more attempts, David had to admit defeat and seated himself on one of the benches in the entrance plaza.

Frustrated at not being able to leave, he watched as boys and men of all ages went into the showers and emerged as girls or women. On a few occasions he heard a faint scream, and then Grandmother would go to the door, hand the new woman a matching top, and admonish them for being topless. Sometimes David would hear Grandmother utter a spell or two as they calmed down the newly-changed customer. David watched as babies and toddlers went with their mothers into the women's showers, and were changed into little girls. He felt sick inside as to what was happening to them.

"Don't worry, Melody. They won't remember what happened." Anya's voice sounded from beside him, which caused David to flinch. He hadn't heard her approach. "In fact, tomorrow, they'll be laughing and telling their friends what a great time they had here."

"But they're girls and ... and… "He left the thought hanging.

"And that's just part of the magic. We don't discriminate against men and boys coming here. It's just they don't stay male while they're here. There are some who change on purpose, and they enjoy their time _and_ they remember their changes. We don't force them to stay that way."

"I assume that Grandmother — or you — cast a spell to help some of the ... girls ...calm down. Do they remember?"

"Only that they were male and had a fun time, none the wiser." Anya thought as she considered something. "Do you prefer Melody, or just Mel?"

David thought for a second. "Mel is fine."

"Mel, if I remove the ward, do I have your word that you won't try to leave?"

David saw his chance, "Yes, you have my word."

Anya reiterated his promise. "Your word, Mel." She saw him nod, so she muttered a small phrase that Mel didn't understand. "I have other business matters to look after. I want you to go over to the pumps and see if Jenny has anything for you." She gave him directions to the pump house, where he could find Jenny.

After he saw Anya leave, David waited a minute more before he went over to the entrance. Slowly he walked towards and through the entrance. With nothing to stop him, he had the chance to leave.

As he stood there ready to bolt, David was haunted by visions of his father.

"Remember, David, once you give your word, it's your bond."

David didn't understand. "My bond?"

His father explained further to the young boy. "Your word, son. It’s a promise to that person. If you just promise to do something without meaning it, you're just lying and your promise means nothing. So your bond would be worthless. People won't trust you because they'll remember when you didn't keep you word more than what you did."

Sighing heavily, David headed back inside to find out what jobs, if any, Jenny had waiting for him.


David found Anya hadn't been joking with him when she had said he'd be helping to clean up after little kid’s mistakes. Frustrated, he heard Holly, with whom he had been paired up earlier, call out as he moved the net through the water. "Go slower, Mel. You're moving the net too fast."

Following her instructions, David slowed his movement, so more fibers would be scooped up before they clogged the filtration system.

Doing her best impression of a Scottish accent, Holly giggled, "We dinnae wanna hurt Jenny's precious pumps, naw do we?" She could see that he didn't understand the reference, so Holly just let it pass as she laughed at his quizzical expression, which confused him more.

As David scooped his latest catch into Holly's waiting plastic bag, he grumbled silently about how much material could be in one disposable diaper.

Watching mothers stood anxiously around the shallow pool, waiting anxiously as David continued to clean up the debris. Making a final pass, he scooped up the last remaining bits of diaper material, before he trudged out of the pool again. Several of the mothers were looking quizzically at him as he passed by, and he was certain that they knew his secret.

After surveying the wading pool one last time, Holly gave the all clear sign to the waiting mothers. "You did a good job Mel," she added.

David heard the little kids' glee as they scampered back into the water, splashing and giggling as their mothers watched, relieved that the bored children could play again.

Holly lifted the trash bag into the back of a waiting cart and then wiped her hands clean. "Let's head over to the lounge and get a soda."

David took one more glance back at the frolicking kids, and couldn't help wonder would any of them remember, even after what Anya had told him. He tried to shrug it off, "Sure. That would be nice."

Holly noticed his mood, and tried to draw him out of his self-imposed funk, "You like to swim?"

"Sure, I used to when I was younger."

She heard his past tense, and looked at her lithe body, "Well, it seems you still do. What did you enjoy?"

David brightened up a little. "Diving mostly. I had to give it up," he added as he subconsciously rubbed his leg.

Holly noticed that the young girl seemed guarded about her past, unwilling to discuss any more than she absolutely had to. "Well, Mel, there's a place I'm sure you're going to love. It's the Junior Lifeguard Academy. There are diving boards and a high dive platform along with swimming lanes."

"I'm not here for fun, Miss Holly. I'm supposed to be working," David protested.

Holly was unwilling to take no for an answer, "You do have a lunch break, you know. Or did you think Grandmother was going to starve you?" She saw him cringe; Holly realized that she had accidentally hit a nerve. "I'm sorry if I said something wrong, Mel. We do get breaks, and Grandmother gives us some benefits."

David hadn't given much thought about how he was going to eat, and at the mention of food, his stomach growled. "Uh, I don't have any money," he admitted softly.

"Don't worry about it, Mel. Let's get you something to eat." She steered him towards one of the concession stands. "Grandmother provides lunch as a perk, as long as we don't abuse the privilege."


David pulled discarded towels from the hamper, and loaded them into the push cart, as he worked his way over to the Academy section. He had learned — slowly - that if he didn't think about what he was doing, he could pass at walking like a girl, instead of lumbering awkwardly.

As he worked, David had the uncanny feeling that either Grandmother or Anya were watching him. He looked around several times in the direction he thought they were, only to find that they were nowhere around.

He adjusted his cap, and several small drops of sweat dripped from his brow. As he took a sip of water from a plastic bottle, David watched as several older girls sat along the edge of the Olympic-sized pool, idly kicking their feet in the water. Three other girls were in the water, hanging on the pool edge, and listening in as they floated in the water.

David kept his distance, but he couldn't help overhearing their conversation as he emptied another hamper.

One girl sounded both worried and happy. "Oh god, Rita, Steven finally asked me out to the movies. He's picking me up this Friday at seven."

The one that David assumed was Rita answered excitedly, "So, what are you going to wear?"

"Well I don’t know. It's nothing fancy, but I need something that won't get me in trouble with Mom and Dad."

Several of the other girls giggled. "That sounds familiar!"

"But, well you know… something a little loose. So if he, liked, tried anything more than, like, kiss me, you know, I might…"

David was facing their way as he pulled the last of the towels out. He saw that one of the girls was staring directly at him.

"Who's the twerp?" another girl asked in a sharp voice.

The one who had been staring pulled herself out of the pool and started to approach him, while several girls started whispering among themselves. He overheard them talking about his uniform. Feeling guilty about listening in, and fearful of the girl coming his way, David started backing away.

Suddenly, the girl approaching him stopped, her eyes wide.

"Melody! Melody!" a voice sounded behind him.

When he heard his name called, David turned to see a young blond woman approaching him. She looked like a model, with long, wavy blond hair. She was well-tanned, and she wore the red lifeguard swimsuit like it had been designed for her, to flatter _her_ figure. David guessed that she was about twenty-four. Her eyes sparkled with friendliness and happiness, but her expression also had a guarded look, like she was wise beyond her years.

The blond was watching the girls at the pool, with a disapproving stare. "Anya says you can go ahead and take your lunch break now."

With her arrival, David sighed with relief when the girls turned away. "Thanks, Miss Liz." David turned and looked longingly at the water. It looked so very refreshing in the noon heat. Moreover, he longed to use the diving boards as Holly had suggested earlier. "Uh, is it okay if I do some dives?"

Liz scanned up and down David's figure. "How good a swimmer are you? We don't let just anyone go into the deep end." While she suspected he could pass, rules were rules. "You have to be a strong swimmer to be allowed to use the diving area."

"It's been a while and I'm not really sure…"

Liz pulled David aside so no one would hear. "Go over to the far lane. I'll have it blocked off. If you can make two laps without stopping, you can dive."

"Okay, thanks."

As she watched David leave, Liz observed how David kept his distance from the other girls.

David located a secluded spot away from anyone else but next to the pool deck. He stripped down to his bathing suit, piled his clothes neatly on a nearby chair, and then settled down on the ground to stretch. He closed his eyes, and then bent both left and right, touching his toes as he slowly stretched his calf muscles. While he had been pushing and lifting items all morning, he hadn't done anything that was real demanding.

He tried not to think about his position as he bent forward, arms outstretched before him as he touched the ground to his front. David couldn't help but be amazed at his body's flexibility. He slowly stood up from his stretching exercises.

He bent forward into a handstand, only to find that his balance was unsteady and he had to move his legs and body quite a bit to keep from falling. From the handstand, he went into a forward tuck, grabbing both knees as he rolled forward, before standing up with both hands in the air. He looked unhappy with his efforts, and he straightened and tried again.

After he finished stretching, David walked to the edge of the pool, to the swim lane that Liz had indicated. He ignored the feeling of being watched as he stood on the platform preparing himself mentally. He bent slightly at the knees as he leaned forward, his arms at his sides, palms facing outward.

As he glanced out of the corner of his eyes at Liz, he wished he was wearing goggles to protect them from the chlorine.

"Remember, Mel, this isn't a timed event. Just do two laps as best you can."

He nodded and waited for the signal. "Go."

David sprang forward off the starting block, his hands coming together as he cut into the water, letting his forward momentum take him as far as possible underwater. He let one arm slip behind him as he moved through the water, and began a basic freestyle stroke before he had even broken the surface. His feet kicked smoothly in unison with each stroke as his body seemed to glide. Effortlessly he swam through the water as he continued with the crawl. As he neared the opposite end, he let himself glide forward until his fingers touched the wall. David tucked and rolled underwater, rotating to push off the wall to swim the second leg of his swim test.

Not satisfied, a part of him seemed to demand a more challenging stroke. He pushed his arms forward, palms outward, and face in the water, and then pulled them to his side before his head dipped again as he repeated the forward arm-thrust. His legs bent at the knees, opened outward, and then snapped together to the rear in time with his arms. He repeated the breaststroke down the length of the pool.

Without stopping, he touched and flipped again, going for a third lap without thinking. This time, his stroke was a more leisurely crawl as he easily swam down the lane. It was as if he had never given up swimming.

"Mel! Mel! Twice is enough."

Pulled from his reverie, David had forgotten that he only needed to do two lengths of the pool. He felt like he could go on swimming forever.

As David pulled himself out of the pool, Liz could see the absolute delight on his face from just doing a few laps. She realized that he was trying to contain his excitement, bouncing slightly on his toes as he waited for her approval.

Liz gave him a nod and a smile. "Go on. I'll let you know when your break is over." She watched him dash toward the diving board, and added, "No running Mel!"

As he approached the diving boards, David passed a cluster of girls gathered around an older woman by the three meter diving board. Wearing the same lifeguard outfit the rest of the staff, David guessed her to be a diving instructor. In her mid-thirties she appeared well-tanned and physically fit, showing off an athletic body which was accentuated by a well defined posterior and breasts. Her hair, cut shorter than David’s, was styled in a layered sassy hairstyle that gave her a sexy sort of appeal beyond her girl next door looks.

David moved away from the group as he headed over to the unoccupied one meter springboard.

David climbed up on the board and walked towards the end, taking measured steps as if he was preparing to dive. He took several bounces before he stepped back to the fulcrum, where he adjusted it a quarter of a turn. He repeated his measured steps to the end and bounced once more. Satisfied with the amount of spring in the board, David went back to his starting position.

David hadn't gone unnoticed; several of the girls, along with the older woman, watched him with interest as he took a light hop and planted both feet near the edge of the springboard. He bent at the knees, giving him maximum lift and he rode the board upward.

David leaned backwards as he rotated his body rapidly to complete a backward dive with a full twist. With his arms stretched outwards David quickly brought his arms to his side to stop his rotation while his legs continued to rise in the air. With his arms brought forward David instinctively knew something was wrong when his hands came together to enter the water, yet his legs continued rotating past the optimal point of entry.

Knowing that he'd messed up; David brought his hands to cover his face as his body hit the water in a near horizontal position.

Having had his wind knocked out by the impact, David swallowed pool water as he gasped, before he managed to shut his mouth. He forced himself to remain calm as he struggled to the surface. Once his head was above water, he gasped for breath and began to cough out the chlorinated pool water. He raised one hand above the water, with his thumb extended, to indicate that he was okay. He painfully swam to the side of the pool and pulled himself out, then stood, bent over, as he coughed and fought his gag reflex from all the water he'd swallowed.

A hand patted him on the back, and he heard a concerned woman asking, "Are you okay?"

David nodded feebly as he continued to cough. His breasts were stinging from the impact, and he couldn't help gingerly touching them.

The concerned woman guided him to a chair and away from the other girls. She sat down beside David and examined him. "That was a beautiful dive," she said, "until you hit the water."

David took her analysis to heart, while he tried not to rub his breasts, "Yeah, it sucked. I was trying for a half back dive with a full twist when I found I had to much backward momentum and my legs were slightly spread."

The woman was impressed by his own assessment. Clearly, she knew, he was no novice. "How long have you been diving?"

The stinging in his breasts seemed to be easing. "Since I was six, I guess."

The woman was surprised. "Oh, really?"

David tried to state the facts without sounding like he was bragging. "Yeah, Dad used to take us out to the lakes." He remembered the better times, "He'd toss me off of small ledges, till I started diving in the water on my own. At home I'd practice in the backyard pool. He used to say if I kept it up I'd turn into a fish."

The woman asked nonchalantly, "Did you know this area was closed to regular divers? I was in the middle of teaching a class when you started diving."

David's eyes widened with surprise, and his mouth opened. He expected to be in trouble. He shook his head, water dripping from his wet hair, "No ma'am. Miss Liz said I could dive, since it's my lunch break."

The woman realized then that this wasn't one of the regular patrons. "Oh, you must be Melody. I rarely make the morning meetings with my work schedule." She extended her hand, "I'm Lisa Covington, one of the coaches. You can call me Lisa if you like."

"Dav… I mean Mel."

Lisa caught the slip of names, but she decided to be as discrete as possible, "How do they feel?" She looked at David's chest. You hit pretty hard."

David was uncomfortable with the fact that she was staring at his chest. "They kinda sting. Is that normal?"

"It is, since you're still developing. Since you hit pretty hard, and swallowed a lot of water I'd suggest that you have Dr. Chastity check you out."

David's eyes widened with fear. He didn't want to lose this precious opportunity to dive, "They only sting a little, and I'm feeling better. Please, I'll be more careful."

"Well," she said as she looked at the pleading in David's face, "only if you keep it simple for now. Nothing fancy."

David nodded his acceptance of her conditions, and then stood and hurried back to the diving board. Lisa watched briefly when David executed a simple jack knife. He surfaced with a grin before he climbed out of the pool and walked quickly back to the diving board to perform another dive.

Lisa decided she'd keep a more watchful eye on her young co-worker as she returned her attention to her waiting students. She could tell from David's first dive that was going to be a task. Keeping it simple, to David, meant his follow up would be a one-and-a-half dive in the pike position.


Officer Donovan had driven silently, ignoring for the moment his assigned partner's presence. He pulled into the parking lot of Bikini Beach, and immediately noted that parking seemed to be at a premium. Off at one end, barricades had been erected as large machinery moved piles of dirt along with pipes and metal beams. The construction had cut into the facility's parking lot.

It was nearly one in the afternoon, and Bikini Beach was bustling with women of all ages, some in skimpy attire, as they sauntered across hot pavement to wait in line.

"There's one," Donovan's partner informed him.

Donovan turned toward the open parking space, but then another car which had just rounded the corner racing him for the prized location. As Donovan pulled in the prized spot, the other driver honked her horn in annoyance, leaving both officers behind as she continued her search for a place to park.

Donovan's partner was a young female officer named Jana. After they parked, before she could exit the car, he scurried around the car and opened the door for her, in a gesture of gentlemanly manners. As she stepped out into the scorching sun, he quizzed her. "Do you care to tell me why you volunteered to take this case? Your insistence, and the Chief's quick approval, strike me as rather peculiar."

Without flinching, she stared at him, toe-to-toe, and eye -to-eye. "The same reason you refused the chief's request to back down from doing a rookie's job."

Donovan was taken aback by her self-confidence and challenge. "What do you mean, a rookie's job?"

Jana explained. "A girl runs away from home, mother reports her missing. Said girl shows up at a water park the next day. That's not exactly a job for an experience detective."

Donovan frowned. "What's stranger is that the owner of the same park, who won't give her name, mind you, reported a break-in and her intent to press charges. Then, suddenly - out of the blue - she changed her mind and said she'd handle it herself without pressing charges while specifically asking for you." Meeting Jana's glaring expression, Jozef continued, "Is it just a coincidence that her granddaughter happens to be a close friend or yours?"

Jana bristled at the hidden accusation. "Are you ... suggesting ... that the chief or I are on someone's payroll?"

As was his custom, Jozef Donovan scanned the area as they walked, and as they neared the entrance, Jozef Donovan felt a prickling sensation along the back of his neck. "No, I don't think either of you are being bribed, if that’s what you're implying." He knew that police officers were very sensitive to being accused of being on the take, and Jana's reaction was not unexpected. "I just find it strange, since I'm the one who handled the call, to be told a more experience officer than myself could handle it."

Jana eyed him suspiciously. "So you’re the rookie?"

Jozef sighed. "As far _as_this_ department is concerned, it seems, I am." He let Jana lead the way, and from her stance, her walk, and the tension in her shoulders, he could see that she was still suspicious. No officer liked an insinuation that they were being bribed, even in jest.

Jana led the way to a low grey building near the entrance, and as she reached to press the intercom button by the door, there was an audible click, indicating that the door had been released so they could enter.

Compared to the sunshine outside, the room seemed dark. Jozef waited for his eyes to adjust to the indoor lighting. After several seconds, he was able to make out two desks before him. The larger of the desk was unoccupied yet cluttered, while behind the smaller one sat a young brunette who looked quite unhappy.

It was rare that Anya was visibly annoyed, but something about Jana's thoughts of her partner, and Anya's own sense that there was something unusual about the man, had left her feeling upset, and even a bit angry. She came around the desk and hugged her friend. "It's so nice to see you again, Jana. It's been, what, a few months since you stopped by?" She said warmly. She curtly ignored Jozef.

Jana returned the embrace as she apologized. "We've been short handed lately. Retirements, and a shortage of new officers have kept me busy. I haven't had much time for myself. How's Grandmother?"

As the two exchanged pleasantries and chatted a bit, Jozef studied pictures of the water park and other sites, some rather old, that lined the wall.

Anya finally turned her attention to Jozef. "What can I do for you Officer Donovan?" The coolness in her voice was very evident.

"I just have a few questions, if you don't mind Miss…?"


Without trying to sound rude, he frowned. "Actually Anya, I was hoping to talk with your grandmother. I believe she's the owner of this park."

Anya cooled even further towards the officer. "She's busy at the moment. Perhaps I can help you."

"Perhaps." Jozef pulled a folder from his briefcase. "I was in the process of going over a few unsolved cases this morning. One of them caught my attention as it involved a military family a few years back."

He handed her the folder. "After I set it aside, I found that something about it had changed."

As Anya looked at the file, her eyes narrowed, and Jana became visibly upset, "You removed an ongoing investigation from the office? That's a major violation of protocol, mister."

"Tell me Anya," Jozef continued, "how long have you practiced the arts?"

Anya felt a chill, and she visibly tensed. "That's none of your concern Mr. Donovan." She didn't hear the other door open, but still sensed that Grandmother had come to the office.

Jozef stood, staring at the old woman as if transfixed. There was something in his expression, some glimmer of recognition that should have been impossible. The old woman, too, stared at Jozef, her features clouded as she sorted through long-forgotten memories which he had apparently caused to resurface.

Hesitantly, Grandmother spoke to Jozef in a language that neither Anya nor Jana had ever heard.

Slowly a sad smile creased Jozef's face as he struggled to understand the dialect. "Forgive me," he said simply, "but it's been many years since I've used the old tongue. I'm out of practice."

Grandmother returned the smile. "I thought I felt something … familiar." She gestured for Jozef to sit, not across from her desk, but in a less formal area of the office. "It has been many, many years. Is she … is she well?" She sat down.

Jozef's expression fell slightly. "Sadly, no. She passed away several years ago. Even as the end neared, she wondered what had become of you. She told us that she wished she could find you, so that she could ask for your forgiveness for how she left you." He saw the pained expression on Grandmother's face. "She forgave you long ago for leaving her as a young woman. She realized that that what you had done saved her life, and not once, but many times over. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't even be here."

"Please, call me Grandmother." The old woman seemed to be choked up a bit from long-buried emotions and memories.

Anya looked dumbstruck. "You know Grandmother?"

Jozef smiled. "Personally, no, but Great-grandmother would often regale us with her tales of travel with her tovarăș as they sought to leave Europe and come to America." He glanced at the old woman. "And she described you in such detail that I _knew_ it was you the moment I saw you."

Grandmother brought the subject back to the present. "So why are you here Mr. Donovan? Or would you prefer if I called you Jozef?" She smiled. "I presume you were named after your great-grandmother Josella, right?"

"Whatever you prefer," Jozef said, "but since I'm here on business, Officer or Mr. Donovan would probably be more appropriate. As I was starting to explain, I was looking into this case. It started over two years ago with the death of a military officer overseas." He wrinkled his brow. "Only now the facts are changed, along with the folder."

"If the facts - and the folder - changed," Anya observed critically, "how do you know?"

Donovan shook his head. “Most reports are stored electronically now and I only printed out the summary and a few pages of history. I don't know exactly what changed; I just know the folder changed, along with its contents."

Grandmother stared at him, as did Anya. She glanced at Anya. "Tell me what you feel," she said to her granddaughter.

Anya concentrated for a moment, and then her eyes widened. "There's ...magic here! He has a faint aura!" Her jaw dropped. "It _your_ magic Grandmother!" she exclaimed. "The magic has your signature all over it!"

"What?" Jana asked, stunned. "But ... he's new to the department, and the area!"

Grandmother nodded sadly. "When I cast the spells on Josella, I was young and inexperienced, and, I might add, in quite a hurry. In our travels, I cast _many_ spells on her. Through my lack of training, I probably left a very messy magic residue on her. Probably enough magic residue that it could be passed down through her descendants."

Anya looked at Jozef with a different perspective. "So are _you_ a practitioner?" she asked cautiously.

Jozef smiled and shook his head. "No. But I do 'feel' magic around me. And that's what I sensed from this particular case."

"What's so interesting about this case Mr. Donovan?"

"Before the file changed, there was an incident involving the family's son, a young boy of ten or eleven at the time. That's all I read before I put it aside to look at others. It's changed now." He paused for dramatic emphasis. "I felt a disturbance after I placed it aside and pulled the file back out. My memory is blurry on the matter, but instead of an incident with the boy, it appears the family was now victimized by some financial fraud."

Grandmother looked over the file critically before handing it back to him. "Mr. Donovan how much experience do you have with magic?"

"Not much I'm afraid. There were only a few items, heirlooms of Great-grandmothers, and people found to be different. All were in my family. Great-grandmother, of course was the strongest, along with an aunt and a cousin. It wasn't until my transfer to this department that I began to sense more magic."

Grandmother nodded in understanding while Jana gave Jozef a quick glance before she turned her attention back to Grandmother, a bit more cautious of the new detective. The look didn't go unnoticed by Anya, who felt Jana's sudden discomfort.

"Tell me Mr. Donovan, just why did you transfer, if you don't mind me asking?" Anya inquired, her curiosity aroused.

"I didn't have many friends, and a part of me longed to leave. It was almost like an itch, if you will. When an opportunity to transfer came, I took it. It seemed right at the time."

"And this case - you were drawn to it, too?" Anya inquired again.

"It's possible, I suppose. I've learned to trust my instincts. It's helped in many cases."

"I see."

Anya concentrated for a second, returning the conversation to why the officers had come to call. "Melody is currently on her break, but I can bring her here if you'd like. However, if you don't mind, I think she needs more time to adjust. She' still adapting from this morning, and there were … complications. Perhaps later in the day? Say around five?"

Both officers noted the slight hesitation from Anya. Jana wondered aloud, "Complications? What happened?"

The officers listened intently as Anya recounted the morning's incident.

"She has no recollection of her current life? That's interesting." Jozef pondered at the situation. "One week and then she's back to being David. I take it then, that when her reality returns, there would be no record of this mishap?"

"Very perceptive of you, Mr. Donovan." Grandmother said approvingly.

"Since this incident won't matter, let's dispense with the formalities, Grandmother, Anya. Call me Jozef. I see no reason to continue with this charade. Still I would like to interview Melody."

"Oh? For what purpose?"

"I want to know more about her life as David. Something happened to him, and I'm curious as to why he ran away in the first place. If you don't mind, I'll take the responsibility of bringing Melody to and from the park, so I have a chance to talk, and maybe find out what I can about both of her pasts."

"Jozef, you understand you may not remember anything when reality changes back at the end of her community service," Grandmother warned him.

Jozef grinned, "There's only one way to find out, Grandmother. Nothing ventured, nothing gained."

"If we have nothing further to discuss you'll have to excuse me, I have a park to run," Grandmother announced as she excused herself. "Perhaps, when you have more time, Jozef, you might 'regale' me with how Josella's life fared after we parted, I would be most interested."

Jozef rose from his seat and clasped Grandmothers as she left. "I'd be most happy to when we both have the time. Adio, Grandmother."

Jozef retrieved and placed the file back inside the briefcase, "I think I have enough information for now. If you don't mind I'd like to be able to contact either you or Grandmother if I have further questions."

"Just talk with Jana, she has our private numbers." Anya said as she shook Jozef's hand.

Anya gave Jana a warm embrace. "Relax," she said far enough away for Jozef not to hear.

Jozef couldn't help notice the change in Jana's attitude after they left the office. He'd noticed the quick, wary glances she had given him while they had discussed the matter of Melody. Now, as they headed across the parking lot, her posture and gait were tense, giving him the impression of uncertainty. When he took a moment to look at her, he saw an expression of apprehension on her face.

He opened the car door for her, and she entered hesitantly, as if she wasn't sure she wanted to ride with him, but she had no choice.

Jozef started the car and let the air conditioner cool the interior before he pulled out from his parking spot. After careful consideration, he asked. "You're scared of me, afraid that I know you've changed. You're either afraid I'll hold it against you, or, worse, attempt to blackmail you, correct?"

Jana's frown deepened. "Worried mostly. I'm sure Anya or Grandmother wouldn't let you blackmail me. So, how long have you known?" Her curiosity was slowly overcoming her fear.

Jozef laughed. "Ever since we first met at the precinct, I knew there was something different about you. But I couldn't figure it out and it wasn't my place to ask."

"You could have told someone." Jana stated bluntly.

"And gained what? An odd look, a snicker that I was either crazy or insane. Just because I can detect it doesn't mean I know what happened or why." He checked how much time they had before they needed to return. "Look, it'll be a few more hours before we return to take Melody home. Do you know of a place where we can talk, privately and undisturbed?"


"Because this 'Rookie' needs a few more facts about the person he's going to be working with." Jozef gave Jana a reassuring smile to put her mind at ease. "And I'm sure you have questions about me, too."

"I might know of a place." Jana responded as the tension and fear ebbed away from her.

Jozef's mind drifted back to the water park with Grandmother and Anya. "Good, I also have a few more questions about Grandmother, if you don't mind. And about Anya also. Great-Grandmother's stories date from when the two were younger — much younger. Many years have passed since then."


Seated on the couch, David had changed back into the clothes when he first arrived in the park, or, more precisely, the magically-altered versions of those clothes. His bathing suit, and his staff uniform, were rolled up inside a towel sitting beside him. He waited patiently for Anya to finish the phone call, while Grandmother worked on papers stacked on her desk. Even after spending most of the day working at the park David was restless with the boundless energy most kids his age displayed. Unable to sit any longer, David walked over to the pictures displayed on the wall. He still felt like he was being watched; he wondered if the change had made him paranoid as well as a girl.

David tried to ignore the feeling as he studied the pictures on the wall. Several seemed to be of Bikini Beach over the years; the photos were in both black and white and color. In one photo, David noticed a much younger Grandmother standing in front of the entrance with large scissors in hand cutting a ribbon. Beside her stood a young girl who bore a striking resemblance to Anya. "That was when I first opened. The park only consisted of two large pools with a few slides and the wading pool. We've come a long way since then," Grandmother said with pride from beside David. He hadn't noticed her coming to his side.

"Is that Miss Anya," David asked as he looked closer at the picture.

With a tinge of sadness in her voice, Grandmother replied, "No Mel, that's not Anya. Her name is ... was ... Chessa. She was my daughter and Anya's mother," Grandmother said quickly. Her voice cracked as she spoke. She moved quickly to another picture which displayed an older Grandmother smiling, as a teenager wearing a flowered one piece bikini behind her surfed in an indoor wave rider. "This one is where Anya and I traveled to an exposition that was demonstrating a simulated wave generator. Anya was determined to show several boys that she could out surf them. None lasted more than a minute before they wiped out. She held her own for over five minutes." She sounded very proud of her grand-daughter.

Grandmother changed the subject abruptly. "I understand you outdid several of Coach Liz and Lisa's students today. Coach Lisa even had to intervene in one case."

David face turned slightly red as he nodded. "I didn't mean to. I was just enjoying myself when several older girls thought I was showing off," David tried to explain. "Mrs. Lisa said I should take a break, so I was watching them dive. I told a few of them what they were doing wrong, and they got mad at me. This one girl, Tami, got mad because I told her she needed to keep her hands and legs together, or else she'd keep making large splashes when she entered the water." David's face went redder as he recounted the story. "Several of the girls started laughing, and I heard one say that Tami couldn't keep her legs closed for any cute guy. That's when she got mad at me and said I was given special treatment since I was wearing an official uniform like the coaches." David seemed to be fighting tears. "They don't know that I'm being punished, do they?"

"No Mel, they don't. If anyone were to ask, the regular staff would tell them you volunteered — which, technically, you did. You _are_ being punished, but I'm not going to embarrass you by making that public," Grandmother said. "Although I thought I was going to have to punish you further when you left the park," she informed the astonished boy. He was sure that no one had seen him.

"I wanted to," David admitted sheepishly, "but I made you a promise, and as much as I don't like being a girl, I intend to keep my word."

Grandmother returned to her chair and gestured that Mel should take the one in front of her. "Mel, are you finding it easier now to be a girl? Or are you still having trouble?"

"I'm trying, but it's not easy," David said. "Miss Holly and Miss Vicky said if I don't think about it, it should be easier, but I can't seem to quit thinking about things. My butt wiggles and my chest jiggles." Grandmother tried not to laugh at his predicament. "And going to the bathroom is just... weird."

Grandmother broached the subject that really concerned her. "I see. And your memories? Do you happen to recall any of Melody's besides your own?"

"No. Should I?"

"Mel, normally when someone has a pass that's longer than a single day, their lives are what they'd be if they'd been born female. They have new memories, too, so they can fit in, but they can remember their old lives. You should have been able to recall Melody's life, her friends and her family."

Frightened, David looked near tears. "Grandmother, how will I act? I don't know anything about Melody. Hell, I don't even know how to act like a girl." Upset, David forgot himself till he saw the disapproval on Grandmothers face. "Sorry."

David suddenly wondered aloud, "If my mom's here, then, is my dad here also?" he asked hopefully.

"I'm sorry, Mel, your father is still gone, I'm afraid. Those who have died generally don't come back except under very rare and special circumstances."

David's face fell, "Oh. I guess that means..." David stopped, leaving an awkward silenced in the office.

"Grandmother?" David asked, afraid of what she would tell him, “My brother Brad… is he… is he here also?”

"Yes Mel he is. Is there a reason he shouldn't be?" Grandmother answered; concerned that David would ask such a question.

Hesitantly, David answered, "He's been gone for over a year, and I was afraid he wouldn’t be here either."

Grandmother sensed that David wasn’t telling her the full truth. David all of a sudden felt faint when Grandmother gazed at him intently, only to raise a hand to rub her forehead, pain evident on her face. “Whoa,” David uttered; he gripped the chairs armrest to stay upright.

Anya saw the look on Grandmothers face and how David swayed, and abruptly ended her call. "Grandmother! Melody!" she called, alarmed.

Grandmother waved her hand, "I'm alright Anya. A slight headache, nothing more. It'll pass quickly, I'm sure. Mel?”

“I’m alright Grandmother,” he said, no longer feeling lightheaded.

A few moments later, when the pain had eased, Grandmother explained, sounding worried, "Mel, I'm afraid we can't help you with Melody's memories or home life. Anya and I know things had been rough for you, especially the last few days, but I'm sure you'll be able handle this. From your current appearance I'd say Melody's life turned out far better than yours."

"Mel, the only advice I can give you is to be yourself. You'll find that David is not that much different from Melody. Try to just 'go with the flow', as they say, and hopefully your family won't notice too much of a difference."

"Grandmother," Anya interrupted, still concerned for her, "Officers Jozef and Jana will be here shortly. He just pulled into the parking lot." Anya continued, "And another thing - Brandon says they're a little shorthanded for this weekend's photo shoot, and wonders if any of the girl's would be interested in helping out."

Both woman looked at David expectantly, who could only groan, knowing he'd just volunteered. He nodded reluctantly, accepting the additional burden.

"I'll go talk to the rest of the staff,” Anya said.


Old memories came back to David as the cruiser passed several houses he hadn't seen in years. Further up the road, David knew Officer Jozef would have to make a turn or he'd miss the cul-de-sac leading to his house. When the car slowed down to turn, a boy on a skateboard watched the cruiser with interest.

Seated in the backseat, David barely recognized the boys face, as time had aged him, but he recalled the boy's name was Andy, a boy he went to school with briefly back in the fifth grade.

As they pulled into the driveway, David saw a dark green minivan parked in the garage. The yard looked to be well kept, with the grass cut short, and the house appeared well-maintained.

As he walked toward the house, accompanied by Officers Jozef and Jana, David's anxiety grew when they reached the front door, not sure what to expect when he'd finally see his mother. Officer Jozef draped his arm over his shoulders giving him a reassuring squeeze, "It'll be okay Mel. Let us do the talking first."

David nodded in agreement, not even sure what he would have said anyway.

When the door opened, his mother stood in the doorway, dressed in a flowing daisy-printed, knee-length dress,. She wore her hair cut short, like his, with bangs swept across her forehead and a barrette holding her hair in place behind her ear. Even in flats, his mother stood several inches taller than him. Her face showed concern, which caused David to shy away from her.

Jozef and Jana showed their badges, while David. slunk to one side, his head lowered in fear. "Mrs. Montgomery, I'm Officer Jana, and this is my partner Officer Jozef," Jana stated as an introduction. "We're with the police."

"Won't you come in," Elaine offered to the officers. David tried to slip past her into the house, but before he reached the doorstep, she swept him into her arms and gave him a motherly embrace, only to have David stiffen at the unexpected hug. "Melody?" Elaine asked puzzled by his reaction.

His mind awash in memories, David tried to figure out what he was seeing. This wasn't the mother he'd come to expect, when he'd last seen her many months before — but that had been when he was the boy David, not the girl Melody. Timidly, he returned her embrace, unsure of himself as he remembered Grandmothers advice. "Mom?" he said hesitantly, and his voice cracked with emotion.

Elaine misunderstood his apprehension as being caused by his misdeed of running away the day before, "We'll talk later, baby, when we're alone," she whispered to him before she released her child.

With his mother beside him, David entered, only to slightly stagger as he felt overwhelmed at the sight that beheld him.

Not everything was the way he remembered things, yet many were familiar from years past. His father's favorite recliner was still sitting by a window next to the fireplace. Above the mantel, cross swords were displayed, given to his dad, Major Montgomery, as a parting gift by the first company he had commanded.

Jana and Jozef noticed the bewildered look on David’s face as he looked around the house. It seemed as if he was out of place, or confused. Jozef frowned in concern as he watched David sit down with seeming hesitation or unease in one of the armchairs, away from his mother.

David looked around for his brother. ‘Could Grandmother have been wrong?’ he wondered to himself when he didn't see any indication of him being at home.

"Can I get you something to drink?" Elaine offered politely.

"No, ma'am," Jozef answered, equally politely, and Jana shook her head 'no', as the two officers took seats on the couch.

Elaine sat in another arm chair, "I understand from Melody’s boss that you'll be taking my daughter to the water park, Officer Jozef. May I ask why?"

"Technically, Mrs. Montgomery, Melody is considered under probation. Since the owner of the park left open the option to press charges, we, that is, our department, believed it best if I ensured she fulfilled her half of the agreement. I’ll be responsible for taking Melody to the park and bringing her home. So in essence I'll be acting as her probation officer," Jozef explained as he gave David a knowing grin, "Not that I expect any problems from the young lady."

David visibly flinched when the officer reminded him of his gender change.

"And, I'm sure as a working mother, the extra burden of having to take time away from work to transport her could possibly jeopardize your job," Jozef continued.

A grateful look crept over Elaine's features, replacing the concern that had been evident only moments before. "I appreciate the help, Officer Jozef. It has been a struggle since the loss of my husband.” Her voice was simultaneously thankful to be relived of the extra burden and emotional at remembering her loss.

"Thank you again for bringing her home," Elaine continued after a moment to recompose herself. "I was so worried about her when she ran away yesterday. When I first got the call from the water park, I thought for sure something bad had happened." David couldn't help notice both her expression, and the worry in her voice at the mention of the water park.

“We understand, Ma'am," Jozef said, nodding in agreement. "Any amusement park has lots of hazards. Fortunately, she was only found asleep. Since she was reported as a runaway, I have to ask if you could elaborate on why she ran away last night?”

“Melody, sweetheart, why don’t you take your stuff to your room?” Elaine hinted, dismissing her daughter.

David desperately wanted to hear what happened, but he couldn’t think of anything that would allow him to stay. Reluctantly he rose and walked toward the hall. As soon as he turned the corner, he saw several doors; his memories of which door led to what were hazy, and he felt a little confused again. He opened the first door, and saw that the room had a vanity and bed, decked out with a flowery comforter and pillow. It was obviously the bedroom of a young girl - _his_ bedroom.

When Elaine heard the door close, she continued. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to embarrass her. Melody's a very sensitive girl, and I don't want her upset further.

"Several days ago, while she was chatting with one of her friends, they had an argument over a boy they both liked. From what I understand, her so-called friend posted some very nasty comments about Melody on her account. Of course they weren't true, and as soon as I found out about them, I let her parents know so they could make their daughter remove them. But by then, the damage had been done. Melody was very upset, and didn't handle it well.” Her voice conveyed her exasperation at the incident.

Jana understood immediately what had occurred. "Social bullying and cyber-bullying are really getting out of hand. Kids nowadays don't realize the hurt they cause with what they say, and the fact that these things stay online, even if they remove it. Once they post something, it's too late."

"Yes, it is," Elaine agreed with the police officer. "Yesterday afternoon she and some friends had gone to the Fun Zone. When she didn't come home for dinner, I called some friends to see where she was. It seemed a few older boys approached her, and made some crude and inappropriate remarks and gestures to her. Her friend Darlene told me what had happened, and that Melody had run away in tears."

"I'm glad she was found safe, Mrs. Montgomery," Jana said in a solemn, but heartfelt tone. "Bad things can happen to runaway girls."

"I know," Elaine agreed. "I spent half the night searching for her, checking with friends and places she'd go before I called the police. I was so worried she'd ....- but she's safe now, thank God."

David hadn't entered the bedroom, but had remained quiet in the hallway trying to listen on the conversation among the adults in the living room. Once he heard they were finished, he quickly went into his room and quietly closed the door behind him. He threw his towel onto the bed and he plopped heavily on the vanity seat and waited. Emotionally, he was in turmoil; nothing in this reality was making sense to him. When his mother entered the room, Elaine sat on the bed and beckoned him over. "Melody! Do you know how worried I was when you ran away?"

David sat, his eyes downcast and his hands fidgeting nervously. He could only shake his head, afraid to look at her.

Elaine placed a hand under his chin and gently raised his face. He could see tears had formed around her eyes, "My God baby, you scared me! Don't ever run off like that again. Do you hear me?" she tried to scold him, but then she reached out and pulled him closer. "You’re grounded, of course, restricted to the house. There will be limits on how much time you talk to your friends. No unsupervised computer access, and once you’re done with this community service, you'll be closely supervised for the rest of the summer. Is that understood?"

Unable to contain himself any longer, David started to cry uncontrollably. "I'm sorry Mom, really I am." He buried his face on his mother's shoulder as his body was wracked with sobs. After what seemed an eternity of crying, David lifted his head from Elaine's shoulder and wiped at his tears, while his mother cradled him in her arms on his bed.

Elaine relaxed her firm hug and helped him sit upright. "Better?" David nodded. 'Then hurry and get cleaned up.” She rose from the bed, and continued, “I'll need your help in the kitchen with dinner."

Throughout the day, David had tried hard not to pay attention to the changes in his body except when he needed to use the bathroom or to adjust his swimsuit. Now, with the need to clean himself, he found he had little choice in the matter. He quickly removed his clothes, and, to avoid even looking at his body in the mirror, quickly stepped into the shower and the flow of steamy, warm water.

Just like at the water park, David tried to focus on other things while he washed his body with a sponge cloth. Still, he was mildly disturbed when he became aware of the new sensations as he cleaned around his groin and small cone shaped breasts. When he first dressed at the park, he had known his nipples were larger when he struggled with his bra, but now they seemed more sensitive and prominent when he ran the sponge over each of them.

David managed to ignore the strange sensations and instead, reached for the bottle of shampoo and squirted a large amount in his hand. The aroma of wild strawberries filled the air as he rubbed the shampoo to his hair and scalp. Once finished, he rinsed thoroughly. With his longer, fuller hair, it seemed to take longer to remove all the suds. He stepped out of the shower, and pulled a large Terrycloth towel from the rack. After he'd dried out, he wrapped it around himself.

He took another towel and rubbed his hair vigorously to dry it, just as he had as a boy. It was only later, when he tried to brush out his hair, that he realized his mistake. His hair was quite thoroughly tangled in knots. David did the best he could with his hair, but the tangles and snarls defeated his best efforts. Sighing with frustration, he headed back to his room.

The sound of a door opening and closing behind him in the hallway startled him and he spun to see who was there. He turned around too quickly, which caused the towel to slip off his chest and fall to the floor, exposing his nude body to the boy in front of him. Wide-eyed with fright, David slowly backed away from the husky boy with auburn hair like his, who stood still with a shocked expression on his face, his mouth open slightly. David gave a small shriek, which sounded impossibly girlish, before he bolted into his room and slammed the door behind him.

Huddled on his bed, David shivered slightly, his knees drawn to his chest. David stared at the door when it opened a crack. Even after everything Grandmother had told him, David had never quite believed her.

"Dammit Sis, are you trying to get me in trouble with Mom?" a voice said on the other side. It was a voice he thought he’d never hear again.

The door opened a little more, and Brad slid his arm inside and tossed the towel to his sister before he shut the door again and complained loudly, "Why couldn't we have been brothers instead of brother and sister?"


With the different selection of dishes to choose from, David wasn’t sure which ones he should lay out when he was told to set the table. “Just put the white ones out like usual, dear,” his mother informed him. He grabbed four place settings and started arranging them on the table, only to stop when he came to the head of the table. He wasn't sure what to do.

"Is something the matter, sis?”

Still jumpy from seeing Brad again, David tensed slightly when Brad entered the dining room. He was still not used to seeing his brother. "I… I'm not sure if I should set one out for -" he stammered, before he placed the plate down where his dad would have been seated.

"Brad, bring the potatoes and dinner rolls," Elaine said, as she carried in a plate of honey-glazed pork chops and steamed broccoli.

"So what's the problem?" Elaine asked when she set the food on the table and saw the extra setting.

"You still miss him don't you dear?" Elaine's eye's misted slightly when she thought of her deceased husband. Even after coming to terms with being a widow, her heart still ached from the loss of him.

"I miss him too, sweetheart," she said as she picked up his favorite coffee cup from one of the cabinets, "We'll set a place for him this time, honey," She lovingly and carefully placed it upside down by his plate, a sign that he was missed. "Finish setting the table, dear," and headed back towards the kitchen, wiping a few tears away.

David heard his mother call out, "Brad, get out of the rolls. You can wait a few more minutes."

"But I'm hungry, Mom. Practice was tough."

Savoring the taste of what, to him, was his first home cook meal in a long time, David tried not to wolf the food down like he had at the park. He remembered how Holly and Vicky had chuckled when he stuffed a hot dog in his mouth. They ribbed him a little for it, but only in jest, as they told him the food wasn't going to run away.

Throughout the meal, David listened quietly to his brother and mom talk about her work and his football practice. Occasionally, David would take a furtive glance at his brother. He noticed the subtle changes his brother had undergone since the last time he had seen him - more muscular, and definitely a growth spurt of one to two inches in height. The only thing David knew that wasn't different was his brother's appetite. He noticed that Brad was already going for his third helping of pork chop and vegetables.

"So what did you do at the water park, Melody?" Elaine asked, curious.

After swallowing the food in his mouth, he took a sip of milk, stalling while he tried to figure out how much he should say about the place. "Nothing much. Mostly, I picked up towels and trash people left on the ground. Sometimes, I'd have to bring stuff to the concession stand or the pump house, but nothing I couldn't handle." He quickly took another bite of his pork chop, hungry from the amount of work he did do at the park and savoring the taste of his mothers wonderful cooking.

"So this Boss of yours, Grandmother, is she treating you well?"

"Yes, ma'am, she's fair." He reached for a biscuit, not wanting to divulge much more.

Elaine knew from his clipped answer she wasn't going to hear much more.


David searched through his dresser drawers, looking for anything other than the assortment of nightgowns he had found. Several had pictures of Hello Kitty or princesses displayed on them. One even sported a picture of a boy singer that made him want to gag as soon as he saw it. Buried further down, he finally found a set of pajamas, only to find it decorated with fairies. Between his choice of a nightgown that went just above his knees or the offending pajamas, he took the pajamas, telling himself it was only for a week.

Sitting at the vanity mirror, he tried once again to straighten out his tangled hair. "Here, let me help you with that," Elaine said as she took the brush from him. Gently, yet firmly, she worked the offending knots loose. "You were awful quiet at the dinner table today. You hardly talked to your brother."

David gazed in the mirror as his mother continued to stroke his hair, not saying anything. "He was worried about you, Melody. When he heard what those boys said, he was very upset. He took your fathers promise to heart when told to watch over you. If I hadn't forbidden him to go back inside after those boys…."

David was shocked at hearing that revelation. "But Mom, I was …" he blurted out, only to stop himself."

"Yes dear I know you were upset. Still, it hurt him at what they said," she said with her hands on David's shoulders. "Promise me you'll come to me if something like that ever happens again."

David knew it wouldn't matter. "I promise."

Still he wanted, no, he needed to know something important. He was unsure how to broach the subject. "Mom? Are you… still seeing someone … now?

Elaine paused at hearing the question. "Well, there was Kevin at work, but no. After what Nathan did to us both financially and ...." Her pause let David know that it was a very sensitive subject to her, "well, I don't think I'll ever be ready to see anyone for a while. Why do you ask?"

For the first time in a long time, David felt a great weight lift off of him when he heard the news. "No reason, Mom. I was just curious."

Elaine set down the brush, finished with the hair. "Now off to bed. Mr. Donovan said he'd be picking you up between seven-thirty and eight."

After he'd been tucked into bed and left alone with a goodnight kiss David turned on the lamp next to his bed. He removed his pendant and set it next to a small picture of Melody hugging her father. All through the day, he'd tried not to think of what had happened to him. The park, his mother, his brother - it all seemed so surreal to him. As he stared at the picture of his father, tears formed once more; he cried himself to sleep.

*******Friday Morning*******

David awoke at the sound of his alarm. Confusion clouded his thoughts at first, from where did he get an alarm clock to where did he find a safe place to hide from his tormentor? Was he still dreaming about finding his home once more? It wasn't till he felt the small movements on his chest when he moved to turn off the offending noise that it all came back to him. Sitting upright quickly, he felt his pendant fall forward as he gazed around his room and at the reflection of himself lying in bed from the bedroom door. The dream hadn't been a dream at all, he thought, as he looked at the small breast protruding from his pajamas, he really had become a girl.

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