I know my latest story is dark, and probably not everybody's cup of tea. Frankly, its really hard to write too, so I'll be trying to wrap it up as fast as I can.
The good news is the story that I've got in mind to follow it is much happier, although you can never tell with my muse.
Hugs to everyone
You needn't apologize.
I'll read anything you write, and probably hug you for it. ^_^
I'll take all the hugs I can get
especally right about now
*HuggleSnugglePurrsoftlyintoyourearLickyourfaceKissHappytailswish* <3
The muse she is fickle, and
The muse she is fickle, and she writes what she writes.
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
trade you
mine writes too much
As I said
It's a tough read but well-written. There are some similarities to my situation, and a lot that is not. It's not the kind of story that lends itself to the usual sort of feedback given to most stories. Even if I wrote that sort of thing you probably wouldn't believe it.
I walked into this story knowing full well the nature of the contents, with the idea that I could quit at anytime, but I haven't so far. BTW: thank you for the accurate labeling on the story. That allowed me to prepare myself.
I hope this is helping you deal with things, it's a tough adjustment I know. Good wishes to you.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb