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Chapter Eight
Prue Had been driving for an hour before she finally pulled into a set of services on the motorway to get some fuel and find a phone to call and speak with Jenna trying to clear the air, or that’s what she wanted Valeck to think when he caught up with her. Prue was actually already in contact with Sara through a mind link. Hypatia and Jenna were a part of it as well.
“Valeck’s taken the bait and has just planted a device that will fry all the electrics in the car when he finds a good spot to use it.” Sara informed Prue as she watched Valeck return to his van and get in to await Prue’s return.
“He’s a clever boy.” Hypatia said. “He thinks that his little toy will destroy any cell phone or other electronic devices you may be carrying, just in case this is a trap.” She added with some pride for him in her voice. “It’s a shame he’s so filled with hate and has lost sight of what is good and evil.” Hypatia sighed.
“I hope you’re not thinking of trying to talk him into working for you?” Prue thought back to Hypatia with worry in her voice.
“No Prudence, I can already see that he will never trust you, and he hates me even more than he hates you.” Hypatia said as she saw his hatred for her, even though they had never met.
Valeck saw Hypatia and her brother as being the reason he was turned into a vampire and his wife was killed by one, so he would like nothing more than to end Hypatia’s life if he could find some way to do it. Valeck had thought Hypatia to be a vampire fairytale until the night he almost had the Slayer and her witch friend, and Hypatia appeared to rescue them both in her true dragon form. He had looked into finding out more about her, but everyone started looking at him like a mad man, and he wasn’t well liked by most other demons due to the fact he killed any and all vampires that had ever tasted human blood.
Prue was soon back on the motorway and then she took a turning that would take her through a small village and then some quiet roads. Prue thought this would give Valeck the opportunity he needed to make her car breakdown.
“Watch your speed Prue, He’s about to kill the electronics on the car.” Sara warned as she saw Valeck pick up a remote and then he pushed a button just before Prue’s car cut out and pulled to a stop at the side of a quiet country road.
Prue got out the car and popped open the hood to make it look like she was trying to find out what the problem was. Sara had warned her that Valeck was pulling up just behind her car, so Prue knew to look shocked when she looked up and saw it was him.
“No, no, it can’t be you.” Prue said looking worried and also feeling a little worried. Prue knew how good a fighter Valeck use to be and he’d learned a lot since she trained with him.
“You’ve also learned a lot since those days Prudence, just remember all the training I gave you” Hypatia’s voice said in Prue’s head.
“Easy for you to say, you’re not the one about to fight him.” Prue thought back sarcastically.
“He is no match for you and the training I’ve given you Prudence. Now stand tall and show him what you’re made of my child.” Hypatia ordered.
“Did you really expect to get away from me so easily?” Valeck asked, snapping Prue out of her mind chat with Hypatia. “I’m going to kill you and then go back and kill the slayer before I take Jenna with me to be looked after by someone that will put her special gift to good use.” Valeck added with an evil laugh as he moved towards Prue.
Prue had been backing up looking worried until he mentioned Jenna; she stopped dead in her tracks and scowled at him. “If you touch one hair on Jenna’s head, I swear I’ll kill you.” Prue snarled as she let her vampire side come out. It was quite late and Prue hadn’t seen another car on the road in the past twenty minutes, so she knew it was safe to let this side of her show.
“He’s just trying to make you attack him Prue.” Sara warned. “He thinks that by getting you angry it will give him an edge over you in a fight.” Sara added.
“He’s right about me attacking him.” Prue thought back with anger in her voice.
“He has no plans to come back for Jenna, or try and kill me, like he ever stood a chance of that in the first place.” Sara said the last part in a matter of fact way.
“He came close to catching you and Sheana once already, so don’t go getting cocky.” Prue reminded Sara of the time Valeck used a monstrous looking clone of Prue to trick Sara into thinking she’d killed her and then used a sleeping gas to knock Sara and Sheana out.
“He just got lucky with that stunt he pulled, and it never would have happened if you hadn’t gone and got yourself caught in the first place.” Sara grumbled.
“Can we talk about this later? I kind of need to focus on killing him now.” Prue pointed out with more sarcasm.
“Oh... Sorry.” Sara said before she shut up and let Prue focus on killing Valeck.
“You already did kill me Prudence, and look what that got you, so what makes you think this time will be any different, if you did manage to get lucky two times in a row.” Valeck said sounding sure he wouldn’t be losing this time. “The slayer did most the work for you last time.” Valeck pointed out. “Where did your friend get those powers anyway?” He asked with a smirk.
“I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.” Prue smiled.
“So tell me, as you plan to try and kill me anyway.” Valeck shot back with a pout.
“I’ll tell you the next time you come back.” Prue said with a shrug. “I just want to kill you now and send you off to meet your long dead wife.” Prue said reminding Valeck of what he was and how he came to be like this.
“Don’t you dare mention her name you foul beast.” Valeck snarled as he turned into his vampire form.
‘See Valeck, you’re not the only one that can touch a raw nerve.’ Prue thought to herself feeling smug as she watched Valeck stalk towards her with a silver bladed knife in his hand. “You shouldn’t threaten Jenna then Valeck.” Prue pointed out as she raised her left hand and then waved her finger from side to side while tutting him for being naughty.
While Prue had been wagging her finger at Valeck with her left hand, she’d reached up to the invisible locket around her neck with her right hand and made her armour form, which now gave her access to the charmed silver spikes that she would use to kill him.
“That’s a neat little trick, but it’s going to take more than some fancy outfit to help you now Prudence.” Valeck smiled evilly as he closed the gap between them and started attacking her with his knife.
Prue found she was able to block Valeck’s attacks with ease; it was almost like she knew each move before he made it, which was true because Sara and Hypatia were helping her by showing her how he was going to come at her. Valeck tried to fake a couple of moves, but Prue didn’t fall for them.
“I’ve come a long way since you first trained me Valeck.” Prue smiled as she saw that he was getting angry with not being able to land a single slash of his blade on her. “End this pointless attack and let’s just go our separate ways.” Prue said with some pleading in her voice.
“Never...!” Valeck screamed as he lashed out with his foot and managed to kick Prue in the stomach before Sara and Hypatia could warn her. The kick didn’t hurt Prue, due to the shield her ring protected her with, but it did give Valeck enough time to pull out a grenade and throw it towards Prue after he pulled the pin on it.
Prue looked at the grenade just as it exploded and showered her in the same silver dust as the bullets he fired at her the other night. Prue was glad that Samantha’s new addition to her armour worked as she felt the helmet form around her head and she was able to breathe normally still as she got to her feet and made her way out of the silver dust cloud to face Valeck once more.
Valeck was smiling a smug smile as he thought he’d just killed Prue in a very slow and painful way, but the smile faded when he saw her stepping out of the dust cloud wearing a full helmet. He could tell by the way she walked that she’d not been affected by the silver dust.
“How about this little trick then?” Prue asked in an electronic sounding voice as she spoke through a speaker built into the helmet.
“I’m going to kill you...!” Valeck screamed as he ran at Prue with lightning fast speed, but she was ready for this as she stepped to the side and spun around while she pulled one of the silver spikes and slammed it into Valeck’s chest and then his heart. “I’ll be seeing you soon...” Valeck choked out just before he let out a scream and burst into flames before ending up a pile of ash on the floor at Prue’s feet.
“Sooner than you think asshole.” Prue smiled.

“Prue’s killed him sis.” Sara said as she broke the link with Prue and waited for Sheana to tell them where they needed to go.
Sheana was holding a crystal over a large map as she chanted something in a language only Sheana understood. The crystal started to glow so Sheana dropped it onto the map and then it slid across the map and stopped on a graveyard at the edge of town.
“Let’s go and finish this once and for all.” Sara said as she went to touch her belt and blink over to the grave yard.
“You will need to smash the crystal, which will kill him now he’s joined with it.” Hypatia explained. “Be careful that he’s not got any traps set up for you as well.” She warned the two of them.
“Okay Hypatia, wish us luck.” Sara smiled just before she vanished. Sheana soon followed suit and they were on their way.
Sara had mind linked with Prue again and shown her the place where Valeck had hid the crystal, so she blinked to the same spot, due to the car being useless until they could fix the damage Valeck did to it with the device he used to fry the electrics.
“Are you okay Prue?” Sara asked when she joined them in the middle of the graveyard.
“I’m fine, but I’ll feel much better once I’ve killed Valeck for the final time.” Prue growled. “Where do we start looking for him? This is a large place to search.” Prue said as she looked around at all the gravestones.
“I’ve got that covered.” Sheana said as she lifted a gloved hand and reach out with her power until she found a trace of the charm she’d placed on the silver stake Prue had just used to stab Valeck. “He’s over in this direction.” Sheana said as she started walking towards an old looking mausoleum.
“He’s in there, I can hear him moaning.” Prue said when they reached the doorway. “It must be painful being reborn that way.” Prue added with a smile.
“Let’s get this finished before he gets his strength back then.” Sara said as she ripped open the locked doors and made her way down into the crypt.
There were torches burning down in the main part of the crypt and they could see a naked man curled up in the corner moaning in pain and covered in sweat and dirt. Before they could look too closely at him though, they were distracted by two women on the other side of the room as they started chanting something.
“Watch out they’re both witches.” Sheana warned just before the three of them were hit by a wave of power that blew Sara and Prue off their feet, but Sheana was able to throw up a shield to protect herself.
The two woman then held hands and chanted again, this time it was aimed right at Sheana, but she deflected the blast of power up and away from her, but it hit the ceiling above her and this brought down a large chunk of the ceiling right down on Sheana knocking her out.
Sara was back on her feet in a flash as she put herself between Sheana and the two witches. Prue, you sort out Valeck and the Crystal while I take care of these two.” Sara purred in an evil tone.
“You are no match for us Slayer, not without your little friend there.” One of the witches said as she looked at Sheana half buried under a pile of rubble.
“Unless you plan to talk me to death bitch one, hit me with your best shot.” Sara growled as she braced herself for whatever they had planned.
“Let’s see how you like spending time as a cat.” The second witch said as she looked at the first one just before the two of them started to chant something.
Sara stood and watched a red mist form around her and then it worked its way up her body but it never did anything other than tickle a little.
“I’m not very impressed ladies.” Sara said with a sigh as she stood up straight and folded her arms looking bored.
“This cannot be.” The first witch screamed out as she looked even more determined to make the spell work. The two witches chanted the spell again but the same red mist did the same thing and just made Sara giggle as it tickled again.
Sara already knew why their spell wouldn’t work, it was the same reason she couldn’t be charmed to look like another person by Sheana now. Sheana turned her into a girl while she was a Genie, which was a much more powerful spell than any witch could cast, not even Sheana could cast a spell to break that magic, and she was a much more powerful witch than the two of these two.
“I think the two of you need a time out.” Sara said as she shot across the room to where they were stood and she slammed their heads together and stepped back as she watched the two women dressed all in black fall to the ground out cold. “How are you doing over there Prue?” Sara asked when she turned to see Prue holding a glowing red crystal in her hand as she looked down at a spaced out looking Valeck on the ground.
“I’m fine, but I’m waiting for the lights to come on, so he knows that I beat him before I send him onto his final death for the final time.
“Well they do say that the third time is a charm.” Sara grinned as she made her way over to where Sheana was just coming around.
“Very funny.” Prue groaned. “How’s Sheana?” Prue asked as she went back to looking at Valeck to make sure he wasn’t going to try anything.
“How you doing sis?” Sara asked as she threw a large piece of ceiling aside and then helped Sheana to her feet.
“I feel foolish for letting them get the drop on me like that.” Sheana grumbled as she brushed the dust off her uniform and made sure she wasn’t hurt.
“They do pack a mean punch between them, so don’t feel too bad about it.” Sara pointed out. “What do you want to do with them now?” Sara asked as she stepped aside and let Sheana see the two women unconscious on the floor.
“I’ll remove their powers and leave them unable to do any form of magic.” Sheana said as she walked over to them and then stood over the two women as she started to chant something.
Sara stood and watched as a red mist was drawn out of the two woman and it met with Sheana’s blue mist and was swallowed up until there was nothing left of the red mist.
“Is that it?” Sara asked.
“Yes, unless you want me to do more with them?” Sheana asked with a shrug.
“They seemed set on turning me into a cat, so what do you say we let them spend some time as cats to see how they like it.” Sara said with an evil grin.
“I like the way you think.” Sheana giggled as she turned to face the two women again as she cast a spell to turn the two of them into cats.
The spell worked fast and Sara watched as the two women shrank into their clothes until there was just a soft meow as she saw two black cats crawl out of the clothes and look around before they both started to meow at her and Sheana.
“I don’t think they like their new look.” Sara said as she walked over and quickly scooped up a cat in each hand.
“What do we do with them now?” Sheana asked as she looked at the two cats trying to claw their way out of Sara’s hands, but she was still wearing her slayer armour, so the cats weren’t even able to scratch her.
“I was thinking of leaving them outside the cat’s protection league.” Sara said as she looked at each cat now they had heard her say that, they had both stopped fighting her and now looked worried. “Pass me that box from over there.” Sara said to Sheana as she looked over to where there was a old cardboard box on its side in the corner of the room.
Sheana went over and returned with the box so Sara could drop the cats in and then close it up before she placed part of the fallen ceiling on it to stop the cats getting away. Sara and Sheana then went to join Prue over where Valeck was starting to come around, Sara had poked a couple of small holes in the box so the cat’s wouldn’t suffocate.
“What’s the meaning of this?” Valeck asked as he looked around and realised that they were in the place he had hidden the crystal that brought him back to life. “How were you able to find me so fast?”
“I did say you’d be seeing me sooner than you thought.” Prue said in a sing song voice as she showed Valeck she was holding the crystal. “I’ve been told that smashing this will end your life.” Prue added as she pretended to drop the crystal.
“No...! Please don’t do that.” Valeck shouted with worry in his voice. “I promise to leave you alone; I trust that you’re now good.” He added in a pleading spineless tone.
“He’s lying to you.” Sara said as she read it in his mind. Now he was reborn, he didn’t have the drug in him to block her from reading his mind. “He still plans to kill you and then go after Jenna.” Sara explained what she was reading in his thoughts.
“I warned you what would happen if you went after my baby sister.” Prue growled as she got in Valeck’s face just before she lifted the crystal into the air and then slammed it into the ground smashing it into a million pieces and sending red sparks out in every direction.
“NO...!” Valeck screamed out just before he started to burn up again like he’d just been stabbed in the heart again with a silver spike.
“You won’t be coming back this time.” Prue said as she looked Valeck in the eyes as he burnt up into ash and fell to the ground in a pile.
“Feel better now?” Sara asked as she helped Prue get to her feet again.
“Not really. I wish he could have seen the good in me and worked with us to stop the true evil that hunts the streets at night.” Prue said with a sad sigh. “He was once a good man that did a lot for Jenna and I, it’s hard to forget all that, even after everything he did.” Prue added. “I hope he can find peace with his wife now.” Prue said as she looked down at the ash that was once the vampire that made her.
“Having seen his thoughts Prue, he hasn’t been that man you remember for some time. He’d become something worse than the things he was hunting.” Sara said as she pulled Prue into a hug trying to comfort her. “Vampires mainly hunt for food, but he didn’t care who he killed in his mission to kill the vampire he was after.” Sara added as she’d seen some of the things Valeck had done to normal people, just so he could add another vampire to his list.
“Thanks for being here with me Sara and you Sheana.” Prue said as she pulled the two of them into a group hug with her. They were soon breaking the hug when they heard the meowing from the two cats in the box.
“We better get those two to the cat’s protection league and then go let the others know everything is alright again and our secret is safe.” Sara said with a grin as she heard the cats getting louder as they realised what and where they were.
“They don’t sound very happy about their new look and lifestyle.” Sheana giggled as the two cats made even more noise.
“They should have thought of that before trying to attack us and then trying to turn me into a cat.” Sara said not feeling any pity for the two witches now stuck as cats in a cardboard box.
Sara took the lump of ceiling off the box and then picked up the box before she blinked away to drop the box off at the cat centre. Sheana and Prue followed her and then they all blinked back to Hypatia’s once the cats were in the drop off room outside the centre.
“Will they ever be human again?” Prue asked as she looked in the box and saw how scared the two cats looked.
“The spell will wear off in a year, but they will never be able to do magic again.” Sheana said sounding just as heartless about the two women as Sara had earlier. “You better be two very well behaved cats as well, or I will extend the spell for life.” Sheana warned.
“I will be keeping an eye on the two of you as well.” Sara thought to both cats making them jump as they looked up at the red headed Slayer that their magic hadn’t worked on.
Sara closed up the box again and weighed down the lid to stop the two cats getting free and running away. They were gone in a blink of an eye and back at Hypatia’s place.

Jenna was the first one in the hallway at Hypatia’s place when the three girls arrived back there. Jenna ran over and jumped up into Prue’s arms.
“Were you worried about me Jen Bear?” Prue asked as she held her baby sister in her arms while Jenna hugged her tightly around the neck while burying her head in the shoulder of Prue’s armour.
“Yes I’s was scared you not come back.” Jenna admitted as she tried to hug Prue even tighter.
“But I thought you said everything would be fine and you weren’t worried?” Prue asked.
“I lied so you’s not be worried about me being worried.” Jenna said using her child logic. “I’s sorry for lying’s to you big sister.” Jenna added with a pout as she lifted her head up and looked Prue in the eyes.
“I’m glad you did lie to me just this once baby sister.” Prue smiled just before she kissed Jenna on the cheek and hugged her a little tighter to show she wasn’t bothered about the lie she’d told.
The others had all joined them now and Michelle was making sure Sheana was okay. Hypatia had kept a loose link with Sara and kept the others informed of what was going on as they tracked Valeck back to the graveyard and faced off against the two witches.
“Hypatia told us you got hurt.” Michelle said as she threw her arms around Sheana and hugged her to show how worried she’d been when Hypatia told them the news.
“I’m fine, but I’m thinking of suing the people who made the crypt.” Sheana grumbled. “I could have been killed, if not for my shield protecting me.” She added trying to keep a straight face.
“Good luck with that one sis.” Sara giggled. “Not sure they had act of witchcraft in mind when they designed and built that place.” Sara pointed out.
“People have just got lazy since the days of old.” Sheana grumbled some more, but she was having trouble not breaking out into a grin now as she spoke. “They really built them to last back then.” She added as she wagged her finger at everyone like she was telling off a group of children and she was the teacher.
“Careful sis, you’re showing your age now.” Sara giggled some more.
“You all could have been buried alive, and all you can do is joke about it?” Karen asked sounding like the worried mother she was as she walked over and pulled Sara into a hug, glad to see her and the other two back safe and sound.
“Sorry mum, but it wasn’t as dangerous as it must have sounded coming from Tia.” Sara said as she let her mother hug her.
“I’m sure it wasn’t, but I’m still going to worry about you when you go off doing things like that.” Karen said as she hugged Sara even tighter. “I’m just glad you finally put a stop to that mad man.” She added with a sigh.
“Are you sure it was wise to leave the two witches as cats and then leave them at the cat’s protection league?” Hypatia asked.
“I removed their ability to do magic, and it was better than destroying them.” Sheana pointed out. “I thought it better this way than leaving them human for the time being.” She added with a shrug.
“I would have just ended their lives for rising up against me.” Hypatia said sounding cold hearted as she said it.
“I’m not going to let my daughters start killing people, well not unless they have already been dead once, and pose a threat to others.” Karen said trying to make her sentence make some sense in a weird way.
“I understand that Karen, I think.” Hypatia smirked. “I think what they did to them was a suitable punishment, and if more is needed then I will be the one to sort it out.” She added with a bow of her head in Karen’s direction.
“I think it’s a little late to head home again tonight, so we’ll stop here and go back in the morning.” Karen informed the others as she looked at Hypatia to make sure that would be okay with her. Hypatia smiled looking glad of the company.
Sara blinked Jo back to his house before she returned to Hypatia’s and the large slumber party going on. Sara had tried to talk Jo into becoming Josie and joining them, but he said he should go and let his parents see he’s okay as they were getting worried about the amount of time he was spending in his room.
Natalie looked a little nervous about joining the other girls for a slumber party, but she was soon giggling as Jenna had her sat on the bed while she brushed her hair for her.
Michelle, Sheana and Sara were all sat around talking on the bed as well as they watched Jenna having fun treating Natalie like a life size Barbie.
“I was impressed with how you handled yourself around Jo earlier tonight Natalie.” Sara smiled. “Do you think you’ll be ready to go out and face the rest of the world soon?” She asked.
“We can always use another shopping companion.” Michelle grinned.
“I’m not sure about going shopping.” Natalie said looking worried. “What if people realise that I’m not really a girl?” She asked.
“But you are a girl Nat, not even a doctor would be able to say otherwise.” Sara pointed out.
“Well what if I go all vamp on someone while we’re out?” Natalie argued her point.
“We can understand you being scared about going out now you’re a girl, but you can’t stay locked up in this house for the rest of your life.” Michelle said as she reached over and took hold of Natalie’s hand while Jenna happily carried on brushing out her hair for her.
“And the sooner you start getting out and around people, the sooner you will know you have control over your new vampire gifts.” Sara added to the argument for Natalie venturing out with them. “And I’ll be there to help if you do have trouble.” Sara added with a smile.
“When were you thinking of going out shopping then?” Natalie asked.
“Well we’re off tomorrow, so why not start then?” Sara asked. “I’m sure I can talk Josie into joining us.” Sara added with a grin. “That girl loves to shop, even if she won’t admit it.” Sara giggled.
“Won’t you all be back at school now that this Valeck has been dealt with?” Natalie asked.
“It would be a shame to cancel the day off now that Karl’s gone to so much trouble setting it up.” Sara pouted just before it became a grin.
“So are you going to come out with us?” Michelle asked.
“Okay, but I’m coming back at the first sign of me losing control of myself.” Natalie warned. “I don’t want to kill anyone else.” She added with a shudder as she thought about what she did to her uncle.
“You won’t Nats.” Sara said sounding confident. “You need to give yourself some credit. You’re stronger now in body and mind.” Sara added.
They let Jenna finish brushing out Natalie’s hair and then they went to find the others and let them know they were going shopping tomorrow and Natalie would be going with them. Karen and Hypatia were a bit worried to start with, but they let Samantha have the final say on whether Natalie could go or not and Samantha said she could, but Samantha was holding Sara responsible if anything happened.
Hypatia and Samantha sorted out sleeping bags for all the girls and they were soon having their slumber party, not that Natalie slept now, but she was happy to pretend until the others all fell asleep, and then she went to find Samantha down in her lab playing around with some new invention she was working on.
“Are you excited about the shopping trip tomorrow?” Samantha asked when she saw Natalie enter the room and smile at her as she made her way over to where Samantha was working at a bench.
“Yes a little, but I’m also really scared as well.” Natalie admitted.
“You’ll do fine, and if this does all work out, I was thinking of giving you a job at the cafe with the others as well as sorting out getting you into school.” Samantha explained her plans for Natalie.
“Do I really need to go back to school?” Natalie whined.
“Yes, you need to get use to being around other kids your own age, and it will give you something to do some of the time now you don’t sleep like me.” Samantha said as she stopped what she was doing and wrapped her arms around Natalie as she gave the girl a hug.
“I’m worried about losing control and hurting someone though.” Natalie said as she voiced her worries.
“You’ll do just fine.” Samantha said looking Natalie in the eyes to let her see she wasn’t lying. “Now help me finish this off.” Samantha said with a grin as she went back to working on her latest experiment.
Natalie couldn’t help giggling as she saw just how much like a teenage girl Samantha could be, but at the same time she made one amazing mother.
“I’m glad I have a mum like you.” Natalie grinned as she started helping Samantha.
Samantha just grinned back with pride as she carried on working. She was happy to finally have a child call her mother.

Sara and the others were a little shocked the next morning when they entered the kitchen and found Samantha and Natalie working on breakfast for everyone while both being dressed as French maids. They were also impressed at just how good Natalie was at walking in the high heels she was wearing with her uniform.
“Good morning ladies, please take a seat in the dining room and breakfast will be served shortly.” Natalie said in a polite way as she led them all out of the kitchen and into the dining room where Hypatia was already sat at the head of the table reading a paper while she waited for the others to join her.
Natalie helped them all to take a seat and then she set Jenna up with a bowl of coco pops before she served the others with cups of tea and orange juice.
“You look really cute dressed like that Nat.” Sara said with a grin.
“Thank you Miss Sara.” Natalie said politely as she did a curtsy.
Sara just giggled as she watched Natalie run off to carry on helping Samantha with breakfast.
“She looks so happy running around dressed as a maid.” Karen said after she’d watched Natalie vanish back into the kitchen.
“She wasn’t too keen to begin with, but now she jumps at the chance to play dress up with Samantha and clean the place and sort out meals.” Hypatia smiled as she placed the paper to one side so she could talk with the others while they waited for breakfast to be served.
Samantha and Natalie soon returned pushing a large trolley each full of everything any of them could want for breakfast and they all helped themselves. Samantha and Natalie joined them at the table and it was just like any other breakfast, but on a larger scale.
Natalie told them all about the fun she’d had after they went to sleep and she wandered down to see what Samantha was up to, and then how they got dressed up and did some cleaning before making a start on breakfast.
Sara, Sheana and Michelle all helped Natalie to get the dishes washed, dried and put away once they had all finished eating and then they all went up to Natalie’s room to help her find something to wear for their shopping trip. Sara had called Jo and told him what they had planned and he said that he’d meet them at Sara’s place so he could change into Josie.
Sheana morphed into her black witch armour to give her enough power to blink them all back to the house and Natalie went with them. They had only just arrived when there was a ding at the door and Sara saw it was Jo, so she let him in and then led him by the hand up to her room so he could get undressed and change into Josie.
Natalie was sat on the bed with Jenna as she watched Jo slip on a ring and then he started to change right away into the girl she knew as Josie.
“Wow that is just so cool.” Natalie said after she saw the last little changes take place and Josie slipped open the bathrobe Jo had slipped on before removing his boxer shorts. Natalie couldn’t see any trace of Jo anymore, just a cute girl called Josie.
Josie set to work getting dressed and then she played with her hair a little before adding a little lip gloss and eye shadow. She’d been doing it that long now it was just a natural part of getting ready once she’d slipped on the ring and changed. Once Josie was ready they all left the house and made their way up the road to the bus stop.
Natalie looked a little nervous when they first got into town, but she soon relaxed when she realised that other than being checked out by the odd boy, she wasn’t getting looked at much at all. She was soon having fun trying on different dresses and shoes with the others, and she even bought a couple of dresses three skirts and half a dozen tops she could mix and match with other stuff she already had back at home.
When they stopped for a spot of lunch, Natalie informed them of what Samantha had said about her getting Natalie a job at the cafe. “Do you think I’ll be able to do the job?” Natalie asked.
“Sure, it’s easy enough to do, and you’ve coped fine being around everyone today.” Sara smiled with pride.
“I can tell when a boy likes me, but I was able to keep my female urges under control.” Natalie blushed. “How do you cope with all these feelings all the time?” Natalie asked in a whisper.
“You just do in time.” Sara shrugged, not really having an answer for her.
They finally got finished with looking in the shops and they got on a bus and headed back to Sara’s house. Natalie spent the rest of the day playing with Jenna and learning what it’s like to be a little girl, even if she was fifteen, Jenna still taught her how to have fun and just relax and let the little girl inside out. Natalie did have a little help from Sheana though when she charmed a piece of ribbon that allowed her to become a little girl of Jenna’s age while they played.
“I thought you said you couldn’t use magic to make me look different?” Natalie asked when she looked at the ribbon in Sheana’s hand.
“I said I couldn’t make you male, but I can change the way you look as a female, and all I’m doing is making you younger while you play with Jenna.” Sheana explained.
“I think it will help you understand what it’s like to be a girl if you have some memories of being a little girl, and it will give Jenna another playmate to do stuff with as well.” Sara grinned as she saw how excited Jenna looked to have a little Natalie to play with.
“Please do it Natalie.” Jenna said with a pleading look. “We’s have so much fun.” She added with excitement.
Natalie looked down at Jenna and she’d already made up her mind having seen the look on Jenna’s face, but she still wanted to make it look like she was giving it some serious thought. The down side was she’d forgotten who the little girl was she was looking down at, and what special little gift the child had.
“I can sees you already want to do it Natalie, so why pretend to think about it?” Jenna asked looking puzzled.
“I was trying not to look to eager to spend time as a little girl, but I guess I may as well stop pretending now.” Natalie grumbled as she wrapped her arms around Jenna and started to tickle her.
Natalie finally thought that Jenna had been punished enough and she sat on the bed in Sara’s room and let Sheana tie the ribbon in her hair and then she sat and watched in amazement as she got smaller and smaller until she was the same size as Jenna. Sheana had made it so her clothes got smaller as well, so she was good to go as soon as she stopped getting younger. Natalie soon found herself being dragged over to the mirror on the other side of the room to look at herself and she found that she looked cute and was now the same age to look at as Jenna.
“You sees, you look the same age as me now.” Jenna said with a grin.
“I do.” Natalie said as she lifted one of her little hands up to her face and ran her fingers across her cheek. “Let’s go play with you dollies.” Natalie sudden said with a grin as she started pulling Jenna towards the bedroom door.
Jenna was soon in front and was now pulling Natalie along as they made their way down the stairs and into the living room where Jenna had a large box with all her dolls in. Sara, Sheana, Josie and Michelle all followed behind to give Prue a heads up on who the little girl was being dragged around by Jenna.
Karen and Sandy were still at work and Prue was working on making dinner in the kitchen when she saw Jenna and another little girl run through the kitchen on their way to the living room, both of them giggling as they ran. Prue just looked at them with a puzzled look on her face.
“It’s just Natalie.” Sara started to explain. “We talked her into spending some time as a little girl to help her deal with being a teenage girl a little better.”
“Sounds like a good idea, and it gives Jenna another little friend to play with while Maggie and Cathleen are away visiting with family.” Prue smiled as she heard the two little girls giggling from the living room.
“Sheana and I are going to morph into our armour and blink over to Karl and fill him in on Valeck’s death before we sit down for dinner.” Sara explained as she touched the invisible locket around her neck while focusing on making her slayer armour appear.
Sheana did the same at her side and they were soon both stood in the kitchen looking very different to the two teenage girls they normally were.
“You do realise that this will mean the school being open again tomorrow.” Prue pointed out.
“We know, but we need to let Karl know he can stop his men looking for a threat that isn’t out their anymore.” Sara said in her Slayer voice. “I’d feel bad if someone got hurt because Karl had his men in the wrong area.” She added.
“You do have a point.” Prue agreed. “Just don’t be too long, dinner won’t keep if you’re late.” Prue warned as she pointed a spoon at them.
“Yes mum.” Sara and Sheana said at the same time just before they both started giggling.
Prue just looked at them oddly as it didn’t look right to see these two women giggling like a couple of school girls, even though they were just a couple of school girls, they didn’t look like it at the minute.
“Just go and fill Karl in on what happened.” Prue frowned.
Sheana and Sara blinked away, Michelle and Josie helped Prue sort out dinner while keeping an eye on Jenna and Natalie as they played with their dollies in the living room.
Prue was surprised that Josie hadn’t removed the ring and become Jo again, but she looked happy to remain as Josie for the time being, and Prue wasn’t going to point it out as she thought Jo looked less troubled when he was Josie.

Karl was focused on a map in his office when he suddenly heard a voice whisper in his ear.
“Planning out your next mission Karl?” the voice asked.
Karl jumped up and spun around as he pulled his side arm and aimed it at the person now stood in the room. He soon relaxed again and let out a sigh when he saw it was the Slayer and her witch friend.
“I’m glad that bullets won’t kill you Slayer, because I swear one of these days I’m going to end up shooting you by accident.” Karl grumbled as he put his gun away again. “I was just working out a patrol route for the men to take, so they can help you track down Valeck.” He explained.
“No need to.” Sara said with a smile. “We sorted him out last night and sent him to his final death this time.”
“Are you sure?” Karl asked.
“Yes, he’s gone for good this time.” Sara confirmed.
“Did all this happen in the old graveyard on the edge of down?” Karl asked with a frown. “It’s just that we picked up some strong supernatural energy readings from that part of town last night, but when the team got there they just found a messed up crypt.” He explained his reason for asking.
“Yes that was the place it all went down.” Sara admitted. “Valeck had a couple of witches helping him and they put up a bit of a fight, but they lost and won’t be bothering anyone else, or doing magic again.” Sara smirked as she thought of the two women now being stuck as cats until Sheana decided to turn them back again, not that she planned to do that anytime soon.
“I’m glad you got it all sorted out, and neither of you got hurt doing it.” Karl said with a smile. “I can get back to focusing on the normal problems again.” He added with a sigh.
“You know how to get hold of me if you need help.” Sara smiled.
“Yep, just click my heels together three times.” Karl chuckled.
“You’ve got it.” Sara giggled just before she touched her belt and vanished.
Sheana followed suit and this left Karl alone in his office again, just how he liked it.

Karen and Sandy were home when Sara and Sheana got back there, so they morphed back into their normal clothes and gave their mother a hug. Sandy was in the living room giggling as she watched Jenna and little Natalie sat on the floor in the middle of the room having a massive tea party for all of Jenna’s dolls.
They filled everyone in on what they had told Karl and the fact that the school would be open again the next day, so they would all be back at school. Sara and Sheana helped finish setting the table before they all sat down to a nice meal.
Natalie decided she was having so much fun that she wanted to remain as a little girl until it was time for her to go home, and even then she asked if she could hang onto the ribbon to spend some time as a little girl with Samantha back at Hypatia’s.
“I think Sammi will get a real kick out of having a little girl to spoil.” Sandy said with a grin as she already knew how much Samantha loved children.
Once dinner was finished and Jenna and Natalie had both been cleaned up they all relaxed and watched a Disney movie together before Jenna started to get sleepy and they thought it was time for Natalie to head home to Samantha and Hypatia.
“Will you’s be my little friend again sometime Natalie?” A sleepy looking Jenna asked as she gave Natalie a hug.
“I will always have time to be your little friend Jenna.” Natalie said as she hugged Jenna back. “I had a lot of fun being a little girl, and I can’t wait to do it again.” She grinned.
Sheana had added the same app to Natalie’s phone, so she could blink herself back to Hypatia’s without needing Sheana or Sara to take her, so after she’d given everyone a hug and thanked them for a wonderful day, she was gone.
Sara had already decided to skip going on a patrol tonight, so she just cuddled up next to Josie on one of the sofas in the living room and watched another movie while Jenna was curled up next to Prue fast asleep.

To Be Continued Next Tuesday 
Story by SaraUK
Edited and Posted by SamanthaK
EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you
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Good idea with Natalie, hopefully it will allow her to move towards a semi-normal life. Good chapter, nice to see Valeck get his comeuppance and perhaps rest. And hopefully stay dead.
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
Valeck let his
arrogance, bigotry, hatred, and stupidity destroy him when he tried to destroy everybody. But what of the witches? Will they have kittens? Will their kittens be werecats? Witches? What if a vampire feeds on them? Will said vampire gain Witch powers?
May Your Light Forever Shine
Aa almost merciful end to a man who's forgotten what mercy was
I have a couple questions likely future chapters will answer.
Sam can't have any more kids as her being part vampire, once she reached her mid 20s and stopped aging she became infertile. Hum. As Jenna is now growing up will she have the same blessing/curse Sam does, that she will reach a point in her 20s where her aging stops and she becomes all but immortal but at the cost of losing her fertility at that point?
Have they told Natalie she will almost certainly suffer the same fate as Sam, her adoptive mom? Thus if she wants children she will have to become a mother at a young age?
And if Sheana's rings can turn boys into girls, girls into boys, protect vampires from the effects of the sun and her ribbons can make both humans and a half vampire into little girls could her magic carefully tailored make Sam sufficiently younger she could have a child to replace the one she lost?
After all as a former genie she said she was far more powerful than the two witches who helped to resurrect Valeck?
Sam does have a daughter in Natalie but she did lose the one she bore so there must be lingering regret.
Was mildly surprised the attempts by the witches to turn Sara into a cat didn't boomerang against them. The law of three fold returns and all that.
BTW does this cat society routinely spay and neuter the animals they take in? Or might a new owner do so or have claws removed?
Unless Sheana is forgiving and they have truly repented they could become sterile women with stubs for fingers on being restored to human form.
BTW that was one thing I wondered about . WHY did they help Valeck? Were they promised power from him? Where they under his thrall? Something else.
A possibly interesting thread to consider if your muse is interested.
And I loved how Prue faced her fears and saved her family. NEVER threaten her sister Jenna or her friends.
But no complaints. Good tale so far. Still has this feel of teenagers telling the story and not adults in the bodies of teenagers. Does that make sense to you? It rings so true IMHO. Sweet.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Would like to see how witches get their erm witches on
While this is Sheana and Sara's show mainly, it would be nice to introduce into the universe perspectives of other demons and witches and stuff to see how they do their lives. So why did those witches help Valeck out in the first place? So how doe the vampiring world work? How do they organize themselves? How many witches and other demons are out their living alongside regular humans? It would possibly give the story more perspective and give the reader a better understanding of what motivates the opposition.
I'm glad Natalie is able to
I'm glad Natalie is able to be a little girl now, Sammi's gonna have a field day when she finds out. Great story as always.
Big hugs
Lizzie :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p