Well, Kylie's friend Jade got a hold of me to yell at me for failing Kylie. Can't say much. She's right. I could have done more. But she's also wrong. In the end, only Kylie could have made the choice to not give up. Nothing we said or did would have made as much of a difference as her having the will to live. Of course knowing that doesnt make me feel any less guilty....
I don't know what you could have done
Isn't Jade in the same city with Kylie? Did you have Kylie's address or phone number? How could anyone expect you to think that Kylie would be thinking of hurting herself? Did you even have Jade's contact information?
If depression were an indication of the potential of hurting yourself, I think that every last one of us here could be in danger.
Dorothy, I apologize to you and to everyone reading this for sounding off like this, but you all do try to watch out for each other. I know that you were worried about Kylie and you did what you could. Please don't let Jade make you feel like you did something wrong. I think that Jade might be blaming herself and having a hard time dealing with the pain. Sometimes, it's easier to handle that pain when you can tell yourself that someone else caused it.
- Monica Rose.
Yelling at YOU
This sounds like her guilt being vented on an innocent party. Not Cool.
You do not have or share any guilt in this tragedy it was an act by a desperate person who would discover a way to reach this goal regardless of any thing any one would be able to do.
Love and Huggles.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
Pain does strange things
When It comes to suicide, if a person keeps it to themselves what their intention is no one can stop them and no one can be to blame. Dorothy you did what you could do and you are not near where she lives. Her friend Jade is lashing out, surely she feels guilty, perhaps a warming not to her letting her know you absolve her of any wrong doing and that Kylie had it in her mind to end her life.
Suicide is not a victimless action. Jade needs to get some counseling so she can get through her anger which by the way is one of the seven steps of grieving.
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Agree with the above comments
Dorothy you did all you could under the circumstances. You can't blame yourself for what Kylie did to herself. Unless you were in a position to physically restrain Kylie there was nothing more you could do.
there is nothing anone can do for the person unless they ask.
As a person who has been though clinical depression about being different, I am not Transgender, but I have a brain disorder that makes me different form normal people. It is called Aspergers Sydrome. And the only thing that stopped me at the time from putting the Gun in my mouth and pulling the trigger was my Faith, and the fact that I finally got my family at the time to realize something was wrong with me and I needed help. That is the key thing if I had never gone to my family seeking help they would never have known how Depressed and near self destructive I was because I hid if from them. Now that that time has passed in my life I now now how I am different from others and how to cope with it. But if I had never gone to them seeking help and telling them about my problem I would never have realized how me contemplating death and how ending my suffering the quick and easy way then would have hurt others. Now I know how the lose of me from my family's world would affected them and do not want to ever do it and always seek help when I feel my self getting seriously clinically depressed again.
So do not blame your self and the others need to know that they could do nothing no matter how close to them they were, because Kylie would have to have gone to y'all and ask for help and tell you how she truly was feeling. So do not let this Weigh on your soul and let the others afftected by know that they should not be blaiming them selves or others only those that knew what she was going to do and did nothing should feel any guilt.
"Cortana is watching you!"