Well, I feel like a dope.
My friend Kylie got a hold of me tonight, and asked me if I wanted a laptop. When I tried to talk about how much I missed her, she just said "Dont get too attached."
Finally, after letting me know what would be on the laptop, she apologized for "everything I did in the past, and everything I'm going to do.", and closed off contact with me.
So why do I feel like a dope? Because I didnt realize what she was up to until after she was gone - she is giving away her stuff, because she doesnt plan on needing it again.
I hope I'm wrong, and there isnt anything I can do even if I'm right, but you're going to have to forgive me if I worry anyway.
sigh. Just when things were looking good .....
Can you call the authorities
Where she lives to check on her?
From what I recall...
from your blogs, she's made it hard to know exactly why she's severed the relationship, and nothing to this point seems to have indicated anything other than a falling out. All that to say? Stop beating up on yourself; the choice to pull back has been hers entirely, and she's not communicated enough for you to have discerned anything up to now.
Frank makes an excellent point about contacting someone. Nothing you can do at this point could really make the relationship worse, right? If you act upon your concerns and discover you're wrong, it might make things uncomfortable, but she hasn't communicated enough for you to trust she'll be safe, correct?
Love, Andrea Lena
Giving things away
When People give things away and break off communication its a good sign they are looking at suicide. Call the authorities and tell them what she has done. If they contact her and she denies suicide at least you have done what you knew was right. She wants attention whether it be negative or positive and you don't need to be throw into a guilt trip that you had nothing to do with.
Suicide is not a victimless crime, more people than one can imagine is affected by someone who decides to end it all.
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Go get the laptop
If it is still possible, call her, set up a meeting to get the laptop, and try and do whatever is possible when you meet. That can go from getting a better gauge of what is happening, to offering words of encouragement. But be careful not to make the situation worse.
unfortunately Rami it wont work
She's mailing the laptop from Portland, where she lives. No physical meeting will take place
Suicide seems to be a recurring theme in her works here, so we can hope that this was a cry for help that she wants answered.