I have once again reluctantly gotten involved with Facebook, and have done so with much caution. If they start doing what they were doing before, I will disappear immediately. So, this morning, I signed on to see what is going on in this alternate reality, and notice that I have a half dozen friend requests from friends on BCTS.
To me, FB feels about as dangerous as walking a 40 foot razor blade. I do not mention my T status at all because it is not relevant to my life. I am a Woman, pure and simple, and do not wish to speak of the other things in a public forum. T things are private for me. It is not about shame, but common sense. There is an abundant supply of Plonkers in the world who can hurt you quite a lot and I do not wish to hand any of them the dagger to stab me with.
So, anyone who would like to friend me, please do not speak of those issues. If you would like to talk about those issues, then please do not friend me on FB. Anyone who still wishes a relationship with me on FB, please PM me.
Much peace
I also don't mention much
I also don't mention much about t issues on facebook. I have two major accounts one for the male identity that most know me as, and one where I am all girl and I do have some crossover of some of my friends. I have been surprised by some of my high school classmates accepting me, as they did not recognize my femme name so I have told them who I was and they have for the most part accepted it. If you want you can friend me at lesleyreneecharles @ yahoo. com and I will respect your wishes.
I quit Facebook six months ago.
Second best thing I've ever done so far.
(The best hasn't happened yet)
I only use facebook for gameing. if you play farmville, wild west town, ceasears casino or township let me know and I will add you. I only use my male identity there.
Jessica Marie
Adding me....
I'd say add me Pattie L. Brassard , but....
They are out to get me! (NO JOKING!) I've been a BAD, BAD, BAD GIRL! Being a former USArmy type, and NBC (Nuke, Bio, CHem) attack responder... I've let free much info about Fukushima that has them REALLY...RRREEEEEELY UPSET with me! I'm a co-admin @ RADCHICK's place and member of most anti-nuke sites. Just... well, see... like yesterday I sent-out the TRUE amounts of Plutonium 239/240/241 breeder type rods that were in reactor & pool of #3... and Well, they don't like their internal documents being cirulated like that?... like.... gee, zeroxed copies of all the actual machine printouts from all of the control rooms during the original crisis? Showing that the cores were config to breed Plutonium 239 $ Urainuim 235 Um... soo.... yeah, you can well understand why they's REALLY MAD at me AGAIN! And again did the whole confirmation, with video clips of the 40-of- the so-called 41 missing breeder type plutonim rods that they claimed at 2010 fye... that are sitting in #4's pool... and slowly burning away? That's what gives us that night-time glowing blob in the pool of #4, FYI... I'll accept you, but they DO tend to take and squash what I post, and so I've had to get sneaky! :-P
I don't know which Gwen Brown you are on FB
So if you want to add me rather than my adding you, go ahead. There's only one other Rachel Newstead on FB, and she's in England, while I'm in Wisconsin. So I should be easy to find.
Livin' A Ragtime Life,

Gwen, I do not
talk about this site on FB for the privacy of fellow members.
May Your Light Forever Shine
I have concerns about social networking in general
There are several nice people here who have sent me Facebook invites as has the local scifi club I belong to. But I have yet to take up any of these.
I understand the need for Facebook or other sites to turn a profit but they way they collect and use/mishandle confidential data at times has me concerned. That's if the stories in the press are accurate.
Even if they are exaggerating the dangers, social networks by their very nature seem risky. So it comes down to do the benefits outweigh the risks to you? Definitely a case of *your mileage may vary* IMHO.
Heck I haven't even used any of the social networking sites the bank I work for is present on.
If I really had a need for it I would but I would do so keeping in mind the concept that anything you post to the net will remain there for ages and beyond your control.
I do use email and PMs but stopped using instant messaging years ago. I have a built in camera and mics in my laptop and Skype software but have never opened an account.
Perhaps I will someday. But for now I don't see a pressing need.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
I'm a very enthusiastic user of social media...
...mainly because I'm isolated and it's harder for me to interact with people face-to-face. I am, however, quite mindful of what I post and where. It took me forever to post a picture of myself here for that reason, since I was afraid of anything I posted being picked up on a Google search. If I do have to say anything personal here, I usually confine that to private messages with individuals. The same rule applies on Facebook. As with anything else, common sense should prevail.
Livin' A Ragtime Life,

Facebook is a rip off and it
Facebook is a rip off and it kills all notion of privacy. I have, or had, a number of friends who quit the private chat system we had used for years, and went to facebook. I wouldn't join in because I don't trust the tracking they do of your posts and it's content. I no longer communicate with those I thought were my friends. They would even rather do facebook than speak on the phone or face to face, so guess they weren't friends after all.